HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-6, Page 81 t-114: 1:1-t l; S i,k.LS k -'UST
Bee -Moms I
Akre you wanting any Empty
Hives for your swarms?
If so I can sell you
sE3beaper than you can make
Per, as I have more than I re-
quire. Call and See them.
Druggist, Bookseller, &c.
'Teethe fiats Brusaole Station, North
- an5 South, as follows :
SoINO 600TH, 001140 No3Tn.
slat,,.,,....... 6.53 a.m. I Mixed 9:20 a.m.
,.5U059. 11:42 a.m. Mail 3:06 p.m.
r.7'........ 2:22p.m. Exprage 9:45 p.m.
total littus Pms,
A ekiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'Il prent it.
Hee much rain.
A cisme stock of house plants at T.
CEJLEAGE and Tomato plants at Mo•
5. Ws -Luaus & SON have two fine driv-
Soma talk of a tannery being operated
® HEW second hand buggies for sale at
alteagain. Jas. WALKER.
eamAT line ladies 'kid gloves at 500.
ash 75c. at Soarff & Ferguson's.
Ifs yon want a new buggy go to Jas.
"'dfallsorrcarriage maker, Brueeels.
Tansemy pieces check Zephrae at 7e.
wowtL 12;Ib. at Soarff & Forgueon's.
Iia you want to hire a good driving
,leprae and riggo:to Hugh Williams & Son.
dLA. 1OEwNAl4 has purchased another
Jemmy heifer. It arrived here on Mon -
PnENTICE5 wanted immediately at
iatea. Megarvie'e, opposite the Town Hall,
Tram political orators of this and other
sa ties in Ontario will now take a rest
iffara while.
lathe absence of the pastor Rev. B.
latest will officiate in the Methodist church
sit Sabbath.
Sam. eldest daughter of John Shand,
."Jmurterly of Brussels, died in Toronto on
ifiaanaday of last week.
NEWT forget the Base ball concert in
>+,3ra Town Hall on Friday evening of this
•'aeak. (so and hear Mise MoManis
Ba,L,NTY-FIVE cents, in advance, will
' gag -for TEE Pose for the balance of
s 1A60 We want to add 150 names to our
. ata}tecription list.
Titases.—Cabbage, cauliflower, tomato
-and celery plants for sale. Persons
semisting Goon plants should come to me.
II beep no rubbish. Taos. KELLY.
Qme day last week Jas. Stretton, sr.,
{foul the misfortune to fall and break two.
ed Ste fingers enehie right hand. It will
wapacitate him from work for some
.'Suck '
iSoinE sneak threw a atone through the
sato!, agleam grinder Taylor. As the old
pwsplb unlike their home in the convey-
- canoe it was a dangerous as well as a des-
,, pile trick.
Mire. D. FERRIC preached two excellent
earffions in Melville church last Sabbath.
Mae services were attended by large
-•ssepxegatione, and fifteen new members
fames oeoeived into the fellowship of the
A. KIENIO, of the American Hotel, bas
0rrsasted in a handsome brand new phte.
2dlla,with canopy top, &e. It was manu-
ffsss6nred by John Wynn and Messrs.
Mittierts & Plum. It is a etylieh and
Ql Nloam emthe received word last
vwoak.that the- burglars, who are sup-
ue d'to have gone through hie store re -
muddy, had been arrested for a similar
a eriesee in Grey. County and were now in
Murcia gaol awaiting their trial.
2Sasx Bheoon Ac. SoosETt.—A meeting
the Directors of the Grey Branch
Agimonitural Society will be held in the
'Olsamcil Chamber on Saturday, 14th
staff, at 2 o'olock, to take into SStra the enlargement and improvement
e iftke•grounds belonging to the Society.
/large attendance requested.
