The Brussels Post, 1890-7-4, Page 811.4JLSSF.LS toOST JULY 4, 1890. Fighting Against Odds. No sooner are the currant worms removed by Hellebore, or other- wise, than the Potato Bugs mys- teriously appear, and will increase so rapidly, unless some method is taken to Externiinate there, that the potato vines will be de- stroyed and the potatoes found lacking. As usual, we are pre- pared for the emergency, and have secured some Pure Paris 'Green, which is the Best Poison for these petits, but unless it is ,Pure it will not do so well. The kind I have bought is Guaranteed a Pure Article, and I can there- fore guarantee it to give satis- faction if applied according to •directions. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOOTHERS ENTENSIoN W. 0. & B. _ Trains /Gee Brussels Station, No b and South, as follows: 'GOING SOTITH. (MING. Nolan. Mall 0:58 am. I Mixed 0:90 am. Express 11:4111117.11. Mail ETO p.m. land.... ..... a:55 p.m. Express 9:45 p.m. Yor.al tcths telYt5. A °biers amang ye takin' notes, Anfaith he'll prent it. • Aux. SCHOOL closes on Friday of this week. Visaaa Council will meet next Mon- day. A math stook of house plants at T. 75 cents gets Tun Poer for the balancie of 1890. THE latent' is "Come when the whistle blows." 11. Wrimems st: SON have two fiue driv- mg horses. .8. reser Wan made of the Fire engine on Wednesday evening. astruamy of next week will be the Gemorable 12th. The Orangemen of Brussels and lthality will go to Harris. ton. THE cow by-law will be enforced the Reeve says and Walter Smith has been instructed to look after the streying bovines. THMTYMNE candidates are writing at the Entrance examination in Brussels ei this week. Mr. Pendergast is the pre- • siding examiner. LOST on Tuesday afternoon a tlat iron , -key with notches on one side. The finder • will -be suitably rewarded by leaving it , atTna Posr Publishing House at once. ' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—The COrri• ilontable and desirably located residence of W. A. Calbick, Turnberry street, tBruesels, is offered for sale as the family •Intend removing to British Columbia, sFor particulars apply to Mrs. Calbiak. 'Goo. Goon, of Seaforth, a former rest. .dent of Brussels, has taken charge of the boot and shoe, and grocery store, for- Inerly owned by Adam Good. We would not have the 'slightest objection to have Mr. Good ones more become a permanent .resident. WELL-DIGGDM AND DEM/MM.—George *Dirt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper 'aline. Terme easonable. Residence mooed door north of the bridge, west .aide of Tornberry a., Brussels. 43-51 ON Wednesday of this week Andrew ' Crosier had the misfortune to intlict an ugly gash on his right hand by coming in oontact with a rip saw in Messrs. ':Smith & Malcolm's factory. The thumb • was nearly severed from the hand, A ,.physician was speedily brought and the -wounded member dressed. Mr. Crosier will be laid aside for some time by this • unfortunate mishap. .INTEENATIONAL S. S. CoNVENTION.—A • union meeting of all interested in Sab. bath school work will be held in the • Methodist church on Wednesday evening • crf next week, commencing at 8 o'clock, ',when Rev. G. B. BOMB, pastor of Knox -church, who was 5, delegate to the Inter. national Sundayschool Convention at Pittsburg, will give an address on the in- teresting points of the gathering. All are welcome. NEW MARELE Worm/I.—The firm of - Johnston de Cochrane, stone cutters, ,Co, . has opened out are prepared to 1111 all , orders for monuments, tombstones, markers, fences, deo., in a workmanlike manner and st living prices. Satisfao. tion guaranteed in eyery case. Don't place your order without militia on them and geeing their samples and ascertain. ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. Oss of the prettiest arches in town on Dominion Day was the one at George , Howe's woolen mill, It was designed by - 0. R. Van Egmend. In the evening, •ovithold a moment's warning, • large •portion of the brick work of the factory where the arch was &Hooked fell down upon the sidewalk. Some people think • it was the work of lightning, the wire .00nducting the fiery element to this por- tion of the building, others say the rain ,.eoaked arch was too great a strain on the top.of the wall. Ibis too bad anyhow as Mr. Howe will be put to considerable ex- pense in repairing the damage. Slinilitga RUTS AT LISTOWEL,— The Summet* Meeting on tho excellent track at Listowel are aet this year for Tuesday • and Wednesday 9111 auly. 0700 le . given in mines as follows . 