HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-9-5, Page 8—I'm Surplus& 'If a farmer continued to tuie the scythe in preference to the Or a cradle rather than a tse!-binder he would he looked ,upoti as belonging to the "old School," yet how many ministers, 4WYerEl, Merchants, school teachezs and others who are writing ,more or less every clay still con- tinue using the old style of pen -with its dip, dip for more Ink, and as often as not when just in tile middle of a word. Yes, I'm smvprised that tho§e I have men- tioned should continue to waste their time instead of economizing it by using a FOONTAIN Pziv, one that will wri4e all day with one filling, and always ready no mat- ter Lf Only used once in 6 months. NiTe refund price paid if not sat- isfactory after a reasonable trial. G. A. DEA.DAIA.N. McGann, &o. RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8017T5EEN EXTENSION W. G. di B. 'Trains 1reve Brussels Station, North •extrY South, as follows: GOING SOUTH. GOING NoRTH. amerees ....,11s10 a.m. Mail VaiL ..... &Oa \ Nixed Mil p.m, B:20 a.m, BOxed ...... .3:50 pan. Express 9:45 pan. t act lit to 5 Crat sibretolc. D. Zimmer wee recently assessed 510 and. costs thr allowiug persona to gamble .mx his premises. Pend•ing the settlement of C. Dames' arleirs the hotel license has been trant. leered to A. Bayrnann. A. McNair, township treasurer has been treated th a new safe for keeping the •-.boodle" and records of tbe municipality am. It is a very necessary adjunct. Bela raVC. The Misses Carson have returned from *Fordwioh. Mrs. Jas. Stewart and Miss Cloakey Love gone to Kingston. Rev. Mr. Godfrey and wife are away sat present visiting friends in Quebeo city, Athnireal and Kingston. Chas. Birney's residence is now almost ..templeted and reflects great credit on Mr. Watson, the contracitor. We are glad to hear that Mr. Bone is recovering from the very,painthl e.coideut Tne received a short time ago. Dc. Godfrey has returned from his -Jarip up the hikes, very much improved Lichee-1th end is once more hard et work the practice of his profession. Wx.oxecter. Jelen s.8andersoa and family left for Manitoba Tuesday. Jas. Fox is expected home from Bay eity where he has been on a visit there gar eons time. Thos. Rae, of Fordwith, had a Bur. -vette party visit him last Wednesday •evening. Our esteemed rnerebent wet. tamed the young folks very kindly. Lost Fi iday evening Title a number of <me young folks drove over to Wingham ter ooueert. Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., =id Thos. Gibson, jr., sang several eirotch songs and the concert was a sue - One day last week a number of our ywang folks drove to Rat. Meffatt'e where they all spent a most enjoyable time, it being the birthday of Miss Teenie Wright and Miss Maggie Miller. We hope the two young ladies may long Lee to enjoy their birthdays together. -resale is fully possessed of the art of en- tertaining guests and by her amiable and affable disposition maria her company, sene and all, enjoy themselves to the acme <if loyons felioity. Sports and plays of c&CiOUS kinds °mined the afternoon, while strains of beautiful music were piron by Miss Ella Gibson, of Wroxeter. At a seasonable boor the party dispersed •tes their homes wishing Teenie and. Mag. lie many a good time together. 1!4I kith U SSELS Smer. 5, 1890, YOU MAY EXPECT ,1GREAT BARGAINS „Dr0- IN Beady -made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Dress Goods, Prints, Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Etc., urzzaz OTT 1=2, STOCK IS G-IZAr111_1*Y. m?..r)-tiomr). OTJIR 0 BUMF:INT eaETZVAN W. Nightingale & Co., Brussels. the ceremony, Mise Miles, of Walker- ton, acted as bridesmaid, while Lieut. H. Torrance, of Clinton, officiated as groomsman. The bride was the recipi- ent of many costly and handsome pre- sents, The happy couple left by train for Denver, Col, and other points of in• terest in the far 'West. VW ;Felton. Mr. Jones has taken possession of the Royal hotel. Lewis McDonald and wife are away at Montreal this week. Wm. Beirnes was fused $20.00 and mete for selling liquor on Sunday. Messrs. Ferguson, McDonald and Leech sold several of their hogs recently at a good figure. Mrs. Orren MoTaggart and two child. rim are visiting friends in tlse vicinity of Belleville this week. Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. (Rev.) Forrest's mother, is very much indisposed yet, but has improved this week. /tior reit. Send along the, news whether you are a regular correspondent or not. THE POST 18 always on the look out for newsy paragraphs. A, large acreage of fall wheat is being pat in the ground this year and the far. mere seem to be determined to get their seeding done early. The athletic contests at the East Huron Fall Fair will efford our young men an apportunity of showing their agility. The tug of war has a $10.00 prize. Considerable interest centres around the coming assizes owing to the case of Morris township va. the bondesmen of the late Treasurer coming up for trial. Somebody will have to pay the piper. Quintin Anderson is the owner of a goose that is determined to keep np with the big drum as an egg layer. Her record for the past two years is 40 and 41, re- spectively, and she is still in the ring for 1891. THE Poe m will be sent free for one year to the resident of Morris townthip who forms the most English words out of "The Brussels Post." Auswers must be sent in by Ocit. let and words must be written in columns. Tne Pon from now to January lst 1891 for 40 cents in ad. vance. Adam Scott, lot 16, con. 8, has com- pleted a new barn on his premiaes. The building is 28x46i feet. Mr. Scott has one of the best borne in the county for the money. He bought the Sunshine saw mill, at an auction sale, for $18,00 and seoured timber, lumber and shingles enough to build the above mentioned barn. It was a great bargain. Wingham. The stock yards at the Grand Trunk atation have been enlarged. Geo. Bisbee has growing in his garden is trternatorla sun flower stalk, on which them are over seventy flowers, Pthe. Allenby had tbe tips of three an,gers of his left hand taken off by a =chine, while working in Bell's factory, C. Sperling has leased a storehouse -at else Grand Trunk station, and will be .,on the market for the putehaee of farm peadisce. seDen. McKay, while working in the Theism feotory, somehow got his head bee ethse to a mechine and had one of Lis fingers badly cut. Word was received from Mrs. J. B. Ferguson, on Monday of last week, of .the seethes illness of Mr. Ferguson. He fusion attack of bleeding of the stomach, osva physioian bad to be secured from Bawnia.nville, some fifteen miles from 'where they were visiting, before the flow of blood coul.d be stopped. Hopes are entectained of his recovery, but it will rake gthat care and attention, as he is moat reduced. 'The Winghara Times says :-The many friends of John Bailie, of London, tiff 'recently conduotor on the L. H. wilt be rierry to learn that he has been removed from conductorahip on the G. X. EL He is oae of the eldest railway wawa ft. the Province, havingentered the reagriey of the G. W. R. Co. in 1864. He wag a, careful, faithful and effleient ••affieer, and was highly apprediated for hia denting honesty and worth by the rirseelting publics. His advenoing years and. his suppesed Want of aetivity was aft o reason cif his removal, flenicznote-A flutter of exeitement agiterted the people of 'Winghttro on Wed- nesday of lad week, the dense being the W404Aing of Dr. Ildwerd 1.1. Hersey, of Owas Sound, to Miss Leila Ada, °Idea id:sweeter of Dr, Macdonald, M. P., one of .faitest daughters. They vexes eno,trieci 0,. St. AndreW's dumb by Litztow el. About fifty of Listowel's citizens avail. ed themselves of the excursion to Grims- by and the Falls. J. B. Dinkel, of this town, left for Den- ver, Colorado, where he has secured a sit- uation on a German daily paper. Kidd Bros, have sold to Frank Rennie, of Clifford, and Mr. Rife, of Mildtnay, the celebrated thoroughbred stallion, Baron Rothschild. The Standard says :-Over eightyap• peals were handed in to the Clerk against the town Voters' List by the Conserve. tives on the evening of the 27th -the last day for filing appeals. There were no appeals entered on behalf of the Re- formers. The plum erop in this neighborhood is the best fruit