HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-8-15, Page 44 rHE BRUSSELS POS'i AUGUST 15, 1890 New Advertisements. Looal—T, Fletoher. Loottl—J. T. Pepper. L000l—Thos. Kelly. Looal—.Mrs. E. Rogers, Exeursions—T, Fletcher, Bargains—Scerff it Ferguson. School books—Pose Bookstere. Notices to oreditors—A. Reymann. bt ria,5.5t1S 1,10St. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1890. _ _ TWENTY-Nnsz election petitions have been tied at Osgoode Hall, Toronto. As exchange very properly pays :—It is admitted that Sir John Lister•Kaye's attempt to establish a monster farm in the Northwest with an army of retrain. ers, assietante. ate., has not been a suc- cess. Few practical men believed that it would be. The big Bell farm has also proved unreinunerative to those who in- vested money in it. What the North- west wants is practical farmers who will work ordinary -sized farms. Fon a number of years the inventive geniusof the neighboring Republic has been working at a type setting macthine and it has reached such perfection that in a few months the Times, Sun, World and other leading daily newspapers of New York will begin the use of type. netting machines. It is also announced that the printer of the Century Mogazine is to have his type -setting done by machinery. A. syndicate of book pub. lishers has also made arrangements to put fifty or a hundred typesetting machines into a co-operative office, where all the body matter of eheap publica. Nona issued in New York will be turned out. Some wonderful things will be seen yet before the nineteenth century passes away. Saxe very peculiar oases often come before the Courts and peculiar decisions are not unfrequently given. The fol- lowing is an illustration ;—"At a local court in Glasgow, Scotland. Geo, Sharp: builder, applied to have a Jane Hannah, fb ft:190 9€ hi a Wife: Interdicted froM en tering his licitige In big rtheseee, Jane defended the case, getting Naat she had Mrs. Sharp's permission to come to the house. This was denied by Mr. Sharp, but he stood on his rights, that Mrs. Sharp could not receive any visitor—not even a near relative—against his wishes. This contention, the court holds, is sound law. Tile interdict asked for has been granted." Sew Mrs. Sharp got even with George we do not know but we think he should be made toe the line in some way. Now that the Fell Exhibition for this Riding will soon be here it becomes the duty of the people of Btussels and sur- rounding country to boom it right along and make it a sweeping success. The business men should talk it to their cus- tomers, write it in their advertisements and offer special prizes for pleasing at- tractions. In this way ample evidence will be fernished the Direetors that they have sufficient backing to enlarge and improve the grounds. "palace," dm. There is no better prize list in the County than that of the Best Huron Society and few as good, and for this reason there should be a large increase in exhibits and exhibitors. OE course every person con - not receive a prize but each one may have the satisfaction of feeling that be or she helped in the grand success of the Exhibition. There are scores of farmers who are not particularly interested in this matter but we hope this year will be an exception mid that they will lend their assistance in what should be most interesting to them. A strcng pull, a long pull and a pull all together will win more than a tog of war. Talk it up. Tann is one policy on which it should not be difficult to unite all parties in Ontario. Religious questions may son- arate inhabitants of this Province into hostile camps. They may divide on the old issue of proteotion or free trade. There on be a diversity of opinions as to the advisability of closer trade relit. Cons with the people (sorest the border. The prophete of despair may go weeping along a road on whirl the mileposts mark only the way to national ruin while the rest of the comtnnuity see nothing bat a bright future shoed for the Dominion. On all these things they ean be divided, and still find a common ground on Which to unite in hostility to oontemplated raids on the nation's treas. ury. Pauper provinoes have played it low down on Ontario long enough. Premiers who hope to fan pannier ap. proved of their pollees into brighter flame by their skill in obtaiuing increased Sub- sidies must look elsewhere for support. Mernbere of the peesent Parliament