HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-9-5, Page 6REALTEL trinity; hut when we know that ehildiso
frol"el,utia- mane when on:limed till' reve,
Diphtheria. .1a(-(0, itle eerttunly the part of wistlem to
take telventage of this knowledge, Many
Of those who parents become frightened if thereliappeneto
W6r° ibtta(44°41 Y°11°W be eatie of scarlet fever in the wheel. The
fever during the prevalence of that disease truthlit, there is tomparativelylittle danger
in Florida It year or tato ago, ouly aboutone' o • •
in eleven died, In the Mlle year there """ng Ln*"liseam n/tWbeginni".
danger arises front eareleeimess in falterin
were °lie thousand four Mulched and twenty- g
the Cann to ram to echo1 end wear the
12W0 eases of diphtheria in Boston, tif whith
clothing that has been wore dudes; etetva-
proved fatal, Duriug the lost eleven years lemma', or left where the emanetione from
Ute eruption eould lotigein the texture.
there have been fourteen thousand eight This euggeste the exercise of the greatest
hundred sixty•seven cases of diphtheria in possible care. .A case of Scatiot fiu'ef in a
, Boston, with an aggregate of four thousand mein where there are curtains, etwet,
eight huudred and twenty-five death% papered walla, with other ordinary furnish -
Such a fearful prevalence of this deadly
diseese, with its inceseant desolation of MT, will Make it unsafe for occupancy
dinitely, unless the germs of the disease
hotnes, is not by any means necessary. In be destroyed ; and in a room of thie kind,
Gibisg"/, 8"4144441, its ravsgss Illwe been one never feels sure that the fumigation
greatly check( d by means of enforced hole- has been aufficiently thorough. On the other
-tion and disinfeetion, and there is no retain with a room properly loceted and
why our own Boards of Health, if they were arranged, no danger in the future need be
anima with the requisite legal power end apprehended, Under these eiremnstances,
backed up by a wise public sentiment, might t to „ost &maw of oil of fee ammo of
.not be able to accomplish a similar result, children wOuld, in the majority of cases, be
Diphtheria is much more fatal them small- limited to one ease in the family, and the
pox, and the fact that it is less contagious a,
anger to that one greatly lessened.
only increasee the necessity of compulsory' The necessity for such a room in every
isolation ; for many persone expose them- home is almost imperative. We would be
nelves unnecessarily to diphtheria who could surprised if we could e8tinrate how often and
not be induced by any consideration to ex. how inuch of the time such 88 room would be
pose themselves to small -pox. used. When till the members of the house.
It is & fact of public interest that dtph hold are well, such a room would be quiet
theria does not go from house to house apart and restful, where any one might go for a
from personal communioation. Except in nap, from father and mother down to baby.
tenement houses, therefore, the patient can This last is of no small consideration when
be sefely bolded at home, provided the we take into account the suppression Imes.
ublie is duly notified by some simple but sary to be exercised when 801110 One either
iliar signal attached to the door. For accidently or intentionally falls asleep on
such es cannot be safely isolated at home, the sitting-renni couch. The convenience of
adequate municipal accommodation should even a cattail house would be greatly 1188088-
ed, 11 008 room in it were planned with a
The public needs to understand more view to comfort in this direction.—Good
fully than as yet it seems to do, that
diphtheria does not come like influenza for
instance, in the air ; but !that every case is
The Oomplexion.
from a previous case, and that thorough 180.
Jation and disinfectien would iu time stamp The plainest features have ti priceless
mit the disease, as completely as a noxious beauty when they are covered with a pure,
weed would be lifiled oet by the destruction
of all its seeds, velvety, transparent skin, It is the reeog-
tlition of this fact which leads so many of
e ust add that, in its early stage, our women to attempt the enhancement of
diphtheria is not readily distinguished front such oharms as they have in this direction
an ordinary sore throat. For this reason by the employment of means and methods'
every 0880 01 sore throat in a child, especially which too often lead to irreparable ruin in•
at a time what diphtheria, is prevalent, stead ot greater loveliness. Powders cos -
should be looked upon with a degree of metics, lotions and balms aro applied ley the
suspicion, enough at least to prevent the barrel in the attempt to preserve -0r restore
communication 01 15111(8 limy prove te he the the waning attractiveness, or to stimulate
dreaded disease. It should be kept in 8184 11, that which has never been in the possession
nasal catarrh 411(8 potAlict,4 suscepttblo to
also, that children with sore 81110e11 mai of the elle, All this 10 effort the
Nvrong tlir
1 17
the best cosmetics are of 18 very prosaic
composition, and cannot be bought at any
PhySical Training for Women, drug store. For the benefit of our readers
the secret may be whispered here—and the
Mr. Frederick Trevee calls attention to a formula. hvill be found efficacious. The first
perfectly new branch of the work 1111(1(0 8018- and indispeesable ingredient is good dips -
en by the society with reference to physical tion, insuring, pure blood, Plant, nutritious
education. Within the last few years an food, regular hours and physical exercise
immense deal of attention had been directed will generally secure this element, without
to the matter of physieal education. It had the assistance of the medical fraternity.