¶,d20: Dhese figures indicate the
member of separate pieces in a log cabin
faF t completed by Mrs. Q. M. Parker, of
Miises ole,.on Mary 80th, 1890. When it
.tenseisidered that she ie 76 years of ago
Mire work will appear more worthy of
mlAiite. Mrs. Parker preeented the quilt
5551 Boer grand -daughter, Mise Melinda
• Ong, daughter of Joseph Clegg, of
i0lse rve, well known in this section.
flimamanx. —In the camp of district No.
fl.tlabe held at Stratford, the following
.89158 are allocated :-1st regiment of
orsaeiry, 1st brigade field artillery,
taiin t's% ; London field battery, the 21st,
22427th, 29th, 32nd battalions of in -
finery and ' D eehool, London. It is
,•was6watood'that although the first bri-
.• pe0krof artillery is drawn for drill in
,E18oriet No. 1, it will, however, join the
eavagat Niagara, the facilities for big
Ora practice being better there than at
AllaaxMord. Tho 38rd Batt. will not go to
an%this year.
Oft FREE TRIP TO EUROr9.—The publish-
ers0R the Canadian Queen will give a
diw,etrip to, Europe to the person sending
iisuir the largest number of words con•
eedttmated from letters contained in tho
.lane of their well known Magazine,
P711Be Canadian Qneon." Additional
prints consisting of sliver tea sets, gold
mrstattee, china dimror gets, Portiere cur•
tulles, silk dresses, mantel clocks, and
mauls ether useful and valuable articles
Atte awarded in order of merit.
", eitcter's Unabridged Dictionary to be
aten3 as authority in decidiag the contest.
,931164 'tea popular plan of introducing a
pegut9r publication. Every one sending
ra, ]last o& not lees than ten wards will re.
ohm .a present. Enclose thirteen 2e.
ertsaepe for Illustrated Catalogue of pree-
qar�nlAstsul .t1r'oe month's trial subscription
Butler Queen. Address—The Canadian
ilta581ra,'Toronto, Ont.
: -
Between the way we Sell Goods and other merchants do, is that they buy goods at the ordinary wholesale price and
then add their freight, profit and expense on their invoice prices, while we buy our goods at 159; cents on the Wholosalo
Price, freight and boxing paid. We then sell you the goods at Wholesale Prices—the same as the other merchants pay
for them—without even the freight or boxes added.
You see we make our profit out of the wholesale houses who lose by the sharks who have failed and pocketed
enough of their good money to start store in somebody else's name, The wholesale houses have then to take our price
for the stock of goods left them, in order to get anything out of their dishonest find extravagant creditors. So you see
we take our profit out of the wholesale houses, and not out of you as other merchants do.
Do not be misled by the bable and untruthfulness of some merchants, who will tell you that they can buy goods
regular and sell as cheap as we can. They only take you for some know-nothing, or they would not attempt such
unreasonable arguments with you.
Butter, Eggs, etc. Taken at Cash Value.
Scnoor. Board meeting this (Friday)
BASE-n9Lt concert this (Friday) even-
ing. Take it in.
You can see the newest and beet as-
sorted stook of dress goods at Scarff &
Lamas' white dress robeeat 98,00,
$3.75 and 95.00 worth $5.00, $6.00 and
$7.50 at Scerff & Ferguson's.
Moser To Loai.—Private funds on
first mortgage, farm security preferred.
Apply at Tun Pose Publishing House.
BmDEE TWINE.—Five tons best binder
twine in stook as follows : —Blue Ribbon,
Manilla, Flax and Silver compoeet
binder twine. B. GERM.
GRAyELLINO,—The contract of gravell-
ing the boundary between Grey and
Morris townships will be let by public
auction, at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
on Thursday of next week, 12th Inst., at
4 o'clock p. m.
House AND LOT Fon SALE.—Tho com-
fortable and desirably located residence
of W. A. Calbick, Turnberry street,
Brussels, is offered for sale as the family
intend removing to British Columbia.
'For particulars-appiy to Mrs.. Catbirds.
DourxloN DAT.—A public meeting of
the citizens of Brussels will be held in
the Council Chamber next Monday even-
ing at 8 o'clock for the purpose of ar-
ranging for the celebration of Dominion
Day. A large turnout expected. Now
ie the time to move.
WELL-Dm:axe AND Dnmtmo.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepay.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put. in proper
shape. Terme easonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et„ Brussels. 48-tf
Now MARBLE Wonxs.—The firm of
Johnston & Cochrane, stone cutters, &o.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &c„ in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satiefao-
tion -guaranteed in every case. Don't
place your order without calling on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain.
