HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-16, Page 51 m,
MAY 16, 1S90.
i fig: 1,J$SEL,S PAST
/,7Str ct
The frosty nights aro nob Reproving
th fail 'hent ant' in .11>e seotion,
Next Nri lay evolhng a politioetl inoet-
ing will be hold in ,his place. Tho two '
candidates (Kr, Gibson end Mr. Mue
grmol aro announced to bo present,
Un Friday ovoning of tans week Rev.
1)r. ticalereon, of Listowel, will deliver
a leornro in the Methodist cbnroh on
"Love, courtship and matrimony," coo.
mooning nt 7:80 o'otook.
Rove David Rogers has been Rlvited to
continue as pastor of the Mothodiet
Roo, Wm. Torrance, of Walton, preach.
0d in the Methodist ahurob hero on Sun.
day last. 110 is an exoollent preochor.
le. 14. Harvey secured the second and
within a few marks of laking the first
aoholarehip at the recant examinations
in the Toronto Schoot of rlodicluo,
Wm. McNeolande while down to the
fieherl en1 a turtle, and to hie sere
pri.o he found th»oo (001(1s neatly ren.
erase on the shell : "J. J. eloNanght,
18,.1." Tho owner of the namo, and wo
,u000so tiro t'u't 0, reolde1 hi Grey eon:.
;Lip 0n1 i,+ well km.wn to (natty of our
rom loos. 'rot turtle appeared to bo gni te
i'rg nt
of the fact that he luta bean
.6 rt a Leone:1 r0' (1> for rho past
nice ye re.
'eV ines litsrtt.
Ki�,earrliue junior base ball club will
play our juniors hero on the 21th.
F. Paterson has n White Leghorn egg
whielt measures 7 invites one way by 8i
th oth•r.
Rev. J. 11. Moothonse has been ap-
pointed by the Lord Bishop of Iluron ns
a al.
'hof In oraali at s
rentor of the ports g ,
sal -
ant of 111,600.
The annual mooting of the Druggists'
As000itetion of Huron, Bruoo and Grey
will be hold in the Brunswick hotel,
Winehem, on Wednesday, May 21st.
The following wore elected afters for
the rooting year in connection with the
Berle., ,for' Institute : 1'. Fisher, Presi-
dent ; J. A Morton, Secretary ; R. Mc.
felon, Treasurer ; Dr. Towler, W. E.
Groves, 15. Elliott, U. W. C. Meyer, It.
Vanstune, Director.:. Books issued dur-
ing rho year --Biography, 82 ; Fiction,
13'9') ; History, f,0 ; Miseolleueone, 199 ;
General Litordture, 226 ; Poetry, 20 ;
Religious Literttmre, 17 ; Soienoe and
Art, •1:3 ; Voyages and Travels, 3011 ;
llooks of Reference, 21. Total number
of books in iibrarv, 1.,053,
'f11t, Crane Central 0llnngecl bonds on
WOlimatay, Mr McIntosh retiring and
T. IL Rolls, the owner of the building,
ta3ting Control again.
errsn temente ere muter way by a
,,mmuitt•o of Foresters in town to hold
a goer d demonstration of the order in
town, consisting of ooessione nitro:.
to i, 1
Rhone, genies, etc„ sone timo in June.
F. C. MOInto:h, of the firm of More
phy fi letelntosb, Barristers, oto., in•
tom's taking a trip shortly through
Bri ;eh Columbia (5113 som0 of the
&LeilieStates, and if he likes the pros•
penis, will mak., his home in the west.
A, H. Hawkins and Ellsworth Bolton j
have Arrived back in town from 1100111 (
University, Montreal. Mr. Bolton has
sn'>cermfullty completed his second year
eonr00, (eking the second stand in his
class in order of merit. Mr. Hawkins
graduated for the degree of B. A. S.
The elootion of officers in connection
with tilt) Mechanics' Institute resulted as
follows :-President, W. G. Hay ; Vioe-
President, Rev. le. W. Hughes ; Score.
tory, F. W. Hay ; Treasurer, T. L. Ham-
ilton ; Directors, W, 1f. Bruce, T. L.
Hamilton, J. A, Tanner, W. Climie, J,
Wood, J. P. Austin, F. W. Hay, C. Hein-
At the sato of the personal estate of the
montbo's of the old Thai of Hoes Bros.,
held here on Wednesday, G. A. Ross.
bath, member 05 oho new firm of Hess
Bros. it Co„ purchased the several
parcels of property offered for the sum
of $•1,750. The properties included the
residence of Adam Hess, the late resi.
dance of Wm. Hess and the warehouse
on I'llma street.
