HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-13, Page 8£i 1 kf h. t3K U SSh.LS k't S'1' JUNK, 13 1390. Bee-lreepere Are you wanting any Empty Hives for your swarms ? If so I can sell you BEE HIVES 'Cheaper than you can make :them, as I have more than I re- quire. Call and See them. G. 4. DEAD.MAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &c. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. it B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North ,and South, as follows: Goma SOUTH. Gores+ NonTa. brad eiee a.m. 'Mixed 9:20 a.m. Stereos 11:45 am, Mail 8:00 p.m. lazed ........ 8:55 p.m. Express 9:45 p.m, In tat Sews It,ema. A ekiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. --•- THE GREAT DIFFERENCE -:-- Between the way we Sell Goods and other merchants do, is that they buy goods at the ordinary wholesale prioe and then add their freight, profit and expense on their invoice prices, while we buy our goods at 59i cents on the Wholesale Pride, freight and boxing paid. We then sell you the goods at Wholesale Prices -the same as the other merchants pay for them -without even the freight or boxes added. You see we make o ur profit out of the wholesale houses who lose by the sharks who have failed and pocketed enough of their good money to start store in somebody else's name, The wholesale houses have then to take our pliee for the stock of goods left them, in order to get anything out of their dishonest and extravagant creditors. So you see wo take our profit out of the wholesale homes, and not out of you as other merchants do. Do not he misled by Pie bable and untruthfulness of some merchants, who will tell you that they can buy goods regular and sell as cheap as we can. They only take you for some know-nothing, or they would not attempt such unreasonable arguments with you. YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, W. NIGHTINGALE & Co. 1 Butter, Eggs, eta. Taken at Cash Value. A vsw se000d hand buggies for sale at a bargain, Jas. Woiaso. Ir you want to hire a good driving horse and rig go to Hugh Williams & Son. Tae Saturday excursions to Goderich and Kincardine are once more in season. COUNTY Council next week. $1.00 pays for the round trip. A asoroe stook of house plants at T. DON'T forget the meeting of the Grey 3011 s. Branch Agricultural Sooiety Directors 75 cents gets Tae Pose for the balance on Saturday afternoon of this week. enf 1890. SEVENTY -Bin cents, in advance, will CABBAOtt and Tomato plants at Mo• pay for Tnz POST for the balance. of 40racken's, 1890. We want to add 150 names to our H. Wu,orears & Sow have two fine driv- subsoription list. dog horses. ON Tuesday of this week we were pre. IPyou want a new boggy go to Jas. sented with the first ripe tomato of the Walker carriage maker, Brussels. season, It was grown at Mrs. Jno. THE heavy and continued rains keep Downing's, in this place. the river unusually high for this season PLANTs,-Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato .of the year. and celery plants for sale, Persons Apr ENSICEe wanted immediately at wanting Goon plants should Dome to me. -Mrs. Megarvie's, opposite the Town Hall, I keep no rubbish, Tnos, Ky.thi Etroaeele• HURON Sefton,- -The thirty-third see - De. Holmes hes added to his Stook of cion of the Synod of the Diocese of Jerseys by a new purchase from some Huron is convened to meet in the Chap- pastiea in the Beet. ter House, London, on the 17th inst. TENDERS will be received up to next A BASE ball match between Brussels Monday, 16th inst., for painting Town and Wroxeter is announoed to be played Hall, and grading several streets. at the Foresters' demonstration at Lis- MoNEx To LoAN.-Private funds on towel, on Friday afternoon of nextweek. vrst mortgage, farm security preferred. Trot Boot and Shoe and Grooery stook .Apply at THE Pose Publishing House. of Adam Good, Brussels, was sold at To - BINDER Twnee,-Five tons beet binder reale on Tuesday. Miss A.Vanatone was twine in stook as follows : -Blue Ribbon, the purchaser at Bb cents on the dollar. Manilla, Flax and Silver composet The stook amounts to over 84,000. 