HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-27, Page 6Ye4 1110404 U.
WOMAN AND HOME. You kissed mei My head had dropped low
on your breast,
With a feeling of shelter and infinite rest,
MYSTERY OF THE ACCORDION SKIRT while a holy emotion my tongue dared not
Flushed up 11ke a name from tote' heart W niy
ticassible Xtemarka on Droxe-PignIty of ebeelc,
Your 481114 held me fast -oh, your arms were
Mmuseworit-Womenite isarmere-eintes
at etheveet to all Wonmffitind.
It bee been tho good airtime 14 a reporter
,to find 4 solution for what has hitherto been
voptffitrly regarded as a ilrot elitee mystery
ly, the procem nutkiag that inann-er
effi garinent so beautiful to tip., eye end eo
door to tho feseentable f4'33 3)11Q heart, tho
wonderful skirt."
E The nestled whoteby the so called moor.
ellen plait is Inatle lEtte been 3 relusly a
eseret ever since tho introh coitfl of the
atovelty. Yen can protium a seirt s prepared
Imam any dressmaker, dry goods Shop or
eteetiag nutehine pleee; hut the work is not
vfone on tho premiees,
To begin with, there is a geoil sized iron
Ibex without a cover, with parallel wireS
otrotelted 1381)1) 13 in two layer..., ono layer of
'wires below tho other. The sniff to be plait-
ed is lest wet and tisen passed through the
'wires in and out, over an upper wire, nailer a
tower one, then over the next upper wire,
under the next lower one, and so on until as
?much of the material is taken up as all the
wiers will accommodate.
These ups and downs of the cloth form the
reae3 0.3 the Plaits, au 1 behind the last of the
osZaite in a square hoe bar running parallel
!tootle wires, which, being screwed up with
retasirfal screw, folds up all the wires corn-
ex:Early together like a book, pressing the
phalte into the smallest possible compass
la only remaius new to dry the material in
ErObat eliape, and for this purpose the iron box
is taken out of the oven with a perforated
top ae,1 permitted to bake there, the inelsture
tInst,evaparates from the stutZ going oil ee
one:nu. When suilloient tints hos elapsed to
xdb.fir for a thorough drying of the eleth, the
on -ow is undone, and the cloth is withdrawn
tienuolfully plaited accordion fashion and
maids 30 30 matte up. One 'lath:sore man
moadoces several hundred yards of accordion
reataiting doily, autl, inasmuch as the eannun-
sir pays fifty cents a yard fur Ms work, there
=mist be a reasonable profit in it No won-
der it is thought worth while to keep the
enetiold a meet.
However, it is likely that this monopoly
will be wipel out botase lou g by the plat -
ea the tnarket of a very simple contriv-
ance receatly invented, whie8 any woman
icaa.attarci, to buy and will have skill enouo,11
33 3303 It will cost less than El to manufac-
ture, will be sold for $3, and wit do to per-
Ihmaima not only the according plaiting but
plaithig, the machiw consisting of a
nee more than two long strips of brass ad-
lannble tea 581110 8381 a woodsn railer, Each
mbar, after beino, folded by the machine, is
130one,1 separately with a hand iron, and th
estuR comes out all ready to put en 30 the belt,
&oppose 15 10 iuten led for ei31 ace ealem skirt
;Soto of course, many other things besides
*Oilers are made accordion fashion now -a -days,
018311 81) capes, cloaks, lamp shades, etc. It
38513 1313 cheering news tee the tidies that the
rite, onto a. yard rate is not likely to be
emehttehied very long. It will not be
a.toreat while before every Woman wilo
=oleos her own dresses will perOorm the
emeordion process es 15 roatter of coure,e
ancou the material she buys. -Washington
-Senhible 1303033011lon Dress Reform,
Too see we are grown moOest aud fearful
(13 0010!) nameless, imaginary moral colt ,W
bate become ashamed of the way God mad
em, atul w0 cover ourselves up, just as if th
Bum= figure were a deformity. 1Vho firs
iceeented clothes which make men look like
st-OL1, forked, shapeless forms? Tho ancielits
13111838e1 the lines of the female figure and
13310 33 piquancy to its plimiey, its gracetu
Sexibility. Today the women put themselves
instoys and load themselves with bustles and
esti& themselves out with all sorts ofimprove-
=eats until they look -still attractive, but
faLsely, unhunsattly attractive. I don't 31).
3331131 the Grecian women, those from whose
roe -ores goddesses were modeled, had a bit
batter forms than the women of today.
The race in California is simply wonderful
fin as development of anatomical beauty,
1oltedging by the display one sees any day on
the street. But it would be a great deal more
(oYectiva if the costumes permitted the sup -
p30 grace of nature to be shown. Every now
and again the female lecturer comes along to
bath LOW faits about dress and to air new
esems about hygiene. The principle of all
health is freedom of action of the body and
plenty of exercise, and the 3)1111313)10 03 health
o.„, curiously enough, the principle of comfort
(and the psi...cline of beauty of tornt. When
to the olden times men and women wore
se:lathes that looked old and quaint in 003 30
am, if they sacrificed comfort it was to ap-
Imre:ice. We sacrifice appearance and get
noparticular comfort. -ban Prancisco Chron-
so bold;
Meart Matt against heart In that passionate coLovy 3-1.3,315151) orsr ny 0 111131011 rttlVA•
Veer glatems melted drawing my soul
Q1'013'411 minp eyes
As the mut draws the mist fsau the mta tO
• —
How They Flied Their Murderous Voca-
tion in the Fifties,
sign's Es'ret01 OD ANY) 3'.3$513'3t1 13318
rly'r T� 133.3131.
tr• 513/1.4;
Aml ,your ehing to ;Mae, till I prayed in
1,13-5 ,
They 1/111.11 1103'08 uneletsp front that passion-
ate kise,
You kiseed mei Oly heart and 3117 breath and
my will
tiolirions joy for the moment stood still.
