HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-7-4, Page 7*t y 1R90 THE BRUSSELS POST. '7
HEAL TH. her Avert, 4. her FUNNIDRAMS . 'zirliE BANK OE TORONTO.
thyt vont pts.v
Irea‘y, and her taleire clutt,.e.
14 ill 110 1111011 :1'1011' jit.lpanoxt4.1' eucrim:•• Tw"
,E1 •
, .f. GRAIL it At, II lenge ht., Termite, • Food of Health
if is in.•e
11.. thirty-11411rib animal ieeteral 1,1, e sing -44
i may eet i414, EE Up. 1411yseeiti, „T,E,1 ,111111111 gO.W IIISI Wa. )1,1a .1 fleul(11114 r lo,r;mr.4 `1,,, 1,1;i 00 1,1,0,1011
. •
1 1,,,,,rng.lienee bet- fimise l'oxentto en lel M.', Ha y;11.,1
. •
Tema eileli!ite"I" i" to obev, 114,1 when his orders 1100 00111 [Rita.. t;, '1111/
,1143 Oydel (0 instit • ,
nlld100, ;10.110 1,00t ••,‘, good \ ,,voet piti out vt.ry late hist .1•1,„ Eespert briefly referred te the 1111faX•
,s The Emperianee of eareful iittrehtg call 11111,e is very eareful to de not it Seolle4 I night?" 14011 ••No eir, 1 wee in Am y late," 4.1,1,144 4.4,11,1 if 1 of trfob. 111111,
liar,11 \. overeetintated. MR11y ttjup8 to 14, 1,11. 1/0,1. 3(331 501111 It. 014.1110 10 iler 3.110
this, more than to nalltellte, 'Teo% ery &wow will 1,04 approv,.,': 1lII(3lgh
fruni sickness due, R1111 in very many 011,1,01i, ;c011. 111113. ma see him reasen, er if you keen -
31144(3 Lee litho of the phyee.hin is 1: 40.1 1 isagroo 14 11 11 it, 1101'01' permit your.
supplemented hy this neeessitry auxiliary, mil e, elielie your Em tieuCe ,:entidelici.
1110 labor is loot ancl 11114 pat ient dies. hint hy July Molt m• wont ..ritielsoi. The
11 311 are 0 eare for the Melt you should 11.11,,,, is the ermined. Me link between the
103.11 3111(111 your claire with .•114.erfultierm 333 1(03 and physiefien E'bet h trust her and
and earneetness. l'he work is of the kiwi she should: be eminently wortliy of Oita
that avears itnd. Ivorritel if yea let it wear truet, Let the doctor 1111,1 you faithful o
and worry ; at the 01.11:1101; lot it be colder. his din:miens, whatever your like or dielilte
steed between you mut your inner Self that ef niaj, he, end pewee ((enema front him
you Avill not Aviary and that if yen weal. i allything that you think bears 3(3101 his
it will be to weer well, inatimint of the case. Be plain, feank mid
You have three Anises of people to pleime truthful,
beeidee yourself • the? patient, the initieues v.‘ht'Anr.e stuiciesTmee•
friends, and the physician ; if you mat isfy In extreme ('00001 have suggested bottom -
the Med you generally will the others, but ing the stockings with butitskin 001013 or
whatever you do he loyal te the physician ebeepekin, aml in infid climates this arrange -
and soliefy him in every reasenalle possi- mein has emne into use not onlj. in mincing,
bility. Renteinlier Met your work and his but while one is engaged in other household
ar_.. entirely dist Met and separate and peeve 1 iro
)8 subordinate to Ins.
Do not let yourself censeinusly or 1110-4011-
se:Musty usurp his place and rcinienther that
mealy times 'without him you t.itit tlo abso-
lutely nothing. Remember also that unless
you do your -woeli well all his efforts( and
skill may avail uothing. If, in attempting
to celery (int his histruetimis, you have nuele
a mistake do not fear or fiat to promptly
toll him of it that, he may help yen to recti-
fy 11113' 11141111 that might otherwise ematte.
Tarr To 33 3113 coennesees,
The work of a nurse is in one household
to -day, in ;mother next week or next mouth,
She is permitted many liberties by virtue of
her abilities and usefulness and has oppor-
innities for observation alla knowledge con-
cerning home affairs and house110141 eeerets
not posseeeed by any other person. A ituree
that talks in one house about Matters that
lolong exclueively to !mother Wil be (11(0
311101(9(1 and diemissed, ascii:Mutt 03 31313'
kind,' physician, nurse, or helper, 'whose
habits of thoeght naul expression Etre not
above retailing news and family secrets.
