HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-9-5, Page 7;LI
SEPT. 5, 1890
Oh, 1 iumv (0 certain woman who bk reekoll•
cal with the good,
But ehe 0110 mo ivith more torpor than a rag.
Ing lion would.
The little chills run up end down my spine
whone'or we moot,
Though she 130411111 10 gontio creature and
the's very trim and neat.
Aod oho has a thousand virtues and not, one
acknowledged alit,
But she is the twoof person you could likon
to a pin.
And the prothe you, mid she sticks you, in a
way that can't bo
When you seek for what has hurt you, why,
you cannot find the head.
But tho fills you with discomfort. and exits -
prating pain -
If anylenly asks you why, you ropily can't
A pin 18 sueh a tiny thing -of that Otero is
II() doubt -
Yet, when it's sticking in you ooh, you're
wretched till it'S out 1
She is wonderfully observing -when she
meets a pretty girl
She is always sure to tell herif her "bang" is
out of curl.
And she is eo aympathotio ; to hor friend,
who's meth admired,
She Is often heard remarking "Docte, you
look so worn and tired
And the is a careful critic, for on yesterday
she eyed
Tho new dross I was airing with a woman's
natural pride
And oho said, "011, how becoming," and
then softly added, "it
Is really a misfortioto that the basquo is
such a fit."
Then she said, "If you had heard= yester-
eve Pm sure, my friend,
You wonlil say I 10111 a champion who knows
how to defontl,"
And she loft 010 with the fooling -most un-
pleasant, I aver,
That the whole world would despise me if it
had not been for her,
Whenever I encounter her, in snoh a name-
less way,
She gives me the impression I am at my
worst that day.
And the hat that was imported (and that
cost ,no half a sonnet)
With just one glance from her round eyes
becomes a Bowery bonnet.
She is always bright and smiling, sharp and
shining for a thrust -
Use does not seem to bhmt hor point, nor
does she gathor rust,
Oh !1 wish some hapless specimen 01(1)011 -
kind would begin
To tidy up the world for me by pielcing up
this pin.
Love for Mother,
When gruff old Dr. Johnson was fifty+
years old, he wrote to nis aged niothar as if
he were still her wayward but loving boy :
"You have been the best mother, and I ho-
lier° tho best woman in theivorld. I thank
you for all your indulgence to me, and beg
forgiveness of all. that I have done ill, and
of all that I omitted to do well."
John Quincy &clams did no0 part with his
mother until ho was nearly, or quite, as old
as this, yet his cry 0001: then watt 1 "Ob,
(iota could she havo been spared y•ot a little
longer Without her tho world seems to
tne like a solitude, " When Preithlent Knot,
of Union College, was morothan ninety years
old, and had been for 1011 10 000001y a college
president, as strength and otiose failed him
in his dying hours, the -memory of his
motility's tenderness was fresh and potent,
and he could be hushed to needed sleep by
a gentle potting on the shordclor, and toe
singing to him of the olcl-time lullabies, as
if los mother were still sitting by his bed.
side in loving mystery, as she hualbeen well-
nigh a century before The true son never
grows olcl to a Mao mother.
Home Topics,
TATUNG OARS OF 01011 Flture-With all
the othor work of the summer comes that
of taking care of the fruit, if ono is so fortu-
nnto as to have (1)000 (11101) enough for present
uso. If the housewife lives in tho city and
must buy all her fruit, it will not pay her
to buy for wonting. She might better buy
it canned ready for uso. With pickles, pre
s ryes, jellies and marmalades 10 10 dill'orent,
These can raroly be prootrod thot comparo
favorably with those made ot home. With
pickles them is always a lurking suspicion
of sulphurio acid, and with jellies and mar.
malados there is always a feeling of uncer-
tainty as to the ingredients.
PEACH alsiumrotim.-Tho peaches shonld
be ripo and soft, but small onea will be as
good as larger ones. Peel the fruit and
out it in tosmall pieces. Weigh it: before put.
ting it over the fire with 0 pint of water.
Boil it steadily until the peaches are soft and
es nundi of the water evaporated as can be
without clanger of scorching. Remove it from
the fire and sift it through a colander, then
add three (mortars of a pound cif sugar' to
each pound of the peaches, Pub it ovor the
fire again and let it boil, stirring 10 all the
time toproventsoorohing. When you think
it is nearly thick onough, take out
anti cool it to deeide. Whon the marmalade,
is done, fill p0110 01000 end soal then. This is
excellent when used by itsolf or in puddings.
