The Brussels Post, 1890-9-12, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Local --Thos Selly..
Local—Dr. Sinclair•
Drugs—J. T, Pepper,
Te Rent—Geo. Burton.
For Sale—Mrs. Carrie.
Groceries --Geo. Thompson.
Looai—W, Nightingale & Co.
Looul—Coohreae & Johnston.
Winter Clothing—A. R. Smith.
Notioe—Turnbull & Ballantyne.
Ube 7extostis Vest.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 12, 1890.
TRH Globe says :—"The Manitobans
are talking about eslabliehing a bureau
for insuring props against hail. The re.
sent hail storm in Southern Manitoba
has ehnpoverished some of the settlers.
Last year the Neepawa district was
strnok; next year some other portion of
the Province may be visited. The
Tribune, of Winnipeg, suggests that the
Local Government should take hold of
the scheme and create a bureau on the
aseesemnt principle, every settler being
taxed to make good the losses of individ•
aal sufferers. The agricultural imple-
ment men are 'booming' the movement
and something may come of it, though
it would be probably better if, instead of
invoking the assistance of the Govern-
ment, the settlers were to organize a co-
operative company by their own unaided
Tan carelessness displayed by many
parents as to the regular attendance at
school in this and other places is to be
deplored. The Guelph Council is about
to pass a by-law, whereby, after the
present year, the School Board will col.
lect their own taxes. The object of this
change is to arouse a more general in-
terest in the business and expenditure of
the Board, it being thought that if the
people paid their school taxes separately,
and were thus made plainly aware of the
amcant asked for the purpose, they
would become more alive to the import.
sane of educational matters and their
management. If a few examples were
made of those who persistently refuse to
comply with the requirements of the
School Law there would likely be an
awakening on this very important
Wiwi attraction will draw the biggest
crowd, is the question engaging the at-
tention of the big agricultural shows.
The big ox, log cabin quilt, and 100
potted pumpkin are a matter of history,
being supplanted be horse racing, balloon
ascensions, juggling, &e. While there is
a necessity to get out of the old groove
there is a tendency to run to the other
extreme. An exchange says on this sub,
ject :—"The teriff reformers of the State
of New Xork have this fall taken ad•
vantage of the desire of the managers of
the local agricultural fairs to provide at.
tractions, and have begun a novel educa-
tional campaign. Arrangements have
been made for a series of tariff debates
at the more important agricultural fairs.
Prominent speakers on both sides of the
question have been secured, and, for the
time being, these discussions, ,instead of
public weddings, balloon asoeneions and
tight rope walking, form the most at -
native feature of the show. This is a
new development of the fair idea, and it
is a good one, for a great public question,
such as that of the tariff, is more likely
to be discussed on its true merits before
farmers than from a political platform."
Tan Toronto News says :—"Charles
Rykert was quietly snubbed at the Con-
servative gathering at Port Colborne,
whither be bad been invited by someone
unknown. The two doctors, Ferguson
and Montague, whaled the Equal Righters
annexatiouiets in good set terms, The
erowd cheered, the band played, while
the gloomy Charlie strode around the
grounds waiteug for someone with less
sense than himsall to call upon him to
air Mia grievances. But no one called
upon him, him the Charlie who was won't eel
to hurrah and hobnob with them, art j lwt
tickle their ears with praise of the grand I a",
old cause. But tbie local chieftain has i
run his length, lie preferred Sam's the
money to retirement upon a good name, tit]
cud the people leave him alone with Mie ran
choice. It will be the same when he gone it ,r
to Ottawa. Men who were with him bo. tha
fore will be distant from him, and the
neither his speech nor bis influence will 7I
command any attention. The best thing res
he can do is to resign and give himself to ed i
his private business. He has attended 11
his own political funeral." C
el waking the dsae1 of Sahara to bloc.
sant as the rose by irrigating it by means
of artesian wells, or letting in the sea.
le Lord Sallebnry said, "the soil is
somewhat light,' yet light exile in
tropical olimatos yield abundantly if the
supply of water can be kept up, but that
is the trouble. Estimates of eugiaeere
show that a great lake cannot be formed
in the depression of the Sahara, for the
simple reason that the dry air and burn.
ing sun would dry up the water so rapid-
ly that a oanal large enough to supply
even a small lake would be out of the
Perth County.
