The Brussels Post, 1890-7-18, Page 7TINA' 1, 1890, 11E.ALTE Hunger. Tlik is a smsat ko.nitioh crwrootly emes the real wants of the system, at least. if tho stomach is Ili a nornud condition. 11 0(0 nnuilfeStly intended that this should fairly represent -Os the thortionnetev i1008 the temperature- to what extent the hotly halt been west ed, it s tissues actually destroy., tal by exereise, the need of physigal and mental beet hong iodinated by this ',fowl. ometer" for the repair of such waste, tiara work, %dolt/it idrirt8, Mental labor., ittellidet 1, the appetite, simply hoeause such unusual labors waste the tissues unusually. On the other hand if 1 he :meal lumina of labor is diminished, there is nitturally a di. minish ed appetite, mercifully indicating a de- mand for lees food. It ls for this reeson that those who hare bee» very itetive in busliteas life, generally live but a short, time after loading an indolent life, pattieularly those whe do little save to eat and sloop. They overpower the organs of digestion, practical, starve themselves, The -digestive organs, In their debilitated stet°, betng unable to appropriate enough to meet the wants of the system. On the principle of the formetion of bad habits, by the use of intoxican LH, 101E1000, COO., the appetite may become so vitiated, SO l'OV011.1 LiOnind, 11111)0 what is regarded 1111 hunger will not fairly represent the true wants of the system, and should never be taken es a guide in the matter uf eating. Thus, when one lutbitually uses too much food, more th,m the system demands, grade. ally learning to eat more by one-third than itatial, a habit is formed, an abnormal appetite eveated, the result of which is an artslioial hunger, or whet is called hunger, in 10) sense .A. re. suit Ls produced \ellen rich and unnatural 1,1011 13 taken, food which satisfies a false appetite, thie sensetion of supposed hunger beteg no more reliable than the tobeeco U031' e desire for the "filthy Nveed." Un- natural Imaging:tare induced by these causes, often mistaken ler hunger, the gratifieution of whielt necessevily leads to dyspepsia and varioua digestive disturbances, A Cause of Disease. Constipation is very generally considered guile an unimportant trouble, and at, the most movely capftble of causing but ta. few uncom- fortable symptoms, 811011 439 headaehe, nutlaise, etc. Tide popular idea is an errone. 0113 1(110, for t» constipetion mut be attribute,1 a wide range of really very serioue affections. It acts in this way. In the matters retained in the intestines there 0l'01)1110011(3, and some of them very virulent. They aro absorbed in the intesthies and distributed over the body. Their most merited effect, as far ea 010 1111,>(V, 181111011 tile nervous system, which they may be said to intoxicate, or, in ether words, excite to greet degree. One of the effeets of these poisons 18 1111)013131111, and really they very frequently are the solo calise of that distressing affeetion. Then there is elder - osis, or "green ski:nese," a disorder of girls, usually between 1.10.1111 10 years ;stage. That, undoubtedly, is frequently unused indirect- ly by constipation and veabeorption of the poisons in intention. Again, inseeity may be include11 ainong dos conscquenees of 0010 elipation. Dr. Meyer gives the history of three typical emsee of insanity which meowed in hia practice alone, and which tem* en- tirely relieved by largo injections, Sheller cases have been reported by others. One eminent physician suffering front oonstipa- don hail ample opportunity to study some of its pernicious effects. On ono oceasion hallucination end phantasms appeared to hint and continued for three day* He took a large injection and so removed the cause, end inuned4tely his mind cleared up, Ho testified that there is ne distinguishing symp. tom of this form of poisoning, but ast Baal. loetual clieterbance, characterized by a poem. liar depression of spirit, by anguish of mind, and by solf-accusaione of wickedness and baseness. Probably physicians 118 yet do not know all the evil effects of collative. don, and, doubtless a large. number of atioo. dons remain to be added to the list of con. sequences. Ideation in Chewing Gum. The practice of chewing gum hits become very wide -spread. 