HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-8-15, Page 5Ij
AUGUST 15, 1890.
x ZC eb3S.
Sobool ro.opens next Monday.
The ihtx mill Ie running ante more fail
Thu Fall /show will bo hold hero on
Thursday, Oct. 2nd.
The "i3ee" urges attontioa being paid
to improving blit cemetery,
Pie social at the Methodist ohurah on
Friday nvaning of next week.
Rev. R. Pail prsaobod two acceptable
sermons here last Sabbath. Rev, Mr,
Rogers is away at Stratford.
Civic holiday on Friday of this week.
A new bake shop is among the prob.
Last Monday Jno. Barrett had his left
hand injured in the machinery of the
flax mill here.
Rev, W. T. McMullen, of Woodetnok,
conducted the reopening services in St.
Andrew's church last Sabbath. The
.Methodist friends withdrew their usual
services, and Trinity church did likewise
in the evening.
Sebool re -opens next Monday morning.
Miss Lou Pollard is home from Lon.
don on a visit.
The regular service will be held in St.
Georges) church next Sabbath afternoon
by the inonmbont.
The Methodist people are talking of
bolding a harvest home featly/Al or pin
Mc about the end of the month.
Owing to Jackson's appointment being
connected to Blyth oircttit a re -arrange.
meet of the work was rendered ueoes•
sary. Rev, Mr. Ottewell appears to be
directing the work in a very satisfactory
manner. 'Phe quarterly service was an
enjoyable one.
Uriah McFadden jr. has been home on
a holiday visit.
Publio Schools open on Monday of next
week, the 18th inst.
r t. isbe s
The ohaefer oar to old on
the 8rd of September,
Township Council will meet on the
last 'Friday of this month.
Rumour says that there will be a
wedding on the 5th eon. shortly.
The contract is let for a new bridge to
be built on the boundary near the 4th of
Jacob Hanhofer, of the Henfryn brick.
yard, has sold nearly 100,000 brick al-
Miss Ilabkirlt, of Toronto was home for
a few weeks. She thinks there is no
place like Torenbo.
Mrs. I. Smith, of Walton, was visit-
ing relatives and aognainbunces on the
16th con., a few days last week.
There was a flax -pulling bee and a
demon iu the evening at L. MnNeil's on
the afternooh of Tuesday, 12th inst.
A good many new binders have been
brought into the 10th con. this Beason.
they are of the Patterson make, which
have lately become greatly reduced in
Ioitl el .
School reopens next Monday.
Shooting match between thollocal gun
olubs on Friday of next week. Some fun
is expeoted.
G. A. Boyd and family purpose remov-
ing to California about the end of this
month. Mr. Boyd has relatives living
there, so knows something of the
YOUTHFUL PaDnsriu s. 011e day re-
cently Mrs. Dilworth was in the garden
doing some work when her two year old
boy strayed off. When they missed him
they looked all around but could not find
him anywhere. Met. Richardson was
coming from Molesworth and met the
little fellow up the road over half a mile
from home. He spoke to the boy but
got no answer and he did not like to take
]nim along for fear he would .cry, so he
went on until he met Mrs. Dilworth who
asked if be bad seen the child, he told
her be had and that he was up the road a
piece. Willie Dilworth went to bring
him bank and found him climbing the
fence into a field of oats. No telling
what the result might have bad the child
gob into the field.
Dentist Macdonald drew ebnost three
score of teeth on Friday let inst.
It was decided to bold the fell show on
the 30th of September and 1st of October.
There is to be a Suotoh concert given
under the auspices of the Caledonian
Society shortly, in the town hall.
The C. P. R. assessment in town has
been raised by order of the judge, instead
of lowered, as the Company demanded at
the appeal court.
Joe Molndoo, formerly of this plane,
but now of Two Harbors, Minn., writes
to a friend in town to inform him that a
stranger of the boy persuasion hag arrived
at his home.
Gilchrist, Green de Co., of the Union
furniture factory, Wingham, have pur-
chased from Mesas. MoLean & Son the
saw mill operated by them for some
years, and which is situated near the C.
P. R. track.
A very exciting cricket match was play-
ed at Wingham Friday between the Clin-
ton and Wingham clubs, and resulted in
a victory for Wingham by eight buns.
In the first inning Wingbarn soured 46,
and Clinton 56. In the second inning
Wingham 64, and Clinton 46.