The St. Marys Town Hall was reduced
to ashes on Wednesday night of last
The Goderioh Cadet Tempters of Tem-
perance had their photos taken in a
Stratford has a disgraceful, fie
ntrong•amelling den in the shape
look -up, says the Sun,
A party of six government engin
are taking a survey and soundings of
Godorieh harbor. They will be there
several weeks.
The $22,000 estate of Kintner Bros
Mitchell and Sebringville, who asshg
to C. B. Armstrong, of London, a w
ago, was sold to Edward A. Kastner
the rate of about 70 cents on the dol
Geo. C. Gibbon's represented the pre
pal creditors.
The Monkton Cheese and Butter
sold four hundred boxes of cheese
Alex, MaLareu at 8 Dente per you
The buyers say this lot, which was m
in July, is one of the best lots made
Oetarto for that month, Mr. Ha
stands as e. oheesemaker second to
in Canada.
The body of the man found dead on
street in Stratford hes been identified
that of Sohn R. Porter, of Torun
Thos. Porter, a brother of the demi m
went to Stratford to take charge of
remains. Be says the deceased was o
roving disposition, He was at bis b
tber's house in Toronto a fortnight a
The following motion was brought
at the last meeting of the Mitchell To
Council, bat it was defeated by 7 to 3
"That this council regrets that ranee
money should have been allowed to ta
place in the Driving Park—that such
hibitions are demoralizing to the you
of the town and altogether evil in th
tendencies in the community.
One of the seventeen in all On
who was awarded by the Senate of t
University of Toronto first-class houo
in mathematics was a daughter of
Crew, of the Stratford Beacon job d
partment. She also gained second -a!
honors in French. The young lady w
educated in the common and high sane,
at Barrie.
As Jas. 'talkers, of Rock's mill, w
driving home rather late one evening, 1
was attacked in a swamp on the 10
eon„ Logan, by a mare who demand
his money. Mr. leathers' very aorpule
form proved quite a protection to kin
then, as it enabled him to leave the en
lying wounded on the road, he soon r
covered, however, and escaped for h
The London Advertiser says :—An
other "cruelty to animals" case w
aired at the Polios Court one day recen
ly in which Hugh et. Douglas was th
complainant and Thos. McLean, a can
dealer of Godericb, the defendant. Dau
las was put in the box and end that
the evening of June 26th McLean hired
horse for the evening but did not rater
for three deys and three nighte. T1
horse was over driven and out in all fou
legs, with sores and scabs wherever th
harness came in contact with the akin
Witnees had to procure a veterinary stir
geou, pay his bill and have the horse idl
on his hands for two weeks. In oro
examination he admitted that he h
laid the complaint to secure damages io
the injury done. The Magistrate sae
the case was one for the Divielou Court
It was all nonsense to drag McLean ore
of his bed in the middle of the night,
treatment to which he (the Magietrate)
had also been subjected. The charge wa
The Clinton New Era says :---A decie-
n was given by Judge Doyle in a ease
'ed here at the Division Court Sittings
heoh has very considerably surprised
r cattle dealers and is of some imiior
nee to those concerned, Some time
o cattle dealer Baker bought from one
bt. Brown a lamb for $4.20 paying in
oeuut of such purchase 81 and later on
o same day a further sane of $2. The
nth was not in a fit state to be
tohered and it was agreed that Brown
ould keep it for at least a month. 13e -
e Baker sent for the lamb it had died,
t Brown concealed this feet until be
d Men paid the balance of his purchase
nay. Baker brought suit to recover
price of the lamb but Judge Doyle
that the lamb wits at lee riek end
Brown's, that it had passed to Baker,
t es a consequence Brown was entitled
his money. The butchers and drovers
mtain that such is not the usage of
trade but that before the seller is en -
ed to his unpaid pavane money he
st deliver the cattle or sheep alive.