Life had for mo 1,, ,1 no temptations, no
No vista, , pleasure outside el your arms.
And were I tLis instant an angel, possessed
Of the glory and peace that aro given the
I would ding, my white robes unropiningly
And tear from my forehead its beautiful
To nestle onee more iri thnt 11311031 03 rest,
With your lips open mine and my head on t4
yottr breaet.
You kiesed me! Oly soul in a bliss so divine, t
Reeled and swatmod 1130 31 foolish man drunk- 1
en with wine, 1
And I thought 'twere delicious to die then if
Would 001110 when my. mouth was yet moist s
with your breath.
And these :Ire the questions 3 ask day and "
night: (
Mast ony life taste but one such exquisite I
Would you care if your breast Were my shol- 0
ter tie then!
And if ossu were here would you kiss me
-Josephine S. Hunt. t
A. Father and Mother Frantic: at toe Loss
or Their Laud.
21 strange and pathetic little procession e
381)0 10 he seen entering,• this place yesterday
morning writes Et Livin,gston, Ta, corres- a
poodent. It consisted of. a mud -splashed
baggy containing, a haggard- disheveled man g
and woman, with a little coffin at their feet, .
and Constable Smith leading the poor, tired e
horse, followed by a crowd of grave -faced • N
mem The Man and woman were Dr. Wil- q
liamRipperdam. and his wife, from Shady , e
j nee a ou eig een es c
east of here, and tho coffin contained the body 1 c
o of their child. The history of their appear- e
Front Sim:emir., sane tea at tit1 11 11138'
tutl of the 3133(1(71111(11313111, the 01111,3 Sea
; I/. 1 he math for fear handred flak..., is ,tud-
d..,1 With 13311,113, They ometem, great and
$1111311; 3)1s1 hundred. Some are not morc
11,311 an acre in extent, and some are Jii teen
mites hoLg. A (18113111of these tole:els ase
fte 1Ielovo, 111(1 the rentaimisr by
Oyalie, The 111,1 0mA
.100 ti the 3)e11131411111.end the ,3'''1l11 front Dorm., Them, is bat
diticrince beta vett the two 330204, but
wind the
e,. is favors the Dyak. 11 t. is clout -
cm in his habits and lies naive mercy 013 Inc
011(13118.1::) the year 1150 tht,se islands in the
a Sea ore 1110 81111110E311118 of 111115580The fellews made no seeret of 1(1111' 3111)!,,
hut practised it openly and boldly when
e -
ver opportunity offered_ I t WAS estimated
IT -hart, Cairn of the English navy that
they numbered 1 5,000 altlediodied mem
1V1t 11 the Women and (7131111011 and slaves
1111111108 could not have beeit less thn
toot el, I once saw a list cif the ships 1113)'
11(3,1 and tlestroyd eby these pirates be•
111.7011 thoyears 1838 and. 1830, and the 1111111.
me wao
s ver a hundred. ..A.e a rule to ere'.
:Holy was put to death, but if except ien 3030mute, the captive was 11(0)111011 to labor as it
lave. In 1030 the 1,:tiglish, with some as -
bounce from other nations-, opened a ere -
tele on the pirates and 11131,11 5330 Wands,
l'hose who got away fled to the northern
7113 f 11(10100 and to the 11131110 on the
wth, and for seven or eight years remain -
d ory quiet, Then, under the leadership
f a Doak ('1311311Riker, they made
11111131: 0111(1311 ttArTMIE-
11 olie year. 13133).111l!mut ner lamas pretty
ull at the time, awl the single noutof.wa •
vitt out te break up the mw whiny asmoni-
'netted malting. There was at 5(318 11115'n
oo: internal hued dieput 081,0131 the islands.
and John Dull 15313)1(1 elty otenica
f npltine
matters by opening it wr atin people Who
3(11 betteted that they were pirates,
In thisemergency the foretell traders 011
sula, isted by others in m
lel elms: the China coast, bought the brig
'111111)10 ,7f her Seotch owners and 1(110113tted her mit aft it milmnf-war. She was a
;lege, stout, and hand:mine craft, and she
vas outfitted et Pithang. She was armed
13111 nine guns on hide, with ''Long
Ono -'01t. a swivel, and when she left
'1(1313131 she had 130 men aboard. This Imo
8(38138)31 her somewhat, but its she sras n
lean, new ship and well 3)108341 3301 therc:
ras 110 31103110)33. tree crew had been picked
tp tot half tt dozen iliherout ptente, and wet;c:
1,1 letilere and white men. 1111! quite su 3
hat the Captain and Lieutenaut and four-
een English sailors aboard. were quietly
rafted 60111 :11. S. Kildare, bot the
thers were runaway sailors from varioue
'remit, Gorman, aml Russian ships. When
he livig went out of Pohang she was n. match
or anything of her size ever floated, and to
rew were ever under better She
trried three, extra boats, and, as I hu 1
ielped to etow her anummition, 1 know that
he hail it great plenty.