11 10 not a very elegant habit ; to many it is positively repulsive ; and there are sourcee of danger, too, that should 1100 130 overlooked. .A. 01158 in -point was Meted to us a few days ago. Diphtheria broke out in a family in Eest Desmoines. After the child hail recovered, the clothing and 0.11 1110 exposed articles fully disinfected, the parents, with the convalescent child, visite,1 some rolative$ in the conntry. The indispensable chewing -gum, like Satan, wont also—in the 100111,1) of the little child, Prompted by generosity, it ellowed its coun. try cousins—two ohildren—to chew also the gum previously chewed by the visiting child. In three or four days, without any ()thee known source of infection then the chewing - gum, the two childven were simultencously stricken (Iowa with diphtheria in a, nuna setlotte form. It.would be hardto imagine a more suocoseful mode of peopagetion-- distributing 1110 disease. It would he a gveat deal safer not to thaw the stuff at ell, hot 111 10 1110100 be done to satisfy the demands of a week 110111 111311 a depraved appetite, our advice ia, don't " swap" gum to chew any body else's gam, nor allow any body else to hew yours, Singing forDung Diseases. At the 1)1)080110 010., when physical oulture is a pert of the curriculum 01 11)131' most into'. lootual 30110010, end is so genevally regarded es n neeeasary elometit toward sulmlying and maintaining the aoundbody for 1110 3003111 mitul, it is worth while to consider a recent, statement of 03311110110 physicians that the mere oxeroiso of singing 10 11 groat help to- ward the prevention, cure or alleviation of lung diseases In the incipient state of such disoases it is oven sttid to he a powerfal aid to cure. 10 10, indeed, somewhat envious that tho modiced fratereityhaVe 1100 8:91eit. ed the theory of lung exerelses by sagging more fully heretofore than they aro doing, for the action of calisthenics in strengthen- ing intiseulati iAssues has for years beim a universal practice, elthough, as it matter of fact, the meta physical exercise of singing brings into pley en extraordinary number of muscles that can hardly bo suspected of action in oonneetion with the throat malt. Sion. It Was disclosed by statistics in Italy, 501110 781110 ego, that vocal artists Were usual. 1y long lived MA healthy, and that brass in. strumont pleyees who bring their lungs and ehost into unusual activity, have not had a -consumptive V100110 mace% them, No 111411. ter hOW thin or weak the voice, children or young people shotild 1)0 encouraged tn dulgo in song. There can bo no lumpier 1)00)110100, and if hearers sometimes suffer, they should be onoottraged turd strengthen. cid to boar the infliction in vieW 01 0118 good it may 0001(0i0n. A SUER RANGER% GRATITUDE, .5)1 :testy:titan Stern 'rho day I arrived in Adelaide, Austnilia, I was go y0.110 ;hi, and my imeket eoutain- 1)1 it dollen for every eat. 1 Lad li, ed. I had evamly noir refuels to begin life en in t he ;shiny, fool 11011 011,0110)1" 110 11 18,1t1)o of Ili, nigh:di boy.) who had mime mit 131)11 no' gould 10004 of, IV,, were a queer hit 1:.; had sailed from Liverpool wog :Mien, 1111,k0Vrit W11010 1,101 (1'), single nen, ,er, ant and what uot :1)11 Imo 1111 a new lire in the wonderful island of tie - Ind Mit 0ieail, n'e had mane in a 8) 1113114 ship f(11)1. 1,0011 I:11101100 1031111 fill. 100111114, 11111 11 11 happy 1(1 we wore to 1.0 het on shore in the 111011 111111111 111111 mtraggling loam I have 11111111111. Leek Wait With 1110. On the second day atter lending I hired to a shiny 13381?r Who hail a mewl], on the M many Rtvet.'neat. its jimetion with the Darling, find onthe third We started off rip the cuuntry. We had two ox teams --that is, we 11101 two covered. svagonti, 00011 loaded with supplies, and ottell drawn by three yoke of oxen. A part of the goods wort) to lie left witll mailers along the route, and a part 110101%4 to 111'. 