Quiston ManstdrAnia-This is made the
same as peach, but if qffinces 1000 1100 plonty
a very good marmolade oan be matte by using
an equal crunatity of old:Ices and applos, and
11 0110 qumoe poolings and cores are boiled
with an equal quantity of apples and strain-
ed through a jelly -bag, a delicately flavored
quince jelly may bo made.
a1kA1'I4 JELLY AND MARIttABA1)11.-It lo
always best, to make theso at ono thno.
Pick ovor and 01/011) woll.flavorod grapes,
with sonic not quite ripo ones among them.
Press thom Until you him enough juloo so
they will need no WatOr, to Cook 0110111. Lot
than boil until the skinS aro broken, Sum
pour into a jelly -bag, hang it up and lot as
much juice drain out 110 1011! without squeoz-
ing tho bag any. Of this juice moire jolly
by adding a pint of sugao to oacth pint of the
Jute° tind boiling it until it) will jelly when
cold. I do mot think any exact rule eat) be
Oxon as to the time jolly should boil, as
ammitiouis tho juice is thiekor thon et others
and soma days it will evaporato Motor.
Empty Oho grapes out of tint bag into a
colander, sift Gunn and mit the pulp book
in a preserving.lcottle, adding two pints of
sugar to throo of the grapes. Let It: boil,
stirring it oonstantly 1)1)111 11 cools thick 00-
011g11, and then nal in glass jars.
011I01100 G00A11108, --Take telt pounds of any
good, ripo grapots, oigot pounclo of sugar,
L010' tablospoonfuls ottch of cloves and elm.
motion, and oho quart of vinegar. 13oil tho
grapeo as for nutomalado, rub them through
ciilatulor, and then add the sops, vinogar
and spieos, and boil all together slowly un-
til thiok onough. Splood gooseborries, ohm,
ries and ourrentil triad° in the salno Way aro
Family Lunches for Autumn.
Sweetbread Pates, Raised Corn•Afeal
Muffins, Frital Potatoes,
Jelly 'roma:.
011''11110111U4A1, PATlis. Scald and 'dimwit 11.
pair of sweetbreada ; romovo bits of skin
and gristle ; ohop 10,01101' eoareoly, and atir
Into a onpful white mance ; seaeon to taste.
Haim ready pastry eltells made hot in the
011311, end fill Ulm with tho moot:breadth
Solid vory hot to table. A few mushroomo
chopped with the tufeetbroads are a PlutuAnt
011:1 1 Lion.
Ratako C101110 -11111a0, aim:oaths, -Tim cope
milk, 2 oups cormoneel, 1 tabledspoonful
white torgar, 1 tahle.spoonfill lard, (outlier
yeast cake. Heat the milk to boiling, and
pour it upon the meal. While 0118 18 warm,
beat in all the other (ingredients except, the
litrd, Let it rise six hoors, Add the lard,
Fill muffin tins, and lot the boater rise
twenty minutos boforo baking.
JELIA"roA00.-Out stale Mea,l into neat
rounds or squareo ; fry oath olioo ht boiling
deep fat ; epread it thickly with some frnit
jelly, end serve very hot.
Deviled Ham. Sliood Potatoeo,
Rye Biscuit.
Craakere and Cheese.
OEVILED HAN.-Out cold boiled corned
or smoked ham into rather thiult slices, rub
'tvell with a mime made as de:writ:cal in
Chapter XVI. for " Deviled Mutton," anti
broil the ham over 0 clear lire.
Stamm Po0A0M1S.-Cut six boiled pota-
toes into neat slices, warm thorn in a steam.
ev, transfer to a dish, and put on thom a
tablespoonful of chopped parsley. Lot
them stand five minutes before serving.
Ibya Bisourr, -Two oups rye flour, 1
cup white flout., ij cups milk, 1 table-
spoonful sugar, 1 table.apoonful lard, 1
tablespoonful butter, teaspoonfuls bak-
ing -powder salt -spoonful salt. Rub the
shortening into the flour after sifting the
salt anti baking -powder with it ; add the
sugar and the milk ; roll the dough out
quickly, and Mika tho biscuit 111 ts brisk
Cold Chicken Pie. Potato Salad,
Cold Bread.
Gingerbread, C000a.
