The Brussels Post, 1890-6-6, Page 7J17N 1 (3, 1890,
InyN'lar.t4a.a.raafr✓oaa..e ,. ... ..
The Oare and Training of Ohildren,
Salnclhing to !Ivo ror mune to the phew,
sum'thor{to die for maybe;
Sou't hong Ie give :woe »erne, a grave,
And yet 11 was only it hahy I
Very many nwthore accept the blessed
privilege of motherhood in the most uneotl-
eturd, matter of fait way. They elethc,
shelter and feed 11efr ululdre l4 but, abut is
all. They forget, or p''1"'ps never realize,
that they are l c iu;; the foundation of 0 life
or lfvrs, that. shall last_ through all eternity ;
that. the %say they guide the tiny stream of
life ie b ibyh eel so shall it form 118 cour..r
for all the future.
11 y to mnlerot an l your r rhila a n, met hers.
Cain their contidem.c, l•itteoalagc them
to came to yon with their troubles and
so 1 00 (for children have trials as hard
for thou to hear as ate our griefs to us),
(Live then,, your sympathy, A eltild who feels
that the mother trusts it will, if but 1it11e
more than a baby, try Lo bo worthy of that
Inst. Too ninny children are treated as if
they were nothing more titan mere little
animals, With no imagination or soul, but
iiia is a sad mistake.
wise 1:(100111 Minnie.
Being gonil to a child bit lint merely fond.
ling lent loving IL You aro often far hotter•
, 8 doing.
it when you refrain ft ml o It is the
lonkiug after its welfare, the guiding of its
impulses and desires, so us to secure the best
results in the future ; the caring for its men-
tal nature, so that it any grow up with e.
healthy mind in a healthy body. This noble
though aislnons task devolves upon the
mother for more than neon the father. Tc,
her falls the duty of teaching the children
what is tight and what is wrong ; the laying
of the foundation on which the moral auil
mentalatfttettlre' are to be built.
MUM! Move.
'Chu drat thing requisite Inc a prosperous
surf happy life is health. With health both
in mind and body - thongh, perhaps, with
no special gifts mentally —0 men 00tachieve
almost anything he may rl'siro. Parents all
hope for healthy children, yet in many cases
they aro responsible for hutch misery and
wrete'hedneso in life. People who are taint.
ed with any disease that may be transmit,
tel to their offspring have no moral right to
brig; into existence one single life to stiffer.
lint be the eitciunstances. ,attending birth
what they may, when tato children are here
it fa our duty to do the very best we can for
theta so that they shall have all the chalice
p .ssible for health and strength). W'heu is
the time to begin? ,Just as soon as they are
born. (:rent care should be exercised with
regard to the dressing of the tiniest infant.
If the clothes are pinned too tightly it may
cause injuries winch the child may neve'
nutgrOW. 1 lave seen many babies dressed
and pirated together so that their little e limbs
were e.msm:Lily drawn up or daubled back.
How can they grow straight if this is the
ease? "flow ieg'a"is as Often cauaedby
this as by standing the child on its feet too
eon. Then, Mo, I've seen the tiniest
that their Little backs
LaLiea 1101 t up . so , not
Raving any strength in the spinal 00101111,
were hent almost like 11 seui.eircle. This
causes round shoulders, if nothing morn seri.
PliYS1C.(L Ti,LINtX(,
In sonic countries -'-Austria, for instance—
the children never wear dresses or regular
clothing of any kind until they are three
months old. After the bath each dray a little
shirt is put on the upper part of the body,
llerh.tps a soft little eauque over this, but the
ower limbs are stretched out flat and rolled
round and round in many folds of the softest
down and linen, The child is kept lying flat
00 its back for the first three months of its
little life, except when being washed or fed.
This onuses its limbs to grow straight and
its back to become strong and erect before it
is allowed to be hold in a sitting posture,
',Vo Wright not find this mode of treatment
exactly ptlletioal, but we would do well to
follow the same idea in a lneasure—enough,
at least, to insure strength and erectness
to baby's• little book.
Thain\li nig Mil11.
As soon as a child begins to '!take notice"
.vc should try to find mecum of interesting it.
