HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-27, Page 7JUNE 27, 1894,. or?,, - . _.-vwnnawam ran Late Cable News, The Nowfouulland Delegates-- Major Win - mann on the Way to Berlin •A War Note, The New-foundlun l ,Ielag:ttes, who pro stun 1n London, 1111'0 ,hocked the bureau• crofts of the foreign enlonlal,iepltrtlamil8by writing to the newspapers; and giving inter, tome to reporters, i1( flagrant disregard of diplelnalie etiquette, They have Leen re• quested to be more cautious, 121111, in view of the '1(1101113 eharaeter of the negotiations r ' c•1( xi 0 d 111((1'1' • •i Cll now proceeding, the 551(111( t u Il 1 b 6 justifiable, Ga !'1111 which Js indisputably the organ (if the li y'..0, declares Inc]'F tn11n'e const neo force 10 compel the F.ngliAll 1 o c rne- untc Egypt, Presumably, therefore, Lord i , he Salisbury has finally' •1'f sec r ivu 1( t trefused It Y6 T hula of the Ili a ells in exchange for the surrender of the French fishing rights in Newfoundland. It fx Ian npon secret that the British proposal to Tiny out those rights has not been received; with l0u111 favor by tie Frete'll Govern- ment, and it is realm fly certain that the present Chamber rejeet any settle- ment which does not include or affect Egypt. Heretofore public interest in the clatter in Great Britnbl h118 been very languid, the average Englishman having been miler the impression that tie question 12114 purely one of lobsters and cod, But new that it is nnderstotel that it may involve the country 1n a 90(10110 quarrel 11111 Flange, the course of negotiations will be closely' and jealously watched. The average t:ngliel own nfere- . mentioned, wile knows little "f and earee less for the Newfoundlander is eery sem Live and even bellicose when the subject of the withdrawal froin Egypt ie Imo:whed, ;baja; 'Nis:g sten lies left Cairn on einttc for P,rrliu. Inning his .kart ,y in Egypt p he r0oeived h•oin and sear to his t norm mc11] many lac l pate•hes, bat it 1 < nM probable that 'the Afrhltn l2pntn les\Vean Isn1411L1u1 and Ger 10111 • will be scttlyd mail he has personally l 1perted t , Emperor \Cil - limn and Chamccllor 'am ivi. The 21 vj 'ci. 1neut here is daily queetio11 d on the, subject in Parliament, but declines to give. any in - re vuntiot, 'Thorn is little reusen to doubt, however, that the llogntiatin1N will vestllt 111 concessions to the GCIR11tui' in regard to the territory west of Vittoria Nyanza in retitle for a ( iceman evltemttien of Vital in the east. 'flet seems to be Stanley's opinion also, aL though ho declines to commit himself to 1 1111110 stet einem. 11;, recently received a eomiluvieati(I2 freer the British Foreign ((floe whish would furnish interesting seal- ing could it Tic made pol>]he. Its effect upon him was marvellous, for be has ceased de - lemming the Germans, and new tats Eng- lishmen : "Thu aettleneut of the African question 0 the easiest thing imaginable. 1t fe purely n matter of give and take. The African wilderness is not worth a shot fired in anger between I clglichrneu noel Germans. It is not '1000(11 even an cxeltinge of angry words." A less ambiguous war note resonnde from lower down the llantlbe, where those abiding nuisances, the policitiauls of Scrcia, scene to 1,e on the eve of a now 00n0ai 1031121 depar- ture, Unless all signs fail, the boy hang Alexander is to be (let/ironed within the next few weeks, and there premiss to be an 11101( Wesel for the crown between Milan aud the Prince of Montenegro. Austrian travelers have been so rudely treated on the Berrien frontier since \Vetlnesday that the authorities at Vienna would have to inter- fere in any event, but they 02012011 this 11190. 