HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-13, Page 7Jcza 13, 1R9(), THE BRUSSELS POST.
rather line and ehop about four tablespoon.
11114 a pitn-ley ,• put a layer uf the potatoes
444 4e bottom 0 4 good-sizi41 soup- Ind tle,
Por an .Albunt.
Onward and upentid "rig t he only Gilead
That, brings n balm t tt 411
)V110 'wortlit stand still along life's Wan'
1111E2 431•13r 1/1141 ward fall, . .
Use, then, the talenta, be it one or many,
That Clod has given to thee,
A 'blessing follows canton, brave endeavor
.Ancl blest, dear, may.st thou be.
ANNA 13 L. dm%
Deceptive Housekeeping,
In housekeeping, as in other things, there
in grave danger 01 perrorm mistaking appear.
anew for realities. ilia dustless lioor, the
spotless kitchen table, and Dm array of burn-
ished cooking utensils appeal to the artistic
sense, and one is liable upon finding her
kitchen in this kind of order to feel 00111111-
011t that 9110 ban a Cleanly and competent
servant to look after her house, says the
Lvaiers' Home Jour to
Tho oliancee, of course, are in favor of the
neat kitehen girl over the elovenly one, all
things being eipml •, vet the hare possibility
of the former being the exeept ion to the rule,
and of things not being equal, always makes
1911417 on the pail of the mistress ite te how
things are done, imperative.It is not
enough that ft 1101190 011orli (Hook elean. To be
a healthy abode for human beings.it must be
clean; and to be clean tho process of clean-
sing must, be carried on from day to day in
a particular manner. Better that the ninth.
en table, copboard-01401v05, kneading and
ineat.boards should never be scrubbed at all
111,51) 14411(1 they should be whitened by a. foul
or it contaminated scrubbingltrush. it is as
important for the end of purity that special
brush be kept for cleaning all wooden uten
sils and kitchen -beards that (sane in direct
eontact with food, as it is 2141,14 the dish-eloth
should be kept separate from the Hoor-eloth.
Yc 1 have reason to believe that in many
families one serubbing-brush is considered
sufficient, being 11114(10 10 imswerall purposes,
until its dirty, watersoaked bruitles drop
out. Onee I surprised a new servitift.girl m
the act of applying tho floor.brush to the
top of the kitchen table. Slw had iorgot ten,
she apologized, to use I he table bru• 14, n ever
having been aeeint oined to more 3.1 (111 o1111,
and she added, by way of satisfying me,
that she had "washed.- the brosh—washed
it, as 1 presently learned, in the common
scrubbing -pail. Yet this girl 0411110 to me
well recommended 1443 111 cleanly and careful
The fact is that housework, and specially
kinthen-wollt, iL liner art than it is emir.
monly believed tI be, it is a soriollti mistake
to suppose that anyone may undertake it,
A. densely stupid and ignorant person, with.
out refinement of instinct, is (141 Unlit to
14118111443.0 3.12(4 1011,10114 1111431,14431044 of the modern
kitchen 114 141111 48 2,1 tettell school or conduct
it newspaper. Training on the part of a
mistress may overcome scene of her fattlts 11
she may learn to be tidy, may insluire 44
degree of skill in cooking, nuty be ihedient
and pleasing, in manners ; lett never will she
be made to appreciate anything, but 11 super.
fieial difference between the clean and the
mudean, How can the slow reason grasp
the subject of contamination ? What does
the dull intellect know ;theta a mieroseopie
germ 1 The probability is that a servant of
this 014100 445441111118 her mistress' ideas of clean-
liness as a whim, and 141443. the service she
renders is the grossest of eye service.
In this bettuty-loving age, it seems to me
there is 01411111 (1411444043 el eymeervice being re-
w arded at the expense of less obvious but
more censcien dons methodsof keeping house.
Mistresses very generally seem to bc fond of
showy cleanliness, demanding of their set,
vents personal neatness and eneouraging
thein 114 efforts to please the artistic sense.