A rattle, a rubber ring, or a tiny doll will
do at first, lett elle baby soon tires of these.
Test here is the place for the mother to exert
her "inventive" ability. We have found a
pencil and a piece of paper invaluable where
children aro concerned.' AL' first they aro will-
ing to sit and scribble to their heart's content
milking, perhaps, nothing but zigzag linos;
but after to little while they will want to
produce shape from the chaos. Then is the
Limo for the mother to make little objects
for the child to copy, Begin with something
very simple. Make a few circles, a flight
of steps, a tea box, orany other thing that
will be readily grasped by the little one.
Let it enpy them; do not be discouraged) .if
you find it slow work. Unless a chihlls en.
usually backward i1 will be interested and
before long will bo able to do fairly well.
Name whatever object you make, and while
learning to draw and hold the pencil aorroct-
ly it will also learn the names of things. A
slats may take the place of a paper, if you
prefer, but baby is apt to bo More fond of
rubbing things out than in trying to copy
them. correctly.
Another thing which always amuses the.
tots is to slake paper dolls for them, Tante
a piece of paper—bright colored paper bobcat,
as children always Itko bright things ; but
not glazed paler, 00 it is likely to be poison-
ous—double it, and with the scissors out out
figures --leen, women, girls, boys, or what-
ever yon may fanny, 13y and bye the child
Will want 10 do likewise. Give it some pa-
per and a dull pair of scissors Gild lot it try.
Encourage and help it; guide the little flng.
CIa. You will bo sin:prised to find out how
soots it will be able to inalto quite respectable
imitations of your handiwork. This is bene-
ficial a8 well as amusing and it toaohos the
child to grasp shapes and measure distances,
This amusement may last for months, per:
haps years, for as the oltild grows older it
may learn to draw figures of people, horses,
sows, and the lilto, and then out them out,
11MEM icOTltgn,
I know to mother in limited circumstances
wiho has severallittlo tots to care for, besides
numerous household duties to attend to,
and who succeeds with her tasks sowellthat
it was ahvays a constant source of wonders
mint tomo. One day I mnarlo a morning call,
I thought the babies must bo asleep, as all
was so still about the house, brut when 1 en -
tared the dining room in response to the
"Cone right out here," I found mammaant-
ting out some littic garments for her darl-
ings, while the throe tots themselves sat or
lounged ontloo floor still as mica. They look.
ad up to groat me, ba turned back to their
oecnpation at once, They each had a copy of
nn the floor Wore
air spread ottt
OEa �owspap
them, aid 1 wondered what they could bo
doing, for I know they were too young to
read. Mamma nosing my puzzled look,
Said 1—
,"Phoy aro helping me with my work."
How 1" queried Ir
11 ]lybeing good little girls and lotting me
have time to (o it myself,' laughed she,
" Yes," replied we, still w'omlerieg, "hut A GREAT SHIP'S STORES
,hat no they doing '1 '
" 1'110 see," she I nplfnd, " I lave to invent
all sorts of ways to keep them busy and. nut
,f mis(.hiaf also, and 1 11110b•st ,
111 this e ,P all.
1 glue duel ouch a newspaper linttvlmw• thein
the huller A for iustaucc, then give them
WWI] a pin. They are I„ •e e.l; a hole for pouch
bit eye 0111, as 1 tell them) 100 every A 011 the,
whole page.111uni they get tau ou h [,;our.•rit
wit Io thorn ell Hee hex tweny 11ley 1,vetalas •
ell. i1 Hcn1118 te, here It great 1 0, ,a.,,ti,),
fur theit, nod the, 'F881111.8, it k,•,•1,: thevu
'111111 s, that 1 eat 111111y work ',i) ole
t doestlett, their 1"t tet:, f,0,. 10 o tato. a la. IV
letter etch morning."
'fry this plan, Misty mothers, and I ,,un
,arc true will bless this little mother for in•
1.813 lug such n schem,
sM tTN1ss,1•r 11,1111.