102102 as a sign that something 1111011 graver is impending. Cholera has broken out at Puebla de Rugat, in the province of Valencia, and there have already been flm'teel deaths from the dis- ease. It is believed that the disease was conveyed to the place by some soldiers who recently arrived there from North Africa. Tackling a Red-headed Woman With a Boil, "I bog your pardon," he said, as a woman cane to the door ill 4118001to 1110 knock. '"1 nil looking for a ratan with ahar0-lip and a wooden log named Johnson—" "Is it his wooden leg that is named John- son, or aro his hare -lip and wooden leg both named Johnson 1" she demanded. 1 didn't mean, of course, that his wooden leg was named 3011119011. I—" "11011 what did you say so for?" "Permit me to explain, madam, I was only—" " I haven't asked you for any explanation, have I?" ""Certainly not. My object in trying to find have I asked you to state why you tire trying to final out anything?" '01 course not, madam, but being a stranger ill tllo neighborhood—" "Do you mean that 11211 a stranger h1 the neighborhood?" ""No, nladu1(y certainly not. I—I—goods morning, 111112lall." Ifo perused a moment when safely outside the front gate to plop the prospiratiol from his face, null thou started down the street. "If over I taeklo a red-headed woman with a boil on Lor 21000 for information again," Ile said to himself, ""may I be e•sentially dog -gored 1" The Invention of the Luoifer Matoh, A quarter of a century ago 11r, John Walker, of Stockton -upon -Tees, then 0nrry- ing on the business of at chemist and drug- gist 111 that town, was preparing some light- ing mixture for his own use, By Ile necden. tal friction on tho hearth of a march dipped ill the lni0tnr0 a light was obtained, The flint was not thrown away. Mr. lVallttr aonnuolae(l the sale of friation matches, This W�8 in April 1327, "Young England," Who has cone into beings/nee that (lay, now MIA a pocketful of lnolf0'0 for a penny. lir, Walker, fora box of 110, with a pleee of (doubled sandpaper for friction, got a s11J11- Jng! ""Prometheans and other competitors beat him clown to sixpence. And then, on. willing to bo beaten down still further, he rergemeed the sale, Old. Him's= 11irn, an inmate of the Stockton Almshouse, was lir. Walkee's matchmaker, and John Ellis, books bindee, made the paper' boxes at lid each, Mr, John Nixon, solicitor, was 1Ir. Walker's first customer. Production 112;0 been cheap- ened but a conmadit 0 • tions few erred 111 all '111(110 have ""fallen like loafers," The bast 11011 you over lived was the truest hour rho highest level, not alone of man, but of (god, for perfection in human. icy Js porfeotion in godline00,-t1'llilips Brooks, 1), J), , WHBW 1 WHAT A WHOPPER, The )12M1 Ealing Plant Kaki to (Avow In L trice. Professor ~thele ie,h, Iha well known I Hai f 1' while t l• tl ll:t .\11'11 to o aV•1,1111, \5 11 e• 1',45'0 111„ 11'1 1 the Stanley expedition in the l2su•bof :Vries 101100'1 11 11111(6 with a p('i(lint 'noel 00110 1 ("liege, ,(1111 o1( examination it 'Watt $,mad 111111 the shrub, although growing like other plants from the soil, 11.114 111'ae61ea11y tem- pests/of iron, 'l'he Ie ves, allbou 1 g t vary thin, worn bout with great ditlieulty, turd the tlwigs tw,l litane1118 resisted pressure with (2 force about (spial la the s12111e 011111111 of 11.012, end to 0201200 It leaf It was found 1100eseary to separate it from the 1)2911 With a file, \Vhila Professor Scdnlwl cab was digging at the base of this phut for the mopes(' of making an examination of its roots, C1C natives crowded around bin; mend nuu. hurt gestieuh2ting int menacing manner. The ptoles0(r 01111111101 from his work and rho nitopretet• was sent fo'. 