0113,1‘1800 my employer. He did not hire me, not biting present, but the temn$ were in charge of an overseer named 51eCtill, whom 1 80011 found to he a good-natured, goorl-hetieted fellow, 13aell of us inul native to 1131130 (11 managing the teams, and, though neither of them could speak ton words of 13»glish, they were valuable men, and no &triunity 10 being understood. It was about Christmas thee, and the Weather 11a8 very sultry, and we aimed to make only fifteen miles a day. I'Ve had it full wook'sjournoy before us, and nothieg 0( 1)1(101) interest happened until the fourth day. 'We went into 0)11)114 0. little earlier 1111111 11011,11,113 that afternoon, 11.8 Inic 11 die wag. ona needed repairs. Our veldeles, titter coin- ing to 11 1)1)1 1, 010011 aboUt twee ty•five. feet evert. Whtle I Wail building a fire to cook supper by ono of the Meeks went off after rabbits, find McCall took the other with him to help out and bring laelt a lever with which to rebut the wagon ,ti its wheels. I was thus left, alone a few minutes, and they luul scarcely disappeared from sight in the aerub when a man berst old of the thieket on the other side and came running tip 13) 1118, I/itt face and hands were seradted and bleeding, his clothing in 0:101010, hie hat gone, and he had such a wdd and terrible look that I :Mould have run away from him had I been able to do eitything but stand and stare with mouth wide open. 1110.0a11 had told. 1/10 of escaped eontlets 1.1111 hard eases who had titken to the bush to make a living by robbing, and the 1110/1 hail 001110 upon me so suddenly that II Ives knocked 3>111 (111' the moment, "1001 flod's sake, young feller, give me a bite to eat 1" he said as he stood before 1110, be afraid of me—l'in a sheep herder who has been lost in the bush for throe I stepped to the wagon and handed 11131) 11) pion., of bacon, 501110 herd crackers, and a handfill 011011, and then found voice to ask ; But why not stop with us for the 1)1,1110 1" " Titmice, but I'm in a great hurry to get book to any herd. I know where I am ru»r, and enn get there in three hours. Any matches f" I gave him some, end he looked all around to make sure that, 010 were aloue, anil then said : " Yoting feller, do nto a, greater favor still. Lend me your pistol and knife until to- nuirrow, when you will pass my station. And, furthermore, be kind enough not, to mention to any one that I was here. Do 11119 11)111 you shall never 101411)1 11." I handed him kelfe and pistol, promised what ho asked, and he shook 1110 by the hand and distippeared in the scrub. Ten minutes after he had gone I figured it out that he w139 a bushman W110 had boon liard inni by the polioe, but it was all the same to me. He eould have taken all ho wanted for all of me, 11)8 I felt perfectly helpless, and I was thankful that 1,0 11)01 come and gone without knocking me on the head. Just as McCall canto up with tho lover 01>01)0 0108 11 clatter of hoofs, and I looked up to see fivo mounted men ride into eemp, They were in the 11111101.111 of the petrol, and the appearance of the horses and mon showe11 that they had had a long ride of it. "Well, ((apt. White, what is it V asked McCall, who soononl to know 01)01)7 011)0 of the five. "110011 after Ballarat Sam again," re- plied the Captain as he &amounted, "And 1081 1)1,31 1" curse the luck! Wo struck 11118 near Debney'e yesterday morning, and he led ris a chase of fifty miles during the day. We killed his horse %bout dark last night and had him surrounded in the sorub. 1400 001., howover, 01111 1)1)8 did not get; his tweek until about norm to -clay. 'We follow. ed it to the creek, two miles above, and there lost it). Haven't seen him here, of veo?" "I only wish Nve hed. There's a reward of 4500 ou his heag, 0.1311111'." "II; host been increased to twiod that, 811001 1310 Ms body and 0.11 31)0.1130 a rich man of you." 