crop of the sermon. Owing to the scarcity of fruit of nearly all kinds in many other motions of the province plume will find a ready market at a good figure. A.pplee promise to be theme, as the winter varieties are Mined a failure, Fall apples are more plentif-' and are selling at a comparatively low figure. A FINE EXHIBIT. -The Manitoba Gov. ernment are sending their full exhibit of grains, grasses and general products, to the Listowel Fair, Sept. 17th, leth and 191h. The Cl. P. R. Company are add- ing an extensive exhibit to this and the whole will be one of the finest ever sent out from Mianitoba. On the 17th and 18th, the speeding events will draw much attention, and the Listowol Itsir will be one of the best local fairs in the dietriot. For particulars apply to W. Cumin, Sec - rotary. resistance. The press of Baraccas suggests that another vessel be sent with her glans allotted and the Venezulean colors nailed to the mast, and if worsted to appeal to the U. S. and the slater re- publics of South Amerioa and the perils- ment of England. A dispute has existed some time between England and Vene- zuela ea to a portion of tdrritory lying between British Guiana and the mouth of the Orinoco river which is the natural outlet for the produce of the oonntry. Lately two Canadians named Walter Try Stevens and Chas. A. Connolly re- presenting themselves as Americans from New York, were expelled from the country for.selling maps in the city of Oitracoas showing this belt of land as disputed tarritoay." Mr. Stevens was clerk in T. W. Dunoan's store for years. and was known to their customers as "the young man with the gold rimmed teeth." Mr. Connolly represented the Manufacturers' Life Ineuranoe Company here. They'll get there just the same. Seafortli, JAM Henry, of Seaforth, took posses, don of Hawkshaw's Hotel on Tuesday. B. Counter has disposed of his jewellery business to hie nephew, W. R. Counter, the popular and successful manager for the past two years, D. D. Wilson and Mies M. Wilson, Robt. Jamieson, Jae. Niohol, 'W. M. Gray, Miss Gray and Miss Young have returned from then trip to the old country, The Sun says :-Tee deily prase dess• patches of Tuesoloy tontains tho follow- ing :uMontreal, Aug. 26,-A deepateh reoeived to-dtoy by Mr. LaMar -me, consul for Venezuela, states thot the British gun boat Ready, from Demerara, with oommissioner MoTurok an beard, arrived at Berlina at the mouth of the Orinoco, and ordered the depthin of Faro, a Vane- zuelan man-ok-war, to haul down his eolows. e ettbinitted to the superior font, The 'Venezuelan government has cant a commission to the spot to in- vestigate, The commander of the Faro mor. Ildognarrie. A vett large ;nth- will be tried by court.martial for haval 55. .eatue assembled in the ante 60 witness yielded withont making s proper show 0 (rev. Council minutes may be reed in another column. The township rate of taxes this year is 2 mills on the 5. 2 additional mills for oounty rate. The appointment of two tax collectors for this township is a good idea and will work satisfactorily it is thought. Mrs. Robt. Inglis is sway for a trip to the East on 0 visit with relatives. She was ticketed by S. T. Pepper, Brussels. Jas. Mitchell had a lamb killed by foxes recently. He is arranging with the Brussels Gun (Bub for their extermina- tion. Duncan McDonald and John McNeil have been appointed tax collectors at a salary of 545 each. The division to be the 9th and 10th cons. Lorenzo Frayne, lot 10, oon. 8, thresh- ed some Egyptian oats that turned out 40 pounds to the bushel. Thi s is a good weight and will not be ea.sily beaten. Jno. D. Campbell is home on a visit from Duluth. He is nursing his right hand. or at least what remains of it, as he had the most of this useful member taken off in a planing mill. Rev. Geo. Baker and wife, of Tupper - villa, have been enjoying a visit with Mrs. Baker's parents and other old friends. Mr. Baker was pastor of the Cranbrook oirouit under the Primitive Methodist regime about ten years ago. Tun Poem will be sent free to the rest: clent of Grey township who forms the Mise Cale, the popular organist of the English thumb, Brussels, paid us