HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-7-18, Page 6'YOUNG FOLK.
woods, usually vool and refreelling, should
he so Wall11 and CiliplieSsiVe Oil tine Getober
*ley. lie hailed an he reached the hill N11111 -
the tree line, end looked Lament
the hill tops taut iwress the valley.
And then be maw something which stertled
It was a line of tiro. Beginning at the
edge of a ilieired spot in the midst of the
Lane wiege it was spreading neross the
strip and eweephig eteadily Rurely
THE BRUSSELS POST, July. 18, 1800,
_ ,lammeeriminm.mai.sismairmimioniam..i.moisipismairosok.
eye,. and parted lips as he tarn crept- eafely
abing up and up, over the perilous eteep, Now
• a few feet may renminea between him and
the top i:f the ellit At Met his hand grasped
t he railing, be drew himself ce. f ulle over the
edge, Waved Ids hand ls.wk to the ghee li0.
low and ilisappettrol.
Tw iligh .wa settling down upon the reviee
when the girls tinellyheard Mei% calling to
them over the pet:mince. All the neighbere
ef the 10=1, it seemed to them, wore look -
straight towards the road that lea at,wn ing dwelt the side. They were tyiloottel
the hill mid (writes the hollow.—the highway tegingeullsnf ropee and Hien a stem Mum
where .1 Minh and Ellen were no doubt tit long nee now dangling dowinvatel
leisurely walkieg. tit the ravine. Stoutly splieed together,
."Phey won't see- the tiro— the woods are all the rope in the neighborhood hed been
so thiek on that sitle---they %von% know long, adjusted into a sort of harness, with
where the heat (scones front till it is right strum; minis littaelnel, to (how the girls
upen timm," thought Wellington. up tho clitle Judith helped adjuel. the lines
He elipped las book -strap from his shoul. about Ellen's arms and waist, and watched
der, pulled ,dis jacket end kid it core- her, pertly climbing, parn tly drawup the
full'e h
y with his boeke beside the highway, steep. Then the harness came swingingbeek.
And there witheut a moment's besitiation, In the fast gatheriug darknose Judith fasten.
he dashed down the hill straight into the ed the reties upon Memel and umde the trip,
leweing woob end the beets were quickly. carried home by
The fire ents making greater headway -m
the anxious and sympathizing frieude.
aiming the iley pines on the hillside then (in It was several deys before Jedith thee the
the 1, ever ground. Already he could hear path to seheol again down the blackened
them crackling behind lane Escape to the hillside and through the woode where,
upland by the road would soon be cut old Autumn beenty the lire bad blighted. It
But he had no thought ot turning back, was weeks, eren,beftwoWellington w110 ('ecu
The boy who disliked to wet hie feet, the again in his seat at school. One of his blister -
boy whew his ghoulmates had called a ed lianas, lacerated by climbing the eliff, was
Manly, kept on straight towards the heart
of the Hunting woodland.
"The girls must have come so far that
they can't get back to the village,"
In ro-
lleeto&l as he ran. "We shall have to strike
braids over her scarlet jacket, reaching to off front the road and Inc through -the Aroma
:her waist. Site had thin features and a dark ahead of the tire round the foot of the bluff
complexion, but her bright black eyes and to the ravine."
red lips made her face rather attractive. The air was like a furnace when the chih
.There was something about Judith's move. dren met, midway of the woodland strip.
ments and oetlincs that suggested the In- Judith and Ellen were burrying along,
(Nan ; and indeed her father was proud (if the frightened and panting, the perspiration
fact that one of his farmenty ancestors had streaming down their flushed faces.
been the son of an Indian clued
Judith was waiting for Wellington Bailey,
O neighbor boy, who always walked with her
through the Laue woods on the way to the
village academy. Wellington was about a
year younger than herself, He had been a
. city boy, but boarded at the house of 3 farm. must be almeet, here. We must run bet the
er cousin who lived not far from Judith's g"liv."
home. He had been a pole, delicate boy While he spoke a streak of flame shet into
when he mane to the farm, two yearebefore ; view lietween the trees. Catching n
but country life bad made him well and me hand of each girl, Wellingt011 darted With
tive though he was hardly as strong as the them into the wood, ued for a few minutes
they left the sight and wend of the fire
behind them,
judith was tall and nimble. Ellen Was
littbe and lithe. But only by the help of
the fleet -footed boy who led them could
they have ke it up that swift flight through
An InVitation.
"Open your 1nouthnd eshut your ryes
Axel .1%.t give you something to make yen wise."
If you were to Itate Efluimaux,
Jeorn in a kind. of lee filet snow.
'You'd like the greagest kind ef
And teeth. bear's lama e, dainty (lisle
Or if limel le a chine, hung
Pee' tots paled choose a geed fat mouse.