'rho patrol turned Moir horses 100so and had supper with us, furaishing a part from their 00111 rations, Then there was a 14011' 01'))! talk and story tolling 110 about 10 o'elook, and then all but 0118 111111> turned in for sloop. I had been introduced all around but, bed taken very little interest it the con- versation, being sure, front the Ant words spoken by the Captnin, that 0. bad met Bell - twat Sam and eided him totnalte a fresh start. I thought at fivst of telling 1(10 11)1)011 story to the patrol, but they wero serious, sober. looking chaps, awl 1(01)1 a fear that: they would giro 1110 (111 ttwful raking down, ovon if they did not lug me off and Gook to Imo 11101411111013>11 es 11111111g 11114 abetting. I re- membered, too, that 11331(1 eolenntly prom - /shed Sam not to betray him, and so 1(18' cided to keep a still tongue and let the case work out as it, would, The _patrol loft us at dttylight, but their work tor the next throe days Wile thrown away. They could 1401) 11)0 trace of Main. We continued on up the conntry en11 finally arrived 0.1 1(30 nutell, 111111 fee tIlo next six months I aa011 havd at Work EH a, sheep herd. or and neither saw nor heard 11111011) of the otitside world, Than ono 110.7 I woo called in off my range, 10111011 Wee 111871.113 600 1111108 front Davidson's house. Each 01 1110 herders had from 000 to 1,000 sheep under his care on a renge by hinwelf, and each lived alone with his dog in a hut. Once 11 wook tho "relief," 1)1) 100 111,11011131131, insole Lim rounds and loft provisions and lwerti Oar reports. Several of the natives bad visited me-- hartuleso follows, who wanted matelios or 00170.000, 1)1110 110 white man excepting tho re- lief had come nea' me for three months before 0. got the call to report at headquer. tots. 11)00)10 in to Rod a couple of 'jailors thoro—two gentlemen who had lately at. viva. from England, ,Ono of thom, 11 11r. C1111 1011, WM from my own town 0 1 Shrews- bury, rind the other, it Mr, Williams, was from Manchoster. They had come out to Australia to take up a tango and 1411 1711(0 sheep 1181113 invostmont, noitbot, of them in- TE(E BRUSSELS POST. tending to remain, but to do the business thninga art ageof 'Flow had purelftwed 9,000 shoep of Mr. Daviii,;(ai 10; 11 :dente', mid had taken a range above 00 011 the Darling I , of . My 1144. was 11) go, as also I Iva of t la. laIrder, to 1111 (mull of me, and 011, had le".11 milled in to revolve 11181 111 11311,. noil, of nu 11..rtious were to etit,'r HI' 110 powloy 1.4 new aro vo,18, who 11,1 olveady seemed 11.e11'letel mid latilt 1)0 11,1..i.,0 .1 111I .,1.11,11.tH for the ovorsort, 01 411 1001 1' 1110111 A110ilille 11 1 11 !Will, Tio. other; u'l'io"'Nviltisnlillit :io"h"1.1.1 t:fil't,.'3';'.‘11 • 11 1.11n. Whom 01,. 111440 riwly 1,1 start , the tw genital,: it wet* noatnted off hoeses. Th oversetu. drove the hullo,* wagon, /misty, 1, 11 11111011, 111111 ' 3 f`g,t. 041101 of oar 004011,018 had bcon 11011111 °d with Imslarangets, but we had seen oath ng of them, MO ac 110 police patrol in th district luta lately been wormiest we feint, fear that the rangers would meddle with 11 on our journey. 141101)003,11>01' was zow pretty eohl, but 48 1(3(3 011)1)11))- 011.11 bad we hail to let the sheep melt Linde tray and go slow. In the first three days we made only about tweety-seven miles, but, this w310 thought to be good program under the circumetances. On the third night, when at least ten milee front any settlers, and more than that from any regular highway, we fene.d a natural volley in which the sheep bo herded, and our own camp 11740 73,0,113 13 )11 grove of ironwood, near a waterhole. We had 11111011- d 5)1)11>01 111>11 were grouped about the tire, when one of the dogs harked and WO bathed u ) to lind ourselves covered by tive iere were five strange, hard -looking traie forming a half elrele about. 