HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-23, Page 5MAY 23, 1890. istr dd Cth35r Iiev, I. 13. Wallwin end wifo have gone en a visit in lehttivhs for it low days. <i number of Bluovalo people went to Wingham on Wednesday ovonulg to (lour Mr. Meredith. The contract for the now Arothodis ahuroh has been let to G. Haney, of this piece, for $2,074. The Building Com. mttleu lurnioh the atone and brick. Court of Iiovisiou on Monday of next week. Building operation aro booming in Atwood this spring, The stone work for henry Roar's now brick residence is oomploted. Jets, Irwin's now reodonce, Main et., is about ready for the bricklayers. The work on the new agricultural buildings is being pushed rapidly for. ward. Jelin Rogers perobneetl a 0110100 corner buibliog lot from Henry Wilson this week, for which he pant 11300. John Pelton is preparing to mine his house, an Main greet, and will have it briokod outside and otherwise fitted up in elegant idyls. s Ie.i:;t',oaeel. The cow by -haw is badly encore,. r1. All the 011eese factorial in tills acini• borhund are again in operation. Hee; untjo,ity in 1013 waw 12. Irl' will likely hate et closer squeak an June 5th. The Winnipeg oricketsrs purpose visit. int. Lietow0+ on 6hcir contumpleted tour of Ibis Province. They will play against the Listowel chth on July 4th and 5011. G orge Wright, butcher, purchased from J. Living'O(, two calves Oe mouths old. One of them weedier( 730 lbs. and the other 750 the., wind meet say both calves were nourished by one cow. The open morning mail service be- tween Listowel and etratford was re. aimed on Monday of last week, in }dace of the alternate morning and afternoon service which existed during the winter. A meeting of the Listowel Laarosee Glob wee held Thursday evening, May 861i, when the following efeeers were elected :—H. B. Murphy, President ; W. Climio, Vitae -President; W. II. Climie, Sea-Treas.; W. Wright, Captain. The Congregational Church Young Peoples' Society of Christian Endeavor purpose Riving a Missionary Demonstra- tion an Tuesday, June'ird. It will eon. ei0t of a repre8entatioll of foreign nation. sallies, ineludiog Colina, Japan, Turkey, Africa and bidet. These taking part will be tan meed in the diotuIlltive 800601110 of the people they represent. ear`r11333't h. 1Vv aro counting on 0 big day on the e nee)'0 I;,s•thnay. Our /welder lawyer, 1t. S. Hays, has .been epp..inted it Notary Public. Time. Kidd, Seaforth, is to bo a pre- ventive °Neer of inland revenue. A. a meeting of the Presbytery in Blyh, a call from legmontivillo Presby• terian ahnreh to the Rev, 1vlr. Needham wail so en.ine(I. An Assadation game of football was played on Saturday afternoon in Victoria park, Ave, between the Hurons, of Sea - forth, and the Ayr club, resulting in favor of the Butane by two goals to one. Tho tried was high during the whole of the game A ;rind musical and literary treat will bo ;;1010 in Cardno'a hall on Wed. nudityevening, May 28th, under the an8piees of the Senioreh Quartette Club, by Mise Laura McNNNeilis, the famous whistling soloist, of Indianapolis, assisted by hi r sister. At the last meeting of the Council a communication was read from Judge Doyle asking to have better accommo- dation for the bolding of the Court here, and threatening to take the Sittings of the Court to some other place. and slake the town foot the bill, unlosshis demands are speedily complied with. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Judge, in. forming him that steps aro being taken to ascertain the cost of a Suitable site for the erection of a town hail and market. The contract for street watering was awarded to A. Beam, at the rate of 18 cents per hour. 1/ltlr t3I. Wm, McAllister has become it resident Of Ethel. The brink wont on the new hotel is completed. The cheese factory hoe got to work for the season of 1800 with fair prospects of a good sateen. Wm. Elliott disposed-oftwo primo two-year-old the to Scott it .!nes, of Listowel, Tiled weighed aver 2700 lbs. W. Bentley has leased the dwelling vacated by D. W. Dauber. The latter has removed to the Whelpton farm, whioh Le recently bought. Our school t800118 a aro attending the Teeebers' Convention in Seafortb, cones+. quently there wi11 be no sobool here on Thursday and Friday. Next Monday evening Dr. Macdonald, M. P., and E, E. Wade will address a publio political meeting in Ethel. Op. position speakers invited. A large eagle wee seen watching Mr. Rupp's lambs 110 if ft would like to get one of them. It lit on a tree near then) and stayed around several hours. 4100oph Whelpton and family have moved into bho vacate house on the Eokmier farm, bar. Whelpton will go West 111 the cowrie of la week Or e0. On Friday evening of last week Rev. ])r. Ilenderson, of Listowel, delivered a very intoresbinpt loathe on "Love, Court. ship and Marriage" in tho Methodist church bore. There wa0 a moderate - rend andielce. The Tindall farms have both been dis- posed of, Jones Lindsay pnrohasod the homestead for 55,000, It is et very de• sirab o property, with num Inviable brick house, eta, Tho other 100 mires wtag 1/0115111 by II..b'. McAllister. Tito price ie Mill to be 112,5:,0, A large number of men end 1011,1110 have been buoy 61118 weep putting in 6U0 crop, Pol;;icore--Leet Tuesday 0veni(15 the r fleet pnlitical meeting of the present nampalgn for this s11,6iou was held in the Grange hall. The building would not nearly acc<nnnuxletn ell who ettendod, 1)', ('ale wag voted tn'U001101)', 14poao1l. ('4 ,V11.0 made by A. 11. Mosgrovo and rhos. (1ibs011, The latter had 6110 beet 01' its, and 1110 malty friends in bile to erelity see ne ihlanel why they cloud vote against flim. Morris. Anson Dulmago, of Laltelet, wag visit. Ing 1118 parents last weep. Adam Hoover and wife, of Wawano8h, are visiting at W. J. ,lohnetwt'e this week. Daniel Dulntage, of I{i,'ktou, 31(10 tip to the let eon. easing hie parents, last week. Township Council will meet for the despatch of bueluess on Monday of next wee . On the farm of James 'J'hu011, 0th line, aro to be found stalks of Fed wheat '2 feet '2 inches In length. Wm. J. Johnston was away on Wed. noeday of this week at Tooswater attend - Ing the Diotriot Meeting connected with the Methodist ahuroh, Wingham Dlebriot. School eostion No, 10, had a holiday on Thursday and Friday of this week on account of b'- Wood, Lamellar, being away A618113104 the Toaohors' Cony 011t1011 at Se eforth. Mrs. Robb. Johnston and Mee. Wm. Dunnage, of Newbridge, wore down an the let eon, last Bentley seeing old 11[r'e. Detente°, who has been in poor health far same time pa0,. Look ant for more weddings on the let and 2115 eons. Dame Rumor hoe it that tee; are 1101ng to 001110101100 agent. We will not give the names of the con tract tag parties at present. '1 wins,- The week before last a mare be'o:sging to henry Robb, Let col., pre. tented horn ,lith tens o'dt,. They are both living and bidding fair to do well, They were sired by A. le. Embury'o im• ported ulydesdalo horse "Young Teets -all." This ie the second nage of this kind this season in connection with ti .e above mentioned horse.. 3.V:,30 -o38. Cati;ldNISNTAllY.