HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-27, Page 8,Fighting Against Odds. ''Iotaooner are the currant worms .recaoved by Hellebore, or other- wise, than the Potato Bugs mys- terionely appear, and will increase stn rapidly, unless some method is taken to Exterminate them, that the potato vines will be de- stroyed and the potatoes found Packing. As usual, we are pre - laced for the emergency, and tare secured some Pure Paris zreen, which is the Best Poison sir these pests, but unless it is Pare it will not,do so well. The .kisld I have bought is Guaranteed a. Pure Article, and I can there - .fore guarantee it to give satis- faction if applied according to a.ES'eC tions. G.A. DEADMA;\r, Druggist. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 90VTnrum ExxxxstoN iv. 0. & B, Trains irate Brussels Station, North rased South. as follows: Rome Seur0. Conn Nowt n. Wan a.m. Mixed a:•)0 aim, F-. 1Alre1B 11:4) a,m.I HInt1 ............ 5:00 p.m. O5toeit es15 pan. Express a4'. 3,111, ,'Aral Dews Jt.ciiis. A ehiel's amang ye login' notes, An' faith he'll Arent R. Hor ?lexT Tuesday is Dominion Day. THE flax mill is receiving a new shing. A. exams stock of house plants at T. 75 cents gets THE Pour for the balance .ot 1890. H. Weeraims & Sox have two flue driv. ing horses, Canaan and Tomato plants at Mc. acken's. A. PEW peered hand buggies for sale at t bargain. Jos. WAtgaa. Sr. Joou's Sabbath school plc -nim was :veld on. Wednesday of this week. TEE High School Entrance Examin• stiou will be held in Brussels on Thurs. tta.y, Friday, and Sutarday of next week. Rev. Me. Fonan•T, of Walton, will cow duct service in Knox churoh Brussels, snit Sabbath morning. The evening .torvice will be withdrawn. THE Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F. --vile convene in Toronto on the 2nd Tees- -lay in August. Western Scar Lodge, ,lfa:•etsele, will be represented by F. S. :Scott. N.ExT Sabbath Rev. Mr. Seliery will tmke "Spiritual Hunger," and "The moat ,momentous of all questions." as the empire of his discourses iu the Methodist church. & muse SMALE is removing his tailor slxag.to.the building lately vacated by -Sa eph'Laird, opposite Central Hotel. '3;1sempartment lately used by Mr. Swale mein be eddedto the dwelling in (tonneo- itien:with Id. ggken170ED fares are advertised on the S . 2: R. for Dominion Day as follows :- Slagle fare on July lst, good to return • en the 2nd. A fare and a third cam. otzuticing on Saturday, 28th inst. and ,egtod to return on July 3rd. I3ousE AND Lor Fon SALE. -The tom. :Sortable and desirably located residence .nf WB A. Calbiok, Turnberry street, admen's, is offered for Bale as the family ,nnfiand•renloving to British Columbia. ikor:partieulars apply to Mrs. Calbick. Cenireames are being made to the itarheve that the ow by-law is not obeerv- ` .orf .in Brussels. He Lae instructed Want Smith to see that the by-law is strictly enforced. Owners of horses and .cows sboald bear this in mind and call -at the Pound if their stock is missing. Goo store will be open on July 1st, :Dominion Day, to supply our customers ':with goods till 12 o'clock, noon. After -.that time we will close in order to give entr clerks liberty to enjoy the rest of the clay. We trust our customers will see It to make their purchases from us be. rice that hour. Your obedient servants, W. Nightingale & Co. Dm Saturday afternoon Daniel Ewan turrrohaaed the sore of land, house and stable, corner of Alexander and Thomas etreeete, from W. J. Norton. The price ,Intil was 9800. Mr. Ewan got a bargain M. tic property as the eastern half of the 4ceas a most desirable location for a resi- •rkenae. Mr. Norton lost motley on his plarchase of 12 years ago, to say nothing .of improvements made in that time. iffurrtoo Presbytery will convene in W10gham on Tuesday, July 8th. The :rerrgoation of Bev. G. B. Howie, as aatwr of Knox church, Brussels, will ,probably he handed in at thia meeting. It is reported that the reverend gentle. reran will go as a missionary to Jerusalem glia knowledge of the language, customs, &s.. of the people of the laud should -qualify him for successful work in that country. 