HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-16, Page 8S 11-111 !c4ltl,'v'jta.L.''i F'uS'1" MAY 19, 1590,
nave Just Received a Fresh
Supply of hellebore in anticipa-
tion of it large demand. Keep
,your eye on your Currant and
gooseberry Bushes and apply
this Sure Death to what is known
as the Currant Worm. Yon will
require to orae it almost as soon
as the leaves.appear.
Clave Tou Seel'
Our Wall Papers and Borders
yet ? If you pnrpose papering
your douse it will pay you to in-
spect our Stock of New and
Beautiful Designs, and Cheaper
than ever before.
G..4. DEADM4N,
Druggist, Bookseller, &c.
souinntss mei...iemts w. O. & n.
Trains /cave Brussels, Station, North
and South, as follows :
Goma BoOTU. corms Noun.
Dian 645 a.m. I Mixed 9:20 am, tt:45 a.m. Mail ... 9:W p.m.
Mixed 1111..... e:GS p.m. Express 9:48 p.m,
l'.O,Ck11' i,.etasa Items.
A chiefs amang ye tattle' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
FteuxonYe9 and embroideries at Strm.
Sego potabees and geed corn at dfo.
A vele second band buggies for sale at
a bargain. Jas. WALKER.
Ginza line ladies kid gloves at 30o.
north 75o. st Scarff ee Ferguson's.
Ds. GRAHAM has had a spruce hedge
set out along the front of his lawn.
A totem woman desires to do honee-
Cleaning or washing. Apply at this office.
SCOTCH tweeds, worsted coatings and
pantinge a fall stook and at right prices
at Strachan'e.
Geo. lemma has purchased the Pinder
lot just north of the river. Ile has
seeded it down.
roserx Lenin has closed up his barber
ahop and purposes trying his fortune iu
Michigan, so it is stated.
Leeres' white dress robes at $3.00,
53.75 and 25.00 worth $5.00, 56.00 and
$7.50 at Soarff & Ferguson's.
MONEY To Lute—Private funds on
first mortgage, farm. security preferred.
Apply at Tag Pon Publishing House.
I. C. Rumens bee just completed an
order of seven sets of harness for Alex.
Smith, of Bltth, who goes to Manitoba.
Coen in and get a pair of Cooper &
Smith's make of boots and shoes. They
siva satisfaction. A. nice line ofladies
Dongola Oxfords at Strachan's.
IN the interpleader Snit of McIntosh
98. Haelem, heard last Court and on
which decision was reserved, judgment
was given in favor of defendant.
Woos•.—The wool market is opening
up and as in other years the top market
price will be paid at Brussels. It.
Graham pays cash for all he buys and
this allows the farmers to make their
purchases where they please.
LAST Sabbath some of the menrbore of
the Brussels Foresters' Lodge drove over
to Blyth to join with their brethern in
attending public service. Rev. Mr. Hen-
derson preached an appropriate discourse.
There were 120 Foresters present.
$Doan AND Lot Fos SALe.—The cam•
fortable and desirably located reeidence
of W. A. Calbiok, Turnberry street,
Btnesele, is offered for gale as the family
intend retnoving to British Columbia.
For particulars apply to Mrs. Calbiok,
Mogrcate The Cosgrove family have
been engaged by the Foresters of this
place to give one of their grand musical
satertainments on Friday evening of
next week in the Town Hall. They
have received some very flattering
notices teem the press where they have
appeared. Remember the date, Friday
26rd fast,
NEW MAitn.e Wofxa.—The firm of
Jghutton & Cochrane, stone cutters, &o.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
seders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &o., in a workmanlike
planner and at living priree. Satistao•
tion guaranteed in every case. Don't
place your order without call le on them
toed seeing their samples and aseettain.
ins pricee. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Bressels.
