HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-23, Page 8i Don't Neglect 'Your Currant and Gooseberry 'Bushes, but apply some Fresh HELLEBORE that we have lately received. Don't Forget That we havo Nicer and Cheaper WALL PAPER than ever before. G. A. DEAD)iMN, Druggist, Bookseller, &e. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOrrrBERE 0XTENaION W. O. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as fellows : Goma Sclera. GOING NoB711. Alga am. ',fixed9 20 a.m.M xpress 11:45 a.m. Mail 8100 p.m. Mixed ......... 9:55 p.m. Express 9.40 p.m. Ate •.tins ram, A ckiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Mar flowers. PLouacmoa sad embroideries at Stra. Ian's. Tum Cosgrove family this (Friday) evening. SoInl potatoes and seed corn at Mo. Craoken's. A yew second hand buggies for sale at a bargain. Jas. WALTnn, GREAT line Indies kid gloves at 505. worth 75e. at Scarff & Ferguson's. TUE stores belonging to the Rogers estate wore not sold last Saturday. Twosir pieces check Zephras at 7o. worth 12de. at Scarff & Ferguson's. ROOm011 tweeds, worsted coatings and pentings a full stock and at right prices at Strachan's. Tur Synod of the Diocese of Huron, will meet at the Chapter House, London, Tuesday, June 17. Lanes' white dress robes at $3.00, 03.75 and 35.00 worth 35.00, $0.00 and 37.50 at Scarff & Ferguson's. HURON CountyCoaII il will convene at Gaderich on Tuesday, June 3rd. This is a. week earlier than usual. MONET To LOAN,—Private funds on first mortgage, farm security preferred. Apply at TUE POST Publishing House. A Nnrmnn of Brusselitee will spend the Queen's Birthday at Seaforth and Wing - i tam. Single fare tickets on the railwo.y. You will get all kinds of groceries fresh and good at Strachan's. Highest possible market price paid for all kinds of pro. duos. NEXT Thursday will be Naminstion day. Sheriff Gibbons will preside at the East Huron nomination, It will be held io Breese's. BINDER TWIEE.—Five tons bgst binder twine in stock as follows : —Blue Ribbon, Manilla, Flax and Silver composet binder twine., B. Gannr. Crum in and get a pair of Cooper & Smith's make of boots and shoes. They give satisfaction. A nice line of ladies ITongola Oxfords at Stranhan's. THE majority of the school teachers in this locality are attending the North Huron Teachers' Association, at Sea. forth, ea Thursday and Friday of this •reek. Oon residents were greatly surprised at hearing of the sudden death of In- spector Malloeh. He was very highly respected in this Iceslity by all who knew NETT Sabbath Rev. J. H. Simpson, of Bcuoefield, will preach in Knox church. On Monday evening he will deliver a lecture in the same church, on "China," 'ander the auspices of the W. F. M. S. Rev. Mr. Simpeon is a very pleasant speaker. House AND LOT F011 $ALE.—The com- fortable and desirably located residence of W. A. Calbiok, Turnberry street, Brunie, is offered for sale as the family intend removing to British Columbia. For particulars apply to Mrs. Calbiak. PABTOaAwE.—The undersigned hasleas- el the hack 100 acres of the Robertson farm, don. 4, Morrie, and are prepared to take a limited number of horses or cattle to pasture, on reasonable terms. There is no bettor grazing farm in the town. ship, Plenty of grass and water. Ap- ply to Brame & INNEB. 44-3 MAMILE (Worms. --Messrs. Seale & Hoover. Marble Works. of St. Marys, Have opened a shop in the block opposite the woolen mill, Brussels, where they will keep a stook of marble and granite suitable for monuments, grave stones, &o. Ordered work about completed, will he on exhibition on June let. Orders left with this firm will be completed in a workmanlike manner and at reasonable rates. Give them e, 0011. Gegen/mos.