sit- ting foe constituencies in this Province will vote to give Quebec more of the Dominion flinch; only if they have lost all desire for re-elootion. Meroior Can win his way back to power by promises to build dee bridges in every doubtful riding, but when he Mite °Marie to foot the bilis he merles the joke too far. And the member who helps him, aed then oomes looking for votes west of the Otte= River, tern wonder what :Amok Min. This btu:deem of bleedieg Ontario every time Quebec is siek must same to an end Rome day, and it may DA wen stop right here. I policy in opposition to it will win in this Province every time, a leseon the legislators will do well to learn now, insteed of waiting until a seri ex- perience at the polls impresses it on them more foreibly.—Toronto News. Lune appears to be a strong feeling on the port of a number of Reformers In South Huron to offer the constituency to M. 0. Cameron, the web known legal light, of Goderich. John McMillan, the present M.P., has a good many friends in the riding who Neill no doubt see that Ids claims are 'not overlooked. There is never any trouble in securing plenty of timber to make M. P.'s out of where there is an assured majority of 400 or over. The number rapidly diminishes in close constituenoies whore defee.t is not un- likely. Ton hindrances in the way of the much diseussed question of Victoria College, Cobourg, federating with the Toronto TJniversity and the removal to the Queen oity are being gradually re- moved. The long delayed decision of Justice Mc:Mohan, in the suit brought to continue the injunction restraining the removal and preventing federation, while it does not clear away all obstacles, yet brings measarably nearer the coneum. motion of the policy agreed on by the General Conference of the Methodist Cluerch. In all likelihood it will result in tin early settlement of existing differ- ences on a basis mutually satisfactory, and soon the friends of federation will be gratified by the carrying out of the pro- ject on which they have set their hearts. By all but the people of Cobourg and a few graduates and friends of Victuria, who dread without ague the effects of the thenge, the certain outcome of the matter will be approved most heartily. The federation question will be One of the most interesting subjects to come before the General Conferenee meeting in Mon- treal in September. Federation will be ste,taieed by is large majority of the dele. attending. Ir would appear that our School Board has deoided to run our school with four teachers Inc the balanes of the year, closing up one room, although nothing to that effeothos appeared on the minutes of the Board meetings. We think they are making a mistake even if the new to. specter hes given his consent to the change. Section 113 of the Sehool Law in defining the duties of a Trustee Board says :—"To provide adequate accommo- "dation, according to the Regulations of "the Education Department, for all the "children between the ages of 5 and 21, "resident in the municipality, as moor- "tained by the census taken by the mum "loipal Council for the next preceding "year," According to the last census there are 839 persons between the ages designated. In the Regulations, page 96, the following may be read :—"When "the Reboot population of the section ex. "eseds 120, the school house should con - "Min 2 rooms ; where it exceeds 180, it "should have 3 rooms -an additional room "being required for each additional 60 "pupils." It will be observed that even with five Departments there are 39 pup- ils over the allowance to each teacher, rho question of economy is a pertinent one but the education of the boys and girls of any municipality cannot be gauged by dollars and cents and we con. vend that the work will not be performed as efficiently with four teachers as with five. The people have a right to be con. suited, we think, on a movement of this kind and we believe if it were left to them their judgment will be, keep the best teachers and the requisite number so that the status of the :wheel will rise higher and higher. We are aware that the School Booed is dealing more exclusively with the aver- age attendance and number on the school roll. They should remember that there have been about 260 pupils on the roll even in 1890 fend according to the census there are 254 persons between the ages of 6 and 16. Even that number will exceed 60 pupils to a teacher with