HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-7-4, Page 5,Tui.x 4, 1890. 'HE BRIJ SELS POST' pistri.rt clvs, kLetnrryn Jams Kelly, of the Lith of Grey, who hoe been Oak ao long, is very low. Notwithstanding the wet weather crops are looking well. Slay is going to be a good crop, Goo. Richmond, of Elm, is putting up a flo brink benne. Mr. Lucite in also putting up a new honso. Jacob £Ianhofor has eight bands work. ing in hie brick yard this summer. IIs will soon have a kiln ready to burn. IIenfryn has started to grow now and will likely continue. Tho next establish. went we :want hero is a ehoomaker's shop. John Caseation is putting up a eider mill. Ito should get n gond dent of cis. tom on aoaount of there being no apples last your, I. II. Thompson, merchtint,is building a blacksmith shop. He has rented it to John Fraser, of Stratford, a first class workman. The f,rrllere were working for her Majesty last week. If more work was put on the sidoroads it would be bettor for the cinerary. Our tailor is kept very busy jest now, Ilia mildew is miertasing daily. 1Io is as good it workman as ever took hold of a pair of !,r•issore. 'l4'ttltt,ro. On Wednesday afterneen of hist wend: emend of the membere of the A. 0. 11. W. attended the funeral of Mr. Mc Gregor, n brother Workman, at Blyth. Rev. W. Terrance and family removed this we,k to C',arrie. Ws are sor'r'y to state that Mrs. Torrance is not in gond health but we hope the change will bo beneficiat. realaoN.%Ls.—Mr. Adams and sister, of Goderitb, were at the Presbyterian mansolest week.—S. H. Stumpe, photo emptier, IIanover, and Juke Broady, of Uncle Sum's domains, were guests at the Walton Ilouse last week. A telegram came hero /net Wednesday from Priceville announcing that Rev. Mr. Dttawell's little boy had broken his arm and the family would be delayed a few days in their arrival at Walton. The rev. gentleman is expected to be hero for Sabbath, Pitessxrcrrox.—The friends and neigh - bore of David Campbell, of lot 3, con. 17, Grey, assembled on Friday, June 20th, and presented him with an address. Jae. Smillio was appointed chairman rind after a few preliminary ramarke called on M. 'Morrison to read the following :— To David Campbell, DEAR Snl,—We, a few of your neigh- bors and friends in this vicinity, do as- semble hero this evening in order to show our regard and the esteem in which you are held, Inc the many favors you in your kindness have bestowed upon us. We therefore present you thie purse as a tokeu of our respect, not for its Intrinsic value, but to show our gratitude to you for your assistanect in times past. We do hope that yea and your dear cam- pauion and family will be long spared amongst us and that the Giver of all good may bless yours with long life and prosperity sn this world and in the world to come life overlaeting. This is the prayer of your Mende. Mr. Campbell replied in an appropri- ate manner. Tables were spread in the orchard, the baskets opened and a repast fit for a lord was partaken of by those present, Miss Minnie O'Connor and her Mass gave some exoellent pieces during the evening and all went merry as a marriage bell. The young people en. joyed themselves and all went home wishing Mr, and Mrs. Campbell long life. Jonathan Moore presented the purse which contaiued 280.00. c-, rear, Hay le a heavy crop in this section, not much will be out until next week. All are now busy summer fallowing and attending to the hoed crops, pre paratory to commencing haying. Mrs. Duncan McNair and Nell have returned from their recent visit to their relatives in Blandford Township, Oxford county. Dominion Day was observed as a holi- day generally, Brussels being the centre of attraction for those who spent the day away from home. The pio•nie season is now upon us. There were no lees than three in Dalgetty's grove on the bank of the Maitland last week. Hiss MaQuarrie, who has been in Paisley and Walkerton for the past three weeke, has returned home after having a pleasant time there. Angus Shaw has purchased another Berkshire boar from J. G. Snell, of Ed- monton, Ont. Mr. Shaw is determined to keep nothing but the very beet. Statute labor is a thing of the past for :hie year. A great deal of solid