HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-20, Page 8I l k, 13bt SSk LS Ir'QST $20.00 WILL I3UY A 50 INCH J IN GOOD REPAIR G. A , Deadman, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY• sOUTEE1N =TENSION W. 0. de 13. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Gorse SOVTO, GOING Non's. Mull a:5a a.m. 'Mixed 0:20 a,n1. Express HAS a,m, I Mail - 8:OO p.m, Mixed 8:55 Pan. Express 0:45 p.m. tont G'.Cta.t.C1I1, A ohiel's amang ye taklu' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. Flsnma parties are seasonable. A coerce stook of house plants at T. $ally's. 75 cents gets TEE Pose for the bulauoc of 1890. TEE bogus telegram joker has reached Brussel.. CAanOn and Tomato plants at Mo- Craeken's. A rEW second hand buggies for sale at R. bargain. J.ts. WALNsn. SEAronTEand Gorrie stage will handle Dominion express business. IT you want to hire a good driviug horse aid rig go to Hugh Williams et Son. AOORENITOEs wanted immediately at Mrs. Megarvie's, opposite t_ a Town Hall, Brussels. QurrB a quantity of wool is being de- livered at Brussels market and woollen mill this year. Fear is doing well in this locality. Samples have been pulled that measure 2 fees, 10 inches. Tangs of the Bruce County Volunteer Companies passed through Brussels on Tuesday en route to camp at Stratford. "Tan influence of Christianity on the life" will be the subject of Rev. 8. Sellery's sermon next Sabbath evening. TEE Adam Good stock purchased by Miss A. Vanstone has been re -sold to George Good, of Seaforth, we under- stand. Owrxo to the absence of the pastor the morning end evening services in Knox church will be withdrawn next Sabbath. At the Guelph Conference Rev. S. Bat- tery, B. A.., B. D., was reelected to the office of Financial was of the Wing - ham District. Bataan Twese.—Five tons best binder twine in stock as follows : —Blue Ribbon, Menilrr., Flax and bilver compoeet binder twine. B. Benny. PLaa.a.—Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato and celery plants for sale. Persons wanting Goon plants should come to me. 1 keep uo rubbish. Taos. KELLY. IT is reported here that Mr. Robb, of Clinton, has received the appointment of Iospeotor of schools for North Huron at the hands of the County Council. Goon MueeoO.—A. Currie, butcher, purchased a March lamb from George Combas, of Grey township, last week, that dressed 50 pounds of mutton. This will be hard to beat for the age. Oven 9,000 pounds of cheese was sold last week by the Morrie de Grey cheese factory to Mr. Hodgins, of London. The price paid was 85 cents per pound. This laotory has a good standing and is justly entitled to it. HOUSE AND LOT Pon 5a1.E.—The Com- fortable and desirably located residence of W. A. Oalbiok, Turnberry street, Brussels, is offered for sale as the family intend removing to British Columbia. For partieulare apply to Mrs. Cal oick. W. NIORer4GALE de Co. are still pushing out the dry goods, millinery, tee. Their prices suit the close times, and conse- quently give satiefaotion to the public. They are prepared to give genuine bar- gains to persons favoriug them with their patrouaj e. TEs horse racing on John street must be stopped. If the authorities dont look after it they will be brought:to book. There is no street in town that is fre• quented more in the evenings than this .one, owing to the Park fronting on it, and people should not be allowed to en- danger human life for the sake of limber- ing up their 2.40 nags. Uouuotre—At a special meeting of the Brussels Council, held last Monday even- ing, Wm. Denbow was awarded the job of grading portion§ of Elizabeth, Princess and William streets. The work is to cost 37 Dents per rod. Wm. Roddick's tender of 5125 for painting the Town Hall was accepted. 'Ile two other ten- ders were :—Wm. Smith, 5150 ; and Mr. Collins, of Wingham, 5170. ON h'riday evening of last week Prof. Morgan and daughter gave a musical and .literary entertainment in Knox church. :The program was very entertaining, and the various seleotione proved that both dither and daughter were well qualified to present a mueioal and literary feast. Prof. Morgan, although blied, has a motile class be Wingham, where he is preparing the cantata "tiilverlooke," which will be presented to the public shortly. He promises to visit Brussels agTn. Tun Post t hiuke the band stand on the :Park sbould be lowered. At Present it de in an eneafe condition owing to a num. .bar.01 the supports having rotted away. Ib should be looked al .or before Domin- ion Day.