This may bo all right, an(4 again it may be
all wrong, It 15 right when the neatness is
real, proceeding from, and being the ex.
pression of, n, love of purity and refinement,
It is wrong 11,13011 the mere appearance of
cleanliness is made the end ; when ways and
means are subordinated to having things
"look nice" ; 1011011 more attention is given
to tying the broad strings of a white apron
than to brushing the fingermails 1 when
11-011111WM(1031% shine, and cellars emit offeu.
sive and deadly odors ; when superfluous
bows of ribbon adorn chairs, and the kitchen
is insufficiently supplied with towelling;
when decorations vie with each other in
attraoting' the eye of the visitor, and one filthy
scrubbing brush does the cleaning (1) for the
unfortunate household.
Choice Reoipts.
Towoult SALAD.—For this always use the
smallet and rougher pieces, such as will not
look well 011 the table ; cut them in dims
and stand in a cold place 214411 tho yolk 01 0110
egg in a cold plate and make from it 14140211 0.
gill of mayonnaise dressing ; add tarragon
✓ inegar in place of lemon plice or phtin
vinegar, about ten drops of onion juice, and
a tablespoonful of (Mopped parsley ; when
ready to sorve mix the arming with the
tongue and serve 011 crisp lettuce leaves.
OMELET. —Beat four eggs just enough to
mix them ; add four tablespoonfuls of Warn]
W ater and. a p4000 021 bolter the size of 44143(11.
nut pub tablespoonful of butter in a fry-
ing -pan ; When melted' and hot turn in the
eggs ; shake the pan and, as soon as the ome-
let begins to set, lift it et one side and allow'
the softer porno mut under ; continue this
11414,41 14120 omelet is cooked, clust it with salt
and popper, fold it eve and turn it out on
a heated dish ; dust itwith granulated sugar ;
sprinkle it with rum, pour about two table-
spoonfuls around the omelet ; set fire to it,
and send it at once to the table..
PATE ImmintAt.—Cut tho white meat of a
cooked ()Molten into dice; parboil and pick
into small pieties one pair of eweot-breads;
chop fine a lialf-ean of mushrooms; mix all
these together; put one large •tablespoonful
of butter into a, sauce pan ; add. two even
tablespoonfuls of flour, mix over the fire un-
til smooth ; add a haff-pint of milk.; stir -un-
til 11 boils ; add the mixed meat, 0. tea-
spoonful of 3111411, 0. dash of cayenne, a quarter.
teaspoonful of White pepper, and when the
whole is very hot stir 111 the yolks of two
eggs; servo at; once ; if it is necessary to
keep this 1041101n for time do so before tho
eggs are added; truffles may be used with
the mushrooms. This qtaintity 3v111 serve
twelve persons,
oP allIeltlittr,-011op very fine
ahalf-pound of cooked white moat 04 01)4411)011,
pound it to a paste, adding gradually one
gill of cream ; add, one at it time, tho whites
of three eggs unbeaten ; beat 011011.0110 well
into the mixture before adding another 441(1(1
ono teaspoonful of salt, A palatable smell-
ing of cayenne, and a teaspoonful of finely
chopped truffles; stir in carefully the whites
of two eggs beaten to 11 stiff froth ; have
ready small thnlittle-oups well 1)21113.010(11 fill
these with the inixtere ; stand them
in a pan of hot water and bake in a moder-
ato oVen twenty minetes; serve hot with
cream mushroom sauce poured around them.
CLAM 01101VD3111.—Otit ono pound of hnin
into dial 4 pare and cut into dice twelve
good-sized potatoes ; chop three good -sired
onions fine ; tint folly poonds of stewed veal
into pleas ono inch square 3 chop 200 elams
1 111.81 11 Nprinkli1:g of ham, "ohm, parsley,
and lion a laser of veal and clams ; tho40
tbeso alternations 1111111 1411 the 41(142 1114118
used, having the list Inyer clams ; just
110111' t 1113 With 111, 4141404' in 13411(11 tli (Tat
was i•ooked ; cover 4111, kettle and cook very
slowly for forty minutes without stirring
add It palatable seasoning of pepper, one
quart of hot ennui, and 41110 9,1111 half dozen
l'rent on crackers finely broke» ; stir and
8ervc at, once very hot.
istatit tialanier, - '1'1144o110 and a quarter
pounds of 011441144 4441(1 one titian of water on
to boil ; chip the yellow rintla from three
lemons told one orange ; to sirup ; boil
live minutes and stand away to cool ; mem
fully relnoVe the remidniug Villa from the
lemons and orange and squeeze out all the
Nee; also the juice of another lemon; add
this to the cold sirup; strain and freeze;
weigh not six ounces of preserved ginger;
pound four ounees of it into a, smooth melte,
then press it through 18 5101'01 01144 remaining
two ounces into tiny pieces; mkt all together
and stir it with a tablespoonful of the ginger
sirup into frozen ice: 44111134 411421 repaelc the
same as ice.cretim; serve in lemonade glasses
or orange laskets after the meat course, just
the same as you would serve punch.