--'Tho quarterly meet- ing and eswramontal servioes in conn°. tins with the Methodist ohnr.:11 0 , the Walton cirnnit tools ;Mime on Sabbath, May 4th. The attendance was large and the meeting imus altogether a plateant and profitable one. On the day fullowieg the quarterly board mot to traneact the business of the circuit. Tbo following members of the board from the different appointments were present :-;Mossre, Homey, Boyd, Dundee, Stith, Roe, Ir- vine, Crawford, T. Juakson, Mille, C-, Jackson, Fear, Welsh, Pollard and Den- nison. The recording Steward, George Jamison, was elected delegate to the dis- trict meeting. Considerable business was done and the utmost harmony pro. vailen. The financial slate of the circuit is excellent. Tho following resolution which was moved by J. J. Irvine seooud ed. by Thos. Roe, was carried nnanim0ng• ly. 'We, the members of the noarterly board of the Methodist churoh, Walton circuit, desire to express our apptcea- tion of the good work done by Iiev, :11r. Ton emcee as pastor of the circuit, for the Inst three years. We grate[ully aeknew• ledge the zeal which he Mae manifested in behalf of the Cause of religion, and the fearless and nlauly stand which he bac ab all times taken in coudemnntg a' --d laving bare the prevalent slue of the preseulday, and 11111mn311 the regulations of the church makes it necessary for him to sever his pr, sent 001111001mi. w11h 11110 grove A. G. Dames Oiled the chair. hive t u6' a has fondly years of the next Wednesday evening Dr. illacdouald, lmpu that he has many genre of useful work to perform in the service of our Divine Master, and that his lot mat at all times be cast ie pleasant places. We likewise sincerely hope that his estimable p0ttner, Mee. Torrance, may bo loos apared to assist him in the good work. and to grace the social position which she now occupies." The rev. gentleman made a very fueling reply when the meet ing adjourned. Winwlesemi. The total assessment of our t own this year amounts to 5500,830. The new lessee of the Wingham skat- ing rink, Jas. Holland, will have the rink open for skating ovary Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. While Johnnie Small was engaged in driving Dome cattle up 11Iain street, one of them kicked hint in the face leaving a rather hard looking countenance. At the meeting et Court Mainland, No, 25, Canadian Order of Foresters, D. Vt. Gordon was elected ea itvnreeentative to the Sigh Court of the Order, which will hold its annual meetinu at Kingston, the second week in J11110 next. The following officers have been elected by the Wingham Quoit club for the cur- rent year :-141. Brown, Pres. t F. Pater. non, Vice -Pres. ; 1. Plenty, Seo. -Trees ; Mears. Inglis, elo0lytnont and Mc Alpine were e010ate1 the a managing eom- miteo. The Queen's Birthday program here Will omelet of a hose reel race, fireman's fight, oalithumpian procession, pony, deg and foot races, climbing greased pole, wrestling meta and tug of war. The sports will be held on Recreation park on Saturday. At the last meeting of the Bohool Board Chairman 13e11 reported having in. torviewed Miss Franklin in regard to reading the Bible at the opening of the school, she having refused to do so. Moved by Geo. Pettypieoe, seconded by i HE BRUSSELS POST prisoner, and captured him et the resid• once of his fothar-in-law, near Milton, and brought him here, where lie was tried, with the result above stated, Iaulitiunl affelrs aro warming np here. Mr, Garrow's meeting on Tuesday and tee Meredith gathering on Wodneeloy evening Bet the ball rolling faster than over, Cie rete V. \Villinnt 1lfoDouald, of the Boundary,who arrived home from Manitoba. a few weeks ago, has been quite ill. He neat had la grippe and thee was followed by inflammation. Wo hope be will continue to improve. A politioal meeting will be held in Duke's oohool house on Tuesday evening of next week oommenaing at 7:30-o'oloolc, 'J'ownehip Council will meet