a re- duction of the staff to four. The anti.Chinese agitators in Califor- nia and other states on the Paoilio slope are not wetisfied with the existing laws prohibiting the landing of Chinese im- migrants in the TJnited States. They want something more stringent yet, and think that all considerations of humanity and international treaty obligatione should be disregarded when legislation having for its object the exclusion of the "pig -tails" ie under disoussion. A Cali- fornia congreesman named Morrow has introduced in the Washington HMSO of Representatives a bill "to prohibit the corning of Chinese persons into the 'United States whether subjeets of the Chinese empire or Otherwise." This measure, which has been approved by tile Committee on Foreign Affitire, not only prohibits the incoming of Chinamen, but interdicts the return of such Chinese reeidents as may have temporarily loft the country. It makes provision for the peniehmeut of captains of vesicle who may bring Chimamen to tide cottntry {except etude es may be duly acoredited representatives of the Empire) with 11 fine of 650f) and forfeiture of their vowel, land imposes a yeereimprisonment on Iearth Chinaman so brought. It provides that Chinese who may enter the United States by crossing itoboendary lines may be arrested And returned to the country frorn whence they came or made to twee a term of 11Ve years ln the penitentiary. The bill olso debars Chinamen from the rights of citizenship. The present laws prohibiting the landing of Chinese in the United States was passed in 1882, and will expire two years henoe, unless ex- tended. The Supreme court of the T.Tnited States has decided that congress has the righv to abrogate treaties, but it is possible that the news that the Ohineee are preparing to drive out all Americans who have settled in China in retaliation for the refusal of Brother Johuathan to permit Chiuese to land in his oountry may cutuse the solons of the Senate to hesitate before passing Air. Morrow'e bill. —[Ottawa Free Press, Huron County. Friday, 15th inst., is Lucknow Civic holiday, Gotletich civic holiday on Friday of this week. A Driving Park Assouiation has been formed in imoknow. The average yield of wheat in Huron will be 35 bushels to the acre. A. 0, Pattison has been appointed A.merican Consular Agent at Clinton. Cantelon Bros., of Clintom e.epeot to secure about 15,000 barrels of apples in this county. A number of the members of the Huron Rifle Association take part in the Lon- don matches this week. The District meeting of the Methodist churches on the Goderich District wive held at Seaforth on Tuesday. The membership oE the Methodist church in Huron county—exclusive of Exeter, which is in the London Confer- ence—is about 8,000. A large ample tree, over 90 feet tall and about six feet in diameter, has been rent asuuder at Bayfteld by lightning. The tree stood in Ifr. Jewett's grove, not far trete the house, where the effects of the bolt were readily felt The Olinton Collegiate Institute has secured as Mathematioal Master D. A. Burgess, B. A., who is a gradeate of To- ronto University and is speoialist in mathenlatiee. Ile Will seeeeed D. Robb, now P. S. I. for East Ewen. Alex. Ferguson lately found a curiosity about a mile up the Bayfield river. It was a large mud turtle, and on its bank the date 1872. The seven and two were reversed—Lg. Perhaps the carver had purposely made those figures that way. Rev. Andrew Henderson, of A.twood, hos been visiting his brother, Rev. Robb. Henderson, poster of St. Andrew's church, Bayfield. Since Rev..s. Henderson has been stationed there, onlya, few menthe, there has been a notabi le nerease in the membership of the chareh, almost fifty per cent. Eight hey° joined by certifi- cate and eighteen by profession. The Northern Caledonian Games, at Luoknow, will take place on Sept. 10th, and in connection there will be a two days Quoiting Tournament on Oth and 10th. A. splendid program is being pre. pared and there is every. prospect of a moat enthusiastic gathering. Feats of strength and agility will be performed this year that have never been equalled before. Special encouragement will be given to looal athletes. In these com- petitions Bruce will be pitted against Huron with a view of finding which con produce the best athletes, The tug of war will this year be an old time strife between the counties of Huron and Bruce. Chief lelcCrimmon, of