HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-20, Page 7J rNE 20, 1590
LatestFrom Europe
T'emporanooDemonstration in Hyde Park --
Pltofogrttiphi .ng Enderg r d it ik fl Val Ile of
Phonograph Propel ty - .Ut ElerU9e I
It on ltdn bout -• Drstleyl ug Insects by
Mewed, ('nges.
Movements of the German 'Cattier The
Char on the .Repotted Russian Atr'o- 'Fite
uphntn;(apl .in;01, caves or rth intern•
1.00 n. e:;1iiihWhere t portable unt t
altos Tho Anti-SlaveCongress. emu
edgers no port today
The tehlperallee 11011101181MA 011 hull in dilhen1 S, awl it is 14 vely simple
Lytle lark the other rift ,moon agailfst the nter to ebta in emboss anti in1+r,Nting
Yili41t r1
kinder :knell eirrnur run os, ilhwiinat.
(hnve9ntit,ttt proposals to eempeusare ptlh- hy,lh Lo'lnufl beeiu'1111,1 bttrning lnagnes-
licaus when renewal of their stunted licenses foul tape, witch gives a brilliant light, by
is refused thin, was a very imposing ninth., imams of which surrolllulillg ebjet'tn cast Ise
although the settle was not f e slupundnua an
that of the labor parade, May 4. About
00,0111 nen and women 'mal.511e1 or rode in
the main procession, and there were 200,000
in the park, all in etltflllsiilstic accord with
the anti -Governmental orators. It was not
the fault of tine police that a serious dis-
turbance did not occur, for they did their
beat to exasperate the processisnists, Home
Secretary Matthews and Contnllssfonar
Malmo had declared that a public proces-
sion was always a nuisance, disorganized
ordinary tlal]fe, and imperilled the public
peace, The policemen, therefore, tried to
justify the utterances of their chiefs. Over
and over again the procession was stopped
upon the flimsiest pretence, and frequently
at places where a sudden halt was likely to
cause dire aonfuslou,
Kaiser Wilhelm stood sponsor on Wednes-
day to Prince Leopold's baby daughter, and
weighed it down with the names Victoria
Margaret Elizabeth Mario Adolheid Attic.
With this exception the week has been spent
in reviewing troops and alarming garrisons,
notwithstanding tett the imperial foot is
still stiff and sore from the effects of the late
accident, His wife leas caught the military
fever, and has been astonishing Berlin by
her splendid horserldhrg on Thursday at the
grant review on Touplchotlield, She was
n the saddle for two hours, and led her
regiment of cuirassiers past the Emperor.
Site wore a riding habit of white cashmere,
with a uniform jacket bearing on the collar
and shoulders the rod and silver colors of
the regiment, and a three -cornered while
felt hat with ostrich feathers. By general
consent she looked very charming, and the
Emperor looked delighted and declared that
ho wits.
Tho Austrian Emperor thinks he is get-
ting too old for soldiering, and does as little
of it its possible. On Wehtesday he visited
one of the people's kitchens, established by
a beevolottt society in Vienna for the bene-
fit of the pont', and watched some of his
humble subjects eat their frugal fare, Next
day he took part in full state in the Corpus
Christi procession, surrounded by his guards
and all the archdukes. Ho walked bare-
headed in the hot stun so that all Vienna
could see how much balder he has become
since his sons death.
sun assured that the Czar keeps only in-
different track of what is going on in Eu-
ropeen centers of interest, As for the outside
reports of Siberian atrocities and goteral Rus -
sum misgovernment, which are occasionally
brought to his notice, he regards them as all
lies. This is what he is told by an official
when he inquires, and, as he has no other
weans of information, ho is bound to accept
his word. Only a few months ago he said to
a German visitor, who related the incident
to m°, that he cocci not understand why
English and American newspaper writers
liked so much to lie about Russet.
