HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-8-1, Page 611-1.F. AUGUST 1f 1890
Jersey Eeifer Calf
Ras been Refused for the dam or
this Calf, which is one of nay
best Cows. This Calf can be
kept for ,1O n year, and in two
years 5110111(1 be milking. It is ,
therefore an easy way of getting
a Jersey.
G. A. Deadman.
Trains bare Brussels Station, Nortlt
and South, as follows:
GOING Soros. GOING Not no.
0...D3.Nixed :1
Express 13:4.; a.m..I Mail
e:3s 8N0 p.m, 1
00 a,m.
Nixed &AD pan. Express 0:43 p.61. .
�.t it `'1c�us Ctcnts.
�A chiefs amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it,
Comma meeting next Monday even
H. NV/Lamas & Sox have two fine driv
ing horses.
VEur large stock of Fall goods comin
to A. R. Smith's.
A raw second hand buggies for sale a
a bargain. JAS. WA NER.
A yew summer goods left, will clear a
a sacrifice, A. R. Smith.
SECOND hand baby carriage for sal
cheap. Apply at Toe POST Publlshln
Otte second band wagon, one second
hand buggy and 5tons binder twine for
sale at B. Gerry's.
THERE was no service fn St. John's
church last Sabbath, nor will there be
for the two following Sundays, as the in.
eumbent is having a vacation.
I swop my owe business and sell new,
brigbt and sparkling goods at right
prices, that's one reason why I had such
rapid success in business. A. R. Smith.
WoT can't we have an occasional game
of soma kind ? Surely between base bail,
lacrosse, cricket, tennis and foot ball a
little sport in this line might be furnish-
To BENT.—Booms over Mrs. Kirk's
fancy goods store, lately occupied by the
Misses MsNaughton, dress makers. Suit-
able for an office. For terms, apply to
Mrs. Kirk, opposite Queen's Hotel.
WANxon, by 1st September, a house
with not less than 7 rooms, modern con-
veniences, lawn and kitchen gordsn.
Liberal rent will be paid for suitable
place. Will purobase if satisfactory.
Apply to 11. L. TaeLo1I, Barrister.
Tug first new wheat of this season was
brought to Wm. Ross' mill on Wednes.
day for gristing by Duncan Taylor, of
Grey township. 11 was a splendid
sample and scaled 64 pounds to the
bushel. The outlook for a good yield is
very favorable.
QUARTERLY services nest Sunday in the
Methodist church, The morning subject
will be "Christ's attractive power." At
the evening service the subject will be
"411 things made new." Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper will be held after the
morning service and testimony meeting
at the close of the evening service,
J. W. Strut, of Wingham, was in town
on Tuesday interviewing the members of
the School Board as to the establishment
of singing classes in Bruseele in connect -
tion with the public school. He would
also like to organize a class for voice cul•
tura for adults. This is a move in the
right direction and we hope Me. Scott
will meet with success.
A UNION Sunday school excursion will
be ran to Goderich ou Tuesday, August
5th, starting at Palmerston, A special
train will convey the excursionists. It is
expected arrangements will be made for
a sail on Lake Huron on the steamer
"Lora." A base ball tournament will be
held in the County town on that day
when liberal prizes will be given. See
posters for full partioulara.
evening a musical and literary program
was given in connection with the Y. P.
C. A. of the Methodist church. Eli
Smith, Vice President, occupied the
chair. The following was the program
Opening exercises ; reading by Miss
Minnie Moors; solo by Miss Minnie
Gerry; reading by Thos. Hill ; duett by
Mise Lottie Hill end Mies Annie Smith ;
reading by Mise May Turnbull ; solo and
chortle by Dr, Cavanagh and company ;
reading by Wm. Smith 1 closing hymn,
The meeting was an enjoyable one and
rho various pieces rendered in good taste.
GeNsaoos.—Lnet Monday forenoon A.