13t3XWE1.L Ana. IAInLnals:Tc. -- The total number of machines manufactured fur nbin season's blade by the Maxwell cheeks, St, Marys, are between three and your thoueaud, being fully one thousand snore than last year's oatput. No other implement f.iotory in Canada can boast of each a large increase in the volume of their trade tvithln the peat twelve a'ealc+t'ns. The Wee of the firm for the p -resent yew are more than double their -utast at the corresponding period in 1889. John. Walker is the local agent here and .vlld be pleased to wait en perecne de. ,strung information 00110011lfng these maohinoe. °.Pini Censurer Tr:NO.-An exchange 'Shat seems to be posted on the question 11ns duteoutseth: "It is not in good ,tsste, never was good form, and no longer ;good manners for a gentleman to raise Icisthe.t when meeting a lady on the ttr4te0. A courteous waive of the hand do far more appropriate and is the eastern in the fashion entree of Great 03ritain sea the Continent. The idea that a ,g0atleman always ripe his hat to a lady la nonsense. Te see a man yank his hat .off and pull it over hie face ie twinning, Sow 01161 the fashion has been relegated its ta proper niche among absurd ,r~rarioei15.es, keep your hat on while On Ma street if yen want to bo in style,'? tit. Litt l,' SSI L4S k'OST JUNE 27, 1890, VERY Merchant, so far, that has attempted to meet cur prices has had to fait or oompromiso with their creditors. d The reason is plainly to be seen, 11'e They Cheap and Sell Cheap, and men doing business in the regular way can- not come down to our low prices and pay their expenses and live. Take for instance the Boot and Shoe business of this town. We have led the priceg down so low that any man who tries to sell at our low prices and depends on the pro- fit on his Boot & Shoe business has to fail and it would be wise for men not in a position to sell cheap to go into some other Iino that they are more adapted for. IIeu to succeed in business nowadays must be men adapted to that particu- lar business in which they engage ; they must have money as well, to enable them to go to the nlarlfet and bay their goods at a price that they can place them before their customers at Bankrupt Prices, and at the same time allow thorn a fair profit for the use of their money and time in dealing them out to the people who trust their business to their care. YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, W. NIGIITINGA,LE & Co. W. Bonnrcn's men are painting the Town Hall. Snoozes Voters' lista for 1890 are in the printer's bands. Ir you want a new buggy go to Jas. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. Is you want to bice a good driving horse olid rig go to Hugh Williams & Son. ArrneNsrrss wanted immediately at Mrs. Megarvie'e, opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. Semler, cheap sale of Adam Good's stock on lst July, both stores will be open all day. Geo. GOOD. PLANTS. --Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and celery planta for sale. Persone wanting Goon plants should coma to me. I keep no rubbish. Taos. Hoo.tr. klassns. JO3N.TON & CocunANE, marble dealers, have now a matched team of blank ponies. They purchased one from J. J. Gilpin and the other from. Mrs, Beatty. AunoNmEm=ENTS have been made where- by business men and others may secure evergreens for decorating purposes for Dominion day at a very low figure, viz. three trees for 28 cents. Apply at once to R. Leathcrdale. By everybody lend. ing a helping band, and with the aid of flags, bunting, evergreens, &a., Brussels should put on its holiday dress as never before. THE question of increasing the Grey Branch Agricaltoral grounds was dis- cussed at the meeting of the Directors held, recently, in the Town Hall. It looks very much as if matters would run in about the old groove for another year, This should not be the case as it is no easy thing to regain what we allow to slip from our grasp. NEW Manns WoRes,-The firm of Johnston & Cochrane, stone mutters, &c, has opened out are prepared to fill all orders for monuments, tombstones, markers, fences, &c., in a, workmanlike manner and at living prices. Satisfe.o• tion guaranteed in every case. Don't place your order without oaliine on them and seeing their samples and ascertain. ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. WELL•DIo01N0 AND Daior.rxo.