The Brussels Post, 1890-8-29, Page 41
A17GUST 29, 1890
New Advertisements.Goderiehpeoplepaya
cents on the #
taxes this
fungus can be destroyed. by sprayiug1
even in August and. September, but it ie
doubtful if fall
(lard -Mise ()ale,
Card -Br. Graham.
School Inspector Robb bas
ed in a new bioyole.
A "Looking Backward" Sooiet has
[, Y
The annual meeting of the Millers' As.
natation for the counties of Heron,
Portal, Grey and Brunn. and North Wel.
a npplination would pay
its costs. Prof. Bailey is now testing
this Point. These nppltontmns, oven
4iJ WIG{f Nib Property
W d, IJ to
__ -,....
AnyAmount of Moneyto Loan
Local -Geo. Baeker.
Locals -Mrs. RIRogers.
Locals -Alex. Strachan,
Local -W.11. Mo0reakon.
Farm for Sale -Geo. Welsh.
School Books -J, T. Popper.
been ostabliahed in London, Ont.
D. Cautoton oaloulates be will ship
from this county this year, 10,000 barrels
of apples.
U. N. Clnlletader of Kdrltton, has scoured
a to teach in the Gauafoque
lington was hold at Listowel on Thera•
day, August '21st, in the Town Hall, p.
molly, Blyth, (president) in the chair,
J. W. Moyers noted as Seorotary. Over
twenty of the loading millers were in at.
when a half dozen, nand not cost mere
than 15 to 25 conte for a large ti ea for the
whole 808000, counting both materials
and labor. The following are good for.
minae; -(1) Dissolve 1 o4r carbonate of
copper in 1 qt, of aqua ammonia ; dilute
tinder and by virtue of powers of sole
eentainod in a certain lnortgago, which will
bo prodtluml at the thus tof ease, tonne will
1800lat 0 o'Oteekfl 10 tthe 2 afternoon, I tr Lh.
AAranrOANMOTITT., 10 the Towu of linuoonoe,
thettoilow108 valuable p00801ty :
011 Farm or Village Pro -
pert at
1 y
6 G r7 7
6 Per Cent Yearly
.r-• r r" n r ------- •*-••
1 b e 3811`11 S f.I P ` (1St.
-- '• `- - --- - _,-_ `
high school. J. 0. Hay, Listowel, President of the
Billy Rinn, near Hinburo, has corn Dominion DIillers' Aseooiation ; James
growing on his farm that measures over Stark, Paisley ; M. Hutchinson, Godo.
18 feet in length, rich ; Mr. Kemp, Seaforth, and W. S.
john Mo0laeherty, of Clinton,Gunton, bas a Listowel, addressed the meeting on
geranium plant on wbioh there are 8a important ]natters pertaining to two As.
bunohee of flowers. sooiation,
to be Exeter on
with 100 qts. Of water when ready t0
apply. (2) Place 21bs. of copper sulphate
in 0001010120 hot water to dissolve it, and
m another veaael dissolve 2a lbs. carbon.
oto in soda. Min, and before dilute add
if pints of ammonia, and thou with
water to about 30 gallons.
two 'Downside (13t 11 b14 ria p11110 da Q0uatoomity olt t
Huron, oontaloiug 100oeres more or loss, and Straight Dans wltil privilege of
being composed of the North Half of Lot repaying when required.
Naw B, tRI 0110 bo Ooesooeelo off J 6n 1 to
pybue. pp Y
'1`annte.-000-tenth of the purchasetmoney
to be paid down at the time of 0,110. Liberal
terms for balance will be made known at A. Hunter,
Otte by one many of the laws customs
rad usages of the poet are being quietly
Frederick Amber is at Moved by J. C. Hay, seconded by N.
Wednesday evening September 8rd, at Wenger, Ayton, and parried, that the
Memorial this
(RANGE GRAN» 0081(:13.
the sine of sale
Por 0artl:oi partioulars applyto Division Court clerk, Tl'1188118.