A Leeson ni Gnoolut'sv.—I1 in address.
ing lett re parties would put the County
O0 it would save a vast amount of tree-
ble.to the Poet.master and insure correct
despatch, There are so many post offices
in the Dominion and some so little known
that it entails te vast amount of labor
and trouble in despatching them. For
ipetanoe a boy in school is considered
well up in Canadian Geography when he
can name all the County towns correctly
and the examiner would be considered
almost insane should he ask the question
to a close where 18 8001 and snob a poet
office situated. Yet the public ask this
%legtion two or three hundred times a
day of a P.M, and slpeote him to know.
The remedy is to slut the County on your
envelopes and it will save trouble and ex.
pedite matters.
A True re ST0as,—Tire Brussels boo
ball olub have engaged Mies MaManis,
the Lady Whistler, of Indianapolis, to
give en entertainment in the Town Hall,
73resoels, on the evening of Friday, Juno
eith. She is accompanied on the piano
by her sister. Mies lllchianie gave an
exhibition of her ahtlities to a select few,
in the parlor of tee Dinsley House,
W ingham, the other day, and we oon
8981180 our reader. that she has ezoellont
ability as te whistler. Tho following
testimonial speaks for itself :—"The
feature of the evening wee the whistling
of Mise team MoManis, of Indianapolis,
who kindly consented to Omelet rho
soldier boys, in these two performances.
She is a beautiful young lady of One
mannerists, and in the compass, power,
,,pitch and pneity of het tones the le
wonderful. But it is in her whistling
eredelly es wall when labeling as Witch
exbaUnJl, and never stopping for breath,
for losing a tone, nor failing in expos-
There are people in this community we want yet ,u deal with us ; setae who might be mislead by the battle of untruthful
opposition, who he to yon and try to mislead you, Their scheming eloquence of untruthfulness might find a place in
your trusty heart. They do not like to see us prospering. But try us for a season ; compare prices, and if we do not
deal Honorably and Honestly with you we do not then expect yon to continuo to trade with us,
We carry the Largest and Best Mooted Stock in Brussels. We have Stacks of New Goods to oiler you, as well as
$15,000 of Sound and Reliable Goods that everybody daily requires, bought at 59i- eents on the dollar. Call and See
our Stock ; test our Quality, and do not let stores with a few hundred dollars worth of fancy nick.naeks impress you to
buy their good -for -nothing quality, made to make money on only and not for durability.
We have studied the wants of the people of this section of the country, and wo buy Goods that warrant the return
of a customer to us after their first purchase. We sell at a price that suits the hard times.
We have not closed our books on cur customers and friends this year and refused them credit like some merchants
have done when bad crops are against them. We are staying with thein for another season. We will help them
through this tough year. If you suffer wo are always willing to suffer likewise, and will help all our customers
that place their confidence and trust in us.
:TATs and osps, all styles and prices, at
Is you want a new buggy ga to Jae.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
You can see the newest and best as-
sorted stock of drese goods et Scarff &
New and Nubby prints. The very
Infest patterns and colors. Call and get a
Bazaar fashion sheet, free, at Strechan's.
You will get all kinds of groceries fresh
and good at S8raohan'e, Highest possible
market prise paid for all kinds of pro.
IT is stated that Wm. Roddiok has
purchased the store now oeoupied by
Messrs. Ferguson & Gibson and will use
it for a paint shop.
Tug two frame stores and storebouso
of the Rogers estate will be offered fdr
sale on Saturday afternoon of this week,
et 1 o'clock. Capt. Stratton, auctioneer.
Tae Reformers of Brussels have se-
cured the vacant store in Smale's block
for their Committee room and the Cou-
servativeeare using the large eample
room ip the Queen's Hotel block.
Miss Lessem Rose celebrated her 4th
birthday on Wednesday by having a
whole grist of little gaffers over for tate
afternoon and evening, Some thirty
children put in a very happy time at Mr.