There were men on the peninsula, stile
1re110 cOMMlinication With tlte pirates,
nd to befog them We ran off up the Cell otft
hen until We sighted Cape Cambodia. The
ye headed to tho northeast, and at once be-
an the work of disguising the brig, All
ld sot of sails were bent ou, the panat poto
mought out, and in the course of twenty-
eur hours we noule the Relief, as she Ives
ailed, look like a tea barge or a trader. It
vas no use to hunt pirates with a, man-of-
ar. They were altogether too sharp to be
aught under her guns.
11 e cruised up and down the China Sea
or a week, keeping well over towartl the
omen coast, lmt met with no adventuve.
'hen we loot the
TAM END or A 11171111ICANE,
• , t
About fifteen months ago this child 3880 11030 ,
to the couple, who had reached middle age t
without children, tual the baby beeanle the ' t
idol of its parent's hearte. It was touching ' d
to witness their devotion to the little erenture, „
which they attended constantly, and when,
about two weeks ago, death robbed them of t
it the warmest sympathy was felt for them f
throughout the connnunity.
Preparations for its buriel wore made, but e,
on the morning appointed Dr. Ripperdem and 1
his wife, together with the coffin containing e
the body, were found to have disappeared.
Their house was left open and only the doc-
tor's buggy and horse were gone. _A.s they a
O had no relatives to interfere, they were not s
6 sought for, and the general supposition was 1
6 that they 1131)1 1811381) the chikl elsewhere for g
buriaL But news came in a few days that a
buggy containing a man and a woman_ with 1
a coffin was being driven aimlessly about the f
country. All who met thou declared that
1 one or the other of them prayed aloud all the I
time, Sometimes they mare run across seated 1,1,
by a runnizig stream partaking of a meal of ,
crackers, potted moat, etc., with the horse i
cropping grass near by and the casketbeside f
them. When accosted they answered that 10
they feared the body would be taken frOM 1
them, and that they hoped by Drayer to pre- I
teflon the Deity to restore 15 50 life, quoting Nc
The Dignity of nousoworlt.
Clerks in the great banking houses start
there as young boys, getting their instruc-
tion, of course, from seniors. Something
of this kind prevailed in. old times, when
zeteeng girls were taken "to bring up," and
"were taught by the mistress of the house
wad her daughters. 30 30 not convenient now
sec always to linve these apprentices, jut as
tae changes in other business have done
seaway with other forms of apprenticeships
and Mdenttuas.
Toe orphanao,e and industrial homes are
tfortalehing a small measure of pupils for
lotch occupation. There ought to be many
ozore. When WO can make housework as
reesputable as sliopworle is considered to be,
'then there will he a change. Many ladies
mow kuow better uow cooking should be
done and can do it better than their hired
Tho enthusiasm for eodking lessons is
ihelping to put that branch of housekeeping
'en a more dignified plane. The more the
mistress, now, will know how to do about the
ifrouse the more elevated will that employ.
mient become in tho eyes of the woman who
'wants a service pima.
We are really on the odgo of change in
that respect, but we must take care that it
Ea Iota shelving edge and that we don't fall
otil. A Wire and mother of moderate means
Es better employed ht supervising hor house-
lhold and hor children than In wearing her-
AtvElf -out and into at early grave by running
the sewing nmehine to tnake their fine clothes,
and in letting them grow up with an igno-
meat young servant, ovhile Me is sowing and
ore/coping and scrubbing.-Philadelph's Led-
There are in North Ara -erica about 300,000
persons keeping bees, Tho annual honey
oiroduct is about 100,000,000 pounds, and its
esalue nearly $10,000,000. The annual waz
mooduet is about 000,000 pounds, and Its Value
driers than 1100,000.
A Mr. A. LI, Walker has invented an oil
loartridge for use at 204 in making rough
ovater slnooth. The cartridge is fired from
lutty form of firearm, and is so constructed
ethat, on touching the water, the oil )v1fl GO'
rind spread over the surface,
the miracle of the svidow's son.
They were seen near here the day before
, yesterday and wore taken charge of by Con- A
stable Smith and a posse, who brought the
buggy and its occupants with their melan-
oholy treasure to town, when the romaine of
tha child were buried. The poor father and ac
mother were frantic, raving and praying all 11
through the ceremony. They were given a
• room at the Mayberry Rouse and locked 30, 33 e
being hoped that as tho baby was really
buried they might resign themselves to their ti
loss ; but during the night the pair escaped by nt
• a window and were found in the cemetery, '
I where they had nearly succeeded in exhum-
ing the coffin, When taken away they be- To
canto so violent that it was necessary to se. ,ta
hich we rode out safely, and after it sub -
tied we limped along to tho north with
oretopinnsts down and sails too and rent.
sailor looking, at us from a distance of
all a mile would have said that eve had
oiled through by the skin of our teeth. A
end calm usually follows a storm in that
a, and as IVO 31015)1131100130 Opoltenoko, or
te westernmost island of the Phillipine
roup, 385. were not surprised to find our -
Ives within five or six miles of the green
oast and without steerage way. This was
te state of affairs at sunrise on a very sultry
°ening, and as the tide set shoreward we
rifted in for a couple of miles and then lot
o our anchor in forty foot of water. The
'11130 1303 1 1 1 1 marino 'Iasseo
any ship carried, but they had erected
cure them. They have been adjudged insane Id
ansi will be sonS to tbos e 50713130to-mor-
row. Tho 33110 1150 excited ranch sympathy
throughout the county, as the doctor has
quite a reputation for learning and skill iu his
profueion and his wife being noted for her
benevolence and piety.