The hair should be lirnly hold ogee
min plidely dressed, and the head and
hair should be melted once a week 00
1'our personal cleanliness ifl 1111 abuoluto
esseutial, The sensibili tier( of the sick are
more eimily crossed than those of the well,
and they notice unpleasant things whieh
they would overlook if they Were well.
neAvelen, HANDS.
The breath shotlid be kept (tweet, the
teeth lemelled, the body bathed often, and
the hands should lic what is poseible 131
almost every ease--beitutiful. They may
not be so by neglect, but it little of the
right kind 0( 3.11310 every day, and ! their
ugliness is gano, and they are instruments
ot gentleness, mid beauty, and usefulness,
Keep the lingerinitils well pared, not 10011
off, and they should be brushed every clay
at the 141300 alla 0100 at, 1110 end.
This caution is: for the benefit of others as
well as for yourself, for many a patient has
been p Asoned by septic and other mutters
ceirried by unelennly attendents. Every
crack, pin -prick hang-mul, blister, or
01e:eta step down and out of the liusiness se:retch Is a possible ruceptuele for septic
f kt once, ' and other poisons.
11'ithin a short time I have known four
in:stances where phyeicians have 1,000 0(113111'O'
1y and one fatally poisoned by reeciving
septic matter througlislight scratches on the
finger. If your hands oe fingers have any
abrasions on the skin they should be Well
protected by proper dt.essings, court -plaster
As yeu are wanted mere for 4.4 hat you ean
do than say', your voice sheuld be well under
cont eel, clear, distinct, mei almo gentle. A.
villein should never be obliged to make the
extra effort reutlired to ask you to repeat
what yon haVe said; adapt your voice to 1110
condition of the patient, and of his uoisy or
sileut surroundinge. or by huger-stal 8.
Ile in view of the patient, he ahvays wants Have your own towel, and. Ilse it and use
to 400 1.011 when he speaks Avith yon. Se Jo
1101 put him to the trouble of moving to be
able to accomplish this. Do not surprise
him by abruptness; some light moticm or in-
distinct sound should prelude a sentence,
VI1000 suddenness inight otherwise distress
'1',, call a patient by mune is the surest
Way 10 1.11111101 MS attention, especially when
this is rendered difficult lij• sleep, stupor,
or approaching death. Avoid fatiguing the
patient by making him listen to stories that
require sustained attention, 01. 10 inform0
mien that might distress or annoy.
'rite I:tett-rem; oe mem NEWS.
Sick persons, liko all well ones, like to
hear gwel news, and if they are able to be
tubl anythiug let it, he something that has
resulted happily to somebody.
Did y011 110Var notice thal people 311111)10
scionsly learn to love those who bring them
good news ? Pave the Way, therefore, for
Meer and esteem in the heart of your pati-
ent by making your inesseges conduce) to a
cheerful frame of mind. Do not talk to
your patient while he is Afflicting or walking 1
if he is very weak the extra effort of at-
tentien aml listening will be very painful to
Invalids are often the most unreasonable
of pecipl They have their petty Astbitins,
their diseased fanciem, their willful discon-
tents ; and often theit. perpetual discern -
forts. No nurse avill undertake to argue
these away. They are symptoms often en-
tively beyond the patients' control. Always
considerately investigate their complaints,
and, if possible, satisfy them tbbugh it.may
seem utterly useless. Bear ill MIMI that
often their sensibilities are, whensielt, won-
derfully aente, and winttmay seemthe veriest
trifle to a Well p011011 jell° trifle to them.
You should be a, light sleeper, waking
readily on call and never guilty of snoring.
Further on we shall you how to correct
this wretehed misfortune in a patient, and
your own judginent can correct it in your
own case if necessary. There aro many 004
easions when a nurse atm economize time for
sleep if she will school herself to waking at
the first movement of the patient, or to
walting.mt the expiratiOn of a stated time.
Few things atm moro certain than the possi.