Renetta says that the postoffioe may
be removed to the frame building near
the bridge. If our citizens have any-
thing to say about location a very
emphatiu "No 1" will be the response as
far as the above proposition is concern-
Tins Salvation Army officers are away
at Toronto this week attending the big
celebration in honor of the vieit of
Marshall Booth, Commander of the
Salvation Army in the United Stites,
and his wife. The soldiers are conduct.
ing the services in the barracks here this
WELL-DIoonNo AND DvotLIxo.—Goorge
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and •Irillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to ,11 work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
'Yells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms easouable. Residence
secoud door north of the bridge, west
side of Tnrnberry et., Brussels. 43.11
IMlInOrnnENTs.—A new roof and new
eavetroughing has been put on the
American Hotel.—A. bay window has
been added to the east side of B. Gerry'e
residence, itffli street.—Several improve.
meets in the way of internal alterations
have been made m the Methodist par.
eonage.—T. Fletcher has had the painters
at work at his residence and the veran-
dahs, and other woodwork appear in a
new dress.
Caner SACH or Hosiene. -The sub.
scriber has now on hand a large stook
of all sizes cotton unions, and all wool
hosiery and gents' soaks. Variety of
shades of imported and Canadian yarns.
On a dollar purchase is allowed 10% off.
Any size made to order. Farmers yarns
knitted. Agent for British American
Dyeing Co., of Montreal. Gall and in-
spect the goods, Opposite Queen's, Hotel.
Brussels.. Abs. Rrag.
Toe Belle Stevenson Dramatic Cont.
pang closed a week's engagement at the
Town Hall on Saturday evening last.
This company is the best that has visited
this town for some time, add should they
return to Brussels at a future date they
can rely upon drawing better houses than
on their firer visit. Miss Stevenson is a
first class vocalist and ie well worth hear-
ing. The Company went to Lucknow
from here to fill an engagement for the
Band of that village.
Tim Mitchell Advertiser says:—"On
Monday !nothing last as H. D. Farrow
was leaving town as soon as he got on the
wagon his team started away at a rapid
rate and at once became ogpaanageeble,
although Mr. Farrow held the lines.
Gus Goebel, seeing the state of affairs
and the perilous situatinn of Me Fatrow,
sprang forward, grasped one of the team
and held fast, although be was dragged
nearly 50 yards before getting the excited
horses under control. Mr. Goebel de
serves a medal for the brave act, which
was done just in time to evert what would
have been a disastrous affair."
Coon Snaltani 808 1800.—On the prin-
oiple that the average temperature for a
whole year will nob differ greatly from
that of former years, it is predicted thee
the coming summer will be at unusually
cool one, As a matter of fact, it is said
that since weather reoords first boson to
be kept with anything lute their present
acournoy and completeness, tbo range of
variation, comparing one year Withanother, has bean not quite five deglees.
The coldest year recorded by the woatb.
or hareem teas 1875, the average temper-
ature to which was 48.13 degrees ; the
warmest, 1859, which averaged 58.5 de.
gees, DO from Jentieny 1st, 1800, to
the peesenb date, the average tempera.
taro has been nearly 7 dogreee higher
than the recorded Mintage for that period
in former yoats ; and tho inference is
dtawn, with apparently very good reason,
that the summer now appreeehing will
bo one of telatively low temperature,
Thera fe no ouch thing as certainty in
weather predictions ; but 'there ie if this
Me a dogma of probahilit , which le at
feast entitled 00 reaped. Tile Wise man,
son, that
rfjgpomOtto "-•-CLiargol2imes,la(ly i5 a , 90 foroake nothie t199881a thereof,�1 not be tri basis
TWENTY pieces check Zephras at 70.
worth 120. at Soarff &•Ferguson's.
IN the absence of Rev. Jno. Roes, B.
A., Melville church pulpit was very ae.
oeptably tilled by Rev. S. Jones last
DECISION was given in the Veal furni.
tura cage last Monday. Mies Montgom-
ery retains possession of the goods, and
is awarded $20 damages and costs.
