HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-16, Page 7>01tI RAY ,ING (iso 1l;L.JONE•S,' 'E 1 WOODNCHAVEFt, 10 I4 INOSSTR E E'y-EA S T. TORONT,O';CANADA MAY 16, 1890. THE BRUSSELS POST. LATE FOREIGN NEWS. and �ftrings {1f bine beade ealltlnlra to he 1110 only a°coptahlo modil)m of 0x01101);0, There are very few well•authentioated PreI/OS(41 llteorgaflhZaltioi in Eng• came of attacks by the polar Ileai'nIion huinion lli/'iI Service, beings Aslarid° they will never fight maim1i5I1 SOARQITX QF POLIOS IN PARIS, Wrench Extruvagauee,, brought to boy. A ease of dila sort, how. ere)', occurred last rammer daring the L)'t41'el6 of Kukeuthal and Walter in Spih'.herd,'un. A very largo hour that wrau evidently half starved suddenly )gushed upon one of On party. 'Tho Iran had an ire plait in his hand and dealt the animal a heavy blow on the ,Attempted Introduction of Qojns in Oongo head. Before the bear had recut 'Kis l.11in. Free State, self another man rushed, up with a harpoon and ended the bold aufnml's life. 1)r. -' �' KUIrenthal says that in his many white bear BIHTIIDAY OF. I'IIINTING IN 1:,111MAYl', hunts he never before sen' a (mall compelled to stand on the (efensive. The incident re. .Monte Carlo authorities now suppress re- calls the wild report that carne from labra. port of the suicides that occur there. dor a couple of years ago to the effect that Paris is to IUWO a car uhew in June, ',gill, an army of polar heave hail descender) upon felines room every part of the lmirt'h10, the coast towns and woo eating all the in - En enio's health is falling rapidly and habitants, a rumor that filled all ice bear onlygat long intervals is 8110 BoeU in j,ubltu, hunters, who thought they understood the ainial, with as 1) , i8 hal o (1. Herr (elide is the appropriate name of a Berliner who has invented a flying machine. The influenza has appeared at Teheran AGRICULTURAL. and several of the Persian royal family ore suffering from it. A Oul'e for Fistula. Tho Shah of Persia is to have his portrait painted and framed in gold an a gift to AT. We clip from the Sporting World the Carnot, President of Franco. following cure for fistula : "T ogre are two Tho latest invention of musical Germany things that will onru fietlda. One is corrosive ib a 20001111111ca1 conductor, a figure whiolt sublimate liniment, to be used in the first beats the time with mathematical accuracy stages of the dieease, and the other is the at any tempo that may be desired. May apple rant liniment. Bail a gallon of Leprosy is reported to bo spreading in deeoctapple n 13oiloot tft untliy u obtain 1)0 et,roek New Caledonia in an alarming manner. 01 000 are s to Dn not burn it. While affil boiling aalirQ00othe uHerlllg front kas, no itulaterrn ible 4(e add P quarter as much Lard as you have syrup, stirring it all the time you are add - ease. THE END OF •THE' WORLD. I Ail Meer, In 140 1'01)0 "" "11' wilt ""'"0""r 801v04 old, ormiddlo•aged, who find thom- fram U,1)►:aryl,, (131v0) nervous, weak and exhan0ted, who A French slntistflaan who 111)0 been Andy- resulting in many of the following spill).are broken down from races IOC 0verwerk, ing the military and outer records with a 10)110 , mental depression, premature olid I view of determining tine height of men at age, loss of vitally, al , loss of e tory, bad different perlodu has reached some wonder., dreams, dimness 0lysight, palpitation of the fol results, says the Y1liladelphia Tim's'). heart, omissions, lack of energy, pain in the A FIT/10111111M 18 naturally ah) artist, even kidneys, h081100he, pimples tin the (go or in figures, A German or any 08084(an body, itching orpeeuh8reeneatonabout, the might content himself with a dry with- surotum, wasting 01 the organo, dirzinees, 100tical conlpilatioe, but tilts artist' 111131es spe°oks before the eyes, 1 witching of the hlA etaliutlme Into the realm of ltiOtnry and iuu0400, oyo lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, of poetry and even of prophecy. He bee deposits in the urine, toes 4 will power, not only solved dome perplexing problems teulemees of the scalp and spine, woalt and in regard to the past of the human. race, flabby 1111180108, desire to sleep, failure to be but also is enabled to ealeulate 11,0 future tested by sleep, c0)18tipMtfon, dulllle01( of and to determine the (3Xaet period when hearing, loss of voice, denim fortiolltude, ex - men wilt disappear from the earth. citability of temper, atu)ken eyes surround - The recorded facts extend over nearly ed with LEADEN ru11LE, oily looking skin, three eenturie-8. It is found that in 1(110 oto„ aro all symptoms of nervous debility the average height of men in Europe was that haul to insanity and death unless oared. 1.70 meters, or say 5 feet 11 inches. In The epring of vital force having lost (18 17101 it was 5 feet 0 inches, Jo 10'1(1 it 33'11.8 tension every function w•mte0 i1) oonseg11once 5 feet 5 inches and a fraction. At the '','lose who through alms( connnitted in present time it is 5 feet 31 inches, It is ignorance may be permanently cured. Send easy to deduce from these figures 1L rate of your address for book on all 11X0008 peculair regular and gradual decline in human eta- to Haan, Address 111, V. LIMON, 50 Front titre, and then to apply this, working back- St, 1'l., Toronto, On, Books sent free sealed, ward 01111 forward, to the past anti to the Heartdiaoase,thosymptenoofwhich arefaiut future. 'spells, purple lips, numbnese, palpitation, By this ostentation, it 1s determined that skip beats, hot Hashes, rush of blood to time the stature of the first ratan attained the ser- head, dull Bain in tho heart withheata strong, prising average of 10 feet 0 incites. Truly rapid and irregular, the s°cnnd heart beat there were ;dente on the earth hi those days, quicker than the first, pain about the breast 1110 race 11a11 already deteriorated in the bone, etc., can positively bemired, No cure, clays of Og, and Goliath was quite a degener 'no pay. Send for book, Address N. V. sato off io g to 0, ,nein; 1 Own von fee a. ' the later times wo final that at the begin- Ont. uing of our era the average heigllt of num wa8 � The now largmi8 of Normandy is the The Chinese Government has ordered one mg the lad. Ib 10 )het ready for use. powerful armour' clad, two swift cruisers and two torpedo gunboats from English builders, They will have a speed of twenty- one 3) 0)1ty one knits, Interviewing Inas been got down to a science by a Parisian 70110 advertises that he will furnish for 111° provincial press interviews with distingnishod 111e1, two a week, for $111 per month. It is reported from Paris that an appal'a- tusfor famishing electric liglltfrompritnaryl. ,lir. John Craik, of Rockdawn, P. Q. batteries i8 in suaeessful0peratiot there, and boosts of nine uonuuou Canadian cows which that the new house of the Duke do la '11'0• yielded during the last dairy season 40,200 m0111e ilt liglttetlby if* Ws, milk, an average of 4,476 lbs, each. H' f tl i t <' 1 t0 LUBON 50 F t St t ] st Toronto, 0 feet, and in the tinge of Charlemagne ft Rev Lord At; 1, re. Ho is one of the w,t0 8 feet 8 inches, a feet quite sufficient to ales) popular c e: rgymlon in the North of account. for the lrarof0 deeds of the paled• i1ngltuul and is (1 h1310Worke', . .A., P,...11-1 1. Spread this on the ',Attila every morning. ,,,a, At night wash over with waren wrote' and fiat the most astonishing result of this eeetn0 81)111). Thou spread 01) some grel0e• 00ientifi1) study Cn1110e from the application When pus begins to ooze out freely, 0peea11 of the same iuexereble law of diminution on more thielly, and let ft remain for to the future, '51,0 oat/041,10n show's that by twenty-four hours, then wash off and grease theyear400l4. 