Ante' i,ggs-are a treat to the simmer,
And mane folks likeli
the vers of gee -e,
Some. :Pee beard, eat snail, en meg
While °there fillet on a gthesecieper roast.
Bunnell, people take nineh eride
lc serving meuste gutted and fried.
But "open 0000mouth ana glut 3010 0301'
For none et these dein tie. shell make you white
Henee eumetlang grows where the Mane
Rimming under tho skies of ,1 anc—
something awe. red and epiey end eweet
With a (Melt of sour to make it eomplete.
It sae on a met so soft and green
Tle 111 for the fingers of king or queen,
lay mouth 1" wateringiug fora taste
As dip It. in sugar—se now make Imete
To " m
open your outh endut shyuur oyes
And 111 give you something. to make you NV1Se."
The Story or the Heroism ot u Tioad Foy.
Ono October morning Judith Haskell
stood by. the gate at the tell of the lane
which led. from her father's house to the
highway, waiting. Judith was a. streight
and temple girl, tall for her fourteen years,
Tier Week hair hung in two long, thiek
"Oh, N.\ ellington ! cried Judah. Ai e
ilia woods on lire? Whitt -way is it coili-
ng ?"
"From the east," said Wellington.
oould see it from the hill. We can't get
away frhe om it by troad, eithe er way. It
other country boys, and Judith, only a year
.older, was fully half a head taller.
andWellington-were the only ace,
demy pupils who lived beyond the Lane
woode. The Haskell and Bailey forms were
off 10011003 upland about a mile a,,1half
from the village. 'Neither of the young the weed& "horns tore their clothes, brush
olks minded the walk in deasaut weather, scratched their faces, they stumbled over
ern was Judith at all afraid to go through the
woods alone ; but for the sake of companion-
-ship she waited for Wellington, and the
children were generally excellent friends.
Presently Judith saw Welliugton coming,
hurrying across the timber lot.
Wellington was quite out of breath when
Jae came within speaking distance.
"What made you so late, Wellington 3"
Judith asked. "1 began to think you wasn't
moming and I was going on alone."
"I've been eltasting the cows along with
CoueinDavid," Wellington answered. "They
all broke loose this morning, and it took
about an hour to get them together. We
had to run over the whole lot in the hol.
lo '
"And got your feet wet audited to change
j your e,hoes and stockings, I suppose," said
'Judith, sarceatically.
"Yes," answered Wellington, stoutly,
'though he colored a little. "I wasn't goime
all day with wet feet. I don't like it."
"The other boys wouldn't mind it much,"
Judith remarked.
- I de," said Wellington.
They had' about half a mile to walk bet-
tors the road dipped down into the Lane
"How dry the woods look and how dusty
the road is for this time of the year," Judith
"Yes," said Wellington. " Cousin David
says if the Fall rains don't setin pretty soon
there will be danger of fires."
" Oh, Wellington, see what a handsome
Dower that is," cried Judith, pointing to a
bright red blossom springing from the side
of the steep bluff, " Climb down and get it
for me, will you ? I want to take it to
"It's pretty steep down there," said Wel-
lington, doubtfully, looking over thebluff.
" Oh I If you're afraid"—Judith began.
I shouldn't be afraid if there was any
meed of my going clown," said Wellington.
"lint"— 1
Before he could finish the sentence Judith
had sprung down over the edge of the cliff,
and, catching hold of the bushes to steady
her weight, was deftly clitnbing towards the
lower, She picked it and climbed nimbly
back to the highway, fastening the flower in
her belt with a smile.
"1 wonder how your folks happened to
octane you Wellington ?" she said, a little
later, as they were going through the wood,
" I don't know, Probably they liked the
maxim. Why, whet is there strange about
it ?" asked Wellington.
" Oh, Wellington was a great general, you
know --a very brave mane'said Judith, pro.
yokingly, "Somehow the name 11005111 80010
to suit you very well.
Wellington flushed with resentment "I
know what you mean, Judith Haskell," said
he, "and you ought to be ashamed of your-
self. just because I don't wish to splash
through the mud and get as dirty as a pig
and won't break my heck for nothing but
towers you've no business to say I'm a cow-
"I didn't say so," retorted Judith.
"Well, you mune pretty near it, You
might as well have said it. You're telwitys
tinting such things because I won't do fool-
ish tricks that there's no use in. But I don't
"I should. think you'd want to be more
plucky," said Judith. "Boys might t,o be
brave. 'My brothers weren't afraid of any-
thing when they were an old es you are, and
they'd be aehamed to once for a little dirt or
"Maybe you think I want to be as rough
ea they are, but I don't," retorted Welling
logs and rocks, but never stopped, for semi
the roariug. fire was heard behind them, the
scorching tar from the bnruing trees swept
their faces. Now a swift flame flasbed past
and caught at a limb overhead. Burning
leaves fluttered to the ground. A shower of
sparks drove through the air. Wellington
caught a burning fold of Ellen's dress and
crushed ma the fire with his hands. On
and un they hurried. The air grew hotte:
and hotter, the flames drew nearer.
