HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-23, Page 6THE. BRUSSELS POST. Stestesessmannimirlialas 411/ Mits 23, 1890. very fat 1 E WHITE80CKS of TEMISCAMINGUE fon' I have yet one dog uneaten, He is n mt t :11e-tib-b•ee (meaning, it is enough). The SWALLOWED BY AN ALLIGATOR. but he waa my largest and best tleetchie-Manitou fs appeased, wink+ may beloved,, bat come therefore, and ear him. 1 here been true, but he nevorfinished baking �' � give him to you, afnreshatlun• of the greater those oaken, and shore they tu'e to tibia dal, atilt ce la Cana 'an Northland night, and if the Kooltookuohoo has not lied, l worn and crumbling with age, but still to all inns Smith, a colored laborer, working on I6 you will a 1Pe�aranpps gritty, half-baked cake W. F. Fuller's orange grove tit Edgewater, toanorrow, oro the sou again rises, y' 1 Y, Ilii is ally, during the last few years that have meat in plenty. 1 have spoken."" I How the Indians managed for food the Florida, guts to 'Palatka nearly every day in •Eaakr TemlaeaminyL,ue has been known to And t'heynah moved majestically' away, legend doesnot say, but es '.11a�t•naltwas fat, a rowboat, '1'o do this he is compelled to Varela= afsw lum iertllenand theeltlployeea' seeking the solitude of the woods, w'het•e no his wife fairly so, and I'1etdyeesle by ti0 pass Buozord Island, a dark and lonely )late, sat nucleon Bay' Conhpally. Geographiesepoks ono followed him except Picodjeesio the means slender, it is more than likely that grown up with brutal and inhabited by all salt tit 40 a large lake front whlell the Otto- persistent, whoa the people pitied because they provided a feast for the half-starved sorts of wild birds, and nay well be termed 'OOa laver took its else ; a fallacy which has of her unrequited love. savages, which at least in quality, if not in the house of the alligator, owing to itsgttiet• svzu exploded by exploration and the die- I That tight 1i-abikeeslek's Point presented quantity, surpassed that provided by the Bess and dark waters, which are seldom 100leery that it is only en enlargement of the a wild and weird appearance. A circle had l;eeteliie•afanitou. C. C. F. disturbed beyond the ripple of on 000 Ottawa River, the real sources of which lie been cleared in the bush, in the center of Lake Temiscamiugue, Quo. manipulated by alto huntsntau, ;we! tat three hundred miles beyond it. Ivvhiuh roared and crackled a tremendous For several weeks Tim Smith =Geed a One of the most remarkable features of fire, around which the Indians were teem- '"°"'�'� hartleularly large alligator, whose buck was Sake Temiscaiidnggue is a limestone dill bled in groups, the natural ferocity of their PolitencSs. hued with hklargeles sand long green moss. axtoa•n as the Wisite Rooks, which juts' faces entranced by famine, their eyes glaring /' Politeness consists in doing and saying The heta alligator ar, s 1never known to got out o- wort•iatetlae lake, forming a bold pronottory,Iwolfishly as they waited in sdeee the ant, under, and would Qotgen, utlow- s1 resenting on the east side an abrupt manifestation of te power of their lloetchie- the kindest things in the kindest Way,"were' y I cllace, but sloping off to the west in a Maliitou, Apart fromthent audfurther away the words that saw on a little card a few inc him to row radios close toward him. mdual descent, until it reaches the waters from the fire were grouped the women, who clays ago, and I wished that some people I Last Thursday, when Snaith started for , eels: what is known as Wabikeesick's Bay, were less reticent and who discussed in know could have such a card hung ul their town, he put a \V inohoster rifle in his boot anthem it token the name of Vo abikeesiek s awed whispers the probable victim, while Zaino In former times it was a favorite; they gnawed the bones of Cheynah's dog, 'tctnuttI1ing ground of the Indians, being not' which, true to his promise, had already been ! la, accessible exeept by water, and 0001 4sa0ritleecl, Kookookoohoo, the conjuror, settmatd.ing such a view of the lake that a sat with his Moen, ernel eyes glittering with emprise attack, unless under cover of dark- l excitement, surrouudod by the lesser broth- ' stoe_', would be almost an impossibility ; a ren of the craft, four 10 number, only lees 0i0ture of great value to the timid. Ojibeways, 1 sinister in appearance than their ]tight priest, • what in former tames were much harassed all carrying their drums and other para.