The Brussels Post, 1890-6-6, Page 5�IP�� JUNE 6, 1890. !HE BRUSSELS POST 331.5fritt netvs, I-311txtovellt3. Rov, 1. B. Wallwin is attending the ti+ lnel Cloulorenoo at Stratford. Nixon's trotter, "buoy" won n prize in the regent rause at Harridan - The oxoavation is being merle for the now Methodist ohuroh, The work will be vigorously pushed. 10 le expected )that Jowott)a appoint- ment will be added to Blnevale circuit at this year's Conformer°. There will be no eervieo in the Preeby- terian church next Sabbath as Rev. Mr. Hartley will he absent assisting at a communion service. W ititon. C, 0. F,—Tho following aro the officers of the Court of Foresters bore, elected recently for the ensuing term :—Isaiah Smith, Chief Ranger ; Jae, Johnson, Vice Chief hanger ; Dan. McMillan, Recording -Secretary ; J. 13. Morrison, rinanoiabseeretary 1 W. II Burnt -4140e, 'rroastlrer ; Jas, 11. 13oirnes, S. W. ; J, oilavi1, J. W. ; \V, Kinsman, S. 13. J. 0, Turni nl(, J. B. hones Rnriuu,—Titore will be horse ranine; in Walton on Friday, Jeno 13111, open to any horse that hos not won money in any other race. The prizes are as foilowe : first, 88 ; reseed, 85 ; third, $3, }hareem) fee. 0 per emit. on purse, to be paid at time of entrance, half mile Medals ; best °tin 3. There will also be an old manta race, Judges -'--.7. Ilawkshaw, Seaforth ; C. 7,illiax, Brus- sels : P. MaEwou, McKillop. T. Bali, Starter. Matiagpng Committee—C.lfe• Donald, 1:. H. Ferguson mud Wm, 11I, Smith, D. Dunbar lost a very valuable Korea one day last week. Ethel Methodist church will be repre- sented at Conference by Wm. King. The earliest swarm of bees that we have heard about is that of J. C. Heffer- nan's on Saturday of last week. John Dunbar and J. Whelpton de- parted ou Thursday morning of last week for Seattle, Washington Territory, in order to seek their lortnuee. .rn1Evenr.—Last Saturday some shun. gry snoop visited the home of Francis Coates and helped themselves to a ham of pork. A week previous some pies dia. appeared. If this kind of work is re- peated the intruder will have to take the consequences. They will get more than ham and pies. Last friday night a political meeting was culled in the iuteresls of A. 11. Mus- grove in the Orange Hall liero, B. Laing occupied the chair. The meeting was addressed by J. 3. Denman, D. Robert- son and W. II. Cloakey in behalf of the Opposition candidate and by W. II. Karr anis E, E. Wade for the Mowat Admin- istration. The Ladies' Adel held a pancake social in the parsonage of the Methodist church on Monday evening. A nice sunt of money was netted which will be used to defray the expensea of painting the par- sonage. The program consisted of music by Messrs. Davis and Simpson ; address by lieu. R. Paul and m0sieal selections on the duloitner. Atwood. Jno. Rogers intends erecting a brick lhardlyttre store oppoeite the store of Mrs, Harvey. Jas. Saunders had the misfortune to is under size for a good general purpose get his right arm beloly the elbow badly I mare. The size of bone in front is only lacerated while loading stone for Jeln1 at inches and hind leg 10 inches. When Rogers' hardware store. in good condition her weight wilt not The eplendid property adjoining the exceod 1200 pounds. The above mention• Bee office was purchased recently by ed colt was sired by Innes Sr McLauoh Wm. Hawkshaw from John Graham, lin's "Stud Book Chief." We think he for the sum of $145. It has 88 feet must be the kind of horse John Me - frontage and is an exoellent building lot. Mann had reference to in hie letter ad - The Bee says :—On Thursday of last vising farmers to bread from, as he is week Jacob Klump, jr., a lad 12 years of what the SOotohman terms d grand, big, age, took it into his head that he would think, smooth horse and weighs 1850 surpriee his father, who was away at pounds, although not yet three yearn Listowel, by knocking down, killing and old. So much for the "Chief." . dressing a beef. So putting his words .h. A. Gnat Towsstnr AxurEre.