08, having crop halo the „grove SO softly that 1118 dogs hat not heard them until the 1)011) 1110111)0>0. "Baal up or under you go 1" shouted voiee, and every of 033 11 IWN up his bandit bo"s,Nw. then, the tirst one of Tin who makesa , shy 211000 will get a indlet ! Closo in flte five advanced to our feet, oath keep. ing lxis gun leN-olled, ea& when I could SOL. 1.11fl Man who had spoken 0.111 ones identified hint as Ballarat Sam, the »ion Whoin I hail befriended months liefore. He recognized me almost as mfickly, and, taking e atop forward, said ; " Well, lent, you did me a good turn that day, and 111 not forget it. Move over to the left. Now, then, gents, who ere you 1" Tho gentleman oavc, him their names and told him their business. They were pretty badly frightened, as I could see, while the overseer trentbled like a Infiti in a chin. 110 11118 0 big, strong follow, and had laughed at the idea of bushrangers methiling with IA I could not understand his fear mail Sam spoke again. "Dotter and better 1" he said, 30 ,1 fierce look came into his oyea. " Boys, here's that overseer who set the patrol on onr track down below, and Who wasn't satisfied with that but must tuna out to help 1110111. I think we have mule a good haul of it." .11.11 our arms were in the wagon, and. we were helpless to offer any resistance. The first thing they did was to despoil the two gentlemen and the overseer of everything of value, and 111011 each ono was lashed to a tree. O'Hara 0118 0111011011 1.0 910 1100111 1)0. i11110 me, and the blitelt ttiolt matters so coolly that nothing was said to him. The rangers signed to him to turn to and get supper, and he cheerfully obeyed. When they lied eaten and drunk and lighted their pipes Sam turn- ed to me with : "And so yen didn't toll the police that you eltre ine food and a pistol?" "No, sir." "I know you didn't, for I was that tired out that 1 1,1111 myself down for two hours almost, yottr tamp. Even when they tolu YOU who I was and that a price was set up. on my hea11 you hadn't a word to say." "No, sir." "Well, you boys here nothing to for, We lutve nothhlg against you. After a day ov two you may go free." There 01110 130 sleep 101 111171)0)17 until after 1nidnight, and I don't thiuk the two gentle - 111011 011 the overseer slept at all. I know they were 'ido enough awake when 10(3011011 my eyes in the morning, 11.11 of us had o. bite to eat after the outlaws lied finished, and then the wagon Was robbed of whatever they ft/ruled and hauled MI' about thirty rods awl upset in a deep gully. The matu were turned loose with the sheep, and when .r.e set out Sam and two of the mon rode the tomes and the rest of 1)1)8 010110 onfoot. harchoctianatainnotecunicautronoveconc Over the Starry Way, 11, low ont from 1,.. no1.1..s Fgoling ,tway In 1)1,' liffte 'When; the 0(1 .01' met tie, 00.013(uni mem, l'avitnt 114:. fur her 301(8.11 root (101e1' ),ilon wa)', 01',' the 1o,00,tenderly, 111., 0. a ri.witite 1,t.0.1 urc • Site lox (1, 11.• no I elos 1 .71,„ 1,0r1. Mb( 1.'1r 1 011,1'. tie.' 115, 1/11),W 1.0 11) ly 1,110.111 11. 1..110w, 8,1l1 She 1''..)) 110,) t(eto 11.13•11, 1:i • h0,3...41, 0 1''. 11ou oft, bright , '1") 11.1111,110W Wit li it • Vu. au 1,81)111 ,1)071,1' 1111111,111.4 10C. 11,000 to ..14.01) 11 1111 110 1011110r 10001ii 111.11114 -ii 1111 111 411'111 - ty the farm, en 1,, 01 111.1' 111,W 11 told the p of this angel 1)3111.),, Like !la, lad. lair hod ,(i, 11(31 111)3 wreath; 131,1,00 hlootti Cho 1011111 frost 0)131, t. Ruse, M1,1111111011 your shady loaf, It'd from 11)" sunny day, Co you injec 1 he glance of the eye 8,, height. \ 111000 bloc was heaven in ('11)11) 113)1111 difItt Iniainhig ItOW In the world of light Over the starry wan 111.1,1)111) where ho head hath lain, 1::.11,11 know that the I oaeli of her gentle r11117 lorel4 shining ('11),Do y 1 h heig.hten 11... harp in the unknown land? 0, (die wall MI' 111 will, I he angel band thar Ole starry way. young, old, or middleaged, who find them. selves nervous, woalt and exhausted who 1 aro broken down [tom eames mr overwork, t resulting in many of the following syrup- toins : Alental depression, premature 01.1 ago, loss of vitality,loss of nieniOry, bad L dreams, dimness 1>) sight, palpitation of the heart, end/Mims, Jack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, phoples on tho face or body, itching or peculier stmaation about the scrotum, trasting 01 1110 organs, dizziness, speaks 1301,,)',, tho