HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-7-18, Page 318, 1800 AGI CULTURAL, Blaek-KnOt 011 Phu,n Profeseor .1. Hoyee Penton, of the Agei• cultural College th Guelph, writes : in it late bulletin hewed from the Bureau cif Industrie,/ my attention Wan called to the fact that the Week -knot upon plum t 001./.1 1H. 01.117 prevalent and 19,peerm to be /mewling rapidly. 'Me is easily accounted for when we tinder/stand the 10) 11(01' of the plitut that causee it, and remember how little is done to /heck its progress by 1111e/0 upon whose trees it appears. The \niter has mi several occasions at 'rumen' Inetitutes referred to this trouble and endeavored to show the nestessity of united 'team being taken to extirpete it, or at leas1 to some extent lee. Hen its dietribution, With a view to extend information regarding the eatime mei uitture of this troeble to a large numlesr of readers this bulletin is writtee, An extuninetion of the knot in its earliest stages mews )i(ccocl100hJc 1+111141, 1.01111spavent threads, only ne011 hy aid of ft microscope. They branch among the cells which coinpose the tissue of the Inner bark of the tree, end 10001 the smeallcd mycelium or vegetable part of the fungus. The threads beemne very intricately twoned togethee in bundles ns development proceeds, beginning in the gro ring layer of the lark iind rasliatieg, 011 1- wardu. .As spring 1111vunces, the threads in. crease and reach a move matured ermdition. As growth proceeds, the kinff assumes it velvety appearance; this is the result of the threadlike structures sending dr many joint- ed filements, on the unde of which are borne egg.shaped spores known as conidlospores. Those aro you small, requiring the aid of a microscope to see thorn, When ripe they aro readily diettlebed, may be blown by the wind and thus reach new starting points so as to give rim to knots /similar to that upon which they aro developed, This mode of reproduelion in the "knot" walnut's till the summer is well athemeecl, when another eines of spores begin to develop, which reach maturity about Februat•y. The surface of the knot during whiter ShOws spores that uan be seen by the naked eye; these open into avi. ties, on the walls of which twe two kiuds of struetuns, one consisting of slender file- ments (paraphyses) the use of which is not known ; the other club -shaped In the tbsei towel do the close of winter ascopores are developed, usually eight in each aeons, out of widish the spores come through an opening et the end ; 13he0e /pores become new etarting points for the ptu•isitie plant, when they reach proper eanditions ior develop. meet, Other cavities are also found amoug those with the asci ; those content very miuute oval spores divided by cross parti. tions into three pelts, and borne on slender stalks. These are called stylospores, the use of which is not known, but they are gen- erally believed to be concerned in 010 per- petuntion of the species. Still other Mei lice exist containing slender filaments (spermatia) which also seem to be concerned nt repro- duction. Besides the cavities referred to, sometimes spaces move flattened than these and in Nome cases showing 0 triangular form stppeur ; they are lined with short, delicate filaments that end in a minute oval body. These bodies are produced in great nmnbers and are discharged in masses, being held to- gether by a, sort of jelly. They have been called pycnidiospores, and also seem to be connected with the perpetuation of the fungus. The remediee 160e:— (1) Hitherto most orchardists have found the best thing to 110 11, to cut oil affected limbs and destroy them, Where 0, tree is badly attacked, destroy the whole tree. (2) Some expesements in applying linseed oil to the knot; have been effective, This is done three ov fon r times during the sum- mer as soon as the knots appear. (3) Coal oil may be used, but it must be applied cerefully. If it runs 0081 (116 branch it will kill it. (4) Wild choltmeherry trees near orchards should be destroyed. It is unfortunate that so little regard is paid to the law which re- quires affected trees to be destroyed. These trees are scattering millione of spores yearly and thus spreading the disease to all parts of the Province. Blighted trees stand as monuments of the indifference and ignorance of those who should co-operate in fighting against 0 common foe, When to Out Timber. The exact time whieh timber should be felled for durability 18 0110 of the things each man can best find out for himself. The (pleb ity of timber depends greatly 011 the treat- ment it receives after felling and the use to which it is put. It is quite generally admit. ted that thnber trees should not be 0(11 10(0011 filled with stip, and the usual custom is to do it in the dormant season, but whether early or late in winter is not well determin- ed, end most people choose the time without much regard to fall or winter. A eorrespom dent of the New York firorid says : " Where the timber is to lieexposed and um seasoned in the long winter climate of the north, I prefer March to