HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-16, Page 4THE B1-tJSSELS YUS'i
Public Meetings will be held throughout
the Riding of East Haven as follows
MoLsswonTII, • Monday, May 10
Is':cnnL, Tumidity, " 20
tliialinnoos, . Wednesday, " 21
\AUTON, Thursday, 4, 28 22
deelnaareWN, Friday,
KINnunN, • - Monday,
eeada ' " 27
I1ANLNY s SCHOOL HOAen, MoKillop, " 28
11eetfags Cornmenee et 1 o'cloelc
The meetings are to be addreseed by both
Bir. Gibson and Mr. Musgrove,
New Advertisements.
Wool—R. Graham,
Looals—A. Straolten,
Hats—Scarff& Ferguson.
Wall palter—J. T. Pepper.
Local—Pose Publishing house.
Announcement—W. Nigbtingale .& Co.
ti be `i,i:ussr:ls past
14'I,'I71.LY, iIA)' 16, 1S90.
TonosTo Setmrdav Night, edited by
E. E. ivheppard, Censervativo candidate
is Ilaldimand County, says :—"On
purely business grnmtds the attack to be
made upon the Mowat Government is
not one which will carry great weight
with tbe ordinary hearer or reader of
campaign speeches. The business of
Ontario hoe not been conducted without
eoandel, but when comparisons are made
with other administrations in this and
other provinces cr with that of the Do
minion, it must be confessed that the
Mowat Government has been compare,
Merely free from proven instances of
official corruption. It must ciao be
acknowledged that in the main the
personnel of the Government has beau
above the average : Hon. Messrs, Mowat,
Fraser, G. W. Roes, Hardy and Gibson
being men of acknowledged ability
while Messrs. Ross tend Drury are not
conspicuously below par. Every effort
has been made to keep the tone of the
admiuistration as high as possible."
Parctr s, WEN, President of the
Equal Rigbts Association, bas written
a letter on tbe Equal Rights movement,
in whieb he warmly resents the conduot
of the men who have been using the
name of the Association to advance their
own or their party's interests. The pith
of the letter is contained in these
sentences :
"The Pravinoial Association cannot
forbid those, who in any constituency
favor ite views, from bringing forward
candidates who ars pledged to support
those views. Localities must have the
right to do so should they deem such
eetion prudent. But none who value
the principles of equal rights will lend
themselves to any [sinister methodor
permit the Association to become an in
strument in the hands of designing men
for the advancement of party. Should
anything of thin kind be attempted in
any place every true member of the As.
sooie!ton will regard it as base and im-
moral, and as fitted to do irreparable
damage to a most necessary movement.
To all men of any party, who have shown
to interest in our organization till they
imagined that it might be used for per
conal or party ends, cnnseientious aid
intelligent friends of equal rights will
give a wide berth.
"The great question of ptoviuoial
polities to which our principles apply is
that of operate schools.
"It does not appear to me that the
pact relation of the parties to tbis
question permit, any line to be drawn
by oar Association in favor of or against
one party rather than the other.
"Whatever accretions have gathered
awned the Separate School Ant have
had, I think, the concurrence of all.
"Neither party San charge the other
with developing separate schools ; while
the recent modifications of the separate
school law are in substance what our
platform demands."
What better evidence can reasonable
men have that Hon. Oliver Mowat is the
true exponent of Equal Rights principles
in the present campaign ?
vents of the Roman Oatholin Ilieraroby
and clergy, and that our eubeervlenoy
was shown by our legislation and by our
exeruise of our Government patronage ;
by the very allege, in Fant, which in 1880
had been said to show the reverse. The
cry of 1888 loot to us some Boman C•tthe
lie votes, and the ery of 1880 hest to ns
some Protestaut votes. A reIL400e ory,
however little reason it may have, has
slways eome effect : but in neither 1888
nor 1880 Was the etieut great enough t
accomplish the purpose aimed at. our
malefic record was so sabiefatttory to the
country that • we were able to attend our
ground against even a misleading re
ligiens ory."
