HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-9-5, Page 5SEPT. G, 1890. Huron County. Cooper & Logan and Cantolon Bros. aro shipping thoulatnde .of baskets of plume every week from Clinton station, Geo. Brown, of Fordwinh, paid the stun of $20 and coats into the East Huron License Fund for dealing out intoxicants after 7 p. m. on Saturday, The `.Poll Bros„ East Wawanosh, have nurellasod the property lately owned by d. Blackbrough. It oontwine 200 acres, end was bought for $4,700. Jamas Cochrane, of East Wawanoeh, Shot a crane on Saturday whioh measured from tip to tip of its wings 6 feet 3 inoltea and was 3 foot 8 Indio in length. A.. McIntyre, for many years a prom- inent citizen of Luoknow, dopa not like Superior, Wis.onaiu, 'Lie intends to locate in Chicago and will take his family there, Cook & Cook, of Clinton, are buying in the apple growing terri- tory which rushes, even unto Kincardine. They hay% ooeured about 6,000 barrels up there. James Churchill, of Clinton, left for the North•wost two years ago and bought 820 acres of O. P. It. hands, near Creoforcl for $2,50 per acre. He new has 70 aorea broken and 00 ander crop, 15 aoree of oats, which Methinks will produce over 00 bushels, and his wheat will averego shoat 30 per acro. Janine Rands, of Centralia, who has been in Goderich jail for the past two or three weeks in default of sureties to keep the peace, was released laet week by ILis Honor Judge Toms. Ho was immediately arrested by Constable Gill, charged with. insanity, and taken back to Exeter for preliminary examination. Quite a hilarious time was spent last week at John Morrie' farm, m the town- ship of Colborne, the occasion being the celebration of his 80th birthday by hie descoudents and friends. Addresses, presentations, songs, &o. followed eaoh other in rapid succession, and a pleasant day wits spent by all who had the good fortune to be present. A young man named Walsh, of West Wawanoeh, was arrested one day last week, charged with the Deduction of a poung girl named Ellison. The prisoner was tried before Magistrate MoGarva, of Clleton, who found sufficient evidence to warraut him in committing the prisoner for trial, Bail was subsequently granted t the sum of $400. A case came up in the Chicago courts the other day which may be of interest to peroons in this vicinity. A Canadian rained Ilugh Doyle died there about a year ago, leaving an estate valued atsev- ernl thousands of dollars, It was attem. pted, by ether relatives, to show that the widow of deceased bad not been martied to him, and to deprive her of her share in the estate. They finally aggreed to take a farm that was owued by deceased in Hullutt, Ont., as their share of the %state. Section No. 7, in the township of Ash- field, has lately been the scene of shame- less conduct on the part of some rowdies who live in the neighborhood. The building has for some time past been used for a Sunday school, which appears to have roused the hatred of these parties, and as a result the windows have been broken, night soil besmeared over the doors and latches, and many other law. less acts committed. The trustees have offered a reward of $20 for such evidence as will lead to their oonviction. From the Winnipeg Free Press Nye learn that Mies Annie Corrie succeeded in winning the ladies' championship at aria sports at Rat t Portae re. the a u g q p oently. EShe carried off first honors in the ladies single scull race and, with a gentleman partner, won thedouble mull race for ladies and gentlemen. Currie is the eldest daughter of J. C. Currie, at present deputy -sheriff of Win- nipeg, formerly deputy -register of this county, and her success in the field of apart will be highly satisfactory to her many friends in Huron and Bruce. Henry Young showed the Huron News Reoord a twig about ono quarter of an inch in diameter at its largest end, and about eight inches in•length, taken from a young green gage plum tree. There is nothing remarkable about the aim 01 the twig except ire smallness under the cir- cumstances. Many larger ones may be seen any day. But naturally attached to this small twig were twenty-five full sized plume, as thickly clustered as a fall bunch of grapes. This cannot be seen every day even in the fruit season and we (petition if any of our readers ever saw such s dense mass of plum pro- liftouesa in the same apace on large or small twig. They were thickly packed around the parent stem as they could be packed iu a box. Ix Muaoatsx.—At a recent meeting of the County Board of Examiners in Olinton the following motion of con- dolence was unanimously adopted -.