Lot the children help you, or at lean let
theuo think they are helping you, tiny yncio
little girl a broom and see how delighted site
will be to sweep up the scla118 of dirt she
has mode with her playing, She will save
you many an hour's work by being taught
to be neat. Let her carry the basket of
elothexpius for you if you rare ammo" the
number of busy mothers who meal assist
with the children's trash, live her a cloth
and tell her she may dust the el0frs and sofa,
Let her curry the spoons and a cup at a time
She while you a'0, Netting the table, , b will
t t t u
feel 11 H� 'xx ''Umod.�a
thea P 1 that she t ass t ung you 1
thereby of impel L an,o to yeti, 11113 her a
little iron and tearlt her to iron the stock•
ing: for you. Palk to her and praise and en-
courage her. tinelt intercourse. 08 this binds
the nether and daughter together --binds
so,elosely that they will become as boon com-
panions. There 18 foal of a girl tbua
ebsoly attached to her anther going astray;'
for with her companionship canes perfect
Sam) 1)1;1[
ULD-letsinn0lin 11.1et.10 1'rutnor, .One
quart milk, two cupfuls Indian areal tarred'
in while the inn is hot ; let the, mixture
"ooh and old one egg, molasses to sweeten,
butter the size of an egg, salt and spice to
taste. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and
bake three-quarters of an hour.
P1 ri'rn PAsrot•It%.--Wash and peal five
nlelllu111-sized Ipotatoes. urate them raw
and than add one clip of prepared Hour
1that is flour with throe -quarters of a tea-
spoonful of baking power mixed with itt,
two well beaten eggs, a tea:poot:fa of salt,
and a dash of pepper. ,Stir the mixture
rapidly, and bake at once on a hotriddle
Aerial immediately and cat , seasoned with
P111'ror VMAL.--Moldinto a loaf, three
and a half pounds raw leg of veal shopped
line, one heaping tablespoonful salt, One'
tdales o ofall black pepper, eight
spoonfuls pounded butter crackers, three
tablespoonfuls cream or milk, piece of butter
the size of an egg, two eggs, one grated ant.
meg. Put this in a buttered pan with 0
little water, sprinkle over it bit of butter
and more powered cracker ; bake two hours,
eat cold,
l x' 14 — 1 a can of lollstera
Lm1gu aLAn. Olanc
skim off all the oil on the surface, and (Mogi
the meat Up ata fiat dish. Prepare six
heads of celery and chop the bleached parts
fine ; 11100 a teaspoonful of mustard into a
smooth pasta with a little orator ; add a
tablespoonful of butter creamed, a quarter
of a teaspoonful , or less, of Cayoune pepper,
a gill of vinegar and the mashed yelks of
three eggs ; garnish with the green tops of
celery and to hard-boiled ogg cut into thin
Attention and Memory.
A, good memory is so very useful and
desirable a thing that persons who profess to
teach artificial systems of memorizing easily
obtain attention and profitable patronage;
but there is really no such thing as an "arti-
flotal memory," nor even an artificially assist-
ed memory. Many people would undoubted-
ly have better memories than they now have
If, 111 their youth, or in their peat life, they
understood the shnple'pbysiological princip•
los upon which the memory is founded.
Tho most important port of the memory
is the stowing away of things, not the bring-
ing of then forth again; and• if people are
careful during the period of life which is
chiefly oceu nod in stowing away things to
do this work with attention and thorough-
ness, and if they enable in afterlife to keep
themselves ina fairly good state of health and
rigor, they are not likely to be troubled
with a peer memory,
The first and most important element of
rnl0111010 is the taking of an impression in
melt e way that it is likely to,bo retained;
the more sharp and vivid this impression is
made, the more permanent it is likely to bo.
Attention in taking in what wei Tani to
learn, then, is the secret of remembering it
Plenty of people who have very "poor
memories," as the term is used, remember
aerta111 things with great vividness. Their
defioionoy is not so niuolt that they cannot
remember as that they cannot remember
the right thins. -
"1 can 00001 1," said a gentleman not long
ago, "the exact outward appearance of my
old brown-oovored algebra on the day that
the 'teacher took it out of my hand and
bit one on the siclo of the head with it.
I can renlenrber that I had cut a triangular
piano out, of the leather at the lower right.