11. the stature of the ave'ag0 as before. Do not let it remail o11 longer, 11 reduced 1 r inches. At that than twenty-four Items a1 a time, It will cure." Some Scraps, P01f00me1 are so scarce in Paris that an outcry is being raised for another 10(10 gor- e there diene de la paix. Twenty soul's ago were 0,800 police to protect 1,800,000 inhahi• tants; now• there are only 0,117 for2,300,000 8000. An exhibition of toys is about to be open- ed in St. Petersburg. It is intended to illus- trate the history of toys from the earliest ages, l'arti0uh1r attention is to be given to Asiatic toys, which aro said to he nur1els of taste a1111 flue workmanship. The Austr.an Government have been ex• perhn(.n ing i on the carcases of horses in order to test the power of the >1a11n1 1310• rifle. '191e result las been to 811003- that a >fannll°her bnlletwnubl pierce clean through a hutt0an body- at 0. distance of 1,500 ',met- res. The Paris old soldiers' home, the Hotel des Inw•alitlos, will Wry likely soon be closed. The number of inmates has sunk from 3,1(00 to 280, and the Government thinks of clos- ing the half -empty buildings and letting the ohl soldiers shift for themselves on pensions of 3110 or 400 frame a year, A Russian loos, according to repot, re- eeltl}}' (or a w•ag0)' consumed the hintlquae. ter of largo ox In twenty-four hours, togeth- er with 24 lbs of fat and a proportionate quantity of melted butter. .Later on he ate a mlixtme of boiled rice alai1 butter, weighing together 23 lbs, Roses are not satisfactory subjects for window culture, consequently w O strongly row them. 10 I t o adw•ise you of attempt y r n to g Fuchsias, zonal geraniums, petuuiaa, heli- otrope, 410., are meed the best plants 10 cul- tivate 111 windows, Hyacinths are of little value after the first year, hence must not be relied upon to flower well the second year. Tulips will Hower nluelt better if lifted when the foliage dies ht July, replanting t1(11 in Novem- ber, Crocus, snow -drops, squills and daffodils may with advantage be left undis- turbed in the gromud for years. Before placing a sitting hen of eggs give her new material, first dusting both the hen and the material of the nest with insect powder. At the end of 17 days, which will he only a few drays before the chicks come out, again change the material of tho nest, old Hsu the insect powder freely, 11.111011 Will prevent the young chicks from being infest• ed with lice. A simple, homely remedy for nary' tree ailments and enemies is wood ashes ; or if not to be had, coat ashes ; or, if not to be had, Coal ashes with 0, sprinkling of 11110' - but ashes; ashes to be used freely before mt1101ring (against frost or drought) ; after mulching, that no tree enemies may harbour therein : the 01111011i11ig itself, when gathered up, to be burned and. returned to the trees. Young 111100 should have plenty of iron filings o). cinders around the roots There is a my of Fear in Yarns Leat dancing when planted. If the eon is pot needed it may be forced out of fashion. One reason will not be absorbed, therefore there can assigned is that women with salons no long- er encourage it. Another is that the waltz, which has for some year 8a1mo81 nonopel:zetl Glancing, is too boisterous and exhausting. It has disappeared from many Paris salons. Thiety•seven French soldiers, under cetn- nlan(1 of a captain, a lieutenant and a sub- lieutenant, are said to have marched from their barraeko at Vannes to a railroad sta- tion 13 miles distant in one hour' and nifty minutes to salute a general whose train 7008 to stop at the station. Not a man full out on the march. Emperor William II. sent to be placed on the grave of his grandfather, on the recent Seasonable Hints. For su00088ful gardening 1t is quite as 08801tia1 to below what to avoid as to know what to do, and it is particularly important to know just when to (lo it. The careful cultivator keeps a diary of operations for each year, with a1 accurate account of what Wa3 16000 at OVERT date, and the general weather conditions at the time, and to this ho adds as the season progresses notes re - 106131g to the success or failure of crops and the apparent reasons for both. Every one who has an interest in agardel should begin a diary of this sort It this has not already anniversary of the latter s death, a wreath 1een1 his practice. A fertile soil in good of violets. 