o decision of Judge Doyle will snake
teeeeaary to have a distinct agreement
t the seller shall in all oases produce
animal alive,
ere fa au item from St. Mary's cor-
pendent of the Mitchell Advocate that
I prove of interest to the faiende of
se Clench in this neeghborhood : A
le over a year ago, when Miss Lenora
teas on her way home from Ger-
ny, it was stated in these columns that
russian Count was accompanying her
n escort, and would claim her band
marriage on their arrival in her native
d. Our authority for Ube statement
eapposed to be infallible, but as the
nt did not put in appearance we look -
mon the story as a myth, Early last
it, however, a veritable Gorman Count
ted up in our midst as the gust of
s Nora, and at once revived the nem
on of her betrothal. During the year
e hiss Clnch's return mite has char.
the hearts of all !overs of high class
in in various pr eta of Canada and the
hboring republic, and much as wo
ire the Count's expellant tasty and
set his good intentions, we sen only
o that he dues not Intend to rob as of
brightest jewel. Wo parted with
igoland without shedding a tear, and
pleased to notice that the inhabitants
the little island gave the Keeler. a
ty reception, but there ie a point at
oh oven German aggreesivoness ceases
e tolerable,
Geo, Dale. of Hallett, delivered fall
wheat and found that 1t turned out 65
lbs. to the bushel and 42i bushels to the
Town & Hamlink, two enterprieing
Amerioane from New York State, have
leteed the Palaoe Roller Rink, Goderloh,
and during the Peet week breve put in all
necessary machinery for oondeo1ing sno-
oessfully a first oless fruit evaporating
bueinese, They claim that they wilt re-
quire at least 18,000 bushels of apples
this season.
One evening recently as Win, Vipond
was working on his farm near Donegal,
he name across what 18 familiarly known
es a "bee tree." Having a sweet tooth
in hie head Will at once took meeeuros
to enure their hoard of treasure, which
be managed to capture after le bard
battle, he being stung no fewer than
eight or nine times. A large amount of
comb filled with a reasonable quantity of
fine honey rewarded Will for his plank.
i11 be
Huron County.
The new postof 100 at Goderioh w
thy, opened on Oot, 1st.
of a Knox oburoh, Goderioh, ie now lighted
sore by four electric lights.
the Godericb council places its estimate
for for printing for one year at $175.
Mexicau Charlie and "Tommy" bled
of the Laborites to the tune of $150 with
o ned thEd. Campaigne, of Goderioh, has a
eels baby alligator about 8 inches long, whioh
ler.Dr. McLean brought tip from Florida,
nci_ The editor of the Luoknow Sentinel
in recording the advent of another son ire
Co. his household adds—delinquentsubeorib.
to ere will please note thie fact.
nbo The new iron bridge at Fullerton is
completed -
gens a an of 129
ade feet in the olear, is an overhead with
in poste, twenty feet high and a firet•olass
0019 strnotur0.
none The tenth quarterly meeting of the
the Stanley, Tuakeremith and Hay Sabbath
ae School Association will be held on Fri-
day, Sept. 26th, in the Union (March,
to. Bruoefield.
the The voting oma by-law to aid Cliff &
t e Forster, of the Central furniture factory,
by way of a loan of $5,000 took place in
ro- Lecknow and was carried by a vote of
go' 131 to 36.
up Cole & Town, from Now York State,
wn have rented the large shop on the corner
for of high Street, at Clinton, and are pntt-
ke •
ing to a oornplene apparatus for evapor-
ating apples.
th Ellen Brice, aged about eleven, daugh-
ter of Geo. Brice, Turnberry, fell from a
swing one day reoently, putting both
toric shoulders out and featuring a bone in
Mer left wrist.
Wilbur Nugent has resigned bis pee-
r° as toucher in the Mitchell high
School, having accepted a similar situa•
0- tion in the Essex Centre high School, at
ase a much higher salary.