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
Couxcm.—The usual monthly Ceuuoil
meeting. wits held last Monday evening.
All the members present except Council-
lor Strachan. Minutes of last meeting
read and passed. Accounts were passed
to Walter Smith, H. James and W.
Stewart. for street improvements ; Mrs.
Wallace and Mrs. J. Blaehill, charity.
It was decided to ask for tenders for
painting the Town Hall, and grading
several streets. There was no bueinese
before the Court of Revision.
Tea Seafurth Expositlir says :—Thos.
Parcell, an old and respeoted resident
of Seatorth.died on Wednesday forenoon
of last week. Mr. Purcell had been in
Bruesels for some time in charge of the
salt works there. He took ill with a sev-
ere attack of what was supposed to be
inflammatory rheumatiem, but whioh
afterwards turned into inflemmation of
the bowels. On Saturday he was brou-
ght home and continued to grow worse
until death ensued. Mr. Purcell was a
most steady, industrious and well doing
man, and was a quiet and worthy citizen.
He had been a trusted employee of Dr.
Coleman for over 18 years. He was 43
years of age, and leaves a widow and
seven young children to mourn his loss.
The funeral took place on Friday
morning at 9 o'clock, and the remains
were interred in Irishtown cemetery.
Tin CosoRovze,—The entertainment
given by the Cosgrove family was a
misdeal treat, and those who were not
present missed a unique exhibition of John Irvine, a teamster, was fatally
musical skill. John Cosgrove is a whole ornehed by a sawlog at Pioton Tuesday.
chow in himself so far as acquaintance Mr.Paul Peel, the London, Ont., ar-
tist musical instruments ie concerned, tiet, has won the gold medal of the Paris
and the other members of the family are Salo
little short of hie versatility. The sing.
fag of Mise AdaOosgrove was fully ap-
preoiated•and several times 'during the
evening she was vociferously recalled.
Little Mabel Rose naught the audience
with her exhibitions of "Gillie Callan,"
"Sheen Trews," and "Irieb Washer-
woman," and time and again bad ohe'to
face the audience on encores. Should
the Coegroves come this way again we
have every' reason to believe a good
audience would turn out to hear and see
their clever manipulation of the almost
endless variety of musical instruments
which they play.
HYMENEAL.—One of those interesting
events that always create a ripple of ex.
eitement in social circles, especially with
the fair sex, occurred at the residence of
Wm. Baird, Parkhill, on the evening of
the 28th of May, occasioned by the
marriage of D, 11, Cameron, manager of
McTaggart au do's, Bank, Parllhill,
(formerly of Brussels) and Miss Madge
Baird, eldest daughter of Wm, Baird,
Parkhill. The interesting ceremony was
performed by Rev. Mr, Ford, L. L, B.,
in the presence of a large number of
friends. The groom wag ao0ioted in his
duties by J. W. Shaw, of Brueeole, while
the bride was supported by Miss Belle
Jamieson, of Parkhill. The bride and
bridesmaid were dressed in a very be-
coming suit of Nilo green Henrietta,
tastily trimmed with tan colored loather
straps and buckles and ornamented with
natural flowers. The presents were
handsome, numeron0 and costly which
Showed the very high esteem in whioh
the popular banker an. ,to bride are
held by their numerous Parkhill friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron left for their
new home about 12 o'clock amidst the
usual showers of rine, shoes and good
wishes. "Dublin's" many Brusoele
friends join in wishing him and his bride
many years of prosperity and happiness.
DROWNED.—Word has been received of
a sad drowning calamity whioh occurred
on Friday last in the neighborhood of
Prospeot Hill in Biddulph township,
whereby the 18 -year-old sen of Dirs.
Wileon, a widow, lost his life. The
young man had boon attending the St.
Marys High School and was returning
home with two companions. They
stopped end were fishing in Fish Creek,
when a proposal to go in for a bathe was
agreed to. The waterwas somewhat
deeper than usual, about nine feet being
in the creek. Young Wilson got beyond
his depth and, as he could not swim, was
drowned before any aesistanee maid bo
procured. The body was recovered about
two hours after the occurrence. The
bereaved relatives have the sympathy of
a large circle of acquaintances. Mrs.