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilIin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms easonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry st„ Brussels, 43-tf We are passionately fond of good mask and don't even object to a drum olo oocaeionally but we are somewhat (posed to the continued pounding of the big drum at the Salvation Army bar. asks, almost every Sunday, between the morning and afternoon services. The Moors should see that the muscular rummers have a short vacation during be hours mentioned as the noise does of tend to spirituality as far as the John treet reeiclente are concerned. SALaro0.-Wed0e0day morning of thia eek Thee, Ballantyne received a present f three whopping salmon from the reser river, British Colombia. They ere sent by Jae. B. Ballantyne, paokei n ice, and came through by express in rat class condition. The fish weighed bout 80 pounds each and the most piourean dare not turn np their nose at hem. By the way, this is rather a new rder of things to have fresh fish from ew Westminster, 3,000 miles distant, iehed up in the heat of summer. A. acraeONAune Editor is a rare curiosity, ut if arty one had what is owing on bank ubecriptions he would be ono aura. We on't exileot to get that however, nor yet 11 that is owing on oar paper, but we do spent a lot of people to settle up at an arty date for THE Pow which they have een receiving for months without pay. g for it. If half of those who owe us 111 settle by July 15th, we won't men - on the matter this year again. We end the money to pay our debts so don't elay if you can help it but be amonget e most honest and Bond us the amount t onoo. "Baw.1nE 01' Does." -Last Sabbath orning Bev. Jno. Roes, B. A„ preached speoiel discourse to the children and sung people of Melville church from the ext "Beware of dogs," Philippians 3rd bapter and 2nd verse. After explaning e meaning of the teenage e subject was pleasantly and practical - treated ender the following savers ends, glowing the dogs everyone should aware of; -Discontent, Disobedience, i=honesty, Deceit, Drink, Doubt and elay, Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbroolt, reaoked a very acceptable and profit. ble sermon in the evening- The an- nul Sabbath school pio.nie will be held Ilargan's grove on Friday afternoon this week. Gullalrn RACES AT LIeToWE8.•-••The rammer Meeting on the excellent track Listowel are set this year for Tuesday d Wednesday,sth and 9011 July. $700 le vett in purses as follows . 3 min trot 76 ; open run 97912:40 trot, 9175 ; armors' trot 950 ; Farmere' run (horses om adjoining townships) 950 ; free for 1 trot, 9176. Enberiee close at 10 p. m, my 7th. There is ante to be a full field cl exciting events. The track never as in better eondf1ion. It will be the ant of the district. The beet goers in e Western Peninsula will start, Tho merle= Association rules will be rig. ly adbered to, and all Oveete will be ought on promptly ae advertised. Re- oed fares on all railroads to town, If u want to see the beet of Canadian otters and runners under the most vora1la Conditions be on band, Diner forget the promenade concert in the rink on Tuesday evening. A noesnoro match between the "Unions," of Wroxeter and Gorrie, and Brussels club is on the tapir. MONEY To Loan. -Private funds on first mortgage, farm security preferred. Apply at Tax POST Publishing I•Iouse. We would like to hear front our Dor.. respondents a little mors regularly, as it is we are favored about semi-annually in Home instt0ues. SsvENTr•rive cents, in advance, will pay for Tno Porn for the balance of 1890. Wo want to add 150 names to our subscription list, Tne stock of boots and shoes, hats and Daps and groceries, belonging to the es- tate of Adam Good has been purohased by Geo. Good, of Seaforth, and is now offered for sale at very low prices. Great bargains will be given. Large advertise- ment next week, Both stores open on Dominion Day. TALLFLAx.-On Wednesday afternoon of this week Valentine Forster, lot 19, con. 12, Grey, brought to Tim Poor Pub• lishing House a sample of flax that measured three feet, eleven inches in length. Thst beats anything we have heard of yet this season. On any kind of dry land flax ahold be a eplendit crop this year. 85.00 PurzE. The Celebration Com- mittee offer a prize of 95.00 to the out• Hider bringing the largest load of human freight to Brussels on Dominion Day. Howlett, Turnberry, Grey, Morris, East Wawanosh and McKillop townships in• eluded in the list. The load must take its place in the prooeesion in the morn- ing at 10 o'clock, Here is an easy way to capture a V. The load must exceed 12 persons. Tim BAxn.