on Mon• day at Cranbrook. Eleotion affairs aro warming up the two candidates doing considerable work in the township this week, It is expcot- ed that Gray township will eestaid her past record and roll up the oldtime maj• ority for good government. Thos. 1011110on, of the 18th amt., had a very narrow escape recen'ty. In passing through a gap in the fence, with a roller, one owl of 111e roller caught the end of e rail, when the home made a spring. The pile of rho roller broke, causing the plitform of the roller to tip forward, throwing 11r. Johnston ,1(151 his little son, who wereboth o,, 1)10 roller, behind the ea lgue' !trek The little bo: swung him- self clearear by getting bold of the nigh horse's tail, but Mr, Johnston fell across the off i1 sea's whippletree, the roller getting on to hie lege, and he vette trailer) guile a distance, until the boy got the horses stepped and got help to take the roller oat hie father. Mr. Johnston was oott3idoreely brnisol, but not 8eriouely 1,111.1. The little boy deserves great credit rim his pregame of mind ander such trying Circumstances, and his prompt notion no Ilodbbsaved his father's 111e. Onrr.—dire. Brown, sr., mother of Councillor Brow'1, of Grey, dled on Fri• day m ,rnin5. 0th last , et the house of her son•in-low, leaving roaohed the ripe 0111 age Of 80 years, For several years she lune been fuillug in ltoatth, bot about two 41141102s ego ills slipped on the door stop so injuring herself as to be there- after nimble to walk. She possessed her mental faculties to the last, having been able to 01611 upon the members of the family by name a few minutes before she died. Alauyy years ago she 011010 withher husband and children from Lauder, lierwickshire, Sootlaud. Shortly after their arrival her husband died near Caledonia. Several of her daughters martial there. With the root of the family she rune here to what was then ceded the bush, being one of the pioneers. For over twenty years she has lived with her youngest daughter, Sire. Wm. Nitrite' 1, tvhor0 she died. Shy was a 010eiet0ut member of the Presbyterian ahuroh and lived respected and died re' grated by all who knewher. ()Vat c(1,l... At the 'political meeting here last Wednesday evening goad addressee were made by ThreeGibson and A, H. Mus - M. P. and ie. is: Wade are billed fur a meeting in Dames' Hall. There should be it gond turn out, POLITI8011 1'lltsatnos.—I notice that a series of political meetings nee to be held in the Riding to be addressed by Dr. Macdonald, Jno. IrlaMillan, le, E. Witch', Thos. Struchan,Dr, Slamand A. Hislop, (aside from those addr.eeed by the candi- dates) for the purpose of discussing the publio questions now agitating the coun- try. They are called fn the interests of Mr. CIbsen, but his opponents are invited to attend and teke part. Now, this is as it should be, as I consider the public questions mmeatut bo disuusoed too numb, for the more they aro debated the better the ratepayers will, one and all, under. sthnd them and cal June 5th will be the better able to Rive an intelligent vote. I think all flair and reasonable men will agree to this, Mr. Musgrove, the Con- servative candidate, at the Cranbrook meeting took very strong grounds agan0t any such meetings being held. To hear him one would think no one should be allowed to p.bliely dig01108 political ques- tions unless himself, and, with his leave, Mr. Gibson. He says he has no nlouey to Niro speaker's. Why does he not draw on the sane source that he gets his own expenses? His friends say he is not spending his own rno)ey oil the contest. Now, the speakers billed for those meet - Inge are not hired, but are ratepayers of the county, and ea such have the right to