work has been done in the township. A vast amount of gravel Incabeen put on tine made. Mrs. George Forest has been away for some time visiting relatives and renew. ing old acquaintances in Woodstoolc and vioinity, but is expeoted baok some time this week. Arabin Duncanson was at home for a few days last week, on amount of badly spraining the ligaments of one of his ankles at Joseph Campbell's, where he was hired. Adam Douglas and , Hugh Stewart, 10th cons are hoeing their barns raised, enlarged and stone stabling built under. nsath. The work oa each will soon be completed. Thos. Heritage, of London, was hero this week, IIe likes the locality whore he now resides but has a strong leaning this wry yet. Wo hope to see him back in Grey again. Many of the literary inclined among ns have been making an effort during the past few days to get at the interior of some poetry that appaared on flret page of Tan Posy last week, ao Inc, we have vat heard of any being encosse£ui. Tho all -absorbing topic of conversation among the jay/inflect in S. S. No. 8 just now is the Sabbath school pio hie which is to to held in Goocgo Shiers bush on Thursday of Ode weak, Swinging, oro• guot•playfng, addresses, mut a general good timo is impeded, Lcgging-llece, followed by "heeing41. down bees in the mining, are very linen. IlIn! in the southern concessions ,jest now, 'There was ono of melt kind at John Htetvnrt's, 111111 toll„ on 'i'ttosaay, and elle et James McNair'a, tacit sou., 011 of hist week, Another is ex. meted at 1'. Sinclair's jr., sone day this ween. Township Council nt flranbrook on Friday of this weak. Several young men drove to Goderloh last week, et a fishing excursion. They y report a good catch, Miaow) Lottie I1111 and Annie Smith and Wm. Smith and 111. Ilill were visit. ing in Clinton and neighborhood for a few days last week, A Brandon, Manitoba, correspondent says of a gentleman known to a number of people in this township :--Much regret is expressed nt the resignation of Chief Duncan, who for number of years hos proved himself a most earnest and pain- staking officer, But as health inspector he hat not been able to please everybody, n0 matter 00nseienio0aiy he endeavored to do his duty, and so the city will new lose hie service. Witas'LINn 'ieTctr.--The Vancouver Herald, of June 25th ear :—A fine ex- hibition of wrestling took place in the i Imperial opera house last evening be. tweet! the Jap and G. Perris, A fair andi- enee assembled to witnese the match, and about 10 o'olook W. II, Gallagher in. troduoed the contestants, and also an- nounced that Jae. Bates, of New Went. Minster, would act es referee. Lots were drawn for choice of style, and the Jap being suucessful those the Creeo•Roman style for the first boat. The o.nntestauts then proree led to the centre of the car- pet, and after the enatenu,ry prelimin• nry ceremony of hand-shaticin;soon wont to work. The first fall, atter a Rove'° struggle on both eid0R, w'IS Wins by the ,lap in 23 minutes and 1-1 svcoidn. The second fall was won by Ferric, catch -ns - catch eon, in 7 ininutes and 117 seconds. Having won the second fall in shorter time them the Jap won the' first, by ar- rangement Pomo Ma entitled to the choice of style for the last round, IIe accordingly eeleoted cntoh-as-cntch-oan again. After It rest of 10 minutes the contestants again opened lire, and in 11 minutes and 28 seconds Perris- had the ,Sup "Oat on the broad of his bank." At the finish the Jap, smarting somewhat under his defeat, issued a challenge to l'errie to wrestle within 15 days from date, Graeco-Roman style, for 2250 or 2500 a side. After a little consideration Perrie accepted the ohellenge, declaring excitedly that he would meet the Jap any time and wrestle him any style he wished, but that he would have to be satisfied with "catoh.weighta," ae he (Parte) would not train himself down again for any mon. Thus ended one of the best exhibitions of the kind ever wit- nessed in Vancouver. Perrie's friends, while not underrating the Jap, have the greatest confidence in their man, whose splendid physique, size and wonderful strength, will be supplemented by a skill almost if not quite equal to that of his renowned adversary. IO2crerltc. Mrs. Wilson, of