HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-6-6, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Locals—Thos. Kelly.
Locate—H, Williams•
Local—Mrs. McGarvie.
Bee hives --G. A. Deadman.
Boar for Service --Wm. Hargan.
(1 b e rtork Vast,
Now that a date is mentioned for a
meeting of the Directors of the Grey
Branch Agrioultural Sooiety, to consider
mach needed improvements in the
grounds, our citizens should interest
themselves in the matter and do nil
they can to aid in providing better ao•
commodation 4or the time to cone,
Talk it up.
Cater prospects ie. Manitoba are, nc•
cording to latest despatches, magnificent
so far. The acreage sown is large and
the wheat plants though not rank are
strong and healthy, are thick enough and
are evenly distributed. It it too early to
admit of much confidence being founded
upon present prospects, and there is a
gauntlet of possible evils to be run ;
droughts and too much rain, gophers and
early froeta are all dangers ahead, but a
good beginning le encouraging.
Tun. County Council met in Goderluln
on Tuesday of this week and on motion
of Reeve Kelly and Deputy Reeve Man-
tling it was decided to adjourn until
Tuesday, 17th inst. There was a
majority of 13 for adjournment. In ad-
dition to the Egnvlization of the County
the appointment of a Public School In-
spector for the East Hiding of Huron,
end a talk over the proposed House of
Refuge will come up. We don't see why
the mousy in hand from Scott Act fines
should not be applied toward the ereotion
Of this public institution.
Tar Gualx ELIiVnTon CwNcss of the
United States have proposed FL plan which
will prevent Canadian railways from
carrying American grain at lower rates
than American railways charge. They
would withdraw all American bonding
officials from Canadian points, so corn•
palling all bonding to be done at Anted.
can points, and thus bring nit shipments
of American grain by Canadian railways
vitiate the Iutsrstate Commerce Act.
The plan, if it preyed eecoessfell, would,
of course, benefit Am erican railway coo•
palsies and e'evato: owners at the ex-
pense of American grain growers. It
would also in some degree benefit Can.
adieu sbipperf, p9 it wooed Tette the
hallways mete dependent upon the level
business, which is bierdetia , flit tt tole,
with the lose sustained by low through
rates, What Canada should have is an
interprovincial eommeroe act, with a
tensely commission to administer it.
American railways would then be de-
prived of all excuse for attempting to ob•
tain legislation preventing competition on
the part of the Canadian roads.
' er e
Datilel P k_
Death came early to l
Custie, for he was scarcely 't5 whou be
left his wife u widow with two children,
John Parke Gustis and Eleanor Custie.
Airs. Gustis was rioh, piump and pretty,
still in the fluent of youth, of a lively
nnturo end very popular in aooiety.
When George Washington, then a young
olieser, who lied won aen0 distinction in
the anmpaigas under Braddoolt, met her,
it was a case of love at first sight. A
blithesome wedding followed, and though
they afterwards resided nt Mount Ver-
non they did not neglect the Arlington
property. Washington was often on the
estate directing agricultural operations,
and Martha Washington retained a warm
affection for the plane. Eleanor Castle
died while yet a girl, but John Parke
Custie grew to manhood, merried and
left two children, George Washington
Parke Curtis and Nellie Castle. Both
were adopted by General and Airs.
Washington and became the idols of the
ohildless'home at Mount Vernon. The
boy remained at Monet Vernon until he
took possession of Arlington upon emote.
ing his majority. Immediately there.
after he planted the noble maneion which
is still standing and which ie so beauti-
fully situated. It cost a great deal of
money, and its portico was fasbioeed in
imitation of e. famous temple near
Naples. •
Some genre atter the war, George
Washington Lee, the eldest son of Gen.
eral Lee, having inherited the eetate at
his mother's death, bronuht suit Inc its
recovery. The suit went to the Supreme
Court of the 'United States, and that
court gave judgement for Mr. Lee. Ile
at once prupoeed a compromise with the
Government which was accepted by
Congress and in 1ee1 Mr. Lee transferred
all bis right, title and interest to the
United States for the sunt of 5150,000.
Mr, Bymmn's boom for the Speaker-
ship seems to lack staying gtmlities, It
is unfortunate for the Indiana member
that the House Democrats did not cau-
cus on the Speakership the night he was
Congressman Vane believes the tariff
is a tax and is engin" Shakespeare.