'hinder twine, B. GEEY, Tans is a change of officers at the WATEnenoor coat lost in Brussels on Salvation Army barracks this week. Tuesday morning. The finder will be Captain Ogilvie and Lieutenant Mo- suitably rewarded by returning it to Cullough go to Parkhill and Capt, Kemp, Thee. Hill, at Currie's butcher shop. of Watford, takes command of the Brun - 1,450 Tuesday a beam under the plat• sale contingent, Corm in front of Silas Jackson's shop REE{E G5.0043I, B. Gerry and Rich. :gave way and allowed the plank walk to Leathardale made a canva-s of the town .drop. W. Smith was busy on Wednes- day setting the sidewalk to rights. POSTMASTER FARRaw sowed a pond of 1.Snglish barley as an experiment. After a month's growth the stalks measured 16 inches. The prospects for a good nrop of barley in this locality are favor- able if too much rain does not spoil it. .HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -The COm- ifortable and desirably located residence elf W. A. Colbiok, Turnberry street, ;Brussels, is offered for sale as the family intend removing to British Colombia, .For partioulars apply to Mrs. Calbiok. IN rainy seasons, as is well known, ,strawberries lose in a great measure their Poor BALL. -On Wednesday evening peculiar strawberry flavor. This comes of this week a very interesting and close - •from a lank of sunshine on the growing ly contested game of football was played fruit. They laok acid. It is said that a on Victoria Square between the home little lemon juice squeezed out over adish club and the "Ironsides" of Binevale. .of berries will restore their peculiar After a hard fought contest, 000upying favor. an hour and a gnarter,the result stood 2 WELL -Dreams AND DnmLINC.-George to 1 in favor of Brussels. The following Birt has all the necessary machinery for players composed the opposing teams :- digging and drillin wells and is prepay- BnvaesLs. 1Eoeernse. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him Sloan Goal Johnston is a way that will insure satisfaction. MoD"/{ail t Backs Wells cleaned out and put in proper R Beea f share. Terms easonable. Residence McCracken F.......Half•baeke amend door north of the bridge, west J.Ballautyne aide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43.1f b oCollantyue •"No fiootonNnEa."-On the 12th of July T. Rose the Orangemen of North Huron and ad. McNaughton joioing seotione of country will hold their Thompson annual celebration in Brussels. Arrange• ,menta are being made for speakers, mesio, decorations, &c., and the indioa- tions:are that a large number will be peasant. The people of Brussels sbonld tend all possible assistance to the persons in charge of the preliminary arrange. menta and do all they can to boom the +celebration. a&REX/MI,-Last Tuesday evening the Brussels Band drove over to Wroxeter and serenaded Thos. Gibson, M. P, P., Drs. Brawn and female an' other citi- zens. They oleo played a number of seleotione at a public meeting in the Bess BALL COMM. -The concert beld 'Town Hall when congratulatory speech- under the auspices of the Base Ball yea were made over the reoent election. Club on Friday evening was not a titan- - The boys epeak in the highest tame of oial an00895 as the boys will about clear the hospitable treatment they received at expenses, The o' 'ef attraotion was the the hands of the Wroxeter people. They Misses MoMannie, especially Mise Laura, reached home et an early hour on Wed. the noted lady whistler, She proved to ruesday morning. be a wonder in this rare a000mpliehmont DoMINIon DAT .IN Beueests.-A public and presentee quite an attractive ap- •meeting was held in the Town Hall on psaranoe on the stege. Her sister, Mies Monday evening for the purpose of ar- Alice, executed some very difficult piano 'ranging a program for the Dominion solos which proved her to be one of the Day celebration. Reeve Graham was best pianists that hag visited Brnesele, appointed chairman avid J. W. Shaw Mise Lille O'Connor gave two solos,. weeretary, The following program Was "Why must we say good-bye," and "On decided upon :-A monster trades' pro. Venice waters," which were so pleasing oeesion with every industry of the town to the andienes that encore atter enoore represented will leave the Town Hall at was insisted upon to whioh she respond - 410 a, m. and parade all the streets. At ed by einging "Barney O'Hay" and 11 a, in. lacrosse and foot ball matches Rook-a-bye.baby," Miss O'Connr's an Victoria square. At 1 p. in. the