HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-30, Page 5u
0 -
MAY 80,
l ; Mixt ` eWo,
ing from quite a distance to it ; and all
wont in for enjoyment, making the still
everting air resoued with amnia and
laughter, ',Honors all."
Wrl.11;oio. Coo, Fume—Walter Richardson, who
n' ier
t n sit
has e t
An exchanged pulpits was 111 order last 11x0, just east Of I3rmn 010, grip
Sabbath between Brussels and Walton. I foal sired by "Rankin Boy." When
Rev. 31''. Sellers Ln'eleh)11 au 311431)1 101gllt days old it wei3hod 21n ponds.
discourse here at the afternoon melee.
Walton and Seaforth foot ball teams
pleyod to Seaforth on Wednesday even-
ing. Aa.fie a olose game, occupying an
hour and a half, douloioc W119 given in
(aver of the home team 1 to 0.
Rev, A. MoISibbin, well known in tills
]anality, 114 supplying the Methodist
obnrolt pulpit at Teeewater for the sane
mer months. IIo has been attending
Vintoria College and will reborn next
Fall for another terns. Mr. Moli.ibbin is
a good worker.
!g+iun It.t•t13.
;lemon Seat and wire purpose taking a
trip to Mauitaba shortly.
D. 11, \Vi'.iou 1149 purchased the dairy
bu01uo0)4 of Roderick 0rey and took p01•
,session 011 314.: 20th of May.
'rho rotes last Saturday were rather
Ilat. 'I hu beat race the free•fm'-all--
did not enino elf as 31(1)0 were no horses
9111, mrd.
It /14 :motel that Mr. Clarke nl, of this
town, will be 3)!1 epplieent for the luso; 0.
tor1hip of I::,s1 linrou 01113,14. Ire d8 .11
Its girth was 4iA lushes ; arm measure,
15i Malice ; [rant leg, 11} and hind leg
7f. The mother 111 a Canadian bred
mare, Very few colts will come up to
this one.
L#l,x l'J►.
Onr firemen took the first prim at the
firemen's tournament at Wingham on the
Queen's I3irthd'ty.
Hamilton R 111ol,ean, hardware mer•
(giants, intend shortly to open 0branoh
shop in Belgrave which ie to be under
the charge of J. A. Brownlee.
Tho lecture by A. II. Manning, of
Clietotl, on "The Tower of Loudon" has
been poetponed nutria Taosdav, Junol7th.
The Bruss010 Methodist 011oir will sup•
ply the np40in,
On Friday oviuiug of this week the
West 11nrun Conservative rend Mate will
address the electors here. Garrey/ 18
Hare to b. t I ete,1. 'rho geeeral feeling
here i8 that '1', 0ii•0eu will lata a large
majority in East 1 -lural.
A Ylouig Mune Liberal Counerv,ttive
ia..0uinliuu had been . rgaii10 d hare, and
have elected the folluwieg 01110ure
exce.lent: t n lien.I rteideot, .1. II, JC.IIy ; 1st N. w.. 1'1 c;i
. f,... d) ego 001' ) 1 hildr.nems„'1 deur, .1. .l . Brownlee tet Vice e 1 et;i•
tb 113 alt,•+ ) .wing the 1..1. n.:n,l.1 1) pri- (30,1, .I .. Idut b ,ny, r , J.
tram_ ('.oh tern's l"nundty tied symptoms ilndgi ea; Trtetslual, J. 1,t.Goc.
of pe coning are reported. lit general the fall wheat in tilt cue•
Ar ange:o its bav0 been made to have
tion bolts very well. 1'ieldv Mee and
Joe Hess lecture In Seaforth for a weep there 11p
where low, are not in good she,
in the interests of Te1311 nce. IIs will but these aro not the rule. (,clover, mi.,
begin on Sunday, the l13oth of Jure, anti while quite badly hurt, is not entirely
continuo during the following )'eek tip to killed one eta Was Ruppoeed it few wee1e
and i 1) 111.0( Friday110,evening• ago, and with good weather there will
John R. Clarke, oho great American ok II bo very fait crops.
entertainer. popularly known here se the
"Boot -black Orator'," will give his famous
la turn on "('ough ” in humor, dialect
1.'V ism fee Is:un.
