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Guelph Conference.
The stationing committee of the
Guelph conference wero in emission on
Tuesday and Wednesday. The Rev. J.
E. Howell, M. A., was in the chair, and
the Rev. J. W. Holmes was appointed
secretary. The following compose the
committee :—Rev. Messrs. Howell, Cun-
ningham, Griffin, Nugent, Willoughby,
Turk, Richardson, Livingston, Hannon,
Snowdon, Scott, Sellory, Galloway,
Smith, McAllister, German, Walker,
Smythe, Campbell, Moir, Buggin, Fydell,
Holmes, Lonnde, Henderson, Ayrea.
Full conference opened on Thursday
morning al 9 o'clock. Rev. Dr, Griffin,
of Stratford, wan chosen President and
Rev. Jno. Scott, M. A., of Wingham, was
elected Secretary,
Central Methodist Church -9 a, m.
Love.feset, Rev. Thos. Amy ; 11 a. m.,
Ordination service, sermon by Rev. Jno.
Potts, D. D., Sunday school addresses,
3 P. m„ Rea. Dovid Rogere and Wm.
Torrance ; 7 p. m., Rev. Jas. Hannon,
D. D.; Lordesupper, conducted ny Rev.
W. W. Leech.
Waterloo Street Methodist Church -
11 e. m., Rev. J. W. Shilton, B. A. ; 3
p. on,, Sunday school addresses, Revs. E.
A. Chown, B. D., and Samuel H. Ed.
wards ; 7 p. m., Rev. G. R. Turk.
Knox Churoh-11 a. m., Rev. Joseph
Edge ; 7 p, m., Rev. A. W. Tonga.
St, Andrew's Church -11 a. m., Rev.
B. L, Hutton ; 7 p. m., Rev. Jae. L•,v-
Baptist Church -11 a. m., Rev, Henry
E. Hill ; 7 p. m., Rev. Benjamin Sher.
Congregational Churoh-11 a. m„ Rev.
Robt. Walker ; 7 p. m., Rev. Robert
Evangelical Churoh-11 a. m, Rev.
Andrew McCniloch ; 7. p. m., Rev. Alex.
Temporaries Meeting in City Hall, 3
D. m., Revs, T. M. Campbell and' F. E.
Meeting in Y. M. C. A. Hall, 4:15,
Revs. G. F. Salton and Alex. Birks, B.
Wednesday, June 4--7:30, Temperance
meeting, RAY. Geo. Richardson, Joseph
Brown, Esq., Rev. Thos. Gee.
Thursday, June, 5—Sunday school
meeting, Rev. W. C. Henderson, D. D..
Isaao Hord, Esq., Rev. G. Cornish, L.
L. D.
Friday, June 0-7:30, Reception of pro-
bationers, Revs, John Mille and Nt R.
Willoughby, D. D.
Saturday, June 7-3 p. m., Theologi-
cal Union—Lecture by Rev. Jae. Mc-
Allister, theme, "Searching for God in
His works."
Saturday, Juno 7-7:30, Consecration
meeting, led by Rev. Wm. Birks.
Monday, June 9-7:30, Educational
meeting, Rev. John Potts, D. D., A. H.
Manning, Esq., Rev. Geo. Buggin.
Tueeday, June 10-7:30, Missionary
meeting, Rev. J. C. Pomeroy, Be A„11,
P. Moore, Esq., Rev. A. Cunningham.
(Snbjeot to correction)
GUELPH Dieturcx.—Gnelph First (Nor-
folk street), N. R. Willoughby, M. A., D
Guelph Second (Dublin etreet), George
R. Turk.
Guelph Third (Paisley street), Wm. H.
Ponsonby, Edward A. Shaw.
Elora, E. A. Chown.
Fergus, James Broley.
Mareville, John S. Corcoran.
Nessagawega, John Hough.
Bellwood, Robt. Carson.
Eramoea, H. J. Fair,
Rookwood, John Hart, Wm. J. Hart
(Wm. J. Hernwell).