December. For the south -midwinter would probably be prefer. able, but to insure durability for farm pur- poses I believe 11,5 11111011 or more depends on the care taken in seasoning it as on the time when it is 10110(8" Manuring Orchards, The Loudon Clarticn spooks of the way in which peach brew/ are treated 111 A010/104, or in some parts of America, where, says the writer, " they are grown extensively in orchards," the fruit beingmore plentiful than apples in England, ,13y such enor- mous crops," 110 are further told, " the trees soon boom° exheusted and useless, the cultivatore being under the necessity of pleating fresh °rebinds frequently, if nob annually," The remedy for this, says the Albany Collier:4w, is recommended in manuring, and they may bo kept in good bearing condition, and the trees well sup. plied with solid Manure every second or third (erna', 'Liquid mime else is recom- mended. This advice furnishes good flog- gestions for practice inthis country, and for the owners of orchards, Whether peach, apple, Donor plum treee aro planted, it is quite AS important for the impose of main- taining thrifty growth mid fine frnit, to apply numure ab regular intervals as to ma- nure such farm erops as corn potatoes and routs. Those who do not giverthis attention find after awhile that trying to raise fruit does not pay, 0,11(1 they are disappointed in the attempt. Some of our most successful orohardists, who soll 2-111(1 111011041(0 for hun- dreds and thoutands of dollaes, give their fruit trees the first (Mono in manuring, and corn, potatoes end postures take the second chance. --- A Water Garden, ".Clie possibilities of water as substitute ler mother earth in the teceiment of plants are not, fully realized by all lovers of the beautiful, To mention till the pleasant results of home gardening in this way would require too much space, few Of the less common devices may be acceptable. The modest forget-ine.not is beloVed by an parsons of fine taste. Its flowers embody :the fientlinetfit of evreet remernbrence) of THE BRUSSELS POST. "memo 4...arnamsmoimpowamottquempaanoasmsmatamsmonwaessurnsi../.8nm, '.ErS1=0101 good ‘41000 aod hopefulnrms. Its dainty rare him: color is sufficient of 11s,41 to witt fol 11 (1 1411,11 111 010 regard of flower lovers., and the delicate pink of 118 101‘18 (ma ow ssmai, soft green of ils leavee itre addition. al sources of delight, The forgetsomuots loves water Tunny sou'e "Brook" sings 11(11-11 1110 811/001 r00g01.11141.0061 Tha(1 grew fee happy lovers, In Its native state the little flowers seek 11 wet untrelly soil 00 the bank of a running /dream, Theme conditions may be 8t11101. 101111 in the house garden, A rather 1011. 11•1110 101101 01' vese filled with water 111141c15 0, good Ileum for the 01101 0141, It in of 10W habit, and if allowed to grow tall does not bloom freely. Take a good handful 01 forgetenceitot cuttinge 11 blown or budded, if poseible, and phwe them in water with no other care than to see that, each piece is well placed for root- ing. The slipe do not object to being erowded, Indeed, I think they tether like it. 111 :short (4)00 111051 of the cuttings 10(11 110 101111,1 to have taken vigovous root, lint the Mule and 1,105601116 111)00 gone on their way in the meantime, and apparently have not been conscious of any ohenge of element, The flowers aro knit perfeet and the plant as healthy as if grown in the soil out-of- doors. [(11100 Dien a beautiful bowl of for- get-me-nots bloom and grow in this way for three months at a, time. They require little sunshine and make a very pretty center. piece for the dinner or parlor table. Apple, cherry, peach and plum tree shoots, whose linds have begun to swell on the trees, may be forced to premature and beautiful bloom in water, and richly reward the care bestowed on them. All they ask is abundence of fresh water and light, but ilet much sunshine. They will blossom weeks before those on the trees, and aro exceed- ingly pretty and delicate. In an invalid's room they are especielly welcome. Cither shrubs whose leaf buds begin to show 51(0110 01 life 0e5pe11/1 readily to this treat. ment, and a great hyena of fresh spring bloom is a pleasant sight in the late winter or early spring months, when out.of door sights 000 not inviting. There are donbiless other interesting possibilities which might be attempted by flower lovers 101111 81100006. Theme 11110C been tested and found (00011(100111, 11112 require (011(1 111(110 effort. PaStare GrasSeS. In the course of an &hide on pasture grasses eouttsibute1 to the Country Gentle- men Mr. James Wood eays : "Home three years ago a tinet of rough, long cultivated laml, lying 0( 10 elevation of 530 feet &bout the ocean, came into my possession. I de- termined to use it as a sheep pasture, Por- tions were under tillage end other portions wereseededwith timothy and clover. .4s rap- idly 110 (6110 practicable I prepared the ground by suunner fallowing and manuring ior seed- ing and sowed, without any grain crop, a mixture of the following greases : Orchard grass, meadow