NEST Sunday Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B.
D. will tette s.0 his subjects "Follotvi ng
Christ afar off," in the morning and
"Realization beyond antioipabion" at the
evening service.
Tns hydraulic ram procured by E. R.
Grundy, [tom Galt, to do the pumping
for the large tank to supply the water
for the spriukling cart, is the oentre of
attraction this week. Hundreds of
people have visited the mill dam to see
it work.
Couuuatoe in Knox church next Sab-
bath. Service on Saturday and Mon•
day at 2:80 p. m. Rev. Mr.Linton, B.
D., is expected to conduct the servioee.
Last Sunday the pastor, Rev. G. B.
Howie, intimated to his congregation
his intention of placing his resignaiion
in bbe bends of the Presbytery.
PAsrtiAOE.—The undersigned bas leas-
ed the back 100 acrae of the Robertson
farm, oon, 4, Morris, and are prepared to
take a limited number of horses or (Attie
to pasture, omereasorable terms. There
is no bettor grazing farm in the town -
Ship. Plenty of grass and water. Ap-
ply to BMWs & INNES. 44-8
ON Wednesday of this week Bailiff
Scot received word from the Chief of
Police, Toronto, that goods, supposed to
be stolen, were in their possession and
wished W. Nightingale to go to Toronto
and identify them as part of the lot con.
silted of such at doles as had been stolen
from Brussels. Mr. Nightingale went to
the Queen oily on Thursday.
Plenums Souks--iMIessrs. Slate &
Hoover, Marble Works. of St. Marva,
have opened a shop in the block opposite
the woolen mill, Brussels, where they
will keep a stook of marble and granite
suitable for monuments, grave stones,
&e. Ordered work about completed,
will be on exhibition on June lot. Orders
left with this firm will be completed in a
workmanlike manner and at reasonable
rates. Give them a call.
33nn BATT.—Thera was a largely at-
tended meeting of the officers of the 83rd
Battalion ab the Rattenbnry House,
Clinton, on Friday afternoon. Major
Wilton, of Seaforth, occupied the chair.
Considerable important basinese wag
disposed of. Col._ Smith, D. A. G., of
London, wag present and addressed the
officers on military matters. The 38rd
Battalion will not go into camp this
year. There were 22 officers present,
Capt. R. S. Hays end Lieut. J. W. Shaw,
representing No. 5 Company. Colonel
Aylmer was in Brussels on Friday in-
specting the armory, &o.
Tim Cososovns.—fine of the many ex.
presoions of merit earned by this family
on their late tour through western On-
tario is given by a Dresden paper "The
talented Cosgrove family appeared hear
on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. It
has been a long time since the Dresden
people have been 'favored with such a
variety of Sret.olaee mueio. The Cog -
groves are musicians from the crowns of
their heads to the soles of their feet, and
they can bring mnsi0 out of anything,
hickory switches or tin coffer pots, and
blindfolded at that. Little Mabel Ross,
a little mite of 7 or 8, took the house by
storm in her Irisb and Scotch specialties,
her movements being perfect in the sword
dance and Scotch reels. Mise Ada Cos-
grove, the little favorite, gave seVeral
People We Know.
Ira Etcher was in town this week.
T. G. Me0racken was in town on Wed-
Ries J. Cross is. visiting her sister,
Mrs, A. Brace.
Con. Vaustone, of Southern ption, spent
Sunday in town.
Mise Hambly and blies Taylor San-
dayed at Luoknow.
Rev. G. 0. Howie and wife are away
at Toronto this week.
Mrs. W. H. Lamle of Goderieh, is
Matting at Dr, T. 0. Holmes'.
Miss Emma Avery Iles gone to Bol -
more for a fete menthe 0r S0.
Miss Nossie Nae and Mise May Kelly ,
were visiting in 1 'iagbam this week.
