HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-30, Page 8It
1 1-i, 1 telt t, SS1 LS 1405'1' MAX S0, 18QJ1.
Don't Neglect
Torr Currant and Gooseberry
Bushes, but apply somo Fresh
i ,.:.'LLEBQBE that we have
Lately received.
Don't Vorgot
That we have Nicer and Cheaper
yrALL PAPER than ever before.
G. a. DEdIDMI.4.71;
Druggist, Bookseller, tfte.
entrmna'nx sleet: ro i W. 0. ce R.
Trains leave Bruise's Station, North
add South. ea follows
Goma Swam 00040 Noma.
]+fait.„......... s; a.m. I boxed 0:20 a.m.
6zvreea......I1:4G a.m. Mail 8:08 p.m,
Mimed .., :..... 0:55 p.m. Express 015 p.iu.
Pat Pius aftems.
A chiefs amang ye takin' notes,
AA' faith be'Il prent it.
EmtoTtotr day next Thursday.
SATURDAY ie the last day in May.
3Faseoomes and embroideries at Stra.
SEED potatoes and seed corn at M.
Btrosenas Village Council will meet
mast Monday evening.
1i raw second band buggies for sale at
bergaitw Jas. WALKER.
Chinn line ladies kid gloves at 50o.
worth 75o. at Scarff d Ferguson's.
A NUMBER of Brosselites attended the
wirebration at Harriston last Monday.
Yeoman ace the newest and best as•
sorted' stook of dress goods at Scarff &
Bosoms Itssos.' pony took 1st place in
the running race at Walkerton ou the
Queen's Birthday.
Lamest white dress robes at $3.00,
lf$S75 and $5:80'wortlt $100, $6.00 and
$9.50 at Soarff & Ferguson's.
MONEY To LOLN,-Private funds on
Aunt mortgage, farm security preferred.
Apply at THE Pose Publishing House.
Raw and Nobby prints. The very
latest patterns and colors. Call and get a
Bazaar fashion sheet, free, at Straohan's.
Lrr'rr,E Alfred Holmes brought a hen's
egg 00 Tun Post Publishing House on
Monday of this week that measured
Akx8 inche6.
BIND= TWINE. -Five tons best binder
twine in stook as follows : -Blue Ribbon,
Manilla, Flax and Silver composer
binder twine. B. GERRY.
.01:ms. MOCALLnIr has returned to Sud•
bury and Robert Pyne to the "Soo.”
They purchased their tickets from J.
T. Pepper, 0 .P. R. agent.
Ogee in and get a pair of Cooper &
Emitb's make of boots and shoes. They
give satisfaction. A nice line of ladies
Vongola Oxfords at Straoban's.
Ririe the base hall entertainment in
mind.. 20 takes place on Friday evening
of next week. The leading attraction
evil- be the presence of the renowned
whistler, Alias McMannis.
"Tue early closing modement" on the
cowsgi:ves the Pound -keeper an occasion -
Complaint is made that children
active cattle to the pound for the sake of
also coppers and a little too sharp on
]Dorannon Day will be celebrated in
'right royal style in Brussels. Base ball
8onrnament, lacrosse, games and sports,
dc. ea the program. The Committee will
tweet Ina short time to perfect arrange.
W.J. NOaTOM sold his fanny driv-
losg mare, 3 years old, to John Nicholson,
of idelfillop, for thesnm of $110,on Wed.
intraday of this week. The purchaser has as
good bit of horseflesh as Dan be found in
this locality.
'))hilt% was anile a number of our
young folks drove out to Robt. Moffatt's
funs other evening where they event a
'very enyryable time. H. L. Jackson and
Wee Atiztie Jackson favored the company
witel some lovely music. Mies Tena
V,Trielst, of Morriabank, reosived her
friends very kindly.
Berea AND. LOT Fon SALE. -The eom-
lertable and desirably located residence
of W.. A. Calbick, Turnberry street,
JBrussoli', fa offered for sale as the family
intend removing to British Columbia.
Fer particuiaee apply to Mrs. Calbick.
L'°As'Unsae.—'rhe undersigned has leas-
a,0thc back 100 acres of the Roberteou
Mows con. 4, Morris, and are prepared to
taste limited number of horeee or cattle
fo pasturot. oe reasonable tonna. There
none better grazing farm in the toe/n-
et/Fs . 'Shanty of grass and water. Ap-
ply to•]3areoti & INNES. 44.8.