Hand corner of the front cove', and the back
cover, and that the lack cover was loosened
half -way up: but not one single thing that
was between the cove's of that book remains
with ma at this time,"
The explanation of this familiar phenom-
enon undoubtedly lies partly in the circum-
stances attending the nutting which he re-
ceived, and the implement with which it
was inflictor, but he was never interested at
all in the contents of tlro,algobra.
It was in obedience to this principle that
the 0netoln arose in l.nglarid—a custom con-
tinued dowel to within the present century
--of fixing and preserving a general know-
ledge of motes and bounds by whipping boys
:dose by them.
Whenever a stake ar a stone was placed
to mark the boundary between towns or
estates, and also ab more or less regular in.
to'vals afterward, several boys were taken
t0 the spot and soundly beaten, their et-
tontion being meantime constantly directed
to tato boundary mark, It was believed that
the boy so punished never forgot where the
stake or atone was, and hie testimony con-
0erning it was oiways accepted in default of
better evidence,
7`o be thoroughly interested, indeed, is
the surest way of iutpfanting bete or words
in the memory, and It is always within the
power of the yoeng, and of talose 1110r'e ad -
Mead in yea's as tvoll, by paying patient,
willing and intelligent attention to what
they are reading or studying, to koop its eater es-
features os hn mined through roe life,
sontilnl g
Johnny's Magnotionte
"Johnnty is very popular with his teach -
"'That must be gratifying."
. Yes, ideed, They never lot ltiu leave
ficin until livo o'clock,"
I+lgurea Arent ilie Steward's 1)1pnl•luecn1 In
the city cr,'arie:
In Inc O e City rise ear -
rieso cls busy Mous a tl (1 y of Paris at
ries abut 310 first cabin 3411) second
cabin, ,oak 091) steerage passengers. There
re hon fn 11 01118 ,,,11,111111y, itbt lutg
duet,,,,,, 10011110 1)4111,1N, 10,01,1' makers, sic bukure,
I111ee bot••hcr,, Le•veutem •::oks, y It Cilie.,
.11r eel, :1011 other eegi tees L, 418 1011n -
bee of thirty -two, 1.18 ntett•.trda, end .•id;tt
a, xar'I loo'... tic. 111110 may be about.
Hetuilb t teing the fare that many 3' o£
(1„ 11,1.1111:4111, 1ale seasick from tie: time
Otos class fan lv 1nn11 until 1..11,11,1101 1:
.n,(11111, they manage to .1118111110 0,t 0,e8
1lin ,unn'Uhing like ]3,000 pounds of fu,..1
beef, 3,001) pounds of ce01,e11 beef, .1,11111
moulds of mutton, 1,000 pounds of Iamb,
2,000 pounds of veal awl pork, 13,(1011
pounds of Manan, WO pounds of live', tripe,
and sausages, 3110 hangs, IMO pounds of fish,
'21),1110 eggs, 17 tolls of potatoes, 3 lens of
other vegetal,les, 3,1100 pounds of butter,
600 10011,18 of eheose, 6011 pounds of echos,
330 pounds of tea, 100 pounds of Mug sugar,
151) pounds powdered sugar, 1170 pounds of
loaf anger, 311)0 pounds moist Huger, ,(0)
pounds of stilt, 3111) pounds of nuts, :1110
pounds of dried fruit, 20 barrels of ,apples,
3,000 lemons, 20 eases of ot'lunges—cord other
l+cufruit iuxelyen .300 bottles ciot'ek e
bnttlea of ketchup, sauce, and horse
radish, and 150 cans of preserves.
There are also quantities of poultry, oys•
tory sardines, canned vegetables, and veep:,
vinegar, pepper, mustard, curry, rice, topics.
ea, sago, hominy, oatmeal, molasses, eun-
donsedmilk, "tinned' I3ostonl,eans, 0o11f00-
tinney, and ico•ere+im. Fifty pounds of ice
0et(001 are served at a single n10a1 in the lirst
Thirty tom% of ice are required to keep the
great Htororoonts enol. Eight 1arrelsi of flour
are used daily. 'Vile bakers are buy from
dawn of day. They matte 4,01)0 delirious
Parker IIn1180 rolls for breakfast every morn -
in', Thiet • eight -pound loaves of white
hruml and 100 ouds of brown bread are
baked eacli day; also pies, puddings, cokes,
)tight barrels of common crackers and. a
hundred tins of fancy crackers are stowed
away in the storeroom, together With 100
pounds of wine and plum cake, not a crumb
of which is left when Liverpool is renoliod.