--A friend into action he drew a 4 year-old cow, writes Tne P081 as follows :—At the purchased from John Gray, con. 10, sports in Hastings, British Columbia, on Elms, in the uenal way into the slanghb• May 24th, Gideon Perrie, well known in er house took the axe and struck the this township, figured prominently. He floor a few times with all his force to con- swept everything before him. He has vin00 himself that he possessed sufficient the respect of all decent people and is a strength to knock down a fall grown beast, and with 0pale countenance and John L. Sullivan strength he directed two blows at the animal's head which stunned it, and after cutting its throat Master Jacob felt that he was master of that he had succeededt the situation, and in doing what no other lad in the county could boast of. Wo must candidly assert that this beats anything we have ever beard, and we doubt very much whether another boy of his age and slender build could be produced in the county capable of doing what we have referred to above. As farther proof of his wonderful nerve,. toot and skill he drew the beast up by the windlass, skinned and dressed it ready for market. Mr. Klump justly feels proud of the extraordinary feat aocomp• Halted by his boy, direction of the L. 0. L., of which de. (»cased WM member for many yanre, 13. Gerry, of Brussels, 0ondu0ted the funeral eerv10e of the order. The in. torment was made ab Blyth amatory, 111rs. Thuell and family have the ayrn- patlhy of the community fn the hoer of bereavement. Scissor, REPORT. -=The following is the standing of pupils in S. S, No. 0 for the month of May and ,e based on written examination and general prolloienoy. The names are in order of merit:—Fourth class—David Caution, Willis Mason and Jas. Duncan. Third class, er.—Arthur Cantlon, William Armstrong and Carrie Bone, Third class, jr,—Maggie Caution, Willie Ireland and Kenneth McKenzie, Second ohms—Robb. Bone, Lewis Reid and Marion IvinKonzie. First elms (Part II)--1Villio Duncan, Thos. Bell, Alex, Andaman and Robb. Bowman, first Mase (hart 1)—Alice Fraliclk, Hervey Bryan and Willie Sollare, A. lfoCall, teacher. C411."0:1". Thee. I11141033 has returned to the west attar a visftof a few weeks with relatives and old friends. Robert Inglis is potting stone stabling under Ilia barn. The size of the same will be 40x71) feet. Itev. C3. 1. Howie will preach in lfe. ll wen's Hall, Jamestown, on Sabbath afternoon, eat Met , a1 3:130 o'Mnek, esP. McDougall had at three year old colt Mitred thio week by a stick or the like initiating a wound back of ono of the front legs. New windmills have been put up on the forme of Jno. Forbes and W. Hislop For pumping water, &c. Hugh R. I:1 Blatt heirs charge of the work. The imported mare bonaht by Alex. Delgatty from Win. Barrie, of 11urris, and 'shipped to the West a few weeke ago to the pnrehaser, died It day or so after reaching her destination. It will be a heavy loss to Mr. Delgatty, Io Pees,—There is no doubt but it pays to raise and keep nothing but the beet grade of stock. As an example of this Peter Robertson, con. 9, sold four head of cattle that had been fottening since Feb. 1st to cattle dealer Booth that sealed 8,750 pounds. The lot was made up of one yearling, 12 two-yeer•olds and one cow. The price received was 5 cents per pound so that the seller pocketed $187.50. That must surely pay better than trying to grow fall wheat and missing a crop every few years. A political meeting was held in Ful - ton's school house on Monday evening of this week. 0. Bowerman was voted to the chair on motion. of A. Stewart and W. 1'. Vanetons. Spirited addresses were given by Councillor Hislop, D. Robertson, W. H. Kerr and Jas. 13ow- men. Mr. Hislop was allowed 15 min- utes for reply. Messrs. Robertson incl Bowman championed Mo. Muegrove's cause and the two others looked after Mr. Gibson's interests. On the same night a meeting was hold at Sperain's school house, 10th con., takers eloquent orations were given by J. J.Denman, E. E. Wade and \V. II. Cluakey. It's too bad the campaign is over us the "Emu" 1{10.0 only pommenoing. ANGERED GOOD Fo.w.