° A number 01 our towns leo Ile have now
and eloquence, in the Methodist oburoh, t ! buttermilk.
Seaforth, on Monday evening, Semi 2nd. got down to drinitingeoigoomilk.
ltfiss Franklin has resigned her position
Yalte l I on the staff of tea011er8 in our public
Onr village was very gniet 310130g the It is expected hero that Darrow and
public holiday as most of our villagers Gibson will be olootecl by largo majorities
were at'endiug the -porta elsewhere. 0011 Thursday.
A aminal will be hold in the Methodist (leo. Hughes, of this town has gone to
church next Monday ovenin1, proceeds the 01d Country in charge of 0 cargo of
to 0o applied on the parsonage account. cattle for Joseph Olegg.
Ethel Gen Club attracts a great Rev. 13. B. ICeefer has been recom(OCl)-
amen nt of attention in the way of epect0- did by the Hamilton distric meeting to
tors and last Monday evening was 110 the conference to be restored Loth° fictive
exception to the rule, work of the ministry, and to be allowed
It appears that Dr.11Ie1{elvey, of Brits. to engage in evangelistic words.
eels. liar rho Tindall farm 100te1111 of II. 'J'he Reform Association of this to)Vn
F. M,ADiste•, The Loan Company elected olliiers for the ensuing yea, as
be ng10d Iho 110111909 001110 119W, hence follow. : J. A. Cline, P100131ent ; John
the report last week, Inglis, Honorary President ; S. Ortaeey,
Last 11 on. atoning a political meet let Vino President ; J. E. Brown, '20(3
ing was 11)11 hi this tillage 00 behalf of rice: 1'1101111eut; 0. \Iclhtyre, Secretary;
Thos. Oilmen, the Reform ea8didate. J. W. I)nglis,'rreaeuru1'.
Dr. Macdonald, M. P., of Wingham, ad- principal Groves 114 leaving here sh0rt-
dreesell the meeting for ever two hours lye, he gees to the Ityarso❑ sidled, Torun -
in 1110 1191101 ,:9011 style. 11e handled the
lending one:lions remarkably well and
conch:red the uudieno0 that he was.
thoroughly o0nversa'33 with these topics.
He gave everyone the liberty of question-
ing him and to each end all be gave clear
and aatlefaltory answers thug atte.ting
the fact that there eon be but little fault
found with the Mowat VIM iuistration.
(; ►-3: n l>' rno lc.
A3ies Williams, music teacher, is away
on 11 vieit to friende.
Township Council was hold here last
Monday. Politics came in for a rattle.
The pastor of one of our churches fail-
ed to connect with his people last Sab-
bath. The practical lesson of 'patience'
Was langht. however, until it ceased to
become a virtue.
Petition] meetings have been held here
in the interests of the candidates, Thos.
Gibson and A. H. Musgrove. I believe
our oivil and religious liberties have been
enlaneerel iu the past. Weigh the
matter calmly t,nd conscientiously before
yon east your ballot.
Sunday school is held in Knox oheroh
at 0:80 a. 111., Postmaster A. McNair,
Superintendent; in the Methodist church
et 1. p. in., J. J. Mitchell, Superintendent.
Parents and others interacted should see.
that 111l children attend regularly. Each
boy and girl 011001d have a Bible, cate-
chism and hymn book.
Perrrrear,. —A largely attended political
meeting 4000 held 1u the interests of
Thos. Gibson on Tuesday evening in
Dames' Hall, Mr. Cameron was called
to the chair. Stirring addresses wore
given by Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, and E.E.
Wade, of Brussels. A. H. Musgrove tva0
to have bean present but for some reason
neither he nor his representative respond-
ed to the invitation given to speak at this
meeting. Dr. Macdonald, M. P., 4000
unable to attend owing to the serioae ill -
(1069 of James Cline, of Wingham. Mr.