Kincardine, is visiting on the 4th. A. little boy of Wm. Scott's, Sunshine, 3h yours old, fell dawn stairs last Mon• day and bloke his right lrg, Rev. Mr. Tonga preached for the 'oat time at Sunshine hist Sunday. He went to Pleshorton this week. We wish him success in his new field of labor. David Pipe, Let 13, 5th line, had a barn raising last Wednesday. The new structure is dix00 feet with stone stab- ling underneath. The mason work was done by Anthony McDonald and the framing by Mesera. Proctor 1 Shurrie. Edward Mulligan, on the boundary line of Morris, has a Dolt that is hard to beat. It la said by competent judges to be the best colt they ever saw. When three weeks old it measured 81 inches on the hind bone and 72 on the front belie and 10 inches around the arm. This oolt was brad from an ordinary general purpose mare and from Milne & Di1- worth's "Luelcy Getter." Dian.—The people of this Locality were greatly surprised on hearing that Wm. Ireland, brother to Jae. Ireland, of this Township, had died quite suddenly at his home in Tuokeramitb township, on Fri- day evening. Ide had been ailing for some time with internal abscesses but no one had any idea that the end was so near as he was able to be about up to the day of hie decease and had attended church the previous Sunday. Mr. Ire- land was a resident of Morris at one time and moved south about 28 years ago. He was very highly respected by all who knew him. A wife and 10 children are left to mourn hie sudden demise. The funeral took place on Sun- day and was largely attended, Rev. Mr. Needham, of Egmondville, officiated. Jas. Ireland and family, Quintin Ander- son, RicAd. Armstrong, Geo. Crooks and wife and Angus Lamont and wife, were at the funeral. Mr. Ireland was 51 years and 0 months old. Ple•atto.—The pupils of S. 5. No. 0, taught by G. R. Blackwell, and their friends, with the Sunshine Methodist Sunday school held a grand anion pic- nic in John Wheeler's woods on Friday last which was in every way a great success. Early in the morning the woods was invaded by a number of men and boys who were soon busily engaged in putting up swings, erecting platforms and constructing Beate. They aeon had everything in readiness for the recep- tion of the merrymakers who were ex. peoted along in the afternooh. By two o'clock a large company had assembled, nearly every family in the section being well represented, besides a number of visitors from neighboring sections, and all proceeded to enjoy themselves in the most approved pio-nio fashion. The young people thronged the swings and kept them going in a lively manner, The older people got together in nu mar- ous social ,Froupe to discuss current toplce and call to remembrance pie-nie days long past, while Metiers, Baines, Burkholder and Stnesell won golden opinions from the younger members of the assembly by the wholesale manner in which they distributed nuts and candies and assisted them in their games and pastimee. Before long, however, the man) centre of attraction was the adjoining field whore a hotly cantostad game of baseball was being played bo. twain the Brussels juniors and the soltool team of the section. The tonna seemed to bo prettily evenly matched bet little Duncan Allison's slow servos wore too numb for the Himself; boys who after receiving four white -washings had to suoctunb at the and of the ninth innings• with it score of nine to seven standing against them, Between four and five o'clock rho ringing of the boll announced that taut win read;,' to bo served and an 051 down to a, honnteoul repast, the oharantor of which reflected groat credit 11)11.11 11111 ladies of the aeeti)11 wile pre- pared it. After tea a ellen musical and literary program was pleasingly rendered by the pupils of the public school and Sunday school and short ad- dresses d - dr s en were delivered bythe Heyde. da. Godfrey and Tenge. The Misses Flail, evangelists, who labored at Sunshine during the winter, gave pleasing variety to the proceedings by singing a number of their beautiful songs and hymns. This feature of the entertainment being over many repaired to the swinge while others betook themselves to the hall ground, where another match, between file teams