foxtail, sheep fescue, hard fescue, English rye grass, Itelian rye grass, and red top and red clover. The result has been a good succeseion of feed tluoughout the season and the sheep have done exceedingly (6011 11010 spring 16)11110 011111111M I desired to have information as to the re- lative value of these verious grasses upon the lands whey° I wished to use them, so 1(101 111 future seedinge I could discard ouch as might have but little valize To obtain such infer. elation I selected a piece of ground of a medium light but sandy loam and of fair av- erage fertility throughout Plots cf two roils square were meatitire2 off and marked by locust posts, set as for fence posts Each of these 10108 0000111117 5014')) with 01(0 (1 the var- ieties I had used in the mixture with one or two others not before obtainable. Future years linty greatly cheep my con- clusions reactied at the end of two yearteob- serrations upon these grasses. Now, 1(601)111 discard both the English end Italian rye grasses, the meadow fescue, the meadow foxtrtil and Rhode Island bent grass. I would include 111 a mixture for pertnanent pastures the following and 1 place them in the order of their apparent value: 3, Crested dogs' tail. 2. Orchatel grass. 3. Kentucky (01)10 (001008, 4. Sheep fescue. 5. Hard fescue 6. Red top. WONDERFUL IF TRUE. A Story of au Invention that Dwarfs stil Others of Docent Years. idaohinery for generating steam by elec- tricity has been set up at Chattanooga and jealously guarded, but (6 00)100150 managed to get into the room in which the plant is locat- ed and guarded, anthills is what he found To a battery of two 20•horse tublar boilers 010-110080 engine and boiler is temporarily connected 10 11001. the watee in them ; steam is first raised in the small boiler, end a dyn. amo used to produce electricityThe flues 111 the large boiler are filled with asbestos, the ends are connected with the dynamo, end the (image 01 1110 eleetrioity through the as- bestos liettts it to on intense degree, ceusing a rapid leasing of sterun, When the required p00880100 10 the large boilers has been attain- ed, the engine 111(010(0 1.110 dynamo is attach. ed to the larger boiler, and the work goes on as before. In this way it is defined thet but 25 per cent. of the pewee of the large boilers will be royired to furnish Oberst) power, loav iog threefourths of the power to be applied to other purposes. It is 01041000 that the power can be supplied in this manner to any (0(101002 401001110(1. Tho 40 -horse power could be used after starting to start up 0160-110)00 power (01)2 1(80(0 11. 1000111(0 (61(1110(11. 1117 oost whatever entente of keeping up the machin- ery, This is the fleet instence on record where power could be increased ; neture hae always worked the other way and demanded that a etronger should work the weaker, as the 40. horse pewee to drive 10, and if this proves a, success, as is elainngl, the company have the biggest cliecovhty ever made M America, that 10111 0(011(0 next tothe discovery of steam power itself. Attempted Suicide. !Conon°, July 10.—A desperate attempt stioide was made on Stbtarday night by Bartholomew Yowler, a baker, at 30 Oak street, Fowler has had considerable 110(1108' 140 houble, lie used to live at 216 Clare- mont street, end it 00910 01 10001116 ago his wife and family left ham et the instance, it is said, of his mother -iii -law, He has boon very despondent ever since, and on Saturday he came oyer from tho Island, arid upon reaching his brother's (110180011 Oak street he 'wallowed a phial of strychnine, De. 'Ver- ner 100,9 ttt 01100 Summoned. Ho sent for the ambulance, whieh anrived in a few minutes, and li'owler was taken to the General Hospi- tal, At the hospital stomach pemps and antidotes were applied and his life saved. Ho is (10ing 05 Wil1 05 cian be expected under the circumstances. Mr. Staid —"And ie Miss Gigglegaggle Yiell.echteeted 2" Mrs. IleFaci—"Educated / should flay so. Why, the ribbons on hor gradnating dross cost over fifty dollars," A LOOK A.T TIM GERMAN EMPEROR, 4- Vrtial no eller or Thin, or Day fie itealif I BE TRIES OARPENTERING, fir, Denser Danes 11114 dinUghl (I Pith' Ali' • fiereen Deers, is—A King "by the Glace er God." 1 'urls/n/11y enough 10 has been left te ft F001101111011 tfi give the most, generally ap. proved charateritatien of Emperor II, of Germany null his reign. In a receet copy of the Paris 11'ir111 10 11:01.10141, LiiVls,a1, 11 (04e1.0.01011 deseribed in a hnter from Berlin the young Emperor and hie mode 1,1notion so keenly, so epigram- matleally, tool altogether so emTeetly thitt most 011110 0e100111 dailies are now repro - diming the article for the information of their readers "Wrillitun IL of all men," \yrites Lavisee, "hats the greaterst armee Action 01818 0W11 happinese, the keenest faculty of finding 14 roseate Ittmoepliere 111 wh kilt to becathe, Of all rulers, he probably derivee the most satisfaction from the mere act of ruling, lie hem not conceal his de. light in life and 111 being Emperor. He shows 11 1(11 land, ((1 0018, and /11 his aro 00,1,1 