HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-7-18, Page 5JULY 18, 1890. .LHE BRUSSELS POST
citrus ° gays,
The "Bee" i8 taking a hollidny this
George Skalitzlsy has received a pro-
motion on the G, T. R, Ilia new posi-
tion takes him to Wiarto0.
Some long gqlingered scamp entered
Valentin hie
hotel a6 Atwoodoand stole about r's barber $8 or 510
worth of tools.
Rev, W. J. Eoolesion, of Wyoliffe Coll.
ego, Toronto, who has reoently been ap.
pointed by the Bishop of Huron to take
charge of the Atwood mission, has as.
lamed his duties.
Raspberries are plentiful, not muoh
more so thou the pickers, however.
A son of 0ounoiilor Calbiak's was laid
up with a badly inflamed eye for a while,
but is now better.
It is reported that C. B. Herne and
his son Benjamin, formerly residents of
this township, are prospeoting in Muni.
Chas, llowlet has purcluteed the 50
acres adjoining him for the sunt of
$1,000. Mr. Howler now has 15u mares
of fust-010es laud.
The wind and rain last Monday did
considerable damage to the crepe, the fall
wheat and root crop conning in for a big
share in some looalitiea.
Miss Isabella Peacock and Mr. Putter•
sots, of Manitoba, were united in mar-
riage this week. There are others who
Will soon follow suit If report 0011 be re-
lied upon.
Tho hour of servioe at Johnston's
Methodist church will be changed from
2;80 to 10:30 a. m. owing to the fact that
the Bluovale circuit has taken in Browu-
town church.
Principal McTaggart is holidaying
near Exeter.
5. Young, who has been in the employ
of Sarni. Nichol, left town last week.
Mrs. (Rev.) J. T. Legear and son, of
Durham, were 'lofting Mrs. T. P. Simp.
son and other friends last week.
Mr's. Cale, who was visiting friends at
Mitchell and Seaforth during the past
two weeks, has returned house.
The 12111 was loyally celebrated by the
youths of the village. Their flags and
uniform were gorgeous in the extreme.
The Methodist parsonage has been
brightened up by a coot of paint. It was
badly needed. The church comes next.
The row boat built by 3. Ilel,sworth
and Dr. Cale is constantly in use trod
seems to bee great source of pleasure
to its occupants.
The 0. 1. B. Lodge from Ethel took
the cake at the oelebration fn 1larrlsto11
ou the 1.0th for neatness of dress and
general turnout.
Blanch Jlilno, Winnie Reynard, Lucy
Sanders and Wm.Dilworth wrote at the
10111(9noe Examination in Brussels on
the 3rd, nth and 5th July.
Joseph Whelpton and son have located
at New Westminster, B, C., and report
favorable prospects. The family will
not remove from Ethel for the present.
Box Soct,.I..-0n Wednesday evening of
last week a very enjoyable time was put
in ata box social held at the lawn and
residence of T. P. Simpson. The follow-
ing musical and literary program was
presented:—MuBio by the ohoir; address
by Rev. B. Sberlook ; solo by Miss Wel.
lace ; instrumentals on harmonica ; reci-
tation by J. H. MoBain, of Atwood ; solo
by Mise Cale ; address by Bev. Mr.
Smith, of Honfryn ; duets by the Misses
Sherlock ; solo by Miss Aniee ; instru-
mental by Miss Lang. Dr. Oale presided
as chairman with his usual acceptability.
The boxes were then disposed of, and
some fun was enjoyed over the odd mates
in eo10e instances. The proceeds amount-
ed to about 515.00. Had a vote been
taken we are sure everybody would have
said Mr. Simpauu'e was the place to go
for a good time.
_La sectowa1.
H. B. Morphy, barrister, and his bride
arrived in town Wednesday evening of
last week after enjoying their honey-
moon trip.
Rev. D. Deck, the Baptist minister of
this town, left for a trip to the North-
west on Tuesday of last week. He ex.
poete to be absent about a month.