base singing is always of the highest elan but ball tournament will begin, when the upon this 000091on she more than sur- best• clubs of Western Ontario will Dorn. passed herself, For the non.appearanoe Pete for prizes of $40 and $20, Brussels of Mr, Shane and the Brussels orohestra barged, but will play an exhibition gams the boye wish to ,apologize to those who with the beet ol:ib, There will r'ao bo attended the concert and at the Same rates 'for the been ball and lacrosse play- time state that they are not to blame, er5 ; throwing base and laaroefe balls ; As for Mr. Shane lee did not send an running bases ; and athletic sports. In apology nor even a notice that he would addition a grand drawing for a ladiee' not be present, nor has the club nine gold watch, valued at $35.00. Everyone heard why be was conspicuous by his On. entering the ground reoeivee a ticket absence. We understand this is not the e• the drawing which takes plane from 'Drat time 11e has sated thea for only tbo grand stand at the Clone of the about a week ago he was billed to sing at games. Admission to the grounds only Goderich and for some unexplained 10 conte, Admission to games free. The reason he was absent. As for the eolfowing committees were appointed ; orchestra it is said a string of tho bass y.Z+rades' .procession -B. Gerry, A. ,7. viol was fractured in practieing previous ,' ,owiok, R. Graham, A, Koenig, R. to the covert, which aoeoaetod for their t,°atherdale ; base ball -F. S. Scott, W. non-appeere.aoe, The Bru0eole band Growar, 1), C. -Robe, A. Oonsley; la. vary kindly took their plane and played ereese-J. Menain, A. MoNaugbton, R; the opening and closing pieces, The an .Barrett ; foot ball -T, Eons, R. illtotnp- rangeinent for the aall0ert Was one of non, W. Sloan ; eperts-3, Rose, 1„ 43aott, , the most tempiate We have ever seen. 3). Strachan. The pian of hall and reserved teats work• • in connection with the proposed Trade,' procession on Dominion Day. They met with splendid seeress. Look out for the fun that day. NEW MARBLE WOmts.-The' firm of Johnston & Coohrane,stone cutters, &o. has opened out are prepared to fill all orders for monuments, tombstones, markers, fences, &a., in a worktnanlike manner and at living prime. Satisfao• tion guaranteed in every case. Don't place year order without canine on them and seeing their samples and ascertain- ing prides. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. Forwards Cosines{ Bailey MoHardy King Gardror Lovell Wood MsEwaa Donald Centre Baine Arrangements have been made to have another match between these clubs in oonneotion with the celebration on Do- minion Day in Braseels. The home eleven will have to look sharp or they will lose their laurele. Just here we would enter a pretest against the ' chin- whaok" given by youngsters and others to players of outside teams visiting Brus- sels. It is very bad taste, if nothing more, to be so unfairly one•sided. Our football boys are well able to look after their own interests without outsiders in. terfering. ed very satiefaotorily and the boys de. served far betaor support than they re- ceived. The position of chairman was filled by E. E. Wade, barrister, in his usual pleasing and affable manner. A Reams of song will be held in Knox ohuroh in this place on Friday evening• of this week by Prof. H. F. Morgan and his daughter "Fairy." Fours or five horses have been put through their facings in Brussels this week preparatory to taking part in the races at Walton on Friday of this week. Ir you want to purchase a nice lot in Brussels attend the auction sale of vill- age property on Saturday afternoon of next week. Six lots will be offered for sale on that day by W. J. Norton. Capt. Stretton, auctioneer. Dont forget it. SOMEBODY played a remarkably 'funny' trick recently by dropping a lighted match into the letter box at the post office. The result was a letter was par- tially burned before the match went out. It will not be a very fuuny matter if the party is found out. Fifteen deaths resulted from the oy clone at Bradshaw, Nebraska. The Irish saloonkeepers in Chicago are rsfusiug to buy English syndioate beer. A railway wreok occurred at English, Ky., last week. Nine meu reported kill. ed. The original mask of Napoleon, taken after his death at