Miss Johnston, of London, is visiting
with her slater, lvhs, Joeopls 'Walker.
Wire. Corniest, of Ripley, was tlta
guest of Mrs. Wm, Vat -intone this week.
lets. and Mrs. Abrahtun, of Stratford,
were visiting their daughter, Miss AMP. -
hem, lest weep,
Alex. Hood heft 0110 or Itis 11911015
cured ley the shaper at Smith es Ma1-
ealm's faotory lest Setardtty.
H. W. 0. Meycre and It. Sperling were
in town on Monday seeing that 810881on
affeir9 are moving right,
itir, Cavanagh, L, D. S., ie in town.
He wag One of the graduates et the re-
cent examination at tho Ontario Dental
Dori. Potore, a former 13rneselfte, teas
in town thin week. Ito la ro0itieg hit
Borrie to Saginaw jeouhty, kticbigan,
where be is farming.
J. H. Sperling left on Monday for
Neueladt where he takes charge of a
Butter factory. This is bio seoond
season there. hie. S. is well up to the
Leslie 0,'Connor has taken a pIsit ion
at the Brussels depot, G. T. R., where
he will post himself on the business of
the Company with a view of securing a
situation on the road.
A telegram was received by J. Y. S.
Kirk, last Monday, from Leamington,
Essex Go., stating that hie sou Jag. had
met with a serious aooident having one
arm broken in two places.
Ireland speeds £5,000,000 a year en
Sweeping changes in the Turkish min-
istry have caused a sensation at Conetan.
The next cenans taken in the United
States is expected to show a population
of nearly 00,000,000.
The Committee on the site for the
World's Fair at Chicago has decided in
favor of the lake frout.
Nine families, aggregating 72 persons,
have petitioned the United States Gov-
ernment for assistance to enable them to
emigrate to Liberia.
A woman in Ohio not long since loot a
child through diphtheria, and forced her
other children to kiss the dead body.
They ail grew sick with the same disease
and died.
The commission on the proposed rail_
way through Siberia reports the road
will be completed iu ten years. Work
will be begun at several points simultan-
eously along the lino.
Advices from Sydney state that the
greatest flood in the history of Australia
occurred April 18th at Bourke on the
river Darling. The river broke through
the embankment surrounding the town
and submerged it to the depth of three
feet Bourke is now in the midst of an
inland sea 40 miles wide, and many
buildings are collapsing.
Last winter Zeas unusually mild in
Britain as well as Canada, and the
character of the Bering bas also been
alike. Mark Lane Express says that
during April the young wheat plants
made no appreciable progrese, while
grass 8905 110 longer at the end of the
mouth than it was at tiro end of March.
In Canada better growth rues made,
]tut still the seaeon bas been becoming
more backward with every week since
the middle of April. Both in Britain
and Omuta, however, there is promise
of good crops. ^
0.tstrt.—In Grey, on the 8811 inst., the
wife of Mr. James Oakley, of n son.
SER•tT3S=Xsr3 S/LAR3=1S'1'Ca,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls,.,
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes ...
Hay per ton
Pork ... . .........11
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl„ retail,,,,
Sheep skins, each
Wool, per ib.
90 08
90 98
88 42
82 88
52 53
12 00
9 00
4 20 4 50
30 00
0 00 6 50
5 00 6 00
2 2j;
1 25 00
00 1 00
18 20
.L L on Market street, 0aey terms. For
perth:101 a apply to Miss F. 1%MoNTators =
9841 or W, b', VANSTONE, Braseele.
1. Frees for Belo, good as new. Aiso largo
sized baby carriage, Wicker body, Enquire
at Trig Post Publishing House.
L pared to do Bowing in all' its branch-
es. She 81111 lot two of her little girls go out
s.0 nurse stria should opportantty nllor.