11013lNSON, O'130110N 3I133018,
aid on the shelf, and are only to be
as a matter of history. Toll
the ohureh. members of Association, believing,
Mr. Simpson, of Clinton, has perches• as we do, that the system of buying
ed the stationery stook of Dr• Worthing wheat by the tester is the only fair and
The following Orange Grand Lodge of.
&ere were elected at St. John, N. B., on
Wednesday last
Vendors' Solicitors,
4'0 74 Church Street, Toronto, 11/1EAT IIIARIiET,
ends have evidently been put upon this
lot by the legislation of the last Provin•
fad Parliament. Judge Sinclair, of
County, has just upheld an.
ssaesmenb of $22,750 on Dna company's
Dads in the Township of West Flom -
oro', and the municipal and school rates
1 the township will be itvied on that
mount. Maidstone township assessed
ton of the same equitable wily to arrive at the value of
0. Hartleib, Dashwood, has disposed wheat, we agree this season to oonticue
a his steam carriage works to Henry the system of buying by the tester, both
Reese, of Zurich, for $1,700. locally at the mills and in oar lots,
The Goderioh Board of Trade is taking Moved by James Mahaffy, Port Albert,
steps towards inducing some responsible seconded by M. Hutchinson, Goderioh,
to build a summer hotel ther0, that we, the millers of the A•eociabion,
J. Armstrong, of the 10th con., Wawa• agree hereafter to adopt the recognized
nosh, was successful in getting a first• weight of 196 lbs. as a barrel of flour,
claw ltoll,luate ex the late examination and hereafter agree to pat 98 lbs. flour do
do Clinton, bags milieu of 100 lbs. for the local trade
Caledonian will
of week,
N. Clarke Wallace, M. P., re.elootod
Grand Mester,
E. F. Clarke, M. P. P•, Toronto, Deputy
Grand Master.
Rev, J. Halliwell, Smiths Falls, Grand
Robert Birmingham, Toronto, Grand
William Anderson, Mountain Vdnw,
Granit Treasurer.
James Kelly, St, Jolni, Grand Lectnrec.-
Private Funds to Loan.
Frush and livered to
Have been placed in urs hands snit, 1III ,(/(':. UiC imart
u f
for Investment on real estate. 10'1111,10%0n00 - Id"ri?A: y,•,, ltree or
11111111 and de- Charge.
The Lnoknoly games to grocers and bakers and retail trade
ne of the remaining toll roads in Essex this year he held on Sept. 10, in con• from our mill, said change to come lute
this year, and when the other town- 0000108 with which will be a two drays' operation on Oct. 1st, 1800. Carried..
hips begin to operate in a similar direo- quaffing tournment. This motion provoked considerable lis•
As a young"man was walking along mission, and was hotlydebated.
on next year, they will be rapidly the beach atGoderioh, he picked up a Moved by James Sark (Paisley), neo.
of rid of. Spanish pillar quarter bearing the date ended by J. C. Hay that this Association
Deputy Grand Chaplains -Rev. C. E.
Parry, Toronto; James Ardill, Merril.
ton ; W. F. Wilson, Toronto ; D. Care-
oaden, bore ; W. E. Barnes, Belleville ;
J. 0. Machi, Toronto ; Dr. Smythe,
Montreal ; J. G. Fletvwelling, Centre-
LVO CQ1121122SS2Qi2. r
Vett C7adtl Wanted
Borrowers Can have loans Com- For which two highest market priee
pleted in 1h100 Days if title will be paid. I also make a specialty 03
satisfactory. buying Aides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jetvel-
W. 11I. SINCL Store.
11788. Such coins are curious nowadays. heartily endorse the move being made to
Sam; of the United States Congress- The east half of lot 34, sou. 3, East secure the grinding of Manitoba wheat in
the McKinley Bill Wawanoab, was sold by auction recently. transit, and will the Dominion As.
villa, N B. ; William Walsh, Brampton,
Ont. •, Andrew Wilson, Kingston, Ont. ;
M. IT. Martin, B. D., Chatham, Ont. ;
AIR, ry
SoZ4Cito1, Brussels.
