The Brussels Post, 1890-5-30, Page 44
New Advertisements.
To rent—Dr. Graham,
Looal•. W. HI McCracken.
Pound—Pose I ublishiug House.
Eleetaou notiere•-Y,ubt, Qibbina,
Mei:hoe melee: • Robt, Gibbins.
Manitoba l:xeursicne••-T, Fletcher,
Auction Sale--Sueltlingg,1 Cassidy ie Co.
The great difference --W, Nightingale
C Co,
(.17 be "i311155C15 l.aSt.
1 1111);11', 1(41' $0, 1890,
THE latest fake of the party heeler on
the eoneesstun linos is to circulate the
statement of leading Reformers and
clergymen canvassing for A. H. Mus-
grove, whieh is a downright falsehood.
Among the names used aro Rev. John
Ross, B. A., Rev. A. Y. Hartley and
.telex. etIoNair,
J, C. I:tiun was re-elected to the
House of COnetuots in hincoln county on
Friday by ,a reale.ity ref thirty-seven
votes. At the ::'n riel election he lead
487 majority. A rielnction of 450 in the
Coeservativo majority in Lincoln shows
that there is still some honest public sen-
timent even in that moiety.
Ox nor supplement this week we give
a feel report of S. II. Blake's mastery
speech at Toronto last week. De is ohs
of the best platform speakers in the 1)o -
minion and the "meanest" thing hie
opponents eau say is to dub him "Sun.
day school Sant.' A careful perusal e:f
what Mr. Blake bad to say will prove
interesting and instinctive to almost any
Gime Township Council has voted $200
award the improvement of the gravel
road between Walton and Morrisbank
ea condition that Morris township
Council does the same. Even $400 will
go a small way towards petting this road
in proper condition as it has been al-
lowed to run too long without proper at-
tention. Whatever is to be undertaken
abound be done in geed time so thus the
Fall rains wit not catch n half lluiabcd
job. It woad tante *1,0000 to put this
road in decent. fuer:].
ammeters are cor.tiug to the bent
thick and fast for the le -within of School
Inspector in East llnron, rendered
vacant by the decease die M. 11alloch.
Among the 'Lumber are, Messrs. Turn-
ltul), and Robb, of Clinton ; Clarkson, of
Seaforth 1 Theme, of Toronto ; and Lees,
of Brampton. The loot Periled gentle-
man is well known to the people of this
dooality. Ile is a son of Andrew Lees.
formerly of Morris Totvnship. Mr. Lees
le teaching in Biampten at present, Ile
is in bis fourth year of the Arte nurse
in Queen's College, Toronto, and has
taken First class honors in the depart-
ment of Natural Science. Out examina-
tion in each of the poke Ohbj0cts will
give hint hie M. A. 11r. Lees has had a
number of years experience in both Pub -
lb and High Schools and Is a self made
man, having worked his way up the
educational ladder.
A must of ninety acres of good lend in
the Township of Garafrasa, in the County
of Wellington, within two miles of the
tows of Fergus and twenty of the city of
Guelph, was Bold recently for three thous.
and five hundred dollars. Twelve years
ago this farm was bought for five thous-
and dalliers, and during the interval at
least one thousand dollars has been spent
in permanent improvements, and build-
ings, lances, etc., have been well kept up.
This farm is in one of the most fertile
agricultural districts in all Canada, and
has, or should have, reaped all the bane.
fits of the home market the protective
tariff creates, yet it appears to have de.
Mined in value to the extent of fifteen.
hundred dollars, not counting improve-
ments. This farm may not be a typical
one ; there may be some special cause
for its decline itt value, but the general
position of the farmers of Ontario is snoh
as to snake it probable that this Gera.
fraxa farm represents the rule in regard
to the farming land of the Province of
Ontario at Ieast.
Thum the new instructions just issued
by the United Status government to the
revenue cutters starting on seal fisheries
proteeti0n servioe in Behring Sea, Cana-
dian vessels seized will be more severely
dealt with than formerly. There will be
na more patting of ea prize crew of one"
on board eaoh schooner seized, and al.
lowing her to go where she pleases, Mr.
