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Servant `Panted—.dlrs. W. M. Sinelair.
,Ia.e bxltsseis V.ost,
FRl D.11', AUGUST 1, 1890.
Ws hope the Education Department
will abolielt the very unsatisfactory man-
ner of publishing the results of the
Teachers' examination, viz by the num.
ber used by the respective candidate.
It's a Chinese puzzle to everybody except.
the persons writing or their immediate
friends. It can't surely be neceesary to
have any secrecy about it and the names
could be published with very little more
labor than the figures.
AN order -in -council has been passed by
the Dominion Government directing that
felloes of hickory wood, r.ngh sawn to
shape only, or rough sawn and bent to
shape, not planed, smoothed or other-
wise manufactured, when imported by
manufacturers of carriages a.d cart
wheels to be used iu the manufacture of
each articles in their own factories only,
be and the same are hereby placed upon
the list of articles that may Le admitted
into Canada free of customs duty.
TunnE are a good many fads in this
country and not a few faddists, none
more apparent than the craze of some
families of wealth to secure matrimonial
alliances for their daughters with third
rate Lords, Dukes and the like. A great
many of these gents, especially those
who find their way to America, are the
rakes of society, poverty stricken, dead
beats who travel on the good name of
their ancestors. Here is a sample illus.
tralion of what the have been saying :—
Milan, the deposed King of Serria, who
managed some time ago to obtain a di-
vorce from his wife, the beautiful Queen
Natalie, by means most discreditable,and
who since his dethronement has been
living a fast life and contracting huge
gambling debts iu Paris, is to marry an
American heiress, who is willing to pay
off his debts and keep him in funds
merely for the sake of having a broken-
down and divorced king for a husband.
The deposed king's debts amount to about
three millions of francs,aeed his creditors
who were very clamorous a few weeks
ago have been quieted with a promise f
that the will all be f
y paid when Milan o
marries the American moneybags.
sideration of one bill may not be reas
able time for the discussion of anon
more important measure, The Dem
j erate would probably demand a period
eix weeks for the diseuselon of the to
I bill If there were no such thing as
Federal elation bill, A reasonable ti
being consumed in the debate of this b
and of too appropriation bills might
leave much time for the consideration
the Federal election bill. The adopti
of a rule for the previous question, "af
a reasonable time" would therefore bar
Iv improve the prospects of the Fede
election bill,
she statement by Senator Allis
showing that the appropriations durl
the session far exceed the estimat
revenues for the next fiscal year, h
spread dismay in some quarters,
Allison's statement places the appropri
tions at $86;),000,000, exclusive of
$101,000,000 permanent appropriatioi
or in ell $400,000,000, This leaves t
appropriation for the now clepende
pension law and some other aonsiderab
items yet to be accounted for. The ee
mated receipts, including the Post Olb
receipts, are $450,000,000. This shown
may defeat the river and harbor end tl
fortifloation and ship subsidy bills,
President Harrison seems to ha
on. The Mayor of Goderich has proehtimed
Ser Thursday, 14th August as civic holiday.
o- John Altaheson is erecting a handsome
of stone housts on his farm north of Win -
riff throp. The stone work is completed,
a Geo. Pope, of 1-Iullett, has a horse that
me has Been 24 years' service and still seems
ill gond for manly years to come. It has
sound teeth yet, le as lively as a, three.
of. year-old. and eau outwork horses young.
011 er than itself,
ter • On 1ltnndcy of hist week Judge Fred
d- ; W. Jobnston was sworn in as junior judge
ral , of the Algoma, District Court, by the
; judge,Hon, W. McCrea. A large num.
on ! ber othe legal profession wore present
ng and J.V. Rehm, county attorney, prem-
ed ted a congratulatory address to Judge
as I Johnston, who replied in suitable and
Ir. I feeling terms.
the Perth County,
adopted Streator Blair's receipt fortakh
bad medicine. Ho attached kiss sign
tore to the silver bill as soon as tit
measure reached the White Hone.
are mighty poor rules that will not wor
to butte ends of the Capitol.