The lige of voters for 1890 for the town
of Wingham has been printed. There
are on the list 626 names in all. There
OTO in Ward 1, 157 entitled to vote at
municipal elections, in Ward 2, 106,
Ward 8, 146 and in Ward 4, 187. There
are 816 qualified to throe as jurors,
One evening recently Robert Leggett,
of Tornberry, while canning the street
near the Queen's hotel, was streak on the
temple by the shaft of a buggy which
was going along the street et the time.
1:Ie was carried into the hotel and med.
Teal aid called, IIe regained conscious.
nen in 1 short time, and no serious re-
sults aro anticipated,
The town civic holiday hes been eat
for Friday, 15th, and arrangements have
been nude with the Grand Trtmlt 1Lnil.
way for an ex0008ion to Kincardine at the
excesdingiy low rate of 70 cents for odnits
fuel 31 cents for children. The Firo
Brigade intent snug and taking part in
the tournament at Kincardine. The
town hand and Bail'e factory bend will
accompany rho towmpeopib lc Khmer.
dine, and the prospect is that the time
will and
nut on masse rug Kineardiue, .
J. M. Lest, of Victoria, B. C. formerly
of Wingham, hag been appointed by the
Government of Manitoba Commissioner
for that Province for taking affidavits
outside the Province to be used within it.
51r. Loot has also received a similar ftp.
pointment from the Government of
l Onta'to,
OLD Pcauo• -A. groat deal of tall blow.
ing hag been clone through the news.
papers about old ohnrne and old cradles
bet Robt. Armstrong, 4th line, has an
old pump that keepe pace with the pro•
ous0lon. Ie is a common round log pump
and has been in active service for the
past 80 years aid is not on the eupsran•
nuated yet, and may bo aeon any day
on Mr, Armstrong's farm. What Irish-
man, Sootohman, Englishman, German
or Canuok can boat that record 7
School re -opens next Monday.
Rev. W. E, Kerr occupied the pulpit of
the Methodist aharch here last Sabbath
in the absence of the pastor, Rev. B.
Flux pulling is through and the amp
le being threshed and the flax spread in
fields to rot. The harvseb is well ad.
vended and the result will be very satis-
factory on the whole,
We are pleased to notice bhat Miss
Ellie MoLauchlin bas been successful in
her examination and haft beau awarded
a second clime certificate, We c0ngratu.
late her on her success.
A good many people will regret to hear
that Chas. Dahms has been compelled to
make an assignment and hie aseiguee, A.
Reymann, is preparing to straighten out
mutters es far as possible. A meeting of
the oredilors is announced at Mr. Ray-
manh's oilioe, Cranbrook, on Friday of
next week. Report says backing notes,
and having to foot the hill is largely
the cause of Mr. Dahms inability to meet
all bis liabilities.
I.it tow+'r+1.
The Standard is holidaying this weak.
Two cents on the dollar is our rate of
taxation this year.
The Listowel Bee Keepers Association
will bold a meeting of members on Sat.
urday, 16th inst.
Civic holiday on Thursday of this
weak. Jfinuardine was the objective
pointfora good many of our citizens.
Kidd Bros.' "Newhope" won 1st money
in the open trot at Hanover last Monday
afternoon. 2.49 wee the best time made.
During a recent storm S. Tatham's
sow is supposed to have been struck by
lightning and killed. She was found
dead next morning.
The editors of the Banner and Stand-
ard are, childishly, squabbling as to who
makes the moat blunders in grammar,
dm. in their respeebive journals. The best
thing for them both to do is to "dry up."
Mrs. Ward, of Listowel, who had been
acting in such a manner lately as to iudi-
eats that she was not of sound mind, has
been removed to the Insame Asylum
here. Her case is one to excite sympathy
she being the mother of a large family of
young children. It is hoped that her de.
rangement will only be temporary.
The Seaforth and Stratford Lao.osse
clubs played a Western League sham•
pionship game at Stratford Tuesday, re.
sulting in Stratford's favor -8 goals to 1.
The Expositor says :—For several
evenings pact electric lights in Buffalo,
Cleveland and Detroit have been plainly
visible here. It seems that experiments
are being made by eleotricians in these
cities. An elsotrie lamp is placed in
baloon and is eonneeted with the electric
battery by a very fine wire. The lamp
is lighted and the baloon is set afloat,
and frequently rises two or three roller)
into the air, the lamp spreading its light
around the universe. On Wednesday
night the Buffalo and Cleveland lights
were plainly visible here, and looked
very pretty. The Detroit light, although
visible, was not so bright, the apparatus
apparently not working so well there as
in the other places. These lights flan be
seen almost any night,by those who look
for thein in the direction of these cities.