have stated that give
It contains 50 aoree, and was purchased sooiation our best to
B. H. Thomas, Mangervilie, N.B."; John
not aimed at Canadian products at all, attain that
ad byby R. Howard, Blyth, the price paid end ; and that a 009y of this resolution
rad that the schedule was arranged being $800. be forwarded to the Senretery of the Do•
10 American Grange without any refer. An employeo of the Now Era office, minion Millers' Association.
see to Canada. That kind of coulee. Clinton, worked off, ou a No. 2 Gordon A oommittoo appointed to examine the
orrery won't take, and the list will press, (treadle power) 2,000 envelopes in Exchange Table reported that it is
one hour and forty-three minutes, be- not advisable to make any change in
nnvince any Canadian that the tariff sides stopping several times• same, but would ear lastly urge the main-
]sane prohibition in almost every in. The totals credited to the three oentres berg to drop the Exchange Table and
tante, and shows that the "Yanks" are of this county for teeohere' examinations adopt the haying of to wheat and Belling
p as follows:-Goderioh, 20 primary of the flour.
tabbing it in good and hard. Barley and 12 junior ; Seaforth, 10 primary and Moved by S. R. Stuart (Mitoliell),
3yere are making haste to get their par- 12 junior ; Clinton, 13 primary, 4 junior sect lied by N. Wenger (Ayton) that this
lase* across the line before the new and 2 senior. Disariot Association consider it in the in-
,riff bill passes at Washington. It is Last year W. Whiting of Greenway, terests of its members and the members
sowed one pea in his garden which pro. of the Do inion Millers' Association
Morgan, Hillsdale, Ont.; 1. W. Ilodgine,
Lukebam, Ont. ; R. H. Leitch, Alma,
Ont. ; James Bleasdal, Sambre, N. S. ;
Rural Dean cooper, Inverniay, Ont. ;
E. W. Sibbald, Lloydtown, Ont. ; S, A.
Dnpran, Montreal.
Deputy Grand Secretary -J. C. Glass,
Shubenaeadie, N. S.
Deputy Grand Treasurer -H. A. Mo-
Fanl, Prince Edward, Ont.
W. W. Fitzgerald, of London, Ont.ea
was presented with a beautiful gold
watch and chain, with locket and charm,
The particulars aro given in the follow-
ing inscription engraved inside the cover :
i RI UU U C! 1 1 p 1 ,
- ,,,-
Three zeursioi,, I
Canadian Northwest
0 , rft
LI tt,
0w generally believed that the duty 0n duoed33 pods containing therein a total that two buying of wheat in oar lots be
trley will be placed at 25 cents. It will of 155 peas. This year he sowed the Pro- placod in the bands of one general buyer,
1 remembered that in the original draft duce of last year's pea which yielded him and that a committee be appointed to
:r. McKinley pat it at 30 Dents, that it 1
}Thea, D tlor whoeremoved to Clinton have thda discussed, and, if possible,
es subsequently reduced to 15c., and from Goderioh a few months ago and adopted, eeat the Dominion MSep mbAe•
uiamon meeting to be hold in September
to 25o. by the Senate Finance took the dry that had carried.
"Presented to R. W. Bro. W. W. Fitz-
gerald, Q. 0., P. G. M., by the Grand
Orange Lodge of Ontario West, as a
them0Oitnoomena olf services
K .00
Anguet 20, 1800.
August 12, Return Sept. 21
August 19, Return Sept, 28.
September 2, Return Oot. 12
v E
1 I J
on run ap goods premises next,
For the information of been occupied by his brother John C. Messrs. J. 0. Hay, James Hodd, T. 0.
Perth County.
has given up business in Clinton and Kemp and James Fair were appointed as
it be to
rm0rs and other* may well will remove his stook to Nipissing die- a committee to carry out the above resp.
re the rest of the agricultural schedule : triol. lution,
Barley malt, 45c. ; buckwheat, 150. ; While a threshingwas in ro cess at
progress The officers elected for the ensuing year
rn, 15e. ; oats, 15o. ; rye, 10a. ; wheat, the farm of W. Ohler, Colborne, a son of K y
were :-P. holly, Blyth, President ; Jas.