A number of line brick residences are
being erected at Stratford this season.
The Stratford Herald denies the report
that there are forty empty stores in that
city, and says that actual count proves
there are not half that number.
Will Morrison, of Elma, J. A, Morri-
son's eldest boy, is suffering from e
severe swelling round the ankle and foot.
ig The doctor states that a bone must come
a- out before It will be well.
at At a meeting of the congregation of
Knox Church, Stratford, a call was td-
most unanimously extended to Rev. 11.
a Johnston, of Lindsay, who so acceptably
supplied the pulpit of St.An,lrew's church
London, two (or throe summers ago.
There is evidently no field in Stratford
for n daily paper, es the publication of
the Evening Herald will be diseontiened.
Chas. DIngman, brother to the propria.
e tors, he been admitted to the firm, who
will continue publictttiou of the weekly
paper and erecta new building.
Rev. Thos. McPherson was on Friday
paid $1,600 in full settlement of his claim
against Knox Church, Stratford. He at
ones sent $1,000 of the amount to the
Treasurer of the Aged and Infirm Minis-
ters' Fund. His intention was to send
the other $600 to Manitoba College to
help pay off the College indebteduess, but
learned that the college had recently been
left a legacy that had paid off all its debt.
He therefore deposited the remaining
$600 in the bank, and will devote it to
some of the other sohemes of the church.
Those who have been readers of the
Stratford Times for a number of years
will remember Benjamin Grant, wbo
e kept a china store and who subsequently
sold out to Peter Watson. He had two
daughters, ane of whom was named hiss
Flora. They left for the Northwest
where Miss Flora became a Mrs. Mac-
kenzie, her husband being an agent of
the Hudson Bay Company. During his
absence, recently, Mrs. Mackenzie gave
birth to twine. The following day she
was foand by Sonne neighbors, life being
quite extinct, while beside her lay the
lifolesa body of one of her babes, while
ibe other was still alive. Deceased had
a wide oircle of friends in Stratford who
will learn with regret of her premature
Lightning caused quite a sensation at
Sara tford on Friday. The residence of
Locomotive Foreman 0. F. Neild was
struck, the top of the chimney being
I knocked off, a large 'milieu of shingles
sent flying, and ilia plaster of the ceiling
iconverted into cbunks. In the round
house tongues of flame were shooting and
gliding in every direction like fiery snakes.
Every man fee the plane was affected more
or leas, and for half an hour their lives
were in imminent danger. All the metal
about the place was (Mama with the
deadly tiuid. One of the employees, Wnn.
Johnston, Waa in the ash pit, when he
was struok by a charge of the fluid pass-
ing through the engine be was under.
It was two hours before he reoovered.
At the agricultural grounds, where a la -
erase match was held, a ball of fire was
seen to come within a few feet of the
ground and then burst with a report very
similar to that of a cannon heard during
camp. At the same time a sash in one
of the windows of the palace was shatter-
ed and all near it felt the effects of the
shock. In the refreshment stand out in
the field fifteen or twenty men were loud.
dled together to keep out of the rain.
Among them was P. C.B. Wonham, teller
in the Bank of Montreal. His umbrella
was struok and the metal part of it twist-
ed and bent as you might a bit of wire.
He says he felt the fluid pans into lois
body through his arm much like a strong
shock from a battery. I'ortnnately it did
no other damage to him or his compan-
ions. In the telegraph and telephone
offices things were quite interesting for
a time.
Huron County,
Clinton civic hdtduy on Friday, Au
net 5th.
The new postoftiee at Goderich is to b
completed by September.
The married men of Gorrie would like
to bays a game of baseball with the sin-
gle men.
The expenses of the recent election in
the South Riding of Huron amounted to
Th57.2e apple crop around Colborne is
light this year and there is a prospect of
good prices.
The Lucknow Sentinel is holidaying
this week. Tho editor has saved un his
money and has gone up the hikes for a
A little sun of John Menzies, Wawa.
cosh, had the misfortune to fall out of a
cherry tree and break both his arms above
the wrist.