Windom has ordered that all vessels
found violating the law will be dismant.
led atcl deprived of all mane of further
violations. Their Ings and all skins are
also to be seized and preserved as ovitl-
onoe against thorn. Tho seizing and die•
mtultling of British vessels upon rho
high seas, even under the pretext of pro.
'Lading seal feetweito. should not be toter.
ated, The Mellish Columbia sealing
fleet left for Bullring Sea believing that
the Arttcrittans had ablendnnecl ell claim
to jurisdiction outside the three mita
limit, and under the impreesiol that
they would receive Some sort of proton•
tion from the Imperial and .Dominion
governments. Naw every (.anal
ha Seal
ing schooner operating in hc,hring ;ice 1s �
liable to bt.eai :ed and Stripped by Amnr-
loan revenue Denten. If Canada had the
right to negotiate directly with the
United States government the whole
Behring Sea diflioulty would have been
satiefaetorily adjusted long ago.
As exchange says a—et reit Briutiu
has her bands full just at present in pro.
testing the Umpire from the aggressions
ni other cations, France f8 quarrelling
with )ter over Egypt and Newfoundland ;
Germany over aet Africa; Itua•ia le
oattiingfresh anxiety 10 regard to Persia
and Afghanistan, and, therefore, lodee,
reotiy as to India; the united States is
giving trouble in regard to Behring Sea,
while China is watehiult very km/misty
the cubjegetien of the hill tribes on her
Emmen frontier and the ie,atieti ns
with the Thibetans. Those Jingoes who
titit,lt that th' Beitieh hot, aha'uld forte
a settlement of every question by show-
ing his teeth should remember that the
lion's share of the earth is 0 big one, and
that he cannot fight the haid.healeci
eagle, the German vulture, the Regalia]
hear and the Freud' p rndo lit the same
time, without danger of hoeing sante of
what lie hos his panty ii oily enough upon
at preeeot. Except fee the genet Great
Britain can do there the acquisition of
f'entral Africa is not worth spendit ,i n
dipl, stat'; breath 1 01011., nit to spralt of
English lives, Etlglhlm,en do not spend
menet dev.loping o0ntmerne in a am,' ow
which cie44e theta no return, and Central
Ar tea is, in the eein,ien of all whose
opinion is worth noyt,hnl, likely to prove
u l t n,g speculation for the milieu t,hieir
Undertakes to open it net and govern it.
11 Germany is anxious to undertake it,
end will give guarantees in reference to
the freedom and protection of mi siouary
work, the abolition of the slave trade,
and the prevention of the rum trafiie,
England could do worse than allow her
free scope even in the Great Lake region,"
Belem another issue of Tin Posr the
battle for Provincial rights will be fought
and won by one of the contending parties.
The proper use of the franchise is one of
the most important questions coming
before the electors of any country, and
it will be wall for the people of East
Huron to review the past, scrutinize the
present state of affairs and make a fore-
cast of the future before recording their
votes, The Proviuce of Bova Scotia gave
no uncertain sound, less week, when it
returned the Reform Government by a
large majority, viz., 3i 8. ars oat of a
possible'ld, The leatlel' of the Opposi-
tion was defeated. Ontario is the banner
Province of the Dania in, and, outside
of what Nature and a good class of citi-
zens hes dune 1. r us, tete Mowat Govern.
meet le tleeerving of it great deal of credit
for the careful and eiwloc iital manage.
meat of Provincial affairs for the long
period of eighteen years. In that time,
although they have handled millions of
dollar's, no member of the Cabinet has
been prevet to have committed a corrupt
act, It is an acknowledged fast that
Aon. Oliver Mowat has husbanded our
resoprces, geerdetl 0Nr interests and de.
fended our rights, 1Ie has been assisted
i0 this by the ablest men of the Provinoe,
Mestere. Fraser, Ross, Pardee, Hardy,
Gibson, Drury and others. During the
various election contesae for yore instead
of fighting the Government on its record
and allowing them to stand or fall on
their merits, race and religion battle
cries have been used, bat to no very
damaging effect, es the electors again and
again decided that the Mowat adminis-
tration was the best friend of the
Province and the Opposition were after
office more than anything else. In 1888
the Meredith party stoutly affirmed that
the Uoaat Government was the foe of
the Roman Catholic church and that the
Conservative party was their true friend.