Koenig and the editor of THE Pose made
a oanvaas of the larger portion of Brua.
sele;and,received upwards of $100.08 to
aid the Misses Sample in bearing the lose
they LAOIS called open to suffer by the
fire on Sunday morning. Mrs. Fletcher
and Mrs. Graham visited the country on
Tuesday afternoon on the same mission
and were generouely treated receiving a
number of donations in addition to 626
or thereabouts. The people of this local-
ity are never behind when any deserving
project requires Resistance and in this
instance they responded nobly. 4 por-
tion of the money received was anbeorib•
ed to aesiet George Edwards who had the
misfortune to lose his entire carpenter`s
audit. „
LAcaassn.—On Thareday afternoon of
last week the Brussel: Lacrosse olub 1
went to Wieghant and played a match
with the town teen] ,-n their park. The
reeult was a draw, e„ h side being credit.
of with s goal. '1":, east one was taken t
by the visiting eweise after a hard fight l
in fifty Minutes. Wingham sent the
rubber between the flags in six seconds
after play was resumed. No other goals
were taken, although the home elub a
claimed one which was disallowed by the
referee. The following were the Brua. Ir
sols players :—D. Wilson, J. MoBain, R.
Thompson, J. Bargees, R. Barrett, W. II
;lame, J. Ballantyne, T. MoLauahlin, n
R. Ross, A. McNaughton, A, McLennan h
and T. Rose. W, Smith field captain, s
Cliao. Grower, umpire. The referee was t
S. J. Reil, of Wingham. A return b
snatch will be played here shortly, a
!'I �2.
Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Dress Goods, Prints,
Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Eto.,
"Sr 017.7374 Ok3EJJIlltai T Pel3E12,YANTia,
W. Nightingale & Co., Brussels.
BOXES of boots and slippers for 211o.
' Geo. GOOD.
Scuooa Board meeting on Friday even-
; ing of this week.
WE pay strict attention to our own
business. A. R. Smith.
Ir you want a new baggy go to Jas,
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
• Ii' you want to hire a good driving
horse and rig go to Hugh Williams & Son.
BRUSSELS civic holiday will be Tuesday
of next week, Aug. 5th. The excursion
to Goderich will be the attraction.
Else EVA Tem:neat. was awarded a
gold ring for correctly answering Bible
questions in connection with "Truth'
t competition.
TWINE.—Five tons best binder
a twine in stook as follows : —Blue Ribbon,
Manilla, Flax and Silver oomposet
g binder twine. B. GERRT,
Toe C. P. R. wilt run three excursions
to the Northwest this fall, eommenoing
Aug. 12th or 18th. For tickets and low-
est rates apply to J, T. Pepper, ticket
agent C. P. R., Brussels.
LIVINGSTONE Boos. have 160 hands
employed pulling flax this week. One
gang took off 9 aures, near Sunshine, last
Saturday. That's wading into it in good
style. The mill will likely start work
next week.
Birt has all the neceseary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in e. way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleared out and put in proper
Share, Terms easonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43-tf
LAST Sunday morning Rev. Jno. Ross
prenohed a very appropriate sermon to
his congregation from 1st Same], 12th
ebopter and 17th verse, "Is it not wheat
harvest today ?" Several small sheaves
of wheat took the place of flowers and
answered the interrogation in the afar.
native. "Bringing in the sheaves" was
nicely sang by the choir after the dis-
c, IS.
DENTAL NoxrcE.—Notice is hereby
given that all dental work Left unfinished
by me will be completed by D. Cavan-
agh, my successor, on the same terms as
agreed upon by myself. A11 outstanding
amounts are to be settled at the office
opposite the American Hotel, Brussels,
I desire to return my beat thanks to the
public for their generous support and ask
a continuance of the same to Dr. Cavan•
agh. E. A. MARTIN, L. D. S. 2-
TE1@ERANGE.—On Wednesday evening
of this week Rev. J. W. Ball, B. D., gave
a lecture on Temperance in the Metho-
dist church. The rev. gentleman is
Superintendent of the Royal Templars
Missionary Board, and is unquestionably
well qualified for the position. He ex.
plafned the rise and progress of the
Royal Tempters of Temperance and in a
pleasing yet very practical manner mark-
ed out the duty of temperance people in
upholding the Prohibition banner in On-
tario, Anumber of names were receiv-
ed by Mr. Bell at the close of the meet.
ing and it is likely an Order will be es•
taoliahed in Brussels. There is ft bene-
ficiary in connection whereby the mem.
bars may carry insurance at a trifling
expenditure. Rev. R. Paul presided at
the meeting Wednesday evening.
PRESENTATION.—On Thursday evening
of last week a number of ladies and gen-
tlemen assembled at the residence of J.