What might have been a serious ac.
oidont betel Bidd Bros.' valuable stallion,
"Oorncracker," recently. He got bis
hind leg in a hole between the sill of the
stable and the manure heap and was ex.
trioated after considerable trouble. His
injuries were trifling.
J. A. Tanner, head master of the Lie.
towel High School, was conducting the
Brd and 2th class and matriculation ex-
aminations at Mitchell last week. Al
the Entrance examinations held here
there were 75 candidates—the largest
number that has vet tried.
In order to comply with the gas in.
speotion act, the gas company have put
in a new purifier O ft. x 8 ft. x 8 ft. in
order to take out of the gas sulphurated
hydrogen, which ingredient all illuminat-
ing gasses contain, and to make this
new purifier do Ste work suocesefully, the
mainpipes from the outlet of holder
have been changed so as to purify the
gas between the holder and the town,
instead of between the work s and the
holder as before.
The Banner says :—Tho Summer
meeting of the Listowel Driving Park
lesooiation was held on 'Tuesday and
Wednesday of last week. There wag a
small turnout on the first day, but on the
eeoond the orowd was quite as large as
could be sxpoated. A number of fast
horses were entered, and altogether the
meeting was a 0000005. In the farmer's
trot, puree $50, R. Porter's Hustler,
from South Easthope tool( first money
and Henry 510100 Wallace Maid mond.
running rano, purse
in two heats, J. Northgrevo'e Colonist
loading each Limo, with Boatti0'0 Topsy
B. sewed, lrfoliay's Glare, C. di8teneed.
Time 1:48 and 1:52. Tho '2:10 trot and
place, purse $170, 1900 tum principal
(190111. of the liret day's program, and wee
taken in the following order :---Nix0u'e
Grey Pubo iirat place in throe beat's,
lloohm'0 113ron1 Cole 0o0ond, White's
Butcher boy thil11, i'owlcy's Grey Frank
fourth, and MOWII(inms' Ju15io Ile. filth.
I3ost time 2:132. Both Grey Tuba mid
Gray Trask wait under protest. In the
3 minute class, purse 51.70, on the 5nound
day there ware ton 8turture. Tho race
was won by Gnrncracker in 111100 1(0at0, number of relatives an(1 Monde pr80ent
with White's Butcher Boy 8000nd and were ample proof of the esteem cud pro-
13uohaual's (finger third, Time 2:34. ionu(1 reepout With whlah 31110 was re -
There was a close contest in the Free 1 garded by all in the eounnunity.
for ell trot, puree $175, between Heather.
ington's Rosa I3„ Nixon's Groy Tobo
and Kidd Bros.' Nowhopo. The race
was won in the order named, Grey Tube
taking one hoot, kowley'a Grey frank
distanced. Best time '2:28. A made
race took the place of the l'armor's ret,
and was Won by Powley'e Planet, Ain•
loy's Sleepy 13111 5900112, Moore's Little
Billy third, and Shearer's Baron McCoy
V V i n'h non.
A choir has been organized in the Pres-
byterian ohuroh.
A social on the lawn of R. 0. Spatling
was in order this week for the benefit of
the Bo11 Band.
Roy, youngest son of W. A. MoCly.
mont, while attempting to climb in a
padting wagon, ono of hi0 legs caught in
the wheel and could not be extrioated
until the wheel woe taken off the wagon.
Ito wao seriously, but not fatally injured.
Fred. Webster, of Wroxeter, wail ar•
meted! on our streets by Chief Pettypiooe
and brought before Mayor Molucloo,
oharged with having over -driven his
horse, lie was fined 51. and 00018,
amounting in all to $1.110, or 30 days in
jail. Ile was etilow011 11 days time to pay
the fine,
Ata lata meeting of Maitland Lodge,
No, 119, 1. 0. 0. 1'., the following were
°looted officio bearers for the cement
terns : Robert Allen, N. G. ; Richard
Green, V. G.; A. G. McGtsgor, R. S. ;
'1'. J. Elliott, Y. 5.; W. F. Brocltonsbire,
Treasurer. A. U. McGregor wax sleeted
Representative to the Grand Lodge, which
meets in August,
St. Andrew's aburah loops as good as
new since reoaiving its new dress of paint.