WetI toes.
'Thos. Dennison, who 11vos neat' hero,
has bean on the stall list and is still quite
Robt. Fraser has moved into the house
lately vacated by George Pothlck, who
has gone to Seaforth.
Rev. Hr. Torrauce will attend the an-
nual May District Meeting of the lletho.
dist church next Tuesday and Wednesday
at Teeswater.
A politioal meeting will bo hold bore
on Thursday evening of next week. eft.
Gibson and Mr. Musgrove are expected
to addro0s the eleotoro,
This week the people of Duli"a church
have been improving their church pro-
perty by fixing the fenoeo, gravelling the
apptoncltes and building a platform to
aid parsons getting in and out of vehicles.
We understand that Rev. Wm. Tor.
ranee of this plaza has received a very
beady invitation to the pastorate of the
Methodist ohuroh, Gorrio, for next year.
The reverend gentleman has accepted
subject to the Stationing Committee.
The Gorrie people would be well suitod
if they are fortunate enough to aaotire
Mr, Torrance,
Andrew Morrison, who was in durance
vile for several weeks, is once more on-
loyiug British liberty. The following is
the legal note concerning the same : -
licKotvoy vs. Morrison. --Judgment on
appliiwtton, under the Ittdigout Dobtors'
Aot, for the disohargo of the defendant
from custody. The learned Jndgo holds
that, although tion defendant had pro,
ferrocl some efeditoes, theta was 110 0vi-
donoo of iraudnlent 0011d0 01 at hie pert,
and that he should bo discharged from
onetody. 011101 *ado 00 asked. 133. G.
Cameron for dofoudant. Ayleworth for
Loot Saturday the Union football club
twin,, to Mitchell to play their 00c0od
motel: 311 the Homo Distflot :watts.
After floundering a.ronud for an hour on
noddy grounds, not moat over QO yards
long, rho gams was called a (1.011, thus
each side snored a point, Out boys
played bettor' ball than their olpponalts,
u i *Int
Who wore mach 17eaV10P, al wU 1.
com15011 for much that day. The follow.
ing is teem and positions ;_.-Goal, Sloan
backs Torranob and Morrison ' hall.
C1 t•te ntbr.UO1C,
An opening Hall abd supper will be
givon at flames' hotel in thus plug on
Thursday evening, 22nc1 Inst.
A publio political meeting will be held
du Oranbroolt on were. Wodneoday looming of
next we; Addrensoe will' be given by
Phos, Gibson and A. U. Musgrove.
NOTICE. -All porsone having property
in the Cranbrook eometory are reouesteti
to moot Otero on ATondoy the 2nd day of
duns, In the aft,.>'amou, for Oto purpoec
of levelling Wallte and decorating rho
lots, 1o. By order of the trustees.
]1310 t n.
Mr. Purvis, of Teoawator, has rented
the woolen mills hero for a term.
Blyth will give a good Recount of her.
self for J. T, Clarrow on June 5th.
Russell, of Point Edward, has When
oharge of the baggage dopartment at the
James Emigh returned from a short
visit to Croswell, Michigan, on Thursday
of hint week.
elle. 1). Erwin and family left hero 00
'Friday to join her husband and father in
ea,' cue Michigan.
Qnarl'rly mooting was held in the
Methodist church on Sunday, Rev. Jno.
Seott, of Wiughntn, preachiug,
Mr, Ololeay, of lionise!), organized a
court of Indopendout Order of Fore -Lura
hors,. in 1udnstry hall on'Puoeday (0 (1.
lug last with a(hari er nneinbnrohip of 20,
'1111, fullooing were appointed officers : -
A. 19blor, C. 1). II C. 11 ; T. W. 81/11i
C. R. F. 7etet.tae V. C It,: Chap,
It. Do :eat: ; Goleo:vole e. le. ; W. Phil.
lips, It: S. ; A. Taylor, Trope. ; I. Wats
or, 1. P. (3, It. ; W. J. Smith, S. W, 11.
liaggit, J. W. ; W. 1'owOd, S, B. ; (1,
Hookas, I. B.
need be s0bamed of them when he seoe
them planed side by aide with the works
of the inciter. of otbor lands. A votary
of art for art's sake, Mr. Reid plata
with a 0Dnsoientiot>9 vire, a» indi>stry
and Truth that aro worthy of the highest
prolate Ile is ono of rho little hand of
artie10 who aro working 1101 90 much 0.n
for monoy as beoauss they aro born to bo
arti'tts, and must early out Emir D>lssitnn
It is altog0•11er agree,tblo to find a worker
who cin he tr'�thfnlly prohsed, and who
having etruggle4 through year's of hoed
work and ohmeur)ty, is coming to the
fame Ire has 00 justly earned." Mr, Reid
hos sold a oumherof pieteres thie year at
prices ranging from $600 to 132;000.