Witty of waking after the expiration of a
stated timo ne the result of training in that
no ot,
The hand, too, should oe trained to tie-
cetritcy, eteadiness, evennees 01 1110110)1. A
thousand times you will wish for a steady
hand and if it thousand times you have It
pal Willbe the gainer every time. Accustom
yonrself to acquire this by droppiug, by
counts, fluids from a bottle and an other
ways that your judgment iney suggest.
Vete( dress should be clean, neat, and of
13 kind 1101(1 1103010 washing. Ito ehould not
touch the 1100, and should be of strong ma-
teriel, with but little trimming. Aprons,
eufik, and collars should be in perfect order,
clean and frequently changed.
The apron which you wear while serving
tlte patient's food should never be the same
that yoU weer while doing. other and less
cleanly work. Whether a nurse will wear
the cap of the hospital is a matter for her to
decide. Physicians generally prefer to have
them do so, and as generally do they express
the epieion that jewelry is out of place in
a sick room.
Your mulerclothing should he changed
frequently; in many hospitals nurses are re-
wired to change everything twice a week
and the same is true often in the household.
High -heeled boots have nO place in the
side -room, and the same is true of any heavy,
squeaky, or clumsy covering for the feet.
Slippers made strong and easy give good
satisfaction te,the nurse and the patient and
many an easy, light boot gives no annoying
-1. 1 • .14 M. an. ...ming to look
00 04 1 1,100. th,1,1' 11;
j1.1'.• Iti. 010', Id 0,1,04 1, ,103,1%
0-110V1".0 VrTTINCI 1411011 14, 4-e.imnille
iltirIng the la.t year, .110 the latitiong and 00 1,1,11. .0,1401110 11111aill. W1101 0.1
it original sin and ce•ig i eel rUldtegthi all 1 41 1011 di 1141- peed 01,00100 of the 1 J.)1141(4E11 stylish. perfeetaltliim garment, In'. pr sincod,
g", 11 ). 1 1
onyneem, • Parliament. Send for circular. 34, 101(1111,1 Prop., 4
wIdi I coum ond .4 )(refits of the year, aineanting to A114:14i`i' st•
tithing to litho up my tnintl." Sho (sort. 1 ,ts.f. HS, have enabled 113, 31 hectors In
ly) -"Try blotting paper." pay dividend. at 1111, late 01 Id per eent, per $1 CI, 0 to worli
:ovum), and to add IS100,0110 lo 1130 Host for men 411:10 Welnen. .aocroxs N.-19,EIPZU1211
A Ott.--
Cadley '' What is it your fitly, boy ealls
l'ho test, Aecounl W amounts tu 6 Adelaide stoat weer, Toronto,.
yon?" Peet 43 , 43(04(4(433., a 0111(101001 10 73 per eent. of —
"Isn't lie rittlier young for eareasin
t he maid tal.
A writer suys : "There are SOMO 14(311 3380 l'he ilmwee of the Pc.pori eive tli •results
womite doesirt know " Then may he, 1mt
Ilo ttan tell her what they ;Ere,
(live it Cp. - Roily '1 duty, (lawge,
bow do 5 -on preneetwe 113101 word - reel er
reality?" Rocky --"1 weeny know,
Cum80--" Vniug Giirley is a vollege grad-
uate, isn't be 'e! Mingle -PI think he must
be. He doesn't ktiow what he is talking
about half the time."
Modern Chivalry. --Awkward 11.13As (avith
(01 Illubrella1,-" Beg Janina!" Polite gc1 it le.
man -"Don't Mention it. 1 have another
eye left."
"Clara Johnson sayx you and 11(11' en
gaged, Ethel," said Cliappie, "Clara Jolueson
always aid say 443 (3.31 spiteful thing about
me she could think of."
Donlited-"De you think your father likes
me?" 1m inquired. "Oh, yes,'' she answered.
"Ile said Ile Wati going to wait up to -night
to see yo."
"Have 31033 reed Longfellow's Resign -
time (Weed one department (darker another.
"lgo:' Wes the reply, "1 did not know he
had resigned."
Fair Rival. -jack-"Do you remember
old Lord (11 tenly 7" Ilautl-"No, He died
before I Was lawn ; but you ronember hitn,
do you not, Edith 7"
Al the Or era. --Mirg. (lusItly-" HC111. that
song carries me back to 0111' 1101110 3" :11r,
(lushly (cooly)' -"How lucky 1 [(3 314311 save
53 for LI carriage !"