MIlIt Cua1ti:01"r44 lit:tisk:, —Put o half•
pint of milk and a half-oup of granulatet1
sugar 01100 t110 fire in a, double boilei•
moisten three (Well tablespoonfuls of corn•
starch in about four tablespoonfuls of cold
milk ; add to it the scalded milk ; stir con-
tinually until it thickens ; cook two 111111-
11100 ; take from the tire : add a teaspoonful
of vanilla (sugar best if you can get it.), and
the well -beaten whites of three eggs ; have
ready a plain mold 11441013' 11014140(1 W1111 0ta10
cake or latly.fingers I turn the mixture in
tho pudding, and stand-n.way for several
hours to harden ; serve ley cold,
841 LTIM 1.110 Mt. -811011 and 110,11011 tile
almonds ; put them in a baking -pall, with
an even teas manful of butter to each pound
of ahnonds ; Inko slowly until a light brown
and thoroughly dried ; stir them frequently
un ill every almond is nicely oiled with the
butter ; take from the oven and dust thick.
ly with salt ; turn on cold dish and place
n 410(d, dry 111I1430 8111811 wanted.
e11r4.31.1cm I'r 01/10(1.-41nt three figs and
three prunes into tiny pieces ; add to them
tablespecniful cn preserved. ginger swap.
and cover with one gill of ()rouge juice of
one gill of sherry ; stand aside for half an
hour ; cut one ((1111(40 114 preserved 444114401 10114
tiny slices ; add it to the other fruit ; cover a
half -box of gelatine with a lutlf-oup of cold
water, and soak a half-hour ; whip one pint
of cream to n, good froth, put it in a, basin,
and 0141101(1 14118 in a, pan of icewater ; add a
half -cup 01 141(10110440(1 sugar, one teaspoonful
of vanilla sngar, the fruit and a quarter -cup
of rice, boiled.; add to the gelatine ono gill
of cream and stir it over hot wator until
solved ; stram it into the cream and genti;)
stit• from the bottom and sides of the -basin
until the whole is well mixed and beginning
to stiffen ; turn in a niold and put in a, cold
plttee to slightly harden serve plain or with
w It!ipped cream around it.
Fresh strikes are reported in Austria.
The Duke of Orleans has been pardoned.
The London, Env., Tailors' 'Ltuion has now
a membership of 100,000.
The 911cen'0 health is much improved sinee
her arrival It Balmoral.
Bandits are committing atrocious crimes
in (410 3.840(114430 of Aratununa, Chili.
The new Japanese warship Chicoda was
launched on the Clyde yesterday.
The German press is 'urging England to
join tht Crusade against the Anarchists.
Nihilists in France are said to be engaged
in fresh a sonspiraey ugainst the life of the
The French steamship La 13ourgoyno,
abintt which some anxiety was felt, has ar.
('111021 0.1 New York.
Sir Donald Smith has been re-elected presi
dent and Hon, Senator Drummond vice
president of the bank of Montreal.
Herr Krupp, the gunmaker of Essen, Get
many, has inatle a proposition to construct n
shipcanal connecting the Danube with the
Adriatic sea.
A New York despatch says the Canadian
Pacific Railway Company:is negotiating for
control of the 1Iiuneapolis, St. Paul and
Sault Ste. Marie railway.
A. Narrow .bsoa,pe.
Somebody has Veen trying to prove that
1434114 18 not so dangerous on the 1vhole, as sonic
other agents of destruction ; however that
may be, its perils are not confined to thou:
in notion, as the following anecdote demon.
strains 1 There were semi narrow eseapct
among those who were off duty in camp.