3 min trot • 6175 open rim t 71 ; 2.10 trot, 6175 ; Farmers' trot 510 : Farmers' run (horses from aejoining township&) 050 • free for all trot, 8175. Enterice aloe° at 10 p. July 7th. There is sure to be a full field and exiting events. The track never was in better condition. It will be the • event of the district. The best goose in • the Western Peninaula will stab. The American Aseociation rules will be rig. ' idly adhered to, and all events will be bronght on prOmptly as advertised. Re. ducal fares on all railroads 10 town. If you want to see tho beet of Canadian trotters and runners under the most I.Javorable condition be On hand, "VEBY Merchant, so far, that has attempted to meet eur prices has had to fail or compromise with their creditors. The reason is plainly to be seen, We Buy Cheap «iu Sell Cheap, and men doing business in the regular way can- not come down to our low prices and pay their expenses and live, Take for instance the Boot and Shoe business of this town. We have led the Flees down so low that any man who tries to 8011 at our low prices and depends on the pro- fit on his Boot i& Shoe business has to fail and it would be wise for men not in a pbsition to sell cheap to go into some other line that they are ntore adapted for. Men to succeed in business aiowadays must he then adapted to that particu- lar business in which they engage ; they must have money as well, to enable them to go to the market and buy their goods at a price that they can place them before their customers at Bankrupt Prices, and at the same time allow them a fair profit for the use of their inoney and time in dealing them out to the people who trust their business to their care. YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, Isspearaftwa...,m..se W. NIGHTINGALE & Co. Tun Town Hall looks dandy in its new dress of paint. Boma Board meeting on Friday even- ing of this week. A. PENN' sewed hand buggies for sale at & bargain. JAs. Waxen. Ir you want a new buggy go to Jae, • Walker, carriage maker, Brussels, It you want to bite a good driviug horse alid rig go to Hugh leVilliarne & Son. 0:45 second hand wagon, one second hand buggy and 5 tons binder twine for ala at B. Gerry's. Two companies of Bruce volunteers I passed through Brussels on Saturday I afternoon returning from the =rap at Stratford. BLNDER Tait:lg.—Five tons best binder twine in stook as follows : —Blue Riebon, Manilla, Flax and Silver oomposet binder twine. B. (Gum A sTRAWBEEET lawn social will be held on Friday evening of this week at the Methodist church grounds. After tea a musical and literary program will be given. MESSRS. SEALE di HoovElt will have samples of their monuments, head -stones, tac., on exhibition in their show room in Brussels on Saturday, of this week aud they ask the public to inspect the same. Our town subscribers will confer a , favor by advising us of the arrival of guests or their own 'visit to places at a distance. It will help to make the per- sonal column more complete and inter. eating. CHANGE OP BOSINERB,—E. A. Marlin, L. D. S., well known in Brussels and snr- roundiug country, has leased his dental practice for a year to Dr. Cavanagh, who has been in °barge for the past few months. Mr, Martin purposes taking up the study of medicine and will attend I college at Philadelphia or Baltimore with i that iutent. We wish him success. Tan POST welcomes Dr. Cavanagh into the professional wrote In Brussels. BEENSEPERs, THIS WON'T STINO You:— For the next four weeks I will sell painted thaff.hives, (Jones) ,2 ft. long. with 10 wired frames, for 61.50 ; painted single walled hives (Jones) with 9 wired frames for 75 cents ; wired frames (5 strands) 2 centa each ; aection crates with T rests, 10 cts. each ; one piece section, (3fx4f) 50 ate. per 100 ; "The new method of queen rearing," by Alley, 75 cts., catalogue price, $1,40 ; "Cook's manual of the apiary," 75 oents, usual price, $1.25. Foundation and combs wired and built from foundation at low- est possible price. R. KNEOHTEL, Walton. FOOT BALM—Last Saturday a foot ball match was played on Victoria Park be. tween the Brussels club and the whoa teaohers of this locality. Owing to the latter not being able to get the full num- ber several of the Brussels team played with them. The SOOre was 2 to I in favor of the birth wielders. The follow- ing were the players :—Teather's team— Sloan, Smith, Ramsay, Anderson, Mo- Lauchlin, Smith, McCall, Hogg, Mc. Namara, MoDougall and Wood. Brus- sels—J. Ballantyne, Fitzpatrick, ale. Naughton, T. and R. Ross, Wilson, Thompson, MaCracken, Jackson, Walker and D. Ballantyne. ANNUAL Metria.