Wilson has three other sone. The above
mentioned young man was a cousin to
J. J. Gilpin, of Brussels.
People We Know.
Cormack was visiting in Stratford
thio week.
Geo. Currie and wife, of Atwood, spent
Sunday in town.
Mise Kate Wilson was visiting in
Wingham last week.
Jno. Halliday, of London, was in town
this week for a few days.
R. S. Pelton, of the Atwood Bee, VMS
on the sick list this week.
Mrs. Wm. Vanstone is visiting in Galt
and Mies Addie at Goderioh.
Mrs. Joseph Walker and children are
visiting at Londesboro' this week. •
Mise Jeanet Hunter has gone on a
visit to her sister, Mre. Kenny, at De-
Mrs. Dutton, of Stratford, was vielt-
ing her daughter, Mrs. Deadman, for a
We are sorry to state that H. Dennis
is laid up with an attack of typhoid
A. 'Emig, wife and daughter and Miss
Bell Grower spent Sunday with relatives
in Mitchell.
A. Brown, a nephew of Mrs. George
Howe's from Yorkshire, England, is visit-
ing in town. He has been two weeks in
this country.
We are pleased to notice that W.
Revell, of Toronto, has been elected V ice
President and Treasurer of the Canadian
Artists' Association.
T. Fletcher and wife, Dr. Holmes, Mira
E. E. Kerr, the Misses Moore, and W.
H. Kerr and • wife are attending the
Guelph Conference, in session at Strat-
Rev. 8. Sellery, B, A., B. 13., left for
Stratford last Monday noon to attend
the sittings of the Stationing Committee,
of whioh he is a member, preparatory
to the opening of Conference on Thurs-
day morning.
District Agent McArthur, representing
the Confederation Life Association, was
in town this week looking after the in-
terests of the Company. Ile is successor
to Richard Manning, of Exeter, who wag
compelled through ill health to give un
the work.
Canadian Newry.
A fire in Ottawa Tuesday morning
canoed about $50,000 damage.
An Italian navy was murdered by a
drunken campaign at Ottawa Tuesday.
The long -continued strike of the build-
ers' employees at Toronto is in a fair way
to settlement.
The village of St. Jacques Luohigan,
Que., was visited by a disastrous fire on
Monday evening.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Com-
pany is negotiating for control of the
Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste, Marie
The incorporation,of Chester, a suburb
of Toronto, was quashed to rho ground
that the incorporation was obtained by a
fradulent corms.
The Ontario Cotton Mill at Hamilton
was started up Monday, but only one
weaver—a woman—returned to work, the
rest of the etrilrero holding out.
The farmers of Kant aro making ar-
rangements for an excursion over the
C. P. R, to the Guelph Model Farm
during the second week in June.
Mr. Dingman, the Toronto eonp man,
hue purchased the island known as Davy's
island, opposite Gicnora, and a few miles
from Picton, and is improving it very
Veterans in Toronto Monday celebrat-
ed the 2.1t11 anniversary of the Fenian
raid at Ridgeway by decorating she mon-
ument to the voluntoere who fell at that
place in 1866,
A special cablegram to The Globe
Bays that (ho Newfoundland delegates
aro being favorably received in London,
and that exeitdd messages from St.
John's and Halifax are likely to de New-
foundland's 09500 much harm.
Prince Arthur and his party visited the
epaital Wednesday.
Halifax still owes $1,500 on aceouiit of
ite summer carnival last year.
A fire in Oreemee Monday destroyed
several residencee and shops.
The Buffalo International Basoba:l
League team has been ,transferred to
A merchant in Comber kept his store
open for a few minutes lest Sunday, and
was tined $5 by a local justice of the
A little eon of Arthur Barker, 8t.
Thomas, started a bonfire on the floor of
his father's born and the building was
Reports from Victoria, B. C., and
Sitka, Alaska, indicate that if the miss-
ing Lord Boyle is not with tho Indians
of Alaska he is probably dead.