J. Gilpin. where the ladies of the Women's
Missionary Society of the Methodist
church had been taking tea with Mrs. W.
A. Calbiak, prior to her removal to Brit.
fah Columbia. fairs. Stanley Anderson
read the following addtesa
Mrs. Calbic1,
DEAR FRIEND.—We, a number of your
friends assembled here tonight, take
this opportunity of showing the apprecia.
tion in which you are held as a friend
and worker in the ohuroh and of express•
ing our regret at your departure from
amongst us, As a member of the Metho-
dist church and of the Missionary Society
you have rendered valuable aeaistanoe,
and, as the time is near when you and
year family are to remove to a distant
land, we take this occasion to express, in
a tangible way, the esteem in whioh you
are held. We ask you to accept this sake
basket, combination sugar and spoon
bolder and napkin rings as mementoes of
your many friends in Brussels. In lefty.
ing here you carry with you our beet
witches for your future welfare, and we
pray that God's richest blessing may rest
upon Mr. Calbiak, yourself and family,
and that you all may bo spared many
years of health and happiness in your
ew home, We how bid you farewell,
and if we never meet again on earth may
t be cure to meet in that land where
parting 014a11 be no more. Signed on be-
lall of your friends of Methodist choral],
Miss Lucretia Oliver made the peasen,
Mien. arra. Calbiok was taken by sur -
/rise bot expcesed her thanks for the
beautiful silverware and the kindly word-
ed address, Brussels would always be a
green epot in her memory. A few words
citable to the occasion were spoken by
Rev. S. Sollery, 13. A., S. D., W. II.
Orr Wil'
, William Ii. McCracken, John
Mooney, Mrs, J. L. Karr, and Mrs. W.
Leech, of Goderich, in the order
anted. After a few selections of music
ad been given and some time spent in
ooial chat the company separated for
heir respective homes expressing their
est wishes for Mr. and Mrs. Calbick
lid family.
Bars' felt hate for 100. Mens' Chris
stiffs for 20a. Goo. Goma
Now tweeds, new worsted coati]
coming to hand. A. R. Smith.
House and lot on Elizabeth street
sale. Will be sold at a bargain, App
to W. B. Dmasot, Brussels.
Tit discourses of Rev. W. Kay
Knox church last Sabbath, were listen
to with no email degree of pleasure a
profit by the congregations.
non Bamo»E.—A meeting of the Br
eels Fire Brigade will be held in t
Council Chamber on Monday evening
8 o'clock. A full attendance request
THE base ball club went to St. Mar
on Thursday of this week to play
match with the team of that town. T
result was not known when we went
AT the School Board meeting, in
Friday evening, the job of gravelling w
let to David Shine at 60 cents per cull
yard. Jae. M. Martin is to furnish t
sand at 80 cents per load.
Ix is staled that two Brueselites a
tended a dance in Mol1illop townshi
recently, where tbere was a striking i
equality as to sex, 101. gentlemen and
ladies being about the proportion. W
the bachelor did not take his girl alo
is what we want to know ?
WE beg to acknowledge the receipt
a guest's badge to the Kincardine Fir
men's Tournament, to be held on Augn
14th and 15th. The program wjll oo
siet Of fancy drill, brass band conpet
tions, foot ball, hose reel race, foot race
base ball match, ate. Cheap rates wi
be given on the railroad.
offered for sale on Brussels market.
Fresh vim pet into the town Band an
the weekly concerts continued during th
season.—k. business boom after harve
and money begins to move.—Fall fairs t
become the absorbing topio from now en
til the middle of Oetober.—A base ba
tournament in Brussels that will eolips
anything of the kind in the past.
JUST reoeived at Mrs. E. Rogers, th
Palace Store, the first consignment o
fall goods consisting of grey and fano
flannels, aottonadee, ehirtings, cloaking
&a., all of which will be gold at the low
est living profit, Our stook of grooerie
is also very complete. We have ne
caused goods of every kind just to band
Any summer goods left on hand will b
sold at met price to make room for ou
winter' stook.
NEW MARBLE Wonea.—Tho firm of
Johnston & Cochrane, stone cutters, &e,
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &e., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satisfac.
tion guaranteed in every case. Don't
place your order without calling on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain.
ing prides. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels,
MANITOBA 000P PRostEcxe. J, R.