Ordered to Haul Down His Oolors•
Alosmitzda, Sept 3.-A despatch received
by Mr. Laurance consul for Venezuelo,
stotes that the iritish gun boat Ready,
from Demerara, with Commissioner Me -
Tooth on board, arrived at 'Sarin:, at the
month of tho Orinoco, and ordered the
captain of Faro, a Venezuelan man-of-war,
to haul down his colors. He submitted to
Ole superior force. The Venezuolan govern-
mont has 001)0 10 commission (0 01(0 spot to in-
vestigate. The commander of the Faro will
110 tried by court-martial for having yielded
without making proper show of resistance.
The press of Ceraceas suggests that an-
other vessel be sent ivith her guns shuttocl
and the Venezuelan flag nailed tothe mast,
anclif ivorsted to appeal to the United
Slates and tho sisho republies of South
America and to the parliament of England.
A dispute has existed some time between
England and Vencznela as to a portion of
territory lying between British Guiana and
the mouth of the Orinoco river which is the
natural outlet, for the produce of the coun-
try, lattoly two ('11111111110 111011(0(1 Willican
Try Stevens and Charles A. Connolly,
represonting themselves as Americans from.
Now York, wero expellod from the oountry
for selling maps in the city of (lemmas
showing this bolt of land as being disputed
Life in a Chnions Stone,
Bernard. Kammerrnan, of Topeka, Ks.,
has in his possession a singular stone, which
ho found a few years apo on the hanks of the
South Platte, in Colorado. It is a small,
irregular-shaped pebble of a greyish blue
tint, 11011 and faint, like smoke, but which,
11 1)01(1 tightly in the 111011(1 100' a few minutes
will communicate a aeries of distinct alio&
liko that of an electric battery, slight, but
powerful enongh to be felt all over the body.
When thus grasped, the pebble seems to be
pulsing and thas if endowed with
T 13
0 Why Shou 11 The Spirit of Mortal
Be Proud.?
en10110$340 04114001,148 FAVOR= Peen, .
0 ,o -h- should Om spirit of mortal be prond 1
1,1*,,, (1 fast -lilt that 1(1(11 0(0', 11 se:UO.413-1 og Mond,
A flash of the lightning, 18 brook of tlio waro
(110(1 pft.set from II fo to his rest in dui glare.
The leare4 of the oak and tho willow shall fade
lie seat teea
d nnual, and together he jsi,1:
And Ile, young and 111/ old, and the low and tho
Shull moulder to dust. and together shall Ile.
The infant a mother al (0,1e(1 011,1Tho mother i111,11 inainvo ailhetion Who proved,
Tito husband that mot low anti in ranWho
t bless.
Each, all, aro away to thole dwollitora of rest
The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, In
who., t.(')'l',Shone beauty and pleasure -ha triumphs are
by 1
Anti the memory Of those who loved her and
Aro Wilco from tho 8)111,15lx of 1115 living erased.
Tho hand of the king that tho 000p108 hath
Tito brow of the priest that tho mitre had rtswn,
The eyo 02 11,0 '4041', and tho heart 01 1110 brave,
Aro hidden and lost in tho depths of the grave.
The 000010210 3311040 lot Wits 10 0(1(0 and to reap,
Tim herdsman who climbed. with 01,,01,,goats up
Um stoop,
Tho hoggar who wandered In tiOarolt of his
llove faded away like the grass that 000 1001011,The saint who enjoyed the emensuniOn of
Tim sinner tele-) dared to ronuon UnforgiVen,
Pho Wise and the Dudish, the guilty and .lust,
Have quietly mingled their bones In the dad.
So tho multiludo goes, liko tho 'flower anti the
That wither away tO tabors suerood ;
So the multIttidu moms ovon those 31%1 bohold
To repeat every tale that has often boon tom.
For wo aro 0110 same that our 1.,1180r4 havo
We see 110 00100 sights our fathers havo soon ;
We arink the sanot swami, mud 010)0 the sante
Anran 1110 sante course that oar Callon; hem
Tlio thoughts weave thinking our fathers would
Froto the (101011 100 are shrinking from, they too
would shrink :
To On llfo we isro (dinging to, they, ton, would
cling ;
But it spootLi frOm the earth, like a bird on tho
Thoy loved, but that story we ;Inning nnfold;
They snorted but thu heart of the haughty to
cold 1,
They grieved, but no 301111 from Owls, slumbers
will Keno ;
'Oho+ ioy'd, but the voice of their gladness is
They died -ay I tam- died ; and WO things that
aro now.
