The Brussels Post, 1890-7-4, Page 44 rkiE BRUSSELS POS1 New Advertisements. Wanted—Mrs. T. Fletcher. Tremendous Sale-- Geo. Good. Lost—Pose Puldiehlug House. ',7,1)e 'Yatiz5eis 1"RLD.1 r„I ee.T.,1" 1, 1890. Resene's demand upon Turkey for the immediate payment of thirty ,nil one of francs of indemnity on account of the war of 1870, made simultaueously with the agitation for Bulgaria's independence indicates thet the Czar is theking for au excuse for a fresh invasion of the Sul- tan's domains. If the Turkish empire is to be preserved the great powers will bave to oblige Russia, to abandon her claim to the thirty millions. Turkey ran never pay it. Noewrroseexeceo the protestations of the Ministerial prose that the charges aeptinst Genend Sir Fred. Midelletou, in connection el le ut oo me usine . were prompted merely by malice, and the essertiens of nemeroue frienaly writers that he was gnilty of no itepropriety, the General lute sent hie resienation to the Minister of Militia. It has beet' aceepted, ea that now the position of wenn-lancelet of the militia of Canada is practioally vacant. There is little doubt that the Governmeut asked for the General's resig- nation, because it is only a short time since he declared that he had no intention of resigniug and knew of no reason why he should resign. This is the second time that an Imperial officer command- ing the Canadian militia has been prac- tically forced to retire. General Middle. ton's predecessor in office, General Lamed, was obliged to give up the post because of a prolonged dispute between himself and the late Lieut. Colonel Williams, over some matters of discipline, and now General Middleton has resigned in con- sequence of the adoption by parliament of motion practically censuring him, and the Government's unwillingness to excuse or defend his coated. These re- cent incidents in the careers of Itnperial offioers commanding:the Canadian militia indicate that the time has arrived for the appointment of a Canadian to the posi- tion of commanderen•chief of our army. But the retherneut of the Geueral will not compensate poor Themner for the loss of his fors. Are they to be paid for, and if so by whom? Aud is the General to be made the scapegoat of the whole looting business? What of Warden Bedson, Indian Commiesioner Hayter Reed and the other pthlic functionaries who shared in the partition of Bremner's furs, and wIto, perhape, misled General Middleton into the belief that he had a right to confiscate the property in ques- tion aud divide it among the members of his staff? Is there to be no inquiry into their conduct, and 110 word of censure for them? An inquiry into the conduct of Warden 13edson is now in order, Since his appointment as commandant of the militia force General Middleton has mule many friends in Canada, and particular. ly in Ottawa. Ms frank and courteous manners, and his gentlemanly conduct on all occasions won for him the respect of his fellow citizens, and the circum- stances atteuding his retirement are deeply regretted.—Free Press, Ottawa. Northwest Tioteez, The output of brick at the St. Boldface kilns this: year will be about 8,000,000. The town site of Oak Lake, on the Gnat Northwest Central, is being laid out. There were fifty town lots recently sold by auction at Prince Albert at good prices. Gladstone's financial tangle has been adjusted and the tocvn council is to be re. organized at once. Prinoe Albert has a population of 726, The toted value of real estate in the town is placed at 8981,144. New hay has commenced to °erne in and is selling lot $8 s ton, but imported. lie.y is quoted at 916 a ton, Real estate men of Portage la Prairie say that this year has, so few, been the best known for many years Arrangemente are now nearly (templet. ed to build a direct telegraph connection between Duluth and Port Arthur, Reeve Roddick, of Linkwood Lodge, Brandon Hills, writes that some of his wheat measured 28 inches on the 208h of Pune. The farming community at the Long Creek settlement, on the Portage Plaine, are negotiating tot e telephope lino to be laid out there. Out in Regina a recent heavy rein am pears to have settled the gopher question. Farmers repott gopher holes flooded and the pests drowned. There are about 100 men et work on the Port Arthur, Duluth *Western rail- way, and construction is being pushed forward es repidly as poesible. The Pore Arthur Sentinel says :— Everyone who has had en opporennity of having a visit to the Northweet is Obit. ant over the prospecte oi a, heevy wheat crop. The