Thie cry did not work, so in 1886 and
1800 the Protestant horse is mounted
and the Reform Government is in league
with the Pope. We predict that the in-
telligent electorate will not be caught
with chaff and that on Thursday of next
week the reins of power will be once more
put into the hands of on. Oliver Mowat
for another four years. In East HIuron
Ur. Gibson -honest Tom Gibson as he is
familiarly called—will have a larger
majority than he bad at last eleotiot,
and the way to secure it for him is by
eteady and earnest work on the part of
his friends, People who never asst a
Reform vote in their lives are going to
vote for Mr. Gibson this time. We have
nothing to any against Mr, Musgrove
personally ; he has worked hard In the
campaign and has been well banked up
by his supporters, but we don't imagine
that the people of this Riding will turn
their backs on an experienced legislator,
em old resident of this section, straight-
forward in all his actions, and the sure
porter of one of alto best Governments
ever known, just because the Opposition
want to get into office. Tho Mowat Gov
ornmont should hold power as long es
Sir John A, is Promier of alto Dominion
the affair hes oast a deep gloitn over the
entire neiahborbood. The tteoldont ap-
peared to be one of those cirounistanees
that could not be avoided, and no blame
can be attached to any one,
TIui'a11 County.
E. Elliott hes taken l'olloolee hotel at
Bat Bold.
Ineenditt y dens are somewhat too pre-
valent in Ltoknaw.
Jno, W. Lomb met with quite a loss
by having a valuable mare killed by the
train near Gordo.
ltev. Air. Ferguson pre/Lulled to tete
i Good Templar's, in the Methodist church,
Loudesboro', on Sunday,
Air. Pollard, Dungannon, sustained
rather a heavy loss recently in having it
hers° stolen, yelled at $150.
The exuav,ation for the new Town Lille
at 7,nrielt flea been eompl"ted sad uoierly
ell the brick ie on the ground,
The first horse and onto sale ander
' the direotion of the Board of Trade Clin.
ton takes piece on Saturday, June 7th.
1 h trustees of the ''tappe alio, IIall,
tioderielt, parts -Ise overhauling and re-
uu'de ling the buie ting tie au early date,
Eleven ea loads of cattle, poroh:tsott in
the vicinity of Exeter at a of 211,000
were snippet Tuesday by J,unea Olio, of
tb ah, 0 villt:e,
.1 Dun rttbl lady Byte„ 'di:tic:,t t,'
17nng:tunnu viliaga, wl,. -' s i' i.: upsurdw
or -i:;ty years, 10110 it in p,,, :,•tl 01 "1 .t.
nue no.ul of hair (not .t w•i.p ,tad not a
gray haft' se yet vi-ible,
\Stn. 1)y1103t, of the U$h cnne.'s"i . ) of
,1aKCi11'1', lets a anti, of d •fTollt itt' 1
whieh has given birth to 1.17 pigsetnrl has
had as matey as 17 at One litter, awl she
was four years old thie epaing.
0. fsrmer in Ueborne Township, daring
that cold bite last spring, that lulled all
the fruit, burned straw and rotten wood
is his orchard, while his neighbors were
resting. The result was tltnt he had 5201)
woth of apples to sell. That paid vary
well for one hit.
A young man aboat 22 years of age,
named James IIsale, a West Toronto
Junction grease, whose parents reside in
Go.lerioh, was streak Saturday morning
by a trait and instantly killed, The Ro-
cident happened between High Park and
the roller mills. The body was sent to
Goderich for burial,
We are sorry to annouuoe that since
Mr, Fairbeiru and family, who are well
known in B yth, arrived in Winnipeg,
they have experienced many drawbacks.