a flying visit this week. I. A. Young and family returned last Friday after spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in and around Ripley. Rev. Andrew Wilson wife and daugh- ter, of Charleston, Ont., were visiting at Wm. Spence's for the paid two weeks. The reverend gentleman preached in the Presbyterian ohurch last 8abbeth after- noon. 1. The Women's Foreign Missionary So- ciety of Ethel intend sending a box of worn cast-off clothing to the old and in. firm Indians of the Noithweet, Any donations of this kind left at the resi- dence of A. W. Panabalcer will be thank- fully received. .131:vtlx. Our station agent purchased this week the Bitsvden property on Dinsley St. at a reimonable figure. John Denholm shipped a car load of plums Irons this station to Portage Is 6 1 rairie, Man., on Monday. On Wednesday evening a lawn social as held by the ladies of Blyth and Bel• rave congregations of the English hurth at the residenoe of E. Littlefair, th eon. Morris. T. Jones, who has been carrying on be butcher business for upwards of vvelve years in this burg left with his amily on Monday to take possession of eirnes' Hotel, Walton, which he has eased for a terns. A special meeting of the village Coen • 11 we held in their chambers on Mers- ey evening for the purpose of appoint. ng Clerk for the burg. Applications rote T. 'W. Scott, if. Metcalf and E. D. Chamberlain. The appointment was Fall Wheat awarded to E. D. Chamberlain at a sal. Spring Wheat ry of $20 for the balance of the year. Barley The ladies of the Boman Catholic °at, church of this town intend bolding tt Peas • • grand pie.nic here on Sept. 10th for the Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Pork . . Rides per lb Salt per bbl., ratail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Wool, P00110 18301:ZZ.T. MoCasey.-On August 18th at Concordia • Kansas, the wife of Dr. J. H. Mo. Casey of a son. O'Nerr..-At Point St. Charles, Montreal, on the 18th silt., the wife of Mr Termites O'Neil of a daughter. 2,1C.A.MTarlIET:O. P£11011BON.--BLOOAIFIELD.-At the Meth °diet parsonage, Walton, on August 29th, by Rev. W. Ottewell, Mr. W. Ferguson to Miss Mary Bloomfield, both of Brussels. Honenx.-MACMONALD.- In Wingham, on August 27th by the Rev. H. Mc. Quarrie, Mr. E. H. Horsey, M. D„ of Owen Sound, to Miss Leith eldest daughter of P. Macdonald, M. D., M. P., of Wingham. F.A.XXO,M, Goderich, Sept. 15, 16 and 17. Listowel, Sept. 17, 18 and 19. Industrial -At Toronto, Sept. 8 to 20. Western -At London, Sept. 18 to 27. Mitchell, Sept. 28 and 24. Harrieton, Sept. 24 and 28. Exeter, Sept. 29 and 30. Seelorth, Sept. BO and Oot. 1. Wingheme, Sept. 30, Oct. 1. Atwood, Oat. 2. Walkerton, Sept. 30 to Oct. 8. Clinton, Oot. 1, 2 and 8. Stretford, Oct. 2 and 3. . Brussels, Oct. 2 and 3. Howiek-. Gerrie, Oct. 4. Belgrave, Oet. 7 and 8. A FULL STOCK School Books & SQhool Requisites AT - PEPPER'S DRUG STORE BRUkilSELf3, TiEM.MTSSDE17..tEi benefit of their chum's. Grealil prepara- tions are in progress to make it one of the biggest ;events that has ever been held in this section. Deming and all kinds of amusements will be indulged in. A first class string band has been engaged for the °erasion. A. couple of not very weloorne visitors invaded our burg on Friday afternoon, one, olaiming to be a Government detec- tive, and a pair of darbys in his posses sion. They hennaed around all evening giving lots of chin music. Towards mid. night the boys thought it was about time most Englieh words knit of the letters m to run them out of town. They Bummed. "Tnn PTHISSELS Poem" returns to be made 1 ed in running one northward, but the by Oct lst. The words must be writtendetective one slipped into one of the in columns. Tnn Poem from now to hotels and went to bed. He stayed January lat 1801 for 40 cents in advance. around the next day amusing himself A larger acreage of Fall wheat will be with the boys and loeing his handcuffs sown this year than has been put in for into the bargain. He made tracks and years. People have not lost faith in this boarded the afternoon train for the hub, orop although a good many hold to leaving his board bill unpaid. This class the opinion