Then a little patch of open ground v
them a moment relief. They etopped to
catch their breath, and then struggled On.
They must hurry through the trees beyond
and round the bluff before the fire could dart
around the glade. Blinded by smoke, half
fainting with the heat, they pass through
the last thicket, gained the bluff where
that arm of the wood ended, and, tnambl-
ing with exhaustion entered its sheltering
shadow, They coat heer the flee roar-
ing through the wood ad they orouohed
by the rock and bathed their blistered hands
and faces in the brook that crept through
the gully. The steep wall of earth and rook
WU a barrier of safety, and the fire oteuM
come no further.
When the colcl water had a little allayed
the pain of their smarting eyes and scorched
hands and facesthe children began to make
their way slowly between the brook and the
foot of the bluft ono line ettith the highway
at the top. They could notgo back through
the fiery path of the wood, though after a
little while a lull in the 0000 01 the fire told
that the flames had spenttheir fury at the
ravine, having nothing more to feed upon.
Yet for hours there must be dense smoke
and heat along the hillside and hollow,
where the woods had burned, and the ground
would be a pathway of hot coals. So they
crept along as best they mad by the preci-
pice which rose almostporpendicularly more
than two hundred feet above them, Limp-
ing, tired and blistered, Ellen could not
keep back the tears of suffering and weari-
ness, and Judith's usual self-poseession was
all gone.
"We never could have got out of the
woods, Wellington, if you hadn't come beak
and helped us," she said tremulously.
"But how 000 105 going to get home ?"
Wellington's bands were smarting, and
his face WELS pale with pain, but he answer.
ed bravely:
"I shall have to climb the bluff, and call
the folks to help you and Ellen up."
"But you can't. Wellington, am you?"
returnod Judith in a tone that was—for
bee—strangely gentle am' timid, "It is so
high and steep,"
"I think so," said Wellington, "Any
way I can try. We can't stay down hero.
Besides, the folks don't know where wo are,
and they'll be dreadfully frightened when
they know about the fire.
They .had reached the part of the bluff
where, in the morning Judith had stepped
over the sloping edge at the top and peaked
the rod flower. She now looked fearfully
up the steep side,
The boy still etlent amulet muddy placee,
SheldS Sin' 1111 elltS MS own
Tli reit
A terrible tragedy °emitted at Lee, Emit.,
t Eng.) on Feeley eight, whiell, owing to the
pereona being well knoW11 the neighbotie-
liood, hag paused a great settention there, It
mimeo% that a young 1111011 named Frederick
111.11mm whose 'temente reside at Chishentret,
leis been for mime time peg 0111(13' friendly
rein thine with married lady, Mrs, Haley,
of Burnt Ash Hill, a pie/Leant suburb jest
enteide Lee, end whoa( Ituslaml is engaged
a inerentit ile liouse. On Friday night they
I,,,,1 snoper Ea New Cross together, accord.
ing to thelady's gory, after which they took
trait, le Grove l'ark Station, and obout
quarter to eleven o'clock were on their way
to Mrs. Haley's Pin the Bromly Road.
Just before parting Hannan imbed her to
elope with him, and his re(' nest being ecifuset1
he pulled mit milver•pleted revolver aud
tired twice nt her. I -Tatman &Hemel -de took
out a pocket-Itnife and ent his throat. Ac.
eording to el es, Haley's stoey, he asked for
hallElkerellier to staunch the wound, which
she gave him, and wide!) was afterwards
found in his poseeasion, Hannan was v,f ter.
wards found fiend ill a swamp eome distance
off meth h is win d -pipe completely severed and
seree 0.1S.IIRS 00 n.I.C11 011011
of the ueck extending back to the spine, ancl
it is thought lie must have inflicted these
wounds on himself after leaving the lady.
brushed his hair and blackened his shoes Mrs, Haley Was ecniveyetltoeerhome, and liee
husband arriving shortly afterwards. Drs.