It nooses ahnost as a surprise to learn
that the Anti -Slavery Conference is still
sitting at, Brussels, because its beginnings
seems as remote its the Eemnenical (louuefl.
However, sessions aro still going on; and so
much has been agreed upon that 1011 clauses
of a general treaty are now in the printer's
hands. The only remaining subject of lo-
bate is the Congo State import duties, and
on this th000usont of the United States is alone
needed to nuke 111e agreement complete.
Various Uses of Turpentine.
After a housekeeper fully realizes the
worth of turpentine hn the household she is
moor willing to be without a supply of it.
It gives qutok relief to burns; it is an excel-
lent application for corns ; it is good for rhet-
matisnh and sore throats. Then it is preven-
tive against moths; by just dropping a trifle
in the drawers, chests and onpbaards it will
render the garments secure from injury [lur-
ing the summer. It will koop ants and bags
from tho closets and storerooms by putting
a few drops itt the corners and upon the
shelves; it is destruction to bedbugs and
will effectually drive thetas away from their
haunts if thoroughly applied to all the joints
of the bedsteads and injures neither furni-
ture nor clothing. A spoonful of it added to
a pail of warm water is excellent for cleaning
A Common Delusion.
When diarrluea occurs during the period
of dentition it is quite generally attributed
to that prooess; and it is a popular belief
that the affection within mutate limits is
beneficial in teething children, for thereason
that, in consequence of the oiroulatfon of the
blood, being more active in the bowels, it is
less so nt the brains, and ditsnesos of tie latter
are, therefore, not so likely to occur,
'here is no good reason for believing thab
Manistee, is ever caused by teething; nor can
it be accepted as salutary during the period
of dentition. Believing to the contrary,
many mothers have allowed tine trouble to
run on in their children and so wasted the
ehanoos of recovery.
photographed, flet use , i eleotri.nl0 Inas,
however, enabled a photograph to be taken
1'etteutly huller 111.1st sxeeIstlelntl and ail -
mit contlitions. A landslide oeourrcd fn the
cost sudden Hummer at a quarry in I''t•:LII,•n,
and a large number of work men were buried
in the subterranean galleries. It 'tits s«ppns•
ed that the men were entombed in ono of
the galleries abntht 220 feet below the mouth
of the shine; but nothing certain svns known
of their position, and for an attempt at res-
cue to hove any chance of sucuess tsn sapwood.
mate idea of theft' whereabouts hato be
gained. The difficulty was surmounted by
sinking a shaft, about a font in diameter, in
the direction of the gallery, and through it
lowering, by means of a chain, a small
camera, mounted in a metallic tube. The
camera was pivoted within the tubo at its
upper end, so that it might be fixed at any
angle by tightening or slackening the ecu-
nectdng cord. Above and below the camera
wore placed rows of incandescent lamps,
and when to apparatus hail been lowered the
camera was nude to inulino outward from
the case. In order to pletogtaplt the inter-
ior of the gallery all that was necessary was
to turn on the on'rentand light the incandes-
cent lamps, the plate being exposed at the
same time, Li this manner excellent results
were obtained from a photographic point of
view, the time of exposurebein,� five minutes,
The sad foot that he entombed workmen
perished from hunger sloes not in any way
detract from the usefulness and 'ingenuity
of the device.
If some clay in the often years,
As ono smeary of the strife,
With nothing left save bitter fern's
That shine had. boon a wasted li.f0-
Should settee of failure bring despair,
And sin's remorse increase rho pain,
Without a friend the grief to share,
What joy eau then for 100 remain?
Ah, this -that once in summer weather,
Ero yet wo drowned of youth's decline,
We spout ono livelong day together,
That I was yours, and you woro nine.
-allaunliers' Journal.
"I vas going to sohange my lodging•houso,
Mrs, Grine,"
"What's the matting Mr. Ratner?"