The lights resemble somewhat a large
bright star, but the difference is sufif.
oient to be readily discernable.
Perth County.
Miss Agnes Knox, of St. Marys, has
been delighting the people of Medicine
Hat tvith her elocutionary powers.
\V. H. & Fred Davis, of Mitchell, ship.
ed to London over a ton and a half of
raspberries within the past two weeks.
During the storm that was passing
near the home of poor old John Stacey,
in Logan, a flash of lightning struck his
dog, which was only a few feet away,
killing it instantly,
The Mitchell Recorder says there is
very strong discontent in the ranks of
the Conservatives of that town with their
party organ, and affirms that there is
talk of either a change of mnnagemenb
or starting a new organ.
The proprietor of the Larkworbhy
Hondo, Mitchell, broke a small piece of
skin off his ankle, which happened to be
over an artery, The 1blood spurted out
for several hours, and had it not stopped
just when it did the results might have
been serious.
A trotting race has been arranged at
Mitchell between W. G. Murphy's "Lady
MoNaught" and W. R. Davis' "Lucy D"
fob 850 a side, to come off on Thursday'
Aneust 14th, on the driving park there ;
mile heats, beet two in three, American
Turf Club rules to govern.
The publication of the Stratford Daily
Herald hums been continued, the proprie•
tors having been led to change their
minds about suspending its publication,
owing to the citizens of the olassio city
expressing a desire to have it continued
and promising a more liberal support.
Lamb spring Jae. Hutchinson, acting as
agent for. e0m0 Brantford firm, gold to
Thos. Dungey, of Logan, a seeder, to be
delivered on or about the 25th of April
at Mitoholi. On the (Into mentioned Mr,
Dungey sane in to take the seeder home,
but 10 did not arrive for a aonple of days
after. Mr. Dungey, being in a hurry to
get his orop 1h, maimed a seeder from
Jamoe Jones, and when the Branblood
inedible canto ho refused to take it.
Mr. Hutchinson left the wader on the
promisee of Mr, Dtngey, and aha firm
entered 0uit for the prion thereof, The
nese wits tried at Brantford on It winos. j
day of lata a eel( and judgment toothed
hlr. Dungey was obteirwd by the limo
for the till amount tvilh u rets, to be paid e
in 30 days.
The flax oror in Elma is heavy.
St. Marys, quo, hat many empty busi
nose stands.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Northgrave, of St
Maros, have just oelehrxted their golden
Fred.dding. Sharp, of St. Marys, has left that
town to take an important position in
the 0, P. R. office. Toronto,
The parties who indulged in a free flub
in front of the Army barracks Sunday
at Stratford, were lined $0 each.
frank Sestin, of Niseonri, threshed 1
agree of wheat neat week that averaged
40-beehels to the acre of the Maueheeter
The Stratford Times says.—Tho eleo-
tion expenees of George hese are
put at 8831 10. The 10 cents being for
two copies of Trre Toms.
A. J. Belob, at one time of the St,
Marys Argus, but now promoted to a
general insurance agenoy,15 fu Viotoria,
13. C. on a visit, Mr. Belch is strnok
with the extraordinary g.owth of Vit.
toria in the interim.
A new post.oflioe has been sberbed two
miles and a half north of Bornholm, to
be known as the Silleburg posboflioe. It
be are its name in honor of Jas. Sills, o
Mitchell, who formerly did is large luso
bar business thore. Jae. Earnest 1810 bei
Drilling at the gas well is progres+iug
rapidly. A depth of nearly 1,000 feet
has been reached, and a plentiful supply
of pure water has been tonna. Negnt.
lotions ire now {;ding between the Gae
Well Company and the G. T. R. to have
Ito water utilised in oase gas is not
Joseph 11, Dunlop, edit>r of The Chi.
cep Times, who was married last week
t0 dire. Storey, widow of the famous
editor, is an old Strabfordite, and {vas
connected with The Stratford Boaoon
about twenty years ago. Ile was born
iu this county, and has relatives still
living in it.
A three-ye/Le-old son of Mr. G.'O iAun-
bor fell in 0 cistern Tuesday night and
was drowned. IIe had been playing
with 0 litrlc girl a few minutes before,
hat Ivan alone at the tiros of the accident,
When found he was holding a piece of
bread in his hand, wbih he was eating
when be made the fetal step.