Ono day 14501111 shot, with unmannerly rude.
11099, 0111110 bounding into camp, passine
thrortgli 4444101144 of soldiers who haj
d u514 col.
looted for their warm rations. At thesaine
stant it pi•ostrated the cook, demolished (181
moss -kettle, tind irreverent1V baptised om
best flag with bean porridge. the cook proved
to be only "temporarily killed" by the gravel
which the shot hall thrown ngainst him, and
was soon able to resume 113.0 work. About
the same time a sick soldier was lying in his
tent:, with his knapsack for s, pillow. He
was supposed to be out of hares way, but a
solid 8-11-01, styled by the boys a, "pickle"'
from its resemblance in size and shape, struck
the knapsack, and carried it clean away. The
only Mem enienoe to the invalid Wag the
loss of the knapsack and the sudden letting
down of his head. As the pillow was namely
031.0101,0Jan the missile, this might 130 ga11et1
literally a hair -breadth escope.
Bridging the Bosphorus.
Encouraged, no doubt, by the success of
the bridge across the Forth, migiueers are
1101111 considering the equally 441-00.1 801101110 of
ft bridge across the Bosphorus, 3.1,115 002(110(1'
big Europe and Asia aid 4411011' present and
future railway aysteme, The Trtrkish news-
paper Hakikat gives some pertietlars 04 44110
4400)003. 11)01404)08 of an offer by a Erench syn-
dicate tobnild a bridge of SOO 111011105 1n101144114
and 70 metres high between Roumell and
Anatoli The striking feature 01 1.180
bridge woold bil that it would oonsist of one
span ancl thus, although of much shorter
lend,11 than the Forth Bridge, it is deseribed
as a greater work:because its single span ex.
coeds in length by 0110.114111 the longest :man
of the Porthl3ridge, The Anatolien railway,
111 is thought, will 111E180 010 conatruction of
such a bridge necessary mid feasible under-
taking before many years.
gives life insurance at lowest rate% with
best security. Assessment system. 'Agents
wanted. good pay to f/00C4 WM Apply to
hoad offiec, "Xing St, east, Toronto, W.
P, Page, llemagor,
PeeeeedIngs er the NI neleenlis An1,e:1117On,
Onni 3teelIng of the Stockholders, field
the Banking thirom lho legato lion,
181 TOPO1140, On Wednesday, Olay 28011,
The annual general meeting of the DOWD..
10n BOW{ was held at the banking house
044 1448 institution on Wednesday, May 28111,
Anineg those present (('0115 110410011 Ifessra.
&Mos Atudin, Hon, P0141110 Smith, G. Wft
LOMA, Major Mom, Wm, Ince, James
Scott, R. 8, Cassels, Wilmot D. Matthews,
IL If. Bethune, E. Leadlay, Win. Boss, G.
Robertson, Br, T. Itiely, Walter 8. Lee,
John Stewart, Mrs. E. Uempbell, T. Wallin,.
ly, J. 321. Moutgotnery, etc.
It was moved lw 3'fr,(1,1toberlson,timeondorl by
111r, James Scott, that Mr, Janos Austin do Lake
Major 'Airmen moved, seconclod by Mr, E.
Letallay, and
001100,0u01107,41—That Mr, R. II. Bethune 110 11(41 as
Mopiws. Waller S. Leo and R. S. Cassels 10or0
lilleInted sotto bows,
.110 secretor,- read the report 51 (710 directors
10 tho shareholdors, and m01111100,1 the annual
tsoLantoowoste1iLL 044 1413 Willies of tho hunk, which Is as
1151,,30o 0( profit awl 14(8 nornont 30th (8.1011
668 82
Profits for the year ending 30th April, HA* 7'
after deducting °harps of matingtonent,
5(0o11144I making 04111 provision for 1,10 had
IWO doubtful debts 248,584 00
8256,253 12
Dividend 5 per cent., paid 1,1 No
Vomiter, 11(8) $75,000
Divideod 54r cont„ mixable 1st Alex,
1890 75,000
Bonus 1 per cent., 1011144.10 1st Moy,
1890 15,000
Amount (0100 (0 44053403 80,1 moron.