A heelball tournament is tallied of if
the boodle can be rafted to secure good
Nineteen candidates were confirmed in
rho Epis0opaliau ohuroh on Thursday of
last week by Bishop Baldwin.
The town Band accompanied the
Orangemen to Clinton on the 120h. Thu
tedious delay in getting home took the
gilt edge off the day's sport.
LeeeNulanisx.—About hall peat two
o'olook on Tuesday morning the large
bards and outbuildings of Andrew Sloan,
ldjoiniug Blyth, 39e1l0 discovered to boon
fire and in spite of all that could be done
they became a prey to the devouring ele-
ments. Some hay and a romper were
consumed in the buildings. This is the
third burn ort Mr. Sloan has had, the
barn on his farm across the road from
his home going up in smoke not very
long ago. Who the miserable wretch is
who is doing the dastardly work no one
appears to know, although it is reported
Mr. Sloan was warned recently of Tues.
day's fire. Coal oil was need to help on
the last conflagration, Mr. Sloan is a
straightforward, honest going man who
minds his own business mod why he is so
treated is a mystery to all. A hemp rope
would be too good for the incendiary.
Mr. Sloan's neighbors turned out and
assisted him in hauling in and 010aking
his hay on Tuesday. 012 "Clouty"
should reserve a warns corner for the
party who is at the bottom of this firing
Gee- uv•
bliss Mary 2ioNair 111ts returned for
the holidays.
Peter McIntosh, jr., is very ill with
typhoid fever.
Miss L. Willson, of Seaforth was visit.
ing this week at H. Ball's.
Robs. Inglis' new barn is being push-
ed ahead and will soon be completed.
Samuel Askin, artist, of Teeswater,
was home for a few days this week. He
reports things moving favorably.
An abundance of good hay has beau
gathered in during the last two weeks.
Other crops also are looking well.
Last Monday's rain and hail storm
did considerable damage in this town-
ship especially in the southern part.
Tho hail made havoc of some of the
The Sabbath sohoal mseting in Smith's
wheelhouse will hold their annual pie.
nio fn Jno. Forbes' grove on Tuesday
afternoon of next week. A pleasant time
is anticipated.
D. A. Bowerman, dental student in the
office of Dr. H. L, Billings, Exeter, and
Mies May Hnnter, of Elimvillo, Uoborne
township, were visiting relatives on the
lath con. a few days last week.
John Stewart, who wrote lately at the
ee000d class teachers' examination in
Seaforth, has come home, and in the
harvest -field will substitute manual labor
for mental during the next few weeks.
Dr. J. M. McLachlan, of Hartford!,
Mich., was home on a brief visit to relat-
ions and friends this week. He still holds
allegiance to the red, white and blue.
We are pleased to knowIthathefe succeed-
ing well in the praclic0 of his professiion.
School closes in S. S. No, 8, on Friday
of thio week, there being only four weeks'
vacation. The attendance averages
about 50. There is to be only a month's
holidays also to S. S. No. 2. In order to
nvWinter a chance, and so aie ne cot hatttseo
tion school will re -open on Monday, 4111
Thos. MaLauefhlio disposal of 26 head
of prime young oattlo to Joseph Clegg,
the well known 'tattle de•tler, last week
receiving 1168.00 per bead for them. Mr.
MoLanohlin pocketed $1,688 for the
above sale. A farmer will have to grow
wheat a long time before he will have
any such results. Everybody does not
sell their cattle as well as Mr. MoLanoh.
lin, however, as he has been in the horse
and cattle business for yoare,
The Atwood Bee says :—On Friday,
July 4th, one of Grey township's most
Widely known and respeotod citizens
passed home to her reward in the person
of Mrs. Jae, Kelley, Deceased had suf-
fered fora long limo with all inward
growth resembling a tumor, and evory-
ehing that medical skill could do or
human wisdom devise proved unavailing,
incl on ifridey she quietly passel away.