All the drug acme in Seaforth now
close at 7 o'oloek every evening except
D. D. Willson and daught00 sailed for
the Old Country from New York last
'aturday. They will be away for a few
Tho partnership hitherto wnbslotbng
between ltobt. Logan and John Weir,
proprietors of Logan ,b Oa'e, banking
house in Oda town, tae been dime:food.
.1A'. Logon las purchased the interest of
his partner,
Ph'. following officers were elected f..r
the ont'oout year in commotion wit), bhp
1L, 'honied' lnetitut- : •-L'rraident, Or.
Campbell; Vien.Pre.idOu5, ,Janina Craig;
Tr.asura a 1'. flohn08(011 Secretary std
1',ibtnrinn, Wm, Moore' Assistant Soo.
rotary, John Darwin. Committee, Roy,.l
A. 1), Metenotbl, 1Vm, P>'enlergest, W.
Elliott, (inc,. Good, It. Lnmsdcn, G. D.
Wilsote Wm. McKay, Immo Langatraith,
Thorn are at the present time 401 mom -
A footb ill match was played hero
Wedrosday evenin,t between Olt, lilbobell
01.0 and the Searorth I'Iurone, resulting
in a victory for the 'Hurons by five goals
to none. Thom 41 e n tp arently badly boat
en, the Mitchell team contested the
match warmly throughout, and stowed
that they possess none very good materi
al, which, with more practice, would
ouable them to make it hot for any op•
portent. The first goal was token by
Seaforth in 20 minutes. Tho seoond
was more interesting, mod was finally
,von by a neat pass from Cresswell to
Willis, olio scored by a low, straight
kick. After half time Sea(orth scored
their third goal on tt shot from Bdloran.
The Dearth goal was also scored by Kil.
loran, and the fifth in a scrimmage in
front of the Mit:hell goal. The game
was entirely free from unpleasant in-
oi?eats, aud pas witnes-ed by a loego
tomboy of appreciative spectators.
C)antuna u leeooet.ee.
Sarnia has a population of 6,200.
Egg s0eials are raging in Essex comity.
Sir Richard Cartwright has given $100
towards putchering new show 331 'ands at
li „ lin High school pions gave an en-
tortaiumen; in aid of the Uut,ersity
library fud.
'Phe annual meeting of rho Grnnrl
Lodge of Tru,, Blies opened Tuesday in
St. Catharines.
Burglars took a considerable amount
of property from a Lakefield jeweller on
Snndny morning.
Notwithstauding the heavy snow in
Manitoba last winter, the Red river is
lower than ever.
Rev. J. Abraham was chosen Modera-
tor of the Synod of Toronto and King-
ston Tuesday evening.
Five young men will be prosecuted for
playing (Arlo in Uataraqui monetary.
Kingston, on Sunday.
The Roman Catholics of Toronto have
decided to spend $130,000 in beautifying
and remodelling St. Michael's cathedral.
An old lady mooed Mrs. Catharine
Soules and her grandson, Wm. Wynn,
were burned in a house at Campbetlford,
Monday morning.
A verdict of "found drowned" was re-
turned in the case of Geo. loloMnst"r, the
traveller for a Montreal firm, who met
his death in Toronto Bay.
Doug'ae R, Telly, the witness for the
crown fn the Benn'a'1 *,!oder ease, has
r oaded the hotlite of men and the buoy
newspaper reporter by hiding himself
for the uext s x months with a survey
party in the North-west.
The fiftha,nivorsary of the brittle of
Batocho was celebrated at Toronto on
t"o>tday evening by the officers of the
Royal Grenadiero at a banquet. Col.
Dawson presided, Oen. Middleton on his
right, and Col. Grasoett on his left. All
the officers were preeoht.
The Winnipeg oricket club will make
a tour this summer. The program will
be ao follows :-•lune 811th and July let,
v. Toronto club ; July 2nd and Srd, v.