Gould, of Middlesex Hospital, and Hutchens
Williams examined and treated hen 00munds
pronouncing low escapefrom death asmavel-
lots. On alighting at Grove Park they went
WIR_ELETS, towards her home, walking neen-in.arm. Han.
nan suddenly asked her to look at the lights,
The police killed seven nittil dogs in New and When she turned her head aside to look
York on Saturday. at the London lights he shot hoe in the tem
Edwin Chadwick, the Englieli writer cm ple. She screamed but he held her round
so 3!al economy, is dead, the neck, and pushing the revolver ham her
A new Spanish Cabinet has been formed mouth tired again, exclaming that he knew
with Senor Canovas del Castillo as Prime 11 10,45 impossible he could ever win her,
and, therefore, it was better theyshould (lie
el Mister.
together. Then be knelt. dOW1.1 by her side
The French Senate has voted in favour of
a duty ,d three trams on cornaml six hones and deliberately cut her throat. Shetold hint
he should heve thouela of her poor children
before cloingsucha thingand he askedwhether
51111 WAS
She answered she believed she was. At his
The Niagara River Fruit...Growers' ARSo- request, she took a handkerchief and
staunched the blood at his throat, Thou
fear overcame her, and she ran away,
Hannon had taken her to dances and ra-
tios, with her husband's knowledge and con-
sent, but on this occasion he was not aware
they were together, as she, was supposed to
be dining with some friends. At the in-
quest Mr. Wm. Herbert Williems, clerk,
Lewisham, said deceased was secretary of
the Thomas Lighting Company, and be last
SaW him alive et Cannon Street Station last
Friday. Witness spent Thursday night
with deceased, and he appeared strange in
his manner. Deeeased tad him lie With very
much in love. Ile could not sleep on Thurs-
day night, and had every strange expression
next day. Witness
carefully, was as averse tie ever 10 10,1 Vlq. feet
or soiled clothes ; but note of his schoidnettes
ever again thought or spoke of 11 offington
Bailey as a dandy 00 0. coward.
ton. 'I'm glad I wasn't brought up that
way. My father is a gentleman, tend I'd
rather be a white man them tth Indian."
This Was the beginning of the first seriotts
quarrel thet had ever occurred between the
two. Judith was provoking and both were
echool.girl friend eves to go home with
Judith to ;vend the night, and -when school
was out Wellington started quieltly along
the road without waiting for the girls, as ha
would usually have done. Judith purposely
kept baek, and Wellington was out of sight
in the woods before the two girls started on
it leisurely walk from the soboolehouse,
The sun was stiff warm am Wollitigton ran
towards the Woo& the Stnittnet hoat having
lingered well into October, mid he took off
las hat to cool his head as be plunged into
the ehatheive,
Half way through the wood Wellington
Sat down upon & beech log to rest. A Nall
*cue etre& MS !aeons he climbed op oaf, n
..the trees' shadow, 31 was singular that the
"It is as good apiece as any," mad Well.
ington. "Theta are some bushes here that
I can catch hold of, in places, and it is no
steeper thail the rest.
Ho carefully began to climb, Bits of
jutting rook now ancl then gave him a little
fuothold, sometimes a branch of a shrub or
bared root proved geeing enough for him to
trust for a hold. Foot by foot, pica by
yard, he drew liimitelf tamely tho steep
side. He was thirty feet above the ground
when a branch to which he was clinging
milled lose ond he began sliding backward.
Only for a few feet, however, his foot fauna
010(13111131 place on a bib of rock, he grasped
another shrub and patiently resumetl the
About half way 1131 1115 Ural' o lecliee pro.
joeted for a foot or more, and when his feet
raged securely on this Wellington stopped
for a few minutes to rest and gain his breath.
The hardest, most dangerous port of the
climbing was to come. He must cling tightly
to the fame of the bluff, crawl slowly, try
every object most carefully before trusting
his bold to it, and avoid looking down, The
temptation to Measure the distance whiell
ho had climbed with that still to bo covered
wail almost irresistible, but he knew that
to keep his beeel steady and free from dizzi•
neSe he must not glance downward for an
instant. How Onxfonsly the girls watolual
the climbing boy, forgetting the 310111 01 their
burns in their terrified sueponse, liometimes
they covered their facies with their hands to
011111out the eight tte he hung by tho slights
est support high up on the terrible cliff; then
they wero watehing hi tn again 101111 strained
on cerumeal,
The Portuguese Chambers of Deputiee has
passed a bill providing for a general increase
cif mix per cent, on taxation.
elation report that apples, plums, nail
peaches are very light ; berries, cherries,
currauts, and paps fair to ayeettge.
Mr. Caine, who was recently defeated at
Barrow-heteurnees, has written to Mr.
Gladstone that he has reterned to the 1lied-
stouian party, and that he will aceept the
principle of Home Rule, -while reserving
liberty as to details.
The relatives of the poor woman who kill-
ed herself the other day by throwiaig her-
self out of a window at the hospital at
Hamilton, threaten an action for damages
against the corporation 01 111111 city on the
groun(1 that proper precautions evere not
taken to secure the safety of patients.
A True -Bred Man of Sussex.