"I don't like clot londlo carriage bed dot J
Sloop 0
nl p p n,r
"Don't like the bed 1 Why do you call it:a
lit;do carriage bolt"
t'I3ooause it vas a littlo buggy,'
The develop meat of electric welding has
naturally led to the invention of devicas by
which heat may he applied in a somewhat
situ tisr manner in outer processes in rho
arts. Prof. Elilut Thomson has recetlyde-
visecl an apparatus by which the heating
power of the current is -utilized in the pro-
cess of soldering tie covers of tin cans.
Prof. Thomson has also applied this method
in processes other where materials are unit-
ed 1>y the employment of heat to fuse the
utilizing material,
The phonograph people have property
which grows more vahsailo with the lapse
of every year. Many cylinders aro stowed
away with marvellously interesting records
upon their waxen surfaces. The Gladstone
cylinder is exhibited only on rare occasions
and to distinguished guests. It is ulready
an extremely valuable recoil and at Glad -
stone's death it will probably be worth $1,000.
A cylinder eot.taining a few sentences by
oltloen• Von Moltke, now 00 years of age,
can also be heard. The squalling of a baby
can be taken by the cylinder, and:whet itsprn.
Clutter huts reacted man's estate the can listen
to luta own infantile voice if he has any curi-
osity that way, Funny stories by l:li Per-
kins, songs by well-known singers, and
short passages from well known gays spok-
en by eminent actors, are all on storage in
phonograph cylinders. They lose nothing
nh clearness and volume from the lapse of
year's, but, of course, may be worn out from
use. It is believed that a record taken to-
day and carefully preserved can be repro.
dusted 350 years hence.
An electriu roundabout has been construct
ed by a French company and fitted up in a
public place of amusement in Nice. Here
the electricity which is used for are and
incandescent lighting is also employed in the
transmission of force to the roundabout or
race coarse. The ponies are of life size, and
each contains a motor, catrett being supplied
by the rails. Thsiveiglht to be drawn, in -
chiding the rider, is about 500 pounds, and
the speed attained is about 000 feet per
minute. The track comprises six circular
and concentric limes, on each of which runs
an electric pony. Ilh this space the eom'sere
and their jockeys can move, partly by their
owls wilt and partly by hazard, and thugame
is comluuted and *tits are made under the
sante rules as with the ordinary game of
race horses.
Golden Thoughts for Every Day,
11,nlatJ , Ltltu love eau emfe in great
eell ions lnit it empires great lore t, prttent
Irl •Into , luldreu stoslt llbrings- and to
devote every moment alai task of sen' life to
fled. A. !s, oleos of lcuut which thus at.
tends l I1, . lel Erl -I bdetails I 1 p1 111 to thl
h r
little I 1._1v ill lshi h love 1,111ei p werfidly
ell nw ' it rata+. mr, N ( roll habit natty
and tote ! s ooisstant app si t muy t, plu se:111 n
will never be "Apra. ,•d with listlessness
awl ennui, 1 hunt will lie tdl.l with
hathlent et r t oi.icct will pas,, t s crest I
s h e til and lite 11 ill he tcola hand fast. A
lump of rami Leavened a heap of jewels.
//ugh Jiar ssios.se.
\1'e ants flat see I he Way we I read:
Our frith is smells We frnr t h • night
The lintels that. darkly hang nerle.,d;
0 5'11r14, our savior, of; e u, light
We blindly walk; when all ,nom+ wremgt
Whoa evil triumphs over right,
Whim truth is weal: and error strong,
0 Christ, our Savior, give us light
We know Thy hand is e'er its stall
That Thou wilt tut our fear, to fight;
iVe bond subnttsnlre to Thy will
0 Christ, our Savior, give un light I
Our hearts aro bowed beneath their loath;
Until our faith in lost In sight,
Thou son of ;Mary -Son at Clod--
o Christ, our Savior, give us light
-E. A,12a51,Jr.