• and Uri Mons the homes of the lowliest and 'l.J the fiercer and more warlike Iroquois, iphenala of their order, and clothe,. only in g alligator floating near by, and, tying a rope easpetially when those gentlemen were in the scantiest attire, which may just con. poorest. Only a kind word, or a bow or a about its head, towed it to the Edgewater wxarah of fur, which they found far more' formed to the laws of even Indian decency, smile, and yet Used' brighten a hong of nor- grove, 1011011 the alligator was found to •+sassily and expeditiously procured by hunt -1 At last the hour had arrived. The mid- row or soothe an aching heart, and—it costs measure 16 feet 3t i11ohos in length, two Avg site hooters than by hunting the animals night 1110011 had jest emerged red and U10011- nothing ! Strive to be polite to all with balls hating entered the skin just back of 1 l•11 f tit tt-hem yon some In contact. Don't save the head. ,l Meth" Shull anti 5 NVitteh Found to u k�''Er&nge Ze and From the Romantic iii that 1 make for your sakes this witnesses to tho voracity of this legend, Slturtau's Stonuu'h, Old Dobbin, I see old Dobbin through the weak he looks, and old ; His hair is falling off in spots, he feels the damp and cold ; Ho han ge his head, his step is slow• ; 'tis pain anotgh to neo His thirty years are more to him than fifty are to me, hones, where they could see it every hour in for the express purpose of giving his 'gator. the day, and read the words over and over ship a loan of cold lead. When opposite and over. Buzzard Island 1110 alligator appeared, and, I looked in my dictionary to be Care of rowing to within easy min '0, ;Smith fired the definition of poll ones and IN ouster says, "lloodbreeding; elegance of manes," and I commented, " A pearl of great price that costs no money," as free as the blessed sunlight, and like the sunlight it gladdens live shots at the saurian, a la which seem- ed to take effect, for the alligator' made a terrible flatter in the water, and turned over on its back, Three days later'Smitll found the dead Fence; how 1 afteoaeelves. These cliffs are not only r0 -.like from behind the pine -e10; if s of our kind words and gentle manners for :tanzrkahle as being apparently an isolated eastern shore, when at a given signal from y' asatarop of Silurian limestone hemmed in on Kookookoohoo, the Indians formed a circle yeur company', or you will never attain an .noery side by the Huronian and Laurentian round the central lire, hand in hand, old and ease and eleg0nae of manner. formations, but they have the peculiarity' •onn1g,, from the oldest veteran to the child I overheard t ladies discussing•enewao 'wZ being composed of titin layers of gritty just aide to walk, they commenced slowly ralzeestone, ranging in thickness from one to stove around singing in unison a pltafu. 'sae three inches a,til which have the appear- tiv0 chant led by Kookookoohoo, whose (10alte of uncooked cakes of meal or flour, a • voice could be hoard above the rest as the aseenlial'ity which is accounted for among filing of a saw' is plainly distinguishable lite Indians by the following legend, above the roar of the machinery of a saw In the dim and half forgotten past; before' mill in motion. Suddenly a blood-ourdliug '02000 the Hudson's Bay Company had begun shout announced the arrival of Cheynah, et rich by befriending the poor Indian ;' who, amidst a deafening hubboo of drums, rdi f thehad persuaded him' leaped into the circle attired in the wildest ' 4re missionary Tae pets t e Re the 0 new and better 101 of conjuring; war -paint, with his heaviest flint -headed aloes o hand in hand, however much we Re the good old days when the ears of the tomahawk in 1lancl which he flourished over y' $ ed and devoured by the alligator, as is quite es9metetu•M0.11itou ywere tickled with the i his head aucl with which he slew scores of may web to see them combined ; but to often the case with 'Northern tourists wile, go •st1und of the drum, instead of the bell ; and imaginary enemies. be thrown in company with a young person to Florida and navigate its stremma without vi o eu the mighty 1Vendigo stalked sicced The people now ceased their circling and of lax morals or rude and =polished man- a guide to keep titan from the dlarkand don- Tft;rnugh the bush, wearing to