Hamilton ; July 41h aud 5th, v. Listowel;
July 7th and 8th, v. All Toronto ; July,
9th and 10tH, v. Teterboro' ; July llth
and 12th, v. Montt eat.
Mrs. Jane La000k, a philanthropic
citizen of Brantford, pae0od away last
week, after a life of charitable and
generous deeds. Oue of hor charities
wa0 the maintenance of a oohool for the
education of orphans and poor children.
For forty years she kept up this inetitn-
tion wbieh had an average attendant* of
twenty pupils.
Juzo Kono, a young Japanese who re.
oeived the degree of B. A. and a gold
medal for general proficiency at Victoria
University Thursday, is the lire, Asietio
soholtr ever presented for laureatiat ut a
Canadian university, He i0 a native of
Tokio; and a gentleman of high rank.
Ile was received with loud acclaim at
The Commons came somewhat unex-
pectedly to the end of bnsinese for the
session on Wednesday, there being left
practically nothing to do but prorogue.
That ceremony will taloa place on Irriday
as'1'huraday was Ascension Day. The
dropping of the Northwest 33111 and some
minor measures brought the end sooner
than 1'1514 antic'patod.
Rev. 10.E. Nugent, of ,Mitchell, had a
rather poculiar exporienco tho other
evening. About nino o'clock a oouplo
came to his voidance with a regnest to
be married. They were duly provided
with a 11c000o and bot),, ovidestly, being
of ago, the rev, gon5leman proceeded to
«i11to Ghent, 1,1 tilt ottoman of other
esideteneo two young holies who woo in
the boom anted as bridesmaid and
groomsman. When 51,0 001'0n>ony woo
nearly aonoludetl there 001110 It htu'riod
ring at the door and tho groom tnrnod
to tho brido with rho romardt "They're
too into to stop u5 this time,' and hie
fano indicated that bo aepdmted rho in-
/Melte, Oughton, MSNanghtnn and 11e• 1 C' l' l'f 1 I IIs blest coining of someone ho knew. 11 turned
GL'aeliOn ; right Wing. McNeatta'a and So daftly ilhtstrates. 0119 potleur 1 ,oro 1 out to be re gentleman to sat ver, Nipent
MoDougall ; centro, Thomson ; tett wing, power of the Info that got 0 0> 0rOttn(1 US, i auc1 the 130rou0ny proeoerled to IL 1103513.
' (1aleOr and 10c>,auchlin, and thoy cru moll 501,t ter Canadian At 1ha ploys tho young holy who was
tr rt+"•,
Tho reco it rains have been of groat
benefit to the grass and crops.
High Stewart, 16th eon., n
and remodelling his barn with the object
of securing more room.
Angus Carmichael has put up n new
dwelling-hunse on his father's place and
intends moving into it this week.
Some of the Pall wheat is in very poor
condition. Farmers are getting tired
of failure after failure in thio crop. Thu
best thin; they ease do is to stop growing
it altogothor.
Jno. Clark, of the 17th non,. who was
over to Michigan it couple or three weeks
ago looking for work, has returned on ac-
count of the scarcity of that artict0 at
fair wages in that state, anti is at pres.
ent employed in the noighborhood of
Woodstock, Ont.
'i'hoo. Hislop, an old and highly ro-
opoctod former resident of this township
is here on a visit from ltauitoba where
he 'has spent the past eight years. The
prairie provin0e appears to agree well
with lir. Ilislop if appearenceo are not
terribly doceitefnl.
llttrotu,--A meeting of 1110 Raformcrs
of polling enb-divieio) No, 5, Grey, was
held in Tnrnball's school house on Wert.
nesrh13' evening. There was a logo at-
tendance. McDonald was
t ndtulce. James M ll
to tho chair and Andrew Turnbull ap-
pointed Secretary. Short addresses were
made by W. H. torr and Councillor His.
lop, after which the organization work
was attended to. This is one of the
strongest Reform divisions in the County.
A rather unpleasant accident befell
Enook Clark, of the 17th con., on Thurs-
day of last week. While working his
s an of colts enc of them became annoy-
od at a. bee or something and started
back, bringing the cloubletreo0 against
rho other's legs and so frightening the
other that be kinked viciously at Enock
and struck bio with such force ou the
leg and shoulder that the hatter was die'
located. Ho drove out to Brussels at
once and had it attended to.
Moe -rim.