address the electors. From hie remarks he must be opposed to freedom of speech, whioh all true Canadians consider our meet valued birthright. He says also that he won't allow anyone to speak for him unless they think as he does. Does not the party who brought him out think as he does? If not holy dons ho ever ex- pect to be elooted, or are none of them able to discuss the questioua? Now, if he is honest and fair, as he wishes the leotore to think him, and objecting to W. Moore that the Chalrnal of the publio discussion as he does, why does he Board be instructed to interview Mies allow hie friends to bo following the still - Franklin cud inform Mor ute from the hunt kind of discussion up and down the thafeet thtat elle is (101 willing to conform with the rules of the school law, he is ob• liged to ask her to vacate her room by tendering ]ler rosignatiol.—C14rried, Mr. Inglis dissenting. The young Conservatives of this town met on Friday evening of last week and organized a Young Liberal•Coneervativo Aesoeiatiotl, wsth the following eflicere —Honorary 3'u9idont, Benjamin Wil. son ; President, E. F. Gersten I let Vice President, William Spedding ; 211d Vice President, L. 19. Hawn ; 3rd Viee Pres- ident, E. Diusley ; Corresponding Sec. rattly, A. M, Robinson ; Recording Sec- retary, William Moustou ; Financial Secretary, A. W.Menu ; Treasurer, J. 1i. Reynolclo ; Committee of Manage. mob, J. rhiollohn, R. Allen, S, Mame field, It, Talbot, P. ,Johnston and R. Col. ale'. A men uanert Jae, Wilson was brunghb before Mayor Matide°, Charged with stealing a hone 'from Jas. Pulhur,I, who resides near 1)tlll,'.i:a1111n11. Several Wit. 100000 wore exlnninod, and the pi lima WILE 30111mitted to Godorioh jttil to stand his trial. From the evidence, it appears that the horse we0 stolon o1 iiatnrday alight, .10th inst., and (1611011 to Out prie- enur's brothor•ul•law, 110161• llchnore, and 11.0111 thot''e 16 was taken to Herr Gn01ph, wham it wag traded to It fanner, the 1100 rewind from the farmer being traded to a liveryman in Guelph. 111•. Poll0.111 and Harry Day, of tide l4wu, followed the oonce00imn flues daily and makt05 ego of the hugest and falsest kind of arguments and abatements; ones that ho dare not dee on the public platform, yet are made by thole for and in his int8160at9 7 Elec- tors, 0om0 out and hoar publics discussion and uphold the right of freedom of speech, for any subject that won't stand that test should not be depportod. Yours, Ex neloa. 1131vth. A. H. Manning, of ()Futon, is an- nounced to cloliver a Iodate in the Methodist ahuroh hers on Thursday evening, 20th inst. Sobjebb "Tile Tower of London." Plin1ill'TURY.—Tic I-Iuron Presbytery mat in Blyth on the 18th inst. Rev. D. B. Moltse, of Cranbrook, being present, Was 111001ted to eft as a corresponding member. A Mandated report, showing the average contributions per family of the congregations within the bounds, was rend and ordered be be printed. 11Jr. Fleenor was appointed convenor of the Home Mission Committee fur tits en. ening yea'. Tho following roenhltion was pealed on motion of Mr. 11L311anald, 0 1en(1url by ern Harr, resp0eting ;Hr. llnsi;l,,vn'a bereavement in the loge of his wife : -''P110 Preehytefy learning of the severe elllie6lon or Mr. Musgr)tve in h° death of hie wife, would lint on to cord their 011100re and (hell sympathy With hint 141111 po,LV that the (lora 'Of r.,ne. solution would comfort him in the hour of trial ; they would roommend him end his eorruwing family to Ilio who alone In able to titmice all things work together or gond, and hope (hat their brother may realize that hie Affliction may work out for him It far more exeel'diug weight of glory,'' Thu report of