—Alexander 111r.- Lauchlin, 23 miles north of Brussels, is the possessor of a mare foal that weighed 254 pounds when three weeks old. Its girth measure was 3 feet, 6 inches ; size of bone iu fore leg 0!1 inches and (hind leg 7y inches ; forearm 17 inches. This oolt is from no heavy draught, prize taking mare batt nn the contrary the dam Morris. 121. Marten, of Tuokersmith, Sunday. ed on the 8rd line. Reeve Mooney and Deputy Reeve Howe were away attending the Co, Colin. oil this week, Mrs. Thos. Skelton, of Drayton, was Here this week visiting her mother, Mrs. Jackson, who is i11. We regret to state that she is fn a very poor stats of health. Fsrkn AoolnEo'r,—On Thursday morn- ing of last week Samuel G. Thuell, a well known resident of this locality met his death in a sudden and unlocked for summer. He was engaged hauling out manure from the barnyard to the field and it is supposed the front wheels of ilio wagon going into a furrow with a jolt throw the driver forward on the heels of the team. When found an hour or so after and taken to the 1101.160 it wee armee- Mined that his lower jaw was broken, teeth knocked out, his nose out in ttvo and three ribs broken, one having pane - netted his lunge. The deceased only lived about fifteen nilnutes (after he reached his home. Tieing uneonsoiOus nothing could be learned concerning the auciclont. Mr, '21111011 Was born in Devonshire, England, and cane to Canada years ago, settling in Mullett township. In 18:18 1110 was united in marriage to ]Hiss Chapple, They had 10 ohildren, (7 daughters and 8 sons) all living at the present time. The funeral en Saturday 10110 vary largely attended, 1'11 0,0100y0.0000 being 110101(0(1 in the preeeeeion. l3ev. lir. Ramey, of Myth, officiated, The fn neral ttae Meier the • manly athlete, both .morally and physio- town. It ensue that on the 24th of Meet and is entirely free from the vices the little fellows were rumagfng in a and tektite of the majority of professional athletes. He talks of going to Australia next Fall but will likely visit Ontario before that. The newspaper report says: lV G. Perris, who was also one of the en- tries, and who, although rather heavy for this °lass of athletios and somewhat out of practice, npt having entered any , such competition for nearly a year, is nevertheless, regarded, when in training, as among the first on the Coast, was not looked upon by the inner ring as having any real show for the first place against Gillies. A. Morrison was another good man, one who has made a record and ' who was supposed to have an excellent chance for second plane. Besides these, there were five other entries, three of whom were regarded me contestants for the poeitiml next to the champion from Seattle. When the eight men toed the mark the betting was in favor Of Gillies. When the shot was fired Perrie took the lead, with Gillies and Morrison next him. At the end of 100 yards Perrie still led by a couple of feet, with Gillies emend. From this time till the goal was reached Perri° drew gradually ahead and mime in about two yards winner, It was evident to all who saw the race, that while Gillies is a good runner, be has neither the speed nor the wind to com- pete with the 'Vancouver main. The number was excellently contested, and was won by Perrie in thirteen seconds. Putting the shot (20 lbs), was tllo next number and was open t0 all comers. Thorn wore throe entries, two of whom, G. Perri° and J. A. Murray, worn reeog- rasod by the spectators as pretty well matched in this particular game. Mtn, ray has held the championship at putting ibis pest eight or nine years at Now Westminster and WWI regarded ms in. vinoiblc. Porrie, however, took first plana with ease, making a seers of 311 feet bi• inches, with Murray 138 fent 3 dno11e0, (1. Perrin, J. A. Murray and M. A. Math0s0u entered for throwing the 011t Ib, height, and while Perrin was regarded /IN the beet nun, Mnrfily was looked mem as a good e0ceml. The 1010111, however, did not beat' out the expectation MA rn• garde Murray, for viile he mads 11 gond BOOM mol ((0.4 0)141111(12, by 1091+ risk lent buh1nd Perrin. The result was Porrie fleet 21 feel Mot ray 1 4 feet 3 2 0114 1. Throwing the light Illuunher. For lids number 1,111111 were live .11101:4, 011.1 it wee made additionally intoresting by the Mummers' Assaaherlon.