Gibson will poll a big vote in Grey town-
to, as first assistant master, 'There were
over twenty applications fin' 3311ie situs- Pertll Oiounty,
Hon, but Mr, Groves woe the lucky mum.
There are eighteen teachers in this seheol, Thor, are thirty.tht'ee polling sub -div•
therefore the first assistant trust have hie 181,08 10 South Perth.
hands full of work. Mr. Groves is 0)1• Inflltmmatiull of the Mange is (mite pre-
tdrely a self-made men, having worked valent at Bornholm among the children.
his way up from the lower rounds of the Mr. 110,30rth, mathematical master at
ladder and to -day stands as one of the the Stratford Collegiate Institute, has
foremast teachers in the comity. resigned.
The wardens of Trinity Chnr0lt Mit-
..t'tvood. obeli, have had another electrio light
Fall wilt at is greatly improved in this placed in their church.
neighborhood of late. A Farmers' Institute meeting for
An addition to the 'Methodist church South Perth was held in Mitchell un
of 40 or 50 feet is contemplated, Twenty
five new members were received n few
Sabbaths ago.
Df. Ahrens' chances are repo: end good
in this locality. He is quite a popular
Mau and %Mild repr00eut north Perth
very creditably.
Rev. D. Rogers and J. H. 11I0Badn at-
tended the Listowel District meeting of
the Methodist cherub, nt Milverton, o1
Thursday of last weelr,
A Mock Parliament lute been formed
here the officers being as follows :—T. M.
Wilson, Pnemior; R. S. Pelton, Speaker;
S. Shannon, Clerk ; C. J. Wynn, Minis.
ter of Justine ; J. W. Ward, Minister of
Fisheries, and others who have not as
yet accepted their folios. S. H. Harding
4008 Chea,)) leader of the Opposition.
The following is the report of the
Methodist Sabbath school in Atwood for
the pasb year :—Number of officers and
teaohers, 9 ; number of scholars on the
roll, 115 ; .umber of hooka in the library,
1115 ; raised for school purposes, $47.54 ;
increase, $10.41 ; for missions, 311.21 ;
for S. S. aid, 95 cents ; total, $62.70. J.
W. McBmin, Superitltendoot ; R. 1VI. Bal.
luntyne, Secretary; H. Hoar, Treuenter;
Jos. Ward, Librarian.
Listowel has loot ono of its best known
chigoes by the departure of J. 13, Dinkel
lot Denver, (Iolanda lir, Dinkel has
filled a number of responsible poeltions
during his (eeid01100 here, and for the
past couple of years had been town treas-
urer, Ile was also known to be the moat
4 'rive satiety man in town, In the
Workmen bo has held the position of lto'
corder since the looal lodge 4080 limit
formed. Ile hits also been a valuable
member of the Solent Knights, Odd,
fellows and Mawni0 Societies. In re•
0ogaiti00 of hie Hendon in the latter
society the brethren of Bernard lodge
gave him a farewell supper on Saturday
evening, at which there was a good turn-
out of the brethren, and all expresser)
their regret at brother Dinlce l's departure,
coupled with laudatory references to his
many nx00113)0t qualities as a mason and
u citing), mud with best wishes for his
Harare Su0(08s, 31r. Dinkel, who has
11M considerable experle1400 in German
(ewepap01' work, has gone wort to take
a position on the Colerad0 Journal, u
German daily published at Denver.
Two 2/011 11g dsughter14 of Milliard .1.rut•
strong tree, visaing at the reeblencu of
IV, (.1e3),, 1 11 b 1' bl
('Lelia, Sm( of .folio Proolor, in eon. ragas.