—The annual meeting of the East Huron Teachers' Convention is an session at Seaforth on Thursday and Friday of this week. The following is the program :—Composition, J. Dear. nese, (1. P. S. East Middlesex) ; division of dee, and vulgar fractions (with class), Mr. Lough ; song, Mies Killoran's class ; temperance and hygiene, Mr. Dearness ; song, Mi -e Killorsn's class ; time•saving methods, D. Mc1adyeu ; music lesson (with class), Miss Helyar ; recitation, W. fl, Duff ; attention and memory, IYIr. .Dearneee ; reading, .flies Struthers ;lit. eratur5, D. Johnstou ; recitation, W. MaTaggsrt ; talk on drawing, Mr. Dear - ern , Treasurer's report and eleotiou of :f acre, II4I'aovt r..9re.----i). Ewan has made a groat improvement f + his dwelling on Alexander street. eo, Broadfoot has ♦converted the Mishit; barn an his lot in. to a Comfortable dmc:lling. Tho debris .from the fire is about all cleared away.— The new wire fences at J. J. Denman's and Wm. Moxtee's have greatly improved the appearance of their respective pro- perties.—John Wynn is having the dwel• Sing on his lot on QDeen street put in 'sleep° for babitatlon,—George Burton -has made tome alterations 02 his prem. %Me on Tornberry street.—Tho fence strrund the Gtey 13940cll Agrioulto•ai grouucte has been receiving attention - What alma outer alterations and in). ;armaments • 1 M�, I F<L SS LS YU5'1' WITH ALL OUR INCREASE OF TRADE There are people in this community tiro want yet to deal with us ; some who might be mislead by the banlo of untruthful opposition, who lie to you and try to mislead you. Their scheming eloquence of untruthfulness might final a place in your trusty heart. They do not like to leo us prospering. But try ug for a season ; compare prices, and if we do not deal Honorably and Honestly with you we do not then expect you to continue to trade with us. We carry the Largest and Bost Selected Stock in Brussels. We havo Stacks of Now Goods to oiler yon, as well as 815,000 of Sound and Reliable Goods that everybody daily requires, bought at 593 cents on the dollar. Call and Soo our Stock ; test our Quality, and do not let stores with a few hundred dollars worth of fancy nick -Hacks impress you to buy their good -for -nothing quality, made to make money on only and not for durability. We have studied the wants of the people of this section of the country, and we buy Goods that warrant the return of a customer to us after their first purchase. We sell at a pride that suits the hard times. We have not closed our books on our customers and friends this year and refused them credit like some merchants have done when bad crops are against them. We are staying with them for another season. We will help them through this tough year. If you suffer we are always willing to suffer likewise, and will help all our customer's that place their confidence and trust in us. YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, W. NIGHTINGALE & Co. HATS and ceps, all styles and prices, at Straohan's. In you want a new buggy go to Jas. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. A ropv0 woman desires to do house. cleaning er washing. Apply et this office. You can sae the newest and best as. Batted stook of dress goods at Scarff & Ferguson's. A tutu stop ahoold be put to the use of air guns on the street before some dam- age is done. Tux Fostoffioe will be open from 9 to 10 o'clock a, m. and from 4 to 5 p, m. on the Queen's Birthday. Rev. W. TonnANoe of Walton, ton and Rev. 8,SellerY, B. A. 13. D., will ex- change pulpits next Sabbath. NEW and Nobby prints. The very latest patterns and cetera. Call and get a Bazaar fashion sheet, free, at Straehan's. Tun evening service in Melville church was withdrawn last Sabbath owing to it being communion Sunday in Knox ohuroh. ALL the departments of our publics sohool were closed on Wednesday after- noon out of reepeot to the lots In• specter, D. M. Malloch. Commence has been made that boys are engaged in robbing bird's nests. They nuty not be aware that they run the risk of being fined $20 for what they