A ORBIT many people are lead to be-
lieve that the Separate Schools Act was
passed by the Mowat Government. It is
hardly neoeesary to say that this is not
the ease, as it was one of the planks of
Confederation in 1867. The Mowat Ad-
ministration have not the power to do
away with them, and, this being the ease,
the legislation enacted bas been of a
oharaoter to improve thole schools and
bring them up to as high a standard as
possible. Those amendments have been 'R
ohamoterized by the Opposition as truck-
ling to Rome. Hon. 0. Mowat, speakicg
ab Woodstock, recently, said
"Twice our opponents endeavored to
defeat us by adding to their Urogram a
religions ory in order to mislead the
people. After being routed in the gen.
oral elections of 1876 and 1870 they raised
in 18813 a ory among the Roman CCattle.lics that, as a Governmeet, we were bit.
tarty hostile to Roman Catholics ; that
we hid shown this in our legislation and
in the diseribubfon of the public patron.
ago ; that Mowat, in partionlar, was a
bigoted Protestant, always unjust to
Roman Catholics, and a man in whom
Roman Catholics could never possibly
pians confidence. The Opposition policy
wins then "More Popery,' "Mowat does
not give ,you enough of 10." But the ory
did not bring votes enough ; the Govern.
'tont was for the third ohne sustained ;
aid fox the next election, that of 1888,
the opposite cry wee tried, "No Popery.'
The only purpose was office, and whether
a "Mote Popery" ory or ' No Popery"
cry should give it, oar oppoueut8 aeon
quite fnditforeet. Accordingly, in the
campaign of 1868 they proclaimed to
Protestants thebmy Proteetant osolloei3oes
and myself were 'traitors to our fault;
that we gave everything to the Roman
Cetbolios; that we Went obedient ser -
�e Diamond Buttoo
"tltd Ones, 1 should judge," rept"{ed
Clark, the managing elork, bending over mo. It was another mock marriage. A
to pick one of the packages up. `2tboy scamp of e lawyer, named Parker, acted
refer to Sampson, Harem:en et o0., a the part of a olergymau.
cOneern that has been out of existence "He had me in his power for years,
these ten scare. Their ale/airs are all and bled mo freely, until I caught him
closed up," in a scrape and held the state prieoa
Among the papers was a small tin box, over ham. Then I was independent,
"What is that?' asked Holbrook. "I lived with this woman three yearn
"I don't know," said the clerk, picking in Putnam county under the name of
tt ap. "Look for the key," finding it Fountain. Then tiring of her, I dis-
d t mind es to the merriatge and
MAY 1G, 1890
iempieeon—married well. and was tsar
py, so 1 did not disturb her,
',During my life he New York I mar.
ried a young girl under the name of
Fountain. She thought she hod married
looked and the key not in the lock, abuse ler
Tem amendment to the Croat'. Aot, at The office boy pawed over the papers, left her, after giving her enough prop -
the last session of the Local Legislature, but could find none, may to make her independent. I had a
increasing the age of minors from 16 to 1 Holbrook took the box and turned it son by her named Harry Fountain,
18 years, thus subjecting to a penalty 1 o lettersand
'ar and. On ono end he sats "I married another woman under the
those who sell liquor to persons andersame circumstances, forcing Parker toerform the marriage eeremon
18 ears of age, was a move in Advance. "What can it be?" he enicl, struck by p g y'
Yens . the initials. "Bring something to breaL "Ho WAS my slave note. My name its
The Ant also provides a penalty when this marriage was Simpson, Tito woman
it open."
tumor is supplied to any person under 1 Ile carried it into his private room, lives In New Rochelle, incl hos a (lauglt-
21years, in respect to whom notice in I and there they brought hits n hammer ter now about 12 years old. I made her
writing has been given, prohibiting Bach' and a broken dining knife. independent when I left her, which was
liceused victuallers to sell or supply With these he bloke open the box and only 0 year ego.