81.11110 as lie rides under 11)0 starry 110 0. yens and loses himself In transcendental dreams. The delight whith he frankly 16- p1008064, together with his youth, lend this Prince a 11010 FASCINATING 011 0101, For 1111011(0 7016(0 Fou'ope 110.8 1011 seen on any one of its great thronee a man of 30 years, The dignity of such a, position was time ex- clusive property of mature men, In the per- son of lVillfam IL , might and youth comb- Ine in a charmilig paradox. It satisfies him not to be ruler, lita witilies to rule an his forefathers ruled while they were creating Prussiabit by bit with their own royal hands. The minute he became persuaded that Bis- marck, too, desired (wa)e, he dismissed this mighty man. His action, which appeared so extraordinary to others, was exceedingly simple in his eyes, and lie exeettted it sings. ly. His property W118 in the bands of anoth- er flemerely took it back. Every one was astounded beettuse in (1110 11101 epeech from the throne to the Reielistag he did not men- tion the retirement of the Chancellor with a 5111(0)0 (6002. In his eyes, however, this re- tirement 1000 110t 011 evont of world-wide im- portance. It amonnted, he thougbt, only to this 1 A. Hohenzollern, who 1,0(1 1(00100 11(1)- (00000 1011(1 King, haul only chosen to (0(1)011115 - too his own Mime. I 8/1,10 1101001.00 William for the last time on Easter 811n1107 in 3881) in Berlin. He nutile a curious impression cm me. Berlin is a vely great, -wholly modern, and rapidly growing city. In material as well as in spirituel matters it is very progressive. It has a cool reason and a cold heart, Politic- ally 11 18 radical or social democratic', It is quite irreligious, As I saiv this emperor by the greet of God ride through the street of THIS 1101:11100 10100, his shoulders erect, his head thrown back, the feateres of his face proud and immobile, patronizingly bowing to the shouting crowd on each side, I felt that I saw before me en anachronisrn,--to be 80100 16 living and trium- phant anachronism, but none the less an anachronism. Emperor by. the Grace of Clod I Believe ole, this title vino empty name to William II. He believes it frankly and sincerely. Prussia has a. Constitution which grants the subject certain liberties, but tho King has from God a higher charter, which permits Min to suapend or to enetoach on the Constitution. In Koenigsberg William L took his crown with his 01011 hands ' from the table of the Lord.' This unique table is not mentioned in the inventory of the parliamentary furniture of the Prussian State. " Germany has political parties in the Par- liament, With them the sovereign must es- tablish a modes vivendi. The tactics of Prince Bismarck to this end have been con- demned. Others must be introduced. It is, therefore, necessary to come to some under- standing with the Reichsteg for the ptyp_ose of 0000.1111(0a parliamentary majority. Em. lunar William II, does not, however, com sitter himself obliged to have such &majority in order that he may rule es he wishes. He rules bemuse it is his office to rule, and in his opinion, his right. He appears to have no regard and little eyesight for party divi- sions. He has—unprecedented performance —invitedelericals, Radical and Social Demo. orate to eat at his table. He has no idea of the regular lawful tactics of an organized opposition. When ho devotes himself to the thonght of 10(001111004 opponent, it is 0)117 100 the purpose of seeing it 01r001100 ox TUE SPOT, Ho, therefore, and he alone, will ever betty the brttnt of the battle. It is his province to settle all questions of the day, to look at tho onuses and tho remedies. All questions, however, cannot be solved in Germany after his fashion. The reasons for i existing nsti. tutions (111005 80 much deeper than in most other countries. With us the labor question 15 every man's business. The Government and the citizen occupy themselves alike with its solution. They ell know that they will not come to their goel in .0. clay, but that to- gether they will help them country towards better things. The Emperor of Germany, however, lute made the labor question 108 MA exclusive property. He 1018he0 to an- swer it for Germany and for the world et large. Undoubtedly, Emperor William 11, has a few modern attributes. The questions that interest him twe yeetions of the times. But he 10111 110001' answer them in tho spirit 01 10020011 civilization. A man cell apperent. ly Iive as the rest of us mortals live, ride on the raihvays and on the steamships, know the statistics of the working people, dismiss learnedly concerning the jiresent prim of anthracite coal, and yet be the contempor- ary of a century thnt Is past. "Willi= II, speaks of the triple alliance politely, but not enthusiastically. Perhaps he finds it beck number,' Tb compel Austria to enter 11 combination with her et:numeral' and then to honor Italy with an invitation to join the two great middle Ettropean powers, were e&sy bitii of diplo- macy, too easy in fact. But to carry 011 colonial polities in the seine region with England, to visit