1I( exphdued that this ens a holy tree and worshiped by religion09a (lo t o vee 1 1 choir fetich n 2 d h natives 1 plant, and that to dig one up would bring rubs told desolation upon the whole village 10111 9l11Tall1ltl111g evnult ry, Professor Soh,hvisoll offered to buy the slip, plant, and, taking our a handful of copper coins, gave them to the swages, who gladly aLemptod the annoy and distribute,+ht lowing The professor then returned to THE WIRBLBTS, BRUSSELS POST. 111 ':1031(1(11212a 212„'1 was felt at Cushing, (L1ntTir,r, the. '21(1 (bay, l.x-Add, John O'Neil has been rob -wont from wine Sing 1110111 and returned to New York, ltenry 11. Stanley i9 said to have neec'pted the governor -generalship of the (.'o1gn Free State, Thirteen thousand dock 1121,1'ers et Swam sea• am on 0trike for higher 1wt1ge8 and :hip- ping is rat 1 stiublstill, The Alaska exploring party are said to have diseover0ci IL leu'ge lake in Britisll tor. ritory Ju the far north, 13 Trope thew whole. tell k1( side merchant of , Hamilton, is dead. Ile lits born in Scotland 111 181(1. nm _]'•,1 goods l'a1uc ,1 at'' ;1111 were funnel o11 the 7(2121(2.11 Egyptian an Slonarclh by the canton1l1,(h0Lts 1(t New 111k, r M (111!1,Y1'1 r ,r s ' f I. 1 n :v lid„ demands the 111,211 of (leveno U 131(21, whom it (.h,uges with ineapeeity Iuld ,treug per;isun- themselves. the work of digging up the unique plant, but had not made any 142011t progress when' the natives Will set upon hint, Through the hl• tel'pl'etor the professor informed them that he had legally bought the plant and intend• cel to remove ,t, As soon 0s this message was made known to the savages every one who had received a milt mune and dropped it i11 the hole at the base of the .shrub. I'rofessor S0helwee 11 allowed the 001110 to remain in the hole and walked away toward the 11201111111111 to lltlllt another specillen. Next day, ns the party 1201.0 preparing to continue the nulrch, the Professor ctrl• nus 111 know if the 011)142 11121 1,'1(111100 011• dishnbo•,l 1111011114 the night by the suporsti- 110112 natives, and on approaching the 100101 plant was astonished to bud 14 lad changed its color completely, Instead of being a bevottiful steel eelor, the stent, leaves and what leas exposed. of the roots preseet011 the ,appearance of newly wined copper 90i SIS 111111 glittered in the morning sunlight like polish- ed gold. Upon extunluatiun 1t was ((0001" Mined that dining the night the strange plant had absorbed nearly all the capper 01,1119, with Ile result of completely 0hang(g its coley, What Was left of the (mine 'in the hole showed that they were more than half eat- en away or absorbed by the foots of the metal plant. sat only las the color clung. ,d, but (be textuee of two plant had under- gone a similar transformation, It was' found that the thin vy shaped leaves w000 now easily bent around the fingers, would retain any shape given them and could be readily cit with an ordinary pair of soissors. ProfessorScllelwi0oh succeeded in surrepti- tiously scenting several branches of this wa1111e1'flll metal eating plant, told was also successful 111 Obtaining a good photograph of it, No further truce of the existence: of the metal plant was found until they reached the Uniamesi smutty, when at the baso of the Nkce nahakosi \fountains a perfect forest of this curious plant was found, This being n11uninhabited region, no difficulty ficulty was pie:neutered iu securing specimens to Mho back to England. A great fire eros 131ilt ubntl1 the true, but It would net bt11'21 the least little bit, Railway Engine With a Record, There .10 a particularly vieinl8 engine on the East T0111109900 road, IL has (tilled tweet yseven men, cant engineers and lire - Men feel a superstitions dread whenever they have to taken, run on the rails with this mail killer. " I sometimes fool," said the grizzled old stoker a few days ago, " that there is a murderous spirit in that engine, She killed two mon before she got on the tails. While sloe nub being steamed up in the shops aping blew out, and two 11100112211208 were scalded to death. Thal it was brought south and sent out on its first 0011. She moulted the nails and plunged clown an embankment, killing her engileee and