Qhs the•Qdeen's Birthday Jilt,. Mo33ain
Wok part in the athletic games at Wing-
ihani. His fleetness secured him first
rmoney in the 100 and 200 yard foot races
'aesthete. large field. He also got 2nd
iplimfforthe running hop, step and jump.
Ate. rs.gpite sprinter' and the follow that
dbwose dust 'in his eyes has to be a
Raw Msnni E Wooxn.-The Arm of
.Johnston & Cochrane, stone cutters, &c.
Rae -opened out are prepared to fill all
daces for monuments, tombstones,
:markers, fenced, &o.,in a workmanlike
tanner and at living prices, Satiefaa
Mon guaranteed in, every case. Don't
piers pent order withodt callinrt on them
,,slid Boeing their eamples and ascertain.
ung prime. Shop nearly opposite the
Teem Hall, Brussels,
fg(nermaini.- + very esteems/el AN.
810001y meeting wee held in the Metho'
dist, ohe'ach on atlednesday evening of
34miaw'rols under the auspices of the W.
11. M. S. The following program was
egerririd out 1 -Musical selections from
4'lwtehoir, Ind 12 boys and girls ; read -
kegs front
ead•oirlpsfront Afiesee MayTernbull, 3'1.11.
`Illesr, Minnie Moore and Eva Bawtin-
Veirrier; Secretary's report by Mee. W. A.
Q,athick ; address by Roe. S. Sellory. A
aaollection of $4.28 wag taken. W, H.
*itr eeoupiod the ohair. The Brussels
Irefoit1ih fedoing, welt and lies increased
Ma yearly contribution evory year, Ptah.
rsesneetings Will be held once in three
Between the way we Sell Goods and other merchants do, is that they buy goods at the ordinary wholesale price and
then add their freight, profit and expense on their invoice priors, while we buy our goods at 59* cents or the Wholosale
Price, freight and boxing paid. We then sell you the goods at Wholesale Prices --the same as the other morehants pay
for them -without even the freight or boxes added.
You see wo nuke our profit out of the wholesale houses who lose by the sharks who have failed and pocketed
enough of their good money to start store in somebody else's name, The wholesale houses have then to take our price
for the stock of goods left them, in order to get anything out of their dishonest and extravagant creditors. So you see
we take our profit out of the wholesale houses, and not out of you as other merchants do.
Do not be misled by the liable and untruthfulness of some merchants, who will tell you that they can buy goods
regular and sell as cheap as we can. They only take you for some know-nothing, or they would not attempt such
unreasonable arguments with you.
t'Butter, Eggs, etc. Taken at Cash Value.
Unsex and Tomato planta at Me-
HATS and oeps, alLatylea end prices, at
Ir you want a new buggy go to Jas.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
Twaxo pieces check :• Zephras at 7c.
worth 120. at Scarff d: Ferguson's.
Hums County Council will meet in
the Court House, Goderiob, on Tuesday,
June 3rd.
Seorca tweeds, worsted coatings and
pantinge a full stook and at right prima
at Straoban's.
Wn. Rumors, has made a number of
alterations and improvements on Isis lately
acquired property on Mill street.
R, N, Kerrier has improved the in.
terior of his tonsorial parlor by the ad-
dition of new wall paper, paint, rec.
TRE sale of boots and shoes, groceries,
&c. belonging to the estate of Adam Good
will be offered for sale on Tuesday, Jure
10th, at Toronto.
Owise to the Provincial election com-
ing on the day of the Brussels Monthly
Horse Fair the latter will be postponed
for another month.
BEV. S. Summar, B. A., B. D., will
take as his topic next Sabbath morning
"The Father's care," and at the evening
service "The Mission of Christ"
Tie brick work on the block being
erected by Capt. Stretton is being rushed
along by Messrs. Coombes & McDonald.
There will he three stores, with brik walls
in structure. The block will fill an ugly
gap on Turnberry street.
A °sue of base ball was played on Vic.
toria Park, 13rcesols, on Thursday after-
noon of last week, between a junior club
from Bolgrateaud Sanshineand a youth-
ful nine belonging St town. Five innings
were played the score standing 7 to 10 in
favor of the home club.