Under. wood, will champion the Bruce team. A. Bayfield cerrespondent writes :—"A. clergyman belonging to our village ap. pears to be possessed of healthy mu.scul. arity as well as Christianity. A. few days ago he called upon a parishioner in the country. All were busy harvesting, even the lady of the house being a help. mate, and she excused herself to her visitor for a few minntes while she pro. posed going out to help take off a load of hay, hands being soothe. The minister wae at first surprised, but, summoning his presence of mind, he replied that hands for such work were not ammo as long as be was about. So, doffing his coat arid superfluous garments, he event out and astonished the man with the load by the vigorous manner in which he did his part toward unloading that hay." CAUGHT A SWAIM.—Sandy Burns, of the 9th con., Howick, is perhaps one of the best known ferment in thee township. By industry, straight and honorable dealinge, he Mends at the top of the lad. der, notwithstanding the many mishaps ng him during his life. About twelve years ago he nearly chopped his left hand off while hewing a wedge. A. few years ago, while driving a reaper, his horses ran away, knocked him down and ran the reaper over him, mangling him so much that those who saw him con- cluded that his end bad come, but Sandy did not think so, and wee goon to be seen at work again es useel. However, one day reeently Sandy's genuine Scotch blood was made to almost stand atilt in his veins, and this if) how, we are in. formed, it happened. He is a great lover of bees, keeps innumerable colonies, and takes great delight in working among them. Upon this octeasion he was try- ing to Seetire a fine young colony that had juet warmed and had nearly sue- ceeded when the Queen lighted upon Sandy and began prospecting for is suit- able location. Now, unfortunately, there woe a oboe on the seat of his pants where a patch should have been, add Nile open. ing the Queen soon found, and in she went, followed by thousands of her faith- ful subjects. Here was a dilemma that taxed this cool coney Soot. He know to attempt to atop them would be fatal, and, as every emend added to his trouble, be shouted for help, but when the help atinved the inside of his clothes was bulged out with bees. What Was to be done; Ramer the bees and death was certain, and, although he had received many a good sting, he still stood +solid as ti rock, not driving to move. Pise as. sistante heti wits and soon prOOUreil a noir of Sciallors, mid, by gently handling the pout legs and shirt, he was soon ctit old of his clotheand safely in the hottse, although his legs, body, taco and hoode were badly swollen from the Weds of the Mall stings. Preset:0o of mind tind eoul Scotch courage leveed him thie time ail it lima ceteed him end mony (Aims before. Clintones rate of texetion 1 18 mills onAtulide re,t'y Taylor, of the 13th oon„ Hal- lett, htie 16 hay stacks. The number of visitore in Goderich is lerger than at tiny tirne duriug the peel/ ten years. The Voters List for Exeter hes been oomph:Asti, and 565 names appear therein as voters. There is a fell of from last year, Fred W. Fernoombe, of Exeter, will commenoe shortly to survey the Zurith swomp for the large drain of the Canada Compony. The contract for building the agrioul. tural Indl and reze.course at Dungannon has been let. One tender for the build- ing being T, Henderson's, the building to cost 61219; the racemouree has been let to Messrs. Ram re Lowery, to be finished for the sum of 0139. It is intended to have it open for the nil Show. Messrs. Martin de Galbraith, of Del. oraine, who were at Seaforth for a short time buying horses returned home on Tuesday. They purchased a ear load with the intention of shipping them to Deloroine, but hearing of the great hail storm whioh paseed through thou place which extended 20 miles and was about 10 miles in width and destroyed all the crops, and knowing there would be no sale for them there they disposed of them to John McMann, of Seaforth. As the excursion train from Pt. Stan- ley was standing at the station at Exeter for passengers to alight, on her return trip about 12 o'clock p. in., an elderly lady either fell off or was pushed off the platforni under the car. The conduetor had signalled the eugtneer to start, and on turning took the lady's posftion in and, with almost superhuman exertion, saved the women from being horribly mutilated, as both legs were but a few inches off the moving wheel. Aeide from a little shaking up and a big scare, gloom:pod unhurt. Strange to relate, at the same time her little girl, who got off on the opposite side, fell under the same car and was neer being crashed when two men grabbed her from under the moving train, but this may have been caused by her eagerness to save her mother. °num: WORK.