A sketch of the Sussex tharecter could
not pretend to completeness in the smallest
sense if the question of humor were entirelb
left out. Tho South Saxon is, as might y
expected, heavy in WS RS in all else. Thee,
is nothing keen or delicate about his per-
ception of the ludicrons ; nor is there, see
the other hand, much that is ill-natureon
Take the following illustration. It isd.
true story, told. me by a clergyman as ha a
ing happeted 111 1118 03011 parish no grey -
while since. Obliged to be absent from tat
duties of his church on a cart -ran Sabbaths
he had secured the services of a very wish,
grave, and reverend ecclesiastic for thee
clay. The latter was a man of great reputet
Hon, The may doubt his friend had Wan
whether the visitor was not too learned for
the country folk that he would have to
preach to. Returning in tha following
week, the clergyman hastened to Ms parish
clerk to inquire how the services of the
preeedineg Sunday had passed off --in particu-
lar, how he had liked the sermon,
" Oh, sir I" said theold clerk, 10 00 ecsta-
sy, " it was the finest sermon that I ever
heard. I wouldn't presume to my that I
understood is single word of it."
Pompous old divine 1 Good old clerk,
listening open-mouthecl and with wondering
eyes I Thou, old clerk, art true.bred Sus-
Lines on the Remains of a Mastodon Pound
Near Toronto.
Perchance thou hest grayea where leviathans
And masteeons, mighty of hone,
Gave war to grim forms among earthquaking
heat.heaving mountains of st,one.
When the morning scarce broke Owechimer-
ian Betake,
And chaos evae lost from the the sun,
In the mom( of older° the starmhoir extolled
God's work, with their chansou "well done,"
Mote art dumb, and thy date from oblivion's old
Has been witetted by the river of thee;
And we never can know why earth welters in
With imitate( of unharvested crime,
0 could that black cloud coned, "mortality's
Be Wafted fereyor away,
That mankind might, recount all that WaR since
the fount
Of the light WO eonominate day!
He used to sit up studying till three or four
in the morning. Witness received a will
from deceased on Saturday, with a request
to settle a few debts. The will bad appar-
ently been made on Friday, but witness did
not got it till alter the tragedy. Several
letters were found on Hannan, One dated
December Sth stated that deceased had
passed n, restless day and night, and was
contemplating suicide. He could not then
decide on the tune and place. On the lith
Jos wrote, "Death is preferable, because it
is an unecuseious state, and perhaps the
absolute condition." The lag entry was on
the lab, on which day Ile burnt his love
letters tinci bought a revolver and cartridges.
Be was troubled with the idea that he
might ,lie naturally or prematurely before
he could caery his resolve. A verdict of the
majority was taken to tho effect that the
deceased committed suicide by drowning
whilst lebouring under mental derange-
When the moon had no power, or tho sun, for
im Mine
The gloom of this globe to relieve,
From the ogee of night, with her mantle of
Or his beitutiful glory of eve.
Ere old Time COMO th raise out of dome las
Or our race was created for care;
When 11 nature W1114 bound by a shadow pro.
And the world's soothing surface was bare.
But it came, Hoaven's great year, and each
ungel and sphere
001 shout in the delicate fight;
And tho darkness made room for a world full of
As e Samson receiving his sight,
Wert thou there, then grim brute I ale& thou
hear that salute.
And behold earth released from 101 114101
Like a swim from its nest, with the down on its
Or en caglo careering in air?
Now York.
An early settler— A. col:kWh
A poroue plague has its draw books,
lan m
uivI.tibroker, atter all, 18 Inn, a poor,
A man should be sure he's right, then
follow hie knows
The trouble with Justice is that she does
so little beelike holding her swami.
The ephere of the sewing.giri 18 1101; 0011
1. Meted ;11 iii ellen ct hommy-sphere.
The beet illustration of minglel hope and
fear is a leay man looking for 0vork.
A goodmatured spinster used to boast that
gni always had two good beaux—elbows.
Whore ignorance is bliss Were folly to
pee, $2,00U a year to send a boy to college.
"Is your sweetheart 11 tailor-made girl?"
1`1'.Ntst,nhe's quite domestic ; short home
Ilan was made to 10011011, lmt he has fixed
things so OM Ilia wife thkes the job off hie
" The only way to prevent what's pest,"
said MNel uhloon," le to put a stop to it be-
fore it happoes."
ie not always proper to address the
young man behind the Hoch fountain as doe.
ton even though he is 10 fizzicittn,
"Papa," Raid a talkative little girl, " am
made id dust ?" "No, my child ; if 7011 00000
you would ,ley up once in a while,"
It was a Hamilton girl who married at fif-
teen so that she couhthave hey golden wed-
ding when it would do her some good.
A chemist says thee Wood can be nuule
palatable and nourishing. lint lisn't the
kind of board we aro haekering after,
When the dude remaeks that he has some.
thing on his mind, We 3101 ,1 carmine concep-
tion of the intinitesimatality of infiniteshnal,
" Jones, what is your idea of the milieu.