1 -term' hundred other pe'acns inmechanical condition is the foundation of all Germany had the same idea, and by eveningg success. If 111)111(110 has not already been ave wee coveted with violets, whicl1' will not do to hurry to the the (,l provided it ww y had come, some of them, from distant partsnearest stable and bay a supply, for it will of the empire, I ho of little use in 0garden until thoroughly An Algerian soldier serving in the French decomposed, so that when it is put on the ggat'rison at Ka .00 on the Senegal river, soil It will be dark colored cud without a deserted, and ten months later 3o turned up, trace of strum-. 1f the ground has been well many hundreds of miles sivay, at ills old e1140)30d 111 fcl'iuor scene, bone -meal, guano a• of great ',elven- Sahara ru • "ihzers lire (thewweste and ehenrical hat keno in Algeria. Ho had crossed I nfi Sahara on foot, through a Legion front which tag(, but those should be 010(1 only as hardly one white mon m it 'winked could es- adjuncts to w ell.rotted stable 111001100. cape olive. It is the first journey of the sortDa not begin to dig or plow while the on record. I soil is still wet. Tho ground should never Great intea810108e has prevailed for some be disturbed 011111 insue(1 acondition that months in the English civil service. It has it will easily pnlverivo 1 and when it has been ppropp(sod to bring about reorganization boon plowed or spaded, tender vegetable by sit istitilting lower (1(110ion elm is for the seeds, like those of oucumho1'°, melons, upper division in certain departments, to in- lima beans, okra,tomatoes or corn, should crease the w01310 ng hours from six to seven, not be planted in the open ground until and to revise the pension system, The cin- warm weather has permanently come, ployoes don't like the prospect, and are be= which will not bo in this latitude until ginning to make a nldlc sort of agitation. I abort the '30th of inlay, Other yoga - tables should be pilanted as soon as possible, in Printing, anti' indemnities" at the Hotel d0 (311( grothe un(ltea The Amerieaeas should nliW already is Ville in Paris is said to U° just five times )8)' the beat of the dwarf peas for family use, that of the clays of the empire. The number out there are 801110 pianos whore this variety of sinecures Inas boon neatly trebled, to find refuses to grow. 7'Ite little 001)1)(1 petal places for felda of the higher offices. The should never have a plane in the home gar. the lxill of the Hotel de Ville was to cost den. Of the wrinkled varieties, Alpha is 140,000 francs, and the expenditures really 010011' the earliest, and is of excellent being 10,000 ftalnls less, the surplus was gttalitby. It is a ;noel plan to melte one divided 1)p among alto employees. An fnVea' planting of Alpha as soon as. the frost is t'�'atiel may s0011 be expected. 1 ut of the ground, and then la fortnight A womanmissionary on the Conga writes later to plant at the same time Alpha 13)1(1 that the Sunday servioo lasts from two to seine second early, like McLoan's Premium three hours, and the little ohildren, gutting (101)1, Stl•ategem for later, and Champion of tired, run outside to play, disturbing the England for the main prop, and those will worshipers and0ultivatiugirrot•e'ouc0. Ono follow °6011 other in dao sueuession. Tho of the royal princes at Mattdnlay, before season eon be prolonged by later plantings Thoobaiv's downfall, would know how to of Champion of England, eympatltize with abase little black folks. i The seed of beets, cabbage, cauliflower, Ido was a8ke1 what 110 thought of a church parsley, lettnee, onions, par0nlpe, spinach, dedication. he 11a(1 beet) 'induced to ILttell(l, together will the roots of aopara3gtla, rhubarb 11IVoll" ho replied, "I wish they had eat it and horse radish, should be planed in the in two. It was a very long time to be with. ground as early as it can be worked. Tend - out a cheroot." 