Rocks Ahem' for the Litdy.-AtIow is
your clook doing ?" "Been?" "Yes." "Well,
the whole house is Nub Rosa just noW, lad
there's going 13 (110 a Oange.'
'Decidedly Hot.--Cadsby-" When yon
milted old Rieliley for his daughter's hand,
did he give yen a Avarrn reception?" Ding-
ley -"Warm ? It 5100 hot. He filed me,"
"Why is it that whenever a physician is
sick he always call's in another doctor ?"
"Wall I dont know, unless it's because he
hates to fully,realize what desperate chances
he is taking.
A nurse should he well and to be most
successful oho should have 110 deformity ;
sick persons enjo31. seeing well ones; they
have enough in thew 0110.1 bodies to bother
them withent 'lacing ailments in those who
attend them, or listening to any storiee of
their aches and grievances ; and if you have
your siek day, avoid letting it be known to
the patient, by loolt Or WOrk, without good
A 330041 nurse will be full of kindness.
Andnothing is more contagions than kindness,
unless itbouon fidenee, andkincluessis essenti-
el to that. The kind nurse Will control by
gentleness combined with decision. She
will 130 111,001 decisive even when no one sus-
pects that she ism 01 3111, "It is the tri-
umph of supremmey," soya that angel of the
Crimea, 31103.0111134 Nightbagele, and WO shall
quote more than 0110e, "to 130001n0 11110011011-
031813' supreme. Nowhere is this 0100101011
more blessed than in tt sick -room. The de-
cisive nurse ie neverperemptory,nover loud.
She is distinct, it is trite ) there is nothing
more aggravating to 10 Melt person than a,
whisper, bat she is not loud. l'hough quiet
eke never walks on tiptoe, she 11013017 makes
gestures ; 1131 18 open end above board. She
knows tto diplomacy of finesse, Her touch
is steady and encouraging. YOuneVer catch
4 her watohing, Slue never slams the door, of
course, but ihe never shuts it slowly, and
she never talks behind it, She pokes the
fireskilfutly, with firm, judicionspenoteatIon.
She eitreoses ono kind of pet:Unit with gen.
nine sympathy, ; She talks to another as if
she were 337313,'
Nursing not only lnelticles obedience of
the physioian's orders as to medicine, but
implies persomil thought of and attention to
everything that will atigniont the patie»t's
comfort, 1110 warmth quiet, ‚1(31 1110411011, and
cleanliness of the side room, and the 01100013.
111100 oral noting of symptoms and the pre-
vention of eontag'011.
'Phoneme must be intelligent and thought.
ful. She ;mist love tho work, not for any
romeetie idea, that; she is miangol of mercy
or from tho mistaken netion (lint 11 10 a life
of flowery eese. Sho outy prove herself tts
teakettle as an angel and. find a flowery
vathWay 1013 11111108, but there will bo times
of tho year's updrations, and alim show the
position of the Bunk 1(13 1(31 13303 33(13' laid,
Statement erreeni 11 11 11 11,44.11 penult(
The net moth,- uf I he year. aflcr de-
ducting in tercq dm, 1e3'usi3 ors,
allowing reban, 011 !sinew notes
discounted. anti providing for nil
bed and doeleful 001104, 1111113
(3,131401311 "4l to the snot of 32301,3318
.(1)1 balance front last31301----------333,34(12 09
$323,808 337
Thie min lois been approprla ((9)1 31)4140110114,4;
Dividend No. 07, 0 3100,000 00
1 nvidend No, OS, 3 ...... 100,000 DO
$200,(010 00
Added to R(00 AceountiTOWs-SItil
Ct3t.E.Jilue.41 forward (0 next.21801.0,1 123:878 6787
General Statement, 31s13 May, 1890.