00110 1010111 on Lilo turf 011210 1111(4 over the' r brow,
Who make in their dwelling (010885101,0 abode.
Meet the changes they nteet on their pligrimago
Yea 1 hope and despondency, pleasure and pain
Are mingled together in sunshine and min,
And (00 smile and tho tom, the song and the
Still follow each other, liko surge upon surge.
Tis the wink 01 1011 eye, tho draught of a
From the blossom of health to Um p101011043 011
From the gilded saloon to tho bier and the
shroud -
Why should the spirit 02 11)001011 be proud I
Big words sometimes express Very 00101al
Spirits of turpentine will tako grease or
drops of paint out of cloth. Apply it till
the paint can be scraped off.
Corm CIIICKEN Pim-Stow a grown chick-
en until holder, putting it on llo cold water,
gild cooking very slowly; arrange thepieces
in a deep pudding (11811, laying in with them
two hard-boiled eggs out into slices ; pour
over all a cupful of the gravy, which should
be well -seasoned; cover the pie with a pastoy
cruet, mid bake in a moderate oven. Add
to two cups of the remaining gravy a quarter
box of gelatino soaked in a little cold. water,
a small glassful of sherry, and cutable.spoon-
fal of vinegar ; when the pie is done, pour
this gravy into it through an opening 1001011should have been left Mile top. Make this
pie the day before it is to be eaten. It Mau
excellent dish for Sunday lunch or tea.
MISS HELEN RORKE, graduate of .Alma
Ladies' College, has been for several years
stenographer and typw
0-riter to Mr. 'Mot.-
ford, Superintendent of the Michigan Cen-
tral R. 1.1.-a rosponsiblo and valmiblo pooi.
tion. She is one of the best shorthand
writers of Canada and liko all graduates of
Alma Commercial College 10)11fitted for her
life and prodrobbingucos an intinistaltable exhilara. work. Any young woman can obtain a 60
ton of the holder's physical mul mental PPCalendar by addressing PittScirAL
organizations, a very pleasant sensation, re-
sembling that following a draught of wine.
Tins contact with the stone qtuckons tho
pulse, and if continued inoretmes tho heart
beats to an alarming extent, but without In
y eludes recognitions by its viotims
any apporont ill effect. The pebble, on other pose".
in more shapes, and mom pleasing, than any
boing held tightly for some minutes, l000s
its gray Mae and WOXIIIS tO a vevy polo roso 0101)011 dost ill the joy fades, not the pains ;
If well, tho pa.in cloth fade, the joy romains.
color, growing translucout, -when utatuner- .
able fire veins of a golden red con be seen 1 • 1 be great merit 111 alLOCUal'a
running through it, glowing as if filled with 1 1000 'rn:s0 1010 OXYGENIZED EMUL.
a living fluid, When placed in 'tooter the VI3111301'Narn'otir PIM COD LIVER OIL has
white and cream. with takon tho first place as a. we for :Amount).
stone turns to a sickly greon splotohed
1311'. Kaminerman says he has had his
singular find examined by the finest geolo-
gists M. the country, but all declare their ig-
noranoe of 100 1(10011110, which seems to bo Slot
of a mineral, though possessed of a kind of
life of an °Metrical character,
(13rails , 13. D.
The receiver is as had as tho thief, but
neitheo of them feels as bacl as the loser.
Remedies for Roup.
If against you whet is to bo tho
This is another drooded (11801400(11801400so of many filial outcome ?
God is
hens, and should bo attondod to ab onoe. If
chicks are kept dry, this disetiso is in a All Men
measure provented. The first symptoms are young, 0111, or middle-aged, who find them
sneezing, hoarseness and a slight running oi selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
the nostrils. Do not nogloot it, for it 10 0011- are broken down from excess or overwork,
tagious. The hon in its oncleavors to drink moulting in many of the following symp
will stand at the trough for hours, going .toms -Mental depression, promature ohl
through the motions, and so the water be. ago, loss of vitality+, loss of memory, bad
mimes poisoned, which the other fowls tako dteoms, dimness of stglit, palpitation of the
io chinking, end soon Olio entire flock is heart, omissions, lack of enorgy, plan in the
ronpy. Take the sewing maohino 011.0011; kidneys, headache, pimplos on thel fatal or
clean 10 1111(1 fill with kerosene. Wash oath, body:, Molting or peculiar sensationabout tho
fowl's nostrils with carbolic sottp-ends ; then ' scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
inject two or throe drays of kevosene in tho 1 specks before the eyes, twitching of the
nostrils. 01000 (0 clay is sufficient. A vary ' 11111S010S, 03,0 lido and elsewhore, boo 311)11)005,
depootts in tho mho), lose Of will powov,
tin and kindred diseases. livery druggist
sells it and no householder should bo \nth.
otit it. The remedy is reliablo and invalu-
able. .