the committee , on standing orders was considered and ' rotnit'ed to the committee to make some amendments and report et next meeting. Rev. Robb. Hrnders0u'o ordination is air pointed to take place at Reynold on the 27th in8t at 2 o'010ok p. m., Mr. McCon- nell to preside ; Mr. Idenderson, of Iden. salt, to preach ; Dr. 11 re to address the minister, and Mr. Si1m.8nn the people, The following dolivorauoo wee adopted respecting the death of Ree. George Jameson :—"Tb0 I'roeby,ery of Huron desire to place on record he sympathy with the relatives anti high apprecia. tion of the late Rev. Goo. Jameson. For some time back ho oocasionally sat in the Presbytery as a Corresponding member. Ile °coupled with marked ac. oeptanc8, n number of the pulpits with in the bonnds of the Presbytery ; the fruit of his enrne.t seed -sowing fs being seal, and its retinas will (1011bt10130 come after many days. liaylleld and Bethany reoeived his sp03ia1 care and attention, where he dirt toed work for the Preeby. tory and the abuse of the Waster. We miss hitn from among (1s, hilt 111/pH that 000 1090 113 hie gain, theretnre -,e enb• missi-ely ?n(1 •'T1,t will, O Lord, be done.'" • .0. 0.I1 wee rale. 1 from the ae(grega11,311 al 1':gni velviile 1.0 (i,u. '1•, Needheiii, B. A., prnha,tuuer 13[ipen.l prnmieed, ;1'300 with a 1110 •"., n y,it„ DOl1't gluarterly iu adra+ce. 1lobt, Hen ,ere0n, miuieter e-leet or I3aylieid, underwent his ordination examination .lith a00ept,u00, Next meeting of 1're•sbytery la to be held iu COdorinh, un the 3w1 Tueedity of dilly, at i 1 a. tn. to miter•ttl Ne.aw... The Volcano of Bogosolov in Alaeka is again in eruption Russia is pressing the Porte to pay up the arrears of the war indemnity One hundred tons of rook fell from the Miff at Queheu Tussda'., but did no dam• age. Orews 01) board French a'arehips off 1110 Dultonley coast are suffering from fever. re paper in Canton estimates that 75,000 people die in Colina every year by fire and flood. Russia has ordered an imneu0• snpnly of emokless powder cartridges from the factory at St. Etienne. Prince Bismarok has declined numer- ous offers from English and American publishers for his memoirs. Careen ,t Ebelteft's store at Lakeport, Minn., was burned Friday, and two of Jeboltaft'schildren pe'i lied in the flame!". At Columbia, Texas, a fi n•ral pro. cession was obliged to go to the cemelery --)AI(E THIS WEEK SIIO7tiINtil__ Special Bargains in Boys and Girls Sailor Hats, Which We are Clearing Out at Wholesale Prit's' OUR PRICES ARE AS FOLLOWS : Dozen Sailors at 1,e. worth 25e. 3 Dozen Sailors at. 5e. worth ;5c. 3 Dozen Sailors at 45e. worth 1;5c, Also a Special Line. Men's Straw Hats at 150., worth 2Oc. ?ERG CT,ti(i,.1''t'' J7,1LLZL:).� �[ � , �71 nal( 1",,t Forgot our Curtain Sale, which. is Still Going On. ro13 lair Stallions. TOON CLERK. CONRAD MICI7 LL, PROPRIETOR. MONDAY, will leave hie own stable, lot 24, con. 11, Grey, anti proceed to Bur. ton's Hotel, Ethel, for noon ; thenoa to Donald McDonald's, 2nd con., Grey, for utgkt. TUESDAY, will proceed to Peter (0ot6'0, Boundary, for noon ; thence to liluevale for one hour, and then to Queen's Iiotel, Wingham, for night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed to Belgrave in boats, the whole district being flo de Hot,' for neon; lienee to David Geddes, i. An explosion of duet occurred in Joico lot 7, can, 3, elorris. fur. night. Tams• A, Cole's flour mills, uooh0ete, N. Y., DAY, will prone,51 to David I3reckenridge's ncan 00 Saturday and the n1i11 was burned. Sud con , for nos, ; thence to t. Fer- ree eppetars that the number of register. Tnynre'e, con. •1, Gray, for night. Pnr- ed nineties in Great Britain and Ireland ' 080, will pressed