(15 101111 0,000
170,000 00
$ 80,203 03
Carried to reserve fund 80,000 00
Balance of profit and los carried forward...'98,253 02
During the greater part of the year fair rates
for money wore pretodent, enabling your direc-
tors to 1411131 41(141,111140 the profits 3( 1110 bank.
The chorters of the 011(144141410 12511101 expire on
the 1st of July, 1831, This has necessitated a
now Banking Aet, which 14,15 ,11104 been passed
at Ottawa. The 140( 31(83 boon caloodod. for
ten years longer, with soma slight changes,
which will not interfere with the elasticity so
nocussiwy to Mute the crops of the country.
MT, James Austin moved, seconde11 by the
Bon, Frank Snilth, and resolved, that the Te-
non be adopted.
The president 14401)5 ,84. sonto length on tho
sucem,s of the Institution, and mentioned that
the bank had not only funds available to pay
all possible demands, but 11('010 also ope11 to
take up desirable accounts, having cash on
411111(1 1043 that purpose to a very largo amount.
After tho usual resolutions the scrutineers
declared the following 011(101110n (11(131 020014011
directors for 11144ensuing year .-3.2ounrs. James
Anstie, Witham 11100, E. Leadlay, Wilmot 1.I.
Matthews, .E, B. Osier, James ScOtt and lion.
Frank Smith,
a subsequent mooting of the directors,
Mr. James Austin was re-olectmi president,
and the Hon. Frank Smith vice-president for
the ensuing. 0001E.
Capital stook paid up $ 1000 00
Deserve Lund 31,300,000 00
Bawl ,,tk wo 01 4,00813 carried for.
Dividend 000, 38, 448(4411110 149 8,253 02
75,000 00
Donne 1 per cent., payable
May 00
Reserved for Interest and ex- 10,0°°
change 88,000 59
Rebate on bills discounted30,563 99
$ 1,515,877 60
brotesin oirculeS$ 3,015,877 63on S1,173,580 Oo
Deposits not bearing interest 3,52.1,211 11
Deposits bearing interest.— 6,092,661 06
Bilanoeduoto otber banks in
Canada 2,040 92
9,933,501 09
$12,303,378 09
Specie $ 231,690 97
Dominion Government demand
241,113" and cheques of other 701,587 20
Balances dne from other banks
in Canada
Balances 110 041(001 other hanks 785'833 72
In United antes 1,105,053 20
Itelonoes due from other banks In
Provincial Government seam- 46'385 32
Ities 277,511 61
Municipal and other debentures1,257,025 41
$4,157,112 85
Bilis discounted and mment,
01141,glehglity:e7eller8err "11' —57,8162,18t49 50
Overdue debts not specially so
cured (estImatedloss provided
for) 10,785 32
Bank premises 173,570 85
0ther meets not Included under
Rerjege5sitnigollegtTer than bank 5'645 52
premises 3,158 95
R. IL Maness,
Dominion Bank, Toronto, SOth A,o11, '90.
Fair Phyllis is rowing, 11114110 I like a vagrant
Do naught less than steer as I lounge in
the stern ;
The water Is placid, 11110 0.10 cool and !rage ant
,Trolling kills time in a summer soj ourn.
'Tie 1110 44 siesta, of languid enjoyment,
quite fail to note if the lines have grown
And must ('0441131 0.11111144, for lazy employ m en t,
That trolling is truly a vagabond's spor3.,
I am gazing at Phyllis 4 Perhaps it's the
That makes her seem lovelier still in my
oyes ;
The tints in her face keep a -coming and going;
Tho piquant effect 04 44 4111121 exeroise.
A. skiff and 41110 01413' time (menet for cajoling,
Thongh We 111000 alone to our heart's dear-
est wish ;
In truth, had forgotten all ideas of trolling—
.A. pull ; a sharp struggle ; we landed fish.
A pickerel savage, that fought with a game -
No fish of its size could in any way matolt ;
Ainl Phyllis on shore, hi a spirit 04 58431011008,
Consented to figure ati part of the "catch,"
"Boat, Ahoy 1
11180 0413)1(48 are below yon," cried 0.1114111 to
pleasure party whom he descried gliding
swiftly down the stream toward the foam-
ing MART/Mt. And we would cry "Boat,
ahoy 1" to tho one whose' life bark is being
drawn into the whirlpool of oonsumption,
for unless you use effective measures you
143111 110 wrecked in Death'e foaming rapids.