Is The Council of the township of Downie
offer a reward of 8200 for the ap-
es prehension and conviction of the party of
re parties who left a child at the door of
th Alex. Gastor, Sunday.
ed Mayor Butler is negotiating for a large
tit alligator which he will place in charge of
the fountains on the Square, to put terror
ani into the young scamps who pelt stones at
the fish now in the basins at Godericb,
The pupils of the Collegiate Institute,
is Stratford, presented John B. Wilson, IB.
A., the retiring English master, with a
as complimentary address and two easy
t choirs. He has since left for Winnipeg.
( Dundan McConnell, plasterer, of Luck -
now, met with a very serious accident
ale the other day, by falling from the roof of
Doti a house near Langeide. One of his legs
a was broken and he also received other
n serious injuries.
Th The libel instituated by C. le Clare
r Ellis, local reporter for the Times, Strut.
ford, against the editor of the Sun and
the editor of the Beane, of that city,
has boon settled, both the defendants
e having apologized to the plaintiff.
se C. H. Wilson, jr., presented the Green•
ad way postmaster with a stalk of corn
r which measured 11 feet 2 inches in
d length, which grew on his farm, Iot 43,
township of Stephen, in less than three
h months, it grew an average of 1} inches
a a day from the time it wee sown.
Last year, D. Dickinson, of Clinton,
e set out, with others, a cabbage plant. It
did not grow during the year, but re-
mained stationary, and was in the ground
all winter. This spring, ae it still seem.
ed to be alive it was left untouched, and
' hae during the year grown to a good sized
Alt T, Fulton was at work on his farm
neer Brewster, one day recently, be
heard his clog barking in the bush near
by and upon going over to see what was
there he was surprised to see, what he
took to be a large brown bear come down
net of a tree and maks off through the
woods, lent as Tom had no arms with
him he thought it bestnot to try to make
too close an acquaintance with bruin.
A young lady of Se. Marys while get-
ting roto a vehicle at ono of the livery
stables a few days ago met with what
might have been a severe aeoident, The
stepping stool was minus one of its logs
and capsized while the young lady was
stepping from off it into the buggy, caus-
ing her to fall heavily and injuring ono
of her legs. She now proposes to present
the proprietor with the orutoh she is
obliged to use for a forth leg to his stool.
The Luokiow Sentinel says :—Tho
Mitchell edvorbiser man ought to be
happy. He is editor and proprietor of
the Advertiser, agent for the Domiulon
Line of Royal elail steamshipe, agent for
the 0, P. R. Telegraph Co„ rune a book
store, sells wall paper, repairs watches,
cloaks, jewellery, sewing machines, etc.,
is an auctioneer, and twelve children call
him "pal" It is enough to make the
Arizona Kicker man tarn green with
Rather a costly smash happened at the
Dominlon Laboratory, Exeter, on Satur-
day night. It appears that the clerk,
IYfr. Russell, had left a burning lamp
under a large piece of plate glens which
was above and attached to a show can,
on which were a number of china cups
and senors and different other glass
ornaments, when the Heat became so int
tense as to 00,000 the glace to oracle, thus
letting the entire decorations down and
smashing them to atoms, which was to
the amount of about $11. The show case
as it hap1:ens was not broken.
Ninety barrels of the yolks of eggs were
nn odd itnportion from Syria to Paris.
The yolks are to be used in the pro -
Dantean of loather of vory fine quantity.
The 1,000 union Miners of the Stand -
a rd coke works at Benedetti, Pa„ have
strrck agahtet nnorganizod labor. The
Cunene have boon banked and the plant
is new abandoned,
A lunette arose the Sahara desert, ass
from Algeria to Lake Tolled, at an esti. in
mated cost of about twenty-two millions was
of dollars, is rho latest Frond, engineer- Cou
ing project. One of the groatost on- sd 1
gineering feats of modern tines, the sea
level Suex Camel, is the work of lrenob
engineers, to that great projects propelled
by thorn cannot be sneered at. The
British aro about to build a lino from
Mombasa to Lake Victoria, and the Ger-
mime are shipping rails fora road along
the coast of their possession, whether
railways will take tie plane of earool and our
slave caravans in Africa is a problem to Hel
be solved, Africen commerce has never
amountoci to mucli, and it is donhtr:d by of
many authorities whether it Ivor 0071 bo
developed. The French hen Boma idea
to b
Come, let us have a Talk Together.