Regina editors are iudulging in expensive luxuries, Two libel snits will be hoard before Justice Itichardoon and a jery at Regina, this week. The first 3S J. J. Atkinson, publisher of tho June. inte against N. F. Davin, of the Lender, , damages claimed 65,000 the second ie Davin v. Atkinson, $10,000 dente:ewe American money be no longer worth its face value in Winnipeg, excepting at some of the storm The banks, the efireet car company, the expreele companiee and the railway oompallies alt olutrge a clue count am followe ; Ten conte off 51 ; five coins off 60 mete; five suite 017 28 cents ; five onto off limen and five par cent off bills ; half dime and nicIdee ere not no. ' =opted at all, Butter be only 11 cents a pelmet at De - Igraine, Three tee trains, with consignments for Chicago, Montreal and other eastern citiee, were run over the 0. 1'. R. last week. The following are the prioes: Beef, choice Calory Is revelling in oheap meet. cuts, Ile.; mutton, choice cute, 16e.; veal, choice mite, 150.; pork, theme, 15e. The fact, says an exchange that ell grist and flouring mills in the Province are now undergoing thorough repairs end being placed in position for night and clay work is significaut. There is a brick famine in the Prov. ince, and work Lila been sinmendecl ote one of the blocks in course of erection ie Winnipeg. During the past few days one of the dealere bas shipped twenty.one carloads to British Columbia, The pre. veiling price is $15 per el. The Calgary Herald says : "This is going to be a good year Inc cattle owners. Beef is scarcer than it bas been .for six years. Prices are high and it looks as if they were going to be higher. The fact of cattle being scorns in Manitoba, hese bearing upou prices in Alberta." It is proposed, seem a betel exchange, to orgauiee a cheap excursion to Retell In July ander the anepecesof the verioue Temperancei societtes n Mani- toba and the Territories, and to hold a convention there to discuss the outlook of the temeerauee question apart front parte politics, The Lcmise, :Manitoba, conuoil has el: - fierce 01,0.10 worth cif stryohnine to be distributed in the municipality for the destruetion of gophers. Each farmer necking tepplioation to receive one ounce over previons allowance, and in specie:I cases councillors are authorized to ad- vance an additional amount. Mr. Waugh, of the Northwest Farmer, has travelled over the province west as Inc as Virden, northwest to Shoal Lake, and sout tweet to Mehta, and with the exception of the Morden district where there has been a dearth of rain, he says he neves saw the crops as promising at this time of the year se at present. The methods of cultivation everywhere show very marked improvement over any pre- vious year. Morden Monitor : Duncan Falconer had I ather an unusual occurrence the other day. Going to feed his horses one morning he missed one of them, a 1,600 Ib. mere, not being able to find it any. where around, lie noticed the dog bark- ing down the well. Looking down he there pereeived the horse tiglatly wedged and standing upon its hind feet in water. Work on a trench was at once commeno- ed, and after some hours the animal walked out, none the worse for its ren- prieonment. Sporting News. -- Elmer Grant knoeked Fred Wise clown seven times in the first round of a Penn- sylvenict prige fight Monday. Wise's mother then attecked Grant with an axe and a revolver. The referee milled it a, draw. John elannilleld, it famous football player, of Elizabeth, N. J., recently de- fended hiinself very successfuly from three fierce slogs through hie knowledge of the science of kicking. One of the canines was killed instantly by a kick, &pother evas disabled with some broken ribs, while the third was lifted over a fence. The race between Wm. O'Connor, of Torooto, and Jemes Stansbury, New South Wales, postponed Inc a week ot account of the Canadian's claim of foul, was rowed Monday over the usual Para - matte course and won by Stansbury with- out any difficulty. Stansbury now claims the aquatic thampionship of the world and is prepared to defeud it against all comers. O'Connor admits that he was fairly beaten by Stanebury. He declines to make further matches in Australia,. The weather was fine and the water smooth, bat the tide was adverse. O'Con- nor led for three quarters of a mile, wheel Stansbury drew up on a level with him. At the end of the first mile Statisbury was a length and a half ahead. Re maintained the lead and won by eight lengths. Time, 22 minutes, 59 seconds. %%a Germans of Logan held their