been pointed out that the education of the The exercise, especially, should never he
mind was well looked after, while the edu- overlooked. It need not be taken in such a
cation of the body was practically allowed manner or at such times as to expose the
to look after itself. Parents slid not realize features to tan, sun -burn or freckles, but
that proper physical education must be con- plenty of physical exereise should be hail in
ducted on as precise 1811(1 1(0 careful 801511 1- some manner, and so varied as to stimulate
fie lines as the ordinary education of the and develop all the muscles of the system.
mind. Parents were quite content to send A. healthy, well-balanced organization will
their children to gymnasiums, and when be the result; with a vigorone, happy frame,
they had clone this tel satisfied that their This topic might be attic(' 001011 further,
physical education was complete. They aud include the dispelling in this manner of
were unaware that there 81118 00 proper con- a multitude of the ills with 1V1lieh W011141.11.
. #01 over the teachers of gymnastics and cal- kine aro afflicted, but that 10 1106 the present
isthenics, a large muuber of who were pee, purpose,
ple totally unfit for their work, Another ingredient of this "Elixir of
The partioular object of the society had, Beauty" is thorough cleanliness. .16 is re.
perhaps, rather more reference to uhildren lilted of one of the most fctinons beauties of
and women than to men and boys. As a ancient times that the charm of her corn -
matter of fact, the latter dass was adminplexion dazzled all beholders, but it was not
ably looked after. No one could find much till after her death, at the age of 00, still
to criticise in the athletic pursuits of our beautiful, that it was disclosed that her only
public schools. When they came to the chemical application was soft water, then,
.London shop boy they found his condition °uglily applied every day. This efficient is
had been materially changed; he had taken still available, and its power is nowise less -
to bicycling and other pursuits. When they med. If soft water caunot be had, any
came to schools, find especially to the girls' water can be made soft by the addition of a
schools, it must be confessed that the con- few drops of ammonia or a little borax. It
ditions were about as bad as they very well is to be feared that there are many who use
could be. They heard a good deal of the en- plenty of water, but neglect the equally im-
orsnous advances of civilization during the portant item of soap. Some indeed, have
last fifty or hundred years; and their mar- an almost superstitious fear oiapplying soap
•velous improvement on the un- to the face. "Of Course.1 1180 500 on my
fortunate savage, who had straight limbs, hands, lint never on my face," said a,. young
graceful carriage and an absence of the lady recently—and her countenance con -
ordinary aches and pains, and he was not firmed the statement. It was dull, lifeless
disposed to be always taking tea or to be —in fact, genteelly dirty 1 She WM speak -
living in an atmosphere of tonics. People ang to her physician, and explaining that
did not seem to be aware that by a judici- she siipposed 800.13 would ruin the texture of
ously supervised system of physical educe- her skm.—Good Housekeeping.
"Lion 840001880, and due attention to the
development of the body it was possible to
alter its proportions, to reduce redundances Just Saved Himself.
and to develop deficient and feeble muscles.
Motives of vanity and regard for the future He stood by the open fireplace
physical development of their girls might so To warm Ms pedalslust,
When suddenly into 1118 pocket
anfluenee mothers who were indifferent to Hie hand he happened to thrust.
,higher considerations to see that the physi-
cal education of girls was carried out, wheth- A very strange expression
er in families or in schools, under persons Over his features went.
His little wife ran to him,
trained, skilled and having the requisite And asked what it meant.
knowledge to make such physical training
Mall respect useful and 68 810 case injurious. Tie roared Ricca fiend inearnata
Neither could be said of the very limited His tears poured down nice rain,
As he said he laughed at It jokelet
amount of physical training now given to lie heard that clay on the train.
girls; It was pointed out that the National
'Health Soeiety's diplomas would be 4.-rantod "And what was the merryoY jokelet r'
His wife asked, full ofJ
to teachers of .gymnasties, calisthenics awl "It was all ahout an ancient
physical exereiees as had fulfilled the news- Person in Illinois,
Bury curriculum and passed the required ex-
anlinatiOne. "His relations all he hated,
And when 181 (118 door of death
The society hoped by the institation of Xlc called his eldeet daughter
this diploma to encourage the development Under his husky breath,
of physical education ni this country ; to
render such training precise, effected and"Oh bring me that Ong red stocking
Out of the chest,' ho said,
scientific ; to protect the public, on one The daughter broui.Mt it to 11110,
hand, from incompetent teachers, and, on Who, wcak and almost dead,
the other, to establish the position of such "Ily 080 (810186 efrort flung it
, instructors as were fully qualified. It was Into the rosy flame—
intended, however, that the work of such The etocsing—and twenty thousand
teachers should be devoted and restricted Donee; (8,88 18 the same.