Wednesday -What elements of power we
wield! Truth unmixed with error, flashing
as Clod's own lightning in its brightness, re-
sistless if properly 14-felded, as that living
flame! Olt, what agencies ! 'Fite Holy Ghost,
standing and pleading with us to so work
that He may liolp ms, the very earth coming
to the help of the Lord Jesus Christ, And.
yet I tun painfully imlipresse,1 that we are not
wielding the elements of Christian achieve-
ment nearly up to tlieir maxinnm.-1'. Df,
Thursday -
When I remember something which I had,
But width Is gone mad 1 most do wit lieut.
I Remains es wonder Ito w 1 ran he glad
Even in cowslip time, when hedges sprottt ;
It Hakes me sigh to think on it -but yet
My day's will not be better days, should !forget.
When T remember something promised mc,
But whirls I never had, nor cern have now,
Because tho promisor we no more see
In eountrtes that accord with mortal wow -
When I remember this,1 mourn -but yet
My happier days are not tine days when I for-
A novel arrangement for securing an
abundance of soft light together with perfect
ventilation has been installed id an opera
house in Chicago, The device is, in form,
similar to a largo ptirasol, eighteen foot in
cliameter, the perforations in the cover per -
mi tting tee escape of the vitiated atmosphere.
The rod and handle are formed to permit
the use of gas ,jots if necessary, while from
the tips of each rib incandescent bulbs hangs,
giving a porfeat and powerful circle of light,
Another feature is the use of incandescent
bulbs, arranged in a wire not, to indicate
rho name of the company playing.
Electricity is applied to a device for the
compilation and tabulation of oonsits and
other returns of a ssmtias nature which re-
quire summation and classification under
various heads audit different groups. The
method consists, essentially, in first record-
ing the data reletting to each person by, print-
ing holes its shoots or strips of paper anti
then counting or tallying these data either
separately or in combination by means of
moalhanical counters operated 1)y electro -
mag -nets, the circuits through which aro controll-
ed by rho perforated strips, This system is a
thoroughly practical one, and it is estimated
that its use will save nearly 11550,000 in com-
piling the returns of tho next census.
Attention was recently dit'eetecl to a pro-
posal to destroy insects by luring them
against a altar ocl cage, within whish is an in-
tense electric lamp, the shook free tho bars
killing then. A w'ell•Itrlswll industrial oto
gan,'ht commenting editorially 011 thio idea,
makes tiro statement that at Durham, N. 0.,
since the city has had electric illumination,
tho ravages of tho tobacco W011111 have been
greatly reduced. it suggests that a powerful
elootrie light in the centro of oto of the sea
islands growing the famouslong staple cotton
might save all plantations surrounding it
from the destruction so frequently wrought
by rho cotton newly worst.
The Only Safe Sooltrity,
Smith--Suppposing I should ask you to
let me have 5110 for throe months, Robin-
son 1
Robinson -I should want security.
would satisfy on 2
Smith--tVhat security Y ll'
Robinson (after a InOtnett's thought-
hong lt-
-,lean Zu;/,loin,
Friday -To the great question, What is
happiness? Jesus is the embodied answer -
at once the teacher and the lesson. The
question had been asked for ages, and some
hundred. solutions had been proposed. And
in the outset of Itis ministry the Savior
took it up and gave tho final answer. What
is happiness? Happy are the contrite.
Happy are the meek, Happy aro they who
hunger after righteousness. Happyare the
merciful, tie pure in heart, the peacemakers,
the men persecuted for righteousness." In
other words, Ho declared that happiness is
goodness. A holy nature is a happy one.-
Jaha Pttlloele.