Tho etouecuttere' strike at Toronto is
ended. They were getting 38 cents per
hour and struck for 47 cents. The mast-
ers consented to give them 43 cents per
A farmer named Janiese of Eeeex Co-
unty has a monstrosity in the shape of a
colt foaled last W edpeeday. It is perfect-
ly formed except the head, which looks
eco ctly like the head of a calf.
Among the list of those who passed the
final examination for the license of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario is Miss Brown, eldest daughter
of Rev. Geo. Brown, Strathroy.
Mrs, Grant, of Oso, recently gave birth
to three children. The children all died.
This poor woman lost her husbaud only
two months ago. He was killed in the
copper mines above Lake Superior.
During the past year the Presbytery of
Toronto contributed $8,000 to the home
mission fund and $7,000 to the augmen-
tation fund, and asked only $700 and
$580 respectively from these funds.
At the fire in Mountain Grove, Ont. on
Sunday, all the papers in the office of
the township treasurer and poet -office
were destroyed, Mr. McDonald the treas-
urer, and postmaster, being away at the
time. The bush in the vicinity is now
The Duke and Duchess of Connaught
were given a royal welcome at Toronto
on Friday. Addresses of welcome were
presented by the City and County
Councils, the Toronto branch of the Im•
perial Federation League and the city
masonic lodges. During the evening the
Prince inspected the Queen's Own Rifles
and the Royal Grenadiers.
A Swift Current, N. W. T. despatch
says an attempt was made to rob the
Battleford mail due there Monday, while
lying up at Otter station on Saturday
night. The would-be robber overhauled
two sacks of newspapers and demanded
that the courier, E. Woodcock, open up
the registered and other lettere, which
were inside. Woodcock shot through
the door, and the robber fled shrieking
with pain, The registered and other
mail packages are believed to be O. K.
Bev. Mr. Green, pastor of Escanaba
Episcopal church, will"'prohably bb tried
under the alien contract labor law. He
was pastor at the Canadian Sault church,
and, while serving there, was contracted
with to supply Escanaba pulpit. He
claims he was ignorant of the law, but
that will not probably satiety District
Attorney L. D. Palmer, of Grand Rapids
who is investigating the matter. There
is no doubt Mr. Green was unconscious
of any law -breaking, but whether the
court will take cognisance of this fact is
another question. Local bueinose men
are also on the anxious seat, as many of
their clerks are Canadian people.
A sad case of poisoning le reported
from George's Lake, near Plantagbnet
village, Prescott county. On Wednes-
day lett an old man named Campeau
was out digging roots when he came
across some wild parsnips. He took
them home and remarked to the family
that the roots were sweet, and all present
partook of them. The result was that
symptoms of poisoning get in, and that
evening a boy aged 9 died, and the fol-
lowing evening another brother, aged 7,
expired. Dr. Petty, of Plantagenet, was
called in and adminietored antidotes to
the other members of the family. The
grandfather and mother and the three-
year.old baby will not likely recover, but
the doctor thinks the two. little girls of
the family will live. The affair liar
created a tremendous sensation in the
county.____ _--
CASIERON—•BAoRm,—In Parkhill, on May
28th, at the residence of the bride's
fattier, by Rev. Mr. lord, L. L. B.,
Mr. D, Il. Cameron, formerly of
Brusselo, to Miss Madge Baird,all of
GRIEVE—Kenn.—At Melville man so,
Brussels, by Rev, John hose, 13. A.,
on the 3rd met„ 1111 Thos. Grieve to
Mies Janet Boid Kerr,daughterhtep
r of
Mr. Alex, Herr,both oMcKillop.
Tuuonr.L,—In Morrie, on Thursday, May
29th, Samuel G. Tlivall, aged 56
ooD.--In tower ti in ha m
WEI.LW w V g m, on
Sunday, the 18th May, Jane Well -
wood, relict of the late John Well.
wood, aged 71 years, 3 m0nt118 and 1
8y0'1:TMSE2.0 1.2AM.MCETS.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tabs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel..
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, eaoh
Wool, per lb.