--The annual i lianito1a Excursions fast that Perrin, one of the oonteetents, meeting of the Druggists Association of ' ,��jj the Ouunt•of II uron 13rnso and Groy bed agreed to give $25 to any one throw- ing within ton feet of hie throw, This is taking pretty big chanson 1011011 it le eon- siderod that there are quite a number of noted throwers in the Province, IIs ear- ricil out hie chaAaugo, however, and sue. moiled in winning. Ile made a more of 11313i foot, with Murray 108 feet, This throw of Perrie's is the beet ever made and beats the record for America, as given in the Clipper Almanaok, in whioh all the sporting rewrite are annuallypnb- lished. The record there given is 126 feet, so that Porrie euooeedod in passing this b.v 8' inches. The next number was the great atbraotian of aha day, and the one whioh drew a great portion of the spectators to the grounde, viz., the wrest. ling match, open to all comers, and for which the only entries were G, Perrin and Matsada Heralds/hi (the Jap). The reputation of both men is by this time pretty well known on the coast, and that of ono of them, the Jap, ie equally well known throughotht the whole North American Continent. He has tried 00n- olnsions with and beaten the most re- membership of 100,000, monied wrestlers of the east end wens The (,mean's health is much improved the championship badge awarded by R. since bar arrival at Beltucral, K. Fox, of the New York Police. Gazette The German press is urging IEnglaud in 188! to the best wrestler on the Con- to joi» tun erueadeagalnat btoAnurebbits. onset. Since miming to the Coast Mr. Cholera has appeared in southern Sorakichi hay - been suffering frons a Russia and is making its way westward, severe cold, from which bo has not yet Eighty-four Prussians and Austrians (mite recovered and 11e was not therefore have been expelled from Warsaw, Russia. in his very host condition, lir. Perrin, A number of Chl'ixtians have boats who is an old favorite in Vancouver, is trowsucreed by Mohammedans in Cid once mere fu his best ooaditiou, barring Servia. a little sm,herdaons flesh, and on that day The will of the late Mary A. Edson, of was held in this town on the 22nd u11. I - UN --- Amongst bhoeo in attendance were not. ! 27 iced: DeWitt 14. Marlyn, Kinsardille; 'L'iiic 1%, ROLiU'h JulyMe, Wielhbman, Owen Sound ; A. Wil. eon, Seaforth ; R. J, Muir and Mr, Eby, ;JUNE 24, RETURN AUGUST 4 Port Elgin ; Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound • It, N. Thnrtnll end J, W. Struthers, JULY 8, RETURN AUGUST 18 Tooewater ; T. Pepper and G. A. Dad. man, Brussels 1 Mr. Roberta, Seutortlh ; 0.10. Williams, Winglham. O131oers for the ensiling year were appointed as fol. lows ; DeWitt H. Marty11, President ; 62r. Wigbtmnn, 101 Vice -President ; A. Wilson, 2nd Vlco'Preeidenb ; R. J. Muir, Secretary ; Air. Eby, Treasurer, Pho various committees were appointed. After concluding the businsas, the assoc. ration adjourned to m001111 Winghatn on a date to bo named. t,:teiiorill IV eawo. Tho famine in the Soudan is said to be spreading rapidly. The London Tailors' Union has now a dressed well at about 200 pounds. The match began at a o'clock with the betting Omit even. Perrin acted from the first in the aggressive and after repeated and determined attempts in wbi1111 the Jap displayed marvellous dexterity and won- derful agility, Perris succeeded in gain. ing the first fall in 7, minutes. The second fall, whioh occupied 0 