'Saturday -
Who can mistake great thoughts
They seize upon tho nand, arrest and search,
And shako it ; bow the tall soul as if by
wind ;
Rush over it like rivers over seeds
Which quiver in tho current ; turn us cold
And pale and voiceless ; leaving in tho brain
A rocking and a ringing ; glorious but
Momentary; madness, !eighth Inst,
And close the soul with heaven, as with a
'Tis Time We Two Were laying,
Oh, let us go n-Bltying:
The warns south wind is blowing, and the wood
is fresh and green,
And whispering leaves ore spying
We aro losing all by staying,
When swoot the grays is growing, and the cow-
siips in between.
'Tis time that we wore 'goytng :
Tho birds Ionising the sweeter when they know
that those aro two
In forest pathways straying
Who eon toll svhat they are sa •hng,-
And cloud -ships sail the fleeter through the
tender melting blue.
'Tis time wo two wore Maying
For summer days aro flying Etna grim Winter
0011100 ammo.
And pleasure acorns delaying
Nor will tarry for our praying h
Then why should we be sighting, when the days
aro full of grace t
'Tis joy to go.a-Maytag,
When hawthorn houghs into filling with sweet
odors field and grove,
And blushes aro betraying-
What the Lips Aare not In saytng-
Andl two young hearts are thrilling to the magic
tench of levet
Ifnw shall we go a-Maying,
When Winter winds ere blowing, and the skin
arc no more fair I.
With love forever slaying,
We shall always go o. Haying,
And fled sweet flower's ggrorhlg e'en whoa Holds
aro bleak and Inc.
`61'risLL t 0000 t.
A Lost Paradise.
Green fields and young fasces,
Sunshine and flnw-erS-
Ah, in the far -oft' fairy places,
Once they were ours I
Now, when oares and crows' feeti thicken,
Brown loops aro gray,
Do the hedgerows somewhere:quicken,
Flushing with May?
Aro the buttercups as golden?
Do the harebells chine,
In those meadows of the olden
Blessed time?
Loot., how cold that sky above us I
• Alt me 1 to walk
Where the daisies know and toxo its,'
And the sparrows talk 1
Hush I the wistful children hoed us,
Pausing in tlholr play !
Darlings, take our hands and lead us -
Yon know the way. •
11>rrl4le elseo Very ry era Hotel Ont st.
1 h shout I held, ks'elikeli .1,
11 \\',1„ - curl•, sgyn..l of 0 11,004 1, Was .t.
stationed. Iran his ,_muds'', by s.sittet hilt',
hat soloed like is 1p Mtn; at Isis window.
lin gol ssp to b d al t p .ere l oto in the
night, and w t- h41 11. 1 ss1tlt horror to bull
the whit Mess of a voile •. Tite body w.t+
handing trout ter- window sat 1 nlj,ltniug
room and 1.1t: wind Hsi suis 4lr114if 111011,
ilk.Lohse as 0 brought the b,,l. over I•,
Vt'agpmer'N window.
norm] um: s1.:11T
Tina eves were open and the Lanai l+ were
closed tilgetltsf..1Nnoun.ns11.1.,1 ,t.erwall'
reenter lfutts the t,U th Shueh Ise Manned
the household, The b,ly proved to be 1oat
of John Smith, an old driller. Ito Ilarl rot ir-
oil for the light and on r•Iwhim4 hie room
hs.l Laken the ,Main need as a lire ,,caps,
wrapped it twfe°aromni Ids noel: and swung
out et the window, where he Ming until he
Wild strangled to death. He was a man of
powerful build, being six feet four inches in
Jit CftmlRP.l\I: J„Ilx SMITE.
Hu has a number of acquaiutanees in this
city who Mime his history. About tnirteen
year:, ago, when the oil excitement svns high
about tdarion ('aunty, Smith sons living at
Edelsbulg. A sunder was committed, its
which Smith was implicated with, a man
utuned Bowls turd another named Brooks
Bowls fled awl Brooks 55110 killed. 'Then
Smiths tureen State's evidence and got clear
hitt to was from that time on known in the
cit country as "slIurdering John Smith,"
To be called 1>y this nano preyed upon los
mind and led to his snietdo.