-A great deal of gush has been talked this week about the town Band. As far as THE Pon is concerned we ere prepared to "stay" with the boys in their contention for their rights as we believe the money voted them by the town is well expended. The open air concerts are appreciated by our citizens, even if applanee does not always follow well executed selections. A spirit of unity, bard practice and a little wealth oaoasionally thrown in will make the Band better than it ever was. The boys want to keep their feet on the ground, however, as ballooning is dangerous business. CANADA'S GREAT FAin.-Tho receipt of a copy of the prize list for this year's Toronto Industrial Exhibition, which is to be held from the 8th to the 20113 of September next, reminds us that the fair season is again fast approaching. The prize list shows the addition of many new classes and a large increase in the amount offered a0 premiums. Toronto offers many attraotions to visitors during the season, but the greatest of all is its annual Hxhibttion which this year pro- mises 10 be greater end batter than ever. A copy of the prize List can be obtained by any of our readers, who may desire one, by dropping a poet card to II, J. Hum, the Secretary, at Toronto, Y. P. C. A. -The Young Peoples' Chris- tian Aesooiation of the Methodist Church, Brussels, wed held on Monday evening of this week, President Rogers in the ohafr. Miss Minnie Moore, Secretary. Treasurer, read the minutes and annual report. The latter showed the receipts for the year to be 929.00 and the expendi• tare to be 902.00, leaving a balance of $7.00 in hand. The following °Moers were appointed for the current term :- Hon. Pres., Rev. S. Seliery ; President, George Rogers ; 1st Vioe President, Eli Smith ; 2nd Vice President, Miss Maggie MaNaaghton; SecretaryTreasurer, Miss Minnie Moore ; Executive Committee, Misses L. Thompson, E. E. Herr, Mrs. Anderson, and D. Armsbrong, W. ltod. dick, T. Hill and M. Cavanagh ; Look- out Committee, Misses Bawtinhimer, Gerry, Smith, Holmes, and Alex, Hood, J. S. Sall, it. Anderson and W. Mooney. It was decided to have a printed program similar to the last, the Executive Co.m mittee to prepare the same at moo. There are 66 names on the membership roll. The weekly meetings have been wonderfully suoaeesful and have not looked in culler interest or attendance, TIM MAnce.-Os the morning of Do• minion Day the route of the Trades' prooessi0n will be as follows :-Proces• son will farm on all Tidos of Viateria Square and proceed 'south 011 John then west to Turnberry, north to William, east to Albert, north to Queen, west to Turnberry, south to 14Ii11, west to Eliza- beth, south to Hawke, north to Mill thea east to John to Victoria Square to dis• band. The procession will be oompoeed of the following :-Marshalls on horse- back ; Queen of the day, with tandem, aceocnpanied by body guard of armed infantry; Town Band in uniform ; vii• lags Connell and officials in carriages ; procession of school children, marshalled by Principal Shaw and led by Piper Ballantyne ; foot ball, lacrosse, tennis and base ball clubs in uniform ; throe lite engines from the Ronald Engine Works and firemen ; ropresenbativee of the various trades of B105101e, dry goods, groceries, hardware, watchmakers, bag. ere, butchers, blacken -tithe, &o., &c. The promotion starts at 10 o'clock sharp. No plane has been spared to make this one of the beat fcaturos of the day and everybody ehottld make it a point to be in to an it. Persons taking part in the procession will greatly oblige the Com- mittee by being on hand promptly at 9180 it. re., (at which hoer the town bell will be rung) BO that there will be no de- lay, This le imperative. FOoRTie Division Court was held o Thursday of this week. FOOTBALL match on Saturday, on Vic boric Park, between the school teacher of this locality and the Brussels club, Pmuc0 schools close for the summe vacation on Friday of next week. Th public Bohol in Brussels will reopen 0 the last Monday of August. Brenon Twisz.