—The annual meet- ing of the Methodist Sabbath School in this place was held On Friday evening of last week, Rev. S. Sellery in the chair. The Secretary, Librarian and Treasurer read their reports. They showed the school to be in a very prosperous con- dition, the past year being one of the best in its history. The following officers were elated :—W. H. Kerr, Superintend- eut ; D. Armstrong, Secretary ; ,T. J. Ball, assistant ; Dr, Holmes, Treasurer ; Miss Bessie Moore, Librarian ; Thos. Hill, Resistant ; Teaohers—Rev. S. Set. lery, Rev. R. Paul, T. Farrow, Misses 15.15, Herr, Hambly, MeNaughton, Gerry, Moore, Bawtinheimer, Thompson, Oliver, F. E, Kerr, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Herr, Dr. Cavanagh, J. T. Pepper, Dr. Holmes, S. Anderson, W. Roddiok and J. T. Cook. The annual pie.nie will be held next Tuesday afternoon at Mr. Hargan's grove. People We Know. -- lierbie Dennis is visiting relatives in Toronto. R. S. Paton, of the Atwood Bee, Sun- dayed in town. Mrs, Chas. Watta, of Gaelph, is visit- ing her parents. Mrs. Frank Swann was vistting at the parsonage tine week. 'Robb. Rose, of Listowel, was home for 8, few days this week, A.. Kew, a Whiteehnrch, was visiting his brother this week. J. A. Creighton was home last Sun. day front Palmerston. E. E. Wade, ef Owen Sound, Wits in town for several days this week. Mist Mabel Jaeltson is enjoying ft holi- day viait with Mende in Toronto. Miss Mary IVIoriee and Mies Loalt Hill, of Whighant, were in town this week. Miss Dundee bas been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wrn. Kneohtel jr., this week. J. Smith, of Durham, was in town thie week visiting his uncle J. R. Smith. W. Nightingale, R. McGirr, T. Hall and wife took in the oornival a Toronto. • Mrs. Jams Bryan, of LnarlOW, Wan Waiting her parents this week in 15509. seis. Willie fitewarb is home on It holiday Visit from the Chatham Business Col- lege. joint Ifftlpenny and wife, of WitighalM and Mrs, Reid, Of 1111tarale, were visiting frith& in 13Missela on DaniniOn Day. Misses Yee sod King, of Bluevele, were visLiug itt J. J. Denman's this week. J. N, Kendall and wife spent several days in 8t. Thomas and London last week. Mrs, Samuel Wilton has gone on a visit to relatives and friends in Minne- apolis. Jonathan Kitchen, of Paris, a former resident of Brussels, was in town this week, Airs. Chas. Knethtel and children, of IVinghesm, are visiting at William Knechtel's Mrs. J. W. Degge, of Chatham, is visit- ing her parents and !riptide in Brussels and locality,. Geo. Pringle, wife and family, of Glen Thorn, Culross, were the guests of NV. J. Fairfield this week. Mrs. Gilmour and son, of Port Huron, are visiting at D. McKenzie's. They are relatives of Mrs. McKenzie, Misset, Rosie and Jennie Barley. North- ville, Mich.,are visiting at Wm. Blashill's for a few weeks. Mr. Blashill is their uncle. A. Hunter, Clerk Fourth Division Court, is away on a holiday trip to Chicago, Chicinnati and other American cities. Geo. Gibbs, of Guelph, and R. L. Lil- lie°, of Listowel, ware in Brussels for r. day last week. They are "thook full" of athletics. Miss Alice Donaldson, Miss Ella Gra- ham, Miss Elacott and Miss Harris and Mrs. Donaldson were the guests of Mrs. Jas. Bell this week. 0.15. Turubull was home for a few daye on a visit. He left on Monday for Galt where he has secured the foreman. ship of the job department in the "Re- porter" office. John Ellis, who has been in East Saginaw for the post 21 years, arrived home on Wednesday. He has been ill for eleven weeks, the illness being caused by a log rolling on him while at work. Mrs. Laird ar., is visiting relatives in Brussels and locality. The old lady will soon be 92 years of age, yet is able to get to church, visit and enjoy the company of her friends. Owing to her