It is an old saying that charity begins at
home ; but this is no reason it shouldl 1101 go
abroad. A inn should live with the world
as a citizen 0f the world; he may have apre-
ference for the particular d�nartot', or square,
of oven alley in which 10 lives, but he
should have a generous fooling for the Neel,
fare of the whole.-[Olarsudos.
Tho question of the future of the over -
hood wire systems depends so much on the
possibility of perfect insulating that the ills.
oovary of a material possessing high insulat-
ing properties will be ono of t to utmost
'Salm. To the largo variety of insulating
compounds already in existence has been.
added ono which consists of a mixture of
carbolic aahl shellac, Tho two snb-
stenccs aro combined by heating'`' carbolic
acid until it boils slowly, and then adding
the shellac, or other insulating materials,
such as vegetable 515 ging oils, asphalt, rosin,
&o, 'I'hc product is a sontt•plastio .mass,
remarkably tough and tenncfous, whioh is
but litl.l0 sensitive • t extreme changes of
n o
temperature, erature and resents hard 51111001)15
surface, The a o results obtahiedwitlhthis now
compound aro said to be excellent,
The Executioner of Charles I..A question has often been asked, who was
the execution er of Charles 1. ? We do not
mean, who were the men at whose bidding
ilio deed was done t
0 -for heir names have
come down to posterity as those of " the
regiotslse "-but, whose lend actually dealt
the blow? ']'here aro undoubtedly very
strong reasons for believing that it was
Richard Brandon, a resident in Rosemary
Lane, the entry of w9mse eleath occurs in the
register of tit. Mary's, Whitechapel, under
date Juno 121, 1010. To the entry is ap-
pended a note, evidontly about the saute
date, to the effect that 'r this R. Brandon is
supposed to have cut off the head of Charles
First." This ratan is stated to have been
the non of Gregory Brandon, who beheaded
Lord Strafford, and may therefore be said
to have claimed the gallows as his inherit-
ance. Besides, in tho " Confessions of
Richard Brandon, the Hangman "(1540), we
tweet with the following passage t-' He
[Brandon] likewise confessed that he had
thirty pounds for bis pains, all paid lint in
yp c h n 1 i
half-crowns within an hour after the blow
was giver, and that he bad an orange stuck
full of cloves and a handkoraher out of the
King's pocketsoons c'riell
I{bnq so as he was at
from tiro scaffold, for which orange he was
offered twenty shillings by a gentleman in
Whitehall, but refused the same, and after-
wards sold it for ten shillings in Rosemary
Laoo." If this indeed be true, it follows
that tho man who struck the fatal blow olid
not long survive the deed. Ho was buried
in Whitechapel Churchyard, and it was
with great difficulty that his interment was
effeetod, an strong was the popular loathing
°ainst him. -Cassell', " Ohl and New
She Ought To.
" No," said the society belle nt her toilet.
"r I never blush, though I do sometimes
change color.
And she tried an entirely new brand of
Yabsley (in a doctor'sofiice)-" And, just
to think, that skeleton was once the frame
dam animated, sentient ]nonan being. That
hollow, empty skull was mnoo filled with
brains like ntfne-" Dr. Bowness--" Come,
come, Tabsley, that is hardly fair. Naught
but good should be spoken of the dead, you
Ali Men.
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them-
selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are
broken down from excess or overwork,
_resulting in many of the following symp-
toms : ::rental depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
deems, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lauk of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peculiar sensation about the
scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
specks before the eyes, twitching of the
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits fit tie urine, loss of will power,
tenderness of tho scalp and spine, weak and
flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of tempos, sunken eyes surround-
ed with LEADEN CIRCLE, Oily looking akin,
etc., aro all symptoms of nervous debility
that load to isauity and death unless cured.