to the one legitmate object set forth in the "Suddenly he grew bettor,
diploma, namely, physical training, and And In relatives feel gay,
that they should not undertake the treats As they see line ononnIng and sawing
ment of deformity or diseese by "movement Wood for a dollar a day,"
tures," "remedial exercises," "manage and The little wife amehed delighted,
the like." The diploma would certify that And thought th eke VMS good;
the candidate had named an examination in But, she'd be mad 10 0. hatter—
he art and science of physical education, Uses, Indeed, she Wellid—
had fulfilled the eurriettium required by the 11 0180 knew he laughed at feeling
eoeiety, and 1580 hilly qualified -to act aa In his vont lairs Recess the lettinnermostm
inetrnotor of .gymnitsties, calisthenies and Two weeke ago to poet.
er she gave hi
physical enrolees generally. --Iferpoes TT -eddy.
A Room for Sickness, A somewhat, mine:ling illustration of the
There are few things InOre eendoehre to old saw, " familiarity breeds contempt,"
the comfort of a family than. a room Suitably comes from London, Bugland, Lester Fran•
arranged for sickness, Without it, there is cie Duncan, publisher of the Matrimonial
much unnecessary inconvenience; het only Nees+, notwithistanding his three score years
'to the ono who is ill, but to every member experience of men and things, end his sup.
of the family. Especially 10 suelt a loom do. posel perfeet knowledge of how matters
010411)10 40 contagious diseases. Amy bave matr•imonial aro managed, has Net been con.
lost loved ones pist bemuse the 41 1, end damned to pay $50,000 damages for violating
furnishing, were snail that 16 1,, impossible his saored promise to Miss 1841170 1(11080120,
to separate the sick from the well. a young lady twenty-one years of 0440. Of
And yet it would seem, from the gene: al ali men in. the Kingdom one would: have
lnanagemettt at such times, that 111181(7 1)81'. '5upposed that Mr, Duncan would have been
outfit think that if One child. be taken with the last to be °aught in such a tamp. It
scarlet fever, for instance, every child in "ems a PHI, tout for utleil 1811 uxPeri•
the fetidly muet of necessity have it, There mum coming at, eixty.four 38005 01 ago is
18 110000(8105' mistake, Scarlet fever is std. almost sure to discourage any further under.
dom, if over,communicated before the crap. takings looking towards hymen's blissful
tion is developed, This may be doubted by 0618t0.
Herrible Story or laitrilballsin Retorted,
from letiekinglittiti, que.
A Truly 'nerd,
I1 .111 1(8(8111 with Tommy's being taken hi
A horrible ototy of vallnibalhOn e011100 1.7„0„ ,111,18 t„ (81(81101' initz,s 11111(1180,from linekingliatn. Ten miles up Du [sleets, ,
iny's rota' 5(101' wora e very solemn ex•
river live tile families of Jean Cat: Ana pr, „
„„,, 0.8 tt. rose bohnld the little table
Rdelle NeWtelL ie tile latter ,are Om, b"a's 85414 '11 he hid dewed with a black eloth, tilul
who arc deaf lanithH and 11111116185, One Una furnimhva with 15 thystiwtom colleetim 0),
were known to be violent at time.s. . ith lolls, singe and lined kerchiefs eollectel from
'Tuesday Mrs. Cote went out berry ptekni”, 1111 110110 el the house,nt.t 10 11(05611111 Marghee
leaving her baby in oharge of the two boys, maim -flamed rabln t. and Insownpretty stuff -
and a horrible sight presented itself to the ea mnarr. If lovely ln lustre while leafintils yet bold in
mother when she -returned a few hours after- Awl 01,0„,,,,y,,, 1,,,,,./„.0104"8 wm.0 1,0 1.,,,
wards. The lunatics had 110(1,11111y eaten marl; able and unexpected that it wee no fold in
Their Pea. lielli.t8 the simmer of roseate ellen,
Bow must thy shone; smile as they softly on.
01181,0 both the baliY's oileelia 'Ow e Puriim wonder that main= whispered quite loud .h newer -mottled garment of glorified green,
aoof ttihreel'•'eultgainnd ii8e017110isilrgilielvet.''Clwr.ttehit1110:;-1 a e to a Ily mad 0 b u r fee 1 ert,py to have a real cht may nom us its strife to eurreneer,
enongh to be heard upon the stage that " it Elated hy alay hvhat it NO1eee 1.11s Noumea.