We do not ask you to believe anything only your own eyes. You know Desirable Goods
when you see them. Your taste names the style. We vouch for the Quality
and Prises, .A. great variety of the New Fall Purchases are
Ready for your Inspection,
Ordered Clothing! Ordered Clothing!
Ordered Clothing values are ignored. Cost of goods disregarded. We are prepared to
take your order for Suits from $10.00 up. We can show you more New Tweeds
and Worsted Coatings, Over -Coatings and Meltons than any other
store in town. Pants to Order, $3.00.
New Mantle Cloths, Piles of New Shawls,
New Opera Shawls
Bought at Half Price in Toronto Iast week.
For the last twelve years back we have, shown and sold five times as much Ready -Made
Clothing as any other store in town, and are bound to keep up our reputation.
Overcoats for $•1,50, worth double the money.
Fine Melton Overcoats worth $16, we sell for $10,00.
A. R. SMITH, - Brussels, Ont.
eeeenca-al Nov..
The potato blight has appeared in
The cholera is increasing in the Span.
ish Provinces.
Bishop Leahy, of Dromore, Ireland,
died Saturday.
Senor Eepadow, the renowned Cupan
pianist, is dead.
A portion of Jamaica has suffered sev-
erely from drought,
The Bank of Hamilton has decided to
isane 8250,000 additional stock.
John L. Sullivan's father died at Boa -
ton Sunday of typhoid pneumonia.
Lilian Grubb, the actress and opera
singer died at Baltimore Sunday aged 25.
In Rochester the street railway lines
are being changed into an eleatrio sys-
Sharp Butterfield, of Windsor, will be
one of the judges of poultry at the
World's Fair at Chicago.
P. Lillico, of Listowel, will start a
banker's and broker's business in Bran-
don, Man., in the near future.
A rumor is current in Paris that Is.
mail Pasha, ex.kehdive of Egypt, has
been poisoned at Constantinople.
Ten Frenoh•Canadian tramps were
eeutenoed to twenty days each by the
Belleville police magistrate on Monday.
Stanley is enjoying himself in, the
and snd hes gained et strength. He ghas lycl clin imbed
1otno glacier.
The captain of a Frenoh fishing sch-
ooner who carried off a Newfoundland
constable hae been [tweeted and sentenced
to three months in jail.
Fanny Campbell, 154 Chestnut street,
Toronto, fell at Elm and Younge Satur-
day evening by stepping on a banana
peel and fractured her leg. She was re-
moved to the hospital in the ambulance.
Thomas 13. Bryan, first vioe.prsaident
of the Chicago World's Colombian Ex.
hibitiou, hes resigned because some news.
paper men and prominent citizens said
$10,000 a year was too large a salary
for him.
There are now 120 women in the Ber-
lin telephone exchanges. It has been
deaicled to use only women in the future,
as it hae been found that their voices are
much more audible than man's, owing
to the higher pitch,
The Streotville Review says that a fair-
haired youth, with a sandy moustache
gently curled up at eachpend, has victim-
ized over fifty young ladies there by baa+-
ing them out of 50 Dente each, which they
paid to join the Professor's saliool of pro•
gresslvo art. The opening camp, the Pro-
faner creme not.
A boy about 15 ,years old, named
Welter Cantron, whose parents reside at
131aomRold, was working 0e a farm band
for J. V. Cooper. Ile was ono day last
week riding to the field on horseback.
The horse having ]harness on ran away,
throwing the boy. His foot untangled fn
the harness and he wan torn limb from
limb and died before aesistanco could
loaner him.
P. Thompson, of Prue Canyon, Cal,
an a boo tree last week. In taking out
the honey he found several hawk's eggs
incorporated in different layers of comb.