To bo ignorant of ouc's ignoraneo is the
malady of ignorance.
Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pino, for
Collis and dolds, is tho most reliable modi-
eino n use.
easy way, but not as suvo o oure, is to burn
brimstone or sulphur in the 1100)l03100 at
ovoning, whon fowls ore at roost, The (Nee-
tenclorness of the scalp and spino, worth and
flabby nutsoles, dosiro to sleep, failure to be
laon to using Sulphur about, fowls is thn,t, rosbocl by sleep, constipotton, du bless o
they aro more opt, to take cold. naming, loss of yoke) closiro for solitude,
Came should be taken that not too 11111011 ! excitability of tempor,sunkon eyos anrronod-
thlphur is Inwood. Take an holt dish ; put ed with LEAD11:4 0114011,11, oily looking skin,
in a small shovolful 01 (000(1 coals ; tako to oto., are all symptoms of nervous &Unity
tho hotAmtse, which meat be closed up 1 that lead 00 11(8041103' and death unleSS cuaed.
Tho spritig or vital force lutviog lost its
tensiot ovevy funotion 1041100 in oonsequonco,
Those who through Abuse oommitted 00
ignorance may be permanently mind. Sond
lightly,' place the dirat On the floor, pttt on
half 0, teaspoonful of sulphur for a room 8
by 10 foot, and leave Lo burn for 1 0 or 15
then Open the door allow a
froth supply of el; romove tho pan or you, cffiress for book. On 1111 diseases peculiar
phitr, edid ohm for the night, Yeti should ta man. Adclrose AI, V. LUBON, 00 Front
118e your judgment abotitliow inuel: of tho St .4 Toronto Ont. Books sonb free naiad,
(tunes tho hens can endue° ; a Mal° does
much good. After sulphur smudge be
vory careful of tho hong, Its thoy will get
worse instead of bottor if allowod 0111 1)) the
rain or fog.
bo,a, quicker that 10 first, pn e a on , to
Heart (Batas°, the symptoms of 11)1)101) 8,10
faint spolls, purple lips, numbness, palpita-
tion, skip boots, 1101, tholes, rush of blood
to ill.: head, dull pain hi the 1)01000 withboats
strono, rapid end irregnier, thew
sami heart
Don't forgot, to look ab your hook before broast bone, 040., 0411 pOSitivoly bo ourod
beginning to fish, If ie is blunt chump or 00081 no pay. Send for book, Addreso
olutrpon mO ou 0 Watt:lid:other's filo, you TO' V 11 nioN, 50 Front Strool: Best, To.
should over carry for the purpose, ,,,Ate. 011t.
AGreat List or rotors and Irony Attrac-
tions Mr the 01111111803 84,l)10 at Toronto,
rrolil 8(1)0, 80*' to soft.
Tito 0110e04s 111111 has 1,1 11,11(101 1 ho Orval In-
dukitrial Fair, W111011 bt hold annually 101 'Forme
10, llas beim remarkable, and it is (widen L that
tho exhibition for Om present year, which is
10 1,,, held from holt 11 to the Seth of nes 1 month,
will again et11006 Ityllittelo,hoyw, The ent Nes
4,01011 have itircadv been recoived from all narts
tho Dominion, ('1(11,1(1 Slate, and Down
Britain, ,111, n11111(10111' to flil tho 01110410 05
the grounds, and hey Me reported to be of
010011 111101' '3(11)1)1)' (1,4,0 1(11)' heretofore exhibit.
ed, A large entry llst Is generally a good 10'l(.
('111101) 111,11 11 will Ito followed by a !urge at.
of 014)1(110. tool t10 Vel'y 011(.1111 fares
and excursions !moo boon annoituced by ail till,
I tiklImLy and Stnamboat lines from all peels /,1
Canada nod the adjoining Stales, his Indica.