of S. N. No, 111,111 S. 5. No, 7, was being played. This match was in oome re. sleets more closely onntosted than the previous one but in spite of the fact that the lith boys were somewhat fagged by their earlier efforts victory again rested upon them, the score at the end of the 5th timings being 11 to 4 in their favor. Shortly after this the orowd brake up, well satisfied with the days sport, and by 7:30 the grounds were well nigh desert. ed. Last Monday 14. S. Nn. 11 pio•nioked in It. Armstrong's bush. In addition to the ne111LI sport going et these occasions there were two games of baseball and a foot. ball match. The first bull game was be. twee; No. li tied No. P, and resulted in favor of the former by a score of 11 to 7. Theseeonr! match mad No. 11 and ,lnmes- toWIt, more Ll to 5, victory again resting with the hone nine. The f„oate11 game woe players by Nr,'. ti nod a and reunited in the rlefrat of thelatter, the tally Nein„ 1 to O. A very helps, time arae pet fn by the large company, and all felt inclined to say it wane:, 4,01,1 a pfo•1,1' 21s they had intended for year:,. The union picnic hell iu Win. n. Mo. Cranlceu's grave on Friday afternoon of lest week was both successful and enjoy- able. Amu-ementa in the way of swings, base ball, ike., were provided Inc the children. A musical and literary pro. gram was given 00 follows :--Sanas by the Retool choir led by Joseph Scott instrumental music, violists and organ, Alex. Stewart, J. McLennan and Miss Wheeler ; recitations by ',Veggie Mo• Murray, Janet Spoir, Ann Mituhell, Ann Sgeir, Clara Mitchell ; solos by Belle Hanna snit Louise Daniele ; addresses by Rev. S. Sellery and Rev. W. T. Chuff; duett, Misses Iierr. By the time this part of the proceedings was over the tables were ready and the large company sat down to partake of the good things provided in rich abundance. In the evening there was some speeding on Mr. ' MoCrackon'a trotting course in which Ament Bros. driver was victor. The clay :vas all that oculd be desired for a pic-nic and a very pleasant time was spent by all. PnasuWTArioN.—A Wilkesport corres- pondent writes as follows of two former residents of this township :—Rev. Geo. Jewett, Methodist minister, being about to have SVilkespo•t for Ins new field of labor, in Harwich, after a residence iu Wilkosport of three years, a large num• ben of tits members of the church and adherents met in the church an the even- ing of Friday, June 20th, from which they munched to the Parsonage and took it by storm. J. 5. Murray was chosen chairman. A written address to 1Ic. and Mrs. Jewett expressing regret nt the prospect of parting was read by J. L. Willoughby, school teacher. After a suitable reply by Mr. Jewett the ladies presented Mrs. Jewett with a purse eon. Mining 220.00 a; a slight acknowledg- ment of her services as organist in the cherub. Short and appropriate addresses were delivered by the chairman, E. Crothers, ex•Deputy peeve, Dr. Stento: and others. A parting speech by the pastor, recitations, uncal and iustrumen• tal music and a sumptuous repast pro- vided by the ladies closed the program of the evening after which the company broke up each one returning to their re- spective homes seemingly well pleased with the evening's entertainment. hoaa,torth. An interesting football match Dame off at Toronto on Saturday afternoon be- tween the Toronto Scots and Seaforth Hurons, The Hurons had won the championship of the Western Aesoaia- and the Soots of the Toronto League. Satnrdey's match and that of the pre. vious Saturday were for tine champion- ship of Western Ontario. The previous match ended in 2 goals to 1 for the Soots, and Saturday 1 to 1. The Boobs there- fore are champions of Western Ontario. VCriei Iicsni. The Bishop of Huron conducted the confirmation services in St. Panl's Church, Wingham, on Thursday after- noon. Twenty three candidates were re. Delved and confirmed. At the recent vestry meeting of Christ church, Wingham, a resolution was un- animously adopted to ask the Bishop of this diocese to appoint Rev. Mr. Flushes, of Listowel, to the Wingham rectory. The Bishop has consented and conveyed to Rev. Mr, Hughes the resolution of the Wingbam vestry meeting. Etlrt>,1. Mrs. (Dr.) Cale ie visiting friends in Mitchell and locality. 