term fun. Boys caught at it should be handed over to the authorities to be dealt with. WE are sorry to state that Adam Good has been compelled to make en assignment owing to the stringency of the times and dullness of trade. We hope he will be able to come to some arrangement with his creditors whereby be can resume business in Brussels. Pose cards are to be pe-t.m,uked only o0 the face or address side of the card, both at the office where posted and at the office of delivery, leaving the other side of the card entirely clear for the use of the sender. In post -marking, care must be takeu to avoid interfering with the address. A PUBLIC meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will be held iu the lecture room next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A good program of readings, songs by a choir of children, an address by Rev. S. Sellery and mesio by the church choir. A silver collection will be taken. WELL-Dlenme AND DIULLIN0. George Birt has all the necessary machinery fo: digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in away that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms assemble. Residence nand door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43-tf A vnnr interesting and largely attend- ed Temperance meeting was held in con. nection with the Young Peoples' Associa. tion of the Methodist (church on Monday evening. The President, George Rogers, gave the opening address, oconpying about 20 minutes. It wee pointed and practical. A few words were also spoken by S. Fear, W. H. Kerr, B. Gerry and W. Roddick. Miss Annie Calbiok pre- sided at the Organ. NEW MARBLE WOnae.—The firm of Johnston & Cochrane, stone nutters, &c. has opened out are prepared to fill all orders for monuments, tombstones, markers, fences, &o„ in a workmanlike manner and at living prima. Satiable. tion guaranteed in every case. Don't Place your order without canine on them and seeing their samples and ascertain• ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. Disxnlct MBEm1No.—The annual Dis- trict meeting of the Methodist ohuroh, Wingham District, wag held in Tasewater on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The worthy chairman, Rev. Ino. Scott, M. A., presided. Rev. A. E. Smith, of Wroxeter, was appointed Secretary. The first day's session was devoted to the ministerial brethren, good portion of the afternoon being given to disoussion of religious ordinances. Rev. Arch. Me- Kibbin was reeommended for another year at Cobourg University, The superannuat- ed ministers whose names are attached to the Dietriet are Reeds. J. L. Kerr, Riebd. Paul and S. Swann, of Brussels, and Wm. Mills, Blyth. In the evening a public meeting was held under the auepioes of the Epworth league. Timely and practical addressee were given by Reeds. I. 13. Wai- st/1n, Bluovale, A.. E. Smith, Wroxeter, end Rev, S. Satiety, B, A., B. D., Brussels. The pastor, Rev. W. W. Sperling, mann. felt the chair. Excellent music was imp. stied by the eh110011 their. On Wednes. day morning the financial and atatistioal returns were presented front the various stations and motets and on the whole they were very satisfactory and an im- provement en last year. ROY. 8. Sellery Was elected to the Stationing Committee ; Rev. W. Torrance and N. H. Young to the Seutlay Cnmtnittee ; Dr. Towler re- presentative of the Miaefoeary Board. The following lay representatives ware chosen to attend the Guelph Conference: Wingham, W. 13, Towler and Geo. Thompt on ; Tceawater, Geo. Yeo ; Wrox- stet•, W. C. Hazlewood ; Bluovale, W. J. Johnston ; Bslgrava,13. Bengough; Bras - eels, Dr. Hotmes, ;C, Metahir and W. 11. Kerr ; Walton, Wee. poi and ; 1517211, It, 7!. Yung and Jim -Wilford ; A.nbnrn, Jno, ivttudotk ; Londesbert', las. Braithwaite. A doctor's bill of 315.50 in connection with the family of Rev. 3.13. Isaac's Will referred to the Contingent