-Five tons best binde twine in stook as follows : -Blue Ribbon Manilla, Flax and Silver compose binder twine. B. Glum% THE Cricket Match between Winnipe and Listowel, on the Liatowel ground, i to be played July 4 and 5. Liatowel is tl1 only club, outside the cities, with who the Winnipeggers play. It will be good game. AN interesting game of baseball is t be played at Sunshine next Friday be tween the Junior baseball olub of Brussel and the Sunshine club. As this is ti1 first game the Junior club of Brussel has ever played we wish them success A meeting of the Directors of the Eas Huron and Grey Branch Agriculture Societies will be held at the Town Hall Brussels, on Saturday afternoon of 0111 week, commencing at 3 o'ulook, to ar raug0 the prize list for Fall Show, to A full attendance asked for. Tag Clinton News.ltecord says :- There is going to be a big day on July lot in Brussels. If the sound of revelry is not heard there it will not be from look of base ball, font ball, lacrosse and other games ; trades' procession, fire toarrm. ment, brass band etc., all of 1v1io13 will help visitors and other to celebrate the anniversary of our natal day. CANCELLED. --A special meeting of the brethren of the L, 0, L. of this section was held in the Orange Hall, Brussels, m1 Monday evening, to take into con. eiderat100 the celebration of the coming 10th of Jule. After an animated dia. mission it was decided to abandon the idea of holding a celebration here on an - count of several lodges desiring to go to Harristou and Clinton, respectively, and I the strong invitations extended to the I members of the Order from the towns mentioned above. Itis expeoted, hots. ever, that Brussels will be given an op- portunity again of having the "walk" l here on account of mooting to forfeit their right this time. Brussels, Walton I and Ethel lodges will likely go to Har- riston. BE9oLuTIoN of 00ND0LEN00.-Wbereae it has pleased the supreme and 0mnipo. tent Ruler of the un1veree to remove by death the estimable wife of Bro. Jacob Hamer, our Record Keeper, and knowing that the loss he has been called upon to sustain is one of the most severe trials a man has to pass through, Resolved that we, the members of Brussels Tent, No. 24, K. 0. T. M., extend to him, and his bereaved friends, our heartfelt sympathy in their hour of sorrow and bereavement, and trnet they may bear up under the affliction and look forward to the bright I future where they will meet in the other world, where sin and sorrow are un- known and parting is no more. Signed on behalf of the Tont, A. McGurn, Corn. DOAIINtoN DAY IN BsussELe —The people of Emulate have made great pro. parationa for celebrating July 1st, 1890, in royal style. At 10 ea m. there is to be monster Trades' Procession, beaded by Brussels Band, Firemen, 3 Fire Engines, visiting Baseball, Football and Lacrosse players. A grand fire engine test when three of Ronald's celebrated fire engines will give exhibitions. Laorosse match between 11/Ingham and Brussels clubs. Football match for a ball and valuable silver op, between the "Ironsidee," of Turnberry, and Bruees's club, Base. ball tournament in the afternoon, be. tween Exeter's champion club, Tees - water club, Clinton club and others, for prizes of $40 and 920. Brussels club will play the winning club an exhibi- tion game, Bosidee there will he races and athletic sponte for all. Entrance fee to all games and matches, free. A grand drawing of ladies' gold watch worth 935.00 given to the lucky spectator. All of this glorious array of attractions only costs 10 Dente, to see everything. None should mica this excellent chance of enjoying Dominion Day, 1890. Promenade concert in the rink in the evening, The Seaforth Quartette Club, with the best local talent, and Brussels Orchestra will take part. SEtroArl0NAL,-On 1'hureday afternoon oflast week the Editor of This POST re- ceived o, letter from Toronto, purporting to be written by P. Thotnson, well known in Brussels, intimating that his dangle. ter Clara had died on Wednesday oven- ing in that city, that he would be up with the corpse on Friday night, and requesting that notices be got out at eluteannouncing the funeral for Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clook. 