Enquire ,st her Boma, opposite 11. Lorry's
residence, Mill st.•
ground, with dwelling and stable, all
le nret.elass condition, for sale, situated on
Thomas and Mary etroots, Brnesols, BI
bargain to purchaser, Ohl email percent;
age required down. Apply tto
48- W. 7, N ORTOD.
The undersigned 18 desirous of 80-
mirinpbonsewOrlt,moll an hOlieo cleaning,
wash Ing, Irving, des, Wrestling 01. Ironing
dol out eny house JI desired, Apply to
80.2 ranter t Torrent), hill St
TAGItel G 031.%,12,X3fell
e.) Leaven .0108590le ovary evening on the
arrival of the tioaferib stags, mid returns
from Gornto in t110 morning in time to onteh
the gnaforth ateoe Weft out. This rule will
Ito adhered to until further 1,08109,
11 'WALSH, Proprietor,
PATENT$ Caat0, 050•Jseuoaaud Trade
I , Market seemed
and all nth.
or patenteaue08 hl the Patent Oatoo and
before the Courts promptly and oarotully at-
tontled fn. V1ilou roaoi)it of mnd01 08 80191011
0. reentiet, 1 make earefut oxatnlaatlnb,
and advise s0 to 1'atentabilityfnto of obargo,
i, ens moderate,and 1 melte no charge Uttl000
Patent is steered, llt2orrllatlOn, Melee seed
aponletteterouu9S gent on a,)illeatf0o, t,
It, 8tTT1:tt,, Washington, ll,t ., U,17, Patent
Og'i*c, B5
l� nvnstoxsn hoe several good Farms f or
sale acid to rent, easy terms, In Townships
Of Morrie and Grey. F. S. SCOTT, Brussels.
Being South half Lot 24 009. G, Morrie,
101) agree, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
about 30 aures Fall wheat in ground. Duey
term e. Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, fin., Bre ssols.
98, eon. B, Grey, eontalnieg 100 acme, 1G
wires cleared under greet, and the balance
timbered. About 70 acres of dry land and
the balance cedar anti blank ash swamp
There is a log bouse on the promisee. Will
be void onv ery reasonable terms as propria.
tor does not require the lot. For further par-
ticulars apply to BORT. McLAUGHLTN,
Cranbrook, P.O. or ALEX. HUNTER, Brus-
sels. 12
ecnumin offers hie valuable 100 acre
farm, being lot 9, con. 19, Grey Towaabip,
Huron Co., for sale. There ere about 6.0
acres cleared and in good heart. There is a
log house, good hank barn boating orchard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
promisee, For further partlnilars, as to
pride, terms, ate„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOS,RISLOP, Clare P. O., N.W.T.. or to
2-11 DOUGALD STRACBAN, Brussels.
A. nitnuatniD offers for sale the north
east quarter of 10t 28, concession 6, Morrls,
County of Boron, contain in g 00 sores. The
land is of and quality and lo a high state of
cultivation, well lensed and uudor.drained,
110 roe cleared. New frame bouse, 8 rooms,
mak house with 00008998 watts, 2 wells,
acres of fall wheat shed.d barns end 1'hi0 desirable Eight
adjoins the ootlsoration of Brussels. Suit -
tarns will be given. Title ported.
80- Seatorbh P. 0.
\jt Morris, on reasonable terries. In order
to close the affairs of the estate o1 the late
W. G. Megaton, the executors offer the fol
lowing valuable lauds for sale North
ball of Lot 80, Concession 8, Township of
Morrie,containing 90 agree. On this lot Is
080088d a 50011 frame barn with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well and wimp. Nair•
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
elo0ely adjtiulug the village of Brussels,
I'hislarm is a valuable one, is well fenced
and in a good state of auitivattou, For
mimes and terms apply to PHOS. KELLY,
Brussels P. 0., EB9in, JIINNINOS, Victoria
Square P.0„ or JAMES Stern, Maple Lodge
1'. 0 Middlesex Oountt.