The children have all had the black
measles, one, little Freddie, aged 8 years
having died. 'The eldest daaglh(er is not
expectod'to reeov'er,
The following ft•ont Wfonipeg, baa a
specialietereet forOlintotians, the plain- '
tiff in the nave leaving only moved from
,.!futon last fall:---" Tito ca -e neeltist
Thames Redmond for deserting his wife
iu Clinton, Out„ seven years ago, twos
amicably seal d this m r Mg in the Pe'.
ice Court, awl the eatple walke.1 .ut
reconciled after their long separation.
A severe thunder storm peeled over
C ten on Friday in 'riling of Met week
about 1 o'clock. The cltintttey el the
Rattenbury street Methodist elwreh woe
shattered, and the current passed clown
the thintuey into the basement, doing
little damage. It also took off part of the
ridge -boards and a quantity of shingles.
The carbons in seine of the electric light
lamps wore also beret out by the light-
The Exeter Advocate says :—Sator.
day last was really the inanguratton of
the butter and egg market, although
Saturday, Hob inst., was announced as
the day of the opening, but of account
of the very disagreeable weather, neither
sellers or buyers were present. There
was a large quantity of prodnoe brought
there for sale and the prices realized
were in many oases a great deal higher
than has been paid heretofore. We hope
to see n great many more of the farmers.
take advantage of the market, and se-
cure the cash for their produce, and
higher prices than paid in small cnmttry
towns. One trial will osnvfnce.
RACES,—The spring meeting of the
IIensall Driving Park Association took
place 00 the 21st inst. The meeting
was one of the beet ever held, and the
reoea were very keenly contested, espeoi-
ally the 0.35 trot, The attendance was
not as large as the day's sport demanded.
The Exeter Brass Band was in attend -
nem and discoursed music for the oc-
casion. The following were the saooeMS
fun competitors :
Grey Tobe, 1 I I
Tommy 0, 2 8 2
Daisy L, 8 2 8
Time, 244, 2.42, 2,43.
Ton Burke, ' 2 1 1 1
Baldwin, ' 1 2 2 2
Bell -Roe, 3 8 3 8 8
'Dead heat.
Time, 2.86, 2.86, 2,80, 2.80, 2.41e
Shea va. Townebip of McHillop.—
Judgment in action in which the evident°
was taken et Gorlerieh in Octebet', 1888,
and plaintiffs argument put in in Feb.
euary, 1800. Action to reoover money
alleged to have been illegally exacted
from the plaintiff for tease, and for
damages for treepass and illegal lis -
trees. The learned judge finds that the
plaintiffs did nob give notion to the clerk
of the municipality before lab of Match,
1884, under R. S. 0. 1877, oil, 206, sec.
81, so as to be able to claim exemption
from public school rates for that,
and that the notice whielt they gave in
May did not comply with soottons 14) 21
f the nt
same A, and hnlcls that by sec.
34 they are liable for the public sobool
rates for the new school house tinder.
taken and built before (Pc sen:irate school
wag established, referring to bine Vs, Aro.
Hugh, 21 0. P., 13, The plaintiffs (leo
contended that tbo whole municipal tax
Aron:INN--A most unfortunate ttnd for 1887 was illegal, because tiro by-law
lamentable aeoident itappennd on the levying it, Which Wag passed by the
farm of the late Henry Medal, in the council on 2rth September, 1887, was
tow'nehi i of Ilttllett, 00 Weilnesclay not sealed mail January, P0` 54, attar tiro
morning of last week, whereby three new council ruse elected, end had met
young met had their backs broken, and and taken the oath of office, and no bc.
will, in all pn•obiteility, 10.,0 their lit•ee, )aw was ever passed 1,ediae cr ratify
Gavin Hamilton recently bnnght this it, or to enthori,e rho affixing of the
farm, and 1Ir, Riley, a well.knewn seal. The learned judee refers to Il' F.