atforms in the tops of tall tines, and could
see as far out over the ocean ao amen at 0118
masthead could see inlancl. Wo know that
they infested that island, end had no
doubt we should soon be an object. of sero -
tiny. Fol' 11310 0031001) allbut dozen men were
sent below, and those remaining on deck were
mased as merchant sailors. There wits
ram or two in the rigging, apparently Ca-
ged. 1.11 malting 101131100, but really to watch
e coamt, and at obout noon it 38310 003)0150(1
131 15 sampan was apprnaching, The eraft
a sort of Indian canoe made of bark, and
this Oleo there was but one 000013)1015. He
as 31011311000 oonfing as a 018)311 50 BOO 11031'
nOters stood. He tame straight on until
thin half EL 111110 of us, and then halted awl
olt longeurvey. Our ports wore up, yards
kew, a lot of raffle hauging over the stern,
1111 did not take lffin long to determine
131 380 wore a merchantman in distress. 're
ether this idea we waved a white cloth at
na as if inviting him to emu on board.
e came no nearer, although he stood and
Reed Hs arms, ELS if swim; 311113 ho would
turn to the shore and bring its help. Back
went, paddling with all his might, and
en we felt quite sure that the game was in
r hands. The arm woe galled to querters
01, elle% and grape passed, 113), and when
tlasses and pistolo ilad been served out we
Night GOIV119. I L11
a 1
i The term night gowns is used in very old ga
cloonnients, As for instance, 101143, Pilchard th
Redman of Englaud leaves to his brother th
"One night gowne of Moolcoado, ono pair of e,
howso of the same." curious fashion of the 131
public wearing of night gowns ho England is '
reeounted in Walker's "Historical Memoirs
(1081) of the Irish 13ar." "Among many otlur lot
ridieulous 10031 1050 that prevail in thie coon trY
hinee tho reign of Queen .3511110 10 that of the
ladies wearing boa gowns in the streets about or,
forty years ago." "Camellia of Dublin were tit
so disgruntled with this fashion, or perhaps fn
I being so prejudicial to trade' that they tried
every expedient to abolish itThey insulted te
in the streets and publics place i those ladies se
who complied with it, and ridiculed 11 30 bal- re
' lads, but the only expedient that proved he
effectual was to prevail on au 0010013)01115 111- 51,
, male who had been condemned for a murder 011
I to appear at the place of execution in a bed sh
gown," -Dry _Tula Clirouiele, 013
keast-Writing Reporters,
The English newspapers are discuesing with
gravity the feat of a reporter tor the London
Times who turned out on the typewriter in
two home 0,000 words of "copy," says the
London correspondent of the Cincinnati COM.
morcial Gnat& It is hold up as a rare
journalistic feat, and the English press is
making much of it,
Hero in Cincinnati it has boon frequently
done, and it was thought so 31100)505 matter
of course that it received no mention in the
press, There are reporters 00 tho staff of the
Commercial Gazette who have frequently
done that tvhich tho London papers describe
as a,
Thero arei 2,203 words in 4 column of solid
nonpareil type in this paper. Gov, Foram'
13)31310 31 speech in this 1.003111 one night and tho
reporter for the Commercial Goma° Who re.,
ported it tranecribed his shorthand nate of
the spoech in oixty-flve minutes, There wore
Just 4,000 words of the speech.
- • • . .
re ready.
As the tido was setting inehore, the brig'
stern was toward the Island. Wo quietly
toiled 011 to the spring which bad boon set
and brought her starbonrd to bear. This 1111(11-
300110 might have
AltOMULD TILE 0811'IC/01`04
01(110 Dyalo had WO not taken so Much pains
to diagniso the brig. As it was, they doubt.
ess argued that it svas for the purpnee of
assisting, us in our repair& At any rate, at
abont three o'elock 111 tho afternoon, NVO
eaught, eight of their fleet wetting out. The
see, 131(8 smooth and glassy, and We 3:011111
Bee the croft almost as son 50 33,3')' left shere,
There 317000 live of (bo native craft called
praline. These are ohimsydooking affairs to
a European, but as a:natter of fact, am light,
buoyant, end quite safe in a heavy sea,
None of those approaching us had maste or
ettile, 1/111 311;00 0801/0110(1.1.1y rowers. Hoch
hall a small iron cannon mounted on the
bows, and the rowing and steering WaS
from behin,1 a sereen 00 partition, whielt
:messed the heat Menu a thir,l of ite length
from the bow. As eaine 11015800 We 0001E1
01111113 41/0111 loventy :nen in front, 4 0101
HOreell. 10111e had muskets and 011 had tho
813'or31,111u, weapon ealled 11 km,
NVIiile our guns werc loaded and the tomb;
8011117- to 1E0 ‘180111/e11, the moot 3,1 111)1' (T)7W
WETE: 0111 4. sigisi 31111111 111' I nil weeks. The
0.1111115 mete en in line until about half a
mile away, and then they forkned ill a line
11117 '(1111'!' Way. That is, meth wait now boil'
ns, With aii interval L,1 not 11108o than
(1.11 feet het )(eon thou. Von Wolthl
1 10 night they w0111,1 play the itypiterite 15 1it1
113,1 try and got ab./11.1',1 01 114 11.11 11On3 ;On,
lighting er leo( ;4 life, but that boil
1111; are, 'flay didn't 1111,11 10 03)5134 11 8;101
of us, awl they prolably 11,q0s1 for a little
1.0 111tOke 111111 ter. 111,A; 0X...1111V. Tiler
no. it, 01180 0110111.;11. ..1.3 a given signal 0,0011
..1114 .4 thvir ,,t•itt a 40111 1..11 whiz-
zing at us, Et :my man 1,11,11 33 yell, and
live pralute diteleel forward t heatel us.