4 20
6 00
1 25
1 00
1 00
4 50
6 50
6 00
1 00
to DR. GRAHAM. 4G -
ground,wlth dwellhlg and etable, all
n, fire{-oluw oonditloa, for rale, situated en
Thoma% and Mary atreete, Brueeole. Big
hergaio tp purchaser. Only small petann4
age required down. Apply 60
43- W. 3, NORTON.
Tae uudoraigned is desirous of se-
curing house work, such as souse cleaning,
washing, Irning, nuc. Washing or ironing
done at my bonen if desired. Apply to
30.2 Parker's Terrane, Mill St
Wroxeter and Brussels a sureiugle,
cropper, Sm. The owner may obtain the
same by calling at 'Inc'Poor Publishing
Boase, proving property and paylag for
this notice.
k Leaves Amerada every evening on the
arrival of the Oeaforth stage, and returns
from Gurria in the morning in time to catch
the Seaforth otage going out. This rule will
be adhered to until further notice.
E. WALBH, Proprietor,
PATENTS Cav0nto,R0-iseneeard Trade-
aMartteeooered uud all oth-
er potent nausea in the Patent Office and
before the Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch
of invention, 1 make careful examination,
and advise as to patentability free of charge.
Free moderate,antt I make no charge unless
patent is secured, Information, advice and
s5eniul references sent on application, J.
R. LITTELL, Washington, D.C., U.S. Patent
Office. n5
DEAer0NED has several good Forme for
sale and to rant, easy terms, in Towaehipe
of Morrie and Grey. F. S. SCOTT. Brusaole
Being Sonth half:Let 27,000.6, Morrie,
100 acroe, nes rly all cleared. Good buildings,
about 20 nitres Fall wheat in ground, Easy
terms. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR,
t!- Solicitor, Ac., Brussels.
, Bonn= offers his valuable 100 acre
farm, being lot 3, con. 13, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for sale. There are about 50
acres cleared and In good heart. There ill a
log house, good hank barn bearing orchard,
and all the necessary oo0yoniencee on the
premiooe. For further partioulare, as to
prlee,terma, oto, apply to th• Proprietor,
HOS.HISLOP. blare P.O., N.W.T.. or to
mina1ON'RD' offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 23, oonceeeiou 6, Morris,
County of Huron, ountainiug 60 acres. Tho
land is of first quality and in a high state of
cultivation. well fenced and under -drained,
acme cleared. New frame house, 9 room a,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 welle,
good barna and shed, orchard, oto. Eight
aoree of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brunetti. Sui6-
ablo tome will be given. Title perfect.
36- bleafor1h P.O.
Morrie, on reasonable torme, In order
to aloe° the affairs of the estate. of the late
W. G. H1a eton, the executors offer the fol.
lowing valuable lands for sale North
half of Lot 30, Oonoeesioo S, Township et
Morrio,00ntaining 00 acres. On this lot ie
erected a good frame barn with atone foun-
dation, good orchard, well and pump. Near-
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
:lonely adjoining the village of Brunel..
This farm is a valuable one, 1• well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. For
prices and terms apply to THOS. KELLY,
Brunaets P. 0., HENRY JENNINGS, Victoria
Square P. 0., 00 391480 8M130, Maple Lodge
I', 0 Middlesex County.
Sale - of - Lands,
County of 188000 to Wit:
BY virtue eta writ of Fieri Faoias lesued
out of Hew Meiosty'a County Court of the
Comity of Heron and 60 m0 directed and
delivered agpainst tho Laude and Tenements
ohlames 004annon, at tho suit of Jamas
MoLnnnhlIu,1 have :aimed and Won 1u ex,
caution as the right title, interest and
equity of redennption which the above named
:910»i1 r has inlet .l•1, ntycoselou 12,
'and Pbip of Grey,inthe County of Huron
and Provin•o of Outnado, which sumo right,
title, inlor149 end equitqy. of redemption in
lands and tea•naonts I 911911 offer far sale at
my eliloo, to Ole Court 1lotlso, in tho town
of Godorloh, on
MONDAY, JULY 1461y 1890,
at the hour of twelve of the alook, noon,
ROBERT ninon;
Sheriff, Heron.