It is &Brays to have a friend at
hand who will tend ille ten without security."
" Waal" drawled the wagomnaker, " I be
a sort er doctor, too. I know what's the
nitlaettte, r 'ith a 0003131111100031311111by lookini at thee bit-
many people who arc taking in Sum-
mer boarders are peeple who have soon bol-
ter days and lived betterSo have their
There is a brilliant, chance for 00100 3011031
man to make up a joke 011 tile waterinelen
beiug a water -berry, in comiectiou with the
watch on the rind,
She—"I do believe OraCe Thormlike gets
engaged to as many twenty fellows every
Summer." Ife—"Ahe !A kind of three days
Game, as It, were."
Yowls Goslin—"Mr. Rocks, I wish—er
—that is, I dosire—er—the haud of your
(heighten" Rocks—" What's tho matter
with the rest of hen"
First Saleshuly—" Have yon seen Mollie's
new fellow ? What does he lone like ?" Se-
cond Snleslady—"Oh, he's just a bargain
counter affair, that's tell"
Judge—"As you have been convicted of the
mime with which you were charged, I now
proceed 10 31000 sentenee"--crinunal—"Clut
it short, Judge, if you please,"
"Pa, what is ttemdent insurance?" "Acci-
dent ingwance ? A technical tent my RCM,
signifying that when you meet with a miso.
hap i1 will 150 001 accident if you get your ie.
De Smith—"Don't yon think Miss Jinks
has a very bright expression on her face ?"
Jones—"I can't say that her face is very
Might, but there is no doubt about her being
"What's thereeson, dacha], dat you sips
rinse' Jawge Washington Jones, P. D. Q.
'Dose yore lettabs' my title. I ain't no
simple IL D. Ise a Pill Doctor of Quinine in
de swamps,"
Old Gentleman (from head of the stairs
at a late hour)—"Clara, I think you and
that young ,,,an have talked long enough
for one evening." Clara—"All right, pa.
We won't say another word."
When he comes to see you, let me give
you a few hints as to your treatment of him,
says & writer on sweethearts in the Ladies'
Home Journal:
First of all, my deer, don't let him get 111
idea that your one object in life is to get all
you can out of him.
Don't lot him believe that you think ro
lightly of yourself that whenever he has en
idle moment he can find you ready and will-
ing to listen to him.
Don't lot him think that you are going out
driving with him alone, even if your mother
should be lenient enough to permit this.
Don't let him think that you are going to
the dance or the frolic with him; you are
going to make up a party whiell will all go
Don't but him spend his money on you;
when he goes away, he may bring you a box
of sweets, a book or some musio; but don't
make lam feel 011111 300 expect anything but
courteous attention,
Don't let him call you by your firet name,
at least not until you are engaged to him,
and then only when emu are by yourselves.
Don't let him put hie arms around you mol
kiss you when he put the pretty ring on
your linger it ineone that yo11 were to be his
wife soon, he gained a few rights, but not
the one of inclisorhninate caressing. When
he pieced it there, he was right to put a kiss
on your ; it 10a13 the seal of your love ;
but if you give your kisses too freely they
will prove of little value. A maiden fttir 18
like a beautiful, rich, purple plain 1111100310
high up on the tree and is looked at with
envy. Ile who would get it most work for
it, and ail the trying should be on his side,
so that when ho gets it he appreciates it.
Yon know the story of the intuit who sow a
beautiful plum 011 co tree which he very
much wanted. Next to 'it hung another
plum ; it seemed as beautiful, and it was
apparently just as sweet as 1110 0110 Ile want-
ed. The seeker for it stood under it for a
moment, looked at it with longing eyes, and,
behold, the plum dropped into his mouth.
Of what volute was it then 1 It was looked
at and oast aside,
Experiencing 0, aloud Burst.
A young man living on Chemplain street
has lately boon proporing himself physically
for a trip to the Far West, Among hie
preberations Was thee of sleeping under a
tree in the garden every night. Saturday
nigbt he wes there as usual, a horse blanket
spread over him to keep off the chill, amnia
was penult% the wild. Apache in his dreams
when sotto joker threw a pail of wotor over
him from the alley, In MS sudden waken-
ing the young man ron against tut apple tree
and broke his nose, and was at Police Head,
quarters yesterday to say
"I want ot least four dotootivos to bo put
on this wee and I want the villain run down
regardless of cost, Here's 1 ,50 start with,
and don't lose any time or try to 000notnize
on money, A follow who will hit a, sleeping
nntn with a cload-buret must he given
short ropo,"—EDetroit Free Press.
A Mystery Cleared Up.