A boy named Twitchell, who drives th
watering cart at Clinton, was thrown
from the rig on Monday and sustained
the fracture of a limb.
A correspondent of the Seaforth Ex.
matter recommends that at. C. Cameron,
ex.M. P., be induced to stand for South
Huron at next election.
John Duncan, of Stanley, arrived re.
ceutly from the old nonntry, having with
him 45 Shropshire sheep, from the very
best herds that could be secured.
Dobson, the man charged with orimin•
al assault on Mrs, Campbell, has been
acquitted by Judge Toms there not being
evidence to warrant a conviction.
The Clinton New Era man, recently
root the city, chronicles the following
act :—A yoke of oxen were seen in town
u Wednesday ; such animals are now
exceedingly rare.
The Most Worshipful Grand Change
Lodge of British America will meet at
St. Johns, N. B., On Tuesday, August
tali. County Master Todd will repre-
sent South Huron down by the sea.
J. A. Wilson, of the 14th line Howick,
has won the second place in his second
year examination at the Toronto Ueiver.
sity Medical College and has suoeeeded in
carrying off a second seholarshiy of $80.
Cantelon Bros., Clinton, are doing a
big business in the way of exporting
fruit. During the past few days they
have sold and sbipped to eastern markets
no less than Geo baskets of cherries and
A report was current at Clinton that
Mrs. Edwards (late Wbitely) had died at
Innerkip, Oxford county, from the effects
of a cancer. We are informed on good
authority, that there is no truth what-
ever in the story.
The Goderich Signal says :—The court
house butter -milk brigade is now one of
the features of the town temperance
movement, and during the dogdays, when
the W. C. T. U. and the "Y.'s" are bak-
ing vacation it is doing a good work.
A very severe thunder storm passed
over Exeter on Thursday night of last
week. Thos. Huston's barn, on lot 4,
concession 8, township of Stephen, was
struck by lightning and burned down.
John Hawkshaw's barn, one mile south
of Exeter, was struck and slightly
damaged, but not set on fire.
A short tune ago Mr. Grainger'e driver,
of Summer Hill, while at pasture got her
hind feet caught in a rope which had
been left around her neck and terribly
lacerated her throat and the right side of
ber head, so much so that day -light could
be seen through it by looking Into her
mouth. A veterinary pub thirteen shit.
ches in it and the animal is doing as well
as could be expected.
Rev. A. E. Smith, for the last two
years stationed at Wroxeter, has been
tranefera ed by Conference to Moorefield.
That Mr, Smith and his estimable wife
were highly esteemed by the people at
Wroxeter, is shown by the fact that prior
to their removal a large number gather-
ed at the pareonage and presented Mrs.
Smith tvitli a beautiful banging lamp and
Mr. Smith with a well filled pares.
On Friday evening a young son of Jno.
Grant, of Exeter, aged about three and a
half years, was playing on the road with
some other children, a wagon loaded
with the happened to come along, and
rho little fellow by some means fell in
front of the wagon, the wheel passing
over his arm, breaking ib just above the
wrist, and had he not been dragged back
by another ohild the hind wheel would
have passed over his body, which no
doubt would leave ceased instant death.
TAe''o,—The Wingham Aclvanes was
daubing the "black strap" on J. G.
Holmes, of Toronto, who spoke on July
12th at Clinton, in the following manner
a short time ago :---"Mr. Holmes" epeoeh
was a Inose brilliant display of eiequenee,
and it was generally conceded that a
mere noble speech was never before de.
livered to a body of Orangemen in Can-
ada. It was mild, sea'.eernanlike and
temperate. IIe epoko for more than an
Itm', end during the whole time was
listened to with rapt attention. He was
throne:Ilea most ourhnsiastioally cep,
plaudad ; at the close hendredo collected
around him to congr:0.11M c rued elmIco
Mende with hien. The people generally
were trauspn,tcd with joy at such aft ex.
traordinary e f Al of eingnene e from 41
young an orator,"
Washington Letter.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
WissnrsxeN, Juil' 18, 'e0.