to �Vm. Bu•rke,'8, con. rose from 55,525 in 1802 to 111,070 in 0, for noon ; thence to Jae. MoKinnon's, 1389L 8111 eon., for neon. SATURDAY, will pro- Agcording to published railway static. teed to Domes' Hotel, Cranbrook, for tins tw0nty brakemen are killed every noon ; thenoa to his i eve stable where h'e t ay in the fear, on an average, in the will remain until the following Monday. United States, An attempt will be made in the autumn to cultivate American and other cotton in the Crimea and other places on the Blaok Sem coast. The propeller Roanoke lying at her dock in Beffalo, caught Ore Saturday evening. She was scuttled. She was valued at e43,000, In a Glasgow hotel there were recently staying three gentlemen who bore the names of Mr. Halfpenny, Mr. Twopenny and Mr. Schilling. An attempt will bo made in the Autumn to cultivate Amsrion and other aottou in the Crimean and other plaoes on the Bleak sea coast. Hon. Hiram Smith, the best known dairyman and • Farmers' Institute lecturer in Wioconein, died Thursday night at Sheboygan Falls. He wag 73 years old. The Premier of New South Wales was thrown from a cab Sunday while driving. His leg was broken by the fall, The ac- cident was caused by the horse taking fright and bolting, Eighb thousand colliers went out on striate et Pilsen, Bohemia Tuesday, and became so disorderly that military aid was called upon. Five strikers were kil led and several wounded. George Francis Train arrived at New York Sunday au his trip around the world and left for Tseoma, Wash., where his journey ends. He bas been two month a on the trip to date. Pros to in Iowa and Illinois have amused considerable injury to fruit and vegeetables, The Braeilian Govern- ments will require after July 18t that customs duties be paid in gold. Mise Margaret Isabella Blaine, danght• er of the United States Secretary of State, was married on Saturday to Wal- ter Damro0ah, of New York, at the residence &Mho bride's parents in Wash- ingbon. Blank leg Inas appeared among cattle in seoti0ns of Scoharie county, near Amato/fillet, N. Y. One farmer at Sharon Hill, Jacob L, Kilto, lost savers COWS last week. The rapid spread of the disesee mases great alarm. Jail. Butler, while ploughing on his farm at Ipswich, Mass., Wednesday, turned up an Indian idol of stone in the ehap0 of e. serpent, tv11101t is an nndo0bt- ed relic of the stone age and will be de- eoeitad in the institute at Salem. Dilworth Choate, the Now York re. porter who aohieved notoriety 10 mimeo. tion with the Flack divorce case, pleaded entity to contempt of Court, and Judge Bacot fined trim 510, which he paid. Choate's escapade cost ban 41 days in gaol and 1250 cash. It is snail a miteriag0 hits been erraug• ed between ]Henry M. Stanley and lvrieo Dorothy Tennant, who is young, artistic and much admired. Miss Tennant lives in Richmond terrace, Wilhelm'', She is n dang1ter of the late Chas. Tennant, and has became 63011 known through iter clover piotnres in the academy and other gallo'l, g. The marriage will probably take plane early 111 June. A band of Indiana White Ceps got to- gethor, and 1100111ra that William Miller nlL'dN 1'esul LL111g. i,t was a walk of 130V011 tnilcs t0 ilia 1101140, but tat<•y paced the lista ee with it freliug that it wan for Willie.n's gaed. When they reached hie lentee he was dp and tmvaite, and after he had killed ono and wounded two visitors heeled oar, and enicludcd that they hail got held of the wrong end or 1110 lever, LUCKY GETTER. MILv17 & DILWORTIo, PnOP's. MONDAY, will leave his own suable, lots 23 d+ 251, eon. 8, Grey, and proceed north to Jas. Pearson'e, tot 20, oou. 4, for noon ; thence north to Robt. MoAllister's, lot 31, eon. 1, for