101'er plants, like peppers and egg plant, which It le rather amusing to watch the result have been sown under glass should he look. of efforts now malting by the Congo Free e(1 after and thinned out 1 they need plenty State to introduce copper and silver money of r .om and ventilation on we•11 days, so among its savage subjects. The coins are that they oats bo hardened. Damping oft', bright old fresh from the mint, but, exempt owing to the excessive moisture and olon t- at Banana and Boma, whore the natives boss this Spring, has been a source of great see many whites, it is almost flnpo0sib10 as annoyance, 'rho only remedy for thisisabuml- yet t0 bot them to touch the new motley. ant ventilation and keeping the soil as dry In the cataract region the natives will tale as is en110istelt with safety. A. Sprinkling of the mine in trade if they may give them ' clean, (lryaaf1lover the soil when the trouble thew Olga Standard of value. The amount first shows itself is beneficial, 1111e covering of provisions, for instance, which they sell . should be removed from rhubarb, asptu gn0 for a dollar's worth. of blue beetle they will I and apinaoh, and if the soil is dry enoegh not part with loss than 02,50 cash. This I'ght cultivation should be given to the sur - has settled the currency question thus fan', a0e. _________ _____________., • t c t0 0 all lea. la r '1 MOVE nlanmi 101U10e H i4Ow? optlult there Awill be only 10n outlaas ea to 1 CHRONIC COUP e1t5(h, L�utl 1110 r4A41t101og of 1110 learned , `� 0tuti81101m110 irresistillle, that„ the emit of 1000 [t you Wd Y 1101,♦ylt'IOmn�lllb 0700:0 41- the worldwill certainly arrive, for the inllab• GMl(t1v De1liflf and hlplWtn nt'O Uf l(, itmuts will have become so small that they )nave is 1)0111108 lila will finally disappear," -" finish by dis- appearing." asthe French idiom expressesit -" from the to rrestrialglobe." lSOOTT'S Wlrelets, . I --- -•'- (en. 'Boulanger sttates that ho has no bi- tension of returning to France at present. The striking bricklayers and 8toneme0on8 of Ottawa have resumed work to -day, leaving gained their point. The strike of the cotton w011001.8 at Hamil- ton still continues, no compromise or settle- ment leaving as yet been made. The temperance party fn England has do- tted upon opposing the Government hill for rho suspension of licenses. Acting on the advice of Archbishop Walsh the striking Irish railway employes returned to work on Saturday on the company's tonna. Tho1'o have boon new fights between the Federal troops and the :aqui Indians in Mexico, with heavy loss to the Indians. The loss to the troops was light. The campaign will be carried out to the end. It is reported that Lord Salisbury is will- ing to evacuate Egypt on condition that England can at any time occupy the country without notice should it bo threatened by in. tomtit or external danger. The British Lion Never Sleeps. There is an element of strength in Eng- land's redoubtable navy 0313(0(1 we have not even begun to parallel in similar vessels, en(1 that is the armament with which she is equipping the great subsidized Atlantic liners. In comparatively the briefest time the big Majestic, the latest addition to the White Star fleet, arr0ngohlelts being nuulo in her original construction, eau ho fitted oat with twelve six-inch rapiddire gnus, carrying projectiles weighing 100 pounds. The other vessel similarly equipped to tho Teutonic. Remembering that a smart gum crew can