Six thousand bottles of ale and porter, 4.300
bottles of mineral waters, 4,500 bottles of
Mine., and more or less ardent spirits rue
drunk inside of six days by the guests of this
huge floating hotel: About 3,000 cigars are
soul on board, but many more are smoked.
Two hundred pounds of toilet soap is sup-
plied by the steamship company.
One of the odd sights to be seen on the
double -docked Inman pier soon after the
arrival of the "queen of the ocean grey.
hounds" is the great stacks of soiled linen
which aro being assorted by about a dozen
stewards. Here is the wash list for a single
trip ; Napkins, 8,300 ; table -cloths, 180 ;
sheets, 8,600 ; pillow crows, 4,500 ; towels,
16,200, and dozens of blankets and counter-
panes. Although the list is very short, it
requires fonr large two -horse trucks to
carry the wash to the Inman Company's
stearal laundry in Jersy City. In less titan
a week it will be lack in the lockers of
the linen rooms, which are in charge of a
regular linen keeper. There is no washing
clone aboard. Many of tbo ship's company
have their washing:lone in New York, but
the• greater number have it done in Liver-
General Col Brewster, the superin ten den t
of tho Inman line, whose kindness and
courtesy have ,,lade him a favorite with
ocean travellers for the past thirty years,
is the man who manages this big business
Col. Brewster is a little man,•but he ranks
among steamship superintendents as the
city of Paris does a1110n0 ocean racers.
The awo-strnok audience gazed
00 the figure gaunt and gray;
'Twits the murderedking or the ghost of 111m,
And Hamlet was oho play.
His hour VMS brief, hod said,
Ho must go ere light of clay,
To talo plane of torture prepared for him,
'rill his sits were purged away.
Yon, purged was the word he used,
B ltd I thought what a remedy- rare
Yl'ould Pierce's Purgath o Pellets prove,
To his oaeo, then and there.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets
hare no equal as a eatitartie in derangements
of the liver, stomach and bowels. Small,
pleasant in tyetion, and purely vegetable.
Velvet. and flowers anda little tinsel form
the entire tousle that is sent •hone with
many dressy Velvet -sleeved gowns, braided
with tinsel.
"Wliat'8 female beauty, het an air divine,
Vhrough which the mind's all gentler graces
This may be good logic in poetry but in
teal life, a the Minds all gentler graces
shine" to better advantage when unclosed
in a sound physique. Dr; Pierce's Favorite
Prescription ns a positive euro for the most
complicated and obstinate oases of lamer -
rhea, excessive flowing, painful menstrua-
tion, unnatural suppressions, prolapses, or
falling of the womb, weak back, female
weakness," anteversion, retroversion, bear-
ing -down sensations, chronic congestion, in-
flammation and ulceration of the womb, in-
flammation, pain and tenderness in ovaries,
accompanied with "internal. 1000L"
Ru61od shoulder napes with velvet yokes
rival in popular favor those with embroider.
el yokes and Dollars and accordion pleated
All Men
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them-
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
aro broken down from excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symp-
toms : Mental depression, premature old
ago, loss of vitality, loss of memory, had
the wins, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peculiar sensationabont the
scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
specks before the eyes, twitching of the
muscles, eye lids area elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine, loss of will power,
tenderness of the scalp and spino, weak and
flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be
rusted by sleep, constipation, dullness of
Miming, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
excitability of temper, sunken ayes surround.
od with Lo ono*N among, oily looking skin,
eta., are all symptoms of nervous debility
that lead to insanity and death unless cured.