Tho spring or vital fore° having lost its
tension very function wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed) in
ignorance may be permanently cured. Scud
your address £orbook on all diseases peculiar
to man. Addl ess M. V. LUBON, 50 Front
St. P;, Toronto, Ont. Books sent freosealed,
Heart disease, the symptoms of whiolh aro
faint spells, pimple laps, numbness, polishes,
tion skip beats, let (lushes, rush of blood
to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats
strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart
beat quicker titan the first, pain about the
breast bone, eta, can positively bo cured.
No cure, no p1erry. Sets' for book. Address
11. F. LUBO\, 50 Front Street Bast, Tor-
onto, Ont.
POSTAGE STAMPS--1\'i1i pay cash forest old
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Is a tewtrle,yld P/10/i P,»dune, Xi is the
Best Brmr,41/ for CONSUMPTION,
Scrofula, Dronchitis,Wasting Dis•
cases, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
Ssott's Mutedse in n,dy put up In salmon color
wrapper. Arn:d n11 11IctaLieneor s•lbstitutlons.
Sold by all Drudged, it t See. and 01 Oa
SCOTT & DOWSE, llrnavllto.
ATENTS mattered in Canrlda, 11$,
and Foreign Oountr(es.
tie•, J.
4XII UTAM, II xongr'til., Toronto.
D IBokkeopInq Banking, I'enntansh p,
®® tedZ Shorthand, T'y'pewriting, 01,, at Cul a-
dieu Business University &Shorthand Institute
Public Library Bldg., 7°rento. Circulars free.
Thos. Bengoagh, Mating=
Up to throe years age.
$� '^' C P•,,�, . dr Dyspepsia, that horrible
•LE6t ��l „ , st, sensation, wret:horlpain
and choking.. The very
th"„sui., 1 me,
friend got cured with
St. Loon' urged n1 to
� u
drink, L did. The 1 . r uhok-
os at n7is Use best and nth. 1 Leon ed Wand
will cure
in the beat of math. St. Leen Water
will euro waren all 0th nr .soyres fail.
Victoria 6auaro, Montreal.
Chenpe.t and
In America to buy
Eland and Musical
amide, to.
AddressWILILEY, ROYCE .6 COo 138 Yonge
Street, Toronto, Send for Catalogue.
BABY'51 of any Toile Soap
owed I in the own ry on
swap 1 account of se uni-
formly ex silent,
delicate and frag-
rant dualities.
-L Food of Health •
Iger Children and .ldnits.
Invaluable for Indigestion and
FRANKS & 00,. London, England, Proprietor
MnN rusEAT. Ouassss'E, 17 St. John Street.
Dr. T, 1t. Allinson L.R.C.P., London, says t-
" Bike Dr.Ntahols' ' Allinson, of health' very much
and find it of groat dietetic value in many din•
eases. As a brettkfnnt. dish I prefer it to oat.
steal. For the regulation of tho bowels it can
not be surpassed.' Sond forsamnto FREE,
Send for Illustratedh Catalogue
and this advertisement with
51101,' en .
our d we will allow
Creelman Bros„ IvIf'rsl
I Il:VrI
1)' *Pvi•G�r' qk A S'' LL EotiOop'rrt,'
1�!t�lE 1heCibasyr I hta•mtgses aorlVest
A+Iei7rG-Ieuca1nrY'al)n Gat'len,Orethttrlr
Plitt, 110111 tae e' ror 1
t- Lois. 11 t 1(e
11 Il t 11 , 1 Z
1 p
n rr list. Toronto 11 Ir°t
Send 11. Ai l_.
WireI l P 1
r51rrPrndr (e.,ev,ICI tee 51to'I`oro,llu"
For a No, 1 " Roadster or Susi
nese Machine, see the COMET
ach es.,tOatalaaggueafree all
T. PANE & CO., Manufacturers, Toronto.
Retail Price 75 Cents.