31,201,030 00
Note,: in circulation
0,370,050 04
Dividende payable let June 131(1,117 00
33,007 aft
Balance due to other banks
Total liabilities to I lie public .. $7,7731,014 21
Capital paid up 30,o00,000 OD
Rest account
ebate adnin'tc. 134.41131(111z14.r,11
R 00
Protite earriea forward 23,80/1 07
Total Surplus
$830,000 84
(1old and Silver Coin and
Dominica, Notes
Not,. and Cheques on
otbet Banks, balance
duo from other banks
and other 11.00111.1 im-
mediately available008,111 37
Total Assets 1(0(31011(113013' (0041011(11110 31,800,103 73
Loans and Bills discounted ...... 0,401,707 30
Real estalc and mortgages ...........1,03:1 113
,000 DO
Bank premises 0
11,-4-2,1,00 71
The report was adopteitancl general satis-
faction was expressed with the progress of
the Bank. The former Board of Directors
Ma re-elected, and at their subsequent
meeting, George Clooderham, Esq., was
elected President, and W. H. Beatty, Esq.,
Ernest. ---"I like that girl of yours. She
always seems to take thin...0 cool," Jasper -
"Take things cool 1 1331131111.1? say she did! She
took two ice eveams end three glasres 01 00(110
the other night."
It 10 (1 mighty unfortunate num who hasn't
something to be.preud of. There's Smirkins
who 1101.00 wearies of displaying his collec-
tion of rare books, while Pimbly is quite as
happy in showing his sore thumb.
Not to be Frightened. --.110 (es they pass
a drug storel-"Do you know, I read in this
moraing's paper about a 3313.1 313310 dropped
dead while drinking soda water ? She -
"011, how romantic 1 Let's go in and die
together !"
Manuna-"I wonder what wo shall eat]
the baby ?" don't think Ave'cl
better call him any of those mimes papa
called him last night when Ite teas crying.
Ho mightn't like it W11011 he growed nji."
First Messenger Boy -"I say, ycr there,
\vat fur yer runnee' doWn the street just
now?" E Second 'Messenger I3oy-"A1l, come
off. Some bloke guv me a push an' started
1110 (1 n11111111' en' I nem too lazy to stop.
See ?"
Must Have Been Small.-"Cholly had all
idea yesterday." "What dicl he dowith it ?"
"Lost it. He had his cane in his 111011111 n,t
the time it occurred to him, and before he
could get it out Ittiha(1 forgotten the ides."
.A valuablesuggestion-Rev. Loegneeker-
"Dear T 14/101 I 10111d think of some way
to mane the congregation keep their eyes on
me during the sermon." Little Tommy -
"Pa, you want to pttt the clock right behind
tho pulpit."
" Well, I do hope," said Mrs. Parvenu,
as she strolled across her elegant lawn in
Clifton, "1! the oholeracomes 130130 3(1310 year,
it won't assume an epidermie form," aIld she
fanifed hereelf he13 chin stuck out 0.130130
1101 1(0013 at an tingle of 09i degrees.
Miss Jones- ! Professor Griddle, do you
dare to look me in tho face and then say
that I originally sprang from 11 inonkey ?'
Professor Griddle (a little taken aback but
equal to thc ciecasion)---" Well, really, it
must have been a very charming moeltey.',
Mrs. Brown-" I'm ashamed when I
think of it, but I believe there's more
quarreling among the human race than
among the brute creation." Mr, Brown-
" Ah ; 1)111 (11(311 yen innst remember that
the human num axe handicapped -by the gift
of speech." ,
That Waterloo Ballroom.
The approaching seventy-fifth anniversary
of the battle of Waterloo will onee more re -
Vise the interest awakened two years ago
by Sir William Fraser in the upper story of
the 1105(3 &Meted brewery in the Rue de la
Blimohisserie, Bruesels, which was beyond a
doubt tho scene of the Duchess of Richmond's
historic: "revelry by night." The room is
very large, hut the rough beams supported
by a row of six wooden pillars in the centre
Can be easily touched by the hand, The
rubbish has been cleare)3 away, and one ean
clearly 000 1110 traces of the temporary pas-
sage by which the Dtioltess connected her
improvised ballroom with her drawingroom
10 the house, now oeoupied by the Stems
Ilospitalieres in the Rue des Conches. M.
Vanginderachter, who succeeded Sismon,
the coach builder at No. 40, is dead, and
next mouth the building is to bo brought to
the hammer, the 113)001 3)1100 being 102,0001.
His widow, a comely Flemish matron, such
as Jacques .1°rib:3,on0 ,,vould have loved to
paint, is ineoneolable, for over since Sir
Williams Fraser's discovery she hut? been
honored with many visitors mud has started
nal antogvaph lam, She fondly 1101300 the
ballroom will find a purchaser among the
Duchess of Rtelnuond's compatriots.