0. Davie took his departnrefor his new field of labor on Wednesdoy of this week. Quito a large number of our villagers attended the demonstration in Brussels on the lot, Mrs. H. F. McAllister has just return- ed from a three weeks' trip to Toronto and other places further East. Dont forget the garden social to be given on Friday evening by the Sons of Temperance. It will be held on L. Doh - son's gronndn. Dr. Cele and J. Hemsworth have coins• plated a new boat which will no doubt be a great attraction for the villagers this eominer. On Wednesday evening, July 0th, a box social will bo held at the residence of T. P. Simpson. A good time is ex. pectecl as great pains will bo taken to stake it a 0000000. The following ofrieers stave been elect. ed by rine Sous of Toutporlmloo kr the nneuvng _Harter: ---W. 1',, Bro. A. Pana. baker ; NV A., Sister M. Slommon S., Stator I , Holloway ; A. It. 8„ Sister B. Lance , 10, S., Mrs, I). hlnlanior 'Proal„ Dm. 1MI. Fogad ; Gond„ Bre, E. Willis ; Asst. Court , Sister A. Holloway; Inside Sent,, Sider L. Milne ; (Weide Sent., Bu. A. Vogel ; Chaplain, Bro. J. Cebu.. ing, and gave a very humorous and in - 'tractive description of the persons be. longing to saoh oleo. The people of Ethel will,110 doubt, bt1 laaci to tear Mr. Campbell again - Lista w /a). Strawberries are plentiful and cheap. S. B. Stevenson has sold out his livery business to Dougald Simpson, of Palmer. eton,late of Stratford. Entrance Examination commences on Thursday, July 3rd, at 1 o'clook, and continues Friday and Saturday. At the semi-annual meeting of the North Perth County Orange Lodge, it was finally decided to celebrate the Boyne anniversary this year at Paltner- ston. Lietowel streets at the present time present anything but an attractive ap. pearance—in foot they cannot but im- prose a stranger with the idea that that part of the town at all events is fast run. sing to seed. R. L. Lidice was before the P. 1I. on a charge of assault on J. Shams. After hearing the evidence for the prosecution the Magistrate dismissed the case, being fully satisfied that Mr. Lillie() was not in any way an aggressnr. ianitotba EXcilrsions 1 ---ON-- J'Jule 17, Return July 27 JUNE 2 t, RETURN AUGUST 4 JULY 8, PETURN AUGUST 18 TO THE NoLLOWING POINTS : '72zex• m iZ>rP9 Brussels and Return GLENBO1I0' . $28 00 28 00 28 00 28 00 80 00 85 00 DELORAINE SALT COATS MOOSEMIN MOOSEJA�V CALGARY Purchase these Tickets from T. FLETCHER and you will Save change of routs and get Colonist Sleeper through from Toronto, Without Change. Reduced Fares and Stop Over west of Winnipeg for points not reached by these Excursions. T. Fletcher, - G.T,It, Town Ag't fm� 11 undersigned FO13 SERVICJa.--TUE undersigned will keep for servion ou Lot 4, con. 12, rimy, a Thorn' bred Berkshire beer. Terms, 81.00, to be paid0t time 01 Korvinwith urivfleae of returning 1t neces- sary. WM, HARGAN, Proprietor, 47.4 FARMS FOR SALE. Lot 5, esti, 1, Suugeee, We cored. Part of lots 1 and 2, oon.1, Binloee. F:t,, lot 18, eon. 1, Wawu)tusb,100 acres Nt lot 20, eon. s, West Wawanaeb,10U acres. Lot 18 and W4 lot 13, ens. n, ltheardiee 100 oared, Et iota s and 0, eon, 14, Peel, 800 sores. 105 lot 8and WIlot 0,eon. 15,Neel, 200 scree. Si lot 0, 000. A, stint°, 50 agree. Lot 11, coo, 13,2,110M, 100 oared. Lot 21, eon.4, Normanby,100 acme, All the above aro well improved farms to duo localitos, nro very obeap and can be bought on easy terms. Also a nom and dwelling in 13rnseols for sale. Apply to JOHN McCOY, 10.3'n Iinviiaon. EISSEY BUIL FOR SERVICE. • For terms and other particulars ark for circ huit 111v Drug ru6 ulid Il, alt store. fl4ould you wisp to sell his hunter salves 1 am mo- unted to pay as high as 818, according to ncilking tpuulltied of their Rama, 00.11011'0 G. A, DI:AlalaN,01cuaeettr: ONIOY TO LOAN. Money to Loall a:l FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds.. .AJ PL k” TO J.C.Ilefrernan, J,A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont, 2sef 13. L,'i U13,$„Y'CE'A' SPECtJ3A..CLPI] SeEYE (. [ SSES• Surest Aids for Impaired Vision. B. Laurance's tests enable one to be Fitted Instantly with any kind of Spectacles. B. Laurance, or a Competent Optician will Visit Brussels period'ly. All Spectacles sold by the T. ndersigned will be Exchanged by Mr. Laurance Free of Charge if not exactly adapted to the sight. B. Laurance's Spectacles are Recommended by almost every. Medical Exvert in Canada. One Year's Guarantee with Each Pair. tst pee tarelk" - Rept' Ir is - Eixeo'sated - with - Evers pzrt<;tr- .