Dr, Pierce's Golden 'Medical Discovery will
strengthen and restore your lungs to a
healthy condition, and is it sure relief for
coughe and colds,
How absurd for newspapers to publish
"1411105 for Husbands," Any sort of wife
eau prescribe better rules for a, husband than
lie can 21,1(1in a newspaper.
Yellow 58 4044314400.10 mummy,
Was his sallow fan.
And he seemed a very dummy
Of the hmnatt rare,
Now hes brimmed with 111(0511400 0'01'
His clear and sparkling ryo
Tolls 118 that he lives 111 mover
Ask you 4330 05110010 why 1
What has wronght the transformation ?
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pallets re-
stored this individeal in it single Week.
Nothing lilto them to reguloto tho liver,
stomaeh and bowels.
Velvet and flowers and a little 4,443801 4041113
the entiro toque that is sent home with
nutny drossy volvotoleeved gowns) braided
with Luisa
1 The World Movesl
i odor from sone ('(11111431,('(11111431,lust 11{',M11-1. hIlilf1^
Don't disgUst everybody with the effen,...1144,
; obi 143') 11(0.141', WII0 Ilan 1101 iliovo7r{,41 anti
, Will not lii1loVo that the (1,11.1,1 11408 ('8, 111111
134(11 it omijint, he (1111.11, TIO. no,tniliantilrern
',,fl),'. Sage's Ca talTh limn ed s have for many
paws offered, in good faith, 830o reward tor
a 01184, of moat eaturrii, no matter how ball
or of hen long standing, Winch they eatimit
cure. They aro thoroughly re8pousible fin.
anchdly, 448 any one can learn by proper en.
[miry through dmiggists (who sell tho toodi•
cino (11 (4(13 riti off(bi,) and they "mean busi•
117:il1i the Waxy snowdrop to the eultiva1.
e41 orchid all the pagettinq of flowers adorn
the ball 108404 goWn.
St, 11eon Springs, P, Q,
The Palace Hotel at this widely famed
watering place, 2110 double rooms will be
opened. .141110 1st to 16410181s, Despairing
staffers and all who desire highest health
and streogth, should iteeure rooms in ad-
vance the press Is so great; so wonderful
have ;teen the cures in former sears,
Address the Bt. Leon Mineral Water ('o.,
(fit'd.) Toronto, Ont., or to 8t. 1.0on
Springs, 1'. Q,
,M. A. TUOMOS, Hotel Manager.
There is no greater pitilislonent than be-
ing abandoned to ones self.
Sornet !dug' delicious and healthful Lo chew
Adams"rutti Frutti 4 1 um.41 cents,
A sermon on the mount—The usual
bicycle advertisement,
"You must go to Bermuda. If
you do not 1 544111 11(341; he, responst•
nie roc 1540 consequenees." 1304.,
(Meter, 5 eau afford neither the
time nor the money." "Well, If
3.8,413. 50 impossible, try
COD xavrin OIL.
sometimes eon it lillernionla Bet.
tied, an41 litany eases of
Bronchitis, Cough
or ,gorcro Cok7
I have CIIRED With 1t; and the
advantage is 1 hat, 11144 most sensi-
tive stomach eon take 10. Another
thing which corinnends it Is the
stimidatIng properties of the Ily..
pophosohltes 00541011 t contains.
you -will Mid It Inc sale sit your
Druggist's, In Salmon wrapper. Ile
sure you got the irtinnine.'
sE01010 3t00(0E4 1/1.11eVil1e.
.........•••••.••.•••••••••••••••• ------
Far a No, 1 Roadster Bus)-
mass Machine, see the " DOME
, S_AFETY." We guarantee all our
machines, Catalogue free,
T. SANE & CO„ Mau wfaoturers, Toronto,
Agents Wanted Throughout Cartada
Foit '0103:
as -a mr.,.3o
1041 i14'l,i0'14144 5(141.
I 'a tit, Copt i el • • • $1,630,000.00
A (111,10 • • • • • 5.308,0114.00
Nee SOPniits • • - • 1,301,225.3e
Head °face, 114 St. James St., Montrea
EICALD E. HART. Genera/ Manager.