Acton, Gorham Gifford, M. A., Ph, D.
Georgetown, Thos. Gee, Henry Cald.
Erin and Ballinafad, John Ball.
GALT Draxnn:T.—Galt, Andrew Cun-
Berlin, Jacob E. Howell, M. A.
Waterloo, G. F. Salton, B. A.
Preston, Wm, Baugh, M, A.
Hespeler, G. A. Cornish, L. L. D.
Elmira, Jabez Was,
Naw Hamburg, Edward Olivant,
Linwood, John Pepper, B. A.
Hawkeeville, J. C. Pomeroy, B. A.
STRATFORD DISTRiox. Stratford (Cen-
tral church), W. S, Griffin, D. D.
Stratford, (Waterloo Street), W. H.
Hinoke, L, L. B.
Mitchell (Trafalgar street), Francis E.
Mitchell, (Main street), John Milia.
Monkton, Francis Swann.
Staffs, Charles, V. Lake (Martin J.
F ellarton, Solomon G. Edmunds, B.
D., Albert E. Henderson.
Harmony, Thos. Grandy.
Embro, Tiros. C. Sanderson.
W. E. Treleaven left without a station
for one year at his own request.
Edwin L. Flagg end Judson Truax, re-
commended to college,
ST. MAaY's DlsTmcr.—St, Mary's, T.
M. Campbell.
Granton, Josiah Greene.
Liman, Richard C. Renders.
Ailsa Craig, Wm. Birks.
Rirkton, John Kenner.
Woodham, Webster W. Leech.
Nissouri, James Retitle.
Kintore, T. 3, Sabine.
Tliamesford, Alexander K. Birks, L.L.
David Dalton Birks recommended to
Gom,:nlcn Dlsrntce.--G°clerich (North
skeet,), George Richardson.
Goderielt (Victoria etreet), B. L, Ilut-
Clinton (Ratt°nbnry area), Walker
Shiltou, B. A.
Clinton (Ontario street), Jos. Edge,
Seaforth, Wesley Casson.
Holmeevillo, Walton Ayere,
Bayfield, Robt. J. 1Iusbaind.
Varna, Jame Walker.
Ilenoull, Joseph S. Cooke (fietbort el.
Rippsn, Henry Irvine.
Dungannon, Austin Potter.
Nile, Ezra A. rear.
Benmiller, James Harris.
Walker M. Patton, recommended to
C. Henderson, M. A., D. D.
Tiverton, Henry A, Newcombe.
Benj. Sherlock.
Bethel, Jabez H. Dyke,
Ripley, Thomas J. Snowdon.
Luoknow, Joseph S. Coiling.
Ashlield, W. A. Strongman, L. L. D.
Whitechnrab, F.W. Cowie, M. A.
Salem, Alex. Scratch,
Greenock, Henry 3. Miller.
WINDIHAM Disxmox,--Wingham, John
Scott, M. A.
'l'eoewater, W. W. Sperling.
Wroxeter, J. A. McLachlan.
Bressele, Samuel Sellery,
Walton, JChurchill.
W, G urohill.
L ndeeboro'
o ,James Ferguson.
Blyth, W. F. Campbell.
Auburn, John R. Isaao,
Belgrave, Robert, Godfrey.
Biuevale, 1.B, Wallwin.
Archibald MOKibbin recommended to
LISTOWrL DIeTnIer.—Listowel, James
Milverton, Edmund 8. Rupert, M. A.
Trowbridge, James Caswell.
Gerrie, Wm. Torrance.
Fordwich, Joseph W. Pring.
Wallace, Thos. Amy.
Atwood, David Rogers.
Hentryn, Findlay M. Smith.
Ethel, Wm. J. Brandon.
P.u,u00STON Dlevnricx—Palmerston, J,
Drayton—John W. German.
Arthnr—John S. Fisher.
Alma—David A. Moir, T. W. Cozens.
Pool—Chrietopher Hamilton.
Moorefield—A. E. Smith.
Stirton—John W. Robinson.
Minto—Joeeph Markham.