an• mule pia nic on Wednesday last. St. Marys Oddfellowe are making ar- rangements to have some new scenery painted for the Opera House. John Collarton, of Mitchell, had John Mane.gan up before Squire Flagg, tharg- ed with allowing his pigs to run at large. The ease was settled by defendant pay- ing thine, e4. M. J. White, editor of the Exeter Times, was married the other night to Mies M. Helena Clark, daughter of N. a. Clark, of Butte City, California, and will bring his bride to Ontario. James Baxter, the Montreal broke, has lemma writs for damages of 6100,000 against the Central Bank and Liquid. atom Howland and Lye for alleged in- jury to his credit, honor and beefiness. The full strength at camp is 1776 men; divided as follows :—Cavalry, 1(36; Field Battery, 70 ; 21st, 227 ; 22nd, 364 ; "D" Co., 84 ; 276, 274; 29th, 200 ; 82n6, 26(3; "D" Co., 74, The balance thing officere, etc. MifIS Shannon, formerly a teacher in the Public school at Goderich, recently took a 926 prize in Denver Inc crayon portrait work, and the certificate of honor for the best study from life. She has resigned her position in Denver Uni- versity, and is going to take a year in an art studio in Ontario. Geo. Raper, of St. Marys, has attained the advanced age of 87 years and is yet an ctotive man. He WW1 a looal preaoh• er irk the Primitive church, for 80 years, anciproed a faithful servant in the vine- yard of big Master. Ho marked bie bal- lot without the aid of speetators far Mr, Ballatityne and good government. The Mitohell Advettiser sees ; —We have a pair of twin sisters in Mitchell, dauglitere of John Lemon, who look so much alike that their mother thmetimee Mistalces one for the other, and strangers nen hardly ever toll them apart. They do not change in appearance as they grow rtp, and keep about of a. idea. They are now about eight years old. The Seaforth Sun Rays :—Squire O'Noire (lrightown) cow, winch gave Iwo quartet of milk per day, WM struck by lightning while in patent° the other clay and had a horn kneeled off. Sim" that date her yield of milk hrechee with not the slightest trace of britiostotie, 'elec Smart:: hi an ateenewledged authority on farming NMI centricity and hie advice) he if you have an 01 cow littee hew struck by lightning. by ab means. Stand her out, Thebiaffindllutton poBlr, lw 0 began pacing up and uon ilis a She had taken but a few turns when she heerd a bolt drawn baok and a key inserted in a loek. The door opened. It was the one opening into tbe other room. .A. step or two on the floor. man stood before her. He was dressed in shabby black clothes. A bat- tered black derby hat was on his head, under which allowed the straggling and matted locks of his brown hair, His face was covered with a coarse, bushy brown beard and mustache, above which glowed a prominent booked nose, the end of which was inflamed. Two pierc- ing, fiery eyes peered out on her. "So," he said, "yer've found yer way into this here room, have yer, ray lady?" She made no reply. "Tryin' to find a way out, ehl Well, I don't blame yer for that. It's what I ex- pected yer to do, so I fixed it that yer couldn't." His eye fell upon the discarded calico drese, and he laughed, "Oh, ho, yer didn't like the nice purty arose yr friend persented yer with, eh?" "Why eat I confined here?" she asked. "Who brougbitCie "Not lcuowee emit say," the man re- ' plied. eWhy be yer confined here? Not knowin' I couldn't say." "Why (10 you keep me here, then? I Oh, sir, I pray you, let me go. I will pay you handsomely if you will let me." "Oh, no, my ladybird, I couldn't Go that, yer know. I'm only obeyin' orders, and so you will have to, Let yer go? Oh, no, that wouldn't do at all; but I wish they'd take yer away front here, for I don't want yer." Annie saw the uselessness of -further words, and she trusted to the boy. The man continued: "Hero, there's somethin' to eat for yer and some beer"—pointing to the table, He walked over to it and took away the plate and cup that Annie had just seen there. He moved the chair on which lay the paper to the table. Jos he lifted the paper he said: "And here's some readin' for yer." His attention was attracted to the mu- tilated margin. Lie looked quickly to the table and Bair the pencil was gone. "What have yer been dole'," liitalte1, fiercely, going to her. As he did ho saw the peecil on the floor. "Ho, bo! Verve been retryin' to knin- miuniereate, hey ye?" "Yes," she replied, boldly. "Well, did ye?" said he, peering at her keenly and suspiciously. The iaea swept over Annie's mind that it