St. Helena. is for sale for £6,000. The United States troops along the Mexivan frontier have been instructed to shoot the Apeohe murderers on sight. The northbound stage from Ukiah, Gal., was robbed Saturday by a lone highwayman. The robber seoured 41,- 600 from the Wells -Fargo box. A real horned man ban deen discover- ed by Capt. Albornog on the Gran Chaco in the Argentine Republic. He is tall, with a full beard, and two very perfect horns like those of a stag on his fore. head. , At Gorlitz, Prussian Silesia, Friday a number of slaters were engaged iu re- pairing the top of a lofty church steeple, while a ourious crowd below watohed People We Snow. their movements. Soddenly the staying, upon which there were three men, gave - - way and the men fell to the ground. A shout of horror went up from the crowd as tete men bounded from a projecting part of the steeple and whirled with fear- ful velocity toward the pavement, and for a moment after they struck the ground and lay quivering everyone feared to go near them. When they were taken up it was found that nearly every bone in their bodies was broken and their Seth so mangled as to defy recognition. The regular Sunday bridge•jumping performance in Cincinnati was varied All Sunday with a tragedy. Dan. Wilcox dived from the middle span of the Louis- ville and Nashville railroad bridge. Half way down lie turned and etruolt the bee patent 0at1a00 in the Patent Omoe and fag his sister. Mrs. Wm. }llnrtin, this water flat on his cheat. lis was taken hetero nue Courts promptly and carefully at - week. tended to. Uhou receipt of model or sketch We are leased to state that H. Dennis out of the water bleeding at the mouth of invention, I meso careful exum;nntion, p and nose. Remarking that be felt bully • and advise as to patentab,ntyfree of °barge is improving nicely and will soon be able Leslie O'Connor is away at Harriston. Miss Jessie McRae is visiting relatives in Guelph. Mrs. Geo. Beaker is visiting in Zurich this week. W. Nightingale was in Detroit for a few days this week. Mre. Thos. Hayoroft and children are visiting at Hariston. Fred Burgess, o Brantford is rg F home on a visit for a few days. llfrs. Donald Stewart is visiting her daughter at Blount Forest. Mrs, G. Polton, of Innerkip, was visit- ing Mrs. R. G. Wilson last week. Dr. Aitchison, of Michigan, was visit- 73R.07'SSEI,6 MAr1 ET9• Fall Wheat 98 1 00 BSpringarley Wheat 9838 1 40 00 Outs 35 36 Pons .. 53 65 Butter, tubs and rolls.... 12 00 Eggs per dozen 11 00 Flour per barrel........,4 20 4 50 Potatoes 40 00 Hay per ton .. 6 00 6 60 PHidesork per. lb 5 00 6 00 9 2t E. WADE Salt per bbl., retail....., 1 25 O6 L/ IIarrtater, Selioltor and Notary Pub - Sheep skins, each 60 1. 00 110. Oonvoyauciug. Colleationa andLoaning, Wool, per lb, 18 20 Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wad- aesday at two o'clock, S1T2LE Good Taste! - Low Prices! THESIl ARE THE LE,I0150 FEATURES Or My Wall rapers FOR PAiaone, COMM ROOMS, BEDROOMS, HALLS AND LIBRARIES. J. T. PEPPER, Chemist and Drugglst, . BRUSSELS. BANKING. jJ•cINTOSH & MOTAGGABT, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Trow sact m, '31-s .oral 8atzaciar ]3uciaooa, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Cmtn.dian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Internet allowed on Deposits, Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents-Manonker's .BANK or CANADA. New York Agents-IMpoaiTEne AND TSAD. ERB NATIONAL BANK, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. DL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. 0o115c. thins made. 0.900-Vatlelonfee block, BroB• BOB 21-8m� W M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub• 110 &o. Office -Graham's Bleak, 1 dc er north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HOUSE TO RENT. -APPLY to A11. GRAHAM. 40- HOUSE WORK WANTED.- Tbe undersigned is desirous of es - au ringhouse woik, such as house °lentil eg, waehiug, arcing, &e. Waahiug or ironlug due° at my house if desired. Apply to MRS. ,7400, LOTT, 80-2 Parker's Terrane, 51111 St FUND.