For many yaar% she had been an ardent
and faithful follower of Christ and a
worthy member 01 the Orembrook Pres-
byterian church, Deeettse 1 was twice)
married, her former husband being
111x. Mai{oy, father of Jewett McKoy, of
Atwood. Her surviving husband and
children have the heartfelt sympathy of
all in the couumanity in their deep afflict.
Mom 1Rev. D. 13. Melina, of Oranbrcok,
conducted the rimmed service on Sunday
afternoon, making 1111(lly reference to
the Godly, ugtigllt, ex0nlpiery character
aid life of the 118rn01ed, and the large
Miss Oassie lifeEaohorn, of Cotswold,
is visiting at Damen Mabauo1111n's,
Goon S,oclt.--On Thursday of this
week Pinar 1110141/ hlhl delivered
thirteen head of 'tattle to 3fe1000. Soots
& Jones, drovers, at Brussels. Six of
them were 2 yours old and the remain-
ing Bevan 13 "years old. They lied all
been raised by Mr, MoLauohlin exert;1t
four. For the thirteen cattle the Cidy
sum of $820 was paid. One of the
heifers Mr. 11IOLaucblio refneod $72 for.
It pays to keep good stook and Mr. Mao.
knows 11.
"{BEE Yoga Faze OPEN.—Some time
ago Time. Taylor, 7111 con., purohasod
lightning rods from an agent named
Reeve, as his neighbor's bun had boon
destroyed by lightning. The rods wero
pat in Mao and Mr. Taylor's note given
to ba1a000 the $50.00 expense, Mr.
Taylor was deprived of the advantages
of education in his youth and was con-
sequently unable to write his name but
made hie mark. 3. 0. Tuck, of Cran-
broolc, pnretland the note and in due
time the amount was paid by Mr. Tay-
lor. So far everything wee straight and
businose like but to the surprise ,if 11Ir-
Taylor he received notification from the
Bank at Seaforth that It note of his for
$00.00 would bo due on a certain date
and asking him to provide for the pay.
meet of the same. This he Mitsui to dao
bud wits threatened with legal proceed-
ingo which lie prepared to 1ight. The
holders of the mote backed down, 11ow-
090', and withdrew their claim. It is
supposed that the note 10141 a forgery
chicle so quite easily owing to ,lar. Tay:
lor's inability to sign his 'name. The
fact of Mr. 'Teak holding the original
note rather baulked the job and no doubt
let Mr. Taylor out. People should be
very guarded as to what papers they
affix their name to as the sharks and
swindlers are not all deed yet.
Perth County.
The Mitchell brass baud has b: en re.
About Listowel the hay crop will yield
three tons to the acre.
St. Marys is making an effort to secure
increased school a000mmodation.
Nearly 2,000 of the G. T. 11. workmen
were photographed at Stratford on Wed-
The editor of the St. Mary's Angus had
a hoe's egg presented to him. It meas-
ured Oix8j inches.
The G.'1'. R, firemen are practicing re-
gularly for tike tournament at Stratford,
on the 8th of August.
'Ford & Murphy of Mitchell, have oom-
nt0need operations on the new building
which they intend emoting.
W. Shearer, Elms, has a young Clyde
colt just 211 menthe old which tipped the
scales the other deny at 1510 lbs.
The 1311) of August is Stratford's oivio
holiday. 00 that day the Stratford and
Toronto lacrosse clubs will ploy.
The 1Lituholl Council, at its last meet-
ing, passed a motion authorizing the
Mayor to proclaim Tuesday, August 12th,
civic holiday.
Thos. Porter, English master in the
Dutton High School, has resigned to ae-
oept a similar position in the Mitchell
High School.
The manual fall races of the New Ham-
burg Turf Club will be hold on the 2nd
and 3rd of Sept. Nearly $1,000 in prized
will be offered.
The Stratford Herald intends erecting
a three story office ou the market square,
adjoining Dr. A. E. Ahrens' M. 1'. P.
places of business.