Wt. NiAIT31.3/31.1.01,3:33_,
4302(0 21,104820014 IVOltniTORONTO.,
'De Alpert Tilt Soap Cott:
Oatmeal Skin Soap,
AND 7040. 00a10P3.43713114
See nlir Cor'8 nome 1140
Snooped On (4,0 340414) yn.) 4310
Rower° or indtesSono.
Bnecrialled Mime sand 820047 cf
They two the thirty orts that
There Is nothing liko them for Strength, Coloring -
or rosiness.
DNS Package ECCALG TWC0fanyollitrIyointheradoa.
If you doubt, it, try It I Your money will be roe
flooded (0y,,, ur,, pa CuliVitieva afte1. r
' trial. b Fieffttys
rgc11rr''118:?:7ti It •
ieZ0a.,Iee.,1111;0 8r10.035
inferior Bye, 3.0.
Canada Drench: 481 St. Poul Street, Montreal.
Smdporial fur ,Earnpie Card and Book of 183 141004(53(3.
, ' • 741 tf,
Oita ill
PC -1 ‘14'.•
Tito demand for Pool Power Mitt•latitery'is
increasing ever' year. No Carpenter can afford
1 to bu without •Foot Power Rip and Cross Cut
Saws, Former, Tenon Machines, elm., otc. Send
for catalogue. •
Best thing out, Agents mako $5 per clay
Sample by mall, He CLEMENT &II CO., 36 ICBM
St. E., Toronto.
l paycash for an ldOSGPiii°1n7883°8a
specimensoftheearly CantMnssie .
SO Wellington Si. E., Toron
GANGER and enter Specialist. Priya fe
Ileslttal. No knife. Book free
10.1(0. McMIoI,aol M.D.,No. 63
Niagara street Buffalo, N.Y
13IZ RggN•gg','%pig•-',V14'..etr1T4102g121
dian Business 000'1081t11' &Shorthand'institute
Public Library Bldg., Toronto. Circulars free.
Thos, BongOugh, Manager.
PATENTS M.,7100r0G. in ('1(11(11141, U.S
-a d Foreign Countries.
W. J. GRAHAM, '71 rouge 81„ Toronto..
COOKS, I106alla00430011402.43'
highest v%-agos. 0111;1411nel Dimmest lc Ettir
itiOyment Atmney, 011 EIng West, '(0-
000(0, Write for circular,
or Town Lots. Prices from 150 per rod (IA
ft.) Send for price fist.—Terouto Pieter
Wire Fence Co., 231 River St., Toronto.
044414843 wookly between MONTREAL, and
LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets $40, $50 and $60
Return. Tickets, $80, SOO and $110, according to
steamer and accommodation, Intermediate $95,
510001400 4420. Apply to 11. E. MURRAY, Gen-
eral Manager Canadians Shipping Eo., 4 Gus.
TOM IlOnS111 SQUARE, IMONTR13,1 i,, or 10 Local
11430500 141 till TOW118 and Cities.
1 0 0OAL
21e050100 work
tor num and women. Address T. Itl.facairrens.
*,1010104410 6(4350t West, Toronto, t
For Circular Address, •
Northcote Ave., Toronto
Cheapest and
In America to 111131
Bond and 1E1181041
3. Music, 00.
AddrossWiLnEY, 'ROYCE .40(10, 0180 Touge
Street. Toronto. Send for Catalogue,
Delivered anywhere in Canada. Largest
Stook. Lowest Prices.
McCausland & Son,
72 to 76 King Street West, Toronto,
her Failing St, Len
Up to three years ago
Dyspepsia, that horrible
sonaation, wretched pain
and choking. The Tory
thought chills ree. A
friend got oureci 'with St.