—The minutes of the Guelph Conference of the Methodiet Church have just been issued. The fol- lowing particulars aro taken therefrom, and although some of them have appear- ed before in other connections, their re- publication will simply give a better eel. leotive idea of what is being done by this denomination throughout the county. Ch arch. Membership, Goderioh, North St Godertch, Victoria St 167 Clinton, Rabtenbury St 813 Clinton, Ontario St 800 Seaforth 852 Hot mesyille 282 188 13V:Yrnaeld 188 Heneall 162 Henson, nolth (Kippen) 271 Dungsamon 223 Tiis 82812;11 Bsitmiiier Winghana Wroxeter B unseals 224 282 LWoanirishoro 238 Blyth 300 Auburn 251 Belgrave 164 150 A.I3 lestivetilde 218 1 8 Ethel 47 Henfryn 3 2 159 Gerrie 02 Fordwieh This gives a total of 4,035 actual mem- bers of the Methodist church in the county, exclusive of Exeter, which is in the Loudon conference. General. News. Cardinal Newman is dead. The French Government ie taking steps to abolish duelling in the army. Mail matter limited in any part of Eng- land is now delivered in Victoria, B. C.. in 14 days. At Jeddah on Sunday there were 126 deaths from cholera, and at Mecca, there were 108. Artillerymen at Chatham, England, have been further indulging in mutinous praoticee. The total debt of the Uhited States is now below a billion. This July it reaohed 4998,000,000. Chas. Cosgrave, a ballooniet, fell 200 feet at Portland, Oregon, on Sunday, and was mangled beyond recognition. The study of Japanese is 'to be the next American fad, and genuine princes are to be brought from the land of koko to teach it. There are mortgages on farm property in the States of Kansas, Indiana, Will- oonsin, Michigan Andrews to the amount of $3,427,000,000. Four hundred goldfish have been re- oeived from Washington, and will be rib in the new artificial lake at the lower end of Belle Sete Park this week. It now transpires that the eleetrioal machinery in the dynamo room at the Auburn stote prison was out of order at the time Kommler was executed. John lifcVioar, a printer by trade, hes been appointed secretary to the Detroit Board lof Works. The poeition ie an important one and the salary 32,000 a year. The result of the threshing of the wheat crop has been a disappointment to Ohio farmers. The indications are thee: only from 60 to 75 per cent. of an average crop can be realized. Rebel Arabs in Morocco csotured 120 of the Sultan's men, whom they mas- sacred, practising horrible barbarities on the on of the Governor of the province whore the rising °warred. Xt is said that there is room for just one hundred more grave men in West. minster Abbey. And it is interesting to speculate what England will do with her dead worthies when the old Abbey ie full, A valuable and extensiee industry hag been estedillehed in Ohio, in the Menu. facture of lumber from strove. It is the intention to make a material thot tvili be available for a Inge number of Uses, but will be partioularly adepted for building putmoges. The oompOny is certain thee it will be adapted to till kinds of Mettle finiehings, if not fitted for exposure to wenther, and expeot it 10 take Lim oleos of plester, to wino extent at least. It will be mado in a great minty oE styles for inside nee, find oan be marlaleiged so perfeetly thot it is diffioult to diatinguish it from the genuine etone fteelf, Tit this shape 10 1. expented thet it will be foend available for tufo ill Italie, bathrooms rind like pieces. Heligoland is to be added to Prussia, Sixty thousand men are idlo through strike in Wales. Despatches from Jeddah and Mean eay the cholera is deem:sing. Baron Leon, of Vienna, fell over a pre - :alnico in the Alps and was killed. The Suiten lute dismissed 150 Armen. inns who were employed in the palace. Mee. Betty Galloway, of Baltimore, died on Saturday night, aged 166 years. William. K. Vanderbilt has gives: his cheque for $5,000 to te young mem who was bitten by one of hie pet hounds. Other young men who might wiah to be bitten by blue pot hound will learn with regret that the