C. ; beans and peas, 40c. ; cabbages, Michael Swanzo met with a sinful ac-
P Stark, Paisley, Vice -President ; J. W.
. each ; live poultry, 3c. per lb. ; hogs, oideot. Some one above him had laid Meyers, Listowel, Secretary.CALGARY
.50 per head ; bops, 158. per lb. ; down a pitchfork, when it slipped down, The next annual meetingwill be held
A number the Stratford officials are
suffering with a renewal of lagrippe.SALTCOATS,
The now Hamlet ward school has been
opened at Stratford. There are four
Frank Campbell, hardware merchant,
has received 12 care of coal this
MOOSEJ AV1', ,y /
(cud Return),
Money to Loan 011
Ina , 20o.per pal; potatoes! 258, per theprong catching Swanze in the breast,
Y K P P K at Listowel in Augost next.
week atLOWEST
Mite hell.
10.; straw, $2 per ton; hay, 64 per lou; penetrating one lung. A lot of minor matters were disposed
1tter, 6o. per lb. ; cheese, 6o. per lb. ; A "pioneer sooiii" is to be held in the of by the Association. The meeting was
ilk,Sc. p01 gal. ; eLou oz. ; leoctureroom - a large and enthusiastic oils, and the in.
e Ratton
A friend of the Salvation Arm in
Stratford on Sunday distributed about
Tickets, Free Sleeping Bertha
and all other Infoxmation apply to
.0 rlvate and Company Funds.
egg dressed m ,f Che Friday,yStDoo
p e. p abbu $drep beta , dust. Antique on i 2 20thtorest manifested at the meeting shows it
perp, perq to be a live institution,
dons, 400. per bus. ; flaxseed, 30o. per ed songs, and speeches by some of the
sixty bibles among Cie junior soldiers.
The next meeting of the Grand Lodge
of Ontario, I. O. 0. I ., will be held in
T. Fletcher,
G. T. R. Ticket Agent, Brusrels.
J.C.IIefl'ernan J,A.i 0nlle'.
1E. Horses, $30 per head; those valued "oldest inhabitants" deacribtive of their
$150 or over, 30 per cent. ad. val. struggles in conquering the primeval for. The Apple Blight.
Stratford beginning the second Wednes•
day in August, 1891,
Rev. Principal Toronto has
Through Ticket, Brussels dt Return.
s c.
Valuator. A ell t,
tale, over oneyear old, $10per wend ; est, will constitute the unique program to
q P K The promise of fruit was never better
lea a year, $2. be presented, all through Ontario than last spring. All
motherOaven, of
been visiting his mother in Motherwell,
and preached in the Presbyterian church
Baggage Checked to Destination.
Ethel P.O., Ont. 28tt
The tariff bill is verycertain not to go Mrs. A. Q. Bobier, of Exeter, had a
magnificent specimen of the night -bloom -
to orchard fruits, particularly, gave t won•
to operation before the let of October, ing cereal; some out into flower. The derful profusion of bloom. The apple
it is possible that the date may be flower was about six inches in diameter, prop had been light last year, and every
stponed anti! January ist. Thera ie aompoeed ofarewhite wan -like petals one natueally expected a great harvest
s a die osition on the art of the enclosing a mass of yellow etamene.thia eeason. Yet the apple prop ie almost
P P During the five or six hours of its con- a total failure, not only hone, but in all
authorities to have the changes tinuanoe dt can scarcely be eurpaseed for the adjaoe0t States of the American
the tariff begin with the fiscal quarter. beauty and fragrance. Union. It is estimated that there has
been a total loss of some $50
there on Sunday, 17th insti
Mrs. (Dr,) Hall, of St. Marys, was
chosen 2nd viae -president of Loyal True
Blue Or hang a Board at the recent eleo-
tion ofFenga atis66on.NOtICey
Mre. Ferg, who ie 66 years old, andatoms
Mra. Ronenberg, who ie 58 years old, poll -NEVER
ed two scree of ilea in two days for
Conrad Bellerc oo. 16 Elms a few
Oily Tongued Agents will try to
draw Attention from this
Call and Judge for Yourselves all who
eriode. The let of October is one of At the anneal matches of the Western ,000,000.