— "Moved by Mr. Halle, seconded by Mr. Turnbull that we, the members of the County Board Examiners for the County of Huron, on this, the first op. portnnity afforded ua, desire to place on record our unfeigned Borrow at the re- moval by death of our late associate and eb-laborer in the'educational work of the county. In the late Mr. Malloch we had a man well fitted by education and tact for the duties of Inspector of Public Schools, and who bad the welfare of the teachers at heart. Being naturally genial and benevolent as well as wall as faith- ful in the discharge of duty, we found him to be an amiable and efficient co- worker ; and while we bow with sub- mission to divine behests, we feel that we have lost one in whose ability and in whose judgment we reposed our highest confidence. We oleo desire to oonvey to Mee, itlatlooh the sympathy she so much needs in this the time of her sore bcreityment and trust that she may bo sustained by the riebeot consolations of heaven. Aud that tho seorotary send a coley of this resolution to Mrs, Malloch," Trac sin+r.r•.. At tho Ontario Rifle As- sociation matches in Toronto 'eat week Lient. A. 1Vilenn, Seaforth, of the 33rd (iluren) Batt., made a score of 00, the highest, in a „contour for the "Walker" prize and obtained !Orsi money, $20. There were 01 prize takers, who made Stone CO points down to 51 at 500 and 600 yard.a, 7 rounds each. Lieut. Nilson wag also 90th, malting a score of 27, iu a co,t• test fur the "Gordon" prize, out of 55 who made from 32 to 21 pointe ; 600 yards, 7 rounds, For thus he Wan award - 54. in the Tait•Braerey natal', 000 and 000 yard ranges, Lieut. A. Wilson was Bath, ani! (lapis I1,b,rt:; (;icaforlh) 12nd, among 77 One winners, making 76 and 71 points, whore the higheot web 13 and the lowest 6^1. LI the revolver match, 25 yards, 7 rounds, i,ietit. A, Wil. ! HE !BRUSSELS POST eat being 40 and the lowest 27, among 20 I "Stratford riflemen won 010 more at the prize winners, and taking $4, He wee Ontario P,41cn on'a 'natohog in Toronto also 4th in the aggregate, Mulook match, Thursday, ne follows ; Private Gillard among 25 prize winners, making 208 94, Private Robertson $4, Private War. points where the highest was 210 and the den $8, Lieut. Crystal $5, Titpraday was lowest 199, taking $10, Capt. Roberto the fast day of the matoltea. was 11th in the Gibson metol, 500 and 11. M. Johnson, the noted profneeional pre winne0 yarde, rHpwhere th57 e bighted inte wa 61 • 50 orld'errecord rLoc 50e yards, and yards, 5}ss, ; the and the lowest 61; also in Gibson match, world's 100.yard record, 0 4/ffiie, • the 100 and 900 yards, he was 4th among 12 American record for 180 yards, 123e„ pcize winnore, whore the highest made and the American record for 190 yards, 52 points and lowest 45. Lieut. Wilson 15e„ has just died M San Francieoo of took 0 prizes, aggregating $47; Capt. itnilamnlation of the bowels. Roberta took $ prizes, aggregating $19, Nota bad showing for militia men from General Nowa, Huron, ooneidening the immense number of oompetltore from allover the Province, The Guatemalan cabinet has resigned In shooting for the Macdougall Challenge because the president signed the peace Cup at Ottawa, on Monday, Lieut, Wil- treaty. son, as a member of the Dominion Rifle A. boy who tried to extinguish the fuse Association, won a $10 prize and a 06 on a bomb, witioh exploded at the office of ono, and Major Wilson, also of Seaforth, the editor of the Aima, St, Peterburg, won a $6 prize. was killed by an explosion, The report of the Naw England hop Perth COunty. orop Showa aconsiderable shortage, part. _ ioularly in New York state. California A. St. Marys lime burner uses petro• has 00 per Dent, of a full crop. ]sum instead of wood. George Gilbert, a confirmed miser, died at Youngstown, Ohio, on Thura Tbos. Hess, son of Adam Hess, of cluy. His Listowel, teems shortly for Chicago. cerate is valued at from $125,000 to $150,• 000. G. P. Porter has succeeded his father Ile had no relatives living in that in the butchering business in Listowel. section. There were 16 births, it msrriagea and At Charlotte, Mich., on Saturday, Prof, Sta 0 deaths registered with the Stratford alhocae inado a baleen uaueneton and City Clerk during August, attempted to drop with his parachute, whioh failed to work, and he fell about Mies Agnea Knox, of St. Marys, bite 000 feet into a ploughed ileld. He has a been engaged to give a dramatic recital Opera in the Imperial House, Vancouver. chance of recovery, so the doctors any. The pollee at Stratford run in quite a Late advices from Aaetialia stats that few who "had their skates on" Saturday. the weather has been, up till now, ail that could be desired for the crops. The They wore nearly all skating in the vio- inity of the market square. abeenoe of severe frosts has allowed them A man's body was found in a street in to get well up, and they are now strong. Stratford on Tuesday morning, and