night. TnssiAY, will pro. coed to Peter McDonald's, lot 30, con. 1, Morris, for noon ; thence to Alex. Mo - Donald's, lot 0, con, 4, Grey, for nigbt. WEDNESDAY, will proceed south to Geo. Crooke', lot 4, con. 8, for noon ; thence to Joseph Smith's, lot 20, eon. 6, Morris, for night. THURSDAY, will proceed to Thos. Watson's lot 3, eon. 16, Grey, for noon ; thence to Rich. Pollard's, near Leadbury, for night. F1nMAY, will pro. ceed west to Jae. Davidson's, lot 10, eon. 12, McKillop, for noun ; thence to David McMullen's, lot 12, con. 18, Gray, for night. SATURDAY, will proceed to Domes, Hotel, Cranbrook, for noon ; thence to his own stable where he will remain un- til the following Monday morning. YOUNG TASTESALL. A. F. Esfnvlx, PROPRIETOR, Magma, will leave hie own stable, lot 10, eon 5, Morris, and proceed along cen- tre oideroad to Alex. Nichols, Iot 17, eon. 7, Morris, for noon ; thence west 1} miles, then north 2;3 miles, then east 1 miles to his 030(1 stable for night. Tess. DAY, will proceed east along 4th line, Morris, to William Werke, lot 1, eon, 8, Grey, for noon ; thence south 1j miles, then east 1} miles along eons. 9 and 10, Grey, then north 1} miles, then east 1 miles, then north 1f miles t0 John Lowes, lot 10, con. 5, Grey, for night. WEDNES- DAY, will proceed west 8, miles to James Ireland's, lob 27, 3rd lino, 1lorris, for noon ; 1110nee wast to Bells omen', then south to his own stable for night, Tanis. DAY, will proceed north along centre side - road 2} miles, then east to Jao. Elliott's, lot 21, 2nd line, Morrie, for 110011 ; thenre west to John Roe's, lot 10, 2nd line, Morris, for night. FRIDAY, will proceed east to Jewitt's ehutob, will north to Bluovele hotel, for noon ; thence south to his own stable where lie will remain uu• til the following Mouday. ERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE, For terms and other. 1'artioolere nett for a hauler at my Orng 1111,11-100a Stara Should year what to sett Itis hailer cairns I nm in•n- imrad to pay es ideas ns 818, neeordleg to 0)111(ing gnn111)08 00 their lianas, 20.1 huh!' (i'. A, DEA DIVAN, Sells eel s. NOM TO LOAN. Any Amount of Morley .to Loan on 1+1tr111 or V11]n;e Pro- perty 1ht 6 C" 61 Pci' Cott., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to . A. Hunter, hirtsinu (',,rift Clerk, lirow13, Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in ml hands for Investment 013 real estate. LOWEST RATE No Conz Borrowers can pleted in Three satisfactory. W. M. SINCL AIR, Solicitor, .Brussels. OF INTEREST. MESSEUII bare leans com- Days if title WOOL ,t WOOL Illy Quantity of fleet',• Wool Wanted at IIighest Market Price in CABII. Farmers can do bk:tter by sell- ing their Wool for Casil and then trade where they please. 1.w "Duyil)g, as usual, all kinds of Grain. R. GRAHAM, Brussels. PHOTOS. TINT-YPE ST 4 - Par - 50 - Cfotttw. All Work front the hinsatlest t0 life shat dons lu a first-class manner. et Residences, Etc., at Rn1L4o11ahk Rates. W. J. Fairfield.. !e T ONEY TO LOAN. .IVi Money to Loan o[1 FARM PROPERTY LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Fundy, APPLY TO J.C,Hefl'ernan, J,A.Young., Valuator. .Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. stf THOS. r+LETCHER, .Practical Watchmaker arzd Jeweler. Thanking 611e public for past Devote aids support and wishing Still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES., Silver Plated Ware from Estttbliehed and Reliable Makers f1(11y warranted by u8. Clocks of the Latest .Designs. y JEWELRY 1 Wnhe1No Banes, I.,8,tlio Cnn lezere0, 13nool 0. 1,01,:0100, ,:.::'Also a I''ull Line of V(,0j5s atitf ',icon Strings, 1101).,111 01001t, S. R, wlsvnrrl' 0i Marriage Wee nee. T. Fletcher, - SCUSSeISv,