minutes, was if anything more exciting end better contested than the first. The Jap got in a great many line movements ; and at one time odds were offered that he would win. Perrie's serene coolness and skill, however, rendered the Sap's beet efforts abortive, and he at length succeeded in gaining the fall, This closed the matoh. The first fall was catch as -catch -can and the second Grieco -Roman. towel. There is a splendid fruit pt'ospeet in this section, which so far has not been injured by frost. The two Courts of the Canadian Order of Foresters in town have jointly under- taken to hold a Foresters' demonstration on 1'ridoy 20th June. Invitations are being sent to all the (Marta in Western Ontario, and it is expected that many of them will respond, the corning demon- stration therefore promises to witness an immense gathering of Foresters. On Wednesday evening the members of the town band met in their practice room and presented John Watson, their efficient Secretary, with a handsome gold -headed cane, as a mark of their ap- preciation of his valued services. Mr. Watson has bean Secretary of the band for a good number of years, and no citizen of tihe town has taken a greater interest in keeping up the band. Its efficient organization is greatly due to Mr. Watson, who has "stayed with the boys" with a peraoveranee which was well deserving of the recognition which, be has received. Mr. Watson's conned. tion with the band has been severed on account of him taking a position as traveller for a wholesale house. 15eatorih. At Galt Saturday the Enron footba'i club of Seaforth defeated the local club by 1. goal to nil. Thos. Dickson is having the material laid down for the erection of a new brisk residence on his property on North Main Street. - Mrs. Dr. Lynch and family, of Win- nipeg, aro bete jest now, and will spend the summer at the residence of Dr. Cole- man, her parental home. The Bradford, Ponnsylvanie Star, speaks of a very peculiar and melancholy accident which befell two little boys, aged reepectively 13 and 14 years, sons of R. W. Tranter, formerly of this county but now of Bradford, and nephews of Wm. Ballantyne, License Inspector of this garbage heap on the street picking up such things as might attract their fancy. Unfortunately some remains of a former g 1 cerfnema magazine had been 1 essl Y deposited in this heap, and baits;; dis- turbed by the lads an explosion took place injering them so severely that one of them has since died, and the other is so mutilated and injured that Lis recovery is doubtful, and even in the event of re- covery he will be diefigured for life. W ing hem. The bricklayers have commenced on John Hanna's new residence. The stonework of the new town hall is being pushed along very well by the contractors. A pair of handsome statues of Sir John Macdonald and Sir Charles Tupper are to be seen in Gereber's jewelry store window. On Wednesday afternoon, while work. ing, on the roof of J. R. Reynold's house, Wmgham, John Gray fell from the ridge - hoard to the ground below, obi:Rdpg on his head and shoulders. He be infured in. ternally, au4 eaffere intensely, but hopes are entertained of his recovery. YOUNG M9N'9 Lumen, Orme.—A largely attended meeting of Young Liberals was held iu the MoKenele Monk, when it was decided to form a Young Men's Liberal Club. After certain preliminaries had been gone through with, the following otitoers were elected for the cement year : —Goo. MoKenzie, Honorary President ; R. Vanstone, President ; Goo. IIender- non, lot Viso President; Dr. Jas. IL. Macdonald, 2nd Vico President ; Geo. Luke, Secretary ; Fred Thomson, Treas. near. An Executive committee was named, to consist of repreaculabives from the different municipalities, as follows Par Winghatn --J. 1:. 