:night be to a world we would gladly forsake,
rible performanc. Help Was Called ill alla wissrd in the house."
the wroteliss 'Ikon away, The child lived Bet the most exciting tinie must 0 anio to Or hlot out the pest by thy beauty, 0 Lake.
till the next day, and Wee buried on Wed- Roo bittern and loon have a Rafe hieetallon,
au end, and Tommy at length grew Used,
matey. The authentieity of the report is and seen t to um of the rear windows over- The robin givessong and the wild cloyu lauda•
The onylo on high and the sen-gral below,
vouched for by a gentleman 14110 imal inulf re' looking the alley, and watched old Gottlieb, Goa,
turned from tee scene of the tragetty. While little winged 01011,8 Chant 8111061' 01'
the wood.sawyer, hard at work en a great
they know.
pile of loge which Toimny's papa had orders When gloaming cantos dem: they make glatl
Uardim' —.Inning. eil 001 11110 lengths for the library Inc. the dim maces,
The old mides face was thin and wrinkled, The frog, tho' despised, does WA hest in the
The death of Cambial 'Newman deprives his hair was quite white, and his hack crook- And etarrthing °fibre if il quota of graces,
ithgland et elle et the greatest religious lead- ed with longiontliug over his work. lie Ex:anti:1g mankind by this 181101 (11 Lake,
ors she has ever had. BY mental constite. eould uot swing the sew so rapidly its once, Man mess his 11086 118)0 by contentious min -
Don the dead cardinal was a skeptic, whose but he worked on steadily and patiently, Mg,
personal necessities drove him to seek rest only stopping occasionally to take breath, Be mealier; his peace on a pillow of thorn.
in one authority after another, and finally I
OM th pen 118 brown hand across his liot Regardless of good, unrchuked by the shining
to renounce the responsibilities of private forehead.
judgment in the Church of Rome. His Ago. Gottlieb aud his little granddaughter The moon rises up amithe waves smile to meet
Pla7esieanee tlint should his own spirit adosn.
logic. pro Vita Sea elways will remain the Gretchen lived all by themselves in a small Whil,thiLokuesands of stars kindle waves in
book by which he 1111„, est known ; and mem in one of the tall tenententhouses, The trees raise their arms on tho breezes to
certainly a fuller or 111,..1 vaiond account d where Tommy's mamma went sometimes to
s, great intellectual tradeformation never was visit her poor people, 'Tt»inny had onee greet her,
Ana hooey clouds flit o'or the astir ens Lake:,
given to the world. But it was his ” Ser. been there with her when Gretchen was ill.
The thuncler of warfare with smoke overladen, The financial situation in Rome is growing
=new/deli first made a deep and lasting im• Just behind (;ottlieb, in a corner of the The shook of repulsion, the struggle in gore, daily more nerious and sensational, The de-
pression on young Faigland of 1:133•42, and woodpile, was his little brown•covered din- The wall of the vanquished, the shriek of the volopment that is predicted is the collapse
gave him his position as the supreme leader nor -
of the fortune of Prince Schism, the great
of the Oxford movement, They rendered a Tommy had Ho often watched Gottlieb at Despoiled in despair, are unknown to thy
Roman noble. Schism during the buililing
great (though limited) service to the religi. his loncheon that he could easily guess hvhat Never a slave on thy border did trample, movement in Rome, mortgaged his estate,
one life of England, because they stood hi
that he was sure, but nothing more except lev arts or by armies thy liberties ample, 6,000,000 francs, and since the financid eels.
was in it—a great piece of black bread, of Despots Amu never subdue thee, or take whiolt le valued at 20,000,000 francs, for
sharp antagonism to theliterary slovenliness
a morsel of cheese, or a small bit of dried Thou duo shield of freedom, 0 marvelloue
Lake. is Ends it impossible to redeem his property.
and the cheap unction of the current
popular preaching,
The bankers who hold the mortgages at
end led the youne meat.
1 "If I WaS a truly wizard," said Tommy A, RAMSAY.
seven per cent. are pressing him for pay -
dignity. The most elotai int anti the most
to associate religion with reverence an(
softly to himself, "1 know what I would Jo.
I would change that dry stuff in Gottlieb's N_ohe York.