— The 540.13 prize offered for the 1st prize to the teat base ball club at the 1st of July celebration should be a snap for some team as Brussels olub is barred. --Brussels Egg Emporium is ono of the beet used instttutiocs in town by the iarmete of this locality.—Tho outlook for a big hay, grain and fruit harvest was never better at this season of the year. --If it were not for the few foot ball matches played on Victoria Park at e• j, v t; atlas would be almost at a standstill In . cy,; ;y,�r,.�liuesels.—A taw youths,, with a little of let beer .3lisr:rowdy element in theft "hake -up, will "ctt esomeof their foolish pranks un- " tidy Iaud in the leek -up, VERY Merchant, so far, that has attempted to meet our prices has had to fail or compromise with their creditors, The reason is plainly to be seen, 1►'e 13vy Cheap mid Sell Cheap, and men doing business in the regular way can- 1 Is,• not come down to our low prices and pay their expenses and live, Take for instance the Boot and Shoe business of t, 'r this town. We have led the prices down so low that any than who tries to sell at our low prices and depends on the pro- fit on his Boot & Shoe business has to fail and it would bo wise for men not in a position to sell cheap to go into some other line that they are more adapted for. Men to succeed in business nowadays must be men adapted to that particu- lar business in which they engage ; they must have money as well, to enable them to go to the market and buy their goods at a price that they can place thein before their customers at Bankrupt Prices, and at the same time allow them fair profit for the use of their money and time in dealing them out to the people who trust their business to their caro. YOU R OBEDIENT SERVANTS, W. NIGHTINGALE & Co. Wmn strawberries are ripe. H. WILLrairs & SON have two fine driv- ing horses. MANIrosA excursions are once more attracting attention. FOURTH Division Court on Thursday of eext week, 26th inst. IP you want a new buggy go to Jas. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. Tns brick work of Wm. Bleehill's new blo'ik is being delayed waiting for brick. I4sv. D. B. McRae, of Crsubrook, will preach in Melville ohureli next Sabbath evening. Barsssns Foresters will send a delega- tion to Listowel demonstration on Friday of this week. NEST Sabbath Rev. Richard Paul will preach for Rev. David Perrie on his charge at Nissouri. Moss= To Loa:.—Private funds on first mortgage, farm security preferred. Apply at Ton PosT Publishing House. TEE Exeter Advocate has passed an- other mile -stone and is pegging away meeting with a large measure of success, no doubt. SEVENTY-FIVE cents, in advanue, will pay for THE POST for the balance of 1890. We want to add 150 names to our subsoriptiotn list. Ir you require a desiriably located lot attend the auction sale of Wm. Norton's property on Saturday afternoon Of this week at 3 o'alook. THE Editor's beet thanks are due to Mise Maggie Maginn, of Ethel, for e beautiful hand boquet: of variegated pansies presented to him last Saturday. Hume County Fall Assizes will be opened by Judge elacmahon, at Gods - rich, on Monday, Oct. 6511. The Chan- cery sittings before Judge Boyd, com- mence on Friday. November 14111. Rev. SASteen JoNEs preached at St. Helens, Ashfield and Lucknow and drove 14 miles last Sunday. This is a good day's wort: consideringthat the reverend gentleman has seen 82 eunimere. Joni 12TH.—The posters are out for the 1.9th of July celebration in Brussels. Rev. W. F. Wilson and Inspector Hughes, of Toronto, and other spe'akers have been invited. A special train will run from Blyth, calling at Wingham. Reduced fares. A program of sports will be carried out on the forenoon of thas day. iuraovEsiimTs.—JnO. McCallum, Robt. Henderson and R. Leatherdals have been putting up new fences at their respective properties.—Jho. Barnhill is having a new foundation built under hie dwelling on Alexander street.