Fund, and a $80 claim to the Sustentetivo Fund from Belgrave circuit. New cltnrohee have been built during th t year at .Blyth end Westfield, an addition put to the brick church in Wewauoah, and a lot pnrohnsed for n new church at Bluovale, (for which the contract is now let.) The following changes in the bounds of circuits were recommended :—Ebenezer appoin tment from Belgrave to Bluevele ; sunshine from Blyth to Belgrave ; and Jackson's appointment from Walton to Blyth. If the above is approvedConference of et Jackson's appointment will have regular afternoon service each Sabbath by the Blyth pester. Resolutions were passed of the Federation question, on the eS1000ism of the pastoral term, the election of lay representative:, to Conference and to the Teeewater people for their hospitality. The Fall District meeting will be held et Londesbero.The meeting was brought to a close about 3 o'clock by the oheirnlan prouo0neiog the Benediotiou. , TEsnmLE ACCIDENT. —Shortly before noon on Thursday of last week Thomas Fee, foreman in Hilliard & Peplow'e flour mill, Peterbero', met with a shock- ing death. I i lie was n tl 1e basement • wr rktng among the machinery, when he accidentally fell into a couple of large bevelled cog wheels connected with the plain shaft. The unfortunate nen was out in two in the lower pert of his body and literally ground to shreds between the eroel teeth. He was alone at the time and the aOci4ent became known through the jarring Of the machinery. The mutilated remains presented a sickening sight. The upper part of the body, the head and chest, were piolsed up intact, but the remainder 008 a crushed and shapeless mass of flesh and boles. Deceased was about 35 years of age and leaves a wife and two children. His wife was ill at the time, and it is f,ared the additional shod( may cause her death. 750 name to Peterboro' from Port Hope last fall. He belonged to no fraternal society and his life was uninsured. Mr. Fee was a former resident of Brussels having filled the position of head miller in the National Roller mills for Messrs. Stewart & Lowick. He was a very re- speotahle, hard working man and hIrs. Fee's Brussels friends sympathize with her ie her trouble. People We Know. Wilt Sloan, or Blyth, was in town last Sunday. A. H. Musgrove, Conservative candi- date, was in Toronto on Saturday. Miss Iea Swann, of Glencoe, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Seliery, this week. Mrs. (Dr.) McKelvey was visiting friends iu Harriston and vicinity last week. Lorne Hunter is ill with typhoid fever at Toronto. His mother went to him last week. J. T. Pepper was at Wingham on Wed. nesday attending a session of the Drug- gists' Assooietiou. Miss Fowlds, of Hastings, is in town. She is an applicant for the position of or- ganist in St. John's church. Addie Oo•maok has pulled through an attaok of typhoid fever and is once more at work. He is at Duluth. Thos. Friendship, wife and daughter, of Wingham, were visiting at Jas. Ross' and A. Currie's over iundey. A letter received from Mrs. George Heyorolt states that the climate in Karn• sus is agreeing with her splendidly. Mrs. Geo, Barrett and child, of Brus• sets, are visiting at the residence of her father, Mr. Blackwell, in Turnbury. Geo, Brown, of Wroxeter, and Miss Wright, of Morrisbank, were visiting at Walter Jackson's one day last week. Mies Mary Kelly was palled home to Dundas ea Thursday of this week owing to illness in the family of A. H, Kay. Principal Shaw and J. W. Shaw ab - tended the funeral of the late Inepeabor Malloch at Clinton on Wednesday after- noon. Deputy District Patterson, of Seaforth, made an offiehtl visit to Brussels A. Q. U, W. Lodge on Friday evening of last week, Mrs. J. T. Pepper and Stanley have gone on a visit to relatives at lltunilton, Orillia and ether planes. 