animal has been shot, Bernard Conn, ib New Hampshire farmer's man, was soared almost in con. vulsions while listening to a phonograph in Dover thie week, and explained, when he came to, that he reeognized bbe voice of a man hi e had stuok n a hoes trade. Conscience medresmowards of tes all, Despatolies' from Rot Portage state that Canadian and American Indians seized a fishing camp at Garden Island, Lake of the Wools, which is in Ameri- can territoey, and ordered the fishermen to get out. They claim thee the lake is being depleted of fish, and are determined to stop the business. Miss Gladys Knowles, of Donlon, aged 21 years, a Men of Sir Femme Knowles, was Tuesday awarded 650,000 damages for breach of promise of marriage itierti net Lester Fraser Duncan. Mr. Delman is 04 years of age tt.nd the publisher of the Matrimonial News. The parties be- canie through the mediutn of the publication named. Chief Justice Corson, of the Snpreme Court of South Doltota,has handed down a decision which totally does away with the sale of intoxicating liquors, as re- quired by the stringent law already en - meted. He affirms the constillitionality of the law and gives county courts full jurisdibtion to fine and imprison liquor sellers without interference of grand juries or other courts, Harvey A. Smith, a farmer living at Castle Hill, Maine, had a terrible battle with a mad stallion on Monday. During the whole of last winter Mr. Sinith drove a team in the lumber wood, one of his team being a large stallion of such vicious disposition that no one but Smith could handle him. At the clove of the winter's operations Mr. Smith took the stallion to his home in Castle Hill, and during this spring and summer worked him on his farm without trouble. On Monday he harnessed him and hie mate to the horse hoe and began hoeing potatoes, when all at once the stallion became vicious and frantically attacked his mate with teeth and hoofe, Dir. Smith quickly unhooked the traoes and succeeded in uncsoupling the horses, when the stallion attacked him. Smith is is powerful and resolute man,and, after a fierce struggle, in whioli he was severely wounded in the hip by the animal's hoofs, he succeeded in sub. ening the stallion and leading him to the barn. He hitched the stallion on the barn fluor, removed the harness and was baking him to his stall when the animal saddenly attaoked him. The wind blew the barn door shut, and Mr. Smith found hireSelf impnisonsd 911 bIos berri flew with the frantic stallion. For neerly half an hour he fought with no other weapon but hie fists, leaping aside to avoid tho assoults o,s muoh es possible, but being often knooked down and fear- fully bruised. He found his strength failing and was juat making up his mind that it was all up with him when the stallion in Borne way disengaged a sled stake frotn the side of the mow, and Smith saw it rolling toward him on the floor. Seizing the stake he swung it with all the strength of desperation, end, striking the stallion just behind the ear, with one blow laid him dead at his feet. Mr. Smith was terribly cut and bruised by the stallion's teeth and hoofs, but his injuries are not dangerous. The salmon tiehing season is noW over, and while no accurate results can be given at present, approximate ones will be of interest. As IS known, the legal fishing seaeon begins the first of April and oloses the first of August, though the canning season is much shorter, as fish are caught insnoail quantities and sold to local markets before the catch is sof- Meet to justify canning operations. One of the peculiarities of salmon is thee they run near the shores of inland waters, and neon the surface, and consequently become easy prey for the fishermen and are caught in great numbers. There are two kinds of salmon used by the oannere on the Columbia, the Bluebaok, so called because of the color of its back, and the Royal, or Chinook, salmon, whose back has a yellow or golden hue, The first named are smeller, and were ,formerly considered comparatively valueless for oenning purposes. They weigh about five pounds and are the first to appear. The Chinook stamen is the oanner's fav- orite. They come later s.nd weigh from fifteen to forby pounds, though some have been cauglat of twice the latter weight. There is still another variety which is known as the White salmon or Steelhead. They are longer than the Bluebooks ond weigh between three and ten