in enough to stand our severest frosty one of the packets was to !attar tinted nights. Altogether, farmers aro hopeful Toronto end eigned W. H, Mitchell. of a bumper harvest. A son of James Grey, Britton, aged 7 A pocket telephone has been introduced yearn, was playing with some corn. in Berlin. The idea upon whioh ire use panions with darts made from shingles, when a dart hit the little fellow in the eye, destroying the eye ball. On Saturday S.ysar.old Willie Chnnrl. ler, Stratford, was playing with an iron hoop. In some way ha fell on tho hoop with his finger under it, and the pressure of his body on the hoop out the top of his little finger off. There were threshed on the farm of Johnston Siewert, at McIntyre's Corners, Blanchard, ou Monday, by John Glenn's thresher; 130 bushels of oats, 250 do, of barley, and 810 do. of fall wheat. The wheat averaged 40 basilisk to the acre. Mexican Charlie, the "gold" watch fakir, was in Mitchell on Thursday night and succeeded in swindling a goodly number of persons. This is the fellow the Guelph authorities sent out of town without arresting, although the polies there warned him he was liable to ar• teat. W. D. Mitchell, an old resident of Lin. towel and Elmo. township, has returned after an absolute of 15 years in Crlifornia and Texas. Ile has been engaged in ranching iu Texas, and has acanmulated considerable wealth. His family have resided in Atwood daring his long absence. We are pleased to learn says the Palm- erston Telegram, that the cows are play- ing havoc with our neighbors' gardens, and hope to have the pleasure next week of reporting that the garden of every oounoillor has beet destroyed by the bovines which are allowed to run the streets day and night. On Monday after 6 p. in. when there were few vehicles ou the road, Dr. W. N. Robertson , p B. C. pushed hie "Eagle" machi6. ne from Lennox's eonoeo- sion, St. Marys road, to the Stratford P. O. in 18 minutes and 45 seconde. This is only 3.45 per mile for five miles against 8.25 per mile for 12 miles, his record in 1e88. T. M. Orr, nephew of James Orr, M. P. P., hae lately been given the position of general manager of the International Line in connection with the Missouri Pacific at a salary of $10,000 a year. His headquarters are in the City of Mex- ico. T. M. ie a brother-in-law to Dr. J. R. Hamilton, of Atwood, and a native of Stratford. His Perth friends will be pleased to bear of his unbounded success. A olub to be known ea the St. Marys Gun and Rod Club has been organized in 8t. Marys. Dr, T. Gray was elected president ; J. Johnson, Vico-President ; Chas- Sperling, Secretary; R. T. Gil. pin, Treasurer. A committee was ap- pointed to draft rules and regulations. The object of the club is the preservation and production of game and the proper entorcement of the game laws. The next meeting of the club will be held on September 1901. To Ald. Riggs, who hag attained his 59th birthday. Ald. Rigg Dame to Stmt. ford in 1852, shortly after which he built a saw and planing mill in the mar of where his residence is situated on Erie street. Tho mill is still standing ae a relic, notwithstanding itg age of some 35 odd years. Ald. Rigg has been a mem- ber of the Stratford council for 26 years and better, and, strange to say, has buffeted life alone during all those years —in other Words he is a bachelor, and the t my one at the board. And yet he seems to bo about the only contented man at the board. Sporting News. Tecumseh path, London, has been handed over to the Loudon trust, and will be sold on September 18. The base- ball association has been notified to leave the fence and grind stand removed by that date. Ed. Haitian returned to Toronto on Thursday of last week. Since his de. pasture in June he has mot with morn or loss success in his aquatic adventures. "Yeo, I feel In excellent ooaditiott," said the great oarsman, "and believe that I Dan now row almost ae fast as I over did. Yon can say that I am ready to row any American or Canadian souller for any amount, and ant ready to snake a match at any time," The Dundee Base hall club won the senti•profeesioual chine pi onehip of Canada from the Galt slab by an envy victor,, of 15 rine to 6 at the Dundas .Driving Park Saturday afternoon. Great interest, was taken in the Fane, as Don- das hag not been defeated tide season and Galt only once, and that by Dundee two weeks ego at Galt. For Dundas, Pete Wood, Fred. Woad, 110.1; and Rainey did excellent MN:, tvhilo (1s11's ett•Otsif hold was itntheir titecttye lett tery, Score. R. I1. .1:. Dundas 15 18 s Galt 9 7 111 B.attc•riuy.-1lstvn4 at td 1'. Wieet 111x. Nichol, Thonspeen and 11.1 lliseerTtcipire eon was 9th, malting 37 points, the High. 1'', Dyson, Guelph. Private Funds to Loan, $20,000 Have been placed in my bands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commissiott. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels, 11/1EAT HARKET, MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, AMR I CM18, 1 PRCPR1/TCR. Fresh and livered to tSaltSalt bstg000f ir1+ M of :Realm of any Pnthe Village t ty tihvn)'e on °Il .r Free of !Witt 01011 de- ''. Charge. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Vat Cattle We -totted For which the highest market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying Ilides and Skins. Don't forget t'te place, next door to Fletclier'e Jewel- ry Store. A. CURRIE. Oily Tongued Agents will try to draw Attention from this Notice, is based is that electric bells are found everywhere, and there 10 no res -on why NEVER hII\D they should not be used for telephoning Call and Judge for Yonrselvos all who as wen. The pocket telephone is to be connected to tine bell wires of hotels and hospitals as well as private houses, and it is claimed that people will be able to epeeke to distant places by simply taking their telephone out of their pockets as well would their watch. A wide•spreacl and destructive prairie fire ravaged hundreds of thunsaande of acres in North Dakota along the Little Missouri River two or three days ago, about 40 miles from the main line of the ,S'h'aw Cutters, $ 10. Northern Pacific Railroad. The great range of the II. L. Cattle Company was 6 Knife Pnlpers, $14. swept clear. Tho fire wan put out by means of horses, which were killed fur PLOW POI P:'o4 alto purpesn of using them as draws to ex- tinguish the flames. Tho horses were Of All Makes. The following are split up the back and the earcaeses drag- eOn1e Of then! :—Verity, Wilkin- gect over the omtutry by long rots .s. son, Copp, Advance and Smith's Twelve hundred head bursas were Falls, Kept Constantly on Handstamnedethe to Cho four winds. F. J. Woodward, a former railroad con- at 40c. per Point. doctor, who had itis neck broken in a Texas wreck July 10, 1880, arrived at Sedalia, foto. )ktonday on his way to St. Louis. So far as know he is the second 5ecancl-panel Horse POwerS of person who ever lived after having hie different makes Cheap. neck broken. He was bedfast six months after the accident and never pat a foot on a train from the time he was hurt un- til he started on his preeent trip from Denison. He wears a brace or cage to keep his head in position, as without it his head would fall on either his breast or shoulder. His general bealttt is good. Ten thousand people gathered at the fair at Mansfield, Ohio, on Saturday to see the baloonascention by Prof. Charles. The buffoon was a hot air one and was held over a furaaoe by ropes in the hands of bystanders. As it shot upward the epeotatore were horrified to see Milton Redin, one of the leading young men of the county, hanging to it rope dangling from the balloon. Redin must have lost his bead, for he olutohed desperately at the rope and in a moment was over 100 feet in the air. The balloon rose rapidly and Charles could be seen attempting go draw Redin up. For ten minutes Redin clung to the small line as the balloon was whirled southward. While at the height of a thousand feet Rodin'e hold loosened and he was seen to fall. His body shot downward as from a cannon and struck the earth halt a mile sway. When found the clothes were torn off, every bone was broken and tate body was crushed out of human semblance. The experiments in the cultivation of plants under the electrical light, recently made by the botanical department of the Cornell Univereity, has given some curi- ous and interesting results, and regatta whioh are in some respects confirmatory of somewhat sielilar experiments not long ago reported from Russia. The first and most noticeable effect of the treatment is an enormously increased rate of growth. The plants which are lighted seem to work day and night, and to "ran very much to leaf. Vegetables shoot up very quickly, and peas iu a few weeks are two or three times as tall aa those planted at the same time in daylight. In the case of seede and fruit of any hind, however, the results are entirely different, and the plants which had grown slowly and by daylight were ahead. It was observed that in ovary instance the reproductive powers of the plant were strongly affect- ed, being sacrificed to mere foliage and rapidity of increase in general size. For two months etre. Maria B. Wood. worth, the evangelist, has been oouduot- iug a revival at St. Louis iu it temple sheltering nearly nine thousand people. For the past two weeks these meetings have increased in interest and excite. ment, until they have become sensational in the extreme. Mrs. Woodworth is as- sisted by several Salvatio n Army lieuten- ants. During the