The Evangelical church at Zurich was
considerably damaged by lightning. The
current etraok the top of the belfry orad
prising down the corner to the roof fol-
lowed the end rafter to the eve ripping
and scattering the ehingles in every
Cue day reoently Mr. Horner, of the
Carling Brewing and Malting Coe of
London, visited Exeter and called on
John Leathern, of the Mansion 'House,
who was until recently with the company,
and presented him with a handsome
guinea gold maltose cross, the trndo
mark of the company, which boars the
following inscription t "From the
Officers of the B. et M. Go., London, to
John Leathern."
A Baytield correspondent says ;-.-On
Tuesday the largest congregation ever
assembled in St. Andrew's church wits
present, when Rev. Robt. Henderson was
inducted as pastor of Bayfield and Beth.
any congregations. Tho services were
most interesting and impressive, a large
number of clergymen from a distance
taking part. In the evening evety suns.
essful tea ateoting was held in the town
hell, when a large number were present
and a most excellent program of speech.
es, choruees, duets and solos was proses.
ted. The choirs of Bayflelci and Beth.
any rendered choice music, and the solos
of Miss Hilda Mocrehouse aucl Miss.
I:unneli drew forth hearty applause and
appreciative comments. Misses Gaird-
nee, Morgan and McPhail were accomp-
anists. Proceeds upwards of 512.
Serious. -••-John aug ass cameo ros-
The ll ton
"MY Da.ut Mies TRMPLLrTON—I desire
to meet you at the surrogate's office,
where we were day before yesterday, at
10 this morning. Your signature to
,soma papers is necessary. Tho presence
of other is not necessary,
Thus Toni, who was fighting for time,
1 lilt was
succoetied in gaining it, The t't. ,
the reporter was not altogether diain,
genuous or disinterested in the policy he
was pursuing. Ile quickly realized that
any application 10 tiro pollee for assist -
eau) must result in telling to the authol'-
ities everything they knew, Convinced
your m as ho was that the same hand that
'"Yours respectfully, etruek down the brother had seized the
"Mena H000ROOL" sister, he felt that the discovery of the
"1Vltat horrible thing is this?" Dried girl would lead straightway to the dies
Holbrook, "This note is a forgery, I covery of the murderer.
never wrote it." To give this matter Into the hands of
Mrs, Tompleton burst into moans and the police would be to give them the
lamentations. means to unravel the crime of Thelon
"Some Duo has abducted her!" cried square, and they, not he, would have the
Holbrook. "I'll turn the city upside credit of the detection and arrest.
down; I'll go to the police at once." He was In momentary fear that Hots
"Stop," said Tom. "Holbrook, bo brook would detect his purpose, and Ile
quiet a moment." was at hie twit's encl to furnish argument
"Quiet, man?" turned Holbrook on In favor of the position he had taken,
him fiercely; "she's in danger. Can 1 His great trouble was that he could not
bo quiet when perhaps her life hangs in suggest to himself, let alone Holbrook, a
the balance? Conte, let's go. We'll feasible plan of procedure if the matte
alarm the city," were not given to the police, nor indeed
Tont seized Holbrook by the arm and even invent a plau.ciblo one.
said sternly: Time was the great desideratum, and
"Stop, plan alive, and make sure what this, by all the ingenuity he could exer-
vou aro about to do," else, he endeavored to gain, Ills Lask
"Let me loose!" demanded Holbrook, was made nut au easy one by the Maya -
beside himself. "Inn dangerous. 1)o Bence of Holbrook.
you know I love that girl—Love her, Wilily thus arguing, talking, declaim -
heaven only knows how much! I must, ing and lecturing with Holbrook Toni
well Friday to work for Panpet, the i will find her.' caught a glimpse of the Shadow stand -
tailor. Ho was under the influence of Tom held hint firmly, hog open the curbstone, and perceived
liquor all the time he wee there. About "Granted," ho said, "you love her, that tlu' Shadow had seen him.