1Yo wish 9110110 a pleasant time, Jno. Rivers, of Woodstock, is home for a week's visit, He is employed in tine Pattoeeon Agricultural Implement Wbrlce and likes the place well. William Darr Dickson, of Brnasele, IIuron, and Robert Stanley Have, of Sea. forth, solicitors, are gazetted notaries publio for the Plovinee. "Walter F. nett and Gideon Perrin aro expected home beforetong from a length• oned stay in California, Washington Territory and British Columbia. Rev. S. Sellery, 13. A., 13. 1)., Rev. R. Paul and W. H. Herr were attending the annual Distriob meeting of the Methodist church, held at rl'eeswater, on Tuesday and Wednesday of this weelc, rhoo G dorith Signal says of a fo rmor Brussolite :-Among those who took peg - sago on the steamer United Empire on its trip north teas Charlie Greer, who has scoured a situation as M inpoaiter on the Port Arthur Sentinel E. M. Pepper, of Hamilton, has be. co are a citizen of Brussels. Ho pur- poses studying law with R. L. Taylor, w e believe. He is a brother to J. T. Pepper, drugoist, of this place. 13. Gerry, Rev. S. Sellery, B.A., B. D., W. F. Vaustone and wife, Ward Farrow, Jas. Stratton and a number of others attended the Meredith meeting at Wingham ori Wednesday evening. Robt. Armstrong, a former resident of Brussels, is in town this week on a visit. His health ie not as good se of yore and he takes the vacation with the hope of pull- ing up again. He is employed in a rail- way office in Buffalo. Miss Lille O'Connor sang at a concert in St. George's church, on Tuesday evening of last week. The Mercury says :--"Mies Lille O'Connor, an old Guelph favorite, whose singing has been favorably commented on in thesecolamns before, was given an enthusiastic re- ception and loudly moored." The Herald says :—"The singing of Mies O'Connor is deserving of special men- tion. The lady was in excellent voice and perhaps Haver heard to better ad- vantage in this 0fty." Perth County. Sheriff IIoaeio is returning turnip officer for North Perth. I The June Sessions of the Perth county court will begin atStratfold on the 10th pI.ox. Aubry Rumen while kicking fent ball at Mitchell one day recently had the mis- fortune of dislocating his arm. The Stratford Town Council is very doubtful whether to invite the western district military camp there this year or uot. Pall wheatprospeots fn Milverton loc- ality are poor indeed Under the most fav arable circumstances not a third of a crop can be expected. 3, 117, Tait, of Glencoe, caught a small bittern on the banks of the River Thanes last week. This bird is a native of Asia, and is rarely seen in North America. John Love, of the 10th con. of Emla, is having ereebed on his property a barn 61x48 feet with stone stabling under- neath. Thos. Carter bus the stonework almost completed, and Alex. Bird has the contract for the frame work. Wm. Robb, of Elma, is the owner of e. goose that is now hatching for the 23rd time. She has layed and hatched every year for the last 23 years and looks none the woree. She is at present setting on eleven eggs and intends to put life in them too. At the annual spring elections of chief consuls and representatives for the sev- eral districts of the Canadian Wheelmen's Association, held at Simeoe, on the 12th, J. A. Macfadden, of Stratford, was elect- ed Chief Consul by acclamation for the Huron district. The Mitchell Advetiser says :—On Friday last Robert Jackson, of Hibbert, sold and delivered to S. R. Stuart a load of fall wheat. The load was over 100 bushels and Mr. Jackson reoeivod over 3100 for the same. That is like former days, a hundred dollars for one load of wheat. At the recent adjourned meeting of the vestry of Trinity Church, Mitchell, tl)e question of free seats and voluntary con- tributions was discussed and it was found that by the voluntary contribute system some 3400 more had beep prom. iced than by the pew renting system. It was unanimously agreed to do sway with rented pews, consegnetly the seats in Trinity Church are free. The committee au church lighting reported that they bad made arrangements to have another electric light placed in the church as soon as possible, which, they are of opinion, would supply euflioient light, Connie.