The spring or vital force having lost its
tension every function wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
igno•anoe may be permanently mired. Seed
yon, address for book on all diseases peculiar
to 011a1i. Address M, V. LUBON, 50 Front
St 1+., Tomato, Ont. Books sett free sealed.
Heart disease, the symptosis of which aro
13 ]elle bIleae palpita-
alts purple 1
feint T
tion, skip beats, hotlflushes, rush hof blood
to tato head, doll pain in the heart withboats
strait•, rapid and irregular, tis eocondlnoart
boat quicker then the first, lain abort the
breast bond, ata., can positively bp rnvod.
No cure, nopay. Saud for book. Adtlreso
101. V. LUB0 1', 50Front Stroot East, To -
:motto, Ont,
A Fina Distinction,
''1rN tlnshl-1• ." How 1,'':n 0,,L holt
featthe. tb 11~111 tont) l e l r ,t g r 11:614;01
t, amus' she has lust ler oleo
Pr. .I me IL (100010 more t•irteil ing when
,h„ doesn't f.non it,"
''Tho Naked Truth."
1''tIe1 Trot) x oho ,lay 1111111,; 0,l el
hlrq,i,l rivet. 1.! Pti,eleeet L,phc-n ,1 t,
alit not;[ -,tie 11e• q-tuu•,ct, of'Crtu.h mi
hd, of ! le• ht' . 1, 4.11P PI, .•'l i ler MVP, 1$1 e:.
l .lIa ^ 110., 1144 fm 1h,) of the hatl, 0,
who oc• Irmo tl,.• InI) and ;moaned II
111 s ,;0,,t uuell, Lu' lit •.blitUilt( I 1 dulo 1`:
Piths 11410 ' 0, ,' '•'0,1ual:nd 011..11;411 the
w''rlal ‚(‚('111 the (Willi{ in of th - 1 1 . -=0.1.
''alae ort? 1 1a e'It" is noytbie.ol 0,r other.
10 0', tl i.1 tin ueryally krone 10 lot flit'
"uakcd trntdf' that 111•. 1'ieren'.; I;oldct:
31 ,li'ad
ffiseovery has no equal lei acnratve
041. for coo+umptlou Ihu; 0cro10104, Lroe
chronic nasal cat.arrir, itsthma, 1111
kindred diniaseo of the throat and buts.
As a Flesh Producer there can be
no question but that
a 'if Pure Cod Liver 011 and Hypophosphites
Of Lima and Soda
is /without a rival. Many have
g,ined a pound a day by the use
o It. It cures
Genuine made by Scott& Bewne.Belleville,Salmonl
Wrapper; atoll Druggists, 500. and $I.00,,41
1E ST9MPS will Palcashha' a
on oh}
POSTAGE collection or for good
specimens of tate early Canadian Issues,
20 Wellington S1. 11., Toronto.
and Tumor Specialist. Privet,
111, yN pfd;
Hospital. Ho knife. Book feel
C t� N C ER G. If. Mcltiic bel M. D„No. (1
Niagara street, Buffalo, 11,1
BIZBookkeeping, BavkIng, Penmanship.
L Shorthand 'I'ypewriting, eta, nt Cana-
dian Business University f : Shortband Institute
Public Library 11dg., Toronto. Cirettlars tree.
Thos. Bolguugh, Manager.
.'TORONTO ,r.i1'r'rI\G SCHOOL. Soienttfle
and rollablo ayxteilda taught, w•herobc
stylish. parfeet-fitting garments are prodt1001.
Sand for circular. S, CO1RRIGAN, Prop., 4
Adelaide St. Wast.
Tho Chenpoal, Stronit,',e8t
and hest
Pence for Farm,Gardon,rchard.
or Town Lots. Prices front .150 par rod Ile).
ft.) Send for price list,—Toro,ttn I'IcOel
Wire Fence Co., tel hirer SI., Toronto.
1105•001 Aer.:o�o
for nun and women. Address T. M.Salzman
e 00011180 Strout went, Toronto. 1
1 1;. Old uoen
1 1'•.'•, , � 1.. 1 1 1 11, 11•
I 1..5'srul-
'n tt t' 0, I •,1 :all
Na: d I tree•
h, l0,•-, t It , a ooh floc', I , , 1, d.. I rayall
It) tt,' „ ;Mond.,t` . le are nia l•' tole.