Teviotdale—Alex, Thibedeao.
R. H. Barnby recommended to college.
Forest, Jae. Hannon.
Harriston—Wm. Smythe.
Durham—J. T. Legear,
Holstein—Geo. Lounde.
Clifford—Robert Phillips.
Gieneden—R. W. Williams.
Kenilworth—John Kennedy.
Grand Valley—Henry E. Hill.
Varna—Adam Glazier.
Cedarville—Thos. J. Smith.
Mildmay—Henry Berry.
Hanover—A. W. Tonge,
Elmwood—R. C. Burton.
Chesley—W. H. Mose.
Dobbington—John Webster.
Tara—George Bnggin.
Arkwright—J. W. Gilpin.
Eden Grove—J. 3. Noble.
Paisley—J. T. Smith.
Port Elgin—J. 0. Stevenson.
Saugeen—Wm. Savage.
Alex. J. Irwin recommeuded to college.
3. W. Holmes (H. A. Baylis.)
Brookholm—Geo. Hartley.
Chatsworth—A. W. Ma0slloolr.
Allenford—N. S. Burwaah.
Woodford—R, I. Hocking,
Kemble—Dixon Sharpe.
Hepworth—R. H. Hall.
Wierton—S. H. Edwards.
Colpoy's Bay—John H. Watts.
Lion's Head—One to be sent.
Tobermory and Dyer's Bay—One to be
Cape Crocker—George Smith.
W. E. Kerr, John S. Humphreys, re-
commended to go to college.
MAnieDALE Disrmor—Markdale, Robert
Flesherton—Robert Walker.
Dundalk—G. H. Cobbledick, B A, B D.
Melanothon--William H. Bielby,
Eugenia—A. J. Parker.
Priceville—Thomas Legate.
Holland Centre—Who. Ottawell.
Walter's Falls --J. W. Sanderson.
Euphrasia—T, R. Fydell.
W. E. T. 31.
The third annual contention of the
Dominion Women's Christian Temper.
ance Union, held at Montreal, olosed on
Friday of lest week. The following sap.
erintendents wore appointed: Conference
with influential bodies, Mrs. McDonnell,
Toronto ; ecientidc temperance inetruo.
tiou, Mrs. Noyes, of Waterloo ; heredity
and health, Mre. Luaus, Toronto ; social
purity, Mre. Turnbull, St. John, N. B. ;
evangelistic, Miss Barber, Montreal ;
foreign work, Mrs. Tait, Britiah Colum-
bia ; exhibitions and faire, Mre. Rugg,
Stanstead ; Sabbath obeervanoe and un-
fermented wine, Mrs. Fawcett, Toronto ;
manors, raftamen and lumbermen, Mrs.
Randolph ; legislation petition, Mre.
Rook/gall ; Franchise, Mre. Parker, To-
ronto ; flower mission, Mre. G. T. Wil-
liams, Montreal.
Fora new department of Woman'e
Journal Mise Scott, Ottawa, auperinten.
dent, wae recommended, also a depart-
ment of "kitchen garden" under the sup-
erintendence of Mre. Woodbury, Dart.
mouth, and Mrs. Turnbull, St. John.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year : Honorary President,
Mrs. Youman'e, Toronto ; President,
Mre. Fawcett, Toronto ; Vico-President,
Mrs. Steadman, Fredericton ; Corres-
ponding Secretary ; Miss Tilley, St.
John, N. B. ; Recording Secretary, Mre.
A. 0. Rutherford, 'Toronto ; Treasurer,
Mrs. T. C. Williams, Montreal,
Rov. Sam Small, who has boon boldiagg,
a Series of revival meetings in Ogden, has
been oleate;( to and has ocoepted the
Peesidoeoy of the Methodist University
of Ogden, Utah.
A consul of wolves has boon taken lei
Russia. They amount to 170,000, accord.
ing to the enumerators. 'They commit
great hnvoe among the sheep and pigs,
and during the past year 203 human be.
inge have been devoured by the,n.