fireman. "Soon afterwards she was fixed up and int on the load again. Shoran for a while all right, now 0110 night tine engineer that was driv- ing her saw a heacl-light bearing down o11 hits and tried to reverse the lover and run back ; but the engine acted like a 1111(10 and wouldn't s 1 hart an wet to 2110 throttle. She went whirling o1( and crnto the other train. ashed i Five 111011 were killed in the two engine box- es. But I can't remember half the devilry that engine has played. Once she seemed to get into the clumps while on the road and lust wouldn't be managed. She acted as if the devil was i11 her cylinders. Whenever the engineer pulled open the throttle she would storm down rho trach like a eat, and it wet like stopping a bucking 1)001100 to got her clown to a quiet pace. An emigrant trail was running ahead, and the engineer of the man killer had orders to loop out for it. After a run of a211 boor or so 1100x1110111 sight of the emigrant train 110 it rumbled slowly 1211 0heavy grade ; then it disappear- ed over the crest, and this devil of an engine went charging cop and over about a tninitt0 behind. The engineer expected to 000 the emigrants away down the track, but they had slowed up and wero..only a few hundreds yards ahead. Down went the engine bel- lowing like mad, and as soon as tho onli- grants beard it, out they 820arned as fast as they could. Brit the o1(1 eat could outrun the Flying Duehmau, and there was no stop- ping her, She rushed Clown, Dating u11 the space between her and bar prey, Eager fume were looking out the windows of tho passenger ea' ahead, and the engineer, fire- man ; and cinder, 111011 they found that they could not cheep the speed of the engine, stood 111 rho doors (011dy for a leap, They 1220(1 to take it pretty soon, Already the emigrants were leaping from the steps and rolling down the sidles of th0 embankment. The ongineman waited till rho last moment before tiro crash, and leaped for life, but were all killed, I am afraid to say how many lives were lost as the engine tore into that trainpeeked with emigrants, but it swelled the list of the (11e11 that t10 ohs brute had killed. "No matter what road she is on—and she lute been on a great many—she has kept on pilling the mels who stood at hot' throttle, We all fool a little 1(0x00(10 when wo have to run her, for when you stearal her rap it seems to pet the devil in Thor." Putting his Mind at Ease. Pray let this tilougllt disperse the gloom That o'er you seems to 10001 ; In 1omnri 011eatrt, tlare'a only room At alae, dear, for one lover. o She mamamamagive her love tot tv , Yourjealousy then smother For if '210 true that I love ,you, I cannot love another, "Croat cry and little wool," 00001181 the ooit red mat said on being tk.owot his now. born baby, Phe other afternoon Ile (%median tug Onoping ran into and saute the 0111111 yacht Leila in the river at Detroit. There was no less of life, How a Spider Oatohes Fish. The physi,al powers of the lycosidm, the popular running, ground, or wolf spider, are well illustrate,+ by an instance recorded in the proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. '11(0 result, as re- ported, 000 achieved by pure strength and activity, without any of the mechtuneu1 ad- vantages of snare, 'Mr. Spring, w-hiie walkinggwith a friend ill the swampy wood, O'11iclllvaa pierced by a dike throe feet wide, 11110 attracted by the extraordinary movements of a large black spider in tile middle of a ditch. Closer ex- amination OIIOW'd that the creature had caught a 23011. 