\\o let them eente 121113111 10 Tutelar of a utile
before we dropped the polls and run out
11111 gnus, loaded With short•fmic s110,11 and
gap.. " (tang !" " bang !" " loom 2" went
gun after gun, the (nuzzle of eitelt depeessed
for 1113: :shorl range, and, 11111108411 'we
131111,1 eve nothing foe the tonoke, we heard
enough 10 01111833' 00 that great haw:: 11:51
been wrmight. Vhilo we iv1)ite31 for the
smoke to 1135, 1311310 object dashed againet the
twig, and next. 1185111111 Wo were being
Imes:led by about thirty 1)yake. alley be.
let. eed to a 'intim which had eseaptal injury,
onel yen eau judge what manner of men they
11e1e. 11'hile they must have realized that
they had caught a Tartar, and while one
breadside had sunk or disabled the other
eraft, this solitam, one hoped to carry us by
A &NIL She'd have dene it, too, had o -e
been a merchantman, for she rencheil 05 1111 -
dor "over of the sumke, and no sooner 11151
NVO felt the ithook of eolitae5 than twenty-
five or
111.38 MAMMY 101,1.3)383.
Were on the rail. Al's opened on them with
talr pistols 13101 111011 sailed in With the 810141,
Inn before we had overcome Mem they had
.int down three men told 38,011)1141 130' 111080,
0113 f01101V, 31110 seemed to be a leader, kept
six .13 us away from ldin 200 2,131 01 (35-3 min-
utee, and the seay he handled hie 1111.3 31001111
have thine honor to e, fencing master,
11.1ien these left in the pride) saw how the
fight 040 going they lucked ill,r eir, but a
eolid shot was clapped into one of the guns,
the muzzle depresse1 at the right itenuent,
and the sltot sunk the craft its if elle 11101
been 1001101 381111 Ot0110. 7'0.0 Of 11113 prahns
very sneaking shoreward, though badly
battered, whon Long Tom was turned loose
o10 them an .1 finished the job. A. doom: &ono
palls had 11311111, 0111 at the opening of the
light, some carrying ono Rail 801110 1330 Men,
nil these piehed up a few stragglers and
took them to shore. .As 31114 alit:mord
known, the number of warriors who came
mit was 113. Of these only eleven 000010
'1 death at our hands. 1111e had no ;sooner
lisle oed tif the proles than fon1 boats
vele dropped, eaelt filled with wellotrmed
non, and then we ladled for the. beach.
The anchor woo lifted, and the bvig
drifted in after oilr Eenindings until she
brought up in kale fetheins within musket -
shot of t he Neel. 'rhea 385 10)' MT for half au
luaus while she plied the woods with her eltells
and when we landed i t 38E1.0 t oincet t a scene
of devastatiou. There had been ogombeizthl
village jest opposite the brig. twit such of it
as leul not heen knocked to pieces 'by her I
shells was now on live. "d'e foun,l oboes
thirty dead bodies, men women:Ind ell Llama
end in the:moth of a small tever W080 three
praline and about 11001(3)' sampano. These
NVO deetroyed, and oiler the bog had turned
her elicits loose again as agO011-bk0 380 380111011
board. The forest 38110 11038 on fire iu twee ty
places, aml the flames were not extinguished
until they had burned every tree and bush
over a space twenty-tive miles long by fif-
teen broad.
JUNE 27, 1890,
A Message for Mainma 111 heaven,
"Is this the ergraph office?"
A,ked 1101111111331 voice one day,
Ae 111,11,7(1 the eliek of my instrument,
11 RS message from fae away 3
As 11eteleted 1 111111011 : at 10 , elbow
Stood the memst (301113) 1(1 10.3',
Whose childish lam. 31133( all 113)1038
With the light ot It holden joy,
The gehlot eurle on his forelicol
Slueled eyes of dee3e8., blue,
As (1 1,111 ,lf 41110110. Sky
1 lint 104 111 ((30 11.; line;
T111'y 0,1111111,1 111V 11(1117'
11.1/111 1.1.11(13) 1:101111 111
T11013 1111,11 to 111. cag-r gdtte,
Ite asked the question o'er :
"Is this the torgraph offido 0"
"It i., 1ny 1itt h. num,
suid ; "pray tell me what yea went,
And 1'11 help pAl if I van,"
Theti the blue eyes grew mere sagsy,
/311,1 1110 breath mune thiek and last,
4111d. 151133' W1 111111 the 0111114(7 1111.11)10
31. 131331 111(3)1'! grasped.
"Nurse told me," lie soi,1, "that the lightm,
Cana: Elewn on the wires etene day :
, .A11.1 my mamma, liao gone to Ifeaven,
.EOnd I'm lonely since she lo toway ;
P00433' 1)131)0. 10 very busy
13111 Mum% 11111011 time for me,
So 1 thoilglii 3,1 Write her a letter,
And I've brelight it for you te see.
"I've printed it big so the augels
Could read out quick the name,
And carry it straight to 183• mamma
And tell her how it 14111e :
Allit 11011' won't you please to hike it,
43181 111)133' it not geed and strums
Against the miree in (311)18(308 :Mower,
And the lightning will take it telortg.'