An Australian Innefeian has invented a
trombone that is played by steam, Its
"God Savo the Queen " can be heard at
se dietanoe of four miles. He had hard
leek with it, however, for the polite 6f
his own town drove hint out ns a nui.
Reformers Elect 54; Con-
servatives, 29, Equal
Righters, 2.
Tho Reformers Lose Provinclai
Oilmen Minister or Aorico!•
titre Drhry, and Lesser Lights.
Leading Conservatives Defeated were
Creighton, French, Ryth,
and Others.
Gurrow Carries West Huron, and
Bishop Holds South heron by a
Narrow Majority.
The Three Braces Meet Rererrners—
O'Connor, Daek and Porter.
The battle is over and Victory nate
once more with the Liberals. Thursday,
June 5th Nitneesed as stubbornly fought
an election contest as the Province of
Ontario has seen for years. The Equal
Rights element made it a very difficult
matter to arrive at correct calculations
in many constituencies. However, the
result would indicate that the electorate
still desire Hon. Oliver Mowat to con.
tine as Premier of Ontario. In East
Huron a very energetic campaign was
carried on, earnest work being done for
both candidates and the variome meetings
held were almost altogether free from
the unpleasant jangles and personalities
often indulged in in election contest".
The vote wan a eurprime to both parties
in this way :—The Reformers did not
expect Howiok to de as well for Mr.
Musgrove and they felt • assured that
Grey and Turnberry townships would do
better. The Conservatives counted
more on Morris and less in Bruisels,
Turnberry and Grey.; McKillop was an
unknown quantity, although the Gibson
men reekonod on 125 or 150.
The vote in the East Riding of Heron
toed as follows, as nearly as could be
ascertained, by majorities :
Howick 178
Wroxeter 21
Turnberry . 42
Brussels . 64
Morrie 5
Grey 145
MoKillop 245
Hallett 160
Total Majority for Gibson -501.
In North Bruce the Reformers gained
''seat by defeating John George. Centre
Brace again returned W. M. Deck, of
the Kinoardine Reporter, by an Moreau.
ed majority and H. P. O'Connor once
more writes M.P.P. after hie name in
South Bruce.
Dr. Ahrens, of Stratford, was elected
over Geo. Hese, of Listowel, in North
Perth and the redoutable Ballantyne
walked the course in the South Riding.
The ousting of the Provincial Secre-
tary in Hamilton, and the Minister of
Agriculture in East Simooe WAS deplor-
ed by the Reformers and was not balane•
ed by the overthrow of Messrs, Creigh-
ton, in North Grey ; Blyth, in South
Grey, and French, in Grenville.
Inepeotor Hughes, Editors Sheppard
and McLean, and Barrister Holmes, all
of Toronto, were not successful in win-
ning spate in the Provincial Perlia.
The following constitutes a partial re-
turn of the results, the best that could be
obtained when we went to press :—
REFORMERS er,uormm.
Coustieuenoy. Candidate,
Oxford N (Aix) 0. Mowat,
Prescott (Ace) A. Etantmrel.
Brant S A. S. Hardy.
,Brookville 0, F. Fraser,
Bruce N D. Porter,
Brttc° C. W. M. Des;,,
Bruce0 H.P.O'Connor.
Cornwall aid Stormoit.... Win. Mack.
lessee S W. D. Balfour.
Glengarry Jas. Royale,Croy N Jet?. Cleland.
Grey S 7, 51. Hunter.
leek/inland Dr, Baxter.
Hastings F N. Vermilyee.
Hastings W W. FI. Biggar.
Huron W I. T. Garrote,
Huron le T. Gibson.
Intron S A. Iliehop,
Immbtot W..... .... . .... 0, Maokenoio.
Lembton 1'' H. Maolte nuie.
Middlesex W. .. . G. W. Ross.
Number 47.
Norfolk N
Norfolk S
R. Harcourt.
J B. Freeman,
Wm. Charlton.
Northumberland W C. C. Field,
Ottawa E. H. Bronson.
Oxford $ Dr. McKey.