Pa—" Have you seen with the microscope
all tho little animals that lute in the wat-
Tommy—" Yos, papa, I saw them. Are
they in the water we drink I"
" Certainly, my child."
Now / know what makes the singing in
the teakettle when the water begins to
Shrinkage Somewhere.
"'This isn't fifteen pounds of ice, It's only
"Can't help it, madam. It was fifteen
pounds when it left the storehouse, and no-
body's been 110110 it since."
"Johnny ! Johnny I" said the minister as
he met an urchin one Sunday afternoon
carrying Retiring of fish. "Do thosebelong to
you?" "Ye.yes sir ; you see that's what
they got for chasin' worms on Sunday."
Prison Warden (to new prisoner)—"Wo
tulways like to assign the prisoners to the
trades with which they are most familiar and
shall be happy to do so in your case. What
is your trade ?" Prisoner—" lam a commer-
cial traveler.".
A lover received the following note, tic.
companied by a bouquet of flowers: Deer
—, I send u bi the boy a Intelsat of flows.
They is like my love for u. The nite shoid
manes keep dark. The dog fenil inens I am
ore slaive.'
Mrs, Morritt —" I hear your daughter
lost her place as typewritter. Did she make
some mistake ?" Mrs. Badger.—" Yes, she
fell in love with one of the clerks before she
had given her employer Hine enough to take
O liking to hen"
Give and teke';
"Come kiss ma, please," I said to hen:
"You're parents sleep it will not wake 'em."
" I do not give my kisses,sir,"
Sho said; "my friends just simply tithe '0111."
Parson Widemouf—" Deacon 8105131101'
lion, 1 whush yo'd make 10 p'int ter be at de
chu'oh nex' Pse gwan gibyer midi&
Vont de so ob do Pestles," Deacon S.—
Well, parson, ef yo'll jusl take doox an'
ohop de sermon in two, I reckon hit'll gree
mo' wid de patience er congregation."
An old lady alighted from a ear and seid
"All I" in a tone of approbation, "how much
more polite young men are nowadays than
they used to be. Why, I hove always plenty
of room in an onmfbus, but when I was
young I could 110000 ride in one without ba-
ng crowded. Such things never happen
Homo Life in DP3)1480118.
dos nititot drItWei near ono of the daughtprs
Meth 0131 and IllyS her Wniilt 111 Its idnee, am?
1+11.1011 Itereell wit h lu. remainder of the pro.
parat lona for dinner. Tito kebab, 881,111 leve
idready been lad oil 1 he Skeirel'H, are e'en,
fully broiled on a elver lire, or the Mew in
t netted ever te eve if the meitt is tender and
the gravy 1,Nei teed to its peeper ecnisisteuey
and ;jauntily. A. fuw drops of lemon juice
are alwayn added to both these (Belies. With
Ili,' lettee is generally an ithoompeohnent of
rico cooked in elaritied butter and boiling
water. `rho evening meal paesee cheerily,
and is taken in the Iowan'or room with one
side open to the court, whieh 15 11000(1 merry
ocienn Work ontl household cares lure &pear.
ently frogotten. The meal over, the nar.
gheoly carefully prepared for fether and
mother, and a tiny Munn of coffee handed to
oink of them, preparations two inntlefoHrit..ohiei
pleasure nd relaxation of the day,
which is nothing else than the favoriiet
by the rivets:lido. Close to Bab 'llootne Biota
of Teomne) is the part of tho river called. the
Sooftinlyeli, and further about it quorter
of an hour's distance, 10 anothor part called
the tultuashariyeli, 'Chest, are favorite
spots The latter is the prettiest ; but tho
former, owing to its nearness to tho city
gates, is the chosen resert of those who aro
itttended by wife and children. The gath-
erings of family cheiles in this place aro in.
n umerable and i udescribable.
I shall never lenget the scene which pre-
sented 115011on 0110 4(1 these occasions when I
acceded to the wishes of some friends and
accomounied thein to the Soofttnlyeh. Each
family group sat together and apart frorn
the rest, and yet they were so cloao together
that it Wag illipoSsible 10 ernIllt them 00 to
see what they were sitting cm—the women
with their wbite eezars, or large cotton veils,
which only allowed their facet and hands to
be semi; the mon with their long pipes in
their mouths, and their johns, or long jack-
ets, thrown carelessly on their shoulders;
the sellers of roasted nuts, almonds and
melon seeds =Mug ont their Warali tile ven-
dor of coffee, who bus set ep his little gall
and is geing about with bis tiny coffeepot
and timer hojau. Thei,,, at a little distance
from the "hareem" or families, is a given
of 308111131 111011 who take it upon themselves
to supply the music; 0110 diltlYS a tambour
from his pocket, another a flute, another
the iod, to native iustrument, and a fourth
begins a well-known song. All listen eager-
ly and give sips that if the music has been
uneolicited it is not unappreciated. Be-
tween each ecmg the finjan of coffee goes
The Berry Market,
Particular Cu stom er— "I want some berries,
bot I don't want any which Imo been stand-
ing at your door for a week. Hasa you any
fresh oitroi ?