What is known as Washington "so.
ciety" is subjected to shocking surprises
much more frequently than it would be
if what is knows as Washington 'society'
exercised a little more common sense and
careful discrimination in its make-up.
Washington society, to be wortby of the
name in its best sense—reputable and re-
spectable, a credit to itself and at the
same time creditable to the National
Capitol—should know considerably more
than it seems to care about the con-
stituent parts of whish it is composed.
Society, in order to be good aooiety,
need not be exclusive to the extent of be-
ing pretentious above its merits or
measuring worth by arbitrary standards
of wealth or title; but the moment it
opens its doors promiscuously to the
frauds and shams, abs adventurers and
intriguers, who are always rapping for
admittance, simply upon the strength of
an impudent presence, or a loose way of
spending other people's money, that
moment "society' ceases to be good, and
becomes something that ladies and
gentlemen, with due regard for their
reputations should be careful about soil-
ing themselves with. But all of what is
known as Washington Society is not to
be harshly criticised. It embraces with-
in its "charmed circle" many excellent
persons. Yet there is no society in the
world so liable to be imposed upon, and
for this it has only itself to censure.
Thera is no society in the world that
admits applioants for membership upon
such elim credentials. Htmdreds of
men and women, young and old, find
their way within its portals with far less
recommendation than the lady of the
house would insist upon in biring a ser.
vant for her kitchen or a hostler for her
How shall I get into society ? is a
question frequently asked by the new-
comer. It is not a difficult conundrum.
The solution is easy. At least moiety
places no obstructions in the way that
the most worthless pretender to social
recognition may not overcome if he have
sufficient adroitness and audacity.
Society regniree few qualilioations that
are not found in the fashionable man-
nerisms of the day, the arts of address,
the affectation of affluence. Character
is taken for granted if it has the re-
quisite gloss. Worth is too tedious a
thing to be inquired into where a pleth•
uric pocketbook fs snspected. And as a
natural result every once in a while what
is known as Washington safety has 00 -
cation to bo shocked,
The notion of the last senatorial eau.
ens in changing the proposed "previous
rinoation" rule so as to permit limit of
debate "after a reasonable time,' in.
steam of after time rlar,and finally their
tailor° to tante definite action on the
general proposition, le regarded as favor.
able to the Oppotouts of the I'edo'•al
eduction bill. The opponents of the
measure are in their opposition ;tipio•
made. Action teas prevented at the
Jima caucus by the proposition to ap-
point a committee to prepare the now
rale. Again, at the rodent caucus Nether
delay was sawed by the change in the
forte of the rule and by the ab,euae of a
mother of Sonatas, lowed upon a diff.
Bronco as to whet is 10 reaeoanabie three"
Wliab i:t it cease isble time for the eon -
Sporting News.
Parson Arney, of Saranac, Mich., is
making himself noted by bolding trotting
rapes under the auspices of his ehureh.
The professional consolation soulling
race ab Duluth, Minn., on Monday was
won by Tan Eyck ; Hamm, 2nd ; Wise,
8rd. McKay was distanced.
In the game at Cinoinnati on Thurs.
day, Henry knocked a foul try over the
fence, A man sitting on the cross•arm
of a telegraph polo put out his hand and
aught the ball.
J. C. Medway, the Philadelphia jump-
er, will go to England in the latter part
of August, where he will stand ready to
jump any one for any amount, the Eng-
lish champion, Darby, preferred. One
of Hedway's latest jumps is standing on
a glass tumbler and jumping over three
chairs without disturbing either the
tumbler or chairs. Another one is clear.
ing a gine-foot table wibh a ehair at
each end, the table three feet high, mak-
ing an actual jump of over 10 foot. An-
other is clearing three chairs, tat foot
apart, feet tied, and jumping backwards,
in three jumps.