P District Rifle Association at London N. The reaeouB for this wholesale failure
ose periods, but as the bill will not be have not been ascertained by any scien-
Robson, of Clinton, headed the aoore in
seed into law much before that time it the extra match, 200 yards, and captured title investigations. Of course the spring
'old be diffinalt to arrange the machine a $'25 prize. He also took a $2 prize in tvas wet and mostly cool, and when the
the affiliated match. J. Anderson, of oroharde were in bloom miasmal heavy
the Treasury so that the accounts rains fell. Shortly afterwards the bios-
Clinton, took a prize in the extra 400
cid be satisfactorily kept for the last yards match. Capt, Roberta ani the sores withered and fell. Fruit growers
anter of the year. There will, accord- two Lieuts. Wilson, of Seaforth, 33rd, are of the opinion that the weather was
be an effort on the part of the Huron, battalion captured several prizes. oularly in theroaeethe gofeapptesral lure, whdth
icials to fix the date for the act to take The Clinton New Era Bays :-Nelson failure :s the most complete and discs•
Steep, near Holmesville, says he Is the mous, and which were just
the beginning the calendar into
, , ,
days ago.
What's to hinder the Colwell's and the
Davis', of Mitchell,' amalgamating and
forming a Colonization Company 7
Thirty or forty souls would not be a bad
start for these hard times.
Mies Maggie Robinson, organist of St.
Paul's church, Kdrktou, was recently
cognition ofresented iher valuable a watoh and chain la re -h
has gone to visit friends in Dakota.
A special meeting of the Stratford
', '99 T r1
School E®® Line
are in want of the following :
CUT Single Furrow Plows sell
from $12.00 to $14.00.
We drawSpecial Attention to our
5 p
Two Furrow Plows, which
sell from $10 to $18.
Straw Cutters, 1,440.
et at of unluckiest man in all Canada. Saturday passing
ar, Januarylet ; but this will be etren• he loaded a load of flea and ran it into bloom when a prolonged storm of un-
usl opposed bythe m¢nnfactimers in the barn for Monday morning; when he usual severity, a000mpanied by lightning,
Y PP was. backingit out he somehow upset the Passed over the country. It has long
States, who allege that the imports- P been supposed that cold and heavy rain
entire load, got it again and started p
Ile 0f goods have already discounted for Clinton, but before he got to Holmes- at bloomingtime will prevent fertilize-
g benetdts they are likely to receive ville one of the tires came off ; he got the tion of ole flowers, and the idea appears
t(00putto be widely accepted. In determining
m the new tariff bill for two or three on and alerted again, but had why blosoome fail to eat, dt ehonld be
ars at the beet, and that if importers not gone for when the rack broke and let borne in mind that fully four fifths of
the whole load on the ground the second the dowers of apples
given an additional quarter eater they time. He had to hunt for anotherpP a and pears fall
ow exactly what the tax is to be they wagon and man to help him load, and naturally. The flowers are borne in
aluetere, the fruits are borne singly
Presbytery was held on Thursday of
last week in Knox church, to consider
the call to Rev. R. Johnson, of Lindsay.
The Presbytery heartily approve of the
A great crop of flax is being harvested
in grand condition in St. Marys vicinity.
The two Orme engaged in the .business
have over 1,000 acre* between them.
This industry gives employment to aboutat
175 persons of both sex.
The the township Downie
SCI oo 1 Ba S,
Chalk C ra o n S,
Ink Pencils, &c.