liquer to the party in question. Tito ' found it filled with Imperil.T have ti villain of a brother who dis-
propo-itien to give the 00011ol of raga The first ane he lifted from tiro box appeared whop be was sLLtecn from Red
Latin the liquor traffic into the hon s of arts a note long since overdue, llmik, mid ice all thought Iiia dead. ile
g q It was drawn to the order of Charles turned up five years ago—a terrible
the municipalities is a retrograde move, Piet stn and signed A. P. Duncan." drunkard—and reeo;;nized tae. I denied
as we5 left that siert of a0airs year- a;;e „it le it' I supposed," he muttered. the relatioutillip, but have given him
end are det.-rmiu d nut t go bed( to it. "It lmlun ,v.1 to Pierson aid camped the money to keep hiin quiet. Ile wants
Prohibition i what the teutperauue peeve boys when hie papers were returned. It rum, theles nIl.
want and, while we don't believe tha must have been misplaced in that box." �, "Parker believes my proper name is
issuance of s license will make an evil He lifted out outer papers. They were Pierson—that is, he does not know Lathe
anything else but an evil, we do believe ". all overdue notes, drawn to Pierson'e contrary. If Ile clues, he bus never shown
the stringent enforce:mut of the piessnt order and mostly signed by Minoan. it to mu V.'
Act is moulding pnblto opinion toward Holbrook did not know and did not "When I ant bead I want Judge Ilutk-
the desired end. We had a fair sample care who Duncan wits,
He turned the contents of the box out ner to establish the fact that my dough•
of what municipalities and tbeir hoodson his desk. ter, now Airs. Templeton, is my heir.
would do in working for and enforcing At the bottom was a large blue envel- He oil] find papers establishing that fact
the Scott Aot. Where were all these ope tied with red tape, and sealed with in a Rafe in the Chemical bask, in a box
advanced thinkers then and bow mach red wax back and front over the tape. in the charge of the president, marked
did tbey do to advance the temperance The tape was wound around the oar- 'To be delivered only on the order of the
movement ? Those election cries are row and then the long way, so that it surrogate.'
could not
ro leon. opened without the seals I request Judge Harkner to advise
hall w. A good record is better than all I b b k Airs. Templeton that it is my wish that
the promises and pledges a man, or party, On the back was inscribed: $10,000 bo given to Aire. Wessmg, of
would make in 40 years, 0e too many of "Private papers of Charles Pierson. Philadelphia, if alive at the time of my
these promises are only of mushroom Notateilio venni unless upon rho writ- death.
growth, to catch votes. We have a ten consent of Charles Pierson, or after "That $210,000 be given Mrs. fountain
Local Option law within our reach now his death, and then only by Judge Hark- if alive at ney death, and 1f not then to
if we can find enough temperance book nee," her son Harty Fountain if he bo oliva,
bone to put it in exercise. "But Judge Harkner died before he but if not of age to then be held in trust
_....._.. did," said Holbrook, talking to himself. for him by Judge Ilarlcner, If he be
(Jana cli.t to ]' ewee. Ile balanced it in hie hand, dead, then the sum to be divided equally
Should lie open it? Who was to stop among Mrs` Templotr�i s children.
Black diphtheria has broken out in a him, and who was there to say nay? "That $..00,000 bo given to Mrs. Simp-
family in Woodstock. And was he not the executor of J edge son under tIo sumo rireumetaenes and
Hundreds of men are leaviug New-Harkner? conditions as the gift to the Fomttaid
foundland and coming to Canada. He broke the seals: To open the en- woman.
The n Commented,900srBank 00 tech onba is volope he was compelled to destroy it. "I desire also that Mrs. Templeton
floating 8,0110 shares of $100 each on the It had been fastened with glue. The en- shall pay weekly to my scamp and jail -
Loudon market.
The Duke and Duchess of Connaught velope was one of the kind lintel with bird of a brattier, James Preston, $10, in
me expected to arrive in Toronto on muslin. the hope that ho will soon drink himself
Thursuay, June 5. He tore it open and took out a written to death.