framer, was engaged u1 pulling Clown a O. 1517, alt, 171, secs. 277, 291 and 113,
bern, '.They were in the not of removing and holds that the roto oohllrl not be fart•
oto of the pnrlineplates, and for safety posed by resolntnn or without Is by -hazy,
heel tied ft with ropes to tate tabu. par- awl that the alleged by. taw was no Iv -
lite plate, when, m spite of all their nitro
and pretttttnion, it fell, striking four
yotntti men who WON] holding posts, and
breaking the batters of three. Those were
Gavin IIamilion thirds t
lit of G, Hamil-
I,t • n,i I-
tmt • Albert , A )o t Gate and Robt C info. ,Tee
law, and coulee not therefore be gnashed,
and that the pleintitfs ale entitled to re.
cover notwfthetandhtg defects In the
regimes of action. Judgment for the
tt 'mtit t In,the 1250 with casts. Oslo
Q. (I. and Campion n r
Q, , n n pia ((ro Icialq for
Ball wit'; also armee and lutoelted to the the plaintiff. .lob') ]ting, Q. C„ and
ground, having hie oeller bone broken, 1'rowl:feet ielwleriel,l for the dc61d-
,111 are young men highly tlwnghtof, anti ants
Mise Sibley, Clinton, who hae attended
the Detroit Sohoot of,otttion le hone,
The following Deicers were elected on
the Exeter I3oard of Trade for the car.
rent year :—Preeitlent, It, II. Amber ;
\'ioe.President, John Methane ; Some.
tary, B, W. Grigg ; T-easuror, 13. S,
O'N. ii ;, 1. Could, J. 0. Ste w•
art, 0. Stewart, 7, Melimes, J. Grigg
and 1)r. Dimming.
John Iiamiiton, eattlejdealor, shipped
from Wroxeter a carload of very line fat
cattle intended for the Old Country mar.
bet. The total weight of twenty animals
waif 211,870 lbs., 801335 of the more notion•
able beasts being as follows; •-Titre-year•
old steer fed by Janes Chu ke, Delmore,
1,690 !be, ; 3 -year-old steer fed by John
Pritchard,'Lorick, 1,840 lbs, ; ,i -year.
old heifer fed by Sans Johnson, Iloeielt,
1,473 Iles, The price paid for these cattle
W11,8 km. per lb
The Queen's Birthday was oe'ebrated
at Goderealt on Moto -lay in the usual
loyal tntstuter, the chief attraction beim;
the spring races, held at the Polley
Driving Ptu•Ik, which tvrrn attended be a
large Toyed of spectates. Tim races
were ftrsee:bee lend exciting, In the
1.15 class (trey Tube won /loft in three
'straight. heats ; eald'cin see tel, and
Duffed,, third. Time, 2.10, 2.11, 2,42e.
Ir, the three minute race 1eiisy won first,
'l'omm. eee•md Smelt God third. In
Set Brand. ratty, 11 vol till=t' first, ipatn
1'rit,k a,cond, Skylieht third, 'Tracie
heavy ; l0 seconds slob'.
The sunned 21th of May nelebra'inu
took place at Extot r on Saturday. T110
onttsenlent, s 11 ' tea of foot races, ball
playing, reunite; bases, ate. In the
monde.; a gamic of ba.teball was played
between the London G. T. 11. and Exeter
clues and resulted lit favor of Exeter by
a score of (i to 7. The St. Marys team
was present, Ina refused to pla' , as some
difltemty arose between the clubs, St.
Alleys wanting to play Exeter for first
money ; but it had been agreed upon
that St. Marys bad to face London im-
mediately after dinner. After the dis-
pute stopped the Exeter and London
clubs played an exhibition game, which
resulted in favor of London, the score be-
ing 7 to 8. Tbo different races were
contested and this closed a very suecess-
fel day's sport. The Exeter brass band
furnished excellent music.
DISTRICT MIIRTlxe.—The May District
meeting of the Methodist churches in the
Goderich District woe Inlet in the Teat-
teobury st, church, on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, Rev. G. Richardsot, chairman,
presiding. The district includes 0043 -
rich, llolmesville, Be;milter, Dungan-
non, Nile, Bttyfield, Varna, 1feurall north
and south, Clinton and Seafor,h.
On a ballot, 'Hoy, 2, 8, Cook, of Herteall,
w•as elected secretary, rood Lev, le. A.