Parry Sound T. i3. Sharp,
Perth N Dr. Ahrens,
Perth 8 T. Ballantyne.
Psterboro E...., ........... T. Blezard.
Poterboro W J le, Stratton,
Renfrew 3 Dr, Dowling,
Peel K. Chisholm,
Simone 0 Robt,Paton.
Toronto Aid. McDougall.
Waterloo S J D. Moore,
Wellington 8 D. Guthrie.
Wellington E Col. Clarke,
Wellington W A 8. Allan.
York E G. B. Smith.
E. J. Davie.
York W Dr. Gilmour.
Middlesex N John Waters.
Constituency. Candidate.
Lanark 8 N. McLenaghen.
Lincoln Jas. Hieoott.
Middlesex E R Tooley,
Muskoka G. F. Marler.
Northumberland E,...Dr. Willoughby.
Ontario N J Glendenning.
Prince Edward J A. Johnson,
Simcoe E A Miecampbell.
Simcoe W Dr. Wylie.
Toronto H,E. Clarke, E. F. Clarke.
London (ace.) W. R. Meredith.
Hastings N (ace.) A. F. Wood.
Dundee J F. Whitney.
Dufferin Dr. Barr.
Durham W W. P. Prewar.
Elgin E H. T. Godwin.
Elgin W D. McColl.
Essex N Sol. White.
Frontons° H. Smith.
Grey'E J Rorke.
Halton W. Kearns.
Hamilton T H, Stinson.
Kent W Jas. Clancy.
Kingston J H. Metcalfe,
NOTES ON THE 001050305.
Some of the daily papers will have to
go into the apology business.
The local committee rooms were filled
with 1Arge crowds on Thursday night to
bear the returns.
Bruaaele quadrupled her vote for Gib-
son compared with 1888, It was 16 to 64
The atock of comic engravings which
have done duty in the Conservative pap -
ere such as "His hour has come," "The
Grits are on the run,' dcc., will now he
below par.
Thanks to the Crook's Act, every hotel
and saloon in the Province was closed on
polling day.
There wae not mush differencenumer-
ically in the gains and losses to either
party compared with the standing in the
lase :Legislature.
Thos. Fletcher and his assistants rush.
ed the returns, along very satisfactorily.
We will give the complete returns a
subsequent issue of THE PORT.
North Eaethope township gave Dr.
Ahrens over 300 majority and Mo&illop
reaohed'high water mark with 240. for
T. E. Hays received a majority of 147
in MoKillop in 1883. In 1886 Mr. Gib-
son had 25 of a majority.
Presbytery et Ilaritand.
The Presbytery of Maitland met at
Wingham on May 13th. Moderator, A.
McKay. Session records were examined
and attested. •A call from Dungannon
and Port Albert in favor of Rev. Robert
Fairbairn, B. A., was sustained and ao-
oepted. It was arranged that the in-
duction take plane in Erskine °hatch,
Dungannon, on Tuesday 270h inst., at
2 p. m., the moderator to preside, G.
McKay to preach, D. Davidson to address
the minister, and F. A. McLennan toad -
dress the 'congregation. The' doilowing
elders were appointed commissioners to
the General Assembly : Thos. Straohan,
Brunie ; W. Dawson, Langside ; Peter
Fisher, Ripley ; H. M. Duff, Dungannon ;
and Rev. D. Davidson was appointed
oommiesioner to take the place of Rev.
J. L. Murray resigned. In aecordante
with notice of motion previously given
it was agreed that the March meeting of
the Presbytery shall be itinerating. Mr.
McLennan gave notice that he will move
at next meeting that the system followed
at present for appointing aommiseioners
to the General Assembly be changed.
Ciroulere were read from several Pres-
byteries regarding their intention to ask
leave of the General Assembly to receive
as ministers of this church in all fourteen
This Presbytery met in Erskine thumb,
Dungannon, on May 27th, The members
present wore Messrs. A. McKay, It. hfo.