Hanel t , hieIrel3with vont, formof hug,, ht (.1 11041;10 roll t t} are( b )ts rev the
year mobile J m 1)
0, 1,., there w'e 913)
Mrs. Jamas 1311111109 a duck x1,0311 a persona kll0d 9.11(10731 injured. Of these
} e 1 311.1 !Intl li,,.; Dlreeuly 1.1311 ) 1;; , were kill 1 evil 101 i, ,0 l ) 31,3
et11d she 11) still 114311:1 bundle.., at t0, old (,rim,a, i a 3 ,'1.. t (p, the Dam; lite
mood. 133 (tie ea -t 113 ',1, •00) 1111<• i 11 11 1 2.,2 del
Jag, 11011li.•, of 01tt ,:to is at tile mei- lured ; on the Grant '1'11 +k s: , m lot I
1101100 of his fether,on the .1t11a
t11 eou.,n,l is w,n•e 11illml 11(11 38.5 injnte.l. 'l'hn total
pinstratted by 0 severe attack of itttitm. 1(umbo' of pasecngere carried an the I
lilati410 of the limes. Government railwaye Woe 1,290,0:2 ; on
'1r, Bryan, of the .1311, is raising and the Canaulial Pacini, 2,457,300 ; tutu On
bricking his kitchen, which will very the 010011 Trunk, 5,1)17,712.
materially 11111310M the appearance 0f his A sad shooting cash 00on1110,1 at 952
already handsome residence. Yonge street Toronto Thursday night
Ktr,l,ee.—On Thursday morning of about G John A)1,•n, machinist, who men -
this weep Mr, Thuell full or was thrown pies the house, had been ehuoting rats
from a load of manure under the horses with a:email rifle, and after killing one rat
feet and was fatally injured. !01,0(1011 the ri tie and stood it in the ear-
Ilis head was badly crushed and his nor, Ile went intohis shop and while gone,
ribs driven into his lungs, Ile only Mary Allen, a 7 -year-old child, picked
lived a e11Ort time. up the rifle and pointed it at her 2•year-
On Saturday, May 24th, the football old brother Jamee. The little girl Em-
end baseball clubs of S. S. Nos. 4 and 0, cidontally pulled the trigger, and the
met 111 -Ir, Benlah's field for en atter- baby was shot in the head. Tho child
noon's sport. Upwards of 200 spectators died at 1130 on Saturday morning.
were on the ground when the games cow- A St. Thomas lad named herb. Work-
men0011. The boys of No. 4 did not watt 0100 met with a very painful injury of
tI plat football on a00o(nt of not having Wednesday last week. Ile and another
1103 acti00 ; 1lawever, the No. 9 boy, lad obtained a few blank uartridge0, and
refused to piny baseball unless a football yonug Workman very uncantionsly ap-
matcll W11,1 first played. The No. 1 boy's plied a match to one of then. The result
a):0ed and not having 00003331 players was en explosion whiolt struck him sena-
took tan Walton boys. No. 4 chose to rely in the face. His companion at once
kick with the wind and at the and of the
ed to talo favorable consideration 01 the
Snstontation Fend, Some resolutions ,
affecting future logioletion were eon$fder-
0d, hut were pot deemed advisable, and
voted down. The following were 11,1)•pointed on Committees : W. Ayers, 013
Slatiouing Committee ; T. (leo, on Sun.
day 13011001 Committee ; W, M. Brune,
on illi0siolar'y Conlulit3ee, I.aynl0e
wore gloater to the annual Confer0n00 as
tallows NI, Bruce, .3'. Magwo0d, C.
IV. Watson, J. Pool, S. Vipond, W. S.
Bean, 1I. llupipeball, W. King, L. Bane,
About 125,000 0a1mo0 fry wore planed
in Lake Ontario, near Kiugeton, on
There 14 a rumour current in Ottawa
that Sir Freta Middleton has resigned,
but the gallant general refuses to make
any statement on the eubje0t.
At the annual m00tieg of the Turontn
Humane Society it was shown that 800
cases of amity to children and somal
had been investigated by the Society's
officer during the year,
The Post Office department Las been
instructed that in (acme eliedr004p0
binclts may he sent t0 0:,0300 and IT. S.
addresses at fifth 010014 rate tone emit
per onuuel ; buy wine) ,,ddn+e.,0 t 10 other
110000010(14 nay wl a 111 0 to parcel
ran off affrighted, and Workman, mad
first ha4 neither side had soured. Dur• with pain, rushed into some house 011d
ing the se,'oul half No. 9 claimed a goal ,tushed hie 1100(1 into 0 pail of water, He `'114014 1)1(41
Mott Waal kicked over the tape, and al- wile taken to a doctor's ofb0o, his hat still Iho 3"480 4344)11
lowing No. 11 the goal, the score stood 1 burning. It was found that be Was badly l0'll(lrtlysan
to 0 in No, 0'0 favor. A baseball nm1tcl) buret about Lis neck, Tie ayebr0we and hand and de -
was then played which resulted in a
scorn of 27 to 21 in favor of No. d. John
Walker mute.' 110 111)3)110.