work one of them guns 1)p to six rounds per minute, 0110 secs what formid- able cruisers Britain is adding to her mer- cantile navy. We 0)111'1 organize tact aux- iliary navy for lack of American steamers to subsidize. --Chicago Jnler•Oeeten Two electric motors have been built for the purpose of operating some hydraulic gam at a distance of several 11)1100, Tho clynnnlo to he used in both canoe 1s a s111a11 constant: current machine. The water gates will to controlled Ind placed in 1111)' desired position at the will of tho distant operator by throw- ing a switch lever, An o tln'eait of influenza is reported front Dunedin 11051'. Dear, door 1 just when we'd ' (i1'it tool n cell lm almost done u u u , A perfect specific --Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, Keep your fence boards and posts under shelter until you aro toady to use them, Then draw• t110111 out and use them at once. "Nothing But Skin and Bones," isthe ineLogout though appropriate expression need in describing the appearance of mauyfe- ulaleswhonNattlr0inten(10d for perfectsp°oi- mens of 11e1' handiwork, but who have leen reduced to this distressing condition by some of the organic troubles, peculiar to rho sex, styled "tomato 0omplahtts," the symptoms of w'1ni)h are "a11 all gone feeling," weakness in the back, e0peoia11y nlornin sgs, nervous. noes, and t0ometlnies hysteria. '1110 cure for those bolauty-dootrOyiilg troubles -and Im undoubted one in every case -is Dr, Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and it renders it un- necessary to consult a doetor-a diet:grwable duty for a modest woman. Of druggists. Currants and gooseberries need one good trimming out annually, cutting out old wood and thinning the new, Tho roses of the Julie time Aro 0 1 so fait, to s°o, 1181 fairer than these flowers aro Is alto lose flat blooms for mo On the cheeks 01)00 pale 011(1 hollow, God bo thanked, I s'a'y, That the Pose of health mutIlappinb00 Blooms 0016 again to day. '1(036 is what many a loam feels like saying when ho sees some member of his family re• stored to health after a long and wasting 111• 110sa, In many households there ampereo11. who seen) to be failing out of life slowly, There is a general debility that indicates 0 hick of vital force, The blood seems to 13 blood only in color, 'neve is often a dry, hard 000;11. Night brings no refr00hi11)1 sleep, The cheek grows thin and 11t�ale. What shall be clone to ward off disease wvldol is malting aloes but sure efior'ts to secure 1 m 1)61101' victim? Let me Loll your (Ion 1)r, Pierce's (Jol(lell Medical Discovery, anrllighl the enemy with it. 'Thera is nothing like i1 to build 1)p it weakened system, and restart list vitality, It is a most wonderful tonic, nutritive and alterative, or blood -purifier, c ULSION' Of Pure Cod Liver 011 and i'IYPOPHOSPHITES s7f Maiaao r:aci Soda. 51 le almost as palatable as milk. Sar better than other eo•callod Emulsions. A Wonderful flesh producer. SCOTT'S EIYIULSION is put up in asalemon mler )mapper, 730 sur)) and got Nm Ocu,rrsr. Sold et/ all Dealers at 600 and 41,00. SCOTT .1 1300'NE, ltdlerilln. Trade 1 WAVER LINE WEJRA11ISIiIPS,, To liteI Furniture I'tia4le Pi Ann Dealers In furniture & Upholstered Goods We the Undersigned beg 50 inform the Retail (rade that we Have it full line of 11 Upholstered Goode, also a well assortell stork of N'ahntt, Parlor, Lrnnlge, Sofa, Easy and other Chair Frames, The good are well f1Melted and made of the Bost seasoned w0a,ls. Orders 0ohrited, Quern City lf1'anifaeturing Cu'}', Ltd, 117 King Street W., Toronto. WATCHES FREE. tan nbsolntely treat( mimeo.cartoons. write endue convinced. 0 Canadian Watch Co„ Toronto, Can. TIIR SMITH NEEDLE PACKAGE. Bast tiling out. Agents make $•i per day Sample by mail, 25a, 01.00tENT Sc CO., 3O King St, 1r., Toronto. BIZ Bookkeeping,Banking, Penmanship. Shorthand, Tpwrlting,eto„ at Canadian Business University' & Shorthand Institute, Public Library Bldg, Toronto, Circulars free. Thos, 'Bongo,gh, Manager. CANCERand TUMOR Specialist. Private ospital. No Wk. Book rms. G. ___ _,.