the Queen of Englend and the Czar of Russia, to review tho English navy in the uniform of 0.11 English Admiral and lite Russian army in Om uniform of R1188/011 officer, to strive tot once for friend- ship of the whale and the white beer, DS rrince Bismarck said., thnt, is 8110, that i insnirimr, thrs is impoesible, that is the g of William 11. " The future of William II, ie to clearer to -day than it wtts two years ago. The young Emperor luts made 1118 1101)10(1 in his- tory not wall brilliant deeds, but with brillictnt purposes. He &thetas public atten. lion to 0, wonderful degree, Ho is tho fevorito of priblio opinion, He deserves these honorsonsecount 01 1110 philanthropy of his dreams and on necount 01 1110 determine - tion (as expressed to Jules Simon) to do mankind good rather than to terrify it, further end moat porlieuhrly in view of Ms apprehension of approtiehing dangers, Let those &iners 001110, T110 Emperor will not stand 1151110, II0 ia bravo to the point of reeklessuess. Ito hos seprono confidence in the future, and his kora, the figure of the ideal soldier, strides forth nnhesitatingly into the iinknown," 3 W10,11 111, t , stale ,ly I HE GAMED RIB TRIWAT. fot flu 1.(1.1)end ef the Inane lilt up. 11 0016 Mr. Bowser pelting tloree 1,01,11 off. I lie emdrin t ,sven 10(11te take the screws out An expressman brought a enntli jag of 1,1 Th'Y Tam' "11.1111. '010101316 lumber the roller ufterneon and left it 111 111,, 1111(1 Pleees were 111(11(01111)1 the lat"k 711018 barn aml when Mr. 111/100.0 f111110 1101110 I 1Vhen h'id tIiole4 he `'"1"" in (1181 "0111 ' Jaen ti011Vti the ftwt and asked what 140 " Mrs. liqwse.r, 1 omit to have a talk 11.itli 1011,11,1 to ilo with ityen a 1 en, sr rzeue talk,'' "It'e for screen doors for the front doors " he replied. " But didn't 1101 yea hew it would be ?" Nevev ! Von 4,11e011011).fe4 1 10 11.10.04 Toronto soul Bender 'rrtes *0 /41130 de as 101.0 801141111. Toitostro, July 17 The other evening Mr. ; 11. A ykreyd, the wisli.k nowt/ At, 1 hi, 11(1(1 01 York st rect., left hio t 101,110 itt to 10 an 1. lona hourtifter- 1W0.148 he pulled tip to a boat honse near the s , , mat, w o''(160(01111tsoming up to make them 1" 131","'" 11 whit" "1 y'011." 1.v" ('''t ti".e" '10110s StanTlii'»g' enthe hooch, 4000 1100041M te 'Raven') extgaged any." days' time, pounded Inyteif 11 ''01'r, spent 0 e that th, rromment of the beet had on, his "Ir. Bowser, yet are not goieg to try 1 in cash ma been made a. lett t rnliode, 11114 1014:0 110.111 Ve,110Self ?" "The00 10011't be any hying about it. I shall reeved 01maks, and heng them." 'I'm druid you can't do 10. It's a 111,e piece of joiner work to make a sereeu door, especially al:, ra. 11:0 front of the hems,. '' ''116111 well aware of that," he mild as 11,, stroked hie chin in a complacent way, "1 laven't 1 got 0150 worth of tools Don't 1 know bow to handle them ?" "T—I wish you had given your order at the Alum ne other folks de" " 1'11 be leinged if I pry any 6'8 for 0. pair of doers when I eau make ' for 233, You taearitetd,,ways dead set on anything I under. " Mr. Bowser, you can't make a, screen. door, You can't hang 0110. I/011'G 1411100 Ine when the failure comes," '131,,,,.' you! Arcs you getting crazy ? If theSe 40mi are not ti oneeess you won't hear a weed of fault from me• -mot a peep. 1 was thinking of evicting then", bid being you have stuck your nose tip-eo high, 1-11 make 'inn now just to show you that I eau do it 1" And next morning he put on an old suit and went, out to the barn and before nim, o'clock he hail inensived four different Unica Tor thotie doors, At last he got the 'Emelt. skims to suit and I heard him sawing off the strips. About eleven o'clock I 10 ent out 10101 10(1112 the stuff all 0111 10 lengthe and l‘Ir. Bowser was making half-morticee at the en'a'sAren't our front doors higher than this?" I asked as 1 picked up one of the side pieces. " Haven't you any work to see to 2" he brusquely replied. " You've got '0111 a foot too short." "011, I have, eh ? Some folks' eyes are better than a carpenter's rule !" I went back into the house, but it wasn't long before I 80,10 111111 sneaking around to the front with one of the pieces. I watche2 lfizn tts he tried it, and it, 10115 all of twenty inches short. Mr. Bowser asratched his ear, 1 growled like a beer, and looked as foolish an oy mug it in a 111000081 topple 1100, "eft minutes later he was at the telephone order- ing more stuff. Were they too short?" I asked as he hung up the trumpet. " but I thought I'd get heavier stuff," he mumbled 108 115 shot outdoors. The stuff came up after dinner, and it was about five o'clock in the afternoon when he put one of the frames together and stood it up in the door. I went 10 1(1, and as be began to smile with satisfaction I seid " Mr. Bowser, that door is squeegawecl." " $queegawed? Squeegawed ? What does that stand for in the back counties ?" " Your door is wider at the bottom than at the top." " It can't be." "But your own eyes will convince you. There's an inch difference." " Never 1 I'll (00(1 (00)1 a