Dr, CL W. HO1MOS 011 Eteart-Loye.
03 Dc vgarZL,:: tog:6'7411S
Sailing weekly between 1101•111LA I, and
L0ylant.001,, Saloon Tickets 8113, 7101(114 WO
Return Tickets, „,fso, 4101 and ;,:.q neeovling to
stealn('rand (WO( 100110111/11. 1 Ill "rnwilirtto 323,
Steerage $20, .1 pply 10 111. 111 kill 1', Gen-
eral .Almeiger Canadian Atilloping ('0., Il1-8-
1.341 131(1(43. 1433.403,3, 7IO03'El13..1 1,, 017 30 LOCIll
.3.330310 111 all Towns and Cities,
- 7110 -
oho:vest end
10E81' PLACE
In America to buy
Band and Musical ,
Music, &..
AddresWsHAGEY. Itoot TCO., 158 'rouge
litreei. Toronto. Send fur eat elogue.
All lien
young, old, Dr midclle.aged, who find them-
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms : Mental depression, premature old
age, 1000 of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, thinness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pail\ in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peculiar sensation about the
scrotum, wasting of the organs,dizziness,
specks before the eyes, twitching of the
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, loss of will power,
tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak end
flabby nmseles, deshe to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround-
ed with LEADEN 111100111, oily looking skin,
etc., are all symptoms of nervous debility
that lead to insanity and death unless cured.
The spring or vital force having lost its
tension every funotion wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance ratty be permanently cured. Send
you, address for book Oh 111.1 (110831000 peculiar
to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front
St. 11,, Toronto'Ont. Books sent free sealed.
Heart disease, the symptoms of twhieh are
faint spells, purple lips, numbness, pelpita.
tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood
to the head, dull pnin in the heart withbeats
strong, 11131113 01l13 irregular, the second heart
beat quicker than the first, pain abont the
breast bone, etc., ean positively be cured.
No cure, no pay. Send- for book. Address
M. V. LITBON, 50 Front Street East, To-
ronto, Ont.
" I never sew a garment toe fine 301 11 num
or a maid ; there never was a chair too good
for a cobler or a cooper or a king to Bit ;
never a holm too fine to shelter the
human head. These elements about no -the
glorious sun, the imperial 1110011-011'0 1101 too
good for the human race. Elegance fits
11134.11 ;13911130 110 not value these tools 11 little
more than they aro worth, and semetimes
inortgage a hottsc for the mahogany we being
into it? I would rather eat my (limier off
the head of barrel, or dress after the
fashion of John the Bentist, in the wilder-
ness, or sit on a block all Iny life, than con-
sume all on myself before I got a home, and
take So 11111011 pains with the outside when
the inSide wits its hollow as an empty eut.
1301011131 is tt groat thing ; but beenty of gar-
mont, 1101100 end furniture ere tawdry 01'11(3'
11)03110 compared with domestic love. All
the ()legume in the world will not make a
home and I would. give more foe 33.OpOOIlf3ll
ef reel heart -love then for whole shiploads
of furniture and 0.1.1 3.310 gorgeousness all the
upholsterers in the WOrld out gather."
Fora Inquests in a Day,
3.40Nr1tEAL, Lily 3. -Four inquests 300130
held here to -day. The first one visited was
that of poor little Maria Christian Oester•
land, the pretty little Swedish girl, about
four yeites old, who had her legs crushed
St. 3.1I110411.8 41111101i011 by IL tram 011 Sall.
day, and was taken to the Notre Dame
Hompital, where she died last night, A.
verdict of accidentid death 1301 returned.
The next inquest held 11.110 011 t,110 body of
a young unknown child, found dead in the
woods near Longue l'oint. It resulted in a
verdict of "found dead," 'Besides these
1110V0 '10110 01133 011 the body of a Woman
named Cayenne Scott, wife of Theodore
Guettin, 726 Napoleon road, who died sud-
denly yesterday evening, it is supposed of
heart disease, and (me on the body of 31111108
33.30111, 311110 WU working on a roof in St.
Dominique street yesterday afternoon when
he broke his back by falling to the street,.
His Litte OoMpliMent,
lioarder-"Did you over play chess, Mrs.
Landlady --"I never
"You would make a strong player,"
(Highly pleased) "Why do yott think so,
Mr. Tuttle'?"