Frank Baines has raised his born and
is having atone 'stabling built under i5,
R. Sperling, formerly a school teacher
in this township, is in the field as an in.
deftendent Conservative candidate in
The man Smith. who was laid up with
a sore foot, was removed to Listowel,
where he has friends. He is progressing
Some of the farmers in this township
who have farms along the river ore
pestered both on week days and Sun-
'tlays with a gang of Brnsselites, bounds,
tea, foraging through bheir property,
firing of guns, polling clown fences,
frightening stook and endangering life.
If a full stop is not put to it there will
bo some arrests for trespass very short
DEATHS, --On Sunday morning of last
week, at the residence of Henry Rich-
mond, there departed this life at the
advanced age of 72 years, Janet Riots.
mond, after an illness of some months,
and, otrango to nay, on the Monday even-
ing following, her sister, Mary Bioh•
mond, passed very calmly away, after
year's of (nu011 suffering, borne with
great Christian reliance. They Dane to
reside with their brothers, Henry aud
Jahn, about twelve years ago, from Sorn
parish, Ayrshire, Soolland.
Sam000 :Renown -Tho following is 5110
report of S. S. No. 3, Morris and Wawa.
nosh for April: 4511 Class -lot, Maggie
Calder ; 2nd, Robt, Craig ; 8rd, Minnie
Craig. 8rd glass-leb, Geo. Kraehling ;
2nc1, Willie Gaming ; 8rd, Johaunat Mo.
Connell, Sr. 2nd Clave -let, Louisa
Calder ; 2nd, Clara Kraohlirg ; 8rd, Jno.
Hallahan, Jr. 2nd Ol,Lss-10t, Johanna
ploaly ; 2nd, Katie Coming ; 8rd, Ed-
ward I3lacicbrough. Sr. Part 2nd -lot,
Ellis }Tabery.; 2nd, Tillie Nethery ;
8rd, Mamie Livingstone. Jr. Part 2nd -
1st, Mary Harrison ; Ind, Stasis Healy ;
8rd,, Peter llougles. 1st Class -lot,
Fanny Harrison ; 2nr1, Lena Living.
steno. C. S. CALDER. Tea01100.
WELL DONE. --A. BUM, R. 0. A., of To -
sotto, sun of Adorn Bold of this tovnsbip,
i0 winning fresh 10531010 in Clio world of
art. Mr. Reid hos ,just finished two pie.
tures which are iottl'aeting 0, great deal of
attention, In giving rho description of
then a Into issue of the Toronto Moil
says soon conplimentery things of Hr'.
hell, and 111:3 pi'odtlntiorrn, We make the
following oxtraot ; Tho saying't.hat good
Aunen'icens when they die go to Paris' has
been somowlutt parellcled by oho persist•
they will, ,which ar'ti0t after artist ha0
drifted away front Canada when his
fame Imo extended iH5o another bootie -
Otero, It may bo hoped that howovnr
strong may be tho tontptatione to Mr,
Roil from the historical homes of art
ho minty retllnin with LIS 0inny n year to
point tho .anal Dan lila w oir, 1 i.
acting ea gr0omeman 0001arkod that the
ridal couple had not kieeod each other,
rive idol. egoin' to, neither, It'd make
as mnoh fun for yoos glare" was the
tattoo,' corn's reply to this hint as to how
Ito 0er01110ny should ho concluded. The
ontrnntinu parties were from the town
hit' of Walhtee.
Popular Stallions.
MoNuav, May 601, will leave hi0 own
stab'o and proceed, by Sunshine, toSoan-
evetb'e hotel, Belgrave, for noon ; thenr.0
to Kelly's hotel, Blyth, for night Tom-
my, will proceed to Ebenezer corner fr.:
noon ; thence to bio own •table for night.
WE0Nn:s1,Y, will proceed to I'rauls Me.
Caughy'o, con. 7, Morrie, for noon; thence
to Iicirnre' hotel, Welton, for night,
Tormovar, will prooeed to Damao' hotel,
tlr.minoult, Sur no -n ; therm to 4110100> 11
Laino is for night. FRIDAY, Will pro
rend to 1'feerV SfLV,Lge'a, Srll eau , rimy,
for noon ; thonae to the Jemostowu hotel
for night, SATURDAY, will proceed to
Stratton's hotel, Brussels, for noon ;
thence to his own stable, remaining there
till the followitlg Monday morning.