�,� Ne 63 NiagaraaS., Buffalo, N.Y. F. yp�� nn CC rpt° ChcapOot, sten rstand Best L IB U 6 .Pollee for' Farllt. Car on, Orchard or town lots. Prions from Ile. per rod (IOdit.) • 1 is- 1'orantll Picket. Wire ,rand fn1price 1 t. 5 . Toronto. ..Co.,21 Elver St.. or/ pence / c k Si On OO flar to wont . 1 men nue women ArAltvAR .0001asicc 1(01130 ort. Tair0010.. 1 X. 6cnlrmmq .::06a 'ALL ' lCLU'STR13'flV & DVERTISING. ,'PURPOSES,,( ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, Northcote Ave., Toronto WANTED 111:771 with One Thousand Dollars to take intorestili 131(11 neee given. Apply or BOX 310, MAIL OFFICE: Sgt' NEIfNASONS ,WANTED cilotL °)tors and Builders) in Toronto at Now ioingieal Buildings, aleo at Now Parliament Bulk,ll1gs. Q1i001t's Park. \Vag'os82ta. per hour. Apply, JOSI3PIL Y01.K1C, Jarw•Is S0. W IuLrf,101)0x10. DR. NICHOLS' -: FOOD OF HEALTH :- For Children .adults. Invaluable for Indigestion and Constipation. )7P. iNIC'S & 00.. London, Ungifted, Proprietor M0N'mlIAt O1616oeO 17 Sit, John Street. Dr. T. 51. Allinson 1 lt.0 P, London, says 1- I like Dr. Nichols (Food of Health' moll and find it of great dietetic Value in many dib eases is a breakfast dish I prefer it to oat meal. As the regulation of the bowels it eon not bo surpassed.' Send for sample 1(151011. WORK & MONEY Never Falling St, Leon Up to three yours ago Dyspepsia, t.hat horrible sensation, w'rotebod pain and (baking. The vary "thoughts; (hill ale. A friend got cured with St. Leon; urged me to drink. I did. The choking lumps got softer and _softer. I w'(1- cured and remain in tho hos( of health. St. Leon water will cure when all other mixture: fail. Gamma G. Wn,sor, Victoria Square, Montreal Saltingweekly between (*1UN T111FA0 en IA l'ldltrOU0.. - Saloolaleltets $4'I, I 11 and $li) Return 'Pk:W ts, $80. $1(0 and $110. accordion eteanlel' and aceanunodatiod. Intermediate'd steerage $20, Apply W i0, E. mruu,t%, 1w0 oral Manager, l'ttnndbtu NhIPPI8E lb., 1 (1(58" TOM 11 01'8/6 (RrAnit. McdN 1I1AF, 00 L0 Foca Agenle IB oil Towns and Cities. P _'rias - Cheapsit and 1614:91 P 540 in Muertea to buy. Band and Medea Instruments, h(usle, &o. Or Address wilt) 1111(1 ROXCE S' ('a►., 058 Yonge 9trcrt,ToronU,. S(indtor CataloRuo. THE CONVOY CARRIAGE TOPS ;ARE THE BEST KNOWN Their increasing popularity is a proof of the superiority. 130 8000 and get a Conboy top 011 lout bu4gv. 1194 (JEEN STREET EAWII. Please mention this paper. The Albert T ilet Soap Cop batmeat Skin Soap MAR€3 fine BANDS 00)0 AND Tilt COMPLEXI"N BEAUTIFUL. Seo that the Coy's ammo Io Stamped on the Soap sod as tho Went/de,. Beware or Imitative*, Lss1P,lnH te�r`nFA .OExt' - JR�mA11PP tCesea' osIM�A0o..W.6$II1,$1D ..70'?I�b 1 adRirS !SW 217 =WN aOuI4ACN C RAL(IAa$TIOA I uRNS, ALE 0If.S A0}7 , IIEMORHAGE0 05 ALL RfD6. POND'S EXTRACT 00, NOW York & Loadm 10 you want both go to Groat Fails; Montana, nalrl (1011) bn1ld 1110 Glen t haIf-Million Collor Dant norms the iVlis,oni 1(10 Two. 14dillion Dollar smelter, or ono of the Three NOW 11.11108 of Railway-N(Ohart Line, Lethbridge Lino and Pacific Const Lino, all being 1111111 by the Great Northern 1Ly. (81. P.. M. & 01.) a,000,000 01 frac Harming. 