would be wise to conceal her attempt. "Of what use was it?" she said, wear - ily. Women are born actresses. "How was I to send a letter front here?" "True for ye. Where's wot ye writ?" "I didn't write anything. I tore the paper up." He looked upon the floor, and saw pieces of paper which Annie had idly torn into bits. This did not satisfy bin. He looked at her suspiciously a moment, and then said: "I don't believe ye, Not that ye saw anybody, but yer've thrown somethin' out for a chance, ru see to that at once. Yer'd better eat," Ile said as he turned away, "for yer've along ride before yer to -night." With that he strode hastily out of the room, locking, bolting and barring the door after him. Her heart failed as she beard the bolts shoot. She saw bolts and bare on the inside. With a quick impulse she put up the bars and shot the bolts. She flew to the other door and bolted and barred that. She was safe from unwelcome intru- sion. Then she sat down to wait for Hol- brook. CHAPTER mL TIIE SENSATIONS ACCUMULATE. 011 knew that the cry of joy Holbrook had ut- tered meant that newof Annie had been reaele- ed. Just what he didn't know, but that the mes- senger who had brought the in- formation would bevaluable to them he quickly appreciated. He hastened af- ter the lad, and as he reached the head of the stairs he heard the pattering of bare feet several ffighte below, going at a rapid rate of speed. He called to him, but the owner of the pattering feet took no heed of his call, and, perceiving the uselessness of ate temptiug to follOw him, 130 desisted and returned to Holbrook's office. As he passed the door of tho elevator shaft, it opened to discharge a carload of pnssengers, and among thorn Tom recog- nized the man who had watched them bit Lexington avenue. He made no sign of his discovery, In the sante carload was the Shadow, aticl to him Toni gave a sign to follow. As he entered the Office again he met Holbrook going out. Jec "Where are you going?" he asked, "Going? To help Annie. To rescue her, of eourse, Where elect would1 be going?" This reply was nuele in a tone of the supreenest contempt, "Wait a moment. I want to have a uonnenes convene:0km wIth you." "Don't etem me, Tom. You've been particularly irritating today, and I MI hardly in a condition to bo responsible Lor env acts," -.Mates the truth," replied Tom, calm- ly, "or else you have A desire to make the rescue of that girl impoesible." "what do you mean?" cried Holbrook beside himself. "Hare a ear0, I am iu no mood to be trifled with." "Perhaps," said Toni, looklug him steadily in the eyes. "But you are in a mood to make an eternal asset youreelf, By heaven, Holbrook, if you leave that door in the frame of mind you are in this minute, I predict you will regret it to the very last hour of your life." Holbrook looked at him angrily, but, nevertheless, he was somewhat stag- gered by Tom's sudden exhibition of energy. Seeing that he had made an impres- sion, Tom contineied: "You want te rescue the girl, but you are going about it in a way to make it an impossibility—you leave taken leave of your usual good common sense. Now give me live minutes and I'll convince you', He laid his hand upon 11011:rook's arm, The lawyer sullenly submitted to bein led into his private office. Tout closecl the door after them, "I do not know but tho damage i done already, The num I suepected watehing us in Lexington avenue is it the hall now. If he was within fati•ShO he has heard your injudicious talk," "Ie :Mt hint out to me," sale Holbrook spruesing to the dour. land he II never watc17 any one again," Torn placed himself between Holbroo and the door, crying: "In the name of heaven how can you be Shell a Lunatic?" Holbrook glared at him. Toon turne the key in the door, took it out and pu 11 110 his pocket, saying: "1 mu positively ashamed of you, Hol brook; you act and haye acted in thi :natter like a madman. I tell you, man this is a case where the lion skin wilino do; the fex's skin is the one we want. Let me see that note." lIcool.brook handed it to him with bad gra "Of course! Where were you going To Mott street, three doors from Bay ord." "An idiot would know that," replied Holbrook. "But which house? There are four of them in Mott street, three doors from Bayard!" Holbrook winced under this, but he replied doggedly: go to each one of them." "That answer proves how bsurd you are. Do you realize that as she is CM - fined in one only, t here are three in which she is not.? That the chance of your striking the right one first Is as three