1I, J. Whitley, a son-in-law of Mr, Thomson's, also re- ceived a letter by eatne mail asking him to break the sari newtsto the relatives here. In short ardor the funeral noblest was in typo and would have been ran off but Miss Maud Thomson called and in. formed ns that they had a letter from Mise Clara, informing them of what was going to be rnmoured of her deoeaso, r to., but not to he alarmed es she was alive and well and if the notice appeared in Tits Pose she would 0000800iot it in the next Nene and show up the Writer, Also that she had been made acquainted of wlmt wee on the boards by a friond in Toronto, 00 is needless to say the fun. 0181 flakes were not printed. Compar- ison of Mr. .5honlson's handwritn with the letter received Was made an the lying effusion in the hands of the Editor was pronounced a forgery. Who worked up this silly, contemptible gush, we are not prepared to say jnet now but it would not be out of order for Mr. Thomson to ascertain, if possible, who furnished the advance information at Toronto. A joke is very good in its place bub death, fnnoral, &o., are a little too serious a natter to work up cheap notor- iety upon. Wo purpose sifting this matter a little further yet before we are through with 1t so that the blame may rest upon the right shoulders. Quito a commotion sons caused in Brussels over the reflector. THE Poem came very nearly having some second Hand funeral notion to dispose of over the traneactOel. ONE second hated wagon, one second hand buggy and 5 tons binder twine for sale at B. Gerry's. BEB!:BEI ons, Tnie WON'T SliN0 Yee. - For the next four weeks I will sell painted chaff.hives, (once) 2 ft. long. with 10 wired frames, for 91.50 ; painted single wailed hives (Jones) with 9 wired frames for 75 cents ; wired frames (6 strands) 2 cente each ; section orates with 2 rests, 10 ate. cnoh ; one piece section, (3ix4f) 50 eta. per 100; The now method of queen rearing," by Alley, 75 cts., catalogue price, 91.40 ; "Cook's manual of the apiary," 75 cents, usual price, 91.25. Foundation and combs wired and built from foundation at low. 051 possible price, R. XSEcnrEL, Walton, noxa1v^- MooNRY,-rn Brnenels, on the 21st :inst., the wile of Mr. Gordon Mooney of a 3011. KnucCoNNEL.-In Morrison the 10011 inst., the wile of Mr. John Kiakconnel, of a son. MARRIF�ID, Srunns,-Jew0TT.-At the residence of the bride's father Mr. Wm. Jowitt 2nd con, of Morris by Rev. Mr. Tonga Miss Caroline Jewitt t0 Mr. Geo. Skittles of Morris. DENxIs-K stutT.-At the reeidenoe of the bride'e mother on the 18th inst., by the Rev. Wm. Torrance, Mr. Ransom H. Dennis, to Mise Eliza beth Ann Kinney, both of MoKil- lop. =2=8:3. DEwAn.-In Seaforth, on the 25th inst., Mrs. Arch. Dewar. MoGneeon,--In Blyth, on the 25th inst. Murdook McGregor, aged 57 years. $12+Vs,S272.5 M,A.1:BKF7TS. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats - Paas Butter, tube and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour pet barrel Potatoes Hay per ton. Pork Hideo per lb Salt per bbl., Sheep ekins,each Wool, per ib 93 - 96 90 96 38 40 35 36 63 56 10 11 11 00 4 20 4 60 35 00 6 00 0 50 6 00 6 00 2 2& 1 25 00 60 1 00 19 21 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. LTOTJSE TO RENT.—APPLY to D.tt, altAHAM. 40- OYWANTED.-•ABOY WANT- J..,bD, 35 or 10 years of age to work in the cheese factoryy, Apply at oto T. 8, 1:1110A ft, and Grey Cheese Factory, jHORTHAND,— Nhas MANY CALD n, a graduate of Ben. yough e Canadian Business University, 'Po- route,(whieh institution she attendee meld montho) la deetroue of organizing a Short. hand Olaoa iu Brussels. Far partleulars, as to terms, Sw,, apply at :CBE Poor Publishing H 01100. B0. 1 1ARM FOR SALE.—THE STJB. sfarm, being con, 111, GieylTownshipps Enron Co., for sale. There are about 80 acres cleared and In good heart. Thera is a log house, good hank barn bosh ing orchard, and all the neeessary oouyeutenoes on the premises. For further particulars, as to price, terms, oto,, apply to the Proprietor, L'ROS,HISLQP,Clore P,0., N.W. T„ or to 2.0f DOUGALD BTIiAOHAN, Brussels PATENTS Gayoata,llo-taaneeand7rada .0Earkheoeuved and all 0th• or patent 0ah110e int the Potent 0f50o and before the Oonrtnpromptly and el copy at- tended to. Upon receipt of model or ekatoll of d advi ion, I Nalco careful roo of eaten, and advlso as to patentability from at ouargo. Foos torured,d Intake nonbnrvoce and patent le 000010,3, Iaformatlon, advice and special r0foronoo0 sent on apppIloaton, J. R.L[TT14LL, Washington, D.C., 31.S, Patent Of 01➢00, 05 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, TAKE NOTICE 1 Tho Unsettled Book Debts of the Estate of Adam Good aro loft with 11. L. TAYLOR, Lawyer, Brussels, for Collection, All Immediate Settlement will save expenses. E. B. C. CLARKSON, 50-2 Assignee. tin Pepper's Pills. ii STRICTLY PURE PARIS GREEN —AT_ Pepper's Drug Store. BANKING. j\ j'cINTOSII & MoTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Trane, act 0. fi•anara1 �aalrix;�• 23,actnooa. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Gated/0/1S Made 071/towable tams, Canadian Agents-MRilOrIANT'o BANE or CANADA, New York Aeoubn-It1Toaosns Alen Than. Ens NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Olace-Vanstone's Block, Brus- sels. 21 -dm TM. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub - lie, ate. Oaloo-Graham's Bl0olc 1 do ,,r north of Popper'a Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan, DICKSON & DAYS, (Late with Oarrow & Prom/foot, Code- riob,) Rurr,eters, Solicitors, Conveyancers. Sm. Oniooe-brussels 8031 Seelorth, Bros sols Ofnco,1305010' Block, Main St, Money to Loan. n. s. BATS, W. n. DICKSON. A• 111. TAYLOR, B. C. L. Barrister, Solicitor, See., of am arm of Taylor, lleCullough k 11111105, Barristers. Solicitors, ,ac., Mantling Areado, Toronto, Moue) to loan. ALEX. HUNTE1i Cleric of the Fourth Dlvlelon Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publle. Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent, Puede invested and to loan. Collections made. OOhee in Graham's B look, Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. °ALEE, M.D., 0.81., Member of the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario by examination (Muco and Residence -Male etreot East, Ethel, Ootarlo. T A. McNAUGHTON, 14. D. • o, M., L. B. 0.P., Edinburgh, Ai, 0, P 8. Ont. At Pepper's Drug .Store from 9 to 11150 a.m. and from 1:50 to 4 p. in, At other Louis may be found et his residence,form- erly exampled by Dr. 15 ubelivaon, Mili at, DENTAL. 9=1.TTMSTR X't G. L, Ball, L. D. 5, Nitros Oxide Gas ad. ministered for the Pciuloss Extraction of Teeth. 74 Garrard Street East, TonpNTo. )DN TY1!4T5 >✓. la. M 3 2117. Honor Graduate of the 'loyal Collage of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitro Oxide Gas administered for the Painless Extraction of tooth. Otaoo-- tat'ONE Decal Nowrn or BANE, BnnseELs BUSINESS CARDS. 'VV" H. 6Io0RAOEEN, • Usurer et Marriage Licenses. Omcs at his Grocery, Turoborry street, Brussels. RN. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next door south of A. M. McKay 0, Oo's hardware store, Ladies'and childreue hair cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AMoNAIR • Issurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis. Fire sloe; 00. Conveyancer at the and Agent Post Oahoe. Ct TAG"rL+` TO GORR,7C1.1 orrlyalkJ Leaves f the bealorthv stage andgon the returns from Gurria in the morning in rime to oatoh the Beaforbh stage going out. This rule will be adhered to until further notice. S. WALSH, Proprietor. D RE SSMAKIN G.— The undersigned desire to intimate to the ladies of Bruseels and vicinity that they bairn opened a Dressmaking Shop oyer Gtr. Alex, 5 traonan s Store, Preterite, where they aro prepared to attendtoall work entrusted to E10-4 hM186108 STEE WART &E ISLOP, ISS LIIILA O'CONNOR Is desirous of procuring pupils lu V coal Musio, Prof, Warrington of Toronto 1s pleased to give hie testimonial as to Miss O'Oonrtor's ability, she having boon a pupil of his dutiog Ler stay in Guelph, £cerin• mental Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar,Terms made known on application. Princess St., Brussels, bliss O'Connor is open for Concert Engagements. ge. AUCTIONEERS. ..Q.• RAYMANN, Auctioneer, 1s always ready to at. to nd sales of farms, farm stook, Re. Terms cheerfully given. Oranbrook P, 0. Sales May bo arranged at Tula PosT Publishing House, Brussels. ,GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales oendu0t. ed on reasonable tonna, harms and farm stooka opeoialty, Orders loft at Tun PosT PubliehhlgHouse ,Brussels ,or sent to Walton P, 0„ wit! r000lvoprompt attention. IJA'VING 'MIEN OTJ'T LIOEN- to 0ondnat aloe 01 farim1 staD5c l00romeol,l le p310os, lloowing rho standing of nearly ovary portion Ian in a nositlon to sell to good marks and got good eeonrity when told on credit. Sati0faction guaranteed. Glvo me orad. 02- F. 5, SCOTT. VETERINARY. `'f VARWIOK & GOLLEY, Honer CraluatneOf bite 130000* QssesyyoestaeI treat all domesticated tempered s .oe, potent intoner, Partioul,,r attention paid to veterinary doutlsteyY. 00113 preinptly at- tended 10, dtliee and LnllrmaryWTwo '10010 1:ortb 01 bridge, 811535050,15015015013-7 at„ Breese/it,