1',.r 1uru1Ni11d ether (1161 t iCUlars ask lar
oireul0r at my thug and Book hturo. buould
YaU Wiall LU Bo11100ltoifer 0,1,0011 1 cenrd8U)int; 10 (1(133-
1,11x,,1 330110y un lanai 110
lnilluprg gailttie0 of their dews.
10i-flielie U. A. 1)1;A1)MAh,O ruoaele.
P„ Ul41i 1'OIt lil'11$VI0(,--rik1.1i
i -J und,roigl313 will keep the thorough
bred ,fclotelo .1:'rieelaa 13011, "liarritno" 4W,
ter (service on 143 1.ot16, 03)11, 11, Merril.
T,3rnl6, ,+2.,131 1 ani at time of 00114(004
with px ivilege of 110teruinq, if necessary.
43•210 WU.I.rolt1t14ST.
Lot 5, 000. 1, Saugeon, 100 acres.
Part of 1ot01 enJ 2, con. 1, Kinings.
143 lot 1h, con. 1, Wawanooh,100 aurae
N; lot 2.5, con. 8, West We woman, 100 aures.
Lot 14 and WI lot is, eon, 0, ,tineardiue,
133 lots 4 and 8, eon. I I, POO, 1103 001'e8,
lot 8awl W1 lute, con. 1:3, furl, 2110 acre!;,
Si ant 41, nun. A, alluto, 3n nor. F!
Lot 11, Con. 11, Min to. a0r.
7,1 31. D)n. 4, Ira tenu;iy,1m was+.
:111 the ubry • are we.i ;), r.•v,'d 31111113 i))
tine moot;rs, ,110 very ,•l,•,p ,nal Can lit.
bough on easy terwa, Al.0 a Store and
,lit )h, lig in law ..Ica: 3,4• lull•. ,113'1}• 311
.11111N al,(3 \,
fl• ie.1
Any fl.uautity of Fleece Wool
Wanted at I133411(•st A'farket )price
111 CA.311.
Farmers can du butter by sell -
Mg their Wool for Casal ;a11111
theft trade where they please..
r�I3uying, as usual, all liio(ir
of Grain.
R. GRAH4M, Brussels.
Loney to Loan on
l'ral'atit 1)3(41 ettlft'p1ll'1 FUcrlti,
,i.li'1t 1f.'t' '1:-4.`
r,l:l.fI('lij'rll:lal. .1- .A,tYOItiif.
MON EI TO LOAN. N 'Va,luator. Agent.•
Ethel P.O., Out,
Ant Amount of Motley to Loa -1l •T
1'txt.cti.r'rtl TT%ttcl/112alter
and Jeweler.
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
G & r Per Ctvif., Yeai'h'.
Straight 1400118 with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Dirislon Court C.'IBrI•, 13 rands.
Ire: te1se•
On next Wednesday evening an We
0100.10 social will be held at the residence
of David McGuire, Gth eon.
Miss Catherine MoPaggart i0 at pres-
ent visiting friouds in Winghnm, and
Mass Maggio McNeil takes charge of her
class in Sabbath school during her ah -
There is a good attendance at the Sab-
bath School in S. S. No, 8. The officers
and 3000hers are 1—,Tames -McNair, sr.,
Superintendent ; Doogald Mo'1'aggert,
Secrota'y 3001'rrea0nrer ; Mrs. C. Bow.
amen, Librarian ; Misses Sarah J. Mo.
Nair and C. McTaggart, and Neil Melo.
Nair, j1'.