blindness she is somewhat deterred from moving about as much as she otherwise woald. Among former Brusselites visiting, here on Dominion Day WO observed Robert Black, of Gorrie ; D. Ferguson, Tees - water ; Sam. Smola, A. Grundy and W. Graham of Ripley; Jas. MciLanohlin and T, S. Humphries and wife, of Wingliam ; Thos. Watson, of Harriston ; Mrs. Clark, of Seatorth ; John Felton, of Atwood ; and George MaArter, Palmerston. • Canadian News. The Provinoial Convention of the So- ciety of Christian Endeavor will meet in Hamilton next October. A natnral gas well with a daily flow of 3,000,000 cubic feet was struck on Friday morning at Port Colborne. Sam. Scripps, a colored waiter, of Chatham, died the other day of look jaw prodnced by stepping on s. nail. The Monarch, the new steamer of the Northwest Transportation Co., was launched the other day at Sarnia. A double drowning accident at Brook- ville Sunday resulted in the death of Miss Mory Maroon and Wm. Cassel - man. • Somebody broke into the barber shop of Fred Soady at Parkhill the other night and stole his outfit of razors and appli- anoes. Rev. Dr. Potts and Hon. S. H. Blake, of Toronto, are members of the inter- national Sunday school lemons aim. mittee. Leamington Council is offering a re. ward of 0500 for the arrest end convic- tion of the parties who tried to burn Coulson's store in that village. •J. MoCutcheon, of Petro's°, had a driving mare choked to death the other day by getting its neok entwined in the tie -rem while feeding on the hillside. Fifteen miles of grading have been coin. plated on the portion of double.traok- tug on the M. C. R. Get of St. Thomaa. It le expected that the 80 miles of the four seetiona will be finished on or about the let of August. Rev. David Savage, of Tilsonburg, the well.known evangelist, has got a large tent, capable of accommodating 500 per- sons, for his services during the sum- ma monthe,.. Geo. Reid is in charge, and Mr. Safiage gives assiatance in the work. IPatmers in anne localities, particular- ly in West Zara, report damage to crops, especially to peas, barley and oats on tiod lends, from innumerable white grubs which have been noticed to whiten, In some instances, the furrows of the field. Salt is said to be a good remedy. In theliet of suocessful students at the recent smith -elan professional examina. alone at Toronto and Ottawa, we notice the llama of the Misses Harlem and Griffith, of Thorndale, Miss M. Clifford, fit. Marys, and Mr, Seat, late of St. Ives, who (tarries off the gold medal at Toronto. A siztoon.year-old girl named Carrie Webb, living near Paroles, eloped last Wednesday with a darkey named John Holland, in the employ of the Odorless Excavating Co., Paroles& for some time past. The father °Egli) girl met the pair at Sarnia and attempted to take his girl home, but was, too late to stop the mar- riage, wItith had taken plan immediate- iy on their arriVal at Sarnia Cheater Hoaltin, of Nigara, a 80 year- old inmate of St. Callosities Industrie! Home, fell from a high window Monday morning and WU killed. Alex. James, a farmer near Uxbridge, took an agency for the Pinless Wire Clothes Isine Co., of London, itnd signed what he thought was 0 receipt for a quan- tity of the wire deli/oral to him. It now turns out to be a note for 8130, and James must pay it. He hasn't been able to sell the wire. The 1Voodstook pollee committee have decided to do away with the prattle° of sitting on the sidewalk in front of hotels and have iustructeci the police to that effect. They have also instructed the police to allow no gatherings on street corners, and the police expresses their de - tele rnt.ination to parry out the inatruot- ioIA. servant girl of Mrs. Thos. Dow's, Whitby, presented that lady with an agreeable surprise the other day. In burning some old papers which Mrs. Dow had ineirueted hor to destroy, the girl uotical an envelope which looked as though it had something in it. She opened it and found it contained 8235, which sum she placed in her employer's possession. No donbt the girl was hand• somely rewarded for her integrity. W. W. Mitchell, of Chatham, had his leg re -amputated the other day. ale. Mitchell was one of the victims of the Baptiste Creek disaster of 1854, 36 years ago, when a boy of G. He bad. the limb amputated then above the ankle. Twen- ty