past week it has been a tightly occurrence to see from 50 to 260 men, women and children stretched flat upon their backs on the ground or on the platform, writhing in religious frenzy or in a deed stupor from exhaustion, while a thousand more excited individuate danced, shouted, cried, gang and swung their arms in the air. Dr. Wellington Adams soil Dr. Theodore Diller, anthor- ities on ineauity, declare Mrs. Wood. worth le simply an insane woman of great power, and the trances into which ale throve Isar audience are simply hypnotism. They declare oho is treating evil from which there can he no cure, When Oho dootere questioned aha tvoitr,an site gave a history of her life, telling iu detail of the meat nt irvellone events. She claimed to have conversed with God. Christ and the Trinity and the devil nt:tny time., in fact to be et the present time on Candler terms with all of them. She also said that bane had stain bout hetve.n and hell, and told what they lsol;od like. She is the sauce woman who, while in (hkhtuii, Cel., predicted great eartlemakte and tidal waves. are in want of the following : Our Single Furrow Plows sell from $12.00 to $14.00. We draw Special Attention to our Two Furrow Plows, which sell from $10 to $13. Gang Points, 25c. each. Large Planer, Moulding Machine Mind Save for Bate. frt. R. WILSON', Brussels Foundry. and 'Poli BooKstore. EVERYTHING —IN THE— School Book Lina School Bags, Chalk Crayons, Ink, Pencils, &c. The "Scholar's Companion" is a useful, convenient little wooden box containing a Penholder and Pen, Lead and Slate Pencils and a Wooden Rule, and sold for the insignificant sum of 5 Cents. If you'd buy one of these boxes you would not complain so much about lost pencils, and there would be no difference of opinion. Don't forgot that the Brussels Fall Show will be held on 'Thurs- day and Friday, Oct. 2nd and :3rd, and if you hti.ve a fern vjilh- utc•s to spare cull in and .leave y1n1' order for anything you re- clnire flll\time. Skipping topes for ill) girt, Magic Llliltl•llr and !-:.Aril sit "rtlg"t)l1`n for tete lt`ye, 'Post' Bookstoret A NEW AtlTRA t3 PION i _THE PRIZE LISTS OF THE Great North-Western Exhibition, Goderich, September 1 Stlx to 171:h, Are now being distributed, and will be found to contain a larger variety of diesels and prime than this Fair has ever before offered. In addition to the many ern. provements made ih the prize list the Directors have secured the eatviceo of Bi'orarrho john ancl his Famous JVLZd West Show For the Exhibition days, when Three Peiformaucee will be t;isen—on tate Ermines of the First Day and in the Afternoon and Evening of the Second Day. These per - for maneee cermet of Lasso Throwing, Feats of Boreentanship, Indian Warfare, at n., and will be a Feature of the Exhibition well worth seeing. Broncho John ashii,itz only twits in Canal^ -at Godetich and then at the London Fair, The conning Exhibition at Coderieh bids fair to be the Best ever held thaxtw, and, with such an A ttractioo as Broncho John on the program, those who fail to attend will certainly miss neo of the events of the season. B. Li.Z U&IWCE'S SPECTACLES `EyE GLASSES Surest Aids for Impaired Vision. B. Laurance's tests enable one to bo Fitted Instantly .v:il3 any lfind of Spectacles. 13. Laurence, or a Competent O1l ician will Visit Brussels peri.oi'iy. All Spectacles sold by the Undersigned will be Exchanged by id's•. Laurance Free of Charge if not exactly adapted to the sight. B. LaurO,nce's Spectacles are Recommended by almost every Medical Expert in Canada. One Year's Guarantee with Each Pair. 1poctaele - Repairs - Executed - with - De..pact,c• .—laox.,xo obt-I A. M. McKAY 8c. Co., Hardware Men, -IRMO +� —FOR— Mowers, Binders and Thresher ;; Very Heavy Body, Great Endurance, Perfectly Pure, Does Not Gum. THE BEST MACHINE OIL IN THE MARKED —MANUFACTURED BY— McMillan, Kittridge & Oa, PETROLEA.—BRANCH AT STRATFORD. For Sale by A. M. McKay & Go., - Brussel Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST Rt/.ZTES. Private and Company F(rnds. DICKSON & HAYS, Sollc•tior9, I3TU:Mines, ONT. PHOTOS. TINTYPE S 4.. roes • alD a Cetit F'. A11 \Fera Creta the Sinn ttrni to Life 400 done In It 11 rst.ellasg manner, of ltrvldrnrrs, ice., al Iteasnnnbte Mites. W. J. Fairfield. THOS. FLETCHER, i-'r•actical TTr'atelimake aiul Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors alma support and wishing 0111 to secfa a your patronage, we are openinte out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers, fnlay warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest; DcsipS'.' .. JEWELRY Witt r n 3 1.'1,17'4 ( 'St. RJticc. Ihtao•. las. tie ll;, is Fell Line cf sWia Violin Strings, le.,, in stuck. te. ft. -lifetime of \latrelegc uresuerae T. Fletcher, - f russel ,