moms so that, unless he obtains essistance
+-The ruins on the Island are said to have boon a soon, n moil of one of
the oldest Roman
pathetic of them is that hyllich foreithadows
has', et imp the uicest dinner that ever was Boman Catholic Mission
families must ensue. This catastrophe will
his own withdrawal from the English
Cimre111 and dtplores its fate to be earnest cooked ,'
s. be of more then local interest, since it will
in persecuting those Idle have been Most
reverent towards its past and most zealous of Tommy's mouth, drawing Ids rosy lips
non a bright smile tugged at the corners
Lincoln's School Days. known Schism gallery of paintings which
probably in rolve the breaking up of the wells
shows, was an intellectual necessity, which
for its honor. His secession, as he himself into a bow, digging a dimple into the mid- contains the famous "Violin -Maker ' of Rap-
dle of his roulacheek, and setting his bro)yn
grew out of long procesths of thought on eyes dancing under their long labials,
Away downstairs Ile flew to Martha, the h a:I Littleile,,A, 0108 ea chivy:ea 1flurlsyt, ,sle:ot :col esmell8noionlgh,v,,heaist
lie was about seven years of ago. His faller
1111.1 incident of the possible calamity is the
the questions which divided the two
cook, who was busily baking gingerbread education was termed among such people, difficulty that has arisen between Premier
Churches. As Mr. Gladstone has well ob-
hearts in a delicioes atinosphere of spiciness, and it was with difficulty that he could Crispiand the leading Italian journal,the Tri -
served, the old•fashioned High Churchmen
'Martha was fond of 'Tommy, because he write his own name. One day about four lama, in which eichirra is a lusge owner. 31 18
who took part in the Oxford movement,—
was rexj1ectful, and never " bothered," solleged in Ministerial circles that Critipi has a
Keble, Posey, Palmer, Isaac Williams, etc.,
she listened quite willingly to something weeks after Abe had been sent to school, Inchis
father asked the teacher "How's Abe get- letter from the editor of the Trilnom, mak-
-remained in the Chu/1:h of England to the
which he whispered in her ear. ting alone The toadies replied that he 111g a. proposal for an alliance that the Prem.
last, It was the Oxford men who, like
Five minutes later, '1'01511v had slipped W110 doing well; he wouldn't ask to have a ler declined. Crispi has threatened the
Newman and Robert Isaac ,vilberforce,
through the eetry-floor, crept up behind old better boy. He had only one lesson book, l'riloora with the publication of this letter,
had been brought up as Evangelicals, who
Gottlieb, who, what svith the noise of his an old spelling -book. During the sehool hours and that journal, as 8(8110.1101 of retaliation,
withdrew to the Church of Rome. Me
saw 6(1111 111, own deafness, would harclly he WaS attentih-o to his task, and at night sent agents to Palermo, where the present
impetus of their conversion to High Church
have heard the tramp of it regiment of he would study over the lesson he had been aim. erispi formerly resided, to holt up her
opinions carried them farther. Hence al-
soltliers_, and, snatching up the brown basket, antecedents, These agents profess to have
though many were lost to the English
disappeared inside the house, ambition 01 1118 life at this time was to learn discovered that the lady, who 85,110 a widow
mimed upon during the day; the highest
Chureh in the eight years between :New -
In the kitchen, all was limey and excite- when she married Crisp!, had lived with him
inan's withdrawal and that of Atoll.
ment, for suppose—only suppose that Gott- as well as his niother, who read the Bible before the death of herhusband, and the TM -
to read. He believed if he could oely read
deacon (now Cardinal) afanning, yet the
lieb should 1111ei the basket I aloud to the family every day, the whole Mina Fonilsos to make things euplcasaut for
Anglo -Catholic party was not even
The half•loaf of black bread tumbled an world of knowledge would be opened to him, the Premier and his wife unless the comprom-
erippled, but went on in its way under
the floor, unheeded by anybody except and in this coujecture he MILS about right. ising letter of its editor is returned. The pro-
em leadership to larg,er conquests. New -
Carlo, the dog, who sniffed at it a moment, As the old Baptist minister told him one sent Mrs. Crispi is the third wife of that
num's %weer after his secession waa far less
and turned away in disdain to his place by clay, "When you can read, you've got gentleman, and he was obliged to make
remarkable than before it. Immediately
the fire, something that nobody can get away from threats to enforce her reception. at court,
titer his conversion he /threw lihriself into
Hale eandwicbes, buttered rolls, gilled% you." particularly 188Roman society 10 1101 positive
and policy of his new communion with all a.
the defense and advocacy of the teachings
bread, cookies, a lovely frosted cake, artil a In the Kentucky home there were but that death or law has divorced him from the
convert's zeal. Even Roman Catholics of ?
'1' 'lot rosy apple 1 surity nobody but a three books in the family—the Bible, a cat- other two.