The following report is given of the
single seal race ab Duluth a —At 6:16 the
nine racing shells were in lino, after sev-
eral Waits to clear obstructions orb of bite
course, and at the shot all started with
beautiful evenness, All spurted at the
ebat't, but Gauclaur's swift ehroke soon
farted him ahead, with the rest benched
ciao atter him and holding their posit
ions well. Hall way down the waste
Gazetteer, Tamer and the two at the right
born elf ontsine of the flags, but soon dis,
(levered their etiolate° and kept away 10.
wards the centre. (\anchor turned fleet
and Teenier second, and Hamer third
and knpb the same positions up the
coarse, At the finish Glandaur ewe in
palling magnificently and crossed the line
ae fresh no at the stmt., tt caner anal
liceaner followed pnllta4 in ore doggedly,
1Lunlan eamo in a goo i fu trill and the,
others bunched.
The Nand Button
the? assume(' Alt armlet= nnaor the
namo of Simpson to another woman."
"In the namo of all the fiends, how do
you know all this, boy?" screamed the
ala man.
"And then," continued 'font, "there is
the blackmailing of Mr, Pierson for
Tho 015 man glared at )aim,
"And then there is the fraudulent affi-
davit and subornation of perjury in the
claim of Preston against the Pierson
The old mac quailed before Torn, The
accumulation of charges was beginning
to tell.
"Then there is the abduction of Mrs,
"Stop, stop," cried the old man, "have
you got her too?"
"It was as easy to find tier," replied
Tom unblushingly, "us to Ilea the
slaughter, And then" --
"Stop, stop:" cried the alt\ man, over-
whelmed, "Have pity on a ieoor mis-
guided old man."
"There is just ono thing more I should
like to mention"—
"Stop, stop," moaned the oil man,
—"And that is tho murder of Temple-
The old man looked up.
"I never dill that Heaven knows
that is the truth. I never did that. I
confess the rest. I confess the abduc-
tion of Annie Templeton and her mother
—but blood has never stained these
hands, No, it was not until after the
death of Templeton, not until after I
had heard of it, and knew what its effect
was, that I conceived the idea of seizing
and concealing these women and press-
ing Preston's claim. No, I'm not guilty
of that."
"You old rascal, don't lie to me,"
cried Tom angrily. "I know the whole
plot. Why, you hoary headed villain,
if we could go back to the dark days of
English vengeance, and not only hang
but draw and quarter you, you would
not get half the punishment you de-
The old man lifted his hands appeal-
"Don't 1 know alto whole story,; con-
tinued. Tom. "You were a tool of Pier -
son's; you knew lois previous life, his
change of names; that the Templetons
were the rightful heirs; that by killing
one and imprisoning the others—the two
defenseless women—you could begin to
make that old drunkard's claim good,
and divide the property in equal shares,
one-half for yourself. You old rascal,
you have the agreement drawn and
signed now in your possession."
"You are the devil incarnate," whim-
pered the old man.
"Then you feared that Mrs. Fountain's
son could raise a good claim, and so you
enticed him hereto -night with the in-
tention of doing him too."
"No, Hol Heaven hear and help me,
I have never committed murder, I only
meant to confine him until I could get
the matter settled and disposed of. He
was interfering"—
"Oh, that was all you"---
ou"—Through the open door came the mu -
iced voice of a man, ascending the
tars, singing:
When girls are kind and wine Is wane
Oh, where's the harm, oh, where's the harm?
Their waists to squeeze, thir lips to press
The old man lifted his head quickie*
and murmured: "The fool's been drink -
ng again."
He attempted to call out, but by rea-
on of his emotion, or something else,
tis throat refused to give forth sound.
Before he could clear it, Tom sprang to
im and placed his hand over itis mouth.
"Gag him," he said to a man who
me to his assistance.
"Itis my own son," said the old man.
He is not to blame for anything; let
im go free."
"We'll see about that," said Tom,
Take ]tiro into the other room, while
e receive the new visitor. Take that
ndle back again,"
OUNTAIN had eomne
from the adjoining
room, and hie usual im-
passive face bore the
evidence of his agitation
over the marvels he had
The Shadow, in giv-
ing the warning of the
approach of another
comer, ]tad closed the door after him.