Geo. Moir, of St. hoary, has received
the general agency for Western Ontario,
of the accident department of the Manu-
facturers Aeenra005 Company.
Motherwell school has been suoeessful
in carrying off the two scholarships at
the entrance examinations held nt St.
Marys, Janet Good taking first, and Jen-
nie B. Tier second.
George Tiffin, eldest son of Assistant
Superintendent Tiffin, of Stratford, re-
cently removed to Detroit to fill a higher
position in the office of Mr. Spicer, Sup-
erintendent of the Ohioago and Grand
Mise Hamilton, daughter of Rev, Robb.
Hamilton, Motherwell, received the pro-
ficiency medal, its the junior year, et the
sxaminatiou in conneetiuu with the Brant-
ford Ladies' College. Miss Mitchell, of
Atwood, secured the alumni scholarship.
The late Johu B. Abbott, of St. Marys,
who died last week, was father of Mrs.
Harding, wife of Principal Harding, of
the Atwood sohoole. The deceased was
among the earliest settlers in St. Marys,
and was one of the oldest and best known
journalists in Ontario.
Seth Doan of the Brd ooncession Wall.
ace, had one of his beehives robbed on
Sunday night. The hive and bees were
carried off and left on the road about half
e mile from his place, the honey being
missing. Mr. Doan tracked the robbers
for some distance, into an adjoining
township, and is confident he knows the
parties who did the despicabio not. If
they should again visit him he will make
it more itttereststtg for them them they
are likely to desire,
Rev. Mr. Gee and family removed
from Milverton to Georgotovn, their new
sphere of labor. Mrs. Gee was presen-
ted with an address and some handsome
silverware by her Milverton friends.
Mr. Gee received a handsome easy chair
and gold -headed (coo by friends at Poole
and Millbank.
About fourteen years ago Mise Ettie
Phinnemore, of Mitchell, had a piece of a
needle run into the sole of her foot.
During all that time it hue been a 0oucoe
of annoyance to her, 8overal titres her
mot swelling up, Last week the young
lady extracted the piece, it having worked
its way right through her foot.
The Stretford Times say0 :—A babe
was left near the door step of Joseph
Wilson, Cobonrg street, on Saturday
evening last. It was found "boot half
past nine, spread out ou tho grass, with-
out a vostagi of clothing on it but a band
aronutl its little waist, while the soft side
of ft plonk supported iia tiny hoed o9 a
pillow. alto 000001ning of the little
foundling attracted attention, and it was
taken 111, wa6h011, (Ireese(1, foal and httshotl
to sleep by 0 tender lullnhy. It may be a
satisfaction for some woman to know,
that aIle hag not vet added infanticide to
her other sins. r1hts little stranger ir'voll
formed, hetlth`ylooking, dark eomliWx-
two mad is m buy. lb does nol mimeo' to
Ila more tllal m fow daps old. It has
fallen into hind hands. During the even -
hog in question two stylish cheesed Weincu
wore 0ueeeve 1 going tip Gobonrg street,
wheeling it 1/et'atlbntmtor and the sup-
po0ltiet is that it Wad thein who deposit-
ed the 1011der little bit of humanity in
the Woo crime by talo road side. Tito
pollee are Working up the cage.
Impounding cattle 080100 to be the ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,
ordor of the day ut Rostock.
Says the Hamilton Times :—A poor
German woman named Mrs, Bland,
came here on Friday from Stratford, in
quest of her daughter Mary, a girl of
about 20 yeer0, The mother is over 70
I and 11,18 not heard from her daughter for
two months. It took Mrs. Bland two
weeks to make the trip from Stratford
hero, she walking the whole distances.
She speaks very imperfect English and
it io difficult to understand her, She
says that her daughter was ooaxed away
by a bad woman. On finding that the
police hero knew nothing of her daughter
she started to walls to 5t. Catharines.