Mooney will leave his own stablo, lot
19, non. 10, Grey, and proceed to Mal-
colm Lamont's for neon ; thence to Wm.
Smith's, 20d con., Grey, for night.
Taconic?, will proceed east to Wm. Hut-
chinson's, Elma, for noun ; themes to
Wm. Iiolmco', 8th con., Elma, for night.
WEDNrenAY, will prooeod to Alex. Struth-
ers', 12511 cot., Elmo, for noon ; thence
to Wm. Linoham's for night. THURSDAY,
will proceed to John K. Baker's, 8th eon.,
Grey, for noon ; thence to his own stable
for night. FcnD,vc, will proceed to Robt.
1'loCallum's, 9th con., Grey, for noon ;
thence to Jas. Elislop's, 15th cot,., Grey,
for night. SATURDAY, will proceed to Al-
fred Williamson's for noon ; thence to
his own .table. where he will remain un-
til the following Monday.
Mooney, well leave his own stable, lots
23 tC 24, coo. 8, Grey, and proceed north
to Jas. Pearsou'v, lit 20, non. 4, for noon ;
thenco north to Rab,. 1iokllietor's, lot
31, con, 1, for night. TUESDAY, willpro-
ceed to Peter McDonald's, lot 30, eon, 1,
Morris, for noon ; thence to Alex. Mc-
Donald's, lot 6, non. 4, Grey, for night.
WEDNESDAY, will prooeed .south to Geo.
Crooks', lot 4, con. 8, for noon ; thence
to Joseph Smith's, lob 20, can. 6, Morrie,
for night. Tnunsnaz, will prooeed to
Thos. Wate0n'e lot 3, am. 10, Grey, for
noon ; thence to Rich. Pollard's, near
Leadbury, for night. Tome, will pro-
ceed west to Jso. Davidson is, lot 10, non. g
for noon ; thence south along the ravel
19, Mallillop, for noon ; thence to Davidroad eo
MchSullen'e, lot 1`3, con. 18, Grey, for for night. Sarumdit n 'lilt 7th prooeed to the
American hotel, Brussels, for noon ;
thence, by Cranbrook, to hie own stable,
where ho will remain until the following
Monday morning.
then east 1} *ilea, then to hie own 'stable I
for night. THURSDAY, Will prooeed south
to 18th eon., .Grey, then west to Won.
McAllister's for noon • tbeuce west to
Sago's total, Walton, for night. 1rn1DAY, I
will prooeed north to 9th line, 111Drr1','
then west 24 miles, then >,urth to Saito
eel Veal's for 00011 ; thence to rho
Queen's hotel, Brussels, for eight. SAT.
MAY, willm b will
to his own stable,
n 'q
w I rennin unfit the fallowing
Afotole v morning.
MONDAY, will leave his own 'stable, lot
2.1, con. 11, Grey, and proceed to Bt>r-
ton'0 Ifotel, Ethel, for noon ; thenen to
Donald McDonald's, 2nd coo., Grey, for
night. TUESDAY, will proceed to Peter
800tt's, Boundary, for noon; thence to
Motivate for ono hour, and then to
Queen's Ifotel, Wingbam, for night.
Weooesna-, will proceed to Belgrave
Ifotel for noon ; thence to David Geddes,
lot 7, coo. i3, Morris, for night, Toros.
one, twill prooeed to David Breritenridge's
`Ind con., for noon ; thenen to Duncan
Taylor's, c011. d, Grey, for night, FRI-
DAY, will plowed to Wm, Barker's, eon.
6. for norm ; thon00 to Let. efoleiunan's,
8tH eon„ for moon. HAmnm:ar, will pen.
coed to Damon' llotel, Cranbrook, for
noon : throe,. to Iia own stable where lin
twill retrain argil the following Holiday.
Il .rl;Ire' 5t A tbET7 , 1'Itll'RIt:TUit.
3IonDAY, tvill leave his own stable and
proceed north to Walton to Sage's hotel
for noon ; thence to Brussels to Central
hotel, for fright. Trot eoAY, will proceerl
north 14 nines, then ,-sot to Ethel, for 1
h..ur, then east :4 mile; north. 14 miles,
west < utile to J. Rose's for noon ; thence
east to g
ravel road, dm
,hon 'south
to At.
wood to 1t. Grahame,
for night. WnD-
EnniY, will proceednorth to F. l,illiax's,
Listowel, for 1 hour, then north to Gow-
anstown for noun ; theoaa west to Ford -
whit' for night. THURSDAY, will proceed
south 3$ miles, then west to Gorrie to J.