Leon urged 3115 to drink
1,1111. The choking lumps
got softer end Honer. 3
was mired and remain in
4,400 VOry best 0) 410411141, St
Loon Water our° when
((1107l(00 1411101111'06 fall,
Victoria Senate, Montreal
A so-called "Webster's Unabridged
Dictionary" is being offered to the public
at every lowprice. The body of the book,
from A. to 8, is a cheap reprint, page for
page, of the edition 01 1847, which was in
its day, a valuable book, but in the Two -
grass of language for over FORTY TEARS,
has been completely superseded. 34 48
now reproduced, broken type, errors and
all, by photo -lithograph process, is printed
on cheap paper and flimsily bound. A
brief comparison, page by page, between
the reprint and the latest and enlarged
edition, will show the great superiority
of tho latter. These reprints are as out
of date as a last year's almanac. No hon-
orable dealer will allowthe buyer of such
to suppose that he is getting the Webster
which to -day is accepted as the Standard
and THE BEST,—every copy of which
bears our imprint as given below.
iter If persons who have been induced to
purchase the "Ancient Edition" by any
misrepresentations will advise ns of the
facts, we will undertake to see that the
seller is punished as he deserves.
41. & C. ItLERRIA1Y1 & CO.
008008100,0 ,o014'
atthIlLg ti; :ft -7Z: WOW°
Ma 'name?, Pi44reamc.1041.7a
PONA'SEZTRACT CO, lstow'r 0 leLonden
Deleraine RZ., $28
Moosemin, - 28
- 28
Saltcoats, - 28
Meesejaw, 30
Calgary, 35
SIONS will leave
all points in Ontario,
Sharbot Lake, King-
ston and West thereof,
31111051 1711)
n(0,. until July 97tb, 1800
TUNE 24th
Return Ilan August Mr, 1930
JULY 8th
nature until August Ietb, 10(0
pertloultriyiygyAgnneareit Station
11 :141$
Johnston's Fluid Beef
r 1
Bie (Areal, Stretagtia41-iver
TO 11115 EDITOR t—Please Inform your renders that I I avo a positive rerdedy for the.
above named disease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently =red. •
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who hove EVIIA..
snmption If they wilt send mo their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOORMII,
M.O., 186 Went Adelaide St., TORONTO, ONTARIO.
The Alliance Bond and. Investment Co, of Ontario, Limited.
Incorporated February 27t1f, 1890.
CAPITAL - 81,000,000.
General Offides, 27 & 29 Wellington Street East, 34 & 36 Front acroet East, vorenta.,,
This Company undertakes agencies of every description, and trusts, such as carrying out
141511031 044 capital for comet -tidos and °them, conversiOn of railway anti other securities, will giTocare-
fill attention to management of estates, the collection of loans, rents, interest, dividends, debt.%
mortgages, d obentures,honds, bills, notes, coupons and othersoeuritios; will antes agents/m*41401g
or countersigning 000t,4(ates 00 13.0010, bonds or other obligations. ,
terms therefor.
Every dollar invested with or through this Company earns tho highest -returns and is awl>
le Lel y safc. All investments arc guaranteed.
TOE INVESTMENT BONDS 04 3.4(0 Company are issued in amounts of
offer unparallollod inducements for accumulative investments Of small =omits, mOnthlY 00 0148
larger periods for terms of years from five upwards and the investor is not only alisolutGy
pro -tooted agabist loss of a 34051(10 21(141011 but can rely uport tho largest returns consistent with
security. Correspondence solicited and promptly 001111011.1 0.
44433*. STONE, President. G. P. POTT1110, Inintitging Director
Vint -class General end Lona] Agents cab 0 b fain re ierallWctiyasitpalying,o
))Pl0NTRAClONlEh0JN14 413, THEF)3.D
Tromi "c17
(t:ak —7T7, ,1.
tit Jbet$2,
141f.'41 1 110[17n
1111.,,CO3..,,Ur,,,,,,111,E.. 1,FANATRA,';::A',..,.....e„,„,u,n,,,w;thti;,',.,,Iovio7mEY1 ta0:1 ha" trohro A rle ittal eitle6,5...16 fitIr titii ro
Eplltmate Sr. f.intilng Gleam's* a 190.1ong Stung. 1 o.fttirrarit my remedy it, DOL _lots the
Worst cases,Ecotone others have failed s no -0ason fin' not now receiving 1004344. dean
once for a trentine and it Free ?Settle 01 my trtfatriffo Remedy. Give Bo 60
nett Office It testa yen nothing for a trial 'me it Will cure you. Address 2 .iis lb'
MACq Drairatt *Meet 188 117,261' AD12011,112E 87171287* T08087'1.0.