—The residences of W. H. McCracken, Geo. Cardiff and Jas. Walker have been brightened up by the application of the paint brush. WELL -DIGGING AND DEILLINo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms easonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43-55 GENIUS. Nor ArrinotATED: A despatch from St. Catharines thus refers to a former well-known resident of Huron :— Arthur Horatio Nelson Jenkins same to this city a short time ago from the back woods somewhere to run our local Grit paper in thointereet of the Reform party. Ide promised to make a great party and a great paper. He did neither, he re. turns to the woods in a few days. He lost both elections to the Tories. Ntew Meninx Wonxe.—The firm of Johnston ee Cochrane, stone cotters, alto. has opened out are prepared to fill all orders for monuments, tombstones, markers, fences, &m., in a workmanlike manner and at living prides. Betide:). tion guaranteed in eyery ease. Don't place your order without 001110e on them and seeing their samples and ascertain- ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. GRAVPLLINO °oNTEA°T.—On Thursday of last week, as per notice, various jobs of gravelling between Jamestown and Walton were let by Reeves Mooney and Milne as follows :—Ed. Ward a 530.00 job north of the churches, Walton, at 82 cents per yard ; Wm. Denbow, 5145.00, south of Brussels, at 28 cents per yard ; Thos. McLauohlin,575.U0, north of Deus - sale, at 41 cents ; Jas. Bishop, 550.00, opposite cdnceesione 5 and 6, Grey, at 49 cental, The above mentioned contracts supplemented by the road work should make a big improvement on the road north and south of Brussels. Last winter was a hard one on the roads generally on account of there' being so little frost. The above mentioned jobs are to be done forthwith. PonlesoAL,—A. H. Musgrove published the following letter in last week's Wing - ham Advance thrumming the late Pro- vincial Election :—"I take the present opportunity of conveying to my sup- porters in Last Huron, my very hearty thanks for their enpport during the campaign just closed. Better support from a party it Was impossible for a can. Sidate to receive, and although defeated' I trust all will keep their powder dry for future oanipaigns. The large reduction in the north is a notice to Mr, Gibson to the °fleet, "Not guilty, but don't do it again." When all did so well it would he impoesiblo to particularise, but ask ail to accept my most sincere thanks. Now that the contest is over 1 trust all uuplea5antnees will subside and business resume its usual channel. To the papere of the 300411y I muet also express my thanks far their fairness and 00nrlesy toward myself," REEVE Gnanatt is attending 5130 County Council this week, Beeeets Biros. running mare will take part in the races at London next week, Tux ladles of the Methodist ehurab in. tend holding a strawberry soeial shortly. Hetet make THE PosT more readable by furnishing us witb loon] or district happenings. Bey. deo, Ross, 13. A., and Rev. Mr. Forrest, of Walton, exchanged pulpits last Sabbath. Now that a catcher bas been secured for the baseball club some matches will probably be arranged. Lase Tuesday evening the Brussels Methodist church choir went to Birth to sing at a lecture in the Methodist church. SEVERAL Bruseelites went to Soaforth this week to hear Joe Hess, the reform- ed pugilist and saloon keeper, lecture on Temperance. ON Monday of this weak the mowing machine was heard at James Wilson's, where his hay was being i.lid in swarth. It is a prime crop. Lase Tuesday Wm. Martin brought to Tun POST Publishing House a bunch of orchard grass, out on his premises, that measured about 48 feet. Some of the grass measured nearly 5 feet in length. Env. M. Swans, of Glencoe, formerly of Brussels, who is visiting his daughter at the Parsonage and with his pfd parishioners, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist cherish in this place next Sabbath morning. A football match was to have been played ou Victoria Park, Tuesday even- ing, between the town club and a team composed of the pedagogues of this lo- cality. The latter fulled to materialize, however, so some new arrangement will probably be made. LAST Sunday mowing Rev. Mr, Sel- lery gave an interesting address on the doings of the recent Conference. He dwelt on the Temperate°, Sabbath sohool, Missionary and Educational de- partments. His suggestion that a union Go -pal Temperance meeting be held once each month in the Town Hall