H. Campbell's for noon ; thence to the
Commercial hotel, Wroxeter, for I hour,
then to Blnevale for night. Finney, will
proceed south 14 miles, west 33 miles,
south to Belgrave for noon; thenco north
to Milne's Hotel, Blytb, for night. SAT.
mune:, will proceed to for noon ;
thence, via Kinburn, to his own stable,
when: he will remain until the following
L. MCNEIL, PR0PRxrro1:.
MoNna', April 27th, will leave his own
stable, lot 17, con. 14, Grey, and proceed
eastward, by 1211 con., to Chas. Parker's,
10th con., Enna, for night. Tcesi -o,
will prom ed by the 1411, con., Elma, to
Wynn's ho'ol, Newry, for noon ; thence
eaot along the 10th con., by way of Done-
gal, to Jus. hlammond's, lot 31, coo. 0,
Elmo,for night. WEDNESDAY, will ll P
Deed orth to Win. Steveosous, Britton,
for noon ; thence, by 2n01 eon., to Use
Grand Central Hotel, Listowel, for one
hour (from 5 to 6), then west to Amos
Weaver's for night. Tnuasone, will pro-
ceed west along the boundary to Jacob
Steiss' hotel, Molesworth, for noon ;
thenco west along the boundary to Robt.
Hamilton's, eon. A, Turobarry, fur night.
FRIDAY, will prooeed south, via James-
town, to Anson Shaw's, Srd line, Morris,
night. SATURDAY, will proceed to Domes,
dotal, Oranbrook, for noon ; thence to
his own stable wheat he will remain un-
til the following Monday morning.
Moanax, will leave his own stable, lot
10, con 5, Morris, and prooeed along nen•
Ora sideroad to Alex. Nichols, lot 17, con.
7, Morris, for noon ; thence worst 14
miles, then north 24 miles, theu soot 14
miles to his own stable for night. Tuss-
0,tY, will proceed oast along 4511 line,
Morrie, to William Works, lot 1, con. 8,
Grey, for noon ; thenco south 11 miles,
then east 11 miles along cons. 9 and 10,
Grey, than north 14 miles, then east 11
miles, then north 14 miles to John Lowes,
lot 10, con. 5, Grey, for night. WxDNEs.
DAY, will proceed west 81 miles to James
Iroland's, lot 27, 8rd line, Morris, for
noon ; thence west to Bells corners, then
south to his own otable far night. Taunt: -
DAV, will proceed north along centre aide.
road 21 miles, then east to alio. Elliott's,
lot 21, 2nd line, Morrie, for noon ; thence
west to John Roe's, lot 10, 2nd line,
Morris, for night. ERIDAT, will proceed
east to Jowitt's church, then north to
Blnevale hotel, for noon ; tbonce south to
his own stable where be will remain un-
til the following Monday.
Moony morning will leave hie own
stable, lot 1, eon. 0, Grey, and proceed on
the Srd of ,Morris to Emanuel Oliver's for
noon ; thence across to the 4511 line, then
east and to hie own stable, whore he will
remain till Wednesday morning. Won.
NEM): morning will prooeod to bhe 8th
eon., Grey, then 14 miles east, then south
to John Urerltr's for noon ; thence east to
Mr. Brown's, lot 25, for night. Toone.
nes, will proceed 11 miles south and to
Dances' hotel, Cranbrook, for noon ;
thence south to the 16th con., thou to
James IIislop's for night. Fii1DAY, witl
prooeed west to the gravel road, then
Booth to the churches, and to David Far.
quherson's for noon ; thenco to contra
eidoroad, then north 3I miles, then oast
to James eloAt•thm^s for night. So-t'US.
WV, will proceed north to lith nem., then
to %illimes hotel, Brussels, for noon,
whore he will r5mail> till 6 o'clo,k, thee
to his own stable till the followiug 11,0i•
day looming.
hr,AC,t% GALLoWAv.
.IUnN 11.CtrP111eL1.,. PRo?ullrrok.
eft into, wilt leave his own staltic, lot
15, con, 9, (troy, and proeoed email aud
east to T5)00. Voddenee, eon, 5, for noon t
thence north and coot to llobt, Smith's
coo. 2, I0Inla, tor night. Trltsnty, (till I
11ro000d east to gravel rood, thou Booth
11 miles, 1h0n wn•f to Andrew Thomp-
Amt'e, :3111 line, Winn., for 110011 , (1101100
to John t,imisay's, 8rd stn., (.ray, for
night. Wooenan.ty, will praccoel four
11113130 tw04, 01011 snutl, to Mallard flit.
chop's rot` no m ; 5heoce eolith 11 miles,
'Taos. )ICL:1Uo]u:1N, PROP'lt.