hundred dollars there isn't a hair's breadth 1" I ran for my tapeline and soon proved that the difference was over an inch. " 011, well, I can fix that in a moment," he said, but it was nine o'clock that evening before he came in. Then he ha(1 pounde2 one of his fingers with the hammer, run a tack into Ids thumb, got lo bad hurt from a bradawl end half a dozen times during the night he groaned out in his sleep about mortices, tenons, hinges, springs, etc., arid onee 1100011 him anal -aim "P11 1 Why, if they don't fit I'11 knock the infernal old house (101)01 111 It was ten o'clock next forenoon when I went out to the barn. He hall the door (levered with the wire -cloth and proudly call- ed my attention to it. "Which is the 00 tsicleof the door?" 111111001. "Why, the aide this way, of coarse." "Then you've tacked the oloth on the inside 1" "That's 1011000 11 belongs." "Yon never sew it there, Mr. Bowser— never I And look at the way you have tack- ed the stuff on, It's humped up in a dozen clifrorentplaces, because you pulled it askew." "There isn't ono hump -not the sign of a hump, ru give any man a million dollars to make a better job of 111 All that door needs now is painting." "But don't they paint the frames before they tack the cloth on? How are you going to paint the inside of the frame?" "Don't you worry yourself about this job, Mrs. Bowser. I wasn't born alongside of a huckleberry marsh 1" But miter I had gone away he tore off the wire end painted the frame, and next morn. (ng he covered the other. That night Mr. Bowser kicked around in his sleep in the most awful manner and at about two o'clock in the 10010111g he suddenly sat up in bed and exclahnedi "Squeegawed I I'll bot you four hmulred thousand billion dollars against a, cent that they are as plumb 1111 0 rule." Mr. Bowser had been at work an hour next moaning before I went out. He had the doors at the 10011(1 101111 ecomed to have some trouble about hanging them. "You see what you've done, don't you ?" I risked, alter (0 euttvey of the scene, "I don't believe I'm either near-sighted or color-blind," he replied. "Well, you've got one door wrong -side up, to begin with." "H -how 2" "Look at tho panels and see, Then you have been trying to hang ono to swing in and the other to swing out." "1111000, eh '1 That shows all you know about it. An simply fitting the screens no they will shut tight." Just before noon he got a hang on both docre, end as I looked at them from the hall I had to sit down ou the floor and let%) They didn't meet 10 the centre within two inches and each has half an inch short at top and Whom. Tie had also hung tht 10 with the cloth on the inside. Just then 10 neighbor mune eloug and turned in to the steps. After looking Ms the doors for 11011 101111110 in groat estouishment, he queried "Something just from Peais, Bowser ' "What do you moan ?" "Why, you've igot a 110W idea in screen doors, I amppose the spece ht the batten" is for bugs, that, 101. 1.110 top for moieptitoes and the centre for flies, I see yon have left the frames exposed. They will make capital roostieg places for horse flies and pinch bugs. 1Th1 7001 do this job 2" ft " Well, if 8 litul a girl ton years old who 00111111A belLt it I'd make her go berefoot all etumnee." 8212101 1018.110 these doors for your house, " Thank heaven for that 1 Bowser,. you're a b1'ick-0501t belch 1 I'll 00108 11(11 line even- ing with 0 band Da serenade those doors 1" Mrs. Loweer, this 11 the Mint- finis— the end I Make (111)11 list of 11 hat, furuittire you 0061111 111(1 let us agree on the �11l11011y,! -:---[Detroit Free l'rees. 1 1 The Fool of Bethesda, (18141 Henry Gilman, writing from Jerusalem, gives the following amount of the diseovery of the 01.:04 a 1(e1(0e:141 (11 11(0 01000 remarkable discoveriee . , and on the boat groundimg ho sprang into it 6l1f1 10011 1.110147 0. 00.0.01', With 10111011 the deed had evidently been done, Mr. Aykroyd, on reaching the shore, cried. out, " 1:101, J'Ve done it !" After which he seemell to lapee into a sioni-unconeions state. He said, however, that he 1160 1)0011 wander- ing los mind for two or three clays and imagined. that 10 was going home instead of lending for the Island, Mr. Locklirat 'eyed blot over to tiaulter's boat house, tha th„ t here anthultwice took liaztt to the hos- ancient city shish% the % Bethesda le of peramount interest and im- ! ri0nexalnin,‘tinlitUvun11wnsft111n1 port:awe .As le well known, thBirkettrt verytlig1t,lltognair. Ay1( 00 72 hmin0.