BEFOiII MEETING. -A Public meeting
will be held iu the Town Hall, Brussels
on Tuesday evening of neat week, at
which Dr. Macdonald At. P. and others
will give addresses. The Opposition
Candidate, or his represtative invited.
Seats will be reserved for ladies.
Tan Atwood Bee remarks: -Jos. Laird,
of Brussels, was in town on Monday
looking for a suitable place to open a
barber shop but was unsuccessful. Joe
has had many years experience, and
being favorably know to our residents
be would no doubt do well should he de-
cide to bang out his shingle here.
BUSINESS WRINBLn.-Two children of
a Brussels M. D. were playing store.
In their stock of goods was a box of pills.
To the surprise and alarm of the parents
they ascertained that the youngsters had
swallowed the whole supply of pills.
Fortunately no evil results followed.
When asked why they did it, one of the
children replied that there did not ap-
pear to be any sale for them in their
store so they just took them themselves.
The above might serve as a pointer to
boniness men when trade is dull.
Poixnroti,-The Conservatives held a
political meeting in the Town Hall on
Monday evening. 13. McFadden was
called to the chair, on motion of Messrs.
Gerry and Mooney. The first speaker
was J, S. Larke, mayor of Oshawa. He
took up about two home and tired out a
large proportion of the audience. Dr.
Holmes, County Treasurer, was next
called upon and dealt with the leading
political questions for an hour in an able
manner. Atter passing a vote of thanks
to the chairman the meeting brnke np
about 11:30. The Hall was well Oiled at
the opening of the meeting but Mr.
Larke's tiresome address sent nearly half
of the people home.
meeting of the East (North) Huron
Teachers' Association at Seaforth last
week the following resolution was pass-
ed : Resolved : That tbie Association
place on record ire deep sense of the lose
sustained by the death of D. MCG, Mal-
loch. our late Inspector, who had endear-
ed himselfto every tnember•by blit ltind-
leese, his broad sympathiee and hie un•
tiring and sincere devotion to the high•
est interests of onr sohools ; whose
mature counsels and friendly hand were
a blessing to each of us in our work as
teachers. That Wo desire to offer to the
bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy
in the painful affliction it has pleased
God to lay upon them, That we earnest.
ly pray that they may be sustained and
ooinfotted by klim who alone can give
consolation to the sorrowing heart. And
that a copy of this resolution be
sent to Mrs. Malloch with the tender
regards of the Ease Huron Teachers' As.
satiation. S. Y. Taylor, Provident ; A.
kL Plummer, Socretary•Treasurer.-A
telegram was oleo received from the
West Bruce Tesohers' .Association, in
convention assembled at Kincardine, or.
preening their deep sympathy with the
Teachers of East Huron in the loss they
had sustained through the death of I12.
speobor Alallooh.-A resolution of con-
dolence was received from the West
Intron Teseboro' Association, assembled
in factor :-llesolvtrl : That it is with
feelings of sorrow and regret, wo, the
members of your 3isterassociation, learn
of the unexpected atld sudden demise of
your late Ins seater, b, MoG. Malloch,
and beg 10 join you in tendering our
heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Malloch and
son in their great bereavement. Signed
on behalf of the W. 11, T. Association,
Thos. Murch, President; q, W, Holman,
NEST week we will delay the public.
ation of Tun POST so as to give the result
of the election to onr readers,
You will get all kinds of granaries fresh
and Rood at Straohan's. Highest possible
market price paid for all kinds of pro-
Tas wool market is opening late this
year. Brussel's dealers aro ready to pay
the top market price. Farmers should
not forget this.
Exasueseross for second and third close
certifioatee will pe held at each high
school, commencing on Tuesday, Jely 8,
at 9:40, and closing, the former on Tues.
day, and the later on Friday.
Do not be afraid of letting us know all
the news. Small and unimportant, in
yonr eyes, items may be of great inter.
est to others. We desire partionlare of
who are leaving the town and who aro
SsevloE will be held in Melville church
on Saturday at 2:30 p. m., Rev, S. Law,
of Belgrave, officiating. Rev. David
Perris, of Thorndale, will preach on Sob.
bath et both servieee, and on Monday at
10 a. M. The sacrament. of the Lord's
Slipper will be observed at the Sabbath
morning cervico.
A VERT interesting lecture on China
was given last Monday evening by Rev.