was a good one and we hope to see it speedily acted upon by the churches of this place. Toe Y. P. 0. A. meeting in the Metho- dist church last Monday evening was addressed by Rev. R. Paul. His topic was "Joseph, a model young man." The discussion following was taken part in by Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D., Seo. Rogers, T. Fletcher, J. Warren, T. Gill and W. H. Kerr. The program prepared for the first six months of 1890 is about ex. haunted and the Association is laying its plansfor the time to come, Dlsn,--Mrs. Jacob Earner, who has been ill with consumption for some tine past, died at her home in Brussels on Tue.day afternoon of this week, at the early age of 27 years, 8 months and 24 days. The deoaased was'a Miss Sharpin of Howiolt township, and was married to her now bereft partner about 28 years ago. She was only confined to her bed for about a week. A little daughter not yet two years of age is left motherless. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon, the interment being at the burying ground on the Grey and Howiok boundary. Ci'Ll1111Cl11Lu N ewes. An earthquake shook was felt at Cushingnear Quebec, Monday. The resbyterian General Assembly will meet next year in Kingston. A young lad named Boden was killed in the school yard at Wolseley, Mau., while playing. No less than sixteen divines were on the steamship Manitoba, which landed at Liverpool last week. Henry M. Stanley is said to have se- °opted the governor generalship of the Congo Free State. The Alaska exploring party are said to have discovered a large lake in British territory in the far north. The College of Physioiane and Surgeons of Ontario has deoided to levy a rate of 52ahead on all members of the college. At the Torouto Police Court on Thurs. day John MoMonagh was fined 580 or 60 days in jail for using indecent language to a little girl. The greatest portion of the road -bed for the double track of the Grand Trunk railway between Belleville and Nepaneo is now finished. York County Council has decided to abolish toll gates if Toronto will abolish market fees and assume control of the Lake Shore Road. Samuel Pearce, a St. Thomas boy, has been sent to jail for 20 days for striking a girl playmate, Hannah Gertrude Wood, with a club. A lad named Tsbanit, while walking through the bush near Nipiesing, was badly wounded by a dynamite °abridge on whish he stepped . Mr. Richardson, lob 10, don. 4, Plymp. ton, recently ]tilled on his farm a large snapping tartly, which measured one foot across and three in length, Edward, aged 13, and George, aged 10, sons of John 9mith,of New Haven Conn., wore drowned last week, Their mother was drowned in attempting to save them. Mrs, A. D. McCallum, wife of a well- known monollallt of Luoerne Qne., and formerly a Miss Watters, of Ottawa, com- mitted suicide at ]ler mothor'e rosidepce at Basin d11 Lievre, about three melee from Buckingham, on Tuesday, by Tsang. leg herself, She had lately exhibited signs of mental aberration, induced; as was thought, by physical suffering. Examination of the 750 -foot level of the Nelson shaft, Shamokin, Pa., which has been on fire, reveals the fact that the damage will be much leas than anticipat- ed. Twelve mules were found alive, having been without food and water 28 days. The Galt carnival was a theorise, and it is said its promoters will clear nearly 59,000. fully 15,000 people witnessed the firemen's contest. Iteeoue Brigade, Niagara Falls South, tool: first prize for drill. The hook and ladder race was won by the Oataraot Company, of the came pence, in 505 seconds ; Caledonia second, Seesforth third, Berlin fourth, Richmond Hill fifth, Walkerton sixth. In the hued contest (second•alase) Baden got first, Barrie second, Walkerton third. At Thursday session of the Ontario Medical Association Toronto was chosen as the place of next meeting. The fol- lowing offroera were elected :—President, Dr. W. H. Moorehouse, London ; first vine -president, Dr. Charles Sheard, To- ronto ; second vice-president, Dr. J. W. Gilorn, Belleville ; third vice-president, Dr. Powell, Ottawa ; fourth vice-presi. dent, Dr. J. Wishard, London ; general secretary, Dr. D. J. Gibb Wishart, To. route ; assistant secretary, Dr. W. P. Oavan, Toronto ; Committee on Creden- tials—Drs. Sheard, Hamilton, and Lowry