Mortgage Sale.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale
contained in a mortgage dated the 28th day
of October, 1887, awl made by Frederick
Charles Boyers and Emma Rogers, who bar-
red her dower, to the veadora, there will be
sold by Public motion ou the Premises, iu
the Village of Brussels, on
Saturday, May 17th, '90
00 the Hour of One o'clock r. ub
valuable property, is thie Vllingo of Bruthe ssels
in the County of Huron, and being village
lot running number seven. On this property
are two frame 880009, with a large stare.
house, with dwelling attached in the rear.
Timms Liberal, and will bo fnroiebed on
application to
Vendors' Solicitors, London.
JAs, STRra-roN, Auctioneer.
Pursuant to an order of the 0banoe,ty Di-
vision of the High Court of Juetiee made in
the matter of a DSortguge Salo of Lot Num.
her Ie, in the Twelfta Oonoossion o1 the
Township 02 Grey, hu the County of Huron,
under Power of dale contained In a Mort.
Jage made by clasper Engel, deceased, to
aLmes Hauderecn, the creditors of Gasper
Engel, late of the Township of Groy,
Yeoman. who died in or about the year
1870, are, on or before the Twentieth
Day of May, 1800, to send by padttr. Hdersooet (pre-
Nto.) 110 Equityo 011ombera uTn onto ultheir
Christian mid surnames, addFreases and do.
Oeriptiou, the full •particulare of their
elnime,a etatomoit of their !accounts and
the nature of the soofrttiee (If any) 1101d by
them 1 or in default thereof they will bo
peremptorily exeledell from the bonea6 of
the said order. Every oredlter holding any
security is to produce the same before me,
tee undersigned Mork in Chambers of the
High Court of Juetiee et my ohaulbors fu
()anomie Hull, In rue dlty of Toronto, on the
1'wonty.tbird day of May,1890, at 11 o'clock
in the forenoon, beteg the time appointed
for adjudication upon the elahns.
Dated 80th of April, '00. AIiNOLCTtl
Sale of Lands,
County of Huron to 'Vit
elY virtue of a writ of Flap Fncios ison3d
out of ifomMajesty's ()Minty Court of the
County of Buren end to uta direetee and
delivered against the Lancia aril Tonementn
0! Jaffee filolntiton, tit the suit of Janlen
eformatchlh,, 1 limo sweat mod taken ill ext
Makin ail the right, title, tetoroet and
aqui Ly of rottenly t)otl which the nbOvonanred
Jewett Sleimeeil ban in int 14. cob session 12,
Towusb:p of aver, in the Oointts, of }levee
and Previews of Ontario, which ammo right,
tilln,ibtureet and oriuity of redemption in
lands anti tononlonto 1 stroll Offer for sale at
my oglen. lir the float t House, in rho ruled
of Godoricll, on
IMONDAY, JULY 1411:, 1800,
at the hour of twelve 02 the clock, noon.
Sheriff, Huron.
Stratifies 8O1ne, fioderlolt, distil 7,1880.
Coon Taste! - Low Prides !
1808E AES 9831 Ln4D1N0 }t0ATOneg or
Cy Wail Papers !
Fon PARLORS, D7NIx11 Room, Beetemats,
Chemist end pttugglet, • BIRISBED,S,
Txaapefet o. C+aamra.1 73axalaiag
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
In tared allowed on Deposits,
Collections made on favorable terns.
Canodlan Agents-14E101ANT'8 BANE o1
Now York Ageote—IAnoRTEns AND Teta-
Oottottor and . Conveyaneor. Collec-
tions made. OP100—Vaustone'e Block, Bros.
• Solieiter,Conveyancer, Nobevy Pub.
lie, &a, Oface—Grabem'9 Btoelt, 1 door tl0r8h
of Popper's Drug Store, Private ramie to
11 • Barrister, Solicitor sod Notary Pub.
)to. COnvoyancing,Collectionaanti towline.
Mr, wade mil attend In GOrrle every wed.