About thirty young people and a few
older oases spent the 24th et George
Forest's on the 1.1111 000„ and pelt in a
jolly time playing various amusing games,
singing, 1. a 1!dug pieces, R0. Tho young -
erg guest. MI:night it about as good es any
(110.011), and it will be 0111) of tho red-
letter days in their annals. All agree
that n0 'cinder or more genial bomb and
hostess eonlet be found imp/hero, and
hope than. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest may long
bo spared to enjoy many other annual
guile 'dies of tide kind on the natal day
of Icor Moat - Gr0C1011s Majesty the
A (number of young men mull maidens
gathered at the rosidonuo of P. Sinclair,
jr., 011 310uthty evening of Last ween(,
prior to the departure of Robert Pyno,
and tt very pleasant social timothoy 1110110
o3 if, whirling around in taro )lazy dance
to the captivating strains of the cronona
rendered. by ;Ina Woods, avaliart knight
of the boat, who 114 foot lemming an ao-
(10tnpli0hed viO3n183, There w0.0 a dance
also in Potor ltlnlutooll's now barn m1 the
same kine, on the Meiling before tba 21113.
Timis wits a larger gatllel'111g, (1nt11y coI11-
Lio(t:o w 1131.
A. H. Hawkins, Dominion Land Sur.
voyor, of this town, left here last week
for Vanao'ver, B. O., where ho purposes
following his business,
The widow of the late W. S. Garrooli
was waited upon at her residence, by the
Master Workman and Financial Sweet -
(try of Listowol Lodge No. 199, A. 0. Il,
W., and presorted with a cheque for
$2,000, being the amount of beneficiary
oertif Bate of her late husband.
As Dr. Rutherford was driving into
town scout 11 o'elocll at night he ]nob a
rig juot as he approauhod the first rail-
way truck on Main street. The rig did
not torn oub and the Dootor'e horse
sprang aside, upsetting the buggy into
bho doop ditch, and throwing the Dootor
with such force as to disloe030his should-
er. His compalien, '311, Snyder, (8014
injured, Coming down town and 00ottr-
ing as810tanee the joint wits put bawl(
without a groat deal of Mon e,
(V011010s atom brunt oil and u poeti011 or 1
the shill of the face has since conte off,
nna010xan b 1.01 gas 0000ond Farms f or
solo x0(1 to rout, easy terms, 1.11 Tewu0111
Of 111 orris and Grey. P. S. SCOTT. Brume's. s.
J tieing South half Lot 27, con. Morris,
100 aures, Dearly all cleared. Good buildings,
about20 agree Fall wheat In ground. Easy
terms. Apply to W. M. SIN OLATS,.
tf- Sohaitor, ,Cc., Brussels.
y AR1-1 FOR $ALB.—THE BUB.Tuesday of this week. 1. 0onnOEn offers his valuable 100 more
Rev, D. Gordon, of Harrington, Perth farm, being let 3, con. 13, Orley Towsahip,
county, has toOdered the resignation of lIurou 00,, for sale. There are about 00
his pastoral charge there, acres olear01Land in good bear!. 'There 10 e
1 6 log 110,1030, good ban)( barn beeping orchard,
1V. R. Meredith addressed the electorsand all Ebv neoe0sary eonyeuiseeos on the
at Stratford on Monday night. S. I1, premises. For further particulare, as to
Blake, Of Turouto, speaks on Friday I 111
114tH BT,CP 'IJ1t ro1P (30tN W Tp or to
evening, 2•tt DO'GGALD 8TRA0&A1P, lirueaole.
Collegiate Institute, at tiie Vitoria Uni•
remit), eu)vouati,u last Wednesday re•
eoived the degree of M. A.
A canvass of Knott church ootgrega•
tion, Stratford, is being made to pay off
the claims of Rev. Thos. McPherson.
The claim anoants to $1,500.
Frank Asbury, the champion hie) ale
rider of St. Marys, rude to Delaware last
Sunday on his wheel. He made London,
a (110111oce of 20 miles, in three hours.