- FOUND BETWEEN Wroxeter and Brussels a se:tingle, crupper, dm. Tho owner may obtain the same by calling at TM: POST Publishing House, proving property and paying for this name, OTelk.GFC TO G073,JE2I3z; 1. Leaves Bruasols every evening on the arrival of the Seaforth stage, and returns from Gurria to the morning in time to catolt the Seatorth stage going out. This rule will be adhered to until further notice. f:. WALSII, Proprietor. PATENTSs Mavrkseo19md(100 nod Trade and all otb- to be aboutaoain. W. 11. McCracken is away on a trip to relatives and friends at Peterboro'. He will be home next week, Wm. Blashill is away at Kingston this week atteuding the annual meeting of the High Court of the 0. 0. F. Bert Gerry bad the misforthne to clip the end off one of the fingers on his left hand with the large shears in the tin shop. Rev. W. T. Cluff has been quite poorly and in oonsequenee the evening service in St, John's church was withdrawn last Sabbath. Mrs, Samuel Pearson intends taking a trip to Manitoba where she will spend a. few months visiting with her chil deen She purposes leaving next Tuesday. G. W. Green and wife of Kingsville, formerly of Brussels, are visiting in town this week. Mr. Green spends about half the year in North Carolina pushing his business in biokory timber. He has some great stories to tell about the "nips," R. G. Wilson has gone on a prospect - Jug visit to Salt Lake City, Utah. Ml, Wilson is no Merman bat goes west to see his brother and look out for a busi- ness opening. Mrs. Wilson and eon will continue to reside in Brussels for a time at least. We have much pleasure in congratul- ating M. Cavaaagb, L. D. S„ on the ao- gnirement of his new degree viz. D. D. S. Re was down et Toronto this week at- tending the Convocation ceremonies, We hope Dr. Cavanagh will become a per- manent citizen of Brussels. Mrs. J. R. Grant, Mies Neesie Hay and little Jessie Grant leave Goderich per boat Saturday for Winnipeg where they join Mr. Grant who has been in the West for over a year, Brussels has lost a number of old residents this year but we hope our loss will be their gain. Weneral P'6Owin. Two pronounced came of leprosy are reported in the Chinese colony of Chicago. Stanley is to be married in Weetmin.. ster Abbey on July 12111, and the oc- casion is likely to make a great society event. Zack T. Handley, editor and proprietor of the Heron, S. D., Berald, was shot and killed Thursday night by Fred, bis 16.year-old son, during a quarrel. A farmer living in Madrid refused to grant permission to one of his servants to visit a bull fight, whereupon the ser- vant murdered his master and four other members of the family and fled. Grace Gridley, the 1 nineteon.year.old daughter of a promsont businese man oin f Albany III., has been sleeping soundly for nearly two months, Her ()health are rosy, and breathing regularly, and her sleep is eeemingly as normal as that of an infant, 131 attempts to arouse her are fruitless.nideShe f5 fed regularly with lig- Word comes from Frisco about a tri&' played on the famous nosey Bethune. Thee noted °printed was outwitted by some eporting moot at Fresno, Cal,, re. cantly, fie won 44,000 from the sports, and they, learning the race was a "job," planned to get even with him, They rel gained hie ooniident•e, and then they in. thread him to beton a horse at the Sae. temente Moo, Be loot all lie had won.' Bothane is now in Denver peubilese and dig'grtoted, he walked to hie home two squares away, ALT ie 000 i Saud IuformabIon h adviceau3 sat down, gave three gasps and died. I apenial references sent on application. .7. The doctors found his liver and stomach lt, LLTTELL, Washington, D.0., E.S. Patent had been ruptured and the other inter. � Olnee. 05 nal organs torn away from their places, hARM FOR SALE,-T}IE UN• Wilcox was 35 years old, noted as a life i nRnsraneD off°rs for Salo the north saver having rescued 24 persona from east cptnrtorof lot 20, oonceasiOn 0, Morrie, drowning. He load been drmltiug all the county of Huron, containing 50 aoros. The morning, and made the dive because ho land is of first quality and In a high state of was bantered. The river is 117 feet be- onitivatlon, well fenced and sudor -drained, neath the bridge. :5 acres olearod, NOwtram0 house, 8 rooms, g milk house with couorete walls, 2 wells, The latest comparison between the good barna and shed, orchard, etc. Eight armies of France and Germany planes aoros of fall wheat. This desirable preporty the former ahead numerical] while the nd•olne