The owner of the musical voice wee not
disposed to knock, much less t0 ttee lois
hands to open the floor, for ho gave ib a
vicious kick, The lock was a good one
and did nob yield,
"Ope.n the doors" ]ter cried,
"Open it yourself," responded the
chief, "mud come in,"
The door was pushed open and a young
ratan strode in.
As soon as he a rmee:el within the roan ti
Ito was e,'izod by the two men stationed It
a.t the door. p1
With an oath, he: tried to atrugglofeee, sc
end was nearly soseoe esful, for ho was a
verypnwerfulgntan, to
Toni tnrncel the light upon him, lie F
' did ani I,noty him.
it was not to be wondered at, but he
was, in feet, the young mail who had
chloroformed and abducted Annie in the
"Gond evening, Mr, Parker, Jr„” said
"Who in—great God! Alive
Tom laud been stoortled by the look
wild terror and horror that canoe ov
the young Hoot's Mee, and he saw aha
it was caused by the sight of Fountain.
"Do the dead rise again? Alive! You,
Fountain, alive? Am I dreaming --or
load? Alivel I killed you in Union
square, and yet olive!"
The mon was evidently horror striae
and did not know what he was doing,
Fountain replied:
"I am alive; you did not kill me."
„But Choy buried you!"
"Put the handcuffs on hint," orderer
Tont, "Wo have the murderer at last,
"You aro a great maul, Tom," cried
Chief Munford, jubilantly. "Omer iter
Toto Bryan, the keenest newspaper tun
in New York atn,l Ilcntfortl's llolectiv
agency, heat the regular police."
"No," said Tom, not herdic:; the chi'.
"You slid not ]till Fountain, but you di
Templeton. lint how can yon levo rent
butted to bvli,'vo that it way: 1" noon ti
you killed,- d," said. Toni, much omtfttsed
"when the papers nlnnn;ncod the deal!
Of Templetuot?"
The young roan hurl recovered sten-
evenly front the friglit and cennterne-
tinn into which lie had been thrown 011
seeing Fountain, and began • to realize
what he land been saying --elm confession
he had wade—nod so would' not reply.
Tom repeated the question, but re-
celvc'd no answer.
The chief, Hanford, said: "All right,
my man, but you ver confessed, arid el
leoce won't save yon now."
"Well," said the murderer doggedly,
"I thought Templeton was his right
name and Fountain a false one he used
among the girls."
"By Joce!" said Tom,"Inever tbought
of it before. Do you know, Mr. Fountain,
there is a strong resemblance between
you and Templeton?"
"I have heard it noted before," said
Fountain. "It is not strange; the sane
blood ran in our veins."
The old man Parker had been strug-
gling and making unintelligible sounds
in the other room.
Tom ordered the removal of the gag.
Ile strugghd to Itis son.
'•Unhappy hov! \Vital made you com-
mit that crime?"
"I don't know 110101 your halals 111•e so
white that you taut ('!fiord to threw
"011, lie reproaches me—me."
••Rcpronc'hcs you, yes. Siout up. We
played a big genu fur a Uig stake, and
we've lost. Well, stand game to the
"But this murder, boy, this murder;
that was not in the game."
"No, it wasn't," replied the sen with a
bitter laugh. "It was a side issue of my
own. That man Fountain, curse him,
stole my girl from me—Marian—and I
had it in for ]aim. That's all. Now that
I'm done for, I'd give every day I yet
have to live to get at him once."
"Marian. What Marian? The Iilarian
who lives in Hudson street now?"
"The same," said the son.
"What tangle is this?" moaned the old
man. "She has the girl Annie's mother
in her keeping now, and site herself is a
daughter of James Preston."
"The number in Hudson etreet, please?"
sato I.O.M.
"There's little use in concealing any
thing now. It's No. —."
"Let me handle that part of the .ease,
please?" asked Fountain. "I'll guarantee
to return Mrs. Templeton safely."
"As you will," said Tom. "You wil
do well to take some of the chief's met
with you. We can spare two."