Grant, of Winnipeg,formerly of Brussels,
,writes :—The present indications are,
that in a little less than a month from
the present that harvesting operations in
this country will begin. Numerous re-
ports, more or lees complete, have been
issued by the Canadian Pacific R'y Go.,
by leading Loan Coat. and backing in.
stitutions doing business here. They all
agree that something over three quarters
of a million acres of wheatr, averaging
from 20 to 25 bushels to the acre, will be
the output of 1890. From many of the
districts a muoh larger yield is anticipat-
ed but from the most doubtful sections,
at least a fair wheat crop is expected,
while from the rest a magnificent yield
of every kind of grain is looked for.
This is not confined to any particular
district, but is the sum and substance of
several hundreds of reports received from
reliable correspondents in all parts of
Manitoba and the Territories. This con-
dition is due to the seasonable showers
we have had during the months of June
and July, together with careful cultiva-
tion of the land, which in some previotte
Metaloes had not been the rule. Tho
wheat crop of Manitoba alone, to say
nothing of the Territories, will be quite
fifteen millions of bushels, at least such
is the expectation at present. The
weather-wise ones persist in saying there
will be no frost to injure the crop of 1890.
Whether this prediction is based upon
the changes of the moon, which this year
are said to be exoepbionally favorable, or
upon the fact that we have had more
Min than for some yeas past, I do not
pretend to determine, for experience has
proved, and I think it is a scientific fact
that the absence of moisture practically
prodeces frost. The experience of the
country nae been that in 0oasona such as
this that frost does not appear, by aver-
age, until about the 15th of September,
by wbicb time the crops of 11510 country
are safely harvested. hail was reported
to have done damage 1n 8ome d4striota,
but the latest information goes to show
that the wa'nn rains and growing
weather nae brought up oven
those distriets to a fair average
is abund utmost
everywhere, andt largedistricts that for the 'Met three years
have looked somewhat brown and barren,
are now coveted with most luxuriant
gra8800. Vegetables of fall kinds am a
prodigious Drop. With competitiou in
railway:, and more under conatrue:iota
which will bring the coal areas of the
Turtle Mountain and Souria districts
withie easy reach of Winnipeg, and all
t -
n -
parts of the Province ; with the Hudson's
Bay Railway now assured, three hundred
miles to be built next year, of which forty
miles are now built and reuently inspect-
ed and passed ; the cold facts are these,
that within fifteen millions of bushels of
"No. I, hard," and twelve niitlious for
export, the cost of production of which le
only about thirty cents per bushel, with
the increased railway facilities, and a
ooantry admirably adapted for stock
raising, where a three-year-old bullock
only costs $10.00 to 612.00, with cheap
hands, cheap fuel, abundance 0f feed and
a healthy climate, Manitoba must, and
will prosper.
Din, Gsuwr Wonx.—•About two weeks
ago we noticed the shipment from the
Ronald Works of a large, powerful Fire
steamer to Brandon, Manitoba. Ib has
already reached its destination and given
splendid satisfaction, as the following
letter testifies. We would also state that
another like it goes, in about two weeks,
to Portage La Prairie. It is gratifying
to know that these orders are the second
purchase in both cases from the Ronald
Works—just as Winnipeg, and Vancouver
have done and lots of other 100000 all
over the Dominion. Quality and merit
will proclaim itself. The letter is from
the engineer at Brandon :
J. D. Ronald, Esq.,
Sm,—lleceiveil yours in cine time, also
received Engine on the 23rd inst. I
tried her yesterday and I meet say that
she surprised me and all who wore pre-
sent, with the good work that she did
We had both engines out and the old one
got steam about 1 minute ahead of new
one, but new engine got water through
hose first and worked as steady
as s rook. We had several
different tests, single, double
and 3 branches, in ail of which the engine
did great work. The Mayor, Aldermen,
citizens and all present were well satisfi-
ed. All we want now is a good fire to
make thein appreciate her. The time
getting steam from match was 8 minutes, 1
40 lbs. from cold water. Thanks for all
your valuable pointers. I remain,
Yours Truly,
A. R. CRAlvroRD, Engineer.
Brandon, July 25, '90
Crops reports furnished by special nor
respondets are good for average results i
the Ottawa Valley.