the corporation 01 Bruesele, Suit - Yr I Obis tonne will be given. Titlepereect. latter f8 preparing to close the gap with 3.6100]0 GRIEVE Owner, the aid of the recent law. Frenoe on the 90' GRIEVE. P. O. peace footing bas 620,648 men, and the law of 5 years' service recently enacted permits her to add 600,000 men to her territorial' army. Other reforms increase the annual contingent by 60,000 men, and this brings it up to 220,000. By oonnting the 25 contingents under the law with their total lorses, wh`eh are estimated at one quarter, abs effective force far mobilization amounts to 4,325,- 000. In Germany the annual contingent is 164,000 recruits, 9.000 yearly volun- teers and 17,460 reserves, giving a total for this contingent of 190,450. For the 24 Contingents, and taking into amount the losses, we arrive at a grand total on a war footing of 3,850,000 men. Cons°• gnently, France could mobilize at the present time 775,000 trained soldiers more than Germany. The London Pall Mall Gazette says it has "reason to believe that no less a sum than £7,500,000 has been offered by an English syndioate for the Mount Morgan gold mine, of Queensland, and refused. Negotiations bave been carried nn for the sale of large blocks of stooks, and also for the whole property, but so far Do ar- rangement has been arrived at. The authorized capital is £1,000,000 in £1 abates, 17s. 60. being paid up. As the present market quotation ie about £7 per share, it will be seen that the sum offer- ed, although large, is not ranch above current estimates. , The offer was made after an exhaustive examination by three experts sent out specially for that pur- pose. The shares have been as low ae £6, and also been as high as £17, and the present holders no doebtbelieve they have a good property at the Ourre rt prioe. Over $1,000,060 wag aid in dividends in Notice to Creditors. In the Matter of W' ,LLI15 TraD/',L, of the Townebip of. Grey, to County of Huron, Farmer, an Insolvent. The Insolvent has made an Assignment to me, for the benefit of Creditors, under Ohap.124 0. S. 0,1887. A Meeting of Credi- tors, for the purpose of appointing Inspec- tors and "tying 0f directions as to the dis- posal of the estate, will be hold at the Office of A. Hunter, Brussels, on WEDNISDAY, Jews 18t1,11, at 11 o'clock A. M. WM, SPENCE, Ethel P.O., A. HUNTER. Assignee, Agent for Assignee. Creditors should Ale their claims at once to facilitate the speedy winding up of the estate. Juno eth,1800, 1%1 MORTGAGE SALE .A. Valuable rasp , -IN THE - TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUN- -IY OF HURON. Pursuant to Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time of such Sale, and in payment of wbleh default hag boon mad°, Vero will: be offered for Sale by Pablio Antigen at the Americas hotel. in the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, on SATURDAT9 the 12th Day of July, '90 AT TAR 110011 0512 o'or dos (NOON), pp That Valuable Farm in the Townebip of 1889, a steady two Sh'Rin a per oleate Greykunwn ae Lot number Six, in tun 18tb y p Ooe Bund;hti aereenis ad bo bbreeamii being divided monthly, with: the excep- One Huar>red aoros Cror ]end, bo the came tion of December, when the paymentmore er lees was ono shilling. The dividend wag also This property la well situated in a good le. for January and February, le. 4d. for farminglocalityon agood grave).roa about March and le. 3d. for April. Even at 1s, seven m11oe teem the thriving !ling p village Wad about two mil os Epos tico the sum divided is £60,000 per month, or v0ingu o!< Walton, held cell le composed of at the rate of 60 per cent, per annum," a clay loam. ThOre aro about five acres of __ _ _ _ hardwood bank, thirty aoreo of paotura land -' �-'-- - '� -""'-• - and the balance (sixtyave sores) is all ober- FORST. _-..._._._-._ ed and le a good state of cultivation, The unlldings •osaiet of a ^ with 3seossON.--In Brussels, on the 3th hast„ etablo nt, loath, and a 1.424%.g12, 18x@4 the wife of Mr. Silas Jaokeon of a feet, There la a mall but thole° beating son, orchard and a good well on the promises, Ilawosrae.-In Listowel, on the 0113 hest., and the 'melee are in 8 tale state of repair. the wife of A, St,Geo. Hawkins, edi- xenon op SAetti-The property will be of. tor of the Standard,of a gen, fsrod for Sala gubieot to a rgaervon bid, and Subioot also to a prier mortgage in favor of BLAs/1tr,.