Ja8. Wallis, near Greaten, hod a
miraculous escape from what might have
been a very serious accident. IIe was
driving the mower when his dog came
bounding through the long grass and
jumping in front of the knife had two of
his legs out off. One of his boys im-
mediately went to the house to get a gun
10 put the poor animal ons of misery.
On discharging the contents the report
started the horses, which wore a spirited
train, on the keen jump, throwing Itir,
Wallis off the mower, and luckily for
him, on the 0pp05ite side to bile knife.
he retained his grip on the Ihaes and wax
dvegged woe,' the field before the horses
could bo brbught to a standstill- Al-
though a trifle shaken up he escaped
without a'scratch, and the only annoy
in„ toting ho felt 1813 the lyes of his
collie, whish was n ntlnable one.
The Duke of Orleees intends to visit
Canada next fall.
No work will bo done on the nucleon
Boy Railway this year.
Brantford council will spend. $800 in
baying a stone crusher for their streets.
From the West Huron License distri-
bution fund, the town of Clinton has
received the sunt of 5058.07.
James Walker, G. T. R. agent at
Clandeboyo, woo arrested at Montreal
Tuesday on a telegram from London
charging him with forgery.
Action was taken in Toronto Tuesday
to arrange for the celebration of the
jubilee of Victoria University library.
The institution is at the close of the
fiftieth year of college worts.
Some dastard Monday saturated a St.
Bernard dog, nwned by Mr. Walker, of
Brantford, with coal oil and then set fire
to it. The poor brute ran through the
streets one mass of flame, but luckily did
not take shelter in any building.
The Seaforth Fire Brigade weal to To-
ronto during the carnival to take part in
the hose reel contest, and now sues the
carnival committee for $121, the amount
of the prise money. They claim they
won it. It is conceded they woo the race,
but it is claimed they did not take part
in the procession and are not entitled to
the money. They claim they were in the
Tile tenth biannual meeting of the
Royal College of Dental Somme was
held in Toronto this week. Dr. G. E.
Hanna, Kemptville, was president, and
Dr. A. H. Nipple, Stratford, secretary.
Dr. Willmott presented the report of the
directors for the year, and the following
were elected for the cussing year:—Drs.
Wood, Toronto ; Willmott, Toronto ;
Doyle, London • Clement, Toronto ;
B0061120, Barrie; Fisher, Wiarton ; Mar.
tin, Ottawa. The election of officers re-
sulted as follows President, Dr. N.
Pearson, .London ; vine -President, Dr.
C. V. Snelgrove, Toronto ; Secretary, Dr,
Bosanko, Barrie ; Treasurer, Dr. W. A.
Spaulding, Toronto ; Auditors, Dr. Hip-
pie and Dr. Swan. On the invitation of
Dr. Bosanko it was deoided to hold the
next annual meeting at Barrie on the
second Tuesday in July, 1891. The re-
tiring and newly -elected Presidents both
made addresses.
DEMMIONED has several good Farms f or
eats end to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. F. 8. SCOTT, Brussels.
%%11j30I0E FARM FOR SALE.—
Being South half;Lot 27, coo. 0, Morris,
100 acres, nee ray all cleared. Good buildings,
about 20 nerds Fall wheat in ground. Easy
terms. Apply to W. U. BINCLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, .00,, Brussels.
A: nnnelovn0 offers for sale the north
east quarto of lot 28, concession 8, Morrie,
County of Huron, eontahling 60 acres. The
land is of drat quality and in a high state of
cultivation. well fended and under -drained,
e6 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good borne and shod, orchard, etc. Bight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the oorporation of Brussels. Suit.
able terms will be given. Title perfect.
80- Seaforth P. 0.
rMorris, on reasonable terms. In order
bo close the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. fling5ton, the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for sale North
half of Lot 80, Concession 0, Township of
Morrle,00ntaining 00 acres, On this lot is
erected a good frame barn with Stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well and pump. Near-
ly all oleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjciuiug the village of Brueiols.