that other produce could be charaoters should be run into the 000l - grown thet would not be subject to the er at first sight, for sale keeping. repeated failures that wheat has been subjected to. Mies Jane Mitchell was awarded a certificate for admission to the High School. She was recommended by the examiner, being e few marks deficient on one subject. This makes two successful pupils from No. 1 this year and it is creditable to Mr. Pickard considering the large number pinked. Robert sowen,s barn in Grey township con. 14, was reoently burned. He lost his crop, 0300 worth of pine, and all his implements but his binder, which was in the field. There ie an insurance of 51,000. Cause of fire is unknown. This makes the second barn Mr Bowen hos had destroyed by fire during the past years. seven Et111 Mrs. Bartleman, of Allenford, is visit. ing her deughter, Mrs. T. P. Simpson. We are pleased to note that Mrs. D. Eokmier is recovering from her recent Mr. Cale, of Mitchell, was spending a few days last week with his son, Dr. Cele, of this place. A. W. Panabaker and wife have re. turned after a two week's trip to Toronto and other places. It ie the intention of the Sons of Tern - postern's, to visit the Trowbridge Lodge on Wednesday evening of next week. Lawrence Dolmen left on Tuesday ef this week for a trip to Manitoba and the Northwest where two of his sons reside. Ethel cheese factory disposed of the July and part of August obsess for, we believe, 90. per lb. It was shipped on Wednesday of this week. The farmers in this vicinity are busily engaged prepering the land for wheat. E. MoKelvey has sown the earliest of enyone we have noticed. Ea has o field of about ten mores up nice and green. 0, 0. F. -A. Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters was organized in this place on Monday evening of this week, by B. W. Clayton, of Listowel. The fol. lowing officers were linetalled :-Robb. Dilworth, 0. It. ; Wm. MeLeod, V. C. ; A. Glenn, Be S. ,•3. A. tremsworth, 0. ; 318. Sanders, Ohap, ; Wm. Dont. ly, Treas. ; Geo, Imlay, S. W..' 13.3. Nichol, J. W. • John Sondem 8, 13.; Chao. Rose, 3. 13.; Dr. Cale, Phys. The new Clourt commences operations with 21 charter tnembers and in addition several members who belong to other neighbor. ing Courts will have their inemberehip transferred 60 Court Ethel, John McArthur, teacher, last week shot a young loon at Tobermory lake with a rifle. Sir Hector Langevin was presented with an address by the Mayor and Coml.. oil of Owen Sound on Saturday. Owing Ito the uneasiness in musioal oiroles Brantford is likely to lose some of her cleverest organists and musioians. A. 0. Cornelius, of the Oneida Pe8011,43, states that the wheat orop on the reserve this year is good, but that other crops, except corn, are not up to the average. A man named R. B. Ford has Been at - rested at Windsor for forging Brewer Labatt's natne to a check. Cheeks sign- ed by others were for ad on him and it is thought he has been "working" exteneiv- e'y. An old woman in Kingston penitenti- ary has done nothing but knit these many years. A. long time ago she roasted a couple of her children to death. and she would have been hanged had there not been strong evidence showing that she suffered temporary insanity, The woman ie now too feeble but to knit. She rises with the sun and retires at sundown, eats very little, and sits in the same rocking -their by the some window every day and knits. She rarely speaks to any one. She is over 70 years old. The Bruce Prohibitory Alliance bars elected the following officers :-President, Rev. Mr. Johnston, Paisley; 'Viee-Preei• dent, Rev. J. Gray, Kincardine; Seo.. Tress., John MoBain, Oheeley ; Execu. tive-W. D. Bell, Maley; S. Savage, Saone; H. P. Pntman, Paisley; Mrs. Grant, Paisley; Mrs. T. Richards, Tara. W. D. Bell and A. W. Robb Were rep. pointed auditors. The alliance deoided on motion to invite each congregation to send delegates to &Heed the meetin • Moved by Rev. W. S. Burwash, seeonch,3 by W. D. Bell that this convention strongly reeonamends that in view of the approaching Dominion election, egith of the ridings should put forth every pos. Bible effort to Bemire prohibith coma. dotes. Moved by Jas. Warren, s000nded • by W. C. Bell, that we as an alliance use every endeavot to have advantage taken of the late amendment of the Lie - ante Act, passed at the last session of the Ontario Legislature. The Seeretary was instructed to write both° parties appoint. ed to organize the south riding, asking them to proceed, and also adding Bev. Ur. Baker's name to the committee. The Alliance afterwards met ae a mass meeting. Love. Gray and Ross delivered addreeses. 