— A. M. McKAY & Co., Hardware Men, Brussels, --OF THE ADAM GOOD STOCK OF -- BOOT S CES ' ATS OAP&GROCERIES Bought at 55c. on the Dollar. WANT MONEY! - VV. --,.NT MONEY' I Want the Stook Turned into Money inside of i, Meeks. By actual count there are Twenty-nine Hundred Pairs Boots, Shoes. and Slippers ; Six Hundred and Twenty-three Hats and Caps, and One Thousand Dollars Worth of Groceries, The marked price of which is $0,000.00. We aro busy Re -marking Down so that if we get Pour Thousand Dollars for the Six Thousand Dollars worth of Goods I will be satisfied. Do Not Make the Mistake, the Fatal Mistake of Delay. At all Sales of this kind the Best GoodlaI, the Cheapest Goods and the most Saleable Sizes go First. Why then delay? You must have Beets ;.• you must have Groceries, and you cannot very well do without a Hat. Why should you put it off and pay one-half more for the very same goods. Wo will Sell Infant's Boots and Slippers, size 1 to 5, from 15c. up. Now, we could not buy goods in the regular way and sell them at that price. If you put off coning until this stock is sold you cannot get them at less than twice the money. Women's and Girl's Prunella Boots from 25e. up. We don't expect there will be one pair left 10 days after the Sale opens. Throw away your every -day Hat, and we will give you a Big Choice, Hard or Soft, for 20e., 30a., 40c., 50e. and $1.00, worth, in some cases, $8.00 each. A. Nice Nobby Felt Hat for a boy for 10e., usual price 50e., and Fine Straw Hats for 5c. If you wait three days and then don't get the size or kind you want blame yourself. Men's Summer Caps 10c. each, 3 for 25e. These prices are only for goods on hand ; goods that we buy in the regular way will be regular price. There aro Nine Hundred and Fifty -eight -Pounds of Tea on Hand. We will Sell this Tea, any price or kind, at 70c. on the Dollar in 5 Lb. Lots or over. You can figure the price yourself : 50e. Telt at 70 cents on the dollar is 85e. ; 40c. Tea is 28e. ; 85e. Tea is 24 c.; 30e. Tea is 21e. ; 25c. Tea is 17x°. ; 15e. Tea is Hie., and 10e. Tea Dust is 7e., and anyone taking 10 pounds of Tea, at 25e. or • over, will get a Present worth 50e. We cannot possibly quote prices of this Immense Stock. Put $20.00 in your pocket and Come at Once. Your choice of a Hundred Pairs of Women's Boots for 50e. 3 Good Brooms for 25c., and 10 Clothes Pins for it Cont. They are worth that for kindling wood. We can only give them at this price while the present stock lasts, so Como at Once. Girls $1.00 Slippers for 50e. Ladies' Fine Buttoned or Laced Boots for $1 20, worth $1.75, and $2.50 Boots for $1.50. We could not buy goods in the regular way and sell at these prices. There are 100 Bottles of Liquid Bluing, that was sold for 25c. each, that we will sell at Oue-third the price. One bottle will do it whole year. 4 Scrub ]3rushes for 121e. Glass Tumblers for 80c. per dozen, and Goblets for 40c. it dozen. The only way to get any idea of how we sell is to Come in.: and Look over the Stook. Wo will Save you a Lot of Money on year Preserving Sugar. We will Sell you Fruit jars Leis than Wholesale Price, and dOc. Vinegar for 28e., by the Dollar's worth. 4 Cans of 17e. Salmon for 50c., and 8 Cans of Corn for 25c. ivton's Heavy Slims, d lace 11o1es, for 75e.; boy's for 65e.; Children's Slippers, ti to 10, for IOC. Sale Opens on SATURDAY, 5t11 Inst,, old will Continue until all Is Disposed of. \'e will only sell for C,U411, and these prices are for the Stunk 'tv lil't' of liana onli' : Whorl tri, • buy l'rettb Goods we will have to charge e loll price, The picnic halal hero on the 1st was very well attended, considering the gloomy nppon.ranee of the weather. The lecture on "'rho sins of the time" by i Rev. Mr. Campbell, of l,fstnwel, Wad 011 excellent one. 31,1 alnsoitin,l the variono Ls, '•p- e- shts of the pews, metaphorically speak- ANTI 9