Donald, D. Davidson, F. A. McLennan,
R. 8. G. Andereon, M. A.,13. D., J. Mc-
Nabb, ministers, and J. Bennett, elder.
The Rey. Mr. Carry, •Episcopal church,
and Revde. Potter and Irwin, Methodist
church, were invited to sit as corre-
sponding member". After the sermon
by Rev, K. Moboneld, the Res. Robert
Fairnbeirn, B. A., was inducted into the
pastoral charge of Dungannon and Port
Albert. Rev. A. McKay presided, Rev.
D. Davidson addressed the minieter, and
Rev. F. A. McLennan addressed the sou.
gregetion. The newly inducted minister
received the right hand of welcome from
the congregation as they were retiring
from the ohurob. There was e. good at.
tendanco of members anti adherents of
the congregation and a fair nutnbee from
Port Albert.
Floteber Harper, member of the arm
of Harper <CI Brothers, of New York, and
a sof of Fletcher Harper, the youngest
of the four original brothers who cattle:
liaised the well.known publishing hone°
of that nano, died after a lingering ill-
ness from a complication of diseases,
Mre. John Rifling, Mre. Maenell, aged
21, and Mies 1Vlamio Ruling, aged 14,
were rowing On Davisvilln pond, near
Providence, R. I., who,/ the Draft sadden.
ly filled, Mrs. Mntnioll and Miss Haling
wero drowned. Mrs. Ruling clung to a
dog whioh swam with her to shore,
Sporting News.
Honlon says that Peter Kemp 10 the
moat skilful miller he ever maw, and, as
he was a length ahead of Searle at a
mile, Haitian wae not surprised at his
victory over John McLean.
The Catford Cycling Club, the chief
wheeling organization of the south of
England, had 10,000 spectators at a re,
cent meeting, and the eix events on the
program had 581 entries whioh produced
60 races.
Gandaur and Hamm are in Montana
rowing two exhibition races. They will
return in 19 days and train for the Boston
Fourth of Jaly Regatta, They will go
from Boeton direct to Duluth and pre-
pare for rowing there, Gaudeur is oou-
fident of winning the single -scull ramie
against all comers, Hie partner in the
rieuble.seallrace will w 1 b o John McKay, of
Halifax. Hanlon and Wise may row
double at Duluth.
Hanlan having expressed kis intention
to challenge O'Connor immediately on
his return from Australia, Joe. Rogue
has authorized the statement that Han-
lan need not wait fox O'Connor's return
`to agree upon terms of a match, as he is
willing to post forfeit at once and sign
articles fora race to take place within
the month of O'Connor's arrival, for
anything from a thousand dollars a aide
up, and over any distance.
The opening championship games of
the National Baseball League of Great
Britain will be played this week. The
circuit hoe been reduced to four clubs
for the initial season, namely, Derby,
Stoke, Preston and Birmioghem, and the
outlook for a successful season is certain-
ly a bright one. The Derby team, under
the able management of W. C. Bryan,
the ex.Dee Moines manager, have been
practising together for the past eight
weeks, and consequently are favorites
in the coming race. In addition to their
advantage of having such an old hand in
the buboes to coach them, they have
been strengthened by the addition of a
battery from Cleveland, 0., Reidenback
and Buller.
Very general satisfaction ie expressed
everywhere that the O'Connor-Staos-
bury match bas been made, and long be-
fore the day of the great contest the in.
tereet will be intense. O'Connor ie a
good man, beyond doubt, and the recog-
nized ohampion of the old world. To de-
feat him will be a task for any man, and
the victor in this race will fill a very
proud)position,even though the champion.
ship ie not at stake. Stansbury is by no
means afraid of hie opponent, and will
have the entire confidence of all Aus-
tralians, who firmly believe him to be a
thoroughly skilful and powerful sooner.
If the Shoaihaven man cannot defeat the
Canadian, then our hold on the cham-
pionship ie almost gone. But we face
the touring struggle with good heart, and
know that the man who can ontrow Jim
Stansbury oan obtain frill credit for kis
win. Probably the best man in the
world will be named the winner of this
race, and will virtually be the champion.