11101 will doithtles., be folly vitrified on 110 pre.
sent occasion. '1'110 UlWernOr.ileneral and
PrInve norgo of Wales 11111 probably visit the
Eat:it:Mon, :torero! More new buildings havu
been (vested this ;TRY and still there is no
spare 10 0111000. Special exhibits have boon en
lured front Spain, British Columbia, AinnItcha,
end tailor eeetions of 1 anode ; and large dis-
plays will Ito motto by the Dominion and Ontario
10XItorlInontill Farms. A long list or speelal
tertian, hue° been providod including 4 lam(
Wild. West, show, grand d 1141/114, 001 fireworks,
concluding with Lilo ninguilleentspoetecle, the
"Last liftys of Pompeii, Edison's wonderful
talking dolls, 14100(10 ilogshow, end amultItude
02 001(01' features that cannot fail o entertain
the many thousands that will doubtless visit
tho groat Voir. Full partieulars of all that itt
to he 8000 WIII ho contained in tho Omelet pro.
grammes whioh will be iteanul In a day or two.
Deer tsvo hundred and 1110* Linnets nti people
visit ed the Toronto Fair Iasi year, nod, ntho
attondanoo has boon gradually 111ero/141041 moll
yea r, 10(8 probable that this number will be ex.
ceedod this year. A largo number of 1)00 000.
Pions anti meotings aro to bo hold at Toronto
during the Fair, among which are Most) of the
Stoek 131'eedors, 1Slanuf0000rers, Ontario Crean,-
erlos Association, Central Farmers' Institute,
T11 00111 ON. 1110 Canadian Medical AssoolallOn,
Dog Fanciers, Sze., nnd vis1tor:0o thu Pair will
1,11)0 art opportunity or attending 111080 inout-
ing, All untrie4 cl000 011 1110 111111 11110., and in -
lending exhibitors should govern Mom solves
Afri.11ronson- -"Well, J'olinny, how do you
liko Switzerland ?"
Johnny-" Very much, mamma ; but I
thought from my imp it was pinker,
It will not bo long before you will have
forgotten all the woahl, toul in a littlo time
P 11 7.
all the world will have forgotten )'1t1.A
ermuda Bottled.
"Von must go to Bermuda. If
you an not it win not be respensi•
tile for the consequenees." But,
doctor, a can afford neither the
time tkor tho money." "Well, It
that is impossible, try
6 1 rti
'41B ,
I sometimes call it Dermlida Bot-
tled, and Many oases of
Bronchitis, Cough
or Severe Cold
have CURED with it; an,1 the
advantage I, that the most Sensi-
tive atomacit ean take ht. Another
thing 401:1011 commends it is the
stimulatime DrOit.rtles of rho Br.
popikesohlies winch it contains.
Von will 111141 it l'OP 81110 at your
Um:grist's. In salmon wrapper. Bo
suro you get the genuine."
SCOTT AN SCOW Sal, 00e11e:411e.
Uancer &TUMORS without the knife
0(0) 0,0 0.11.31a1CHASIL,31(11,
03 ((Inure St., 11000.110,
PATE NTS proourod in Canada, 1/.8
and Foreign Countrtos.
W. GIL Mill. 71 7011.00 St.. Ter a
13es0 value In tho Dominion, F. E. DIXON &
CO., Makers, 70 King stroot East, Toronto.
krdend for Prim Listo and
GENTS 04'INTED-131g Money 0hoie0-
_,A, Donk,. Control of territory. Applyra once
E. N, 11101!-E10 Ss CO., 120 Yonge bt., Toronto.
0"lgg4,V0L?Biai7,ic100(1 0' 01)1011
43 'Victoria street, Toronto.
P ECIALsj/Arifatslcrlff_Tk8iS t1sBooi03, iy,rt
ship, Shorthand, ypdvriting. PlOs
Instruction ntornin,,,,s, special exeitrslons of ter-
1100ILS. Circulars fret% Canadian College of
Co tttttt orec. Publio Library 111111110003, 10,01,10
It.OPL1f out of 10W11 coming to tho
lion should kayo their drosses Parisian
Plaited. Skirts 100 n. yard; Children'sskirts or
capes, 250 a yard. .11 iss Staekhouso, 127 Yonge
Strout, !I'Oronto.