(I)1spooting tho hash and the eltow-eliow)
g`Your combinations, 'Mrs. Irons, are ohoply
Tho tramp always comes befOro dinner
When he 0000033 3(310? dinner,
m7i6irm—c cialamm.
lo Ilo' 11:4„;bett-,.. 31,1131(11)138 (03(0 ('))1314','1,Ma-
ehlnee -olden the 11 lot!. L 1711 ENT SYS.
011. (..1,001111t for 011011,
T. FANE & GO., Manufacturers, Toronto. 2u44'44"'-
Ede CBI liteen /11111 1d13/814
111Valell1bl0 for IndigeStleinferiall
entAteiese; (et, London, England, Proprivtor •
\tee\ ne OP p]..E. 17143, .1,41n street
Dr. '1', 11. A Ilieeon, I,. 31,1 London. slue:-
"[((Ir DeNieiede" Peed ef Ifeelth ' ('('1 1)131024
end of great. 11133 ,1(1' vane 111 hatedi ti:t
br.01tfil,1 tleth I nrofer Cu 06.
,111,0 I, FEW 1111. reglad.U1llll ef the hew, lett ince
he etirp,sed." seed forest niele leltlete
Agents Wanted Throughout Caliada
rou. '('1114
3E°' 3EC..30 Cie 1%T 5r...1"Wir.1
Lietta01.101101e 1851.
caskCapital • • • $8,0100,00(6,06,
Insel s • . • • 5,305,1,1114.4*
Net S it 1.01 tut • • • 1,34114135.10/
Head °floe, 114 $t. James St., Montreal
Gra:ice ji, IIAILT. Genern't Matmsger.
A Blight Error.
A certain Sunday.saliool recently decided
to give an entertainment in aid of the "arch
fund." But to the horror of everybody, the
programme distributed on the evening of the
entertainment stated that it was given in
aid of "tile arch fiend."
Heaving or Lifting,
An old enstom formerly prevalent in many
parts of England was that of "heaving" Cr
"lifting," mostly performed in the open
streets People formed into parties of twelve
or more, 83)13 1113(111 every one "lifted" they
extorted a contribution. There is said Mho
31 record in the Tower of London of oertain
payments made to ladles and maids of honor
for taking Xing Edward 11 in his bed at
tester whet= h
it, as boob presumed that
he was' lifted according to the custom which
then prevailed among all ranks throughout
the kingdorn.-Clionibers's Journal.
There are some solitary wrotohes 11110 000311
to have lett markind only as liiveleft Adam;
to 13100(1 (1110 devil in private,
Send for Illestrated Catalogue —
cod this advertisement with
Tour order for our Sew 'St air
gibber end we will allow you
aroolman. Bros, ,
BRA ,"1,43 OM, ONT.
Is pleasant to use.
It heals the skin, and de,
stroys insects and gerrm
on the hair of man a,
sow) MACHINE wouns, ,rono.Nro.
10•••• •
The demand. for Peet Power Machinery Is
increasing every, year. No Carpenter can afford
to be .without Foot Power Rip and Cross Cut
Saws, Former, Tenon Machines, etc., etc. Send
or catalogue.
Retail Price 75 Cents
10 0111•00 Ittber. Time and
As the hands do not come in
contact with tho water'henn-
aed, scalded and sore hnnds
aro avoided. 'rho mop being
11101033 133. arm's length there is
Pifl• no stooping 0r0100.1331113( 001.11
back or shoalders. The bands
aro not soiled or
disfigured by
1the wringing of
tilthy, greasy
cloth, As the
clothing is not
figured as Mot"
dinary m p.
ping, no special
Preparation is
The 'use of scalding water is another impor
tent advantage impossible with the ordinary
hand.wringing mop. The floor washes easier,
cleaner and quicker, and 311108 (101(033013.
Agents write for prices.
Tarbox Bros., Vi Adelaide St. W., Toronto.
)) Palatable
ThOliSendstdeelare go
frgyrs,-lt gives 100
pleasure beyond expres.
(1301( 3.0 certify that your
In its First Stages.
as Milk.
Be sure you get the 33011113110 113 Salmon
color wrapper; sold by all Druggists, at
5031. and MOO.
SCOTT & BOWNE, 13elleville.
SPECIAL V,i1,..V.ItorltiroloCiltie0IpOiNi: ,111a111111 ill.
eldp, Shorthand, *1 ypewriting. Ugique Iniiii.