Dealer—"Yes, madam ; ton orates—just
Custotner—"I want five boxes,"
Dealer—"Yes, madam. john I Bring in
five boxes of those sour, green berries just
received, Going to snake pickles, I presume,
A wife Was complaining bitterly of her
cruel husband. A friend advised her still to
treat him kitelly and gently and thus heap
cools of fire on his head. She replied ; "Ah
Huth will not do, for I have tried two kettles
of boiliug eviller on his head end he's to -
A„—"So that is yonr wifo. Splondici
women ; you ought to bo proud.'
I am; only she is a bit thoughtless. For in-
stance, I sent hor to town tho other cloy with
a heap of money to buy ine a dozen shirts
and what do you think she bronght
stetud?—a, new bonnotl"
The Parlor °look.
Tema fancy parlor clerk,
Encased in glebe of glass,
With lovely chiming envoi. hells
And front all made of billsS.
Steed upon the mantlepleee
For almost eighteen years
Aticked and chimed and:
na told the time
With 00000 111) fears.
But now my hands begin to shake,
My face Is white with dread,
Per coming down the oaken stair,
1 hear the gentle tread
Of Angeline, who's just returned
From reset -tee Mime. school;
I know that Awn she looks at me
I'll feel Just like a fool.
01 Ciellnie she'll surely have a bean,
Wheel come on Sunday nighte,
And stay and ghee and stlek mid stay,
While dirtily bitril the lights.
I knowing. how they'll Carry on
And bow George will embrace
Mar Angeline: bat 1 Shall keep
ely hands before my hum.
They'll never hood the warning chime
01 017 sweet sounding belle,
But sit and spoon beneath the moon.
While he her stories Lulls.
But 1 can stone it all. I know.
Gnat some fatal night
When Angelic will etty to 0 verge
"I know that Meek ain't right.
"It =Abe 11,111 50 hour fag;
It never kept gond time,
And 'Just hate the nelse it makes
When it begins to chime."
And then 111 take my meet revenge,
rlin an hour slow.
And While they think "118 eaely yet"
Munn) and "let her go."
311 ring so long, so loud and strong,
That her paternal sire
Will come and sweop tho noor with George
And roll him in the mire,
And .Angeline will go to hod,
And I will laugh and mock
Her anguish with my ceaselem sound—
Tick took, tick tack, tick tock.
, A Double Event.
Mrs. Moriarity " Sure, it's just her
husk I Did yen hear an that, now, Tim ?"
Tim—" Whet is it, mother ?"
Mrs. M.—" What is it ? Faix, Mrs.
Brannigan got five Pousand fram the road
for her b'y's be, Ah, thin, it's the fine airs
she'll be putt& 011 5010,"
" Nivir tnind, mother; we'll bate that,
begor. I'll get the two taken off and that'll
be tin thousand,"
Mrs. .M.—" Blessin's on yoz, darlint, It's
always tho pod b:y you was to help your
poor ould mother.'
The Inquisitive Tramp.
" leladeen," said the tramp, politely, "you
will pardon my ragged condition, but I was
thrown from my carriage a few miles back.
Is there a man about the place ?"
"Thera is," 0010011001 the matron at the
door. "Myhusband is in the barn, my son
is behind that tree over yonder, end the
hired mon is just around the corner. Shall
I mai them for you?"
"3 will tot trouble you," answered tho
tromp, bowing low, "My curiosity is grati•
fled. Can you toll me whether your neigh.
bor has any dogs ?"
Method and Habit in Early Life,
Tho want of method and habit ,in early
life is answerable for many evils to manhood.
The youth accustomed to regular and in-
dustrious employment will seldom lose
such habit in after -life, while those who have
been suffered to pass & desultory childhood
will require extra fortitude and strength of
character to become persevering, energetm
and inthistrions in later years.
The Number of Her Berth,
Nervous cna Lady (in sleeping.cor)—"Oh,
porter, porter, where do I sleep 10
"Porter—"What is do numbah ob yottah
berth, ma'am ?"
Nervous Old Lady—"I don't see wile;
thet has to do with it, but if yon must know,
ita third—there were & brother neal sister
born aheod of Inc,"
First Critia—"I toll yeti, sir, that whoe
we oall burlesque nowadays is not burlesque
at all; it is mom extravaganza. True bur.
1080510 shotild satirize sonlething--ehould
• ttke Off' something, ItS 11 evere." Second
Critic.—"My door follow, burlesque noW.
adays takes off almost everything.w