—In Atwood, on the let inst., the wife of Mr. Micheal Corrie, of twin daughters (ono still born). SWANN,—In Monkton, on the lith inst., the wife of Rev. S. Swann, of a son. VANCE—Ooopmn,—At Molesworth, on the 1st inst., by tbo RSv, A. Stevenson, Mr. Joseph Vance, of Molesworth, to Miss Jennot Cooper, of Luther. arms, M.u.Lncu,—In Clinton on the 19th inst., D. MaoG. ItIelloch, aged 56 years. BBown.—In Grey, on the 991) inxt., Mrs, Jae. Brown, er„ need 80 years, 3 months and 20 days. =1-J ,T;E MESa5 1.EAa,7..SC2:12+S, Fall Wheat 90 1 00 Spring Wheat. .90 1 00 Barley 88 42 Oats. 38 34 Peas. 52 58 Rutter, tube and rope..,, 12 00 Eggs per dozen 10 00 Flour per barrel 4 20 4 50 Potatoes .......... 80 00 Ila per ton P fi 00 60 Pork 5 00 0 00 Bides per lb 2 24, Salt pet bbl., retail, 1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 00 1 00 Wool, per lis, 18 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FT 0118E AND LOT FOR SALE on Market street, oaey tonne. Por partionlars apply to MIAs P. P. afonmaoxauT 35.11 or W. F. VANSTONF„ Brueeols, QE0OND HAND LETTER Prase for sale, good nil now. Also largo sired baby carriage, wicker body. Enquire at Tun form Pnb1lehing House. IUI RS. MEGARVIE IS PRE pared to do Sewing in all its brenoh- es. She will let two of her little girls go out 00 nurse girls should opportunity offer. Enquire at her home, opposite fto B. e ra9idanco,MBl at, 99- .0 R SALE.—AN ACRE OF ground, with dwelling and stable, all in erst•:lams eondition, for Bale, situated on Timings and Mary streets, Brussels. Big bargain to purchaser. Only small percent- age required down. Apply to 43- W. 7. NORTON. MOUSE WORK WANTED.— Tho undersigned is desirous of 80. murine house work, much as house cleaning, washing, lining, tee. Washing or ironing done at my house if desired. Anply to lMBBS. 7E0. LOTT, 80.3 Parker's Terrace, Mill St IC TALL TUG Y UYtl? Loaves R 31 ator overt' evening one the from of the he m r morning gin5, and returns tilde Gerrie in ,t a morgi a .n time to cutch the adhered e t stage going etre. This rule will be adhered to until further notice. S. \VALSHI, Proprietor. PATPg�ApTE9T'q Caveabe,Rc-isouesaud Trade G 19 3 i4, Merits eooared haul .11 otb- 5r patent curate in rho Patent 0Oleo and before the Courts promptly and carefully at- tended to, Upon r000ipt et model or okeol ofluvention, 1 melte careful examinetiou, and advise as to patentnbilltyfree of charge. Fees ulederat0,411,11).1201M no charge unless patent is secured, Information, advice and annelid references sent on application. 7. R. LLTTELI,, \Vaahmg ton, D.C., U.S, Pateut 011lce. 55 H- uron County Council Pe OTT- O Of Tho Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will pleat iu the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, on TUE81AY, 2110 Talon Day of TUNE, next. 15-2 PETER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk. • NOME TO CIIEDITORS. I the Matter of ADAM Goon, a0! the Village of Brussels, lo the Oouuty of Huron, Merubaut, Insolvent. The luenivont has made an A8015n13802 to ole for the benefit of 111a creditors, under R. S. 0., 1887, Cap, 124. a Mooting of tine Creditors will be held fit my Breed, No. 20 Wellington 8t. E.. Toronto 011 THURSDAY, 2he'34ud Day of MAO, 1800, u13 o'0l :01, 0. m.. for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of l directions with rolorcuoo to the disposal of the estate. All persons claiming to rank upon the estate of the Insolvent mustal5 their claims with mo, as required by B.S.0. 1887, Cap. 124, on or before the 209h Day of Tune, 1800, after whiob' date I ,v111 pr0000d to distribute the estate, buvieg regard to those claims only of which I shall thou have notice. E. It. 0. CLA111080N, Assignee, 28 Wellington St. East, Toronto. Dated May 10611, '90. N.B.