(141.1 bmt tj„, had lost a good deal of Mood, and Wan 0011 - site of the lietheede 1 but tlo.' excavations of m"1,amd.IIY very it/segued for the action (4 the unhappy week. No cause eon be the Algerine monks under the z•uins 111 (1 rear of the Cementer Church of St. Anne 1(0 aitlIffs are said to be in good 81101)0, 1111,1 llin fallaly relation's have gradually tratiferre,1 ,rpiztion in favor liztve elways been of the most irreproachable of the latter locality This was strengthen- ed by the discovery of a rock hewn pouLehameters ordaining water heneeth three successive struetures, Subeequent exeavatione reveal- ed the remains of two tiers of fire -arched. porehes, the loa-er tier being in the pool. are in charge of the property have been fur- de/1,11101s .All tenuttries formerly h rhe ititelligent labors of the monks who ad such liter rewarded by the recent recovery of an - good supply of waxer ocception before the revolution. The code • statute/3 and the thirteen uolouies were no Ito the westward of that first cliecoveresl, the,,f Connecticut, is often spoken of in this other pool containing it entire 11,01eing with the descriptime of the yes iect, -Tloone Inoot zoote,1 wore 1,1 llhe Bethesda as glven 1:y the fethers of tile „inny Nro, Hawn, whin!, wn, milted church Itrid. Christian pilgrims and "Mum 101(41 1410 Connecticut colony in 1(355. Here as early as the fourth century. The ""r- '10 a full copy of the New Haven list, often respondence in number of the five porehes (idled the "Connecticut 131110 Lams." to those mentioned in the gor,pel of est. John governer and magistrates, convened (v., 2) 1081 net eseape notice. Steps cut in 10 general 0850011>17, are the supreme the rock learl down into the water. An under (10,1, a this independent aneient Christian church iu ruins surinounte the entire. The remains of the upper tier dominion. iracy watinst the dominion shall be of porches extend 1011010e the pool at right • Cons P ypt punished with death. angles from the north yell of the 01 7(11 the church, in whieh the apse, at Whosoever says there is a power and juris. the east end, though dilaptrlated, is still (batten above and ever this dominion shall distinetly delinedsuffer death and the loss 01 1110 property. On elearmg away the de ens that choked Whosoever attempts to change or over - the fifth porch westward of the apse all these turn this dominion shall suffer death. discoveries culminated in revealing the 0e- 1001118 of a p.ainting or fresco upon the plaster No one shall be a freeman or ,e,give vote, of the wall in the rear This diaarwaty. was unless Ile be converted end a member in full made just before Easter, or about Apwl 18 communion of one of theuhurches allowed last. The fresco repeesents an angel as if in this dominion. descending into and troubling the water, Each freeman shall swear by the blessed whicli latter is depicted by eonventional zig- Clod to bear true allegiance to this dominion en and wavy lines of an olive green, shad. and that Jesus is the enly king. ed with black, more seggestive of Egyptian hieroglyphics than of modern art, and sur- rounding the figure on every side. The right hand of the angel was shown as uplifted ; but this has been carefully destroyed, pro- bably by the Moslems, after their hebits, in the early days of their power. So, also, the face of the angel, which has been batter. ed so as to be completely obliterated. The glory or nimbus above the head, painted an orange yellow, still remains, butlittle injured. The edge of the pool appears to be i ulicated by a broad red line inclosing the paitting end, having an occasional rectrangt ar Fro. jection into the water, perhaps representing steps or thepiers for the porches." On the east of thio fifth bevelled arch (the wall ex- tending at right angles) are the remains of another figure, also in fresco, much defaced, and supposed to represent the Sevionr. Above the head, evidently intentionally mutilated, is 0.14001100 of the nimbus, and in the lower outer 011080 01 the painting part of a blue robe. 11) 18 to be regretted that these frescoes, the colors 01 (6111111 were quite bright when first uncovered, have since greatly faded, so that the blue is 110W 0, (51111,188117 gray. The reds and yellows, however, though lowered in t,one, preserve their hues somewhat better. To summarize, these (1(8001100108 1000 as fol- lows: Fiz.st comes the rubbish covering the ruins, end built upon by (1(10 10000 or less modern Turkish holism; next beneath is the smell church, with apse; under this the crypt, with five porches, containing the fres- coos, and, fourth and last; underneath all is the pool itself, cut in the solid rock, and with five arches of well preserved mummy. The "Blue Laws" ot Ummootiout. The term "blue Jews " is applied to such as relate to the private conseienees of in. • No Quaker or dissenter from the este.b- lithed worship of this dominion shall be al- lowed to give a vote for the election 01 1041(0- 181110(10 or any officer. No food or lodging shall be offered a Quaker, Adamite or other heretic. If any pesroxt shall turn Quaker he shall be banishe(l and not suffered to return on pain of death. No Quaker priest shall abide in this do- minion ; he shall be banished and suffer death on return. Priests may be eeized by anyone without a warrant. No one shall run on the sabbath day or walk in 1115 (010011011 or elsewhere, except rev- erently to and ham meeting. No one shall travel, cook victuals, make shaebilsa, tswedeapy.house, cut hair or shave on the bh No woman shall kiss her children on the sabbath day or fast day. To pick an ear of corn growing in a neigh- bor's garden shall be deemed a. theft. A person accused of trespass in the night shall be judged guilty until he clear himself by his oath. 0 one shall buy or sell land without (000'. 