MONDAY morning will leave his own
stable, lot 1, con, 0, Grey, and
proceed to E. 7. MoArtlmr's for noon ;
thence north 14 miles, and west to Wm.
Forrest's, lot 25, eon. 8, Morris, for night.
Tussno', will proceed west 24 miles, then
south to Emanuel Oliver's for noon ;
thence west to gravel road, then to Bel.
grave for night. WEDNESDAY, will pro.
Geed 24 miles east to 4111 line, then sonth
14 miles to John kloArtor's for noon ;
thence to American hotel, Brno:els, for
night. Tuonsntr, will prooeed on the
9th oon., Grey, 1 , miles, then south 14
miles, then to Damns' hotel, Cranbrook.
for noon ; thence south 1}; miles, then
west 24 miles, the, south to Mrs. Sel-
lars' for night. FRIDAY, will proceed west
on 8th non., Morris, 24 miles, then south
to Peter 1 toArthnr'e for noon ; thence
west 24 milds, then north to John White's
for night. SATURDAY, will proceerl north
11 miles, then east to James McArthur's
for noon; thence east to gravel road, then
north to American hotel, Brussels, till
5 o'clock p. m. ; .thence to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following
Monday morning.
Any Quantity of Fleece Wool
Wanted at Highest Market Price
Farmers eau do better by sell-
ing their Wool for Cash and
then trade where they please.
'Buying, as usual, all kinds
of Grain.
R. GRAHAM, B1u8se16.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Villago Pro-
' party fit .
(i 6. 61 Per Cent., I'ear/v.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
fil'i.Sinit ('otld'f. (Y(e,'1,', Ernsgelg,
Private Funds to Loan.
have been placed in Illy hands
for Investment on real estato.
No Commission.
Borrower:, China 11$Fti )(tartlet 0G111-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Rrusnelr.
.131 10',,r(c from the 3raaslllra( (11 0501.93x0
dote in a arst'rtaas manner.
01 ler4tieneen, etc., art 0Ceesottntale
W. J. Fairfield.
1-11\_'\7- Fi
S. -i
Is Prepared to supply you with a
Handsome Carriage
At a Slight Advance on Cost -
Call in aud Make a Selection or
Leave your Order.
If you aro intending to travel
Dennis' is Headquarters for
A Large and Well -Assorted
Stock to choose from.
St, Leon Mineral Water,
Tho following speak for themselves :
Brussels, Oct„ Jan. 8, 1890.
I have been using St. Leon water for
the past month or so and have found it
very efficacious in promoting good health.
After using it a week I found my apps- .
tite much benafltted and can now east as -
much in one meal as used to enfiioe .rets,
for two. For any rheumatic .a$•0otion 1
believe it to be ahead of any drugs or
patent medicines, and think that per-
sons of a automatic tendency should use
it constantly.
Clerk 4(h Division Court,
°minty Huron.
l'ti. &DA,t Goon, Brussels.
Dear Sir, ---The St. Loon Mineral Watt-
er that 1 have been getting from you has -
douo me so much good that I cheerfully
give my testimony in its favor and hope
others may be persuaded to give it w
WAt. Memnon, Sn.
Brussels, Jaa. 7, 1800,
This water, the like of which is found
no whore else but at St. Leon, in the
Province of Quebec, resembles ail not.
arc's prodnatio10, an egg or grain .of
wheat for instance. We can tell what
an egg or grain of wheat is composed of
but man is utterly moble to matte a
groin of wheat rr 0100,0 R,11 r;;g aud he is
met as unable to counterfeit St, Loon
Mineral Water, But Lind onto',( has
dorm for us what Ota could not do for
,.nsolv0s--branght tho (40t,r) ell tere,5
>ngredientn of this water together in the
prapot' proportions, mixed them and
pours than forth in a copious stream.
1 not in 0 position to 003,3111)' this l'e-
markable water, absolutely pure, straight
from the Wells, at a pr100 time lomat
littlo aftsr covering the 0,; et of bringing
it this for.
ADAM Co01t,
The Toro,,to Greedd";