ctgainst once Do you imagine the people who abducted her, mid who have carried out their plans so skillfully so far, are born idiots, and that you would not be recognized the moment you set your foot in Mott street? That the girl would not be spirited away before you ecmicl sa,y Jack Robinson? I know eotnething of that part of town. Why, man alive. from the moment you left this spot you would be followed, and when yOu turned your stops in the direction of Mott street the alarm would be given. Your own common sense, if you will only give it a chance, must tell yeu this," Holbrook was forced to acknowledge the justice,of Tora'e remarks. "Well, then, what would you do?" Act Immediately, replied Tom, "but not rush up there like a mad bull. Lis- ten to me. The course to pursue seems to me plain enough. The Shadow is here now, in the other room. I will seed bine up to Mott street to take observations, and to determine, as nearly as he can, in which of the four houses Mies Temple- ton is confined. Thie he can probably do exactly, for he is excellent at that sort of thing. While he has gone about this business, you and I will go to a friend of mine—the head of a private detective agency, and we will get from him a force of trusty men to assist us. But the first thing we must do will be to get out of this building unobserved by the spy outside." "Seize him and tie him up," said Hol- brook. "No," laughed Tom, "that won't do. We want him to remain here under the impression that we are still in this of - Holbrook, who had cooled down con- siderably, thought a moment. "These offices are connected all the way through to the men The janitor hew keys to them all, and he can carry us through to the rear hall without it beieg necessary to go out on the one we ordinarily use." "'Hee very thing," said Tom. "111 send word to him at once." "Hold on a moment," interposed Tom. "Send oat a trusty clerk to him, and let the janitor come to us from the rear hall, unlocking the doors as he comes, ao that when we do leave we can go quickly." REAL ESTATE. roArots FOR BAI1.—T1.1111 UN- ntttosn,not'.o, bait several geed Fertile for Salo and to 04 01, <may terms, in Townships Of 01 orris and Croy. Ie. 8. 8007e, Itruseels. ?(1 1 ARM F011 HALE,— 11.11, H0i0E Being South hal f ;Lot '27, en.0, Morrie, too actoo, 1100 rly alt cleared. Good buildings, about 25 mores 1.11 wheat to ground, rhniy terms. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, tf Soltoitar, Brassolt_ -11.pATIM FOR SALE.—TIIE UN• ImnianNan offers Inc sale tbo uorth oast quarter Of lot 9.8, cenoession 5, Morris, 000010y 01 nevem containing GO acres. The haul 05 01 first quality and In s, high state of cultivation, well teneed and trader -drained, s'e acres cleared, Now frame house, B rooms, milk Ionise web eouerete walls, 2 wells, good barns and shed, orehard, eto. Right fumes of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels, Suit- able terms will bo given, 'Pala perfect. JAIBES GRISVB, Owner, 70- beaforth V. 0. 0,00D FARM FOR SALE IN k.A Morris, on reasonable ternie, 05 oreer to olose the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Megaton, the executors offer the 0ol- ic/1ring valuable lamiS for sale North g half of Lob ISO, Concession 5, Township ef Morris, containing RI acres, On this lot Is erected a good frazzle bare with stone folio. t 'Won, good ()reliant, well and pomp . MU, 1Y 1111 cleared, and is on thu grave road • closely iidjoining Ole Vinagl, (11 11111,e).. ▪ Tilt9 farril Isa V111111l1.10 0110, IS W011 1,0110,1 1 and in a good state ol itit tivation. For t Mid terms apply to TiloS, iirassois P. 0., linstir Jassixos, Vletoria 18:.11uUtrai0 01.1.01,,soulJek(3,,ti7.484.1erre, Maple, Lodge k MORTGAGE SALE Va1uab1 Fam —IS TIM— TOWNSHIP 00 GREY, IN THE COUN- IY OF HURON. 10 'Pursuant to Power of Sale contained in a t certain Mortgage, schiell will be produced at tlQ time of such Sale, and in payment of which default has boon made, there will be offered for Sale by Public Auction at the American Betel. in the Village of Brussels, in the County uf Enron, on SATURDAY, the 121.h Day, of July, '00 Jor Tm1 noun 50 18 o'cLooit 18000). That Valuable Farm in the Township of Grey known as Lot number Six, la the 17th Concession, containiug, by admeasurament, One Hundre,t soros of laud, he tho same more Or 1...813. iLL'IT1111T111:grl'it10014: frigOlrgatilrl,%tifeT1 seveu einem Irani the thriving village of Brussels, and about tem miles from the villa e of Waite 'Vhs Ii0.1 to eompossrt a slay loam There are about five acres of hardwood bush, thirty neres of pasture land and the balance isixty•livo acres) is all clear- ed and in a good state of cultivation. The buildings een,dst of a frame barn with stable an 1+ • • foot, latto;;t1:ata .:11111ES r If/ r11DSMSLILTI"(10111.