'truly" wizard could have packed so 11111811 echism, and the spellingsbook which Abe
the old English kind were scandalized by his
in so small a space 1 Lincoln studied. He had not been long in There is 11111011 talk about the proposed
public quotations of the revelations of Hil-
The basket was safely replaced, and not a Imliana before he had read the Pi/grin/a chemical trust, but its formation hangs fire
degerd and Birgetta as though these were
1001110181 too soon, for just as the log Which Progress, his father borrowing it from a because the effort is shrewdly suspected 10
anthoritative revelations of the inner life of
Ghettlieb hvas sahoug, fell into two parts, the friend who lived twenty miles away. He 00=841 a big job. The firms interested in
Christ. It seemed as though he were about
te run a career similar to that of his fol. cloak in the church -tower Amok twelve, and was very fond of reading .P,op's Paha.; a organizing the union all Nvotit by what is
lcre'er, Frederick W. Farber. But in later the old man lahl down his saw with a little cepa' of which mine in ins waY• A Young known as the Leblanc system, which is
man taught hint to write. As writing -paper costly and antiquated ; and their alluring
sigh of relief.
offers 1101r tO give papermakers preference
years the vigorous understanding of the
Engliehman reasserted itsei,..nal he fell into
block of wood, he set the basket on his
When he hothead° a seat for himself upon a
Abe used to praetice his writing exercises
of any kind was very scarce and expensive,
in the allotment of shares represents an at:
disfavor with Pius tho :,h1n0 -tad the
knees, bowing his head a moment, befwe with bits of chalk or a. burnt stick on slabs tempt to keep the more desirable ammonia.
complete his English tram latioa of the
dominant party in the Ch arch f 1 Rome.
It is said be was f ad); len 1 o
laminate thenrwsery.wil dow, while Martha
openbcg it,
Meanwhile, Tommy had flown to bring
the bare ground. When, filially, ho was
and trunks 0( 10000, Sometimes he would
trace out his name with a sharp stick on. hs 1011(8
eosmt hill et r oh u oh enet rotleg
process out of England. A writer in the
Bible, which might have gia en III: 1 "ethren
peered cautiously Orr ugh a half-closed able to write letters, he was called to do*the American chemteal inanufacturers to pre -
a sorsion worthy to stand losfeis ..,,,t of the
shatter. correspondence of many of his neighbors, vent the introduction here of their improved
Protestant Church. He was p tesol 0000 01
Gottlieb lifted the lid. His jaw dropped for very few grown yersons in that region method of producing alkali. The discussion
the choice of bishops fuld archlfisle,ps, when
in surprise, and his old face turned pale. could write even a simple letter. may bring out facts which have interest in.
the hierarchy Wee reconstructed in 1812,
America and which may ab gooct, for there
Ile Wee again ignored when Dr. Wiseman's
all his strength to keep himself from shriek -
Tommy squeezed his mamma's hand with
rat reader, anti read all the books he could
As Abe Lincoln grew older he became a
is no more harmful and oppressive monopoly
death left the arehepiecopal see of West -
fostered by our tariff than that of the chetni-
minster vacant, and Manning, 9111000 recent ing aloud in his delight.
l'he color game back to Gottlieb's cheeks, teacher a Life of Washington,. His mother
sorrow. Once he borrowed of his school -
cal inanufacturers of Enghted. Germany is
convert, was preferred before him and raised
and, raising his eyes, he gazed searchingly happened 60 p116 it on a certain shelf, and,
of America or prevented from establishing
in the eyes of the ultramontaue party by
to the cardinalate. He justified this neglect
one at all to be seen, for Tommy and his
at every door an d window. There was eo the rain coming through the roof, the book
WU badly datnaged. lab° took it back to themselves there by the strength of their
full of industries which they have driven out
papal infallibility was " inopportune,"
declaring hi 1800 that the declaration of
mamma had hidden behind the curtain. the sohool-master and arranged to purchase greedy combination.
Then a lovely smile overspread the old it of him, paying for it by three days' hard
and by emphasizing theelements the Church
of Rome had in commou with the English
while the wind fluttered the tum, white
man's face. 'He took ofFhis shabby eap, and work in the cornfield ; and he WM entirely
satisfied with the bargain at that .At the A Young WHe's Trials.
Church, rather than those which were dis-
hair on his forehead, he looked up toward age of eighteen his library consisted of the Mosereeem, Sept3.—Idss.Samuel Monier-
tinative. Notuntilthe accession ofLeo XIII, heaven with moving lips. Life of Pranklin, Plutarch's Lives, the son, whose husband WSW up to a few days
when the weight of years luel made him 1111.
But Gotlieb ate only the sandwichee, one Bible, the spelliug-hook, Zsop's Fables, since employed in a furniture e•stablishment
fit for the toile of the episcopate, was he
of the rolls, and thesmallest piece of ginger- Pilgrim's Progress, and the lives of Washing- on Notre Dame street, came to headquarters
mond with the purple, hi 1879. But lesser
bread. All the rest he put careftdly beek ton and Henry Olay. A boy might have a the other morning and preferred a vesy seri-
ten and more pliable minds always have
into the basket, much larger private library then this, but he outs charge against her husband, detailing
been put before him, in accordance with
"He is saving the best for Gretchen 1" could scarcely find an equal number of books her troubles as follows; She and MoPher-
the demands of system.