8110 11(211 fastened upon it with a deadly grip just on the leeward side of the dorsal 1111, and the poor fish 0118 8011m - ming round and road slowly, or tivisting its body as if 1(1 pain. The heal of its black enemy 10118 0010- t111100 ((12110et pulled tender water, let the strength of the fish would slot permit an entire submersion. It moved its fins as if exhausted, and often rested. Finally it swath muter a Heating leaf ileal' the shim e, and made a vain effort to (dislodge the spieler by scraping against the under side of the lea", The two had now closely approached the bank, Suddenly the long black legs of the spider emerged from the water, and tie hinder ones reached out and fastened upon the irregltlarities of the sides of the ditch, Thespider commenced tugging at his prize in order to land it. The observer ran to the nearest house for a wide-mouthed bot. tle, leaving his friend to watch the struggle. During an interval of six or eight min. rtes' absence the spider had drawn the fish out of the water: then Loth creatures had fallen in again, the banks being nearly per- pendicular. There followed a great strug- gle, and on lir. Spring's return the fish was already hoisted ]lead first more than half its length npon the land. It was very much ex• ba20101,111ardly making any movement, and was being slowly and steadily drewR1 up by the spider, who had evidently gained the vietoly, A Dangerous Locality. First Tramp ---Jin, let's get out of this country • it's dangerous. Seton 1 Tramp—Dogs ? First 'Cramp—\\ a se n that, Nearly every nen I meet offers me work. Fashion runs so much to the decolleto that even the popular gloves are mlllressed. There was shipped to the Globe Printing Co., of Toronto, last week, by the Watorous Engine Works Co., of Brantford, a steel boiler 66" in diameter, 14 feet longi. The bottom of the boiler 11'10 made of one steel plate la feet long x 7 feet wide, and the top of two plates only. This is probably the first boiler in Canada mole with the bottom of but one sheat, and marks a mew departure in the manufacture of return tubular boilers. Users of stew 11111finding out that it is 11 1 o great advantage to have 110 seams or joints over the fire, and the demand iesteadilygrow- i ng for boilers matte with but one sheet on the bottom. The Wator0us Company aro to bo congratulated• on the advance they have made in this direction, and no doubt it will lead to a very large business to them in their boiler department. We might men- tion that this department is one of the boot equipped in Canada, having all the latest improvements for boiler makers, and the capacity for turning out the heaviest work. They are lust finishing six boilers 60" in di- ameter, lb f t, long for the North Pacific limn - her Co., each of which i0 nada of but two sheets, Also two 06x14 boilers for the British Americas Starch Co„ of Brantford. Any per000 requiring boilelwork will do well to consult them. If you have 110 temptations, stop I Turn around 1 You are going tho wrong way. All hen, young, old, or nddd1040(011, who find them. solves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broker down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp- toms : Mental depl•08si011, premature old age, loss of vitality, less of memory, had dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the host, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples anthe fico or body, ttohing or pet:Wier sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, spooks before the eyes, twitching of the 'muscles, eye lids and 010olvho•e,bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and 01'1i110, weak and flabby mnseles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sloop, constipation, dullness of hearing, lose of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround- ed w11111 IAMBICS COWLS, oily looking skin, etc., are all symptoms of nar00110 debility that lead to i021111y mid death unless anted, The spring or vital force laving lost its tension vary function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance any tie pet'111a110nt1y cared. Send your address *wheels 011 all diseases peculiar to man. Address 11. 