13ratvin, W. T. J. Heine th, 11,+1,1 McKenzie and George Now York, bequeathed about 5310,000 for religions and charitable objects. Tuesday morning Lima, Peru, had the severest earthquake experienced for many years. No loss of life is reported. It is said that the principal breweries of Sart Francisco have been sold to an English syndicate for $7,000,000. Thirty people wore killed last week at San Francisco by a portion of a train dropping through an open draw. The bookmakers of St. Louie had a wire tapped on them on Saturday and lost 610,000 on the last race at Latonia. Tho polios of San Francisco have re- fused to allow Peter Jackson and Jaok Ashton to spar in the opera house there. The revision committee of the Presby- terian, General Assembly of the United States will meet on the liras Tuesday in October at Pittsburg. The General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland has refused, by a vote of 302 to 207, to prosecute Prof. Brace, of Glasgow, for heresy. A bill forbidding all ohildren under 18 years of age from smoking in public places has just pawed the New York As- sembly. It will now be in order for the small boy to get behind the barn. Rev. Dr. Barrett, of St. Stephen's R. C. church, was shot on his doorstep in Chicago and fatally wounded by an le• sane young man named Cady, who pro- fessed to be dying from heart trouble. Postmaster.General Wanamaker, of the United States, is eomidering the question of introducing underground pneumatic tubes into the large post -offices of the country and the departments at Wash- ington. The widow of Fireman Everist, killed lately in the discharge of his duty, has received from five young men, of York- ville, who got up a benefit conoert in St Paul's Hall, the sum et $131, the pro• seeds of the eon00rt. The Newfoundland constable who was abducted by the French fishing vessel Marie was placed on Bed Island from whioh pace he was rescued by the Fret - oh warship Innere and returned to his home at Port au Basque. An American contemporary holds that Kentucky is improving because it was proposed the other day to settle a dispute between two legislators with the fists in. stead of with knives oe pistols. Fists aresofer at a long range. The Loudon Standard's Berlin corre- spondent says the Czar has declared that in the event of a Franoo•Germ-on war he will not on any account interfere by force of arms and that he will neither attack Germany himself nor enter into an al- liance with France. The General Assembly of Presbyter- ian Ohuroher Saratoga on Saturday came to an agreement on the revision question. Arsvising committee is to be given oharge of the work, and they are to be limited by instructions not to impair the Calvinistic system of dootorine. A wealthy draper, whose name is a household word in Berlin, has become in - same. He oele11rated his birthday last tinvitingnumb f friends month bya er o to play nnepins, When they arrived.'he began to throw the piths and balls at their heads, inflicting dreadful injuries. Mansfield Icing, the eelf.00nfessed murderer, borne thief and all-around criminal in jail at Clayton, Mo., hes been identified as the man Wells, who forced Cashier Moffatt of the First National Bank of Denver to hand over '$21,000 in sash in March, 1889, at the point of a revolver. King has confessed that he robbed Moffatt, The village of Loveland, Iowa, was ne- arly totally destroyed by a huge water spout Monday. Loveland is located in the Beyer Valley, in a gully. A terrffio storm, amounting to a cloud burst, passed over the valley, breahing about a mile above the town, sweeping down the street and leaving hardly a house in the town, The lose of life, as far as has been heard from, includes Mrs. Sayles, an aged lady, and her 9011 and others, whose names are unknown. One family was taken off the tree tops this morning, where they had been swept by the flood. One of the family was ew°pt pest and drowned. The search for missing bodies is so far un. suasoesfnl, Fred Erick Romano, a burly Italian blacksmith, lived with hie wife and font children hi the tenement at 27 Mulberry street New York. Recently ho became insanely joalons and left ods family. Tho