J. H. Simpson, of Brumfield, in Knox
church in this place. Rev. Mr. Set -
tory also spoke. John Strachan oc-
cupied the ohair. Rev. Air. Simpson
preached two exusllent discourses on
Sabbath in the same church.
AN Elma township correspondent says:
-Christopher Skint', lot 14, con. 12, has
pn'ahased a pure bred Jersey hull calf
from G. A. Deadman, of Brnesels, and
will therefore introduce this valuable
breed luta this section. A. H. Wynn, of
Newry, is also the happy possessor of a
pore bred cow, purchased from 3m. Dead.
Wsnin,-DIoento AND DnILLIno.-George
Birt hos all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms easonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43-tf
People We Know.
Alf. Lowery is on the sick list.
Mies Lily Vanstone is visiting in Gode.
Mrs. E. E. Wade is visibing in Godo.
Jae. T. Boss was away at London this
Thos. Dickson hes taken a situation i n
Miss Lizzie Sample is bolidaying in
Mark Wade, cf Stratford, was in town
this week.
Geo. A. Fear was home from Toronto
for a few days.
W. H. Willie, of Mitchell, was here on
Sunday and Monday.
Miss Flo Plenty, of Wingham, is nait-
at W. J. Fairfieldis.
Wnr. Rivers, of Tebswater, was home
for a couple of days.
H. L. Jaokson was in Brantford for a
few days this week.
Mrs. Skene and May were holidaying
at Stratford this week.
Mrs. Cormack has been on the sink
list during the past week.
Russel and Reginald Fletcher spent the '
Queen's Birthday in Lnoknow.
Mre. Thetford, of Port Elgin, was visit.
ing Mrs. J. Creighton last week.
G. Doohet, of Washington Territory,
is visiting at Thos. Hall's this week.
Miss Maggio Stewart was home from
Mount Forest for a brief visit this week.
R. Climie, of Listowel, was visiting
his sister, Mrs, Roderick Rose this week.
Rev. 8. Jones is away at 5t. Marys
Ode week. He will preach at Niesourl
nom t Sabbath, • •
Mrs ar'orar, of North Easthopo, was
visiting relatives and friends in Mlle lo-
cality this week.
G. A. Powell and wife, of Stratford,
former residente of this place, spent a
few days in Brussels this week.
We are pleased to see that E. W. Gerry
is able to take short drivers now. We
hope he will continue to improve.
R. T. Hingston, who removed from
Brnsesle three or four years ago, has re.
turned and purposes making his home
Miss Maggio McCrae is learning the
secret of the Dry Goode trade with A.
Strachan, preparatory to taking a situs,
tion in Toroilto.
3, D, Ronald has been a prisoner in
his home for eastern] weeks owing to ill.
news, Ile is able tt got about now, we
are pleased to see.
Mice 13ella McDougall visited, for a
few days last week, with her girder, Mies
Penelope, who is attending the High
School in Goderich,
Mrs. Gibeon and baby were here for a
few (lave from Berlin visiting Iyer hue,
band who is in partnership with T, Per.
gnson in this place.
Jamee Cline, of Wingham, brothor•in•
law to Atte. P. Seobt, of Brussels, ban
been dangerously ill Ellis Week with in-
flatninatioh of the bottele.
Airs. 3. It. Grant sad Ansi Neseio ISay
were in the g(�soon city for "several drys
Mitt Week.. The latter ie new visiting at
Galt, Ayr, Dundas and ilaluiitoe,
Chas. Dodds and wife, of McKillop,
were visiting the family of David Rosa
on Wednesday.
W. A. Calbiok'e health is gradually
improving and British Colombia climate
appears to be agreeing with hint. Ho
expeota to be able to go to work shortly.
Frank Hindes has taken a position in'
the Fire Department in Victoria, B. C.,
at a salary of $75.00 per month. Frank's
Brussels friends are pleased to hear of
his prosperity and wish him success.
Dan. Cameron a former assistant in
McIntosh & McTaggort's bank here, join.
ed the benediatine army on Wednesday of
this weak, at Park Hill. J. W. Shaw, of
Brussels, attended the wedding. "Dub.
tin's" many friends here wish kimself
and bride health, wealth and happiness.