pounds, and are the last to make their appearance. The Chinook has the preferenoe among connoisseurs the world over, being the oilieet and beet flay:area knowu in the markete. They are caught in various - ways, the principal way on the upper part of the river being with wheels, and bring at the (=nary from three to five mints per pound. Near the mouth of the river they are caught in nets, seine and traps, and are sold to the canners at see. enty-five cents eaoh. The business seems to have been puthed on the Pacific coast beyotid the limit sot by the law of supply and demand, and the quality has not been maintained in all instances, while the quantity has been exceesive ; hence, considerable old steak was still on hand at bhe beginning of the present season. In the face of this fact the oatoh during the season just closed has bean large at all paints Meng the coast with the exoep. tion of Alaska, where it will fall abort of last year fully 100,000 cases. The feet that canning is done more cheaply thou over before on coast waters, and that tho market hue boon oleared of old stook, gives a better outlook foe the busineee than there lute been for sound time, and fair priers and hotter quality are likely to rule in the future, since ib IS Said tho quality of the present season's catch has never boon surpaesed, The Astorian es- timates the pack an tho Columbia river toe the :reason juab oloeed at 400,000 0605151 Bi Welt fielembia, 350,000 oasoe, mid lAhtelta at 1100,000 cables. Taken al- together the selle011 has been it very pro - Rabic ono to those :engaged. in catching the fish, and 1110 so hoped for those on. gaged in canning thene—fWeet Shore, ,B;aotion Sale ITALVAIIL: FARM PL0111177. Under end by Mauro of the Power of Sale bontained in is eertaln registered mortgage widen will be produced at 00 tan) 01 8555 and upon which default in payment has been timid° there will be offered for Sale by Public Auction at the Antericen ISotat, 1' 1110 Town of Bruesels la the County of Huron. on 'illeSditY A ilgitst, 19th, A. n. 1890, at the Hour of Throe O'clook in the After- noon the following ealuablo lauds Rua pre- eYiznu all of lot number twenty eight in the fifth concession of the Township of morris in said Comity. oontaining ninety. URIC and one-fourth aores, more or lass, sixty acres of which are cleared aud under calk, ',ration, There are Greeted tat the premises frame barn with stone foundation and frame dwelling house alau with stone foundation. The property Is situated within about throe quarters or a mile from Brussels station, Ten:go—Wee per cent, of the purchase money to be paid down at time of Sale, for bala1100 iOrlilli will be made known at time of Sale, For further particulars apply to JOHN 1,13VS, Vendor's Solicitor, Torou to, Ou t. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my bands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Coninzission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, SOliCitOr, B rtt 8 sels. —.— Three Excursiom! —TO_ Canadian Northwest AND RETURN. August 72, Return Sept, 21 August 19, Return Sept, 28 September 2, Return Oct, 72 To DE'L ORAINE, SALTCOATS isiS2d. .11008EJAW, ) . CALGARY (and Return), $55.00 r.."'For Tickets, Free Sleeping Berths and all other Information apply to T. Fletcher, G. T. R. Ticket Agent, Brussels. Through Ticket, Brussels & Return. Baggage Cliecked to Destination. Difference of Opinion I Rural schools re -open on Mon- day, 18th inst., and as a result some chilken will be pleased and others wont and there is a differ- ence of opinion on the subject. There 'need be but one opinion as to the fact that big boys and girls may get the 4th Book, Geo- graphy, Grammar, Copy Books, Ink, Pencils, &c., and the little codgers, going to school for the first time, their first book, slate and pencil at Tun Pon Book Store. The "Scholar's Companion" is a useful, convenient little wooden box containing a Penholder and Pen, Lead and Slate Pencils and a Wooden Rule, and sold for the insignificant sum of 5 Cents. If you'd buy one of these boxes you wonld not complain so much about lost peneils, and there would be no difference of opinion. Don't forgot that the Brussels Fall Show will be hold on Thurs- day and Friday, Oct. 2nd ' and 3rcl, and if you have a few min- utes to spare call in and leave your order for anything 5r0u re- quire 1111 3111110, Skipping Ropes for tho Magic Lanterns and Expretls Wagons for tbo boys,