The comb had been built about the eggs
ire anoh a manner as to leave them in the
center, Evidently there had bean a
nonteee as to the right of posncezion be-
tween bird anti insoot, and the latter
heel settled the base withnut recenr4o to
the 001101X,
.e_x,x, saxes,
Goderieh, Sept. 15, 16 and 17.
Listowel, Sept. 17, 18 and 10.
Western—At London, Sept. 18 to 27.
Mitchell, Sept. 23 and 24.
Seaforbh, Sept. 30 and Oot. 1.
Wingham, Sept. 50, Oct. 1.
Atwood, Oct, 2.
Walkerton, Sept. 30 to Oct. 8.
Clinton, Oct. 1, 2 and 3,
Brussels, Oct.2 and 3.
Belgrave, Oet. 7 and 8.
Morrie Branoh, Blyth, Oct. 0 & 10.
with good garden, well and stable
Mechanic Street,
Bala and tocrenS easy terms, luts several ind Townships
of Morris aid Grey. P. S. Bb OTT, Brussels,
I understand that a rumor has been
industriously olrculated that will not go
withoutat i foundation. 11 is uevidently done
for a purpose. WM, GRAIIAltf, M. D.
Jea aware
mins0tween ary anaygodIllkig015
makes thevery best for either cheese or
butter. For particulars regarding my Jersey
Bull apply at my Drug and Book Store,
G.A. D10ADMAN, Bruesehs,
`05 REWARD,—
l Lost on Theteday, July aril, on
the street in Wroxeter, a parcel of bills,
amounting to 88,9, and a promissory note
drawn by John Sanderson in favor of Jane
Walker for 3000, slated Jnue 0th, las„ and
haring a payment of 0850 mimed on the
bash thereof, dated April 11 th 1800, A re-
ward theoabove, 00 25.00 050 suchainformation e will
load thereto, .111 parties aro warned against
negotiating the above mentioned note, the
same etrg ulyWoxe, July '00, JANE WALKED,
ot1Ce to the Public,
lIaving sold my interest in the Buse,
nese carried on in this town ander the
style of Turnbull & Ballantyne to Mn.
SAnrosr, Winson, who will carry on busi-
ness in the 01d Stance under the firm of
Ballantyne Sc. Wilton.
I Hope the public will still continue to
give thorn the liberal support they have
accorded in tto past,
Due the Firm of Turnbull & Bnllautyno
tip to August 22nd, 1800, to 110 Settled by
Cash or Note by Oat. 1st, 1900,
Saidflrm will Pay all debts die against
them up to August 20th, 1800.
XV 1110 metier of the estate of Cuenr.Es
DAnitss,ot the Township of Grey, i0 the
County of Huron, farmer, debtor.
All aro her
eby untitled tolsettle thethe sameabove witestate
the undersigned at once. A. 11A0MANN,
Oranbrook, Bent, 8, 100. Asshoxas,
Caveats, Meet nen and Trade
. Marks secured and all oer atnt cases in e Pent Moe th-
beforetheOourtspromptly ad caret llypat-
tendedto, Upon receipt of model or slteteh
of invention, I Make careful examination,
and advise as to patentability free of (Marge.
Pees moderato, aud I make no charge unless
patent is scoured. Information, advice and
special references sent on appplioatio u, J.
R,LITTELL, Washington, 13.0„ U.B. Patent
Any Amount of Money to Loan
ou Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying then required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels,
Oily Tongued Agents will try to
draw Attention fi'onl this
Call and Judge for Yonreolves all who
are in want of the following
Our Single Furrow Plows sell
from $12.00 to $14.00.
We draw Special Attention to our
Two FtirrMeV Plows, which
sell from $10 to 118,
Straw Cutters, $40,
G Iiuife Pulpors, $14.
PLOW POI lei Pt'4
Of All Makes. The following aro
some of them :—Verity, 'Wilkin-
son, Copp, Advance and Smith's
Falls, Kept Constantly on Hand
at 10e. per Point.
Gang Points, 213c. eaeb.
Second-hand horse l'ower's of
different snakes Clloap.
Large Planer; elouldlug lfaehlne and-
ndBnacb Saw Cor nn►e.
1:lrut8010 I' htlildry.