! what 1311111 I tell the darling ?
Fut, my eyes were filliog fast ;
I toneuel amity to hide the tears
ilut 1 cheerfully spoke at last ;
"I'll do the Mtn; 111V Child,"
"1'v,s ell that I could. s'ity ;
"Thaok you," he said, and then summed the
k ;
I "Do you think it 1011 fonder to -day ?"
I But the blut. sky smiled in answer,
I And the sun olunie dazeliug bright,
1114.1 his face, as Ito elowly turned away,
Loet 401110 of its gladseine light ;
"Ilat, innoe," he oaid, 1131 stay eu long,
Wen't 1173 )111 emne any more ;
so good.hye, ril oome and eee sem again
Eight after a fonder shower."
She Said Pshaw ! and So Did He 1
Nat a pretty„word, perhaps, but then she
said it so prettily I
She NVaS a meet littIt thiug, anti when she
3)03 (151 hyoids on her hips, lifted up her saucy
little face, and, looking at you with her half
shut eyes, emitted this provoking monosyll-
able, it Ilew as straight and swiftly to its
mark as any shaft in Cupid's quivets And
just because the little minx 38111 perfectly
conscious 01 51)0 effect of her " Pshaw 1" she
uttered it on all publie occasions.
She said " Pelmw 2" to everybody and
without any apparent, reason, but theee oets
ono to whom she said it move frequently
than to anybody else, and for the best of
reasons. For he loved her and she pretend-
ed that she didn't love him, and so for a long
time " Psluov W00 all the mover the poor
fellow got to his proyers and protestations.
,ou 2"
" I would give my life for a kiss from
your lips."
" 1 will blow my brains out if you refuse
to listen to me 1"
Pshaw 1" said she, bringing her laughing
face still closer to lois ao that Mr temptiug
Yeti lips fairly touched his beard.
She wasn't, tt bit afrokl of him, you see, but
110, poor fellow'leas still 5). little afraid of her
and she drove him almost crazy with her
coquetry. At laet ho low all putieneo, and
coming upon her unexpectedly ono evening
lie said never a word but took her in his arms
and covered her face with kisses. Site strug-
gled and screamed like a captured bird, anti
as uselessly, for the victorious lover paid 110
ntteution to her remonstrances but kiseed
lice hate, brow, cheeks and lips with the
concentrated passion of months of desire,
And es ho geow bolder, and, drawin31 her
on his knee, kiseed her white throat aml
elitsped her yet mom passionately, she be-
came alarmed. Sho gave up struggling and
had recourse to tones and entreatioe.
" Let 1310 3)1), oh I Please lot me go !"
" Pshaw l' said he. He didn'6 say 15 1(0
prettily as she did, and ho didn't, have soffit
a saucy little face, but then ho Wati a,good
(lord 83)01138 31) Well, when he did re-
lease her, there Were mere tears and some
repromehful glances and then a sweet little
kiss of forgiveneee, given without the lead
compolsion, She novor said " Pshaw 1" to
him again -that is not when she had on
1108 boot frock mill wonted to keep her hair
in order, anti they are to bo married next
week, I bolieve.-[From the French of
Caton° Mendes,
/low Not to be Taken for a Baal Couple
Bride (on honeymoon tour) -"I hope the
people in the oar won't take us for a bridal
temple and make fun 01 05.''
Bridogrootn-"I've got a plan to make
them believe we have boon married a year
or two,"
Ilride-"How delightfrd 3 What is it ?"
Dritlegromn -"I'm going to leave you hero
by yeursolf while I go into the smoking car
and play is low games of whist,"
The Inteet fancy in neeklases is t cord of
white silk having a slide of diamonds and
ends studded with the stone sparkling
Only a Waif -
Robert Collyer, in a sermon to the
children of his chnoth in Chicago a
few 3.0,144. ago, related the following
'Awny .41', I believen in Edinburgh toe,
geotlemen were Mantling at the deor ol
11 hotel One very ('11 (303' Whell a little boy,
With a poor, thin, blue face, 1,ie ftmt bare
and red 0'411 the cold and with nothing 1,1
1:080. 11/111 but a buielle ot rags, Canal Una
mid, 'nurse, str, and 11113' 801110 matches 2'
tx,,, don't want any,' the gentleman said,
Oho they are ouly a penny a hex,' the
little fellow pletell. 'Yes ; but 7.10 bee
IVe don't want no InOt/' the OlnaltnIntll 53(1,3
313)35(11. '11101 1 will gie 30 ?we boxes for n
penny,' the boy'ettid at hest. 'And so 14 3171
rid of him,' the gentlenion, who tells the
story in an English paper, oays, 'I bought
a liox. lint then I found I htel no cliange,
' so I said I will buy a box to -morrow.' 0,
do huy them the uieth, if yon please,' the
I boy pleaded again. 'I will Hu and et, yeti ,
1 the change for I 4111 Vella hungry. tio I
I gave lihn the shilling and lie started away,
mid I waiteb for him, but 110 110 • came.
Then I thought 3 hail loet my stilling, but
still there was that in the boy's face 1 trnst•
ed and I did not like to think bad of him.
Well, late inthe evening, a sc.:vomit came
and said ti, little boy -wanted to see me,
11' lieu he was brought is I found 15 3800 a
small brother of the boy that got llly011illhlg,
but, if possible, still more ragged and poor
and thin.