±lJsautng weekly boMveen MONTREAL and
LIVERPOOL Saloon Tickets $10, $00 and $60
Return Tickets, $60, $00 and $110, according to
steamer and accommodation. Mtertnediate 823,
SI omega $20. Apply to Al. E. 11111411)1X, Gen -
oral Manager Cannoillin Slapping 1:0.,
TOM 11017010 0441)01110, :11-1037.00,e01,a or to hootti
Agouti in all Towns and Cities.
Send for catalogue,:
T V -
Ch. ',Met 1111,1
n nsm PLACE
Anwrlea to bee
Sand ahrl idusloal
AdclresslillIALEV,1001'0E CO., 110 Tenet
( V. SololilIl. V(110 for en I a loge°.
Plao's Itemody 'for Catarrh Is tho
Bost, Stagiest tts Use and Cheapest. '
y Irir
00111 07 druggists 011 0000 by inall,504
111,1), laminae, Warren, Pa., U.S.A.
DTessinahrs' Magic Scale.
The Tailor System
of cutting imps'ov-
ed and alinpliiied
COMittaie 1,L elle plere.
Portoot-Fitting Sloovo 11
opeciolt'. Waist, Linings
and DrOssos Cut. Corsets
lintiO 00 Order. fattlefae
1150 guaran torsi. WM° DrOSS
Forms tor droning. oto.
Yonget„St.iljuot South t)f Uollege
WigANTED In every town in the lannInlon
reliable 108(1 (0 represent Elm 1)04011110,11)04011110,113 tand Loan Await, Vial Yong° St. Toronto,
TR F E 'At—Jo-Pi"
0)10)0410 0E1 1, nakisana,
* Sod resots have roma
, to light. 1, iodine are re
Claimed from
01114 GRASP 024 mktAT
lionitlik VOWED.,
St. Leon Water, 11 5000
ly toted. win artowsr
0110 1m04011 01'0. (001 10
11 barrel, inny by it, drinh
without stint, and you
will estame from the
deadly pit of gall and
woe, to tho 011,0344)0)e00
of dear, sweet life. The
'41. Palace Ilotel its now
open at Spr
voolptloo (11
/ings in I'. 4).
Leads ail 011101' Voltages in ramula In the num.
bur of matrioulant, prepared tunundiy.
air 0,a1,11 IminumwaH aro (aortal to thoaa
n.1,0110111,4 0 Med nest Ed nest/Ion, Send for
oalenfInv. .Acifiross l'unicIPAL 110013, 31.4,
T*4J1,50l4 110114 ean make money dining roan.
1 lion by canvassing for MIL Or entre of our
fast sel I ng Rooks and Sibles, especially if 1story
et (Janata!, by W. 11.Withrow, 1).1)., 1011001 130(1
best 041111011 evor published, Sriees low, torrns
tioural. WrIto for illmoratod circulars and
terms. WM. J11110001 Publishor.Toronto.
loot' Pall, 0071(11111Mo over 1000 Illustrations of
Ladles', Misses,and Itoys' Garments, Price
aoc in stamps. Domestic Catalogue,
fall, 30. Domostic Monthly_for Sept., 15c
New York Domestio Fashion 0o.,
113 l'emperanee Strk.el. Tertian).
or 111(111)' of Pattern Atronele,,
Best Trees. Best Terms. Best
Plan. Best Outfit Free, Special
Aids for Beginners.
go. Nursery Co., Louisiana, Mo.
sti1 l '
Send for catalogue.
For Circular Address,
77 Northcote Ave., Toronto
Spacious buildings, lighted with gas, healed
by hot wator, all modern conveniences. ex..
tonsivo grounds. First class stair, under Lady
Principal front Europe. Board, furnislicd room,
fuel, light, tuition in English brunettes, French
and Llerman from Wu yearly. Thoroughly
elHolont Mush: and Finu Arts Department.
Sossion opens Sept.. lath. For circulars svrito to
REV. DR, WARDEN, Montreal.
,S5000 Vaubli'X:1"101•UtganT4':
rutty protected by patentsTo the ono who is
able 10handle the Socretaryship for the 1001 -
puny 10 gnaranteo of fifteen hundred will bo
given. Closest 1111.0Ltigat011 LUIlLit 11. Call or
address, ELDRIDGE .4: CO., 1•111/111 13, ,,or.
queen and Vie Mehl SIN.• Toronto.
lfll,10111100141. & col.. Duren and Vic-
toria. Sta., Toronto, will exhibit at tho
annual exhibition, conunoneing Sept. 81 (1, clos-
ing tho 2000, (10110 display of Canada and U. S.