-needny at two o'o look.
(Late with Garrey; & Proudfoot, Gode-
rich,) Barristers, Solioitore. 0onveyaneers,
&0. OBIOes--Brussels and Boafortb• Brie
cels 011lce,Eogers' Block. Main 8t, Money
to Loan,
a. s. UAY6, W. 11.1115110014.
• Barrister, Solicitor, &o., of the firm
of Taylor, McCullough & Duron, Barrister+,
Solicitors, &o., Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
Clark of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publio.
Land, Loao and Insurance Agent. Funds
Invested and to loan, Cclleebtons wide.
OI5)ce In Graham's Sleets, Bruasele.
\'Y Ai. F. GALE, M. D., C. h1.,
Member of the College of Pbyslotan
and Snrgeone of Ontario by examination
!Moe and Residence—Mato street East,
Ethel, °uteri°•
0 C, it., L. R. C. P. Edinburgh, M. 0.
S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to
11:30 a. ut. rind from 1130 to 4 e. m, At outer
hours maybe found at his ras)denon, form-
erly occupied by Dr. 11 utc111usou, Allis st.
77 C.Z.N^SST,,Yt
G. L. Ball, L, D. S. NJbros Oxide Gas ad.
ministered for the Pcintess Extraction of
Tooth. 74 Garrard Street hast. TORONTO.
le10Pi'X'Iet; erI
Honor Graduate of the koval College of
Dental Surgeons, Torouto. Nltroa Oxide Gas
ndieinistoree for the Ptdnless l]xtroation of
tooth. Wico_.
i0.O's1 Doan Nolan Or'BANx, Bnisauna,
r Tssurore(Ata001040Lioensos. 011iea
at1110 0100013', Turobcrry street, Grease's.
Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. Df. Matey & Co's hardware store,
Ladies' and obildrene hair cutting a epeotalty
• Iseuror of Marringo Licensee, by
appointment of Llent,.Governor, Commis-
, i0atand renran000 O0. Ofloo he Oranbook
Post Olnce.
The undersigned desire to intimate to
the ladies of Brussels and viofnity that 11103'
have opened it Dressmaking Shop oyer MAlex. El Meehan a r.
are prepared to attend oiallsworl, s snot d
to those o- etisfactioa guaranteed.
Is desirous of procuring pas;ills in
V oatil Mesta, Prof, Warribgton of Toronto
is pleased to give his toatiinontat as to Mira
O'e4nnor's ability, she having been a pupil
of his during her May it Guelph. Instru•
mental Dlueto on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Terme made known on te1neteation, Printteas
St,, Brussels. Abse O'Clanaor is open for
Concert Eugngomonig, 36.
re. • Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
te nd miles of fame, Perin steak, &a, Terms
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. 0. Bales
may bo arranged ab Too Pow Publbo1nss ,
Hausa, l3russols,
`,A' Licensee Auctioneer. Salta oonduet-
ed reasonable tome. 991'189 and Ment
ttck a :bli shine House, Bet teeth, or stt ent Well toll
P Orders
1', 0 , *III receive prompt munition,
.2 L sn n at ,t IOaa prepared
a t fa m stoc, T. mil
to ountluct sola of farm Ll.o track at reasonablesr
pylons.0,8Rlt 118mwing rho oaltimi of nearly
ivory pnrsun I am in a poaitlnu to softo
good ntnrtso anis got good eeeurity when sold
on manila Satiafaota'n guaranteed. Give
moa call. 82. 1'', 8. SCOTT.
0'V K &
C &
Honor Grairoprs of theOntario1
'Veterinary College, are prepared to treat all
dice isb s of sl:or, ttaated anfill tt t s, 601c -
patent, manner. Particular attention paid
to vnterinery t ontistry. CtoIS peel ptly et.
tended to. Moo arid l throaty-vrwn ricers
'Mitis of bridge, iurnbtrry ok, Brutes/es