Twelve years ago Jas. Fuloher, of St.
Marys, helped at a threshing at Horn's
farm, Downie. Ab period,/ since that
time he has suffered intense agony in
the head, and has been partially deaf in
one ear. The other afternoon 1)r, Gunn
operated on his left ear, and entreated
an oat grain therefrom. This, no doubt,
was the cause of the trouble, as his hear-
ing is restored and lois bend ie devoid of
The Mitchell Sporting Club has a good
reliable staff of officers and working tom.
mittee consisting of the following :—Jno.
S. Coppin, Honorary President ; John
Broderick and Frank Kastner, V ice-Presi.
dents; Mayor Ford, Treaaneer; William
Mertyn, Secretary ; William Ryan, G,
F. Arnold, Thomas Jones, James Jones,
W. P. Kerr, 11red. Davis, Jae. Coppin,
J. W. Boyle and Gus Goebel, Direotors.
,Sixty shires are to be issued at 85 snob,
Some fourteen veers ego a gold watch
was stolen from H. B. Gordon, then of
Stratford. The waloh was numbered and
the police notified. During all that time
the police have been active and have
never lost the number, After patient
and diligent se trolling, Chief McCarthy
procured the watch last week, It was
stolen by a young fellow, who is now a
married man with a family. Owing to
this feet, and this alone he will not be
prosecuted, although he really deserves
John Idington, Q. C„ Crown Attorney
for the Chanty of Perth, sons before the
Police Magistrate at Stratford on Friday
On an information laid by James Fitz-
gibbon, it neighbor, who alleges that the
defendant "did make use of ,grossly in -
suiting language to the complainant ho a
public place within the city of Stratford."
It la claimed by the prose/11100n and
there was evidence tending, to show that
5f r. ldiugton in a loud tone of voice called
him a 'scoundrel," "reseal" and "a
thief and robber." Mr. Idington said he
could produce law to justify bis course,
and the apse was adjourned to allow him
to do so. He was fined 81.00 and coats.
Friday was Stratford's civic holiday,
and the weather was all that could be
wished. In the morning the various
lodges of Oddfellowe and Foresters com-
bined in a decoration day observance at
the cemetery, when the graves of de-
ceased brethren were suitably decorated
with flowers. In tate afternoon a fire-
men's tournament was held in the agri-
cultural ground. Visiting companies
from various parts of the Province were
present, and the different races were
keenly contested. A laorosoe match was
also played between the Toronto and
Stratford clubs, resulting in an • easy
victory for Stratford by 7 goals to 2.
The Torontos were evidently a scrub
team, as the Stratfords played ail around
Wm. Jacoby, a fourbeen•year•old boy,
of Stratford, who has been in the employ
of Dr. Niemar, of Tavistock, for some
time, was struck by a freight train last
Saturday evening and died from the
effecto of his iujurtes Monday morning.
He, with some other boyo, hod been In
the habit of jumping on freight trains as
they enter and leave the station. Lest
Saturday evening he boarded a freight
train and rode on the tow catcher as
far as the /Etna Flour Mills. He at-
tempted to get on again upon its return,
but failed, and was crushed between the
train and the platform. 1'. Flynn, of
the mills, found him a few miuutoe later
lying on the track with his face basted
in blood. He was carried to Dr. Nis-
mur's and carefully attended, but died
Mouthy morning.
13. I'. Itaetuer (Kastner Bros.), who
has been carrying on a dry goods and
grocery business in Mitchell and Sebring-
ville, has called a meeting of oreditoro to
discuss his affairs. His brother, J. L.,
retired from the firm a y08r ago, and was
to receive 32,500 for his intermit, to be
paid at oenventenee. The liabilities are
about 828,000 and the nominal assets
620,000. Among the creditors are several
Toronto names, and Kastnel's relatives
claim as follows:—One brother 63,000,
another brother 35,000, and hie mother
61,500. There aro some 70 credit"te, the
nu oobot' of 1300 608 behig in excess of the
dry goods mei chords, although the latter
repro/tent the larger losses. The dry
giggle creditors are /mattered over a large
territory, but the cowers arc meetly in
l'ormrt0, London std Nauilton. Among
the la•gor dry goods eroditars u.ro Ilgbe't.
sat di Lint me 11lnntreal; Roble/ion &'
Lillie, l ,undue ; Jahn Green tt Co., ism 1
Inn, •and C. 11, Smith iePartnere, 1'i.
nnnetauen Its Boveral good Farms for
sale and (A runt, easy terms in Townships
Of Sterns and Gray. 1r. S. )ll 0TT, Brussels.