years ago a, mond operation was per- formed and the leg out off below the knee On account of great inconvenience and su:siti eriii.ig he decoded to have the third operation 70111011 has been eminently sec. o. A daughter of Edward Penton PM sitting near the ODOR door of the family residence the other day when a bullet struok her in the arm, tearing out a pieee of the flesh and causing discoloration all the way round. A young lad named Boss, whose parents live Oil Alfred street, north of Pall Mall, London, Wp.S firing small air gun alma a hundred yards away, and it is eupposed one of his shots struok the young lady. The injury is not thought to be dangerous. The old St. Andrew's church, Galt, which was eroded in 1833, and the oldest church in town, is being polled down. It was erected by the late Hon. Wm. Dickson, and the timbers are in as good condition as they were fifty-five years ago. The 'Reporter' says that the bell should be retained by tlte town as a relio of the building about which clings many fond associations and memories. At the time of the erection of the church there were only some half dozen houses altogether on the west side of the river. At the general assembly of the Presby- terian Murat ett Ottawa lately, one of Flour per barrel the burning questions was again touched I Potatoes Amberstburg will soon vote on water. works or no waterworks. A new wing to be bnilt to the Normal and Model sobools at Ottawa. 11 15 stated the Hansa Steamship Com- pany will put five steamers on the Itiont. real route next season. An Ottawa evening paper comploine of the unsauitary condition of Hull, and says that should there be ontbreak of cholera this summer Hull would surely be oue of the first attacked. On Thursday last a two.year-old child strayed from the 501a in which her father and mother were working, about ten miles north of Stirling, in. Bowdon Township, and has not been found. The Northwest Tranaportaiou Comp. any's new boat Monarch, whith will run between Sarnia and Port Arthur, is ono of the largest on the lakes. Length, 259 feet ; beam, 34 feet 8 inchea ; depth, 14 feet 8 inches; engines, 2,000 horse -power. The cabins contain 62 stet° rooms. She will cost when oompleted between 9150,000 and 8200.,000. The netv Ontario Legislature Nvill not lack tor doctors. There will be eleven physicians in the new House :—Dr. Bax- ter, of Haldimand ; Dr. McKay, of South Oxford •, Dr. Dowling, of South Renfrew •, Dr. McKay, of West Victoria; Dr. McMahon, of North Wentworth ; Dr. Gilmour, of West York ; Dr. Barr, of Dufferin ; Dr. Preston, of Leeds ; Dr. Wilionghby, of East Northumberlend ; Dr. Wylie, of West Simeoe 1 Dr. Mee, cham, of Lennox, Of these the first Rix are Reformers, while the remaining five are Conservatives. samong the defeated candidates there were four doctors, att follows : Dr. Tennant of South Bruce ; Dr. Hunt, of Center Grey • Dr. Fleming, of West Kent ; and Dr. F. Preston, of North Lanark. EwC—n--,M.RX3E1D, Montery—Thess.—On the 1st of July, at the residence of the bride's father, at West Toronto Junotion, by the Rev. E. M Genzmer, Hngh Belton ?dor- phy, of Osgoode Hall, barrister.at, law of Lietowel to Magdalena, young. est daughter of Mr, William Hess, of West Toronto Junotton. IRELNAD.—In Tuakeramith, on June a7th, Wm. Ireland, aged 51 years aud 6 months. 3M20-CTSS=T-AS EvT.A.RE=M'S. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen upon, viz. : liberty of opinion as to t1G Hay per ton sister. Principal Grant moved to appoint Hides per lb bait per bbl., retail...—. 1 25 Sheep skins, each 60 Wool, per 113 19 morality of marrying a deceased wife's pork • O committee to adeal with the question. Principal Forrest moved an amendment that " The discipline of the church shall not be exercised in regard to marriage with a deoeased wife's Mater or doomed wife's niece'and remit to the Presby- teries in the tonne of the amendment.' This amendment NMI adopted. The man Joseph Fulkinson, of Dor- cheater Station, who was bitten by the dog believed to have been affected with rabies, left London on the Saturday midnight train for New York, where he will undergo the Pasteur treatment for the disease. Mr. Fulkinson is being sent by the Dorchester health authorities in accordance with the desire of the Pro- vincial Board of Health. Mr. Jonathan Capatiok, brother-in.law