—Sydney Mail.
Canadian News.
Wheat is quoted in Winnipeg at 95
At Battleford potatoes are selling for
$2 a bushel.
During April $25,000 worth of gold was
miued in Nova Soothe.
Mails are now carried over the Leke
Erie and Detroit River Railroad.
Simooe's assessment roll for 1890 gives
that town a population of 8,068 -
Rains in the western part of Manitoba
have improved the crop prospects there.
A mon at Griswold, Man., has been
making himself obnoxious by shooting
young Dolts.
George Simmons, a prosperous Caradoo
farmer, committed suicide while temper.
arily insane,
The village of Mountain Grove, on the
C. P. R., wae almost wiped out by fire
Sunday night.
The anniversary of the engagement at
Ridgeway in '06 was commemorated itt
Toronto Monday.
The annual meeting of the Ontario
Medical Association will be held in To.
ronto on June 11 and 12.
The Duke and Duchess of Connaught
returned from Niagara Fells Sunday
night and left for Montreal.
The people who have been boring for
gas near Blenheim struck what they
think is a vein of gold quartz,
Manitoba reports say the crop outlook
is exceedingly good, and the aoreage is
largely increased over last year's.
The degree of doctor of law wae con-
ferred upon the Governor-General by
Laval University, Quebec, Friday,
The body of Ida Doherty, who was
drowned at London on Monday of last
week, was found Sunday at Byron.
The came for Nos. 3 and 4 districts
will be held at Kingston. It will open
on June 17th, with over 2,000 men under
Owing to low water in the Red River
and streams tributary to Lake Winnipeg,
navigation prospects are anything but
bright thislyear.
Ches., Miller,' Deucronto, hag been
plead in gaol ander sentence of one
month's imprisonment and 850 fine for
selling i g liquor to an Indian.
A. J. Christie, Q. C., of Ottawa, Nae
elected by the bombers to fill the vacancy
in that body caused by the death of the
late Adam Hudspeth, Q. 0„ M, P.
EEocuttve clemency has been denied in
the ease of Henry Smith, the London
wife nmrdorer, who will therefore expiate
his orime on the gallows on June 14.
Quebec corporation has asked that a
potation of right be issued to enable it to
sue the Dominion Government for $30,.
000 damages on account of the rook slide.
A young hal mined Pearce, of St.
Thomas, streak a little girl named Wood
the other eight with to ebb, rendering
her insensible. The boy has been sum.
noted for assault,
Dr. llemm Professor• of Agriculture,
Roumania, is in Winuipog looking ever
the country with a view to settling ten
thousand of his countrymen if he io antis•
fled with the outlook.
Jae. Thom, a pupil of the Mitchell
Public School, fell while playing football
and broke his arm, The arm was broken
a month previously in the same place.
The Stratford Herald says :—An en-
dorsed cheek for $900 representing the
°Waene share of the coat of bringing the
Damp here has been placed in Mayor
Brown's bands.
The recount in Hants county, Nova
Scotia, resulted in the return of Dr.
Haley (Government) by a majority of
one vote over McDougall, who was pre-
viously reported elected.
Owing to a leak in a gas -beating stove
in hie room, on Friday morning, George
M. Colborn, proprietor of the Clifton
hoose, Niagara Palls, had a narrow es-
cape from death by asphyxiation.
At London lust week a mad dog was at
large on Dundee street. He was speedily
parched with to revolver, but not until
he had bitten several other canines, and
wrestled with a man's pantaloons.
The fakirs who attended the Tilbury
Centre celebration paid $15 each for the
privilege of working on the grounds, and
had lust got in playing order when the
Reeve of the village appeared on the
scene and ordered them cat of town.'
A girl named Fleury, aged 25, while
carrying her master's dinner in a tannery
at Quebec fell into a boiling water pit.
The unfortunate girl was so scalded that
her flesh fell off with her garments when
her people tried to undress her. Her
death is expected.