4 o'clock Saturcbny afternoon he went to and I believe you. But to go bellowing Ile gave him a hasty signal to follow,
Dsadie's drug store for laudanum, but
like it wild buB shout town in this man- and was pleased to observe that it was
was ratore'.1. He thea went to Graham's
nor is not the way to find her. Bo a man. recognized.
drug store and said he had a sore leg Chis incident afforded Tom another
which pained him tonsiderably,and wan. Look at this thing coolly. I'll go any.. pretext, and thus, bydint of one device
ted a small quantity of laudanum to where with you, but you must not lose and xt,anan'r, he succeeded in getting
bathe it in. They gave it to him. He self control. All of your faculties are Holbrook to his office.
then went to she Franklin House and act needed in this work. If you are to help
writing and scribbling until bed time. the girl or this poor old mother—heavens, They both entered together. As they
About nine o'clock next morning the pro- she has fainted!" did so a clerk said:
They both hastened to take her from "There is Mr. Holbrook."
the floor, to which she had fallen, and to Upon this a very dirty, a very ragged
bear tier into the adjoining room, the and a very email boy came up to Hol -
door of which was open, and lay her brook and asked:
upon the bed. "Bo you Mr. Holebook?"
The diversion this created helped Hol- "Yes," replied the lawyer. "I'm Mr.
brook to resume control of himself. Holbrook."
While ho sought for water, Toni hastened "Den chis hero's for you," handing a
into the hall to summon assistance, but dirty slip of paper nearly rolled into a
as be opened the door a lady stood be- ball.
foro him, probably attracted thither by before either Tont or Holbrook could
Holbrook's outcries. realize what had taken place the boy
had shot through the half open dour and
scampered off.
It was with difficulty that Holbrook
prietor rapped at his door, but got no re-
ply. He then broke in the door and
nq o
tele with a
- found Douglass dead. Tl b
Huron County. few drops of laudanum left, wee found in
_ his room. He left a, letter addroesed to
Two cattle were run over and killed on his wile, Elsie Douglass, Exeter, Ont.,
the L. II. Le B. last week. saying :-'I am going to another land.
Nomination for the South Riding of Farewell. I ale dying among strangers.
Huron was held at Rennie - Zone A Dourness.
It is rumored that the Zurich public e of
the new Methodist church Fordwlce corner h 1 was
school intend having a pie -Hie. laid on Saturday, the 24th of May, by
D. Robb, of Clinton, was away at To- C 1) Massey, of Tot onto, Vice -President
ronto lust week writing For a higher gradeO
f theh M nnfaoturine Co Rev.
of certificate.
R. J. and Geo. Encrett attended the
athletic averts at St. Marys on Monday
and suoccedeel int capturing some of the
A. ,VI. Williams, late of the Unions of
Wroxeter and Gordo, has been secured
by rho beset)ull club, of Clin'on, to pitch
fur them this season,
Thomas Russell, of Osborne, sold his
two-year•old bail, "Riverside Hero," to
Jas. McArthur, of Princeton, for the
handsome sum of 5710.
The semi-annual meeting of the
County Orange Lodge. of South Heron.
will be held in the Orange Hall, Clinton,
on Saturday, June 140h.
Go ;Sunday night of last week some
cf0flndrel out in two a fifty foot length
of the fire hone that has been used for
watering the Luckuow streets.
The Exeter $ohooL Board gives uotiee
that in future any persons caught con•
milting any depredations aronnd the
school or grounds will be dealt with
most severely.
Owing to the provincial elections tel.
J themeeting
o Massey a
W.O. Henderson, D. D., ex•Pres,dent of
Tom hastily told her what had oc-
the Guelph Conference, occupied the currocl, and begged that aha would go to
chair. Revs. le, Walker, Clifford, W, Urs, Templeton.
Ayers and T. A. Wright, Gerrie, Thos. Ho then wont back to Holbrook, and could decipher it, for it was wl'itton
M F d 1 and James Braley of I h' 1 1 d '1 tl in of a
Muir ' or tyre 1, took him aside. He said stern y to him wet la ea panel upon ne mar
Fergus, delivered addresses which were
interesting and instructive, liberal in "Holbrook, you. most summon all yollr newspaper.
sentiment, and ohristian in apirct, which self control, all your manhood. There's • When he did he uttered a cry of joy.
uxaybeemphatioall)'said ofthe addrsssof work to be done that can be done only {raa.nu CONTINUED,)
Mr. Massey and his liberal donation in by men, not boys or whimpering fools,
aid of the buiiding fund practically Let mo see you steady yourself. Let I Hary Chenit a lora Are Made. '
enforced the sentiment of the address, ate say something to you. Tire search
The Rev. Jae. Braley remained over will not be long. The man who knifed 1t may, perhaps, interest readers to know
Sabbath and preached, with old time fire,some of the secrets of cheap glnvc•making.