Acton ; Public Health—Drs. N. J. 011001. ton, Weston, and Farley, Belleville ; Legisietion—Hon. Dr. Sullivan, Kings- ton, and Dr. Waugh, London ; Pnblica- tion—Dr. J. L. Dawson and Dr. A. Prim- rose, Toronto ; By-laws—Drs. Griffin, Hamilton, and Careen, Toronto ; Ethics —Dr. A. R. Harvie, Willie, and Dr. J. M. Ross, Toronto. Francis Tone, aged 52, of Arthur, was brought to Toronto on Saturday to be placed in the asylum, having become mentally afflicted owing to the loss of some property. Early Sunday morning his body was found in a pool of water about a foot deep near the subway. The unfortunate man was a victim of the failure of pillow's private bank three or four weeks ago. He was a farmer near Arthur and had a considerable amount of money in the Lillico concern. He was in negotiation for the purchase of a farm near Arthur. There was only 550 between the sellers, a Toronto finan- cial company, and himself. This differ- ence kept them apart a few days too long and the bank's failure carried away the money that was to have paid for the farm ou which his deolining years were to have been spent. Had he not hesitated over the 550 his money would have been paid over, he would have bad 1315 land, and would now probably have been alive and in comfortable circumstances. The shook of losing his money unhinged iia mind and he was being brought to the Insane Asylum when he escaped on Saturday night from the house in which he was being temporarily confined. Henry Smith was hanged on Saturday for the murder of his 'wife on Regent street in London, on the 18th day of February last. There wne a Blight delay while the hangman went up a ladder to examine the Mottle. The alight hitch, which only lasted a few seconds, was a terrible trial to the nerves of everybody. When he Dame down and gave the word Rev. Mr, Hill started to read the Lord's prayer, and at the words "Forgive us our Trespasses" the drop fell. The prisoner was standing where he had been placed, a little distance out from 113e side of the pully, and eo lee swung sideways into the sir, as the 803.113. weight dropped. It was a well directed affair and the victim's neck was broken, although Dr. Smith stated that the heart beat for 10 min. and 45 sec. after the jerk. The drop fell at 8:13, and the body was token down at 8:40. The body swung about 8 inches clear of the ground. At the instant of suspension the signal was given, and the blank flag was run up to half-mast on the flagstaff, over the main entrance to the Court House. The death was remarkably free from con- vulsive movements of any kind, and the new style of hanging appears to be quite as humane as the old fashioned drop. The usual inquest was heli byDr. Flock. It is not thought that there was any consciousness of Buffering after the firet shock. One of the spectators fainted as the drop was pulled. He recovered in a few minutes, however, without any serious etfecte $GRN. Wmnse.—In Brussels, on Saturday, June 14511, the wife of Mr. Walter Wilbee of a daughter Hoon.—In Saginaw, Micb., on the 7th inst., the wife of bfr. W. L. Hood of a daughter. AN»Essog—Jones.—In Wingham, on the 11tH inst., at the residence of the Johns' family, by the Rev. H. Mo- Quarrio, trite Jas. Anderson, of Cay. anville, to Miss Isabella Johns. Sesnnv.-•-STALiatra--At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, llth inst., by the Itev. Goo. 'tv, Raney, Wm. John, second son of John Sturdy, 1st con., East Wawa. nosh, to Elizabeth, second daughter of L'ranois Stalker, 8511 con., Morris. .7Sf73D-. East»n,---In Brussels, on Tuesday, Jeno 17tH, Eliza Ellen, wife of Jamb Earner, aged 27 years, 8 moutba and 24 days. 3BIRTT$5£I.,5 2N.ZAR1"C}7T55. Fall Wheat 98 1 00 Spring Wheat 98 1 00 Barley 88 40 Oats 85 116 Pens..... ... 58 55 Butter, tubs and rolls,. 12 00 Eggs per dozen.... 11 00 Flour per barrel 4 20 4 50 Potatoes 40 00 Hay per ton 6 00 6 50 Pork , ... 5 00 6 00 Hides per lb 2 24 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Sheep skins, eaoh 00 1 00 Wool, per lb. 18 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. • ITOUSE TO BENT.—APPLY to 1110, 0158358.35, 50 - _BOY WANTED. --A BOY WANT- ED, le or 15 years of age to work in the cheese factory. Apply at once to T. S. EDGAR, Morris and 0 ray Cheese Factory. 1_10USE WORK WANTED.