Fear, of Beneall, and Il, lrviue, Nilo,
assistants. There wa• to full attendance
of the ntieistere of the diet'iet, W. t1,
2,tton and T, W. Costes vote 550otn-
nleuded to the conference to be centime d
on trial. Report, from the different
circuits were given. Benzo showed alt
incre u of membership, some a decrease,
owing to removals, etc. The Nile circuit
headed the li,t for increase, having add-
ed Oyer 100 members daring the year.
The total increase 10 tete: ltlstriet from
lust year is 64. The total amount raised
for mission purpo. es, was X1070.38 ;
total for ministerial support, $0602, au
average of nearly $70.1 for each miuiater.
Total number of laymen on the (emitter.
ly Official boards, 804. The amount
raised for general church purposes, be-
sides the amounts named above, was
$(1580, making a total of $13,168.38 rais-
ed on the district for Methodist church
purposes. Ontario street church, Clin•
ton, headed the list for amount con.
tributed, and Roetenbury street stood
second in the district. The flet'. James
Livingstone was elected to the Stationing
Committee, Rev. J. Edge and W. M.
Cray to the Sabbath School Committee,
and Dr. Williams to the Missionary
Committee. Several resoimioes from
q,atrterly boards, that will be referred to
later on, Were thrown out. An important
change made in the district was that
with regard to the Hermall circuit, The
proposition of Rev. J. 8. Cook was to
form Hensel' into a double eirouit,
having IIensall, Bethesda, Soxsntith,
Fausville and Lakeview as appoint-
ments to be called the Hensel] circuit.
The $ippon eeralit would be composed
of llippen, Chislehurst, Hill's Green and
Drysdale. Tbis proposition was adopt-
ed by the committee appointed by the
Distrint meeting, whose report Was
adopted by a more than two.thirds
Political Notes.
The Nova Scotia Liberals made nearly
a clean sweep in the eleetione on Wed.
nesday of last week.
How long is it eines Dalton McCarthy
subscribed fifty dollars towards a monta
meat for two Jesuit priests?
There are 010 Protectant Separate
Sohoole in Quebec) Province, and 2.10
Roman Catholic Separate Schools itt
There aro no local Conservative enndi.
dates in South Huron, Monett, Haldi.
mond, Peel, North Wentworth, Centre
Bruce,' Algoma West, Cardwell and North
Grey. In the Seat seven loon! men could
not be got to run, and ambitious outsiders
agreed to have their names need and let
the campaign expenses come out of the
general Provincial fund.
Dr. 2. 0. Emmett was nominated by
the Coneervatives and Equal Righters as
their candidate in Munk county in oppo-
sition to Mr. Idarcourt, the Reform
nominee, who has represented the armee.
tueney for many year's. Ou being notl-
liied of his tominatiol the doctor prompt-
ly declined the honor, for exooient res.
eons. In a later to the Welland Tribune
ho says that the Equal Rights movement
is no antigrowth of Dominion politics 1
that it has nothing to do with Provineiel
p0litio0, and that Dr. Cavan, the Presi-
dent of the llgttal Rights Association, re -
11010s to support anyy attack upon the
Mowat actmfnietratiot. "Tete whole
fabric, so far as Ontario is conenruwi,"
eay5 Dit, Emmett, "is simply to enthused
decoy sot by Air. Meredith to eittult
Reform votes, and 1 trust Reformers will
not allow tltameeivcs to be deluded by
snob political chaff."
Grfnteby Park is being notice:de im.
proved this year by the addition et e
nnmber of new cottages, and an unusually
briglttprogrmitnno is promised for the
Au u iuftutt boy Y
only a Caw city nl
dug .d
was fount( by the beadle in St, Joseph's
clinch, Montreal, Saul they. :Cite young-
ster wee a healthy boy, twill elect, and heti
a bottle of miler tleposited Woo vide.
MAY 80, 1890
The Diamond Button Huron County Council
to previous marriage, le 1'allfete
had known of the marriage of Carroll
Preston, the Issue of which wad All's.