T. Purcell, foreman of the salt works
here, who has been laid up with inflam-
matory rheumatism for several weeks,
was taken to his home in Seaforth on
the Queen's Birthday. An improvised
bed was arranged in a covered rig for his
comfort. 13. McKenzie has taken Air.
Puroeil'e place at the salt works. Since
the above item was put in type. we learn
that Mr. Pureed died on Wednesday
',re:ecl'LL] 3\Te�Vir.
Emperor William had bis foot sprain-
ed by a fall on Sunday.
Heavy rales have fallen throughout
Kansas and benetltted the orops.
The deaths resultiug from the rioting
ab Pilsen, Austria, now number 18.
H. M. Stanley inae received the L.L.D.
degree from Cambridge University.
A fatal explosion took place Tuesday
in the Russian torpedo factory itt Nilo.
John W. Davis was elected Governor
of Rhode Island by the State Legislature
The ocean race between the City of
Roma, Aurania and Alaska was won by
the first named.
Seventy-seven Chinamen were lost by
the wreck of the American ship Oneida
in Behring Sea.
The grand lodge of Oddfellows of Mis-
souri have voted to expel saloonkeepers
from the order.
The pilgrims, who have visited the
pope recently, have carried to his holi-
ness about £39,000.
An insect called the saw fly is report-
ed to be ruining the wheat in various
parts of Central Illinois.
Lord Salisbury has administered a
mild rebuke to H. M. Stanley for tiie
explorer's aritioisms of Britain's policy.
Geo. Francis Train has arrived at Ta-
1 having circled the earth in 67
days, 13 boors, 8 minutes and seconds.
John Bowen, his wife and 4 -year-old
daughter were drowned near Memphis
while trying to ford the stream in a
City Treasurer Peak, of Kansas City,
has been suspeuded from office, A short-
age of nearly 520,000 Was discovered in his
A committee has been appointed at
Madrid to arrange for a suitable obser-
vance by Spain of the Columbus cen-
tenary in 1391.
Robert Hardie, a Los Angeles lawyer,
and Dr. Frannie Hayes, of Philadelgbia,
were fired upon by hostile Apaches in
Arizona. Hardie wee killed.
The Paris Government has sent an
apology to United States Minister Reid
for the recent clubbing of au American
la wyer and his comrade by a policeman.
At 3 a. in. Robins' circus train, en
r pito to Epping, where it was to show
was wrecked near the junction of the Nos-
hes & Roehestes and Boston & Lowell
Roads. One oar full of carriages jumped
the track, and the rest of the train pied
up in a total wreck. The loss to Robins
will be heavy.
AICKAY,-In Brussels, on May 23t11i the
wife of Mr, Andrew McKay of a sun.
NlonansesLE.-In Brussels on May'28th the
wife of Mr. W. Nightingale mer-
chant of a daughter.
m cs,izssor a,
Tuonlrsog--Tnintar.,-'On the 31st incl.,
by Rev. U. Rogers, at the residence
of the bride's uncle, Mr. Geo. Gra-
ham, Mr. Geo. F. Thompson to Miss
Eliza Tindall, of Grey.
MASON-HARR19oN.-In Trinity ehureh,
Blyth, on Saturday, May 24111, by
Rev. G. W, Raney, Mark Fenwick,
son of Mr. William Mason, of the
township of East Wawanosh, to Ann
Jeno, daughter of Mr, Jas. Harrison,
of ti's township of Morris,
T,..d1O-ry50£7,S M.P Mea .n WO,
Fall Wheat 00 .1. 00
Spring Wheat .. , 00 1 00
, • .8 40
Oslo 34
Peas ... 53 58
Butter, tube and rolls.... 12 00
Eggs pot dozen 10 00
Flour per barrel.. - 4 20 4 1)0
Potatoos . 40 00
Hay per ton............. 5 00 0 50
Pork, ..... .... ....... 800 000
Elides per lin. ,. . ... .. '2 2}
Balt per bbl., retail...-. 1 28 0n
Shoop eking, each . , So 4 00
Wool, leer lb, .... ..... 18 90
Manitoba Excursions 1
June 17, Return July 27
TICS£To R£.A-n
Brussels and Return
GLENBORO' $28 00
11IOOSEMIN 28 00
v1OOSEJAW 30 00
Purchase these Tickets from
T. FLETc ER and you will Save
change of route and get Colonist
Sleeper through from Toronto,
Without Change.