Patents of Om latest dates. Any parties har-
ing any good patent.; of in rit and desiring to
hams the same included in this exhibit, can
mkt) satisfactory arranguments by addressing
the above firm.
who wishes 'o good position and has
six'or seven thousand dollars to p11011 a
reliable company ean noW got tho opportunity
by addressing ELDRIDGE CO., eel.. Queen
and Illetoria Simi. room 13.
Any parties having small capital to invest,
would find it to thoir interest to communicate
ssith. ELDRIDGE At CO.. ems. Quern and
Victoria Ms.Toronto, Manufacturers'Agents
nal Commission Merchants. Patents bought
and sold. Business chances negotiatud.
F1cdip(0(0.eI0fl. 1 0111 Ws0ol (1 10 0000
10 ,
in severe VMS stern other remedies have faliod,
My reason for sending a /he hotra IS I 1 IVIIL the
medicine to be i own 1000III.
nesuistloo. It toss you :loth(
Ing fora trial, 80110 racii.1 cum
ts certain. Give Expteas and
Post Oflite. Addzott E
11 G ROOT 115. C., 180 West Adelaide St.
'Toronto, Ont.
The Best Goods
Sold by the Principal Boot
and Shoe Dealers.
revery Pair Stamped.
fit/ ettt
Ke,VriOr 04'
e1 V1S1(01(3. For all 111200
St. teen Mineral Water Co, MIL, T0:4mM,
Or to St, Leon Springs, Quo.
Mg 1 lateraafty&Extentally, P1'1c0410c.$1,$1.75
ttssquallefl for 011021011 1210 Botany of Coloring. '
They are die max WES that
There is notling 1)1(8 01,1101 for Strength, Colorista
or Fliatneos.
DUB Pedigo VALLE 074%4121.7:tint 4e:the =Ad,
If you doubt it, try it! Your molt ty w01 be re -
fowled It you are not rourIneed teal. Fifty -
fear colors a, sinala in Turkish Dyes, obra-ing
8I1.0)q ahlttley, and others are adtivd a1, soon as they
become fashiancide, hey nee warren- (0 40
LI 000,14 104 do it better (halt !LW other Dy -
Same Price as InforicrBye,1C3
Canada Ittanch: 401 St, Bald Ste, t. tam:real.
Senelyostal for Sample Card and Book, of Instructions.
• •
grThe People's Annual Holiday'
1 L
Sept. 8th to 20th
The best and largest Exhibition
of Live Stook, Agricultural Products, Pima
Arts, Manufeetures of all kinds, and
Ladies' Work, etc., eto„
in the Dominion of Canada
and attenaed annually by over
2l1S.CF,0141044135 "isrxtrs:CWECOMIM*
including every Stock Breeder of any im-
portance in this 010111 103',
Or 1.0(013 013100)
and educational, instructive and enyoyable
The Newest and Best Attractions attain -
a1)10. Grand. International Dog Show, sta.
The beet tints to Visit the Metropolis al.
Chan Exeursions and low rotas on all.
Railways, eto.
Entries positively costae August 113th
For Prize Lists, Entry Forms on d all other
information, drop a poot card to
3.3.ava1.0anow, (0 .3. HILL,
President Manager, Toronto.
A Perfect Substitute for Meat
%To those who cannot eat meat in hot weather. It contains
all the NUTRITIOUS ELEMENTS of prime Beef, in 8.
.0. form that CAN BB DIGESTED by the WEAKEST
trimaawoshiaa.o2==idatiottoovitat Ezra atioirsiosaant
'11100110 111)ITOTt 1- Menne Moroi your readers that 0* Ave a positive -smedv for tea
above named disease. BY as timely o ; tnousinds 00110101bn s OttOdS have beent:r, rTm.aAn.ets01.130, ocuuromiii.
10111,11 to glad to send two hottl.s of my remedy Fri E4 00 any of your readers who have con.
sumptIon 10 12107 will send ice thole E press and Post Ofilee Address, nospeettu
M.O., lad 800t Adolaldo irSMS7iTtir, ONTARIO.
With Uprightn Horizontal Donors,
12, 16, no, 25 Suitable for all WOO 1
1011d3, crareshingkwziazi.x,
Traction Engines
2, x6 and 2o Horse -power.
Fos Ole North-West.
Solid for Birektlat,
Weems Engine Works tit
mattnioann parr)