Templeton, he would not have been at
all disturbed by my precipitation of the
Fountain mune. tie was visibly dis-
turbed when 1 faleely as:muted to know,
what I didn't then know, that Pierson
had once passed ns Fountain. As for
tho driveling old idiot of a brother, he is
too far gone be runt to have ever con-
ceived or executed the murder."
"I thinly you have made out a case,
Tom. At all events, if the other lines of
inquiry fail, we have the precious pair
to fait hack on,"
"Now, if you agree with um, lie you
senor to, then it follows that utero aro
Duly two left—the Simpson woman and
"Well, Ilion, 1et'8 consider these two.
About temp: o e etc knew no utero than
dein dintalent lolls ten,"
"As 10 that, I'll htn'o 1, sand the
Sltad•)w 1„ Nt•u' lioC11 llo bt nutko In-
quiiie .
Hilt 1 ee:ea to net, a face.,
There al's Vlil f 'I t 110W under our
prucivs t-'autp=tun and R'ess ilii.;"---
"Ait l NI' c,• ing 2521 tit ter' pI. •e of
inurder when the u1 "'1 was
'1't1'risely. 'There's our first I:te of
lloheeeitc did not reply, Clu was in.
tont nn his thoughts, ami was nervously
touring paper into long shreds, tt habit
when its was profoundly thinking. Fi-
nally he said:
"Tout, some very singular things in the
way eif uluie;luu, present themselves.
You never told ole of that Varick street
interview, and l never told you that Mrs,
Templeton's fautily name wast Preston.
Hero were two broken links that we
might have joined without the aid of
tills pu per. Now, here is another omis-
"What?" said Toni, with an air of an-
noyance, "Are you going to make us
out a pair of blunderers?"
"Yes, apparently. We never attempted
to final out whether \Vessirtg knew any-
thing about tlto diamond beettonl"'
"You alwayescuuted the idea of \Vess-
ing being connected with the affair."
"I od,nit that, and I atm going also 50
admit that I runo near forgetting to tell
yen that I know tcllr, lute tvet'n a hair
precisely like them,"
"'It le For temei•ris sake:" said Tum
irritably. "You increase ratherthan dc-
crcaeo the potsittilelice,"
"1ienoriel; Noble. D.) you k:t,w
"Yes, IIs is in the 5:11210 s,•t rte rhe Ash.
glove girl and Fountain. L'ut what pos-
sible connection cttn he have with \\-eas-
"Not any that I luwty of. But we
must find out what ho has to say about
"Well, I'll lake that in hand thyself,"
said Tom, "But, Holbrook, old man,
there is one thing you ought to do and at
once—you ought to go to the Temple -
tons. With all the knowledge you now
possess you may bring out some startling.
truths. Your clients are now first claim-
ants to a largo property,"
"True. That huts been in any mind to
Fay for some time. Why not go up with
Inc? In this case two minds will be bet-
ter than one."
"Agreed," cried Tom, springing from
his seat. "We have plenty to do now, so
let tis be on lite move."
After safely locking up the precious
document, they set forth to call upon the
r I`ll'
was alone when
Holbrook and
Torn were usher-
ed into her apart-
ments. Holbrook
looked eagerly for
Annie, but she wt s not present, and
and there was a void in the room and
disappointment in lis heart,
After Tom had been presented to Mrs,
Templeton, for up to this time Ito had
stover met her, Ilolbrook opened the
conversation by saying:
"We came upon some rather startling
information this morning, Alt's. Temple.
ton, which closely concerns yourself and
yottr daughter, I regret slto is not here
to listen to the story."
"Why, w'as sbo to meet you here?"
netted Mrs. Templeton.
Holbrook stared at tho 0151 lady,
"I do not understand you," ho said,
"But where (lid she go to after she
left yon?"