eye% twitching of the muscles, cyo lids and elsewhere, bashfelness, deposits in the urine, loss of tvill power, tenderness of the sealp and spine, weak and flabby muselea, desire to eleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, drilness of hearing, Ions of voice, desire for solitude, ex. citability of temper, smitten eyes surround. ed with cuter.s, oily Melling skin, Oto,, are all symptoms of nervous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or nit& force having lost its tension every function wanes in conaequence Those wlio through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for book on all dieases peculair to man. Address LUI3ON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free 0,? Heart digest*, thesymptot as of which are taint 'slitTp1181;0111,s1,rililoGt 11411 0101,turnulsnlliesosi Ilfetaot the head, 111(11 140.111 inthe heart withheats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, eta., can positively bo cured. No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, Toronto, 0)3te Sirn, who pose m self.made mon relieve their Creator of a great responsibility. Adams' Tutti Frutti Gam purities the breath end preserves the tooth. 5 cents. Greet haste can never overtake it lost opportunity. Rend This. Your Clough can (111Vay-11m 08outwit hy using ono bottle of Or. Harvey s Southern Red Pine Fur side everywhere, Price 23e. Without a revelation of what God is, no man cum know what ho himself is. The easy, (Iota way in which T. A. SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZED B111318101,1 of PURE 001) LIVER, OIL, has won its way into public favor apeaks volumes for its merits. At the office of the company, Toronto, Ont., can be seen scores of valuable testimonials, while any druggist 'Will toll you that for all pulmonary difficulties it stands unrivalled. The strongest womou must have their tears, the absinthe of the oyes, A. P. 510. icroomnacconsararnavorosounanannouccootecinnani At about four in the afternoon we reached the rangers' camp, which 11110 wild and desolate spot. I don't think they intended the gentlemen any harm from the start, but that the overseer's doom was scaled wo all felt certain. 'Ho realized it, too, for I ob- served 111310 180 was constantly oat tho watch for an opportunity to bolt. It came as 0* entered the °amp. Realizing that thoy meant to pay off the old score, Ito suddenly dashed for a tint:last. Ho took them off their guard, and 11 1111 accident had 11110 hap. rvitned hint ho would hero got clear oo)01Half y to the thicket a stone turned under his foot and throw him, and as he got up ono of the men shot him down in his tracks, They left 11101 lying there and went into camp, saying that they had meant to torture hint with tire, anti that ho had got 1,11.1 of it too 01101). 14110 WO gonm tleon wOrd 1)01)7 cdoeuly guarded, but O'Hara and my. self 0101)0 (111011)04 to tvolk about lia WO pleas. They had taken over 71,000 fro1,1 the two and bore 010111 110 grudge, but for fire days and nights WO won memo* and in 01010 poWer. 011 010 morning of the sixth day, when it was plain to bo seen that they 'vete off for anothr adventure,ethe four of 1)10 were turned loose and told to make our way Imam 'limy headed Its to the west, Which was tile wrong way, end We travelled twenty miles in that diroodon before WO f01.111t1 out the trick. We wore a mot-look- iwItile Me, (Julien was taken trith fever to ng lot When We finally reached home, and die in 11110010 1>11 daya, Mr. Williams WU BO broken up 11)110 11)0 lived only long onong;11 to get down to the coast. A year later Sani and two of that crow11 were ownght, tried at Sandhurst, and O'Hara and 0. saw them drop front tho gallows. They had asked us to identify Sam in court, het NVO had exalt,. Wood o na ty victims on his hands, but he ed rserlIve01, Ho was a bad man, with the had given 110 0111' lives and played fain Making a Reduction. "Strawberries, WOO= 1" queried the littekstor, es she stood in the door of her house in Toronto. "Rote touch?" she cautiously inquired. "'Twelve cents a