"He stooda moment diving into his rags, as
if he 11163 seeking something ; and then mid,
'Are you the gentleman that bought the
matches fetus Sandie ?' 'Yes.Wool, then,
here's four -pence mot o' yer ehillin.' Sandie
canna come ; he's no woel. A. cart, run over
him and knocked him doom and he lost his
bonnet, and his matches, and yens sixpence ;
and both his legs aro broken, and he's no
weel 0, 515' and the doctor says he'l dee, And
that',' a' he can gio ye the noo' ' putting four.
pence awn ea the table ; andthen the poor
child broke down Into great sobs.
So I fed the little man and then I wan
with him to see Sandie. I found that the
two little things lived \vita ts wretched,
drunken stepmother. Their Own father and
mother Ware both dead. I found poor
Sandie lying on a bundle of slowing& Ho
knew me as soon as I came in, and said: 'I
got the change, sir, and 38155 coming bock,
0.1111 313011 the horse knookod me down and
both my logs 311080 broken. Ancl 0, Rani's',
little Renby I I tonsure Ian! dee'ih, and who
will take car 0' ye, Renhy, when 11)31) gam ?
What will ye do. 1' Then I told him I would
always tako care of Renby. He understood
me and had just strength to look alma, as if
he would thank 111 c I:heath° light wont out of
1110 1)11111 oyes, and in a mement
'He lay within the light of God
Like a babe upon the breast ;
Where the wicked cease from troubling
And the weary are tut rot,'
Building% eight end ten storieo, and some
even twelve and fourteen stories high, 0.15 110
unoonunon eight in ottr largo cities, And
ammo( these mammoth structures is ono
ovhich Li noW being emoted in Chicago by
Rand, :),le gaily & Co,, the well.known pub-
lishers of that eity. It is (0 110 ten stories in
height above the basement, and the frame is
to be entirely of steel -a novelty in the way
of bending. [3 31111 contain fifteen miles of
steel railway ; twelve miles of steam pipe ;
seven acres of floors, the boords of 11111011, if
10111 01111 to enti, would roach from Albany to
Buten, sonlo 200101105, If the comentused
Ito the building oyere in barrels ono upon all -
ahoy, the pile would be two miles high, mid
5135 3)350101' need in the building would cover
an ordintwy street for more them 1 nine. In
the whole structure there 3111( 1)0 some 3,100
tons of :stout The building, when finished,
will probably be unequaled in tho West,
Why He Wail Kind,
" Why 310153 7031 whip 51583 303' ?" a while
man asked of 411 old negro whose son good
itt the road, throwing stones et tho cattle,
"2 would do ite soh," the old fellow
aoswered, " but he is only my stepson. Itlf
110 WItti my own boy I'd wimp him in or
"This beats anything I ever saw," said the
white num, " 2 never saw a man beforo
that was kinder to his stepchild than he Wait
its his own."
" Well, of 2 waster hit dot boy his mum.
my, who is my wife, would kick the life out
of me,"-LChicitgo Herald.
mengo raw, Insvovarles 133 Arrion-
33a3e0 111010s'B Advent.: vex in
The letir East,
1V1331,, 1130,13,31) 5 3 avellers and ,1 ievorerers
1111• 831133113) ereat gates .4 feme, .411.4 :Mould
not three.. :emu, .4 the oltler Ales, 11110,
1',11.1and Mateo Polo, Were phi -
neer,: it, espae•dt 113141 so far as 1111111 i11111
01•!;1, iota little 1.111 their lither
their peins.
Olt es,. 14 1, wee a so etelimun been in
, I oginiee. ef tilt; venters-, appmutierel
' lenleest 3,4 N111'1'011, anti tired for .1.11.1.
eon travel by ti tetvio' 10 811111a110,
111 111E4 138031(3503)' 3 oars ,mi 131,01,
1341Ver1.i..., ,r1e,1 hyt110.1 110S0011111011
fol.' lite es pleat. fen .4 the 1:i t et. Niger. At -
ter hie err:1.11. While ill in A11 hely:1111Ni
1111• :11;11111ilio.; toliglle ill 11312 months, and
then eel; out en hotsedetelt, with 1,3 weer:moo
meeting 11(3!, all oerio of ditlieultiee on hie
tome In 011,4 phom it wild bear 111(0 131 loose
meat hinobut it refused to attaek 11101, 3(11-
11)31 meat ems' to its 2! king in others. After
enduring 15 keg euspehoe here ‚31 1)110 his
cap. oro debuted whether they shouhl tako
his lifediie eyes or his right inuel he Man-
aged to wane and tonna tho Niger again
/L11,1, nothing daunted, voutitnuel 1110 tvash
But the Iiing of the country Inc hail now
reaehed ferbode him to cross, anti tt negro
seeman admitted him te her hut and took
ear,. Ithn and oang a soug about. him -
imenory of which has sinee bons hunonse-
lett 01 the "Poor 111tite .11an," At last
the 131113) 814(1 hitn 15 guide und (311113)0 gift
ineltey in eowricooliells, ilot rtfLer motne
prOgroso the trepical rains, protracted 1313'
18308 and Lilo hostility of the ..)1111101notan
inhabitants of that pertion of the et:tithe:a
made it inomeoilde 1,04 hint to proceed, and
,111,t1Teiroa 1ly a, ‘ 701)1' returning to the
:.1111,8..eall 1'00001 1.001.7. 111111
Antier.a, toel he at length reached Eng -
/and after an nitnellell 1.2 503',, years tool a
111,11, whelei hie return areused great enthu.
sistsm, Eight yoare af tem -tulle, when he
had mooted 10111 13)10113)1110(500 01
611I; .1/1.1A11,11 1,1V0.11)11303 sent
hint out to Africa aganwith tine brevet rank
of eaptitill 111111 3'. 3"3'.0(101)',' ,k8(,1)10 forty 10011,
Tile ty 111131151 the st;118Ci'S the Sen.