"Left lime?" said Ilolbrook, much puz-
eled, "I have not seen her today,"
"Then she missed you. Sao went out
to seri you;"
"1'o see mot" replied Holbrook, still
more puzzled,
"Why, yes," said the old lady, much
oiarnied by his manner, "Iii response
to Otte note from you,°
She roan f'rnthl her seat tune oroesing
to the table, took from it eau open letter,
wheel i.he handed to Holbrook,
Toni, Who hail itnielrlyP
erceire some-
w•tts evrgng, slid not hesitate to loan
over Holbrooles shoulder and read with
(To tits cONrtruin,)
The Council of the Corporations of the
. county et Heron will meet it, the Court
.House, hl the Town of ciodexieb, 80'1'latsuAr,
• the 'I'utttn Pay of Jes71, Stnxt•,
do•'d 11,,, Jilt o1A110$014, Co, (lurk,
—sioLnli P's --
Sale - of - Lands,
Qouuty of Hutto to Wit:
3Yvirtuoofa writ of Fier! Pantos !Railed
out of Her leajeaty'e County Court of the
flaunty o1 Huron and to 330 directed and
delivered against tho lames and Tenements
01 Jatnae Slemuloe, Itt the suit of Jamas
Atnl'.nuahlin, t baro Reined and taken In ex.
volition all the right title, interest and
equity it
Yof c
I x dem ,n ion u n l,f01 the 1i n slot itq
4owuR Ci, et Or, ane in Int 14, county
of on
'and O oe of 01 O in 13110 Crum Ey of Huron
and Pnterest of Ontario, ttisf 1' anon right,
cos,I and to,n'uuu1 equity of rahttnl,tl0a Su
Imola end tamnututs l shall n1rOr for sale ,t
my 011100. Su aha Coon Hoose, in tem town
of Coastline, on
3it)Nt)A.1', J1'1,1' lit' , lore,
at aha hoer of twelve or aha clortt, taxon.
81,o111 Huron -
+I t, oilier, Clod, t'ch, April 7,1h.Sn,
T'Int JAI, NO'1 tr'I; 1'0 rItEDI.
Purtnu,1 to art order of the tlltanoery 11i -
tilt .lou of LIe Mob C'o,n t or Jeanne made 1,,
rite n0tia rr of n .hurt pngn Rae,, of L"1 Nttm-
1,er Is, ill tan .nc elftn L•Osooesmn of tau
melee to el' et y, to the ett uuty ,1 Huron,
under tem of Sato rnnnih,ed inn ;\left•
goys tnad0 Sy Casper Engel, deceaecq, to
'tames Iteodcri+cn, tie creditors of Casper
xngol, lune of the Ts \tvtllip of Grey,
Yeomen. who diad i„ or about the year
1878, are, on or before nm Twentieth
Day Of May, IMO, to send by poet ler°.
ale) to Munn. Render/Ot, 'C imah, of
No. 11 Equity Chamber's, Turo,tIO, their
Christian and introits ea, addresses and ole-
smiptiun, the full partl,elars of their
claims,a abetment lit their accounts and
Lan mature of the securities (it any) held b
them; or in default thereof they will bo
peremptorily excluded from the benefit of
the Bail onion n;vory creditor holding any
security la to produce the 851,20 before ma,
rho uwelcrolenad Clerk in Chambers of the
High Court of ,lustlea at my ohutnbero lu
Gsgoodo Heli, le t: o dity of 'remote, oil the
1 6La farunaon, bei,�q able tion jelpifi'it°1„oedk
for adjudication upon aha ermine,
Piaui Seth Of Ae'ril,'se. C. C.
Private Funds to Loan,
Halve, ht en ttlaetd in my hands
for Iny,stlnallt on real rttate.
No Commission.
' Borrowers can hare lean!, com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Trussrls.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, ,Ce.,
BltussxLs, ONT.
For - .15O • C of lit le.
All Work front the Smallest le Life sine.
done 1n a entwines manner,
of Itesldeneee, Xan„ it 'Reasonable
VP. J. Fairfield,
H. U iL ]TTS
Is Prepared (0 Supply you with a
At a Slight Adv'anco on Coat.
Call in and Molle it Sclurti011 lir
heave your Orden',
If ,you are intending to travel
Dennis' is Headquarters for
10'1'C11113.13 d•d,
A .ldlll'ge and Well-,83ort(1cd
Stock to Ghni)8lt from.