whispered Tommy, the wizard. better calculated to impart wholesome les• son were employed as waiters in a restaurant
sons as to correct living and right thinking. in New York city, and the young couple
—Harper's Young People.
in May last, and soon after came to settle
falling mutually in love they were married
.A. BalAism in Heligoland,
down m Montreal. A son Wee born to the
After service on Stmdays, when an infant In an address before the Rail?. od Branch Overland Route to Europe.
ed etiquette would have decreed, but this
MaPhersons a little sooner than old•fashion
is to be christened, a smell silver basin is of the Young Men's Christian Association of
little contretemps clid not seem, tamer the
placed on the brass lid ; there is 210 (88800 New York, the Hon, Chauncey M, Depew OrrawA, Ont., August 23.—Ex-Clov. Gil -
happiness of the husband and Nrife. A
ta it, but presently the Heligoland children, gave an incident from his early life which pin, of Colorado, and party have just left
change came, however, and a few eights lb
babies nf two or three years old, flock 111, eatrieS a weightT lesson, Said he : Viotoria, B. C1, for Alaska, Gov. Gilpin is
since MoPherson came home intoxicated and
each carrying in its little hand e. 0013 of "P110 best thing I temember connected now tleveloping the project for the construe -
accused his better half of being unfaithful to
water, which is emptied into the basin, and with myself is, that when I graduated from tionof a linethrough AmeriettanducrossBeh-
her liege lord, it charge Whieh the good lady
the new -bore islander is baptised with the Yale I thought I would lead a, life of ring Strait into Siberia, thence throuh
indignantly repelled. Following this scene
water broeght for that pttrpoee by his future scholastic! ease. 1 thought I would reatl Asia and Europe to the eastern shore of Vise
the lady began to fed that from day to day
playfellows. Behind the altar the light falls and write a little, take it easy and have a Atlantic. Ile says that the transcontinental
her strength wasgradually failing, and after
through the purple window panes upon an good time. I had a harcl•headed old father lines now established and reaching into
each meal she wottld be seized with violent
old, old hour glass, placed in the dates ages of sturdy Dutch ancestry. He bad money Northern Oregon oonstitnte the first Anima -
vomiting. The other day Mrs. :McPherson
before the invention of clocks and watches enough to take care of me, and I knew it; can division 01 6410 proposed railroad. The
explabmd her sympt01110 1,0 the Notre Ihune
before the clergyman when he began his and when he discovered that I knew it, plateaus and volleys along the base of the
hospital doctors, who inntlediat ely declared
sermon. It is a marvelous church, this and intended to act accordingly, it teas a Rocky Mountains offer a natural mute
that it was a ease of poisonim and, in facia
holiest spot On °holy land," owe on the clay cold day for me, and lie said to me : ' You through Alaska to Behring Strait. Bridg•
they discovered that stryohnlee had boon
when Lord Salisbury's gift is finally handed will never get a dollar from me except ng the Strait, the lino woulcl cross over into
thrown off the woman's stotnach, On Smithy
iver to Germany one of our most Interesting through my will. From this time forth you Siberia, and thence, running in a wittingly
evening the woman returned hotno, and told
historical monumente will be cities no more. htWe got to make your 08018 Way.' direetielb 00nneet WW1 the lines of railway
her 111 01)11 to his face that he WW1 endeavor,.
The graveyard round the 011110018 is nearly "Well, I found 1 had a hard lot, of it— now under construction to give the &mien
ing to get her out of the way. He clothed
full, and when the last corner in it has re- nobody had a harder one—and. the old Government an outlet to the sea at the
the charge, gave his wife a good heating into
oeived its sleeper the difficult question will gentleman stood by and let. me tussle and mouth of the River Amor. From this point
au) basgain, and swore that he wouM he
arise as to where the kIeligolander of the Bght it mit, I bless hitn tomight with all of cconection, south and west, the lines
even with her if it took him all his life. Mee
fame will find his last resting place. The the heart and gratitude I have for that. If would project through the Ohinose Empire,
Mellhet'son sought refuge With SOnte neigh -
soil in the present graveyard covers the 1 1 1 s 1 si , ;
'le ,104, al8tell ,.,3 0 0.0 Ur tonne, what would India, Arabia, and thence across the Straits
bore, and finally came to the authorities for
rook six feet deep, bnt there 10 11001117 an- I have donc ? I would have been up. in 01 (11111018(81' into the Mormicos, and oast -
protection. Ill was learned the other evening
other spot on the island where more than Peekskill to -night nursing a, stove, cursing W105 0.00511111 thc continent of Africa. •
four fast of earth covers the stony Lunde,- the men who had succeeded in the world, The passage of the 1 30hring Strait, is the that 'sit:Pherson had left for Now York with
clone, 1 got beyond everything my father Arctic circle. (.2) the considerable distance
they had got ; but having my way to dig are offered, (1 ) that the Strait is in the
'Under Home Rule.
and wo»dering by what exceptional luck only apparent obstaole, and two objectionS a woman of questionable repute.