winter, snow- their chant, standing still in their peaces nee is trying in the extretle, and is usually gorons tributaries that empty into the St. .tees of the sire of a barn floor, and in sum- but Cheyuah took up the chant alone, and the result of a lack of home training. Ail 001(11'0. - alma when on the run, leaving the vnpress with abort, 'erk s ril: s onuuven0etl fn turn eau not have elegant homes o• elegant t +z itis awful foot stamped into the solid to circle iltsideytbn ring. Ttriue he wont clothes, but. all eau leave elegant manners. o'eok; there was a famine in the land. The I Your clothes may be faded or patched ; but completely around without making an at- you can have a elite and Battle manner oh rabbits had to ho caught, and the tempt to slay lois victims, me iely'"mrandfshing bout you that Will at once designate you a8 'vise beaver refused to he canglu, so thee' ]tis tomahawk by way of reminding them agentleman or lady ; and all Who come in '*as people were on the verge of starvation, I that some one had to be sloe. On the third :and Many a father, and head of a family, mend, however, ho stopped diad before contact with you will love you and esteem 15ne1 cast longing eyes upon his fattest relit- Pitodjeesie \rite seemed to have incl vole you for what you are w101100t thinking of tt31,Y, with a view to replenishing the larder. more for love than for sacrifice, for she what you wear. fit those days Cheyuah was chief, and be- trembled exceedingly and looked piteously 'loved of the people; for lie was bold, and a at hint. Hu raised his tomahawk on high u igbtty hunter. Though be was well ad- as if about to strike while at the same s al,•red in years, the fire of his youth was in time the drums set up an unearthly Trfin au:I not a handsomer man amongst din, far above then. all could be heard 11hsitt toed the dizzy mazes of the war dance, , a low deep rambling sound making the .or hurled in sport the flintheaded spear,iu earth to shake like tanto the shock of an :Glc use of which he fur eclipsed them ;11.1 1 earthquake ; but C'heyntah did 11ot strike, It. was not likely that such a Beau Brum- uu with e. wild cry he pasted cm 'singing the tote in a blanket, or Chesterfield in war' same Amin and with the sante gait, nor did suint, would escape the admiration of the he again pause until he lad completed the Liar sex, and many nu5nlets envied the third round, When he again stood before tracky spouse of this vett Hurn ; and though Picodjeesie with tenlaluetk uplifted about gra these gai,d oil times polygamy was not to strike. Again the drum :'av0 forth the eartated a sin, vet Cheyuah had but one death tattle and the earth stook with an "Mile, far he loved her so, that ho had sworn awful noise. But Picodjeesie overennte by ;c. her by the sacred drum, that while she fear of death haul swooned away, and lay on tiii.ed„ no ether woman should share his w-.1 the ground prone before hint, and Cheynall 1011 . a devotion 'which lois wife repaid by did not strike, but passed on with dragging Baits a vary long time, much to the Mem; steps, his tomahawk hanging limp and�ist- sainen0c of one 1 icodleesie, "Tile Nand Fly" less in his band, while the plaintive quant 'Tsftn adored ilium, but m a maidenly, modest hind now become a perfect wail of agony. -tanner, such as becomes au Bodian maiden, Kookookoohou's face became perfectly- dia- Site would throw wild berries at hien no Ito helical, and as Cheyuah was about com- •s11 0x, meat fu his tent ; or when he wout mencing his third round iie fiercely whisper - Sara, play bo-peep with hint in the oil something to him as he passed. The Ilea:thee, apparently afraid Leat site should be client was ntngical,Cheynalt was 111010elf • ',taught, yet ever placing herself fn his way, again, and with a shout that made the ata. that he could catch her if he felt so in- oohoingforest ringheburied Itis touawk into '••eiittee3. At length Pioodjcesie's attentions the skull of his wife, the daughter of Kookoo• came so persistent that they daduet escape koohoo (for did he not lore his wife the best trite euotice of the favored wife, the daughter of all? How many men of recent times •ef the chief conjuror, who by his powers of would give their wives the sane token of t1rt'xnatiou could know all things, and who their affection if their duty required it of ',sank. have told her all about it, had she not then?) L%a,•;