Fountain departed with them at Ince,
"Now, chief," said Tom, "I think it
would be well to take our bag of flame
to the Central office. The play is over
and the lights are out."
AUGUST 1, 1890
Lot 0, eon, 1, Between, 000 Berea,
Part of Into 1 and 2, cat 1, bOoloes.
1:1 lot Is, eon. 1, \\'.awe nosh, 100 acres
NA, lot' 2a, can. 8, WoeWnwmnaslt,.100 800010.
Sot 14 lull WI int 1G, con. 0, Kincardine.
UE 160 acres.
er ir1 lots 8 and 0, emn.14, Peel, :100 eons.
it h1ilot Hand Wilot II, emi,1,,Peel, 000 sores.
011nt0, con, A, allele, 50 Mores,
Lot 11, eau. 10, hliutn, 0001 acres,
Lot 21, eon, 4, Normanby 000 items.
All the above are well improved tenets In
line menthes, aro very neap end con be
n bought on easy terms, Mao a store and
I dwelling in Brussels lot• sale. Apply to
10.13m HAauurox.
Private Funds to Loan.
c Have been placer\ in Illy Ilaucl3
for Invcstlnent on real estate,
"The three prisoners would be far
more welcome if some one else than
ourselves were to bring them," sardon-
ically remarked the chief.
"Undoubtedly. But let us go. Hand-
cuff them all together. Come, let us
set out, Shadow and ono man fn front.
You, I, and another man behind."
.As they moved out in this order, a dis-
appointed voice commented:
"Day only bit him onct."
At the Central office the three prison-
ers were arraigned, and Tom said briefly:
"I charge this man Parker with hex-
ing murdered Henry Holroyd Templeton
on the morning of the 1811s of last .Au-
guet, by his own confession.
"I charge this man, George Parker,
with having been the alder, abettor and
instigator of the abduction of Annie
Templeton and her mother, this day, by
his own confession.
"I charge this man, Scar Top Johnny,
other name to me unknown, as beingthe
aider and abettor of the abduction of
Annie Templeton, and of havingkepb her
in confinement contrary to her will."
"And I," said Chief Hanford, "charge
him with being the abductor of a child
in Hartford, and claim the reward of
$2,000 offered for him."
"Bat," said rho officer, "what aro the
'"Lock theist up, inspector, and read
The Sol to -morrow morning," said Tom.
I can't wait; 11'e after 11 now, fend I've
a long story to write,"
Tofu enjoyed his "beat,' hugely, and
was for several days the hero of his
office, tile wonder of his compete tors, and
the envied of the detective farce,
One thing, on the morning of public:t-
On, marred Tom's full enjoyment. Ho
ad auuumucod 1 he rostato of ii:Cns, Tent-
a'len to iihee1 kuru ing it to be en ab -
i11110 tact,
lcoon hny ly lie curly sought Holbrook
o Some the restilte and w110 toll that
ot'mimlt s expedition had been crowned
('ro SSL; CONCLtMGD NLIT 1001015.
No Commission.
Borrowers Cali have 10n115 com-
pleted in Three: Days if title
Solicitor, :Brussels.
- V
TINTS "' E 8,
-1-;=rt) - Cent 1,
.ill 11'0 rlc from the stun Mo.( 1e Ll Ie size
done Ion lirsi-elans mmnnor.
of kesidenvcs, 131,'., at Itraa,,nnble
W. J. Fairfield.
Fresh and
Salt SI enta of
the Beat 111181
1 ty ahyayson
huund 1111(1 de.
livered le
any part of
111e VI.lIage
}WC of
Fat Cattle; Wanted
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletoher's Jewel-
ry Store.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Practical Watchunaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
.Latest Designs_
WeooDlxn RINGS,
LADIES Gnu Dante,
L sotougrrs, 4.0.
I "Also a Fell Line of Viernvs and
Violin Strings, ('@n„ in stoop,
1'. lteseseuret' tar Marriage tee
T. Fletcher, . Brussels,