The election for the South Riding ,.f
Porth will soon be ever for another term,
and there has nob been a drop of blood
spilled yet ; fn fact, there has not been
118 quiet a campaign during the lust
twenty -Bye years.
Fanners took advantage of the rise in
wheat, and over 2,0(10 bushels were sold
at $1,04 one day recently of the market
at Stratford. A rice of twenty cents took
place from eight to ten days.
An Association football match fo the
Huron district series was played at
Mitchell on Thursday between the local
club and the Seaforth eleven. Seaforth
won by three goals to nil. There was
11111011 dissatisfaction at the referee's
decisions by Mit011011.
Tho Mitchell Advertiser says :—Tho
mania for swinging the Indian war olube
has struck our town, and many of our
fair sex aro taking lessons. One of the
advantages 10, they will learn to handle
their hauls anti bo in 0 position to hold
their own with fighting husbands when
they got them. sl
A, Dont and a rtanger were out on
business, driving a team of horses from
the livery stable of One. Goebel. When
near 1VIonktou one of the team went over
on ono of its hind legs and broke the
bones of the leg so badly that it had to be
pet to dearth. Now Gas wants to )Glow
W1(0 shell be at the. loss of . the animal.—
Mitehell Advertiser.
1. H. Folliolc
B. o
A. f St. Marys
Be 0. Lillico, son of Pater Lillian, late DI3)'nt0rAIm; a e.—The Listowel Dig -
banker of this town, was arraigned be. 11101 meeting Wa0 held at Milverton on
fore Police Magistrate Tcrhuho 031 a the 21st and 22nd 13). Rev, Dr, Ilon-
eintrg0 of obtaining motley 110der false (104'9011 3)1081,13(1 with 0301110 11atllll OUarteay
Pretences. The complainant wee Ar0111- and ability. Tho examination of minis -
bald. Riddell of M.ornington, and talo t011a1 ohmmeter was slatisfactol'y, no ob-
gamic of 11)0 n01npladut was that Me jeetio 18 11ga1(401 any, whiell is always a
Riddell hail paid into Lilli0o's bank the canoe for thanlcf1)1noa0. Ileo. 1). Rogers
stun of $11 or thereabouts, in payment of presented all obituary notion of the late
certain note and for Which he had been Rot'. 3. 13. (Munn, who (lied in the Lord
111901 n 1.0oe pt by the defendant, with a Last Adv.L1 the even a lnrgoly at.
promise that the note would be sent: Lo tended timidity School Convention was
1110) do a foto days, It mpp01110 that the hold, of Which.. tfilierent phases of the
note Was )told by biro Bank of Hamilton, work waw discos00)1 by Rovs. IIondern0n,
though Mt.. Riddell testified that the de- Canuvoll, Avera, liege's and others, On
fon11ant had led him to believe that it the following day the 10ym1031 were pros -
was lotic,d lip in the etre in 1,1131043'8 eta, and the schednl014 from the different
bank. -Lr, Riddell subsequently 1•eaeiv. elrel1111 400131 preeentod, from which ( 0
ed notice from the Haunt of 1 f,uniltou to glean the following faet14:--11'or 1111041 ms,
pay the note over again, hence the action 01,001 .4'2, an increase of $1114 ; for Sun.
was taken against R. L. 1,ilhco, The day sehooi0, 111108.10, The spiritual non.
P, lkf., after 111111illg the evidence, now dition of the 11ietri01 (0 very good. 'Net- I
eidored that the ease should {,o before a withstanding tiro dopreseion 9hnano dry
higher ofnrt and 1ommittea the defend. the fun(10114311 mi11114teci01 en1'pa't 0lnowc(1
ant for trial, Dail, loiwovor, Hens no. 1 31,erC liberality
sol 1?oae part, r: ot(011 were the recommend.
nettled, Y
kk n1(001esnn offers MY sale SA north
east quarter of 10t 28, oonoesaion 0, Mo11ri8,
County of Enron.enntainin g 60 Dares. The
land Is of first quality end In 11. high state of
eulliyatiofl. well fenced end tinder-drained,ib 000es cleared. Now!rem e house, 8 rooms,
11,1)11 house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna anti shod, orchard, ata Eight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable )property
adjoins the corporation of Brunie. Suit-
able toms will be given. Title perfect.