wife Worked to support herself and the ohlldrou and ler mother, Mrs, Arado. The blaoksulitlt thought she was being supported by a fellow eonutryntau and Saturday night visited the house armed with two ravolyer7. Itltslting into t.hn bed tromp where his wife wee he blitzed Ellac0tt ; for Tnrnberry .Tae. Maxwell, away at her. The wife tell to the floor ,lee. Henderson, Gavin Wilson, Joihn wounded and when her mother hurried Moffat ; Jnr Morris —Archibald Callhn• ' to her assistltfe,l 110113alno allot her in the right breast. Else too, sank to tate floor. Romano rotut'eo,l to the larger room and shot himself 1ga111 and again in the neck. Itis said hu fired s00111 builats into WM- bell, .1149, I(.alidersatl, 'I hoe. Hondaraan ; for blest \Vawanosh- \Vm. Wilson, David Currie, W, (x Salter, A. 1;00114111100 wag 411. ,4111cd 10 drafl• it (1nnatdtntion and by. laws for ilio government of the club. self, A pante ensued moron; the t0alalfl 4, 1)r. Macdonald. ill. 0, was peasant, ttnd +'rho po1100 arrived and the three wound. delivered an a44he"-), .1plunmi t mot o; Ih.l person9 wore tdkon to the 11010,01. lhr (no•,tione that 91• olds am t.ha pre Romano will d.,ubtd,'.ol .lv', but his in. vMoe ill pinacnt, tended vieinto will liik•ly recover. '10 TILE FOf,1,0301N0 POINTS : 'z'xc=E'rs letoressen Brussels and Return GLENBORO' $28 00 DELORAINE SALT COATS MOOSEMIN MOOSEJAW CALGARY 28 00 28 00 28 00 80 00 35 00 Purchase these Tickets from T, Fnl:TchIwL and you will Save change of route and get Colonist Sleeper through from Toronto, Without Change. Reduced Fares and Stop Over went of Winnipeg for points not reached by these Excursions. T. Fletcher. - G.T.R. Town Ag't 11IOtiEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- ' perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. MEAT AIARKET, MAIN STREET, BRUSSELS, ANDRBW ; CVRRIE, ; PRCPRZEToa, FreSll 111111 Salt Heats of the best heat sly always on 11 111111 and de. livered to any part or the Village Free er Charge. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Vett Cattle Wanted For which the highest market price will bo paid, I also make a specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the plane, next door to Fletcher's Jewel- ry Store. A. CURRIE. WOOL Y WOOL Ally Quantity of Fleece Wool' Wanted at Highest Market I'rk.a 111 CASA. Farmers can do better by sell- ing their Wool for Cash >ttsd! then trade where they please, r1311ying, 118 usual, all kitics; of Grain. R. GRAHAM, Brusseff;,. M0N11 TO LCAN. 1V.L Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY 'ttt- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Fu112k,,. A1,PPL'fi TO J.C.Jleflbrnau, A.. Yo Val llator . Agent;, Ethel P.O., Ont., THOS, FLETCHER/ :Practical ITrcctcltrtzak ef' and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors zsdn support and wishing still to seeuve your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES— Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Ittalsos fully warranted by ns. Clocli,s of the Latest Desigi", JEWELRY ! WEDDING RINGS, L,oDIEa GEu Rlvos, Broocnxs, Eennl1e^., 's:, r..Also a Full Line of Vrotlxs treat Violin Strings, re., in stock. .1-.10.-lssurer or Marriage License's. T. Fletcher, - Brussells —)AEE THIS WEEK SHOWING( -- Special Bargains in Boys and Girls Sailor gad Which we are Clearing Out at Wholesale Price, OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS 5 Dozen Sailors at 15e. worth 25o.. 8 Dozen Sailors at 25e. worth 35c. 8 Dozen Sailors at 45e. worth 65e. Also a Special Line Men's Straw Hats at 15c., worth 2.. FF.RG USON �' B��LLID�l Y', "Mama fees, Don't Forget our Curtain Sale, whichl. iv.. Still Going On. STET Ikt} A —FOR— e Mowers, Binders and Threshers: Very Heavy Body, Great Endurance, Perfectly Pure, Does Not Gu.'n, THE BEST MACHINE OIL. IN THE MARKET, \I ANlTFAreURb11) 111'--- r��, _ i t A.dg e & 1'J.1'1)1)1 11.A.--111RAN(111 AT K'l'Il.t1•14)1lb. FOP Sale A. l� � �• T 1 1 aP Sale M. McKay & Co.. Br ussol 0 by� 7