1(111(19 along the (Inc. For neat: iters emld postal card to J. M. RUCICINS, Con. Pass, rig 4l'alnu'r house Block 50 100'ro ATE VirDELALM Delivered aoy'.'i1 I awo061. nouio• Largest Son., SO , 72 to 76 King Street West, Toronto, Confceratioii ff� ORGANIZED 1871. DEAiD OFFICE, TORONTO REMEMBER, AFTER THREE YEARS Policies are Incontestable. Free ee front all restrictinus 104 to residence, travel or occupation. raid -up Policy and (:ash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Polley. THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY. A.FFOROS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST EARLY I DEATH. Provides an income in old age, and is a good investment. Policies aro non -forfeitable after the paymont of two full annual Premiums. • Prodts, which aro unexcelled by any Company doing business in Canada, UFO allocated every lire years from the issue of 1110 policy, or at longer periods as may be selected by the insured. Profits so allocated aro Absolute and not Liable to be reduced or recalled at any. future time nnd0r any circumstances. Participating Policy Solders are entitled to not less than 80 per cont, of the profits earned in the class, and Por the past 0oron years Mare actually received 907 per cent, of the profitsr• 1 earned. W. C. MACDONALD, J. 15. MACDONALD, ACTCARY, MANAOiN0 DIRECTOR* The Alliance Bond and Investment go, of Ontario, Limited, Incorporated February 27th, 1890. CAPITAL SI,000,000. general Ofiices, 27 & 29 Wellington Street East, 34 & 36 Front Street East, Toronto. This Company mules:e kes agencies of every description, and trusts, such as carrying one 108uo0of capital for companies and others, conversion of railway and otherso0urltteo, will giro core - 1111 attention to manag0me11 of estates, the celle0tio11 of loans, runts, interest, dividens, debts, mortgages, ilebontnres,bonds, bills, notes, coupons and othortrecuritieo;\w•illact a.e agents forissuing- or issuingor countersigning eertidcates al stack, bonds or other obligations. •0101teo0n2s and invests sinking funds and invest, moneys generally for others and offers the best terms the'efo•. Every dollar invested with or through this Company earns the highest returns and is abs(-, littoly safe All investments aro guaranteed. run INVESTMENT EST.IIENT MINDS of the Company aro issued In 1)01051110 of 113(0 00(1 upward and nfrer nnparallolled dndu000100ts for accumulative investments of small 110101101s, monthly or at larger periods for terms of year's from AVO upwards and the invoker is not only absolutely protected agahl4t loss of a single dollar but can rely' 11p011 the largest returns conobotelt with security.. Correspondent° solicited and promptly replied to, 71,11. 810805, President. U. F. POTTER. Managing Director letrst-plass General and Local Agents elm obtainremnnerativ o contracts by applying to WILLIAM Sl'ARLJ\1, Superintendent, LCUHE EI THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES, YEARLY. GIVEN EN AWAY ® Cl)'10 I say Cure 1 do mean mereli. to stop them fora time, 00 and.th°u have them return 8(10)0,' 1A9EAr •,RADI OA L OURR- I have made the disease of Fits. Epilepsy or Falling Sllckncss .1. life-long study. I warrant my, remedy to Cure the Worst cases, Because others have failed Is no reason for nor now recewm s ears. Sault' a once for a treatise and free 08ottl0 of my Infallb'o Remedy. Give Express atlb Post Office. I.. costs you 1)6111(1) For a trial, and it will cure you Addres :--H. 0. noon M.O., Branch Office, 186 WEST ADELAIDE STREET. TOROPITO, ' 11 ALL THE WORLD OVER %JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF Is used as a STRENGTH -GIVING FOOD for INVALIDS ant CONVALESCENTS FIREPROOF CHAMPIONS With Upright or Horizontal Boilers. I2, r6, 2o, 251 Suitable for all work. ando H,P. J Threshing Sawtngg� 3 �rlckmaking, etc. Traction Engines 1 2, 16 and 20 Horse. power. STRAW -BURNING ENGINES For the North-West. Send for Circular. iaterous Engine Works Co( •r C ^ r P_R.. tib °,ftf N .., IN. iYEG, Z(VitSIS VV11� TO TITS L.BITOR:-Please inform your readers that I lav° it 400ltive remedy to, the above tented disease. By its timely use thousands othopoless eases have been permanently et ,red, 1 shall 310 glad to seed twO bottles of my remedy. PRE0 to Any 61 your readers 3(8ho. haw 130.• gumption if they will send nue their Expprossand Post Office Address, Respectfully, Ti. Ar SL,Oe,:mia, ;pl,Ou (88 Woe* Adelaide St. vortoNY01, ONTARIO. �,,,,,•__ _