excellent sermons ; in the morning to a James Templeton is the person who en- Before the introduction of the glove sewing
fair congregation, notwithstanding the ticed'Annie Templeton away.'
rain, which prevented many of his old "You are right, Tom," said Holbrook,
friends from being present, and in the grasping his hand and wringing it. "In
JUNE 6, 1800
undersigned win Ice for eervton on
Lot 4, Cnu.12, (key, a Thom bred l:lerksbiro
boar. Terms, ef.05, to be paid at time of
serviee with privilege of returning If necos-
eary, WUI. I4Al2OAN, Proprietor. 47-#
For terms and other pa'tloulars asic for
filmier at my f)rugandlnook Moro. Should
you wish to sell his heifer calves 1 nut pro.
pared to pay as high es 018, according to
milking qualities of their dams.
20.11mhs (1, A. DP1A1, KHAN, S russets.
BULL FOR SERVICE. ---'1'13]1'
Vundsreigued will Bantti the chorea h
as Roleteia Friaries Ra11, "llartitan" 41h
fur sorvieo on N4 Lot CO, con. lb Morris.
Terme, 32.00 to be paid at time of service
with privilege of returning, If ucesesare.
40.2m WAl. FORlti'1S'r.
evening there was a packed house, many the first sharp agony of fear for her I
going away, not being able to get in. was unnerved. You shall not complain
The result finenoially is 5228 in ready of ny want of manhood again. But
money, besides some eabeoriptions se. where can she be? Who can have done
cured. The horse sheds are built and this? What shall us) do? Where shall
the masons are at work on the building.
we go? Think for me, Tom; act, only
Perth County. don't let us stop here. I shall lose my
ing place on the 5th of one, nee in -- mind if we don't do something."
of the Bruce County Countll at Kamer.A few oheese factories have sold the "One moment. Let us see to Mra
dine has been changed to Tuesday, the I first half of AIay oheese et 8j cents per Templeton first,"
17th of June. - pound. At this moment the lady who had
Lueknow Council have purchased from Geo. Merrell, of Mitchell, has been gone to airs. Templeton's assistance en -
a Seneca Falls, New York firm es very committed to the county jail for thirty tered the room, and said that the old
fine two -wheeled hose reel for the use of days for trespass. ladyhad revived and desired to see the
the Fire Brigade. It is e. perfect beauty, Seventy.three ratepayers of the town enlemen
of solid steel, and patent wheels, and can of St. Marys make 78 vigorous kicks, gentlemen.
entered Iter room.
carry about 800 feet of hose. It cost the claiming improper assessments They
corporation 590. A, J. Tufts-, of Kirkton, left on Wed. " Afy daughter,n she feebly moaned.
A quoiting matoh was played between nesday morning of last week by 0. P. R. "Have no fear," said Tom promptly.
the members of the Lueknow club, and for Virden, Manitoba, where he has an "She will soon be restored to your em -
resulted in Alex. Lawson taking first engagement to teach school, at a good brace."
prize, Wm. Allis second, and J. G. Mar- salary. "Yes," said Holbrook, "I shall neither
dook third. For the consolation prize The eldest daughter of John Willard, sleep nor ant until I can etas her in 1n
Harry Days took first, Wm. Bowers of St. Marys, slipped and rolled into the p y
second and Jaok Adams third. pond, below Welter street bridge. She arms."
The Clinton New Era says :—On Sun. received a soaking, but got ashore with. "God speed and bless you!" said the
day evening, during service in the Rattan. out any assistance. old lady faintly.
bury St. church, one of the wires that The Belle Stevenson Dramatic Com- They hurried out.
convey the current to the electric light, pany have oloaed for the season and Mr. "Now," said Tom, as soon as they were
broke, and still smoking, swung in close Stevenson and family intend remaining well out in the street, "the forst thing to
proximity to a lady's head. It created a in Stratford, and will form a guitar class do into see that you aro cooled down and
little confusion but was secured without shortly and no doubt will meet with steadied. You and I want to sit down
doing any injury. auooess. for a examination of this thing,
The annual Orange Celebration of The directors of St. Marys Mechanics' for a carefulre we take a step tior make a s thin
South Huron will be held at Clinton ' institute say that the Pansy series of
this year. The speakers for the day will books have created such a demand titan "The first thing to do is to go to the
be N. Clarke Wallace, et, P., Grand they have dnplicnted the complete set police," replied Holbrook.