A. Popular Artiole, over dreamed of ; but it was done by four. intervening between tho American fuel Si- O'Dowd--" Bute boded, tho clay's at hanci,
teen hours', or sixteen hours', or eighteen herhui shores, The8e objections present no Olivine, whin there'll be no tinants in ould
Drug Store Clerk—"How does the fly hours' work a day, if necessary, it was impossible or very difficult problems. Tho Oireland,"
1)11 11' that I sohl you go, Mrs. Hendalelcss" clone by temperance, by economy. &mit is only forty-cight miles in width, 011rion•—" An' whin's that ?"
Mrs, Hendricks—"Tho files ftrejnet stnek "When you make a dollar, spend seven- with the Drontede Islands nearly midway, O'Dowt1—" Whin the landlords that's
on it." ty•live cents, and put the other twenty. Bridges a little more than twenty miles long there is all nbehente00, an' Whin the tin.
— live etude by, No man can stand still, on this island would make this conrseetion• ants is ell landlotels."
When God created us he did a fortunate The water has a shalloiv edict bottom, in no O'Brion—"Aerith, but there'll shtill be
Hon-OtimMittal on the Wash Question, thing 10, 110 ; he matte tie so tletif nre 1/11181; place exceeding a depth of 40 feet The WWI tinut lift, O'Dowd."
either go beeksrard or forward. A man warm current, or the Pacific Gulf Stream, 01)owd..—" An' who'll hobo?"
Mrs, Dusky --"A in dem de blackstockings knows more to -day than YostordaY, or he bavinga temperature o f 715 0 , passes tin/nigh O'Brien--" The Lord tifietinant, "—Han
you told mo about buyin'r knows less, A man who bottoms a chair, 1 -kitting Strait into 13ehring tica, as through per's Bazar,
Miss Saffron—"Yes, dem is de (mos, Cide gets up and goofs to hie mods, encl then g005 tho Small mouth of a funnel. Thus the pas.
ly, an' (ley only oos' windy -five bents" bade again mid bottoms 0, chair, and then eage hall a comfortable temperature. All the Baron Hirsch, the welbanown Jewish
"Am cloy silk 1" to his meals again, in the course of five 700.0 0001111 the Strait is always open and philanthropist of Victims has given 6,20,00a
“xot 'm3(17,1)511 diva% jos' as good." years will be the biggest, dunce in the com. icebergs arc unicnown. Thus nature offers to the Young Nien's Rebrow Benevolent Se -
"An' will dey wash 1" munity, and his opinion will not be worth her assistance, and there ore no mechanical duty of Montreal, to • form a fend to enable '
ccDta, I don't know; I'se only hod 'em knowing, He svill lose his power for work obstacles to the construction of the bridges the society to take Cara Of deetittite awe in
six weeks." and will tot be worth throe cents on hour, required, that oity and educate their children,
Pindintt 140.
(Written in ;igrtl.)
Par krwl.%11)1,1141,g1.: thin. "Mani WhIle 1111.110.MA
8OW thy glad Wat or8 Of (wallowed,
With every blue tim of the nrinullient blend.
lielOW relied the Island faries' ruin of old,"
If Inaln'ene118 110W In the 81111 .81)011 Inotanig
EVe romoni arrive in the marigold britke, The Sultan has tardily awakened to tho
NOweetlee Alnek'ereilek reeeeeti ththe ederr° dangere Which tbreftten 111111 ill cenneetion
When June birth; 1511 praised thee, 0 beauth with the troublee in Armenia ; but insteua
fel hake
of grepplieg boldly n ith 46 he has attempted
to postpone the ernii8 by vague promises of
reform, coupled with itheoncealed threats
to hang, thaw, and quarter any of his Ar -
maiden itubjects who shell dare to question
the blessings of Terltitth rule. Ho hue ap-
pealed to England for assistance Itgainet
Ruesian intrigues and aggression, and has
1170"n referre(1 to the Treaty of Berlin, 11(1(8
twelve years old, by virtue of which the
Armenians are clearly entitled to eights and
privileges, for demanding whieh hundreds
of them have boon murdered in cold blood
and as many more aro eow rotting in 1)01-
0011. It has been asserted for the Sultan
that be is a really enlightened and liberal -
minded monarch; but as' fan as the outeido
world can judge from his actions he is like
mod of his predecessors at Stamboul, a
mere puppet in the hands of (1. palace clique
of avasicious svcophants and utterly reeks
less fanatics.
SEPT. 5, 1800,
The Sultan Alarmed—The State of Rome's
Finanoes—Oholora Sinoinling Mong the
(Ilwancey Doses Struggle.