— Tho undorsigned is desirous of se- eming house work, euch as house cleaning, washing, lining, de. Washing or Ironing done at my house if desired, Apply to IOUS. JNO. L,OTT, 30.3 Parker's Terratoe,.5101 St "WOUND.— FOUND BETWEEN Wroxeter and Brussels a surciuglo, crupper, &e. The owner may obtain the anmo by calling at Tun PosP Publishing House, proving property bud paying for tbi8 non00, CZ TAG—IQ TO GOD..titiL: AJ Leaves Brueseie every evening on the arriyaf of the 6eaforth stage, and returns from Gerrie in the morning in time to catch the Seaforthstage going out. This rule will be adhered to Diol further notice. 5. WALSH, Proprietor. PATENPATENTS Cnveato, Be:iaasos and Trade TS 55 1 . Marks secured and all oth- er patent entices in the Patent Oaice and before the Caurta promptly and carefully at- crib ob o! uddisnU, 40n(8eipctaro[fmodxnomrteen, and advise oa to patentability free of charge. Pees moderate, and I make no charge unless patent is secured. Information, advice aol spaniel references sent on applioatlon. J. It. LITTELL, Washington, D.O., 1I.8, Patent °Mee. n0 CARD OI'' THANES.— R.MAsSOeLetaNmNG,lOoEEsq., Agentxeter Confederation Life I desire to acknowledge your eourteny end promptress in settling the amounts Doming to me under the Policies held by my late husband in the Ootfe:eration Life Associa- tion. The 8om``luuy has need most liber. ally in the matter, and am glad to make this aeknowlodgom00t of their conduct, ANNIE DIOIOSON, Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of WILLIAnr TINDALL, of the Township of Grey, to County of Huron, Farmer, au Insolvent. The Insolvent has made an Assignment to me, for the benefit of Creditors, under Chap. 124, R. 9. 0., 1887. A Meeting of Credi- tors, for the purpose of appointing Inspeo. tore and giving of directions as to the dis- CIAtHunter,Bruss 0, one hold at the WEDNESDAY, Jupee 18th,1890, at 31 o'oloak A, or. WM. SPENCE, Ethel P.O., A, HUNTER. 8.5515088. Agent forAaeiguee. Creditors should R'lo their claims at one to facilitate the speedy winding up of the estate. Juno 051:,1800, 48.3 MORTGAGE SALE --OP— Valuable Farm —IN THE— TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUN- TY OF HURON. Pureuant to Power of Bale contained In a certain Mortgage, ,which will he produced at the time of tenth Bale, and in payment of within default has been made, there will be oiterecl for Bala by Public Auot4on at the in thelhotel, it one Vlnaga of lis a05nU, in County of Huron, on SATURDAY, the 12113 Day of July, '90 AT Tan noun Op 12 o'OLOOR (NOV), That Vanmble Farm in the Township of Grey known as Lot number Six, in the 17th Cotaoeoton, aontatuing, by atimoaisurotnont, Ooe For lessd agree 01 lance, be L11e anme more or 1555. This property ie well altnated in a good farming locality on a good gravel road, about seven miles from the thriving village of Bt'uooela, rued abort two miloa how the village of Walton. The soil is composed of a ally loam. There are shout five soros of hardwood bush, thirty taros of pasture land and the bafaeao(sixbydvo nares) is all clear- ed anti in good state of attltivatlon, The buildinge anoint Of It frame barn with stable nndmadaath, and a fratne hone, 1804 feet, 'Thorn is a shall but choice bearing or011ae5 ate a good wolf of the promises, and the foieol are in a !air state of repair, TRUSTS of 355:.—Tho peoperty will be o:f- fored for Sale Object to a reserved bid, and Subject also lira 5gx.01 mortgag° in favor of the Heron no Elio Lona awl seethes Com- pany, of London, Ontario, pnrtteulara of witch will be g(von, to intending per 11050 5, on or before Nap day of sale, A deposit of ton per (reek et the purchase money will be required oS tris day of nate, Std 3110 halation within two weeke thereafter, 'l'IfrL» INDt0B0TAn1n, For furticer partto:flare apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, or to 5' 8,„1100T0, Vendors Solior. 48.0 ''Anottonarr, Siausea10,ito Dated tet RruoSSis 0511 of Juno, 1800. JUNE 20, 1890, Use Pepper's fills. STRICTLY PURE PARIS CREEN —AT_ Pepper's Drug Store. BANKING. eINTOSH 8t MOTAGGART, BANKERS, . I3B,USSELS, wzotozaet a—uzi.exal 13a.nleirsg NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United Mateo Drafts bought and sold, Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made on favorable term. Canadian Agents—L1L'o0uANr'a BANK OP CANADA. New York Agents—IsrronTEns AND T03.33 - E115 NATIONAL BARR. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec- tions made. Oldee—Vuustoua's Block, Brus- eele. 21.040• INT M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Noeery peb. lio, &e. Ofiice—Graham's Block,] dom. north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan, E. WADE, • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. Conveyancing. C011esttone and Loaning. Mr, Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed - nighty at two o'clock, DIOKSON 8t HAYS' (Late with Garrou it Proud foot, Gode- riOh,) l4err.e tors, Solleitors. Cot,voyenoora, 80. O(Ooea—brussels and 9eaforth, Brns eels Oinoo, Rogers' Blool:, Ar,tin St. Money to Loan. n. 5.11555. w. B. D1CRa0N. Aill. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,. • Barrister, Solicitor, 85., of the firm of Taylor, McCullough dc 11urne, Barristers Solicitors, &D., Maiming Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan, ALEX, IIUNTF,R Clock of the Fourth Division Court, 00. Huron. Conveynuaer, Notary Public. Laud, Lam and Insurance Agent. Fends invested and to lean, Collections made. 00ioo In Grahame Sleek. Bruseele. MEDICAL CARDS. AVIV. F'. CA.LE M.D., 0. M., Member of the College of Phyetolan and Surgeons of Ontario by examination Unice 01151 Itesidoueo — Main street East, Etitet, Ontario, Vd. MoNAUGHTO'N, M. D. • 0. M., Ti. R. 0. P., Edinburgh, L'I. C. P S. Ont. At Pappor'e Drug Store from p to 11;00 a. 01. and from 1:00 to 4 p. m, At other hours maybe found at his residence, form- erly moulded by Dr. tiutohiasou, Mill st. DENTAL. mESTTISTRY I G. L. Ball, L.D.B. Nitros Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Pciuless E0traotion of 1 eeth. 71 Gerrard Street East, Ton ONT'e, 1)KOINTI(i4T! m..P . 3.2ARTZN'. Sam 17.5„ Honor Graduate of the 'loyal College of Dental Surgeons, 'reroute. Nitros Oxide Gas administered for the Painless Extraction of teeth. Otllce--. tarONn DOOR NORT3 opBANR, Brt0asNLs, BUSINESS CARDS. T IZ. MoORAOKEN, IssurerefMarriage Licenses, Oflioa at his Ornery, Turnberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, southTonsorial Artist• Shop—Next door of A. M. Motley& Co's hardware store. Ladies' and children heir cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1N8UNANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A MaNAIR, 'sourer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, COMMIS. skater, &e.,Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Go. Office at the Orenbxook Post Odiee. DBE SSMAKIN (*.— The undersigned desire to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that they have opened a Drosamaking Shop oyes Mr. Alex. 9 brachau s Store, Bruasols, where they aro prepared to attend to alt work entrusted to them, eattsfaetion guaranteed. 40.4 MISSE8 STEWART &PIISLOP, MISS LILLA O'CONNOR Is desirous of procuring pupils ill Vocal Music, Prof. Warrington of 'l�oeento is pleased to give big toetimonfal ae to Mies O'Oornor's ability, she Melee boon a pupil of his during her stay in Guelph. Instru• mental Mueioon Piano, Organ and Guitar. Tenn Termade known on applcation, Princess St., Bruseols, Mins O'Connor is open for Concert Eugagemen Is. 38. AUCTIONEERS. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, to always ready to at. tend sales of faring, farm eteek, &e, , , Table cheerfully given. Cranbroolt P.0. Sales may be arranged at Tun PosT Publlshmg Rouse, Brussels. flEORGE KIRKBY, Liluneed Auotloneor. es,leg 5ondeat. 0,l on reasonable Mires. Panne and farm stook aseeeinity. Orders loft at Tan Pogo, PuitlishingHone ,l3russele,or aentto'tValton P. 0., will receive punnet attention, tTAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN. OH 50 an Aalntionoer, l am prepared to erudite t aides of farm stook at reasonable mien. Ituowiutg the standing of nearly every perg00I am lu n position to sell to goof( mince bad got good security wbon sold au seam. Batisfaotlon guaranteed. Give mea call.' 110- F, 8. 800170. VETERINARY._ v' ARWI0K & GOLLEir,..—. Honor Graduates of the Ontario Votonnery Collage, aro prepared to trent all disease, of demeetioated animals in n coin. potent manner, Particular attention paid to yeborivary (Wieldier. Calle promptly at.. tended t Orrice sea ttttdrmary-505 doors north of bridgo,Turnberry at„ Btu5sels,