Master and Sovereign, Dalton MoOarthy, and still find that it is seldom any more "I don't agree with you—stop, speak
M. P., E. F. Clarke, Y. P. P., Rev. Mr. of these intensely interesting books re• low, we are followed. Don't show that
McKee, of Belfast, Ireland, and Bev. Mr. main long on the shelf at a time. you are aware of it."
McDonagh, London. The G. T. R. taxes at Stratford are "Let me get at the scoundrel," de -
D. Macbeth, of Lueknow, was arrested fixed at 52,6000 for ten years from date marded Holbrook.
in London last week and a charge of of inaugutation and to make their as- Tom seized him so tightly that he
drunkenness entered against him. He easement in keeping it had to be reduced S y gave
with also have to answer a charge of 5193,005.00. These reduotions left an Holbrook pain.
stealing a dog from Mr. Gough, of the assessment of $3,529,500, on which the "Would you ruin everything? Oh, if
American Hotel and selling it to an oonnoil struok a rate 18 mills on the 5. the Shadow were only here to follow the
Ingersol bartender. It is said Macbeth 'The little three-year-old daughter of spy! But let us take a cab here at the
hoe been drinking and is not responsible 0. R. Sneath, of St. Marys, strayed away corner."
for his actions. from its home on Thursday last, causing Holbrook had been restrained with
The rope which should be attached to the parents much anxiety for a couple of difiicul and Torn desired to got him
the flag pole on the top of the market hours. The little one was observed and ty"
building, Clinton, having become de. taken in by it lady on Church street into a cab, where he could reason with
taohed, it was necessary to be replaced south, where the ohild was found by the him.
before the flag could be hoisted. No one parents. His companion submitted, a cab was
oared to climb the pole, until H, C. On Tuesday of last week Merritt Morey called, and the driver directed to go
Brewer came along, when he volunteered and hie hired man, of Fullerton, were straight to Holbrool:'s office.
to do it, and in the most nan.chalant and cutting rail timber in the bush, and hay. When they were once on their way
oneonoerned manner he ()limbed the slim ing lodged a tree attempted
tempted to pry it off Tom said.
and shaky pole, put the rope through the its lstum with a ole. Their success "I'm not sure that the best way is not
hole at the top, waved his hand to those surprised them, and nearly cost them
watching him, and came down as 'noon- their lives, When the tree left the to tell the police. I want to discuss it,
earned as it 'hs had done nothing nn. stump it drove one and of the pole into I fear it is not. The result of giving tine
usual. the ground and threw the other end up, matter to the police would be that agen.
Al the West Huron Teachers, Assooia. hurling the mon right and loft for coma oral alarm would bo given a,nd the bird
ton the discussion on "Third Class Pro- distance, resulting in broken ribs to ono take flight. I am positive we are fol-
fessional Certificates" brought out bias) and a disabled arm for the other. lowed. If we were to go to the police,
following resolutions 1-- A young man named Goo. Moughton in ton minutes the party would know of
1. That in the opinion of this Assooia• was killed Tuesday afternoon on lot 2, in If, on the contrary, o go nowtof
Hon no person should be allowed to teach con. 14, Logan, about two mike north of
school ander the ago of twenty years for Mitchell, while engaged at work logging to your office, they will be thrown off
males and nineteen years for females. with Ward Rumford. ifonghtox's wile, and suppose that wo have not yet waked
2. That the Model School term should who was on the mound where they were tip 00 the affair. To lull their suspioione
be lengthened to six metthsboginning in working, was having it dispute with is to make a great gain. I3eliovo rue,
Jttunary. Rumford about the work, when the ins. this is the surer way. 13o guided by ate,
8. That in addition to passim; thea band interfered, and Rumford teruelt thus far at all ovule."
primary examination, those who intend him a blow on the head with a hand. "Well, unppose I monied, what what then?
to attend the Model School should vase spike, fraotaring the Ault badly. Rum. What inll mood? Tirno ed, havo been
an examination on some professional ford, realizing what he had done, wont 1 gave doe."
work or worksbofors catering sale Model to Mitchell fur a doctor, The doctor p oc
Sultnol. started tit once for the spot, entl on ar- "I ha,vo gained something when I have
riving found blotglitou dead, bavtng got you Lo a point flog you will argue
lived only a Avert time after the blow. with stn."