quart, ma'am, or two quarts for twenty.fivo cents," "011 1 well, I'll take two (parts." "Exactly, tne'am." Ho measured out the barrios, got his !palmtop and drove off', -while she disappeared in die house, $he ammo out again niter a couple of minutes, however, loolic 1 1l and down the street, end, 1300 111)104 able to see him anywhere, she shook her fist in the direction he took and oxelaiincill "I'll know hIm by the wart mu hie nose, and Fll get 01)011 With him if it takes a year 1" TEN PONDS TWO WEEKS THE OF 111 As a rlosh Produaer thero Pau be no question but that Se TT'S Of Pure Cod Liver Oil an Hypoptimphltes Of 1.1n0 and Soda is ,without a rival. Many; have gained a pound a day by As nee i of' it; /it curoa .. - .: ...,,w . coNaimPTioil, SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS, 0 0 1.1053 AND 1 COLDS, AND ALI. F011413 DF WASTING DIS- EASES. :14 2'.1 1,.t.r.ini,E: .411 ELILX. j Genuine made byte:tit e; Iltwer.Gollt...1. .1013almon Wtap,w; at :Ai Di r,':iial t, 5Cc, 1.113 tj1.00. pATENTS7,27:7,2,n4;:i'l's• Vr. A . 11 Tens* 131., '1'0;10141.0. W1114— . _ — . 1.1,1'PED DIn every town in the r01110010 111011 10 reprwamt he 1 min In Ion been Asswn, 11.3.13,71Y1; st.,,t Torero. E1Y;!it 08 _A'311 .7E4111 144, rT''Ll'i'sra':1(1111:.::o. an 1 TUMOR tipeelanat. rdvate INC ER 1.1espital. 148 knife. 17101, (88. PA ,.. °...........,,,, naVitiTetr,Arhtar!i'etr, V. WANTIRD, good roliablirinon,rts agents in every towni n OnterAdto. dress 11011111. dian Mutuel Loan te Investment Co, 42 Church 01., Toronto. (Inv° 11011S1111,lallS, NURSES, GEN. U1,10101 1111..1.11, SERY,CWW. Good plaooa, highest, wages. ennittlinn Domeatic Employment Agenty, all Ring 117es1, Toronto. Write for. oirenfar. FENCE-Pggherim,..V,t&o,ggagoal SeitS 010 100. Pecos fromtlao nor nal (10,111.1 ,„ nil for lidos llst, Toronto Picket Wire 'mice fle., /21 Intel. St.. TOron to. 1? 1a,A DAY.-"zi reapect able work for men aud women, Addretet '1', 11'. Scenerucu 4.11(11111111,10 street West, Toronto. M'A.oltlloirsli:, yong7-877, retain, la making a 81,00101 01* a11-km.18111n Plitithitt. Skirts, lee. a ,vd, elfilileon0 skirts, or capes, Vie yard. Tni0 10 the only piece In Canada where 1,1118 0111.4t4 of work ts dono. 80)100 14. Scientific and reliable system:, taught, W11,010111 norfoolAtiing garments are nreaueoa; Send for eh -velar. S. CORRIGAN, Prop., 4 Adelaide Mt Wost, SPECIAL :Er 81.1, .111, Shorthand, ,r`yuowriting? 11fileno 141111) Instruction 0101)1)18317,speelal excursions after noona, cirouhwri froo, collodion cextean totateetee, Puelio Library Building, Toronto cococosomiocias . , WAN T 1, V.- LP eh!. nerienoo 18, !woo-, 7. 1'01.30.01.,1,1 in0..1110110. Chun]'am l a. 1 it t•J Ott '1,1111, WW1,' 1, 1 ot. to oolt tool ...roil or, 11 11 %WW1 STARK RRos. H11R,SERY CO 5.001143,1)0.11, 1)0. _ DEAVEllt LINE Sl'EAMISEUE 10$. , a -tilling weekly 111,1W1110.1 3300111(3.5),und LI0'tlitP011 I,. Sulootalekels ,111:11 1)00. 101 tiro Ticket-% 001a. eon and 1311,,, according to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate 420 1 Stoerage 420„1.1noly 10 11.1,.. MURRAY, flew era) Manager. Cannelton Sh I opillg t'o., 4 Cgs. 00:11 1101'00 801,41110, 01,11)1 10;AL, Ur 10 Looal Agentri 1,11111 Towns anti OT1:3 o 2-7,,,t,e, 200 Youn Women (7.4 WIro enrol/n.1 last year ...r I"1. ir Imo Ar',, catana.0 r .1,,.,,) /1.11. I, .01,21,5 Ladleht College, st , E , A.4Y, 141,0,1,11,, '1',1-• fiats) hteildhifp, Pirn, orlimte nn.I 1 1, ten,/ na. a 10 r eaede. .1‘ ego rat, lcd 1,411,1 11.110.0 tilnolt. C1 aa per Wish-, io a.o,pane tion....1 ina /00.111101'0,1 1,11.1 NO1 PAL .1 >1.13. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COY', awsrARErz c.tranio ACID TOILET MAI is pleasant to use. It heals the skln, and de. strays Insects and germ; on the hair of man ci beast. TnE CONROY CAIMIAV.F. 114111IS- 451E 7E31 50E177 ir.NOWN, it Their inoreneing popularity is * proof of theta superiority. .13e suit and got 11 COAlbOy 00111, your buggy. rliUME 33 (U tr, NZ 3 0' j. lhe beg, Maehines guaranteed. Mor Mines on the GEADVAL 'PAYMENT HES- TEM, Liberal dimount fur emit. 