Mrs. Large, wife of Rev. Mr. Large,
murdered in Japan a few months ago, is
summering at Grimsby camp with her 1
child and a Japanese serf.
Sarnia's street railway businees has So
much increased this season that the com-
f any will shortly put on anther car, and
reduce the interval between the trips to
twenty minutes.
In April last J. A. Ashdown, of Win
nipeg, secured a verdict of $600 against
the Free Press newspaper for criminal
libel. The Free Press appealed the case,
and the full court has set aside the ver.
On Sunday afternoon a two•year.old
sols of Wm. Hnseon, carpenter, Guelph,
was playing around a pump when one of
the planks, which had not been securely
nailed, tipped over and the lad fell feet
first to the bottom of the well, a distance
of twelve or fourteen feet. His mother
saw the aooident and called on her lsuma
band, who ran to the well and slid down
the pomp to the bottom, where he found
his little son in two feet of water clinging
to the pump, and bleeding profusely from
a wound in the forehead and another on
the side of the head, besides several
bruises. He managed to climb up the
pump again with the boy.
What might have been a terrible costa
ally at Niagara Falls occurred on Mon.
day of last week. The pleasure steamer
Ella H., which runs from Port Bay to
Buokborn island, was obliged to run
around Green island on account of the
low water in the river. Tbe island is
only a short distance above the cataract.
Just as the steamer wag rounding the
island in the swiftest part of the river at
that point, the engine gave out. The
anchor was hove over board but it failed
to catch, for some distance dragging
along on the reek bottom. When it did
get a hold the boat was under such head-
way that the bulkhead to which the haw.
ser was attached, was torn from its
fastenings. When nearly the whole of
the chain had been paid out the end be.
came knotted in the hole in the bulwarks
and held the boat. The trouble with the
engine proved to be a defective valve,
which was soon repaired, and the boat
was again got under headway, but so
groat was the foroe of the om'rsnt that it
took 16 minutes to reach the spot where
the anchor naught, 100 feet np stream
from the boat, Thera wore about 160
passengers on the steamer, and a pleasure
barge attached to it. Them was n'
terrible aceto of confusion, women faint.
ed, children screamed and men bid mall
other goodbye. Tbe boat was only a
short distance above the falls when stop',
ped, and it was a miracle which saved
the lives of the 150 people on the boat.
SELLEnv —In Brussels, on July 28th, the
wife of Ilov. S. Se110ry, 13. D., of a
.A.'CrMTxoN S.A.T.rF7S.
Pnt sx, Anousr 15th. ---Of boos, 00 Lot
25, o0n. 9, Morris. Sale to Oalnmenee at
1.:30 &clock. Geo, Kirkby, acct. Robb,
Knecht:8, prop,
FAZ7., H'.A.,SRS.
Goderich, Sept. 15, 16 and 17.
Listowel, Sept. 17, 18 autl 19.
Iudnetriel--At Toronto, Sept. 8 to 20.
Western—At London, Sept. 18 to 27.
Mitchell, Sept. 23 and 94.
Exeter, Sept. 29 and 30.
Seaforth, Sept. 30 and Out. 1.
Stratford, Oot. 2 and Ii.
Brussels, Oct. 2 and 8.
eR'rTSS}7T,62 A2AR7•.^,_fYS'S,
Fan Wheat ............ 90 95
Spring Wheat ... 00 93
Barley 40 43
Oate 35 ;i6
Peas,.... .... 50 67
Butter, tubs and rolls.,.. 11 00
Eggs per dozen 19 00
Flour per barrel 4 20 4 50
Potatoes 30' 40
Hay per ton 5 00 (i 50
Pork .... 5 00 6 00
Hideo per ]b ........ 2 2
Salt per bbl., retail1 26 0o
Sheep skins,saab 60 1 00
Wool, per lb, • 18 22
wanted, Apply to Mne. W. M. Srs•
['11010, Brussels,
roma hinders, 9150,x0 each, at WHL
MARTIN'S, their Apent, Weasels.
TOWS an(i town line, or soon attar
turning to weld Molesworth, 0 blue, cargo
body coat. The finder will oblige ey sending
it to BEV. H.E. HILL,
Grund Valley, Out.
l7 Brnsoots and Walton on July 13th. The
shawl is brown lu color with an orange
thread running through It. There. le also a
border of light grey mixture. The tinder
will confer a great f tvor by leaving it at TUE
PosT Publishing House, Brussels, at once.