Rumford has been living under the mune "What do ycu mean?"
roof with the Boughton foully, orad is in ',Tet yon• r „,„ in rostorotl—w•o
Washington Letter.
(Prom. our Regular Correspondent.)
Wasa1NereN,!Say 30,'00.
The interests of Memorial Day at the
Capitol centre in Arlington, the pictur-
esque homestead of General. Lee on the
heights across the glistening Potomae,
where stand the monuments of 16,000 de.
fenders of the Union. Interest doubly
centres upon Arlington this Memorial
day, from the masses engaged in the
brilliant oblation to the leader of the
forces of the Confederacy at Richmond,
on the one hand, and from the citizens
and soldiery now assembled at Arlington
to decorate the graves of the silent
thousands, on the other.
Arlington, the home of General Lee,
rivals Mount Vernon in historic interest.
From the day when in the reign of
George II. Sir William Berkeley, gov-
ernor of Virginia, granted 6,000 sores of
land along the Potomac River to Robert
Howson -a grant which was afterwards
sold for six hogsheads of tobacco -the
estate has passed through many chang-
ing scenes. Here John Castle brought
his haughty and ill-tempered brie ;
here, in the happinese of young wife-
hood, Dame the beautiful Martha Custie,
soon to become a widow ; beneath its
noble oaks George Washington wooed
and won her after her husband's death ;
here, too, she sat in a little summer
house on sonny afternoons, and, with the
Father of his Country, watched the
placid Potomac roll onward to the sea ;
here her granddaughter, Mary Randolph
thistle, wedded her ohildhood's play-
layfellow, Lieut. Robert E. Lee ; here these
two yonng hearts lived in mediae
happiness until there came the sound of
cannon, and a curtain of desolation shut
out the happiness of the pest and made
it but a memory and a dream. Then the
Government, having bought in the
estate for unpaid theme converted it into
a burial plane for thousands who wore
the blue.
In the early part of the eighteenth
oentety John Cuetis purchased about 1,-
160 aortae of the origuntl grant and
named hie estate "Arlington." Hfs wife,
with whom he was so unhappy that he
did not begin to live until she died, left
him a son and daughter. Tho son,
Daniel Park Castil, prised unnoticed
the high-born girl who had been soleoled
for hie bride, and courted the belle of
1Villiautsburg, Itlartlta Dandridge. This
cot of his iufariated hie father, who
threatened to out hits off with the
traditional shilling and loeve Arlington
to a slut. Martha, D,u,dridge, hey:over,
mot her future father -in law al a imolai
gathering and captivated him with her
reeve; Nation, full of anise and twit, by
Inc boa and gracioi1 manner, and by
her modesty and swectne:ls. Ant sit 4, Thee tin earn•' procentego or narks
when the old gentleman wars linally lame be exacted on Model (School works in all
t>t rest beneath a ,orange epitaph of ills sire counties of tin province.
own comp ositi nc, Lite yntnl„ lov,ars na ne 5. That the standard of (ire p1 i:na'y
tr, make Arlin„ton terry by L110 gay examination remora ne is ie at present,
(lunrpany which gathered mound them. azul that oncli.d he added.
m"ehiue, which toes place a lone 18, 0, a
simple apparatus was in use, consisting of
two brass plates, in which the stitches were
incised, holding tightly together the leather
parts of the glove, while the needle of the
sower followed easily these incised stitches.
It was an easy work, not at all injurious to
body or eye, and an industrious and quiet
girl could, without any exertion, sew two
pairs of gloves a day, for which she re•
ceived from 20 pence to 3 pence each, equal
to about 5 pence to 0 pence a day. Very
poor wages. But the money was earned in
it comfortable way.
Let us now compare what progrese these
girls made in the golden era of machinery.