This ream is It valuable one, is well fenced
and In a good state of cultivation, For
prices and terms apply to THOS. BELLY,
Brussels P, (1., HENnr JENNING5, Victoria
Square P. 0., or Jamas 01ur110, Maple Lodge
P. 0 Middlesex Cotluty.
..Li. Are you aware that a first cross be-
tween adersey and any good milking cow
mattes the very best for either choose 0r
butter. For partienteasregarateg my Jersey
Boll apply at my Drug and Book Store,
G.A. HEADMAN, Brussels,
uodoroignoti will keep for service on
Lot 1, Con. 10 (Bey, a Thorn' bred Berkshire
boar. .Corals, $1,00, to be paid et time of
service with privilege of returning if noeog-
sn-y, WM, 11AB0AN, Proprlotor.847-4
Any Quantity of Fleece Wool
Wanted at IligllI of Market Price
Farmers can do butter by sell-
ing their Wool for Casli and
then trade whore they Incase
1.1 ".shying, a.1 until, ;.til kiu(l:l
of Grail!.
R. GRAHAM, Brasses.
The Unsettled Book Debts of the
Estate of Adam Good are left
with 11, L. TAYLOR, Lawyer.,
Brussels, for Collection.
An Immediate Settlement will
Save expenses.
60.2 Assignee.
Om- Tomos TO,
Das 800 Office In
Cady's Block, Seaforth
Whore be 01311 Ikl Consulted on all Moronic
Diseases of both Sexes.
Consumption. Asthma and Catarrh
treated successfully 1,9 Inhalation of 70•,11-
cate,l Vapors, the only rational treatment
for thus,, diseases.
and All .111,00,15 o1 the Urinary Organs 1001-
41v,,ly c,ar,•d 10 as11e't time.
Cai1 or Address
::141 1111. PHILLIPS, 8Rnr'sol111
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
J.C.Heffernan, J.A.Young,
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont.
Lot 6, con. 1, 8au m ._.~
goen,lW meg.
Part of Sets 1 and 2,0on,I,Mines.
lot 18, oon. 1, Wawuuoeh,100 cores
Ni lot 20, con. 8, West Wewauesli, 300 scree.
Lot 14 and SV, lot 10, 0011. e, ltineuraltie.
110 urea,
El lots 8 and 0, o on.14, Peel, 300 00105.
El lot a and WI lot0, cos, le, Pool, 200 sem.
Si lot0, 000. A, 141130, 60 10.or0o,
Lot 21, con, 13, Minto, 100 acres,
Lot 21, con. 4, Normauby,100 acres.
All the above are well improved farms in
One loco/Ito, aro vary cheap and earl be
bought on easy corms, Alio a store Lad
dwelling In Brussels for sale, Apply to
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
y at
L O rf'EST
� and p Company funds.
HCKSCea & 'iAHtc„"y
,Solicitors, etc'.,
.Practical TV'cc Obi alter
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for poet favors and'
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,.
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Desil n•s-
L.1uluN.o, &G.
I Also a Full Lino of V1o.Ixs and
Violin Strings, &a, in stock.
Y. I1:-Issarer of Marriage Licensee.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
B. LA UR.q,N'CE'1S
Surest Aids for Impaired Vision.
B. Laurance's tests enable one to be Fitted Instantly with
any kind of Spectacles.
B. Laurance, or a Competent Optician will Visit Brussels period'ly.
All Spectacles sold by the Undersigned will be Exchanged by
Laurance Free of Charge if not exactly adapted to the sight.
B. Laurance's Spectacles are Recommended by almost every
Medical Expert in Canada.
One Year's Guarantee with Each Pair.
`spectacle - Repairs -.Executed-with-Despatch.
.—)SOT -,D 01"71.=
A. M. McKAY & Co., Hardware Men, BrusseIg.
Mowers,, Binders and Threshers..
Very Heavy Body,
Great Endurance,
Perfectly Pare,
Does Not Gum,
f Pre
P1:PROLES -.'RAN 1.11 A;13 5TI.A'CI(ORIl.
For Salo by A. M. McKay 8b Co., Brussels,