The Presbyterian Synod of Manitoba paper. a sheet of legal cap writ- "I am quite conscious that this Is not
and the Northwest meets at Portage la ten on n011.1:8.1(1es. a will, but if Mrs. Templeton is as good
Prairie on Julie 20th.Tho consents of the shoot had been a woman ss her mother tens she will
Dolly Beeley, the "eonftdenee woman;' obeythese instructions.
has been sentenced to two months' in- penned by the same hand as had written
prie..nment in Brant gaol. the inscription. "emulous Pt> nsOa,
The sum of $20,000 has been granted It was signed "Charles Pierson," "Now York, April 10, 1874."
by the Toronto City Council toward a--_ Holbrook laid the paper clown, over -
new Industrial School for girls. wliehned,
The Toronto City Council has decided CHAPTER X_XVI, CHAPTER XXVIL
to uelel,rats the Queen's Birthday on May d D000MONT THAT SHEDS LIGHT.
24th and not on the 26th, as was pro. OLBROOK s a t T011 EXPERIENCES A SENSATION ann.; To
posed. down to read the a SHOCK.
The Toronto City Council Monday �' document so sin -
evening endorsed the proposal for a city ?ash- —? .'
abattoir and sanctioned an expenditure • "Y' gulm•ly broughtto his notice.
of moos for it.
Three Biitisb warehipe have sailed . A "Judge Hark -
from Halifax to Newfoundland to co • r ser has frequent -
operate with the French fleet in edorc-ly urged tae to
ing the modus vivendi. :Y'1 ` make a will, I
The body of Henry Byers, once a '
Methodist minister, was found in 4 a J};;°w-Ui for ought todos,
Oateraquin day Tuesday. He had'ap- �� k't 'sy property
arena committed suicide.
_ has grown to be
parently Cva" -
N. A. Costo has applied at Osgoode i ; sr•;¢.-' large. It n o w
Hall, Toronto for an injunction to re. amounts by the
strain the Kingsville Citizens' Natural, �i ;(�t 1� last inventory to
Gas Ase"elation from prooeeding with c;` if over two million
the work of drilling on the roadway. dollars.
One of the jurors in the murder trial "I cannot make a will to dispose of
ab L'Original separated himself from the this ro sot as I want to do, without
others and went outside the hotel at p p Y
dinner time, thereby neeeesitating a discovering to Judge Harkner certain
postponement of the case till next events of my fife, which, if known to
Arouse, him, would lose me his esteem. 1 think
The Hamilton reservoir has just been I have it now, and I wish to retain it.
cleaned out for the let time since 1873. "The first thing I would have to 000 -
It was found to contain, besides an ire• fele would be that Charles Pierson isnot
madse of tishse of dirt wl stones, my my right name, although I have borne
Nide fish and crawling reptiles.
Nine water, that, it now for twenty years. My real name
The issuing of licensee in Toronto last is Carroll Preston.
month yielded $2,410.20, of which 0442 "I propose to set down here briefly
was paid for dog licenses. The total the facts, to be read by Judge Harkner
receipts from alll sources for the year to after my death,
date amounts to 012,537.15, or an in. "1 was born at Red Bank, N, J. Whenerases of nearly 02,000 over last year. about 20 years old I removed with my
The Qaebec Parliament was dig.
solved on Saturday last by His Honor patents to Plainfield, N. J. There, two
Lieut -Governor Angora. The date of years after, I married a young girl, who
nomination was fixed for the 10th of dune died at the end of a year in giving birth
and voting on the 17th, Mr, Mercier to a daughter.
has resolved to run for Bonaysniure "Shortly after I went to Philadelphia.
county. Women have been the bane of my lite.
Mies al,Twhot, the 050,000 heiress to ass from I became involved with a widow named
Montreal, who ran away s It a butcher's Warring, with one child --a boy. She
boy some eight bays ago, was brought forced me into a marriage. I pretended
back from St. and Alban's, theVby gDcouple to yield, but it was a mock marriage
Gladu. He found young couple marriage.
nicely ensconced in one of tate oily The supposed minister was an swam.
hotels in St. Alban's. pfice. I fled from this alliance, taking
On Saturday night, as the western care that after my flight she should
train on the Canada Pacific railway was know the ceremony was false.