6 Knife Pulpers, 14.
1 ,
Of All Makes. The following are
some of them •:-Writ ` likin-
son, Copp, Advance and Smith's
Falls, Kept Constantlyon Hand
40c. per Point.
then he farted for town, but oroesin yet ;
1 still further load the beaded ware• g the end in most cases the apple* had set and
track the rack upset for the third time.
of the country with goods which were about the !dee of email peas when
He got it on and managed to get aie far they bean t0 die. At the same time the
to escape the operations of the act, as the mill without any further mishap. youngleaves began to look unhealthy,
that additional injury will be done to He hoe taken to plowing and let the job nd hey rapidly assumed a blighted a-
manufacturing interests, and we are of hauling out. pearaaoe. In a recent bulletin issued by
lined to think that Congress will not Wm. Uttley, fireman at the grist mill, prof. Bailey, of Cornell University, he
able to withstand those arguments. at Zurich, met with a very serious 110. eaye that these facts show that there is
oidont on Tuesday of last week. A team an intimate connection between the death
e desires of the manufacturer are of horses belonging to Mr. Johnston, of of the flowers or young fruit and the
sly to prevail rather than the con. Bayfield, ran away and were not oaptur• blighting of the leaves. The blight is
the book. keepers the Tres, ed until they had gone some distance out caused by the apple•soab fungus. Whether
council of of
want some responsible person to adopt a
male child about one month old, which
was left at the door of Alexander Gaston's
residence on Sunda 24th. Theyalso
offer s reward of $200 for two npprhen,
sionand ognvietion of the party or parties
who left the child.
The other day 1. Leary, St. Marys,
had an old lady sit for a negative who
had lived more than a quarter of a ash•
tory after the allotted time and is yet
active clear -minded. She is Mrs.
The "Scholar's Companion" is
a useful, convenient little wooden
box containing a• Penholder and
Pen, Lead and Slate Pencils and
a Wooden Rule, and sold for the
Gan g Points, 25c. each.
Second-hand Horse Powers of
different makes Cheap.
large Planer, Moulding Machine and
Magid Saw for dela.
Brussels Foundry.
of of
y Department. A good many well. of the village. Mr. Uttley went to assist the flowers or young fruits were actually
Mr. Johnston in getting the team bank, attacked by the fungus in this case, or
armed persona say the bill will be which by tide time had got rid of the whether they fell because of the impaired
dy for the President's signature on box and hind wheels of the wagon. vitality of the injured trees, be is unable
te 15th, and that it will go into Coming back to the village Mr. Uttley to say, but thinks it ie probable that their
to on October lab, sure. and the boy who had been driving the death is due in largo part, directly or in.
team rode ona the front bolster and directly, tp the funghi
Mary Ann Mills, sister of Mr. Cathcart
and has passed 104. She same from St.
Thomas on the train alone, hag never
worn epeataoles and Dan see to thread a
fine sewing needle.
PhilipLorch a well•known farmer onA
stud Wallacehwas removingfsmr
•insignl$C&rat sum of 5 Cents. If
you d buy one of these boxes you
would not 80 much complain
Johnston behind. When opposite Geo: This apple -scab hinges, Fnsdedadflrnt
Huron County. Hess', thinking the horses were going to deatritiourN., which is so destructive to
straw from the knotter of his binder
when the horses started and the needle
about lost pencils, and there
EW I ' '
run again, Mr. Johnston jumped off, thus foliage, is the one which causes the scab
)ungannon has a population of 200. letting the others down behind the horses. upon the fruit itself. It is nearly always
;aytleld tax rate da only 15 mills on The remaining part of the wagon went present to a or less extent upon
deeoended and pierced two fingers of the
left hand. The hand being thus pinned
down, the disohargiug the binder
would be no difference of opinion.
H_ S>N N 2S
$. over them injuring them both, Mr, UEt. both leaves and fruit, bet it is rarely so
Koine, ex•Reeve of Howiok, ley most severely, he being injured about destrutive to foliage as this year. It
chased the old drill shed at Gorrie the head and hie leg broken above the bas increased rapidly in New York of
other day for $110. knee. late years, and last year the apples were
township rate of taxation this During Wednesday night of last weak unusually scabby. The wet spring at.