4.7 hues MARY ()ALDER, a graduate of Beu-
gssgpb'e Canadian Business University, To.
rmnto,(which institution she attended eight
mouths) is desirous of organizing n Short-
hand Claes in Brussels. Tor patticula's, as
to taros, &c., apply at Tits PosT Publishing
House. 50.
PATENTS Caveats,Rs-ieeneeand Trade
. Mnrkeeeos,'ed nod all oth-
er patent causes in rho Patent Offloo and
before the Courts promptly and uanstohly ab -
110(1(101 00, Upon roeeipt of model or sketch
of invention, I male careful examination,
and advise as to patentabilityfroo of mime,
1 one felerate,nud L make no charge unless
patent ie eorencos Intormatiou, advice sad
epeohA referenoos sent on application. J.
li. LLTTELL, Wasbiugtou, D.C., U.S. Patent
(Mee.. n6
$2 JC 1IEst ouWARD.—
h1 J LoThueday, July 3rd, 00
the street in Wroxeter, a parcel of bilis,
ntnouuting to 5345, and a promissory note
drawn by John Sanderson iu favor of Sate
Walker for 5600, dated Juno etb, 1855, and
having a payment of 8550 endorsed ou the
buck thereof,dated April 1105, 1800. A re-
ward of $26.00 will be paid fur the recovery
of the above, or for 4005 information as will
lead thereto, All parties are warned against
negotiating the above mentioned note, the
same having been lost.
Wroxeter, July 101112,'00. JANE WALKER.
Dissolution of Partnership,
Province of Ontario,
County of Huron, t Mr. Thomas Ferguson
and Themes W. Gibson, formerly the only
members of the firm carrying on business as
tinsmiths at Om village of Bruseols in the
county of Huron, under the style of Fergu-
son it Gibson, do hereby certify that the
said partnership was on the 11th Day of
July, A. b. 1503, dissolved by mutual colleen
Witness, our hands and seals, at the village
of Brussels, in the county of Huron, the
Eleventh day of July, A. D,1800,
Voters' List. --1890.
Notice is hereby given that I have trace-
nrltt01 or delivered to the persons 5080•
tioned In Sections 5 and 0 of the Ontario
voters' Lists Aot 1080, the conies required
by Said section to bo so transmitted or de-
livered, Of tbo list made pursuant to said
Act, of all Iwrsooe appearing by the last
Revised Aseosament Boll of the said Munk!.
panty to be entitled to vote 10 said tmunioi.
Delay at elections for members of the Legis-
lative Assembly and at Municipal lllootione,
and that said list was first ported up at my
ofloo lu 8 reseals on the 18th day of July,
1800, and remains there for inspection.
Keeton, at mulled upon to examine the
es -d list and if any =futons or any other
errors aro found therein to taste immediate
pr000atlings to have the said errors corrout-
oil eaoordteg to law. 3 . S. SCOTT, Clerk.
Dated the Bard day of July, 1800,
VOTERS' L/ST.--7890,
Municipality of tltr Taioasl(ip of Grey,
County of ]loran.
Notice is boreby given that I have trans-
mitted or delivered to the persons mention.
511 lit Ructions s and 11 of the Ontario Volare'
UACs Act, letaa, the copies required by said
Reetlo,s to ba no transmitted or lol'ivorod,
01 the list matte pertinent to said Act, of all
persona aanl,OArft,0 by the Met Revised As.
Sesalnoilt stall of said Municipalityto bo un-
titled to vote in Said municipality at aloe.
tions for mcmbsrs of the 1 eglelatiyo As.
seemly tote at Muniaipai llloallons, and that
eak1net tyro 0r86posteduu at my °Oleo in
Ethel o» the 05441 day of July, 1890, and re.
mains there for inspection, laleetore are
cailod upon to examine the said lent, and, if
any end astern or any other nrrots aro head
therms, to Mato Immediate proceedings to
htoavaneal. bhe sald err orsWM. ObrraOtSPL1eNilOSi, aaCoot'ladhrklg
Bated tbo QOM day of July,1800,
Note,1 for their Rlolt Aram&.
Get Your Cigars
Fresh & Tasty
Pepper's Drug Store.