111188(011of the selectmen. When it appears that en accused person has confederates and refuses to discover them he may be racked. A drunkard shallhave ammeter appointed • by the seleotmen, who are to debar him the liberty -of buying and selling. Whoever publishes a lie to the prejudice This last, from the historical and other mg - of his neighbor shell be put in the eh:mkt or 201100, I have not the slightest doubt is the receve ten stripes. veritable pool of Bethesda. i When parents refuse their children con- venient tnarriago the magistrate shall deter- mine the point. The selectmen, on finding (1110 011114000 ig- norant, may take them arway from their par- . ents and put them in better hands at the ex- pellee of the parents. No minister shall keep a school. Spread of Socialism. Considerable speculation is being indulged in by European politicians as to the results should Prince Bismarck be induced to enter the Reichstag as a private member. It is stated that a deputation of conservatives waited On him recently, and offered him the candidature of 14 district rendered vacant by the death of its representative, The Prince promised to give the proposal his favorable consideration, which is taken to mean that he will stand. In his powerful presence 11 new grouping of members would be almost certain to take place, mid would probably consist of Conservatives, old National Liberals, and a small 0001,1011 of the moderate Freisinnige party. The group would prominently represent the 80111100 landowners, manufactures, and bankers, who are opponents of the pro -Socialist poi. My, and wonld be certain to secure the su)1. port of a number of Centrists, thus forming a strong combination. With such a force at his command it is evid,3nt that the ex - Chancellor could make the path of his sue. 005000 very Implement and difficult. Thee, he would be disposed to take advantage of his power is not probable, however, for though he no doubt feels ancl feels keenly the blow he has received, the Prince is first of all a, patriot whose love for his country would not suffer him to Imperil her interests in order to (0111(1117 0117 feeling of revenge for wounded vanity, Besides, he is philosopher enongh to see that revenge tit such a price would be dearly bought. A Pigeon &alio() From Sable Island, The Dominion Government is about to es- tablish 0 pigeon service between Halifax and Sable Island, the "Graveyard of the 3051(1.11' 1.10." This is a move that mariners who have occasion to sail this, way will welcome. The island is looked upon Mono of the most dan- gerous points on the Atlantic, and 111(111(0 0) the ivorst shipwrecks in history hove occurred there. Seamen wreaked on 1(00 18118112 10(01-0 00 way of commtmicati»g with the mainland,and frequently it has been the aye thet a crew has been stranded there for weeks without 11011%0,14 10 spread the news of its condition, The (300011111)001 11100 taken steps to remedy this state of affairs, It 1000 purehased carrier pigeons in Belgium for the serviee and the 81120 1810 expected to arrive there shortly, }Tenses flor their reception /WV being built al Marine and Fisheries Wharf. The birds purchased are very rapid fliers and 830 011(000(1. el to be 101)10 10 cover the distences between Halifax end Sable Island in 11 110001 space of time, Men deaths shall suffer death, Whosoever wears clothes trimmed with gold, silver, or bone laceubove shilliugapor yard shall be presented by the grand jurors, end the selectmen shall tax the offender 11300 on his estate. A debtor in prison, swearing he has no estate, shall be Ion out and sold to maker satisfaction. Whosoever brings cards or dice into this' dominion shall (0(07 18 fine of £5, No one shell road the common prayer book, keep Christmas, or set days, or play onharp. miy instrument except the ((('0010((('0010 or jew's No gospel minister shall join peoplein merriase. The 10(8)3101)111(010(8)3101)111(0 only eltall join them marri&ge, as they do it with less scandal to Christ's church. A. man who strikes his wife shall pay 0. fine of £10. A women who strikes her husband shall bo punished es the court directs. A wife shall be deemed good evidence (0(0181001 1100 husband. lire num shall court a maid in person or by letter without first obtaining consent of her parents Married persons tnust live together or be imprisoned in Every male shall have his hair cut round , according tn 11 cap. The Vows, "And do I really leve thee? And tun I quite sheerer 1)O/10 0,111110110 111110 fairy 110110 thee I never fear, "And will 8110000 chide theet And never be a honer How could 1 east a shadow Upon a face so Wel "And 101111 lend 31,80 (10)1(1)10 4101 10112 11100 IMO 11, 615W01,1" Yes rinse, till the angels Ma co Parittlise thy bower. And evert 1111111, 11)7 treasure) 801101 010.0 WW1 shoottug ray Shall teneh 510 soul the immure 'DAY golden harn shall play. B/DInsTE, L111111 Cobeurg, Ont,