Reduced Fares and Stop Over
west of Winnipeg for points not
reached by these Excursions.
T. Fletcher, - G.T.R. Town Rg't
Good Taste! - Low Prices!
)'HESE ARE TIM L5A3n,Nfi 222103 58 0r
My Wall Papers !
Fen PAnLefls, DINiNg 800313, 116s1100.Y',
IIAId,n ANE Linesmen.
t'Itemtst and UrugglMl, • IIRIf88F.Lt.
Tra>.ama.et et. Oaneral $a�aleln�
Canadian and United Status Drafts bought
and Bold,
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections made en favorable term?.
Canadian Agents-b1Rnonter's Thum or
New York Agents-Ismommints AND TaAn-
. Solicitor and Oouycyanoor. 001100 -
Mons made. Office-Vauetouo'e Block, Bros.
sell. 01.8m•
1 • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub,
lie, Aa. OW e-0ruhaan's Moak, 1 do north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Fiends to
• Barrister, Solicitor and Yotnry Pub.
no. Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning.
air, Wade will attend in Gorrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'clock,
tion, (Late with Garruw & Preutftoot, Godv-
35. Oaiues-liruese of and Seaafo,tl, a Brae
eels Office. Sugars' Block. Main St. Money
to Loan.
Ts. W. B.piCRsON.
A M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.
(Barrister, Solicitor. 80., of the firm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barrister.
Holle11ors, 40., Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notluy Public,
Laud, Loan and Insure ii CU Agbnit. Funds
invested and to loan. C,dlsotions made.
Office in Grehnni's Block. Brussels,
‘ATM. L'. OALE, M.1)., 0. 51.,
_-. .. ._._.___ ._-._.,..__..-..._..,,. Alentb60 of the College of Physician
and Sur,'cote of 0,2,u -it' by examination
('3'' slid ]Mu2.leu a -- %Gifu street I: nit,
label, 0 „t12rio.
to Olt. GRAHAM. 46- f C.M., r,, R. C. P., Edinburgh, M, C. 1'
B, Out. At Pepper's Lru6 Nun+n
t0Am fno8trl,mtao
H0oU5MorlAtNDstreLetO,TeasFy)tRermSsA,LPEor :Ihtmuemtpfbfoylid.H no'oii, ,eisl •
particulars apply t0 Mise F. 11. efo1TOoor8Rr
33.45 or WV.0. VANSTONl3, Brussels.
pared to do Hewing in all its branch-
es. She will let two of her little girls go out
as nurse girls should opportunity otter.
Enquire ut her home, opposite B. Oerry'a
reef de nee, Mill at. 89.
ground, with dwelling and stable, all
in arst•olass condition, for sale, situated on
Thomas and Mary streets, Brussels, Tlig
bargain to purchaser. Only small percent-
age required down. Apply to
40- W. J. NORTON,
Tho undersigned is desirous of as-
cuilnghonsnwank, 5,1011 15 house cleaning,
washing, inning, &o. Washing or lroniug
done at my house if desired. Apply to
89.2 Parker's Terrace, Mill
Wroxeter and Brussels a • 3'0114le,
012016 by &115T5heetowns WATT
oPtban bee
House, proving property and paying for
this notice.
A7 Leaves B2,28(8 s every evening on the
arriyal of the beatertb etago, and returns
from Gurria in the morning In time to catch
the Seaforth stage going out. Tbia rule will
be adhered to until further notice.
S. WALSH, Proprietor,
Wive Assembly for the East Riding
of the County of Huron, held June 56h, 1530.
Thos. Gibson, Esq., one of the candidates at
this Election, has appointed John McCrae,
Esq„ of the Township of Morrie, in the
County of 3m'o0, as his AgKent in pursuance
of the One Remind and Eigbty.Thhd Sec-
tion of the Election Act of Ontario.
May 2911,181). Returning 0Meer.
lative Assembly for the Fast Riding
of the County of Huron, hold Tithe 8th, 1890.
Armstrong ni. Musgrove, Eso , one of the
candidates at this Eleotimt, nes appointed
Robert, L., iPaylor, Zeq., Barrister. of the
Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron,
as his agent in pursuance of the Ono Hon-
ored and Elghty.Third 8eotion of tbo Jelee-
Mon Act of Ontario.