'Sra,samact a C+as,oral 21a.aslcixa.g
Canadian and Uuito(i States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposita.
Oolleotione made on favorable terms,
Canadian Agents—ME texcan "a 130135 OF
Now York A5ente—IEroRTERa AND WAD -
• Solicitor and .Oouveyaneor. Collec-
tions mala. Oeloo—Vanst000's Bleak, Brus.
sela. 01.1ina
% itii. SINCLAIR,
• Saltoltor,Oonveyancer,NotaryPub-
Ile &o, OOloe—Grnbauns lilook, 1 de ,,r north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Farads to
(Cato with Onrrov & Proud foot, Code -
10012,1 ttai'r,sters, Solicitors,. Oonveymtce's,
&c, Offices—Brunets and Ronforth, Brn=-
oo1s 08.7:7, Bogera' Blocs(, Alain St. Mosey
to Lo
0, 5. w, B. DICKSON.
M. TAYLOR, B.— 0. L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, &o., of the 8ru,
of Taylor, AfoOnllough .5 Burns, Barrister,
Whitton, &o., Manning Arvada, Toronto,
Money to loan.
Fourth Li [vision (Hurt,
Co, Huron.
uro k o Conveyaneor, Notary Public.
Land, Lone and Insurance Agent. Funds
invented and to loan, OoIloottens mule.
()Mee in Graham's Block, Brussels.
'.XTfvi. CALE, M.D., C. 1.,
Member of the College of Physmlau
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination
OlHce laud Residence —MON street East,
kl thel, Ou tarso.
• C. AL, L. It. (1. P. Tediubural,, 31. C. P
S. Ont, At Pepper's Drug Store from 11 to
11:30 a, u1. and from 1:50 to 1 p. m, At other
boars may bo found at his rind/learn, form•
Orly °armpio41 byl)r. Butchiuson, AIM st.
mi isterelllan thD. e P lnloso Extraction iouaaf
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street Beet, TORONTO,
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S..,, D. D. S.,
Surgeons, e of the oa id0 of Toronto
versity. OPPION—Opposite Ametiaau Hotel,
• Issuer°MMarriage Licenses. °Moe
at his Grouory, Turnberry street, Brussels.
south of A. AI. Moiiasorial ry& Co's hat. rdwaree store.
Ladies'aud abildreus hair cutting a spooialty
Insurer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis -
Fire Insuranc Co. OOfiioe at the Oradnb Agent
Poet 011lce.
arrival sof the beaforthy stage,'candgreturns
from Gerrie in the morning fu time to oatolt
tato Seaforth stage going out. This role will
be adhered to until further notice.
8, WALen, prapriotsr.
The undersigned desire to intimate to
the ladies of Bruseols and vicinity that they
have opened a Dressmaking Shop oyer bOr,
azo preparedrto Store,
n(i Brussels, aorouts sbt 1
to them, t'atiefaotion guaranteed.
Is desirous of procuring pupils in
Veen' Musia, Prof, Warrington, of Toronto
is ploaaed to give his testimonial as to Miss
O'Oonuon's ability, she hawing been a pupil
of ]tie during her stay iu Guelph. Instru-
mental AIusic on Plano, Organ and Guitar.
Tema made known oo application. Prlueese
St„ Brussels. Alias O'Connor is open for
Concert Engagements. ,e0.
Auotieneer, l0 always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. 0. Sales
may be arrouged at TUE PosT Publishrug
Hoose, Brussels.
Lieensocl.Auctioneer. Salo conduct-
ed on reasonable tomos. Farms and farm
stooks specialty, Orders loft at Tun Pima
P ubil Siting Haueo, Brussels, or eon tto Walton
P. 0., will rooeivo prompt attention.
et] as an Auctioneer, I am propelled
to /melded sales of farm stook at reasonable
prioom. Knowing the Standing 01 nearly
5V017 11011801, Tan in a position to toll 10
good marks and got good security whou sold
tlu credit, Satisfaction eueranteud, Give
mea malt. al. y R. SCOTT.
Honor teslaotos of the to treat
0100,4 0 of Cohost, aro i tun ftl t, treat all
ctfeaaaos of dotineetteated nmtmats in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to vntorivary dantdetry. Calla promptly at -
north of britllbe, Turnborry st ,yprussels,,doors