,lop to n. l,hnl,uj, 11117111,, .1 11.. I',,,'' 1311.
1)1'114'0 1111 It ing Marra 11101. 'Pembina
.01.•0,1., ‘r.1.113.•11 111 0'a'. ler: H.
411,-•,,a.. •. and t.
1t1•lcT Pr. 114
In Arue'oi n 1 to Ip
11011d and I(loi of yj
ldrdr'r' cWJI.SLEI, 1101(•E A. (•O.. 110 Tango
Al reel. '1loron to. Sone for Catalogue.
.09.. 31Z. W67'i3L11Eea rl.Md,
00110 .11. Uau001 O'0RhS,1'rORus•ro,
(.':1Na1)I' N AGENTS FOR
sets. ,
The demand for Foot Power Machinery is
nercaehtg every) year. No Chumeol or van ROMA
n bo without 1'but. Power Rip anal Cross 1:011
'ac's, Poynter, Tenon Mariolulo, cic., etc, Send
'o1• catalogue,
000808 11
Deloraine lain, $28
Moosomin, - ' 28
Glenboro', - 28
Saltcoats, - 28
Moosejaw,30 �p
$ Y
1,•0.ryp9lr�il � � �;
P IC11
!1 -
SIONS will leave
alloints in Ontario,
Shand esttoroof,
Ston and Wost thoroof,
r.` JUNE 17th
�aI Return until Smy ^-0,h, IBM
JUNE 24th
Rotum one Auln,st 6th, 1098
TELT 8th
&Men until Avid 18i1i,1010
For full particulars apply to nearest Station
or Ticket Agent,
is pleasant 10 use.
It heals the akin, and dew
strays Insects and germ*
on tha, hair Of main ok
Their Merril -log popularit18 a proof of their
ysuperiority. Ito sure and get a (Amboy top ou
our buggy.
Unstmall4 far r:thtort ata Scanty of Coloring..
They are the 1111 't 1010 that
Them is mating the 01,111 for Strength, Coloring
er 1.mtness.
MD Parka so SC.ALC : ^•C ofaoyo;hnt Lyotothomarkoi.
--"-" fn
If 10 081 1 it, tr It 1 Sn'I nth.. olterrM kerb
0,urcnlorn 0,r toad, In Tu Haat, yes, abroet R
all . sin 1 s, and ottani aro added as 0,00 0,0 they
become fashionable, !Tiny aro nurse--,. to dya
m - lode awl do It batter than any other Dy.-.
Same Price as InferiorDye,
Canada Branch: dal St. Paul Street, MonreaL
Sendgar10l/000,0, pie Card aadBooh RJIiutruct(ona-
carona" ,
• pr,
Olt 118.40.8 e, �'wnnuveFraenPPPpi
Used Intern" .0E'xt rna81. I'+,ca8l6e.$1,$1.74
POND'SEXTRACTCO, Nova 1 &London.
'xsa0xassQ 1111h1 Sas
SiENO,' I.CJ0!"LL & CO, *wig,
Sailing weekly between MONTREAL tone
LIVERPOOL Saloon 'rockets $.10, 510 and 560
Roturn Tickets, 510, 510 and $110, according Lt
steamer toed accommodation, Intermediate S?,5.
Steerage Seo. App1Y 10 11. 0. MIlltit.11', Gen
oral Manager Canadian Skipping Co., 10uo
foal Muss SQUARE, MONTREAL, or to Local
Agonts in all Towns and Cities.
LL.To4Avnl� WOOD E" ,*RAi%E, t
tfri os ••rOi0643 PAP, oA
Send for Tliustratud Catalogue
Ind this advertisement with your
ordot•for our 1ci,•ST,tR MIMED
and w•owill allow you
Creelman Bros., M'fgrs,
Por a No. 1 Roadster or Busi-
ness Machine, see the i1 COMET
SAFETY," We guarantee all our
Machines. Catalogue free.,
T. FANE & CO., Manufacturers, Toronto.
Food of Health.