11. saves L,tbtorltt,URT. tme and
As the hands do not dome in.
contact with the 'water, heap -
1'.•,1, scalded and sore hands
r+ avoided. The atop being
Wrung at au'to's length utero is
ac stooping or stsainingoftho:
etch. orsheulde•s, '1'Ise hauls
aro notsohledor
disfigured 'bye
the wringingoi
a filthy, greasy
cloth. As the
clothing is noft
u'Ltr'tlkl_U, fiJ,uredasinct-
oile dinary 00011'
a...s U�1"'�t nhhg, n tion. s
u'apttrahon is,...
The use of scalding water 1s another "hmpor
tent advantage impossible with the ordinary
hand -wringing moP• The
floor washes
lc a ur and quicker, and dries
c i n t
Agenta write for prices.
Tarbox Bros., 111 Adelaide St. 'W., Toronto.
Agents Wanted Throughout Cagada
FOit 711E
('ash capital • $2,0410.000.O$
lapels - • - 5,105,0114.0S
Net Surplus 1,801,235.30
Head office, 114 St. James St., Montreal
GERALDR:GERALD E.IhlnT. Generalral Mit nn^ ..Or.
Unequaled for niche:: and 5eaoty of Coloring.,'
They are 00 oNLT Drys that
There is nothing like them for Strength, Colorings
or Fnstnt:ss.
O1?EPa:beg8SCALM TWCotanyethos :yes the lluridot.
If you doubt it, try It I Your money will be re-
funded it you are net convinced after a trial. Fifty-
fourcotors ar • made in To rash Dyes, r,nbraoing
all ..ow shades, and others are added on soon as they
become fashionable. They are wnrrnnt,:u to An.
m.., goods and do it better than any other Dy --
Same Price as Inferior Dye, MCP ctn..
Canada Dench: 481 St. Paul Street, Montreal.
Send postal or Sample Card and Book of Instructions.
Deloraine R torn, $28 �.
i1oosomin, - 28
Glenboro', - 28 C:t4�®
Saltcoats, - 28 �,
Calgary, 35 cz,$
OAC ti "Am;f;ri f.l11°^s+. 1
lit •oda rn 5,50n5P
Usedlnornolly&Extesvlat'y, Prkasloc,$1,$1.15
POND'S EXTRACT 00. New i E &London
SIONS will leave
all points in Ontario,
Sherbet Lake, King-
ston and West thereof,
Retuta until July Nth, 1E4
JUNE 24th
/intern until August 415,1810
JULY 8th
Return until August 1811k, 1810
For full particulars apply to nearest Station
Oe Ticket Agent,-
n ,{y11SiYNiGN97I9fISF36Fat3ia'a527
* t % Eb
TO TIM 'EDITOR t--Pleaoeinform your readers that 1 i Ave a positive remedy for the
above named disease. Dy its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottlesofmy remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con-
sumption.6 they
TORONTO, ONTARIO dross. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCl/Mr
Sawmills, Saws,
Shingle Mins
Lath Mins,
Veneer Machines,
Stationary and PortalR
11slI9OS, nualaea.
dar�yy p, p Dost quant o.
b/ a 1411 �, materiae aaa words
and Moulders
Saw Summers and
Sacv Send for for Ciroulae i
Engine Work*
Whoa I say Caro I do nit t*
merely to stop these for a tient. and bleu
at, them -stn «s again, I 6111 EA 0 A R A IO I O A I CORE. 1 hats Made the disease 61'2lt44
!elpilopey 05' hltliing Sickness a Idle -long study, l Warrant my comedy' to 1BIity1'that,
worst oases. Feeaase others have ailed is no roasmr for not now receiving a, _ , Bland a
once ror a treat se and a Paco bottle of my IsiftaStlb5W Kennedy.
G },
PostOffice,Itcosts vmsnothln for a trial, and it.wit sure nu. Andrasa f
tC., 8lanvh OSaor ase WEST FDA1AtE 8$Ita9y�EttdH'fgi,.'
n I