143)31 etni Gninbitt, 1,8111.1 the inhabitants
fiiendly, leo the climate so deadly thee
Park was preoently 1,43 with 3)31 four ,..111 -
pinion,. 1 1. 1 1/111 1111101 1113 Way, 110WOWLO.,
110(1 111 1i110,,l, where the river narrows 1,c•
twiten pre•ipitotts walls, the Men 111 the
King ot Value attaelnel the little platy Wit 11
a 11111811e1.01U, rain t,1 homes, arrows aud
stenes, and M lingo l'ark fouiel his fate in
the waters of 111,' river he was explorhig,
One .4 hi, jenrnele tra., 048101, the rest re•
mained with tho savage king. 111th dire
struggle and tin:ed 1,2 maise ho gave
0, Ids life at thirty.five.
A very dillideent foto from Olungo Parles
was that of Maveo Polo, a Venetian intveller,
81/1111' liVe 11101 a half centhries earlier, and
ene 031i'1 1'.' to. seell high motives ne Park.
Ilk father wed uncle haying returned from
a trading expedition that Mal led 1110111 OVer
the Blade Sea, through ilekham and int,:
what was celled Cathey, 10011 3IEL8e0, 11 101
not yet twenty, 011 their 11011 trip, the Pope
(13331)13) 318511 them lettere and gifts to the
JoInto tsf Tartary, '11Itey threaded wilder-
nesses, eroosed deserts, great rivers, groat
cities, al111 0,01.3 al 11181 1111:1 by all esern.l. 111111
conducted into Pekin, whore tho Khan eon -
furred great 1114/11180 On :dare.), gave 11131 a
place aboot the throne and in time sent him
en endateeis s to. 1:01-111.4. ming powers. I'reb-
ahly the Venet etn f,oanntv mole him an at'
1)1)1111 you th, but his prudence noel good
tionee and daring 18011 ols way for him teat
he saw the most seemed and secret things,
was loaded with omalth anti made the 31333.
01,001- of a, eity, (Inc ruler --who was that one
of whom Coleridge in his opium dream.
In Nenaffit aid mime Khan
A stately pleaettre house decree -
refusing to let him leave him for his own peo.
At length a Persian embassy having won
the daughter fthe Khan as a bride fortlicir
own King, Marco and his companions were
given leave of abseuee, on 13.3) 10)1)150 to re-
turn, an11 went with the Persian embassy by
sea around Borneo and Sumatra to the Per.
shim Gulf, and were entertaiued for nearly a
whole yeor ho l'ersie before they left it,
again magnificently enriched. They roach.
ed 'Venice twenty-four years after they had
left it, and no one would at first beliere it
was they, loug thought to be dead, bronzed
by the sun aged by years ma travel, and
speaking their 03311 dialect 331111 EL steange
aceent. Giving a great foist, they receive,3
in rich oriental garmouts of red eatin those
who ought to have been their friends ; the
guest:: being seated, ,these garments were ex -
(Mongol atter the forst course for those of
heavy 014111100n velvet.
Al the clime of the bangnet they seem in
tho usual Venetian dress, and then distrib-
uted the soperb and curious ganneets that
they had taken otr lonong their guests.
Then they brought out the Tartar clothes
10111011 they had been weaving, and ripping
513001 here and there, out tumbled treasures
of peiceless jewels. This was enough, and
they wore soon recognized as tile tmvollers
who had left them so mealy yoars before,
and they received many honors and 133)3)01131.
1)10)530, Marta living given command of a
galley in one of the naval wan, But, al -
thong!: Marco was one of the first to make
the extstence of Japan known, and the most
that lie said and omoto of his explorstions
and discoveries was true, he never received
any credence, 1101 11 word of his stories was
is as groat a point of wisdom to hide
1g110141100 CB to discover knowledge,--(Tillts.
Constant activity in endeavoring to make
others happy, /0 one 03 1110 surest ways of
making ourselves so.- -IL Al'. Emerson.
Beware of doe lit -faith is the subtle chain
That binds 05)0 tho 0. smith.
He ie a simpleton who imagines thot the
chief, power 01 1000.113 is to supply wants,
313 nmetymine owes out of a hundred, it
orele4ntotnlove svanto them it supplies,-[Zim-
1rie(lettered abetract truth is the most pro.
Oirilla of all blOSSIllga; With011t it a Mall 18
blind, it is 1110 eye of ransom -Monsoonal,
no that hath pity on another man's sor-
row, shall ho free from it himself; and he
that delighteth in, and scornoth the misery
of another, shall ono thio or other fall into
it hinmelf.-Nir W. Raleiolt,
The talent of turning men into ridicule
and exposing to loughter those ono ootte
Yarns with is tho qualificotion of little
minds ond ungenerous tempers. A young
man with this cast of mind, cuts himself off
from all manner of improvemeo O-[Affilison,
A nom ngainet hiswill
Is of 1310 015(1)0 001111011 Still.
Pin.muol Rater.
Ily Ignorance is pride inereasecli
Those meet teentille who know tho Lottiseta.y.