'T. ME & CD., Manufacturers, Toren Address Wilt LET, It 0T0E ('0., CIS To age Street, Toronto. Send tor Catalogue. KIIITTINGIACHINE Send for Illustrated Catalogue out this advertisement with mnr order for our afro SIM. Libber and we will allow yon $10 PREMIUM DISCOUNT Cronlinau GEORGETOWN. ONT. DR. NICHOLS' -: Food of Health :- Foe Children and Adults. I nva: uablo for Indigestion and PRANKS & CO., London, England, ;Proprietors Constipation. l 0 e John (111)001. Dr, T. R. Allinson, LI 1.CA, London, 0430 )0 "1, like Dr. Nichols% ' Food of Health very much, and flnd it of groat dietetic( value in many dirmahos. .4.1) 11 breakfast dish I prefor it to oat - moat. For tho regulation of the bowel, it cannot be Rurpaaird. Send for samplo 1.1E, ELEOTRIOAL SUPPLIES Send 10 the Canadian hetubmarters for any- thing you 13'5111 in the El Cel 1111011 Line. Wore - house and Main Lino Telephones,Annunelatore Bolls, Batteries., Motors, Meet -deal Cash Re- gister* Homo Medical Batteries, Telegraphic instruments, etc., oto. The largest and best unsorted stork 111 Canada. Everything per- fectly' new, having, bean 14111 )71 since tho fire, which destroyed onr old 131)00110138 )1)7)11 stook, on May 17111 last. Writ° for catalogue. Special inducm.ents to thertrarde. T. W, NESS, - 544 Cr a,ig St.,Mortrseal . ,,,,„0„„,.0)E70Till„„,,,,,,,4,10.1:,,,,,„0',P,r 11 yF 11 harmless esno nouren4.1' ,saeuerinits pepaation. 1 31i11 arrant it to 0010 EPILEPSY ON FALLINOSICKNESS in severe ca es whore other maladies have Ailed. My reason 0 r seeding a free bottle Is t I want tile medicine to be its turn revue. mendation. 11 costs you noth. leg for a trial, and a radical cure in Certain. Give Express and Yost Lam Atitirose 1 RE 0.1. C. ROOT 114.0., 180 West Adelaide St. Toronto, Ont. EXCURSION A Pare Charlet, te -nut St. Leon Springs From Toronto and return vis 1'. 14. R. sperdat 1 hrough eurriagesatound.. 1))) $'1 $10.00 ONLY. I nelnding our days. board at Spring,: Hotel Tlekets good for al) daye.. Nothing ever .eircrod to equal lids trio, Montreal. or 1.11101,0e within throe hours' ride of Springs. A nnintonen ts, recreation, health, comfort and joy ore ever fon 0)1 to degreeS Uneseolied 011)). Leon Springs. NI. A. Toont- ts, note/ Manager. A only Head Office, 1014 htreet. West, Secure a place. \ anted, fit• Leon or A ppolinaria pint bottlaS„. 2 E :miaow eisFalv. -- overlie_ THE WONDER OF HEALING." DIMES GATARRE, 117/311IIATI511, BALGIA,SOBLI THROAT,PILEFLWOMID4, PEMALP, COICLATITTS, Arra BEHORRItAGE5 014ALL =ND, rivd Internoey&Exfarnelly:PrioattGe.$1.$1.X. 11010'SEXTRA0T GO. Nev7York &London THE.,.T EUROPEAN Di „) s) #10' If appalled for Sienna anti Sooty of mortal They are the 07(01 171)08 that WILL NOT WASH OUT! WILL NOT FADE OUT!" 0.13015 18 nothing Eke them for Strength, Coloring or Fastness. Dirlilookago game Twootavothornrolathomathk. If you doubt it, try It I Your 000007 10(11 be re- funded If y011 ora not. convinced atter 31,1111. nay - tear cetera are uloc10 Turklah Dyoe, embracing - all new shade., and others are added ea soon ea ther 1,00008 fashionable. They are Warranted to dyfr mere coeds aud do iE batter than any other Dyes Same ?rico as Inferior Dye, 10 o2rtis0. Canada I3mnoh : 00181) rani Street, Mentree.L SendpealaiforSanude Contend Boob of Xastrsatrost n• • I 01, rclo SA3REiii * C,3RE111 TTITOR I—Please infoo.. ,talers that I have a positive remedy fo, thee above gegfed disease 117 (10 timely 0.03 11)00810001 5)50301,1),.. -010.11 have been perillanently axed:, I shall so glad to send two betties of it.y ramedy FREE ta cat, your readers who haw co. smnption ved. send !ne .1r. F.:sprees and Post Office Addroart, liespectEully, si.ovuotiF 150.0„, las 1.130 s.0 111.2...Z. a 4: 1*.e ToizoNro, ONTARIO. .7.17101Mentnintgargenrattessitillennal FiliE.PiteOF CHAMPIONS With 0143114110 01' Ii01'iztua1el /l,di 6 30 H.P. , so, Suitable for all work. f Threshingatziming, °Fraction Engines 12, 16 alld so Horsepower. STRAW.BURNiNG ENGINES For the North-West. Send for Circular. Waterous Engine Works Co. BRANTFORD ANO WINNIPEG. c,,,TEIRONTO ONT.