Instruction 101014 01(39), :special exeursions (114(01'-
11 10138. (111,0111 100 !Ma (1011.1 II III 11 C,,114'$t(' Or
11.'4111111100( 0, Publie 1.113ray Building, 'roseate.
T,,F1,ciliro1i‘g:GAN GER Ii17Sliigil
G. I . Ateetielmel,M.D.,No
,s,-...........*-----,-. Niagara street num°, N. a
van c—Tlio cheapost, stronseRT 11110 ROM
CAUL Fence for loom, Oarden,Orehard
F ,
or Town tots. Pricee from 130 per rod Mil
ft.) 501111 tor price Itst.---Tarente letettei
Wite Vence CO., 211 Inver St., Toronto.
cooKs, rigt.,.2,10,,,k,,14904Son,A"E14,
'highest Wages, Canadian lanneestile Flit,
ployMent .1141,e hey. fili King West, 340-
1101110, Write tor circular,
'3noz saa ,uvd
eft Dm..
Usec InCernay d5Exa'01rl1/. Prices 60c.$1,$1.7Z
POND'S EXTRAOT CO, Now '2' &London
hes completely cured nut
of Rheumatism, Read -
mho mid Indigestion,
from which 1 suffered for
many years, ((0000 wh'eli
no other medicine or
dreg ocluld effect. Pub-
lish this if you desire.
'rho Palace lintel is
open al. Springs in 341.13.
1311(00 (11001100 030 the re-
ception of visitors. For
particulars 1313(1108,4 3:1700(3.
Leon Mineral Wriler
Limited, Toronto, or 3.0. 3(1, Leon Springs, Que.
Unequalled for Lichness and Beauty Of Cotoeing.„'
They ate the 001,4 nem that
Thera is nothing like them for Streugtb, Colorims:
or F1101.11010.
OM Package ZULU TWO ofany etherDyeintbentarket.
If you 10800 (0, try It I Your moneY will 10 re-
funded it you arc not convinced after s Fifty-
foureolors sr • Imola 'Fityklalt Dy es, min seine
all ..evi sbadea and ethers ere added us soon as thest
become fashionable. They are 'warrant... to 415s'm... goods awl do It better Mousey other
Same Price as Inferior Dye, 3.0ctost—
Canada Branch : 40101 Poul Street, Montreal.
Senaposatifor Sample 00r330011 100031 of Instructicam
oraine RATI., $28
Moosomin, - 28 4.4
Glenboro', - 28 0
Saltcoats, - 28
Moosejaw, 30
Calgary, 35 c)
SIONS will leave
all points In Ontario,
Sherbet Lake, King-
ston and West thereof,
MAE 17th
Return untll July 0711, 10(0
DINE 24th
Rotnrn unlit august 411,1010
JULY Ilth.
0,1l,,0 ,10111 August 10(0, 1013'
For full particulars apply to nearost Station
or Ticket Agent.
ZONS slvasE311
TO 'rut,: 17:1)IP0111- Planed Inform your readers that I 1 Ave a positive remedy for tho
above named disease. Sy Its timely use thousands of hopeless canes have been pertnahently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottles Mtly 1433 33.0 to Bey o 3,
of rneef 0110 treaders Who haVe O00
suleptleu if they will send Me their Express and Poet Office Address, Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM.
M.O., IRO W0130 Adeielde at, TORONTO. OnITARIO.
1 CU'E 1J
Who.. 1 say ASTO 1 1.` (10o net Bet* GIVEN AWAY YEARLY.
o W
IneeelV 10 sten them fer 131308, entitles
have them returu again. 3 PA B 4N.% IVA BiliCA "WPM. boxo made the ((000410 el Fite.
Spilopey or r ailing SlukROtts a (30.10031 0(4.3071401('1"31"1my.re410e3131 to :Meet, Gib
%mat eases. Femme others have fal ed .s .10 -,astut foe ws Ln, 11(03030,3oeolving %Awe. 6011al o.41,
once for a. treatise and a Frct eBOttlo of. ry windy. Give Eapeese rue
Post Office. It coSts you nothIng for it trio., ..118 It otiro yea kildteSsi-tile t,‘ Rank
MAN Smooth Moe, lee tiliECOT ADELAIDE STREET,3 T0E0141304