N.) Tieing South halt:tot 27,800.0, garde,
100 acres, Ilea rly all. cleared. Good butldinga,
shout 20 awroa 14aU wheat in ground, l;nsy
torsos. Andy to W. h1• SINCLAIlr,
RI/hotter, &O., Brussels.
nansroxwn offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, c0auessloe 0, h1orris,
County of Huron, containing 66 acres. The
land is of first quality and in a high state of
stiltivation. well hunted and under -drained,
t'h soros cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
wills house with concrete walls, 2 wells
good barns and shod, orchard, etc. Light,
acres of fall wheat, This dost ruble property
adjoins the oorporatlon of Bras/tele. Suit.
able berms will be given. 'Pale perfect.
A1111118 GRIEVE,Owner,
eatortb 1'. 0.
hforrto, on reasonable terms. In order
10 close We aliairs of the estate of the Into
W, G. Hingstop, the executors offer the lel,
lowing valuable lands for sale North
half of Lob 80, Oooaosiou 6, Township of
Marrle,00ntatuing 0O aures, On this Int 1$
erected a good frame burn with atone foun-
dation, good orchard, wgll and pump . Near.
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoining the village of Brussels,
This term is a valuable ono, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. Por
brines and Orton apply to THOS. KELLY.
Brussels 1'. 0„ Haunt 11INNt005, Victoria
Square P. n., or Jaunt; Rhtmr, lafapie Lodge
P. U Miltilesex County.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Celt., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Frock and
Salt .If eats of
the best 151111)
1ty 1111111)'a ata
hand and de-
livered to
any port et
Me 1'l liege
Free er
Chart; e.
rat Cattle Wasutecl
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also make a speoialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
kind 2
Rave t300, %riel
jJeat t
'let SoaP!
it is expatsite.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
J.C,Heffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont.
IA -V -
Is Prepared to supply you with a
Handsome Carriage
At a Slight Advance on Cost.
Call hi and Make a Selection or
Leave your Order.
If you ago intending to travel
Dennis' is headquarters for
Tltli NITS,
A Large alld Well -Assorted
Stock to choo0e from,
Special Sale for This Week
20 Yards Seersucker for $1.00, worth 8c, per Yard
17 Yards Gingham for $1,00, worth 7c. per Yard
17 Yards Print for $1.00, worth 80. per Yard
15 ],'anis Cllambrey for $1,00, Worth IOe. per Yard
25 Yards Check Dress Goods for $1.00, worth 70. per Yard
Also several other Lines of Goods, which the are Clearing Out at
Greatly Reduced Prices to make room for Fall Giods.
✓1LI AT; i G.EJI S.
Surest Aids for Impaired Vision.
B. Laurance's tests enable one to be Fitted Instantly with
any kind of Spectacles.
B. Laurance, or a Competent Optician will Visit Brussels period'ly.
All Spectacles sold by the Undersigned will be Exchanged by Mr.
Laurance Free of Charge if not exactly adapted to the sight.
B. Laurance's Spectacles are Recommended by almost every
Medical Expert in Canada.
One Year's Guarantee with Each Pair.
Spectacle - Repairs - Exeenteci - with - Der -patch.
A. M. McKAY & Co., Hardware Men, Brussels.
Mowers, Binders and Threshers.
Very Heavy Body,
Great Endurance,
Perfectly Pure,
Does Not Gum,
McMillan, Kittridge & Co.,
For Sale by A. M. McKay 86 Co., - Brussels.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, (G6.,
BRossI.Ls, ONT.
Coir - 13<) Cents.
all Work from the Steeliest to 1.1 re site
Ilene in a first-class manner.
e144'•t?i S
co.tstseo,, Bare nt 1leasSnn(m)o
'W', .T. Fairfield.
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the paella for past favors and
support and wishing still to enure
your patronage, we are opening
otit Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by ug,
Clocks of the
Latest Designs..
WlsbnoNc BANG.,
Lames Gnat Rotes,
i amuNoe, 30.
es—Also a Full Litme of Vrotege and
Violin Strings, ,bi., in etoek.
N. ll.. -.[surer Marrlanc Ideemeea.
r. Fletcher, - Brussels.