For Children and Adults.
Invaluable for Indigestion and
FRANKS S. 00„ London, England, Proprietors
Montreal 010101010 11 St. John Street,
Dr, T. R. Allinson, 5,11,11'., London says
"l It1to I)r, Ninh:Te' ' Pond of health' vary
much, and find It of groattnototte valour in merry
cdieoasoe, As it breakfast distil prefer It to oat.
ueal. B'or tiro regulation of Mho bowels it cannot
bo surpassed, Bond for,ount to b'.us, to
Never Failing Stt Loop
Up to three .4001: ago
Dyspepsia, that horrible
sensation, wretched pain
and choking: The very
thougltl, chills Me, A
friend got cared with St
Leon urged ole Le drink,
111 in lumps
The tl It
did. n g r
got softer and Hefter. 3
0000 Mired ,and V0111110 In
GM very boot of health. 51
Leon water will euro when
all other 1110(0res fall,
Gidonet% G, Wtl.Rov,
Victoria 8elear0, klentroal
IN1101/ St1 RE:61
* t V RIi.S3
TO TIIE EDITOR:—Please. Inform your readers that I I ave a positive remedy for the
above named disease. By its timely use thousands ofhopeless cases have been permanently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your, readers who have con-
sumption if they willsendme their Eapress and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM.
M.C., ISO Went Adolaido St., TORONTO, ONTARIO -
55131D ton
London and Lancashire Life Assurance Co.,
Head Office for Canada, Montreai.
;IR DONALD .1. 8011111, 31.1'., R,('.MA1.. - Chairman.
1 rtsidlint Bank of .Montreal Chanc▪ ellor McGill Univers▪ ity.
ROIIE0T Iilt33'r, 0611, R. R. ANGUS, RSR.,
S<L01►arOR,► FLEMING, 1'.35.0, Chancellor of Queen's University.
Now Proposals received -
" Declined -
" Accepted -
New Premium ]'as0m0 •
Total Premium Income • .
Total Funds, 8101 Dumber, 1880
Assets in Canada -
Surpins to Policy Headers in Canada •
A11111141 Income in Canada - •
1960 for 53,764,905.00 '
343 " 633,280.00
1647 " 3,131,625.00
786,421, 05
• 3,298,08.33
• 1,100,000.00
The Expense Ratio was Reduced int 1839 Nearly 2 Per Cent.
1.'lto fol'owing figures show the 81100000 of the Company during tato past seven years.
Years. Now Sums Assured. Now Premiums. Increase in Assets,
1883.1889. 514,615,0.52. 5,531,413. 51,332,081.
c Next Ilivisi0UU of Profits will be on the 31st December, 1892.
T Those declared, in 1887 were large„, averaging on the Ordinary
Plans" 70 Per Cent. of the Premiums Received.
At Age 30 —On policies of 4 years' duration, Endowment at ago 70 Plan, Bonuses hove
shortened the Endowment period 3 years,
under the Deferred I9ouhis System, the additinns vary from $101000 to .y140y»
000 for ivory premium laid on each 81,000 of assurance.
Company's Office, B. HAL, BROWNI
May2, 1890 Manager for Canada.
Reliable Agents Wanted. Spacial Terms.
I CO'�;;�''•' L f ..' 117UUSAN17t7 OF N®I 141iW
a ,,s
Duro 1 t
say 1yt
. ><if
r �
n Co it -ill tits
merely to stop then c and a
have them reties: again, 1 119 E IS N A a A 0 I rO A 1, SURE, glare made the disease Of Wit8,
IEpllontky or, ftolling Mc:kness a 1 to -long study, 1100101 ;•Let my remedy to OW* that
worst cases, 0eceuse others have fail 11 '•s no "•:110(1 far not now receiving a aura. Sendai
once for to treatise and a Fac Bottle ofmy htfatiirtiso Remedy. Give Express mkt
?.oat Oiee, it costs you nothing ler a triam, tend it will cure you, Address 1•'-li. 41. iZS)O7}''
M.G.. BranGit 0i3i1eo, 100 :'VEST MEI -WOK .2AISIOTa 1TOSONTO.