May 20.1800 Returning 011lcor.
PATENTS Cevoate,Ro-fasuesand Trade
. Dlarke eouure l and ail cur-
se patent oauaoe in the Patent Oflioe and
before the Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to. Upon receipt or model or sketch
of invention,1 make careful examination,
and advise Re to patentabilityfree of charge.
Fees moderate,eed 1 make no charge unless
patent is assured. Information advice and
speeds,' references sent on applicatlon, J.
12. LI'P119LL, Washington, D.O., V.S. Patent
The nnaerelencd have received instruc-
tions ('cin le. R. O. (Ilaration, 'f'ruetoo, to
offer for sale by pu1li0 auction tit their
\VarorOcm8,20Front Street West, Termite,
nn TU10H1)AY, JUNE )0TH, at 2 o'elock
tiro stock 00 thole belonging to the estate of
'-)'01'a.T.am11)G 01.0-
210(ls .I shoes, huts .t t ni0a t:rooerieit,
.12„ Shap t'urnliut(, dc.,
Amounting in all to about 84,802.08.
Tentte,--One-fourth cash, b0lanoe in two
and f,.rtr months, l91th interest at v nor
tont„ Nana to t1)o satisfaction of the this.
tee. '.Ren per omit. deposit rteleired at bane
of sale,
Stock and Inventory 00)1 bo So611 by 0pp11.
oat1311 to Mr. Ptirlilso in charge et Bressels,
55003011(0103, 08.8511)2 A Co.,
G. L, Ball L. D.8, Nfbros Oxide Gita ad-
ministered for the PLinloes Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street blast. TonoNTo.
i. g, M,AIZTIN. xs, £, S„
Honor Graduate of the Maya/ Collage at
Dental8nrgoons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gas
adu'iuisiorad for the Painless Extraction of
teeth. Office--
K"it'ONE Dooa Nonni oO BARR, BRCB5EL2,
• IsanreretMarriageLioo11e5s, 0fl1e
at his Grocery, i'arnborry street, Brussels,
JL V • Tonsorial Artist' Shop -Next dour
south of A, hr. McKay & Bo's hardware store,
Iadies' and ohtldrene hair nutting a epeeist ty
_ __ GUELPH.._.____._.
Insurer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Liont; Governor, Oommis-
stoner, &o., 9.33. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire insurance Co. Office at the Oraubrook
Post Office.
The undersigned desire to intimate to
the 'when of Brussels and vialnity that they
hare openeda Dreasmaktng Chop oyer Mr.
Alox. S traohnn s Store, Brussels, whore they
aro prepared to attendto all work entrusted
to them. rMISSESiSTEWAItT 31118L,0P.
Ie desirous of procuring pulpits
Vocal Music, Ptot. Warrington of 'm'onto
inp leased to glvo hie testimonial as to Afisa
O'Connor's ability, she having been a pupil
of dd. during her stay in Guelph, metra
mental Manic on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Terms made kuowu on appifoation. Primoes,
8t„ Brussole. . AMR O'Connor le open for
Concert Engngoments. SO -
Auctioneer, le always ready to at.
tend sales of tatlns; farm stook, do. Turas
cheerfully given. Oranilm0k Y. O. galea
may bo arranged at Tim POST Publishing
Monte, Bruseolo_
Licnue01 Auctioneer. Hales conduct.
ed On reasonable terms, PRISMS awl farm
stook a o,sole)t1'. macre lett at Tlrlt Pore
P nblitilling/louse , l3tu souls, or sent to Walton
0.0„ will receive prompt attention.
.L L an as an Auctioneer Ohre
I nm prepared
to conduct notes iofg Parer stook at reasonable
prices, Knowntg tbo )btamliug of nearly
every porsoe l am fu n position to Bell to
good marks and got g0ed seauetty when sold
on ere(1tt Satisfaction guaranteed, Give
it can. L, S. SCOTT.
r Money Graduates of tl
io treatrio
disease of onna1b see 51 )005)4 to tient 01
rlis0nxoe of donnmattnatetl animals in a
core -
potent inarnde dentistry, <M attention paid
to taloa bo,arY doo an 11 Olo prompt] at'
SOrIli0 b ige, a and Anarinary-JJwe tt"oors
north of lirldge, Turnberry et., Brelitele,