The poor sewers are never in a position to
acquire the requisite sten to be owners of
these machines. The district to which I re-
fer is a poor, mountainous part, the men
mostly miners of an imperial silver mine,
with daily wages of sixteen pence. The re.
quisite machines are owned by middlemen,
called factors, to whom the glove manufao
Curers front all parts of Anatria send their
unfinished gloves for sewing. These factors
are proprietors of a certain number of ma-
chines—from twenty up to a hundred.—
which are fitted up in work -rooms, most of
them very indifferently suited for the pur-
pose. The poor girls from the neighboring
district have often to walk a distance of
eight utiles to find work in euoh work-
rooms '1.'hey leave their miserable cottages
at 4a.m. to begin their day's work at 0
a.nt. After a hard labor of twelve hour on
a mord' complicated machine, and after
having passed another two hours on the way
home, their whole earniege noneiat of 7
pence. Including the hours she loses on
the road, she works ninety-six hours w week
for 3 shillings 6 pouce, her body continually
bent over a most complicated machine, her
eyes watching leather, thread and needle
inceseantly, her foot moving continually,
amid the rattle of many machines, in a most
sickly atmosphere. Timis is how cheap
gloves are made.
Lot 0, eon. 1, Saogoen, 100 acres,
Port of tots 1 and 2, eon.1, litulnss.
T4 lot 15, can. 1, VSmwauosh, leo acres
N4 Int 05, eon. s, West Wswanasb, 100 mares.
Lot 14 and Vet lot 111, con. a, E,uem'dbte,
lee soros.
E, lots s and 0, eon, 11, Pool, a00 cores.
Hi lot s and WI lots, con. (J, Peel, 000 acres,
Si lot 0, eon. .1, 1111010, 0 acres.
Lot 11, Dun. 13, Ulan, 1101 acres.
Lot 41, con. •t, Norrnnuby,100 too UP.
All tl,,. ales-^ bre we11 inaprove4 farms in
Ono locolites, tore volt' cheap end eat be
lumen t n31 easy serum. Also a store and
dwelling In lirusels for sale. Apply to
30112e MrCOY,
40.3n1 Il.txul.aoN.
some way Zahir 1 to them. Rumford
has given himstdf up,
trans mita thsOv 1,,t 0n this 8111)100,"
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my bands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
Ca,' .cin 'moo,
II:1r::1n 'these in
Cady's Block, Seaforth
Where ho can be Consulted on all Chronic
Diseases of both Segos.
Consumption, Asthma and Catarrh
treated snecessfolly by Inhalation of Medi-
cated Vapors, the only, rational treatment
end all diseases of the Urinary Organs pobf-
tively cured in a short limo.
Call or Address
el-tf 1111. PHILLIPS, Snaronrn
They Didn't Want to Appear In Print.
Jet a dinner not long ago Wilkie Hollins
related instances proving how impossible it
was to introduced into a novel dssoriptions
of places and tltinga wholly imaginary. In
one of his works he described a house which
he had never seen, and which was entirely
the offspring of this imagination. A few days
after the publication a man called upon him
to protest against the introduction of his
house into his novel. Strange to say, the
papas of the novel contained a perfect de-
scription. of the man's property. At
another time ho used as ono of his charas.
tors a man who was so exact about his eat-
ing that ho weighed every morsel which
entered his stomach. Mr, Collins had in
reality never hoard of such a man. Ho was
greatly surprised, one week after the ap-
pearance of his book, by the visit of an
utter stranger, who wished to know by
what right Mr.. Collins made him ride:miens
in print by mentioning one of his peculiar.
ities.—Nov York Star..
itis Sil:nntnre,
rt Saorit votin ye eall this Australian cyst
ten do yo Mr. Mulcahy 7 But, be ,jabbers,
small bit of secrecy, Oi'm thinkin' where
wan has to sign bin 1141110 for every candle
date be votes for 1”
" What are yez thinl:in' about, Mr.'
O'Toole? Ye don't have have to sign your
1110nin at all, et all. All yez have to de la
list to make a ernes."
"Tlirtto for yez, Atr. efuleal,y : bat ien't
that how 1)1 always sign me mono, Oi don't
kuov 7"...:Clarion Trauserfpt.
It may 1, w `,' t„ ti i d, it,; ore
epealcittlt, but it it to .d, n h t y '... ; ..t
ting old.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro;
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, crc.,
4, • For • J® - Cents.
All Work front the Amaliest to Mesta*
done Ina aret.elass manner.
of Residences, Etc., at Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
13 AVE
Is Prepared to supply you With a
Handsome Carriage
At a Slight Advance on Cost.
Call in and Make a Selection or
Leave your Order.
If you ase intending to travel
Dennis' is Headquarters for
A tache and Well -Assorted
Stxtciij& to elioese from.