90 88 40 32 85 11 14 4 20 88 5 00 5 00 4 1 25 25 40 18 ALWAYS USE PEPPER'S PILLS 98 90 45 33 56 8.2 00 4 50 40 6 00 6 00 5 00 50 60 22 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. BANKING. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE with good garden, well and stable Apply to MRS. TURNBULL, Meohanic Street, CLOOD 2.YEAROLD HEAVY draught mars aOlt for sale, cheap. Cash or time. Apply to COCHRANE de JOHNSTON, 8-1 Marble Works, Bras eolo . understand that a rumor him bean industriously circulated that I will not go out at nights. This is absolutely false .and without foundation. It is evidently done for a purpose, tf- WM. GRAHAM', M.D. IT ALF -BRED JERSEYS.- ..L Are you aware that 'a first cross be- tween a Jersey and any good milking cow makes the very beet I or either choose or butter. For particulars regarding my Jersey Bull apply at my Drug and Book Store. 0.8.. DE ADMA.N, Brunel& AloINTOSH & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, xzesserio.et O4e:m.02.0a 33o.alcisn.e. 3T3ssanisseccia.. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United Statee Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Doponits. Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Argenta -11111nOlLWIT's BANS OT/ CANADA. New York Agents-IMPOnTanti AND Tnan Bus NATrotat,13arin. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.- _ tbe roat' ir of the estate of Cear-ass DAHMER, Of the Townshin of Grey, in the County of Boma, fal.ner, debtor. 8.11 pari:ae 1ndebtod to the above estate are hereby notified to settle the same with the undersiguedat onee. A.RANMANN, ranbrook, Sept. 8,1800, Assiougg. VOTIGE.-I HEREBY NOTIFY- tho public generally not to give credit to any person on my amount as I will not be responsible for debts Mins contracted, nor will 1 hold myself liable for the forging of my denature to written orders as I intend prosecuting any person found guilty of for - gory. JAMES SMART. Grey, Aug. Oh, 1800. 4-3 PATENTS,catVaterrnagarot ar patent amuses in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully 'at- tended to. 'Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I make careful examination , and advise am to patentabilityfree of charge. Pees modorate,and I make no charge unless pat„, .., is secured. InforMation, advice and spaniel reforoacea sent on applioatioti. J. H. L1TTELL, Wethington,13.0., 11.121. Patent Office. na VOTERS' LIST COURT. Nobles iXoreby given that a Court will bo hofil, pursuant to "Thu Votore' Lido Act,. by Hie Honor Me Judge of tho (Monty C ourt of the Comity of Huron at bre Tow» 11111, 13rnseela Oe SATURDAY, the lith day of Septoinber,1800, at nine o'cloek, to hoer and determine ilit,ieveral complainte of errors and oiniesicete in the Voters1,18101 tho Municipality of Brussels for 18110. All per- sons having bnoineso at the Court aro 00. guirod M attend at the Odd Muse and plae6, F. 8, SCOTT, Clerk of odd Munioipality. Dated the 2061a day of Aug, 11.0, lit 0 REWARD.- kt3 Qs-, Lost en Thursday, Lev 30,1, on the street in Wrsxebsr it name' of bills, emoutithig to 'MA and a promissory note drawn by Jokir Sanderson in favor 01 Jane Walker for MO. dated Jana Oth. 1888, and haying 8 payment Of 5350 endorsed on the back thereof, dated April 11118, 1800, A re - Ward 06920.00 vrill be paid fur the recovery of the above, or for snob information as will lead thereto. Alienates MO Warned eget net negotiating the above mentioned note, the sana having been kat, Wrozoter, July 15th,'00, JANE WALKER, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and 'Conveyancer, Colles - Mona made, Offioe-Vanstone's Blook, Brim. sets. 51-355 . SINCLAIR, NVM • Solicitor, Conve rainier, No tary Pub- lic, &c. Office -Graham's Bleak, 1 dc or north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. DlOKSON & EfAYS, (Late with Garrow &Proudfoot, Code. rich,) Bamoters, Solleitore, Conveyancer% &a. Offices-ifirusaels and Soaforth, • Brus- sels Office,Rogors' Block, Main St. Money to Loan. 15.s. HAY% 00. 