17. LIJIION, 60 From St la•, Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. I1caet disease, the symptoms of which 1510 faint spells purple lips, numbness, palpita• 2s (tot. flushes rush of blood tion, ;kill beats, , , to the head (hill pain in the heart With beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart boat (winker than the first, pain ab0nt the breast bene, ate., cal positively bo cured, No ours, noIny, Send for hook, Address 1I. V. LIMON, lit) Front Street East, Tor. onto, Ont, 1'12. 2/2411111 of wedunu is rl lllx ham 01104, 100111 be •11 al,udfl(d to (J,o rum a letatiem 01 thl. P1e12•II I.egloiatti • Its :11 1 ( lar4,', the litlad sic 1(l lOrpnty for lloi»le e. who,nljovs the mint etion of being 111,, m, st is:Mea ty told obeli'mt. unut in the roams Y. Possibly it ww5 1 heir' fellow -feeling for t h in part lode, (reit of hie , hltracler 4'11(011 ltd IIIc 1x'111'5 of 1'112110, to urtruet the clunuldl u,lnp of 111,11 caul,' to th1s 0etogt'lxtrilgl xi ittesm11n. In 1lie 111(x11 of 00 Interview with it 1':tris ,..,1r,•x p•,5dvut, lie declares that the rg10L1 rights platform is at the present 20,82,1121 fur strout;c' i1( Groat liritahn thlm1 in the 1Juiled States, and 1'912110. a the lira c,mlt'ieti,n that. 11111(11'12 arc ,2,t such fools no well. 1Ie, 1 18nvevem, 1.01. 01 itnil0 iulntits that lollies tyre ...Hintedolevity t ;fol' 110 proposes 14 galla 1'11 against this rharrteteristic of youth by tie - barring all wv,nuln under tile age of forty oe 1 1• nail til ,111(1911 t1 1 of the National Lugi9la• Lure. 07. rw,xtsaw.arsre.,•.no..�•.m..�imssa.,,,.,.. ..�,. Wl'9IOMMO COUGH Now! Per 11 you de nm: It may beerdno eon, nnmpt1 e. For Cbnesaucptinn, Semi ut General Drbil1Iy and it ustt[(1 D7seases, there is nothing like SOL LEATHER The lies( Q11Oodv Sold by (he P1'inelpnl Root and Shoe 1(4(.1eI's, Every Pair Stamped, Retail PI'iCS 75 Cents GOMPLET WITH CLOTH 1t x1('4'9 ohne. 9'111(' a111 Clothing'. A.. the 11(^10, do n,,1 cornu in 1:' utn.'1 1711(21,, later, [Loup. ped, .ea Wed and sore hand.; are :12 eidcd. I•ht' trop Leith•, 121,2111 at are' -n 1,gt'h tier, io nert,opieg or straining oft he hark or sliool (ort ro,e Tlu• beads •natn3,ilodor ti.ligurrd by 1, • n•riegiog of h21111', 01.•11x)' I ,•";1),' .1s 1110 2; m,. 1x not ahs- (.1,nr: as (nor. .. dbu,ry w 1(•p• '.. 1,11:1•, -e', 11.1 0 Thr 11,0 of «',d..104 water 1., another hnpal•- tent ulirunInce 1 gyp,,: -1%),e AN' 111.1 ll:c or,iiut,ry luuui•vlr]i, ': p nn.p. '(rite th:or len-h••, eit,ie1, doluuu•:ue! wit rhr r, ,end dries quleker, -1 x1(111.. 111•;'1 fat ] r. Turbos lire.., 11 Adelaide Kt. Il'„ Torunlo, Of Pure Cod Liver 011 and HYPOPHOSPHITES C3E 0.0nn o a.,ad Soda. It Is 1211700E as palatable as milk. Far better than ether so.eallod Emulsions. ,! WondOrtel fleelr producer, SCOTT'S EMULSION is put tap 10 n anb1,0,1 roto' le>np;un'. Ile Nano and pet the (;nl,4l11r. Sohl by rtll Dealers at Liar. true SCOTT t L761L, Belleville. F2.A (?hi 1♦ PLA l 220 Ill. lee,22311" : 0' - children's skirts , qac, a )2nd. IS8 STACK -110 CHL, 127 Yong,., St., Tnrom ,. P (t ] ( prover. d an in Cada, U.S. •� • - •L TE •� 1•y end Foreign Countries, 27'. 10. 021W0.AM 71 Yong( SI., Toronto. 0� Bookkeeping Banking, l'enma .ip, 08� Shorthand, Th Typewriting, etc, rat Cana- dian Bttsinass Lnivorsaty &Shorthand.In8(1211te Public 1,ihlnuy Bldg., 1orunto. Circulars free. Thos. Be0gougil, Manager, GANGER NGaE aInledsTpiutmalo. r\ oo kk,uciJff0o,, BB000ks Lfrreeee 0. It, allmltoitnol,M.D.,Na(3 --�.,....,.w..�. Niagara street Buffalo, KV 1pp)� l�t ale Cheapest, Stronggest 0011 Best ia421(yPsnce for 10(211(1, Gardml.0rcharel or fawn Lola. Prices from 450 per rod Itti1 ft.) Send for price list.—Toronto I'loket Wire 0$1100 (1o., 221 River St., Toronto. 0 0 0'1t7 EILkLiSA00tE.ANTS.iGood �places, highest wages, ('niadhul (Domestic ployu,tnf Eno- A;r31, King 9t, To- ronto. v4 1110 for circular. 