1 is 2 mills for Co. purposes and one some one entered the stables of G. M, forded it just the conditions for rapid
three.tenth mills for local purposes. Dee, Huron road, near Goderich, Ind growth. 00 appears to be somewhat
000rding to the declaration of J. S. stole his chestnut driving mare, with a sv0r00 upon low and undrained lend* than
ports, hie agent, it cast J. G. Holmes silver mounted set of harness and a sulky, upon high and warm elevations, although
6,60 to run the election in South It was evidently done early in the even: the latter aro never by any marine exempt
von, against A. Bishop, M. P. P. ing, but the thoft was not discovered sn the infeated regions, Some 3101.8010
M the first of August a young son of until Thursday morning. The thief think that the anent foliaged varieties,
t, Kendal, Trowbridge, in closing a made 1 clean jab of it, but ho will have lilte Spitzsnbnrg, are most seriously 11,.
vy driving shed door, hall the mi0. hard work getting away as Ole 11110x0 lo juror/ The growth of the wood is very
tune of laving hie thdgh bone broken. easily noticed, 11081113 a white mane and -000111 became) of the unhealthy foliage.
Ryer Wilson, of Seaforth, had two tail, and the harness is a particularly The last two seasons have domonatrat•
a broken by a fractions horse jamming good set, Officer Yule lo sending out ed that carbonate of copper is a or -e
arm of
struck and broke his arm below the
elbow. Mr. Lorah took out his knife
and started to out his fingers free of the
needle, but being afraid of nutting a cord
desisted and did nob get free until the
casting was broken off with cold chisels
The accident must have been an unonally
painful one.
Jae. Boyd, of Britton, had a most re-
markable experience the other day.
feeling a prinking sensation in his breast
juet below the 1.Ogi0 3 of bis heed, he
found upon examination the point of a
needle probvnding, which he extracted.
forty-six years ago, when a mare boy,
living in Ireland, he with other children
of his age were testing the payor of their
Don't forget that the Brussels
Fall Show will bo bold on Tilurs-Handsome
clay and Friday, Oct. 2nd and
did, and if you h/IVO a few min-
utos to spare call in and leave
yon'' Orden` for anything you re-
quire any ti111e•If
Is Prepared to supply you with a
At a Slight Advance of Cost.
Call in and Make a Selection Or
Leave your Order,
'ot1 a"0 intending to travel
Dennis' is Headquarters for
I againet a gate post while trying to word to ell lately p0dnt0, and a liberal remedy for Oho apple sold) fungus, It is teeth in biting noodles in two. It is
s through before the gate was fully reward 108111 bo paid for Go arrest of the not yet fully donio:10110ted )000 what are . 300dlese to add that lie succeeded in the
nod. thief, Constable. Yule received a tole. the beat times to make the application, undertaking, Ono half of tale needle VB.
tines Jenkin, of Colborn, was one of gram late Friday evening from Stratford but it is necessary to begin before the aminal 1111110 haul, the oilier bou led
who took f4 sample of the tN0 rimthat a elan had been arrorted 01,m, dowers open, and to Invke from four to down his throat, Strange to say, that
sent out from the 1)aporta not w0 with the horse mid rig aU111 wadi was. six applitw.Oi"110 betwo:n that,, time and during all the half cutlery y Ilia three.
at Ottawa. He wt d t Fent to ?Jr. Doe ad o d1at1 gena anllfi. gild the first of Angina. Three applications quartets inch of stool wee in his system
hots and forty pounds mel from t1,18 hest, to go in Strlttfnrd and identify the at any talo shotda be. m ,tie- .1110 bnfo'o he never felt itny mins inconvenience
shed out seventy bushels of gond, property. The planner appcltnt 1 before the blosemn:rinlen, one ,jest after theyyron it, and had almost forgotten the
n grain, in _nine and 0110r tally farq al the polite inonist,vedn hrn1.,x• ,,,,dwvl, ,•„- full, mull nuotner three or four weeps I hmidont. until Go other day. ohm, it
aklplljug I;npes for two +t',iL'1S,
1lllln't• 7Alltorn8 anti I XII1Ca8
f .n
'I. a -P118 r(o tilt! 1)ay;l,
i 01.1.1 ! "1•1nnyt• rel+nvtn
l\ T lr r 1 Well -Assorted
1 ge and 1V ell -Assorted
St(nel( to choose from.
nmhu113 for eight days.
Etter. It ;* 1•robaL•ie
hat sonic of
lie wine 80 t.virily brought to hi
..w..a,, .1..r.a+w,.a.v •I.5 .1. _),