—Creditors should ale their claims with Vouchers at once t0 faellitate the speedy wWahl g up of the estate.. REAL ESTATE. .1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DEn810N110 has several good Farm. for solo and to rani, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F. B. SCOTT,Bruseels, 37-t1. r1110IOE FARMFOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, acme, Morris, Soo notes, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, abort 90 acres Fall wheat in ground. Easy terms, Apply to W. M. SINOLAIR, ti- Solicitor, Ate., Brueeels, y1ARM FOR SALE.—TRE SUB• sanrunn offere his valuable 100 aorta farm,botnglot3, con. 18, Gley Towrahip Huron Co„ for sale, There are about Gd acres ordered end in good heart. There le n log lone°, good hauls barn bee, ing orchard, mud all the muumuu,0ouyee knees on the promisee, For 'anler pertiaIIars, as to price,torms, Ota„ applyy. to the Proprietor, Tl'IO8.14ISLOP,Clare p O., N,W,'l,. or to U 2-91 DO0ALD 8T10ACBAN,Brusnels, 111ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. DltneatornoD offers for gale the 'north east quer tor of lot 28, 0o110000ien 0, Siortitl, Comity of Guyon, containing 00 auras, The land is of Bret quality and in a high state of Cultivation. well fenced and under -drained, ,'0 101010 clewed, NOW frame Imago, 8 Y00111 , milk Louse with 5011 .rete walls, 2 wells, good barns Lund shod orelin14, oto, Eight acme of fail wheat, shod, de#t0 bbd prOporty adjoins tliu dort1O1•atiol of Brussels. Suit- able tonna will 110 1119011. TitloporfeCt. JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 35. Seaforth I', 0. OOD FARM FOR SALE IN \Jt SLOTHS, On reasonable tome, In order to clone the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Megaton, the exomltors offer the fo1- lowiug valuable lands for Halo Neetl hall of Let 80, Concession 0 Townsbtll of Morrie containing 90 earns do thio Int is erected a good frtltne harts with steno Stmt. dation, goedorplard,welt endpoint] , Near- ly a1 y1 1 Olearo i and to on the gave roar, This tem 18013 the one, i of l fenced This term is a d 8tato one, is well , For and in a geed state of cultivation. For prleeo anti terms apply to Tn305, FI;LbY, Brussels lolP.Of iiS3191.1t4/1409, a,loSgs' O,5 Jtfa ii11Lodge P.'0 Ml tdleeex Oount4. HAr 23, 1890. ST 1..• ! Gond Tole! - Law ;''trues TAHOE Aids 175E LEAOINO 80800Dme or My Wall rapers! For. PAlIT,01te, Dtstua Roma, BEeuoose, HALLS AND LnmAnlEa, tr. T. FEPPE[I', (Imolai and Druggtet, , dIRUd(SSLO. BANKING. 1\/1 t:INTOS FI & M OTA(3 GART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Transact a C9•enera1 aaaaaslaw Marobadroo, NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canadian and United States Drafts bought and sold, Interest allowed on Dopoolto. Collections made of favorable terms. Canadian Agents—MEnon4Er'a plant or CA8A04, Now York Agento—ItnoonTnne AND Tn4n- EIttl NA'rfoNAL IIANx. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. C011ec- ttone made, Office—Vanatono a Sleek, Ilrus. eulo. 21.1300 • ' T I1I. N, . SulioiSItor, CoCLAIRnveyanoer, Notory Pub - lie, dm, Oabco—Graham's 131051,, I door north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. E. WADE a Barrister, Solioltor and Notary Pob• Oouvoya'oing. Collections and Loaning. Mr. Wade will attend iu Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o o'clock, IOKSON lIAXi3 D (Late with G arrow & Pro onvey, 500r Code. rich t ll eerlal,re, Solole andre, Conti:, Bos el Oasooe—brawls Block, Seaforth, 0o Bros to Loolco,Bognre' Bleak, Main 6t. afonei to Loan, n, 5.11410, w. B. DICKSON. AM. TAYLOR, 13. O. L., • Barrister, Solicitor, to., of the drm of Taylor, Af0Cnllough At 'turns, Barristers Sollottore, too„ Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER, Cleric of the Fourth Divts(ou Court, Co. Buren. Caaveyaucer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Act E n . Fouls 114r•0eE . g sl and to luau. Crule5lo, mado. UOlae in Graham's l3 ludic, Brnssulu. MEDICAL CARDS.. A1,1..