JAMES 010111VS Owuor,
80- 6toaforth P. 0.
la Morrie, en reasonable terms, In order
to Mom the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. EllugstOn, the executors offer tbo fol-
lowing valuable lands for sale North.
half of Lot 80, Concession 6, Township of
Morrie containing 00 acres. On this lot is
datioon, good orchard well and pump. Near-
lvall°'leered, and Is on tho grave road
eloeoly adjoining the village of Brussels.
This term to a v01001)10 ono, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. Por
riecs and tP.ornls apply to THOS. E.13LLY,
5<1u are P.O., o0r JAMES SMITH,ENRY ) Maple Victoria
1+. U h111dlesex County.
I theMatter of ADAM.( Goon, sof the Village
of nrtl0sels, iu the County of Buxom,
Merchant, Insolvent.
The insolvent hos made 1113 Asoigntnen:t to
010 for the benefit of his oreejbers, under
R, S, 0„ 1887, Cap. 10_4. A Meeting of the
Hollington 18t ole, Toronto on Til ne0A
the 22ne Day of MAY, 1800, at O'ol'.ok 11.10,
An. tale appointment of inspector's lau(1 the
giving n (lirootlons with reference to the
disposal of rho estate. All persons olaimiug
to maul( upon the estate of the Insolvent
must Olo their claims with .Me, as required
by It, S. 0., 1007, cep, 1'11, on 01' before the
will peened toldlistributeethe estate, date
a iing
regard to those clrinle only of which I Shall
then have notice.
11. 1t. (1, OLA11ASJN, .Assignee,
"a Wellington SL 1:,.00,'toronto.
Dated )ray 10 13 ,80,
N. It..-Crodito's should 1110 their cl,.lms
wick vouchers at oueo to facilitate the
speedy tv110103 up of the e(t.L1.
3?ltlw 4401 0204./7, nit
Gady's BIoc1 l Seaforth
Vt'l,•ru hu eau l,3Consulted lSexes, ll (11a01110
Ponsnuellt?on, Asthma and Y'ater:It
treated anr..essfnily by 1hh,dation et 310,1'3'
eared 1 ap,11'th,0 13(1 3 0110 treatment
m,d 011 divpedr0 of the Prins (tree1,0 Post•
tivoly mired 10 a short tune.
Cali or Address -
a1.13 1)10. 1'11 1 ILI P1l, S 1: erla010
livered to
any purl of
the 4 311,,ge
Prep of
.,.. c'uelrg r,
Pat Ca(t1(v LV:ttat ed.
For which the highest market price
will be pail. I also matte a specialty of
buying Midas and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
Thanking the public for oast favors and
support and wishing still to seem*
your patronage, We are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Platen Ware.
fromEstablished and Reliable MlDcrur
fully warranted by ns.
Clocks of'the
LQfe,'3't .J)esi fEll_
WPullINn R 10119,
Lnpllis G^.31 1;n:94,
r Alco a Full Line of V)onns 0nd
Violin Strings, rte., in stick.
N. Lt.—Usurer of 39arrioge Licenses.
T. Fletcher, Brussels.
Special Bare aills in and Girls Sailor Eats
1' � BoysS
Which we are Clearing Out at Wllolasale Prices.
5 Dozen Sailors Itt 15c. worth 25e.
5 Dozen Sailors at. 05e. worth 350.
3 Dozen Sailors at 45c. worth Usc.
Also a Special Line 1'Ien's Straw Bats at 15o., worth 20c.
1+ERGU8OX BedLLID.,!T, )Managers.
Don't Forget our Curtain Sale, which is.
Still Going On.
Mowers, Binders and Threshers.:,
Very Heavy Body,
Great Endurance,
Perfectly Pure,
Does Not -Gum.
McMillan, & C `7/
L'It'1•Ii01.1{A. :MUNCH AT 14TIi.'1111R1',
1i or Salle by A. M. McKay & Co. - Brussels,