W. D. Decew, of Essex Center, and J.
J. Poster, of Windsor, want the Lake
Erie it Detroit River Railway to ran a
spur eight miles down the eighth con-
cession of Colchester, so that the timber
can be shipped. The Township Council
have given the right for eight years.
The Canadian Pacific Railroad's en-
trance into Windsor ie already proving
of great benefit to Windsor merchants.
As soon as the C. P. R. announced that
they would deliver freight to end from
the depot free the G. T. R. put on two
double drays, and the following day the
M. C. R. followed emit.
Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the even.
gelieta, have concluded a revival in Oeb.
caws. Mr. Hunter said they had about 400
converts in Oshawa and would open a
three weeks' engagement in Tilsonborg
on Sunday evening. Ide stated that Mr.
Crossley and himself contemplated an
evangelistic tour from Sault St. Marie
to the Pacific coast, starting in Septem-
ber and occupying about a year.
What will probably prove to be a war-
der happened in the Brooker settlement
near Windsor on Wednesday night. Two
farmers, Jones and Speeohley, got into
an altercation about a cow, and when
Jones started to take the animal off Spee-
oh:ey's farm he was set upon by the lat-
ter's wife and son, who used pitchforks.
Jones, body and bead is frighily out, and
his Amiens have grave doubts of his re-
John May, of Forest, was taken before
Judge Mackenzie at Sande recently
charged with passing counterfeit money
in Forest, and also with assaulting the
officer who attempted to arrest him.
The defendant protested that he did not
know that the money was counterfeit
when he paeeed it, and the judge gave
him the benefit of the doubt, and let him
go with a severe lecture on the expediency
of being more careful in future.
An accident of a very serious nature
occurred on the heights at Port Stanley
on Monday afternoon of last week. A
number of young men were playing ball,
when one of them threw the ball wildly,
with the result that a book agent, who
has been in London for a short time, wae
struck behind the ear and knocked sense-
less. He was picked up, restoratives ap-
plied end brought to conecionsneas. He
fainted three times after this, and in the
evening was scarcely able to take the
train for home. His name could not be
What would appear to be an attempted
murder occurred at Galt on Wednesday
night of last week about 0 o'clock. Wm.
Doidge, an employee at Bochmer's lime
works, near the southwestern portion of
the town does night duty, and keeps a
watch dog in the shanty with bio over
night. While talking to the foreman in
the shanty hie dog ran out and started
barking at two men who were near by,
end who commenced abusing the dog.
Doidge came out and remonstrated with
them, until the altercation became so hot
that Doidge struck at one of them, who
immediately drew a revolver and fired
into Doidgs's fade. The ball entered
near the mouth and same Durr a little be-
low the ear. The shot wae fired at close
range, powder narks being visible all
over Doidge's cheeks. Medical aid was
secured and the wound dressed, whioh le
not considered fatal, Both men, whose
names are unknown, escaped. Doidge
can identify the man who did the shoot-
Bandits are committing atrooioes
crimen in the provinoe of Araucania,
A break occurred in the Erie canal
near Whitestown, N. Y., Saturday,
which washed away te portion of the
New York Central tracks and a train
rushed into the water. Care are strewn
about in bad shape end the loss is heavy.
Traffic on the cans' will be delayed two
The modal whioh has just been pre.
rented to Mr. Stanley by the Geographic-
al Society is the first special medal for
such serviette that bas ever been struck
by that Society, Tho head of Mr, Stan-
ley has been modelled from Prof. Her-
komet•'s portrait end innnerous photo -
re. The
design taken theshows
fobverse dia female
figure, the Africa of classical tradition,
wearing on her !read a helmet iu the do -
sign of an elephant's head, and pouring
from erns the two great rivers on whioh
Mr. Stanley has dole no molt to throw
light, A !hike, a, great mountain and a
tropioai forest form on appropriate back.
ground. The gold of the medal present.
ed to Mr, Steele), wine given to the coon.
oil by Pritchard Morgan, IPI. P., from his
Welsh mines. Bronze oopioe of the
medal were presented 10 esoll of the
European officers connected with the ex-