-In Brnseelo, Juno 6th, the the Hume & Delo Loan and Savings Cmq• wife Of Mr. SVilliam Blnahill Of a pony, of a,ondon, Ontario, particulars of Ban htor. width will es given, to Intendingdeposit g on Or before tae day of tale, A deposit of lou per cent, of the purchase money will be 1os2na. regtnred on the day of sato, and the balance JAcaceoa.--Tn Morrie, on Friday, June within twit weeks thereafter. 6th, Hannah Jackson, toilet of the Tram lelnanUTABLn, late Jelin Jackson, aged 65 years, 10 Fort urthor eartienlere apnlvto nionthe and 28 days. 1V. M. SINOGAII.t, IfrirenxgeoN.-Ab 68 Seaton street, on or to Vauclarstlalfeitor, May 81st, Bessie, the beloved wife of 501)01', Williafn II, Betohineen, (formerly Bowie Shand) in hat 25th year, DICKSON & HAYS (Late with Darrow & HAYS, foot, Gode- rich,) liar:eaters, Solloltore, Oouveyaeoera, &p, Chides -brussels cod Sooforth. Brae eels Office, Rogers' Block, Main St, Mouoy to Loan, R. B. IIABB. W. B. DICKSON. A. M. TAYLOR B. 0. L. r,the firm of Taylor, MoCullougbo .6 Ilurns,fBarrieter,, Solicitors, &o., Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Laud, Loan and I85urenee Agent. Fuutli invested and to loan. Callectious made, 011ie° In Graham's Block, Brueeote, MEDICAL CARDS. \Arm. F. CALE, M.D., O. i11., V Member of the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario by examivatiou Cllieo and Residence -Mahn street East, E tloi, Ou tario. A. MCNAUGHTON, M. D. ey 0. M., 7,,10. CI. P., Edinburgh, M. C. P S. Ont, At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to 11;80 a. m, and from 1:80 to 4 D• in, At other house nmy be found at his residence, form- erly oemapied by Dr, Butehinooa, Mill et. DENTAL. E N' Tx S TR y'1 G. L. Ball, L.D.S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Prinloes Extraction of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street Dest, ToltoNTe. 1)ENTI�iTe m. $. M-a.RTSN', Honor Graduate of the Bovril College of alistefteisstcinomnierdorhPanlexratof teeth. Omoe-- n Olsa noon NORTH Or BANK, BnpeeELs, BUSINESS CARDS. W H. MoORAOKEN, Witmer of Marriage Licenses. Officeat his Gr000ry, ruruborry street, Brunets, 1L N. BARRETT, south of A. Di McKl ay & Co'e hardware store. Ladies' and ehadrene hair cutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A MoNAIR, .CL. Iaeorer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut-Governor,reIueCOoatte rCaombimiltFineranQ.B. Conveyancer hOnAgent Post Office. DRE SSMAKIN G. - The undereignod desire to intimate to the ladies of Brueeela and vicinity that they have opened a Dressmaking Shop over Mr. Alex. oalwhere aetrtelre prepared to attend lworusto them.guaranteed.4MIS808STPIWdMLOP. Mxss LILLA O'CONNOR Ie desirous et procuring pupils in Vogel Music, Prof, Warriu., .,n of Toronto le pleased to give hie tootle. o cial ae to Mies O'Uonnor'e ability, she haying been a pupil of hie during her stay in Guelph. Dutra- mental Muldoon Piano, Organ, and Guitar. Terobe made known on application, Prinooee St, Brussels. Elise O'Connor ie open for Conoont Engagements, g0. AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, A.. Auctioneer, I5 always ready to at- tend sales of fermi), farm etook, &o. Terme ehesrfelly given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales may be errs: od at Tint Peso- Publishing House, Brussels, '1 EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct. ell on reasonable tame. Farms and farm stook a snoolaite. Orders left at Tai Poop P cold siting /Ioneo,Braseole, or sent to Walton 1'. 0., will reeoivo prompt attention, HAVING TAKEN OUT T,ICEN• sit as an AntBBonner, I amrO ar to oondaet salad of farm stook at reaeonairio prions. lenowieg the etauding of nearly every poison I am in a position to sell 10 good marks and got good snourity when gold 05 ormalt, feetisbtotton guaranteed. Give mo a Call. 82• F. e. SCOTT. VETERINARY. ARWICK & GOLLEY, lion VeterIo lot Gracirinteilpee 01 the Oall inary College, aro pmill tat 18 treat all potent of neer, untie animals Ina aam- potoutrmnnu0r, 555145,0001 attention Pahl 48.0 Aixodoacos Bltmeius, tended to a'd1Uae aillil1vilar fit' promptly ira ty -Two Boden Datdd atErusgolg Seth of 1010,1880. north of bridge, Turnberry et„ Btnl.lole, 1 ik