1 y■�, ,,; d��.- n 0 ^�•�"� a (` respectable work 0 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ;b.. SwaerOnty BEAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing weekly between MONTREAL and LIV'114t5'(NOL, Saloon Tickets $10, $50 and $00 Returns Ticket., $80, 0110 and $110, according to steamer and accommodation. Intermediate $21, Steerage $20. Apply to At. E. )IFItI1AY Gen- eral 112110;;00(911111111111( Mall 111115T ('o., ,I MS - Tog H01.799 SQUARE, MONTREAL, or to Local Agents in all Towns and Cities. AItTII+ICLIL LIMBS. J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, Northcote Ave., Toronto T210— Cheapest and '0t P .s T PLACE , I\ In America to buy Band and hlusloali_i,„� IOetrumente, lfuslc, (2o. Agents Wanted Throughout earl da B'(lt x1110 PH(ENlX INSURANCE CO, OF 1HAIBTFO D, ('ONN. 1:5'rna1.1•'tl or (Nuri, emit Capital $2,001l,3100.0E .01'4. . l,, 240.021,(.001 Net Surplus • 1,501„02.'39 g•:.ld.—('.A NADA BRANC1I,-18011. Head °Mee, 114 St James St., Montreii (:1:8,1740 Il. 8.05(10. (10111111 91c(llolrrr. THE GREAT EUROPEAN Dy ( Vacgeancd Lr; ichne;t and Deist; of Colotltlg.> They too the oNIS1.11:6 that WILL NOT WASII OUTI WILL NOT FADE 01111 There 9a nothing like 1h. in for Strength, Coloring ONE Package ZGCL7.,1 Ti: ".G:..,^N.h::l:yesthc(mt5ato It pm doubt it, try itlS 30t 017'0i1151000 (u'dcl'if you an. t , t l It - 101111. Miry- 00crenlOrn 001'O'.in l u 1 1 b Ilyes ^.,kruuing nl ,limps, th m2112:(1001 ao11ir n mo f,,,,..;• Il r y (12110,-., (04122 m yundpudd 1tl t 012,,, 1),y other Dy— Same Fries as Iafe:Icr 1.70, :Lo oar Cita Canada Branch: 401St, fool Street, MoutresL Send postai. ur 5,,,,11, Cantata/11o, of Innlrrc:eions 1,.1":12'451 kW is .. _...... _-_..—. 9 F It fIZllafTti avowal ays (or. 4i�I� P.le:aLV.t i,nf (x111 �a Cr4 mu„. i 4neu(FAarrE7 THE WONDER OF HEALING! . CURES CATARRH, RHEUMATISM, .TBU RALGIA,SORrE TH11OAT,PILFS,WOUNDS, BURNS, FEMALE OOMPLAU"•S, AVE HEMORRHAGES OF ALL RINDS. 11 2Internal'y & Exec'7124. Prices 60c41,$1,.. POND'SESTRAOTOO,N'oWT i' 1 London 19 lelos'aine RAI, $28 (O©SOn'in, - 28 Glenboira', - 28 Saltooafs, - 28 Moosejaw, 30 Calgary, 35 SPECIAL, COL- ONIST EXCUR- SIONS will leave all points in Ontario,. Sherbet Lake, King o A sten and West thereof, on JUNE 17th netotu unt11 July 'r720, 2000 JUNE 24th Ratura until August 41.11, 1/320 JIILY 8th Return until Alienist 1801.1000 For fun partioulrarsTicket applyAgto ana. nearest Station o BONY IWZIALIIIIVIMI•11.11.11../MIIir Never Travel. Without a Supply of h St les Fluid ea'm It furnishes FOOD and PRINK, (talcs IDL LICIOIiS SAND- WICHES, GOOD BEEF TEA. CONVENIENT, ALA ABLE NUTRITIOUSO 9 The ,Alliance Bond 11111 Investment Company, A of Ontario, Limited. INCORPORATED rERItcla y 27TH, 18110. CAPITAL AL $110001000. General Offices, 27 &29 Wellington Street East, 34 & 30 Front Street East, Toronto This Company- undertakes agencies of every (description and trusts, such as carrying out is sues of capital for companies and otter,, conversion of railway and other seenritiee, willglivo: careful intention to nanngemont of estates, collection of loans, rents, inter011, dividends, debts, mortgages, debentures, hands, bins, notes, coupons and other securities. Will act a5 agents for issuing o' countersigning certificates of stock, bonds or other obligations. Receives and invests oinking funds and invests moneys generally for others and oil'cts•thebest terms therefor. Eierg ' 4011 nested with or through this Company earns the highest rottuns and is absolutely sate. All :Investments aro guaranteed. THE INVESTMENT BONDS of the company 010 issued 110 amounts of $100 and upward and offer unparallolled inducements for accumulative investments of email amounts, monthly or at larger periods for terms of veers 10001 five upwards, and the -in- vestor is not only absolutely protected against loss of a single