of the man who was bitten, accompanied him and has in. instructions to correspond regularly with the Dorchester Board of Health. About ten o'olook on Wednesday night of last week the .propeller Castello and tug Winslow ran um Taylor's dock in Windsor, and, after wreaking it, headed out in the river and collided with oath other. The Castalia continued her course down the river' but the Winslow was badly damagedand commenced to oink. She was then taken in tow and as rapid- ly as possible brought to Twenty.fourth street, Detroit, where she sonic to the bottom. Steam pumps were at work on her on Thursday, and she will be immed,, lately raised and repaired. The damage is estimated at $1,500. Tbe Sarnia. town cloak Mopped early on Thursday morning and the caretaker on going to aseertam the came, found that the hands had been Bounty tied down by strands of twine and guise. The mislehlef had bean done by a paie of English sparrows, who bad seleeted the angle formed by the hands as a &Utah e site for a nest. The movements of the hands interfered with their plans and the birds evidently put their wits to work to devise a remedy that tyould seenre the stability of the nest. Their first scheme was to wind the shaft on whith the bands 11,Ta pivoted roand and round with grate and oords. That failing they tied the hands to each other and both° framework in such 8 manner that it took consider- able time and a great deal of labor on the man's part to remove the obstructions, The engineering skill displayed by the birds In s000mplishing their objeot shoW• ed that they possessed reasoning powers of no mean order, besides an amount of industry and per:overarm In gathering 1 the neeessary material within the few hours at their disposal that is 'almost in. 90 90 38 $5 56 11 11 4 20 35 6 00 5 00 2 • 95 93 40 36 56 oo 00 4 50 40 6 50 6 00 af 00 1 00 21 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OUSDOKAIIRENT.—AP4P5LY QERVANT WA NTED.—APPLY to AIRS . T. FLETCHER. c.1HORTHAND.— KJ Miss IdAlig 0.400900, a, graduate of Ben - Rough's Canadian Business University, To• route, (which institution she attended eight Menthe) is desirous of organising a Short- hand Class in Brussels. For particulars as to tame, dzo,, apply at THE Pon. Publishing House. 50. ABMFOR SALE.—THE SUB- ": &man offers ids valuable 100 nom farm, being lot 9, son. 13, Gtey Township, Huron Co., for sale. There are about 50 acres oleared and In good heart. There is a log house, good bank barn beating orchard, and all the necessary conVeniellees cm the promises. For further partioulars, as to prim), berme, eta , apply to the Proprietor, THOS.HISLOP.D litre P. 0,, N. W. T.. or to 241 DOUGALD STRACHAN, Brussels. PATENTS Caveats,Re-issuesand Trade Mirka Secured and all oth- er patent muses in the Patent Ofilee and befoto the Courts promptly and carefully at. tended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch of invention, I make careful °Nomination, and advise as to patentabilityfree of (Margo. Fees moderate,and I make no °barge unless 7709059 15 Boomed, Information, advice and stmts.] references sent on application, if, R. L1TTELL, Waiihnig-ton,D,0„ 118. Patent 01110, 55 —SHERIFF'S— Sale - of - Lands, Coo nty of litiron to Wit,: 1/50 virttio ant writ 0 01519 liateilie lanai out of 11 or Majesty's (Jaunty COMA sfttis , county of Huron and to me directed and delivered agaioet tho 0051115 and Tenements , of X1141103 themlnon at the suit of 311POOS I MOLRAIOW111,111RPO, Reined tout titkon in ex. ecatiOn all the righttitle, interest and i1VlMngTI°gTIISini„ocinliVIroge.F.1Grey,in ho Comity o rA find Province of Outnelo, which inttnii rightIlis , ii7.110Er 4.9siglirsisIlteft 51 astingisciniejiit 0n500700 in tho Court House, in the town 9 01 Goderieh, on MONDAY, JULY 14511, 1830, at Go hone of twelve of the elook, noon. ROBERT 0111130148, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's olilw, Goderleb, apx117,1800, 9049 Use Pepper's STRICTLY PURE PARIS GREEN Pepper's Drug Store. BANKING. mdiNTosu & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, BRUSSELS, Tr00-,..00.0t 0. el•oxgeral =.0.050-ss000. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and united States Drafts bought and sold. //Ilona anemia on Deposits. Collections made on favorable terms. Onnatliau Agents --ArEIUNIANT'El BANK OP CANADA. NOW York As05te—I573'OUTlin5 AND TRAP - UM NATIONAL BANN. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. to L. TAYLOR, TooEulleo antis made. onmo—Vanstone%Blook, Urus• gels. 21.3m 'NAT 01. SINCLAIR, • v • Solicitor, Conveyaneer, No tory Pub- lic, ,Cu. Ofnce—Gralianes Bleak, I dr Jr north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loam _ DlOKSON (Laic with Gnrrow d:Proudfoot, Gods - rich ,1 Hamsters, Sollottorst Conveyancers, &c. °dices—brussels and Senforkli, Brus gels oilice, Engem' Bleak, Alsin St, Money to Loan. IL B. DAYS. 11V,100910K505. M. TAYLOR, B. 0.L., * Barrister, Solicitor, dm., of the arm of Tay.lor, MuClullough tte. Sums, Mirriatern Solicitord, dec., Mooning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co Huron. Convoyaueer, 1.1otary Land, Loan and Immune° Agent. Funds invested and to loan, Colluotione 1114(18. Oftloe In Graham's Blink, Brunie. MEDICAL CARDS. W".F. ()ALE, M.D., 0. 01., Member of the College of Physician and Surgeons of Detain by examination Oince and Residuum) — Main street East, Ethel, Ontario. T A. AleNAUGIITON, Al. D. e.1 • 0. AL, 11.15, (LP., Edinburgh, Al. C. P S. Ont, At Popper's Drug Store from 9 to 11910 a. in. and from 1:109045.in At other home may be found at his residence, form- erly occupied by Dr. H utchinson, Mil/ at. DENTAL. 1'.0£10T100T1,0-3- I 0.11. Ball, L. D.S. Nitres Oxide Gas ad. ministered for the Pgiuless F,xtraction of 'Pooth. 74 Gerrard Street East. TORONTO. 1>I1NOC15SOC! 0., Honor Graduate of the Royal College ot Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitres Oxide Gas administered for the Planless Extraction of teeth, Oillee— Orna Dooll 140ETH (MBAs/it, BlininiELs BUSINESS CARDS. MT H. 01e0RACKEN, • Issurer eff.larringeLicenses. Moe at his Grocery, .rurnborry street, Brussels. Tip, N. BARRETT, .LIJ. Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. Dr. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladioe'and olilldrens hair cutting it epeoialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 18501705019, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A, MeNAIR, ra...• Insurer of Mitering° Lioenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis. sloner, ,ko, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fite Insurance 0o. (Moe at the Cranbrook Post Wilco. QT.A.G.]m TO Gcoartam7, Li Leaves Brussels every evening on the arrival of the Seaforth stage, and returns from Gorrie in the morning in time to onteh the Seitforth stage going out. This rule will be adhered to until further notice. S. WALSH, Proprietor. BESSMAKING..— Tbe — un ara enea desire to intimate to the ladies of Bruseels and vicinity that they have opened a Dreesnialcing Shop oyor Mr. Alex. 051,7011017 s Store, Brussels, whore they are prepared to attend to all work entrusted te them. liatisfaation guarnuteed. 40-4 MISSES STEWART 5.15I51101', MISS LILLA O'CONNOR V -1L Is clegitons of proeuring pupils in V Seal Music, Prof, Warrington, of Toronto Is pleased to give his testimonial as to Miss O'ilounor'e ability, she having been a pupil of his during her stay In Guelph. Inatru. plastid Muide on Piano, Organ and Guitar. Terms made known on *Mention. Pelicans St., Ileueselt, Miss O'Connor is open for Concert Engagements, 98. AUCTIONEERS. A BAYMANN, • Auotioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm etook, dm Tonna almarhilly given. Oraubrook P. 0. Sales may be &mimed at Tau POsT House, Briiseels. --- GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed AuotIonser. Bake conduct - ea on reiwonable tants Para and 1 arid stook a epocialty. Orders left at TIIN POST P ubil sh ing Rouse ,Bru seas, or Bonito Walton P. 0,1101(1 restive prompt attoutiou. 1LTAVING TANEN OUT LIMN - SE an an ,111etiOneer, 1 am prepared to cooclitot solos of hum Omer at traceable pantos. Knowing tile [Wending of nearly every, person Zais in a poisition to sell to 170ort nm.,a711,1guaranteed, sa mid got g500,5security When 501d on oredit. Satinfaction Give 311. is, 800TT. VETERINARY. ARWION & GOLLEY, Ilona Graduetea of tbe Ontario Veterinary College. aro prepared tO teett all Menus 00 aeineationtea animals in 0 coin - patent 1119171101. FaetlstlI99r etteetion snail to veterinary dentietry. Calle promptly at- tended to, Delco and inennory.,-Tveo doors. uortb 511 bridge, Turtherry et., Brunel&