0. Maxim% A M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., Barrister, Solicitor, dm., of the firm of Taylor, kfoCullough & Burns, Batriatere Solicitors, &o., Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan, IALLEX. HUNTER, Clerk of ibis Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loos. Collections made. Office in Graham's Block, Brussole. MEDICAL CARDS. NvTM. E. GALE, M.D., 0.61., Member of the College of Phyoician and Surgoone of Ontario by examination Office and Residence -Maio street East, Ethel,Ontario, T A. MoNAUGHTON, D. P.1 • O. M., tla E. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store 11.0in 9 tO 1130 ii. in. and Dom 1B0 to 4 p. in, At other houi may be found at his residence, form- erly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson, killi at. DENTAL. 2:8 =1,0'X'S00T.31,2' G. L. Ball, L. 0.5, Nitros Oxide Gins ad- ministered for the Poinloss Extraction of Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street East. Tonowro, NT XIS T 1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S.. D, D, S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto UM- vereity. 08,61017-OppOlgte American EfOtal, Brumois, BUSINESS CARDS. NVH. MoORACKEN, • Isourer ef MarriageLloonses. Office at his Grammy, Turnborry street, Brussels, Ds N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist Shop -Next door soutla of A. 00. Molloy & Co`o hardware store. Ladies' and childrens hair cutting a spocialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A BloNAIR, ..C3.• Ignitor of Marriage Lioeneos, by appointment of Liout,-Governor, Commie- siouor, &a., Q. B. Conveyancer alla Agent Fin Insurance Co. Office at the Orathrook Post Office. gor.4.,a3m TO Gronrtm ki Loaves Brilintela °Vary availing on the orriyal of the Iiintiorth stage, and returns from Gerrie in the morning in time to °etch the Sealorth stage going out. This rule will be adhered to until further notice. S. WALSH, Proprietor. MISS CALE, Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Organist in Eit, John's othroh, Brus- sels, soliolts a share of the patronage of the mimics -loving people of Bruesols and viain- ity. Instruotious given at current ratan. Terms, referencia, Am. may be asoortained by calling at the residence of H. Donnie, Turnberry street, Brussels, Hor °lase in Ethel will continuo to reoelve regular at - &widen, 7-11 ATISS LILLA O'CONNOR doalrous of procuring pupils in Vocal Musio. Prof. Warrington, of Toronte ia pleased to give his toatimonial as to Miss O'Connor% ability, die baying bean a pupil of his during her otay in Guelph. Instru. mental Abash, on Pis..., Organ and Guitar. Terms made known on application. Primus St., Brnesels. blias O'Connor is open for Concert Mngagereen te. 38 - AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend Woo of farms, farm stook, &a. Teresa cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. O. Sales may he arranged at TUE Poirr Publishing Houso, Animals. (.1r EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auetionaer, Salmi oonduct- ed on reasonable terms. Farms mud 1 mon stooks eneoialty. Orden left at Ten Pose! P obit Oiling Roue ,Bru Osolo, or son t to‘Val ton 0, 0,, will rtheive prompt attention. FAVING TAKEN OU -T SE ea alt AllatiOnalor, I eon prepared to Deeded sales of farm stook at ronsonablo priemr. Buowing tho standing of nearly every parson oan in a poattion to Ostl to good mato and got good sonority \vim aold on °teat, Satiefitotion gintranteml, Eflvo me eon. 30- IP S. SCOTT. VETERINARY. 'XThIW.E0K & GOLLIIY, Honor oracluatee of the Ontario Veterinary College, foe preparee to treat ell eleorsees of demootitiatc41 animals lu a eom- potent Manila% Particular attoution paid 1.0 veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Dines and therm:My-Two doors north of bridge, Turtherry ste Brussels.,