dollarbutcan rely upon tholaa'gbst returns (00018tent with security. Correspondence solieitod and pI0oTmpAyrloplfnnendgtton prcor,l). STONE, President. First-class General and Local Agents can obtain remunoratvo contrasts by appiymg to '51')1, Sl',A1(1207(1.Supertntenctent:. AddressWIL IAN ROYCE CO., 1110 Yong e Strutt. Toronto, 9111'1 for Catalogue. Ts the best. .All 11200b0000 guaranteed, Ma- chines said on the GUAM Al, PAYMENT SYS. TEM. Liberal discount for cads. T. FAKE & CO., Mauufaoturers, Toronto. T.be Albert T flet Soap Coy'g Oatmeal Skin Soap MAKES THE HANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXIC,N BEAUTIFUL. Seo tient the Goy x name L, Stamped on rho Sean aid o0 the lYriroglin, Beware or II1l Mations Delivered anywhere in Canada. Largest Stook. Lowest Prices. McCausland & Son, 72 to 76 King Street West, Toronto. Never Failing St, lean Up to .throe years ago Dyspepsia, that horrible 001(0att0n, wret0hee pail 0121 choking. The very thoughts 01(111 mo. A friend get 0110011 with St, Leon; urged 1110 10 drink, I did. The choking hips got softer and soften WAS cured and remain in the best of health, Bt. Leon Witter Will eons when all other mixt 000s fail. GRONO/0 G. Wn,0010, Vlaorta sgmr0, ltontrea ,, WI 'IaRE311i •i f. * CURED 10 TIIie EDI'TOR :—Please inform your readers that I I ave a positive remedy for the, above named disease. 13y its timely use thousands ofhopeless cases have been permanently cured. ( shall be glad to send twobottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers lvho have con- sumption if they willsend me their Express and Post Office Address, Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM. 41/1.0., I80 Went Adelaide St.. TO'(:o10TO. OtdTARI0• Planers, Matchers ..u1d Moulders Combined,. CIEE.4.2.0 (4T, '01SOForscapIZ,W 400(130 famous I1U1LT. SHINGLE, LATH and V,EN..ER MA.CHI 7'Ek POST BAN ® -SAW, SAVVIViSLLS. LINK-BELbT1NCvO P`,a_'Elevati ng and,O0nveyjng' SAWS, GUMMERS; SWAGES$ " �'' . , `•�'.".•' '0" send .or Sawyers' Guid(i.wi 1O/.,5"'r7US $nine .Wena' Company, Braid ° ord and Winnipeg. onfeberati to ORGANIZED 1871. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, REMEMBER AFTER THREE YEARS POLICIES ARE INCONTESTABLE Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation 1'1u1d•up Policy and (120911 Surrender Tuttle Dim rant in each Polley "Z•33E3E1 3ATM,C41,7” . .1 t 00e7a`Y'' A' mE ze-m w),.wrrxxszN'%C aeeD7C.Otm1. i' AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST E A >J "4” DMA—MIIZ Provides 11n INCO16IE in adage, and is a good INVESTMENT.: Policies are non -forfeitable after the pny11201111 of two full 011111101 Premiums. Proflte which are unexcelled by anyC'ompany doing business In Canada, are allocated 000)( five years from the issue of the policy, or at longer ;winds names- be seleotod by talo insured. Profits so Allocated are Almond and not liable to be reduced or recalled (L6 any Were 41)11 0 11114101'111W 1111)' l'li'callistaances. Paa•1(eipaliray Polley Holders are entitled to not less than 00 per emit, of the profits Darned in rho (less, and tar the past seven years )12.00 00110111114 received, SO7111' ccot, Wan so caroted, \V. 0, MACDONALD, J. K. 1:1r1CDON 1LD, A1T1p(Rv, .-._ _.. 11'2\,10I\a T)1nJar,Ton. , ldikiSp�r1js OF Baan% AWAY YEARLY. W �f. 1v In r, IrA.a a ;Marro 1 da 1�a Y tat `L4@ 'i '1v to sloe them 101 0. tilt, end then lave them rrt.:rg apaiil, 114' 121 AiApt AA SURE l , made tkvdis0ascet SPLs, Sptil0p02 or lat,ireg Stab ung R li('-.Jsuite. ❑ t •4 my einedy to ,:time 111.8 worst 01(009. Farness others has (11142 0 a 0 :err n 11 ort• eenielog s ore Sendai once fora treatise Mall a O'reo PlOttle el •nf '... e, •: r1( ns2(ty, Give E+Ir .e Un4 PostOt"iro. It 00010 y011 1101 isle 1'r 0. trip tee 12• will ens:y� ea. lddreesl•�-o2, 4,r�a•Etl),(51 k, M9d .0.1 Bran4h 'F cc, 480 01ST JAS12)J11113) $:'d0L'1'n'yfkE6111 t:hi