= °milord and a good well on the 1,1.0111hieS. 1111.1 WO fences fire in a fair state of repair. t.tiu„,.atrrnalt51favoofvzuron,srtnvinvs.,.ngs Com- pany, of London. Ontario, particulars of WhI011 W111 b e given, to intending purohltoors, on or before the clay of Salo. A &Mega Of ten per cent, of the purchase money will bo required on the day of sale, and the balance within two weeks thereafter, TITLE INDISPUTABLE.. For further particulars apply at. W. B. SINCLAIR, or to Vendors Solicitor, F 8. SCOTT 48,5 Aucrione0r. • linusaLs. Dated at Brussels Other June, 1590. This was agreed and acted upon. .I.n. the meantime ..two other clerks wine out iiithethe elealle and in the'pres- ence of the spy had this conversation: "By George, it's bard lines, isn't it?" "What's hard lines?" "Why, I promised my best girl to take her to Coney Island to -night, and hete comes Mr. Holbrook in at a late hour and tells mo not to go away, for he well havo some copying for Inc to do." "Well, he'll be through by six." "Not he. Mt leryat and he have business that will keep them here until eight. I hoard them gay so. That meatie Mee," So the poor spy acttled himself for a two hours' watch. Though Holbrook had yielded, ho still clut feel, Whe» Torn told him that he did not think they ought to make the attempt at, i,. n' until after dark --say about 9 Welt:eke-1m rebelled. Torn nrgued with him, and convinced grogin (th Bs commusee TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE! The Unsettled Book Debts of the Estate of Adam Good are left with R. L. TAYLOR, Lawyer, Brussels, for Collection. An Immediate Settlement will save expenses. E. R. C. CLARKSON, 60-2 Assignee. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST ,1?4T.ES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON &HAYS, Solicitors, c6c., BRUSSELS, ONT. THOS, FLETCHER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the publio for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Linea in COLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware Dom Established end Reliable Makers, fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest DesiPL8 „ JEWELRY! WinanNo RINGS, Lewes Gem 13/NOS, Bli0OeinUir EAUIVINUS, IttAISO Et Jiulb Lino ot %Mee end Violin Strings, &a., in stock, N. 111.—Issarer Of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. JULY 4, 1890 WOOL ! WOOL! Any Quantity of Fleece Wool Wanted st Highest Market Priee in CAUL Farmers can do better by sell- ing their Wool for Cash and then trade where they please. I'Buying, RS usual, all kinds of Grain. R. GRAHAM, Brussels. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment OD reel estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST, No Commission. Borrowers can have leftthe com- pleted in Three Pays if title tit Its rue tory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, &assets. PH TOS. TINTYPE S - :50 - Cent Ail Work from the Smallest le Lire nize done 00 SI 11 rst•elams manner. et ItesIdenees, Etc., al Reasonable Rates. W. J. Fairfield, DR. PHILLIPS b'ZoMM:.b7"Zo., 1-Xtts an °filet. itt Cady's Block, Seaforth. Where h ean be Consulted on all Chrooin I) iSOIISOS of bete Sexe. C010.11111111 i 011. ASIIIMI1 111:41 Catarrh treated socce,shilly by Inhalation of iNledi- aided Vapor., the 'nay rational treatment fur those diseases. NERVOUS CEBILITY aeo en cues mos of the l'ri miry Organs posi- tiioly cured 15 a short time. Call or Address 31-1f DX PHILLIPS, SEAPOBTE MEAT 414 RK8 T, MAIN STREET, • BRUSSELS, ANDIP PRDPIZIE7011, Fresh and livered le Snit Mentm or any part of Lilt, best quid the Village lay always 005 Eree of hand HMI de, Chart; e. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Fat Cattle Wonted For whit* the highest market price will be paid. I also make a. speehaty of baying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the place, next door to Fletober's Jewel- ry Store. A. CURRIE. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Divisiou Court Clerk, Brussels, A_ V- -P1 zoU sit ir IDMN-.1\1-IS Is Prepared to supply you with a Flalidsome fiarriage a a At a Slight Advance on Cost. Call in and Make it Selection or Leave your Order. If you are intending to travel I Dennis' is Headquarters for TRUNKS, VALTSES, SAronnts &e, A Large and Well -Assorted Stock to cheese from. 11. DENNIS.