SIlest ;vs allies, Oodorlok, AprlI7,18CO3
Good Taste ! - Low Prices
1115{81: AIM 1'111{ 6EAD1NO TEATIMES Or
My Wall Papers !
1'nom lar and 1)reigglst, • I1f111541:L4•
Tranaact a CE-oneral U3axaleine.
Canadian and United Statoo Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections mule on favorable tern.
Canadian Agents—MEIt0OANT'e BAER Or
New York Ago06s—IMponmene AND TRAD-
• Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collee-
tioue made. Office—Vanstoue's Bleak, Bruit.
sale. 01-3m •
Solicitor, Conveyonier, Notary Pub-
lic, dre. Odloe—Graham's Blook, 1 do Jr north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
• Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub-
lic. Conveyancing. Colleottoue a,ndLoaning.
Mr. Wade will attend 1n Gorrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'clock,
(Late with Garrow d: Proudfoot, Gode-
r1ch,1 hamsters, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
dm. Cubes—Bruosala and Seutorth. Bros
Dole Office. Rogers' Block, Main St. Money
to Loan.
A. e. 8905, W.n. D1CRa011.
M. TAYLOR, B. C. L.,
A •
b1 • Barrister, Solicitor, he., of the firm
of Taylor, McCullough R Burne, Berriet:re
Solicitors, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto..
Money to loan.
Clerk of the PourOh Division Court,
Co. Huron. Convey:moor, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Fuode
Invested and to loan. Collections made.
Office in Graham's Block, Brussels.
WM. F. CALE, M.D., C. M.,
Member of the College of Phyntclan
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination
Office and Residence — Main etreet East,
Ethel, Ontario.
C. M., L. R. C. p•, Edinburgh, M. C. P
S. Ont. At Popper's Drug Store from 9 to
11:30 a.m, and from 1:30 to 4 p. m, At other
hours may be found at his residence, form-
erly occupied by Dr. B ntohlneon, Mill et.
22918' T 9 S T,ME X-1
G. L. Bali, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ail-
minietered for the Pcialeso Extraction of
Teeth, 74 Gerrard Street Eaet, TOnoNTe.
996A2T21$. z, a.
Honor Graduate of the Roval Collage of
Dental 000900ne, Toronto. Njtros Oxide Gas
adminietered for the 'Mimosa Extraotioa of
teeth. OfOee--
I'caONa Door. Nonni OT SANE, BRuseriLa,
Iesurer of Marriage Lloonoee. Office
at his Orooery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
• Tonsorial Artist: Shop—Next door
south of A, M. McKay& Co's hardware store.
Ladfee'and children hair cutting a spoaialty
• Insurer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis -
Fire Insurance Co. B. Conveyancer at the and
Poet 011lca.
The undersigned deeiro to intimate to
the ladies of Brusaole and vicinity that they
have opened a Dreeemaking Shop over Mr.
Alex. S traohan s Store, Brueeole, where they
are prepared to attendtoall work entrusted
to t40-4 ' Satisfaction
Ie doslrons of procuring puede in
V oval Music, Prof. Warrington of Toronto
is pleased to give hie testimonial as to Mies
O'Oonnor'a ability, she having been a pupil
of hie during her stay in, Guelph. 1nelru•
mental Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Terms made known on application. Princess
St., Brussels. Mise O'Connor is open for
Concert Engagements. 36.
• Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stock, &c. Terms
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P.0. Sales
way be arranged at TSE Poem Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Solos oonduot-
edon reasonable forme. Farms and farm
stock a specialty. Ordure' loft at Tun Poem
I'uUllei ins House ,lira noels, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention, —�
as nn AuotionNoorO, I mTnLICprepared•
to coudaot 011100 of farm stook at 709900x910
prieee, knowing the standing of nearly
every person Iain in a position to Roll to
good marks and got good security whoa sold
on credit, Satisfaction guarautood. Give
010 a pall. 32. F. S. SCOTT,
honor Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinar510eae00 oftlomestleatocego, are lia prepared
to as eon:-
potent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry, Calls promptly at-
tended to, Willie and Infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge, 'iurnbarry'at,, 13rustele,