�'. OALE, ;1I, D., , Y Metu1er of the College Or Ph melon sod 5arge0ne of Ontario by exam 1110(1 1 (111300 sud Residence — Main street East, Lthe1, O11 ratio. A. 111 cNAUG I ITO N, M. I). ▪ 0. :Ir., r,, It. L', P., Edinburgh, 11. C. P S. flat. At Pepper's tang Store from 9 to 11:30 a, in. and from 1:sn to 4 0. 111, At other house 'lay be found at his residence, form- erly ocempled by Dr. B utobiut'u, hila at. DENTAL. 93MSTTISTI•_- 1 G. L. Ball, L. D. S, Nitros oxide (lag ad• ministered for the Ptinlees Extraction of Teeth. 74 (Gerrard Street Fast, 7000809. 1LliGG.1V TIt!+T! }7. te. SGARTISS, 5.,, 20, S„ Boner Graduate o! the Royal College of DentalSurgeoae, Toronto, Nitros Oxide Gas adu'inieterod for tbo Painless Extraction of teeth. Onion -- F -ONE Doon NORTH OB BANE, BnussELo, BUSINESS CARDS. Nv II. McCRACKEN, Ieeuror of Marriage Licensee. O Mae at his Grocery, i!itroberty street, Btusoale, N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Shop—Next door south of Ateliay& Oo'hdtorostore. Ladies' and ahildrons hair (tutting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM I148011A\0E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH- . A. MaNAIR, Ieeuror of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Oommio- Eiroli0u 0000 B. Conveyancer ffs a ut the Oranb0ook Post OMoe, DRESSMAKING.— The uudarsiguod di niro to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and vicinity that they have Opened a Dressmaking Shop over Mr, Alex, a tnetaterussets, prepared attend o alworeuue to them, 3- atietaetion gµuaranteed. 40.4 MISSES STI!1WART e0HI5100P. 1VTISS LILLA O'CONNOR Is desirous of proeurlugpupils In VooalMesta. Prot, Warrington off Torontois pleased to give his testimonial as to Mise 0001001,5 ability, she having boon a pupil of hie during her stay fu Guelph, Inetru- u:ental Music on Plano, 11Org6an and Guitar. STerme russelslcuhiss l0 application, 10 open. for Concert ltngegomenis, 88 - AUCTIONEERS. ARAYl11ANN, • Attatit,i'o, acs mhvaye reedy to'e m ab- be ee dales at forms, fares etooh, &a. Teams o 305' be gluon- T9sro ook P. o Halos may be arrdu ed 09 THE POST Publishing House, Brussels v EOUG] KIRKBY_ 1.7o- Licensed Auctioneer. Solna conduct- ed ot room/tido tures. 'Orme and l farfnrw Mock a seen -Mite, Orders left at 0100 Powe Publi 81,11,9 IIuuse,l(remelo,or sent to Walton P. U„ will receive pronipt attention. TIAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN. sE ns un Atsotionn01% I ant prepared 10 ooudget sales 01 farm steak at reasonable prides. I{nowieg the standing et nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks end got good seom'Ity when sold en credit. Satiataotion guaranteed. Give moa call. ed. Pi. S. SCOTT. VETERINARY. ARwt 1� ...—... �r•••���''' O { & GOLL1),'Y,- Honor n nr Grad01110 at the ,eat all VOta file of College{ are prepared 60 treat all 10 0339 of doin1001'. 91'0011 1 animate in r, all (4 patent maunar. Pertioular atloution pall tib veterinary dentistry, OM le DV0111 1Y at- tended M. Ultloa and Innrnlary-Two ,boon north of bridge, Turnberry at., Bruseole, 31 b 61 gl 0 e to al at 01 ell fIl pr di1 to di' an ve u 0131 fm l,y tre Hie 001 de deo los nn thf vu' div an, 8111 111E Mr WO for Int die In tea jeci Shit all, 10, the con the tot 1.011 gl•a 81d, sub len; his beg the con 8300 01a flee can atnl WOr wrf free or t pro rant ciao was not Bal apo and suet else less bele Ass, wbi pup M look C0 d ed S port kno' to el quit ly tr ahoy set corn a oti begi ecce 31500 ion) tion,; ing • tih5j ha 5 shoe easfl of al i fare y • teats i dos met pate Soni in G arta Qultl ' .drill }n c} nu n In h snho Dt a ! ora oriel t ofn� tent., ! i ' tang I' tios