passing between Ottawa and Pepineau- "T fled to Europe, and while there all
terne,reat a first.at em passenger named God- American, 04 my name exactly, died in
by a bobnKeeg attempted ntcommit euioithde a small town. Though aware of it, I
by miring his is re o each side with aid no attention to it,until I learned
ttvo razors. His recovery is doubtful. p
He is thought to bo of unsound mind. through the American consul that in -
Frank Bedford, of Dexter, wee in St. gullies had been made by my dead wife's
Thomas Wednesday and notified the relatives and IIy the woman'eVessing.
polies that his daaghter, 18 years of age, Then I persuaded the consul that it was
had been abducted by her uncle, W. myself who had died, It was easy to do,
Piper, a colored barber belonging to fol. the other Preston had na friends.
Ingersoll, and ow working in Part
Macon, Piper ncalled at the school T then returned to this country and
lionise with a rig, and took the child, tee adopted the name of Charles Pierson,
is believed, to Port 1100011. Fifteen years had elapsed since I left
Last week ns the tbree-year•old dangle. Plainfield. I put inquiries on foot and
ter of Thos, Squares, of Strathroy, was
playing with some companions at the
residence of D. Davis, the little girl fell
into a 81810011, Her compile—dons at once
gave the alarm, and a lad named Every
descended into the cistern, and, on re.
covering the child, found it Meek in the
face and apparently lifeless, bat, on be.
ing taken to the house, blood was seen
spurting from her nose and oars. Re.
etoratives wore at once a pried, and in a
short time the little girl seemed to be
not midi the worse for her cold bath.
Special Bargains in Boys and Girls Sailor Hats,
Which we are Clearing Out at Wholesale Prices.
0011 P010116 ARE AS FOLLOWS
Dozen Sailors at 113c. worth 2.5e.
3 Dozen Sailors at 25e. worth 1bic.
:3 Dozen Sailors at 45e. Worth (Me.
Afro it Special Lino Men's!Straw Hats at l5c., worth 20p.
FEROU,7LLTI),•%Y, Jean'ii/ PR,
Don't Forget our Curtain Sale, which is
Still Going On.
Mowers, Binders and Threshers.
very Leavy Body,
Great Endurance,
Perfectly Pure,
Does Not Gum.
McMillan, Kittridge & Co.,
For Sale by A. 1. T[cKay & Co., - Brussels,
FARMS FOR SALE. Money to Loan,
Lot 0, cox 1, Saugesa 100 aeras,
Part of lots 1 and A, con 11 %intees,
T WAS in ne en- ell lot 1a, con. 1, \awanoah,100 acres
Ni totes, con. 8, West Wu-waaasb,160 acres.
Lot 14 end WI lot I0, eon. 0, liineardino,
100 acres.
E] lots 8 and 0, con, 14, Peel, 800 acres.
101 lot 8 and Wi lot0, con.11, Peal, 200 aurae.
S} lot 0, con. A, Minto, 00 acres.
Lot 11, con, 13, Moto, 100 acres.
Lot 01, con, 4, Normanhy,100 acres.
All the ahoy+ are well improved farms In
fine Ienelites, are very cheap and can be
bought on easy terns, Also a store and
dwelling In Brussels for Salo. Apply to
40.3m Idaurx.rox,
viable frame of
mind that Tom
turned out of bed
on the morning
following the
night be had en-
deavored to find
Fountain. He had
been unsuccess-
ful, and his Shad-
ow had been un-
able to assist him
through Foun-
tain's man.
Tom was in fact
discouraged, and
he made up his mind that if Holbrook
had not succeeded in eliciting anything
of value from Flora, he would give up
the whole matter and confess himself
The first ten minutes after a tired man
wakes in the morning and faces the
fresh difficulties of the day are the bluest
of the twenty-four hours, and on this
particular morning Tom answered with
emphasis the old German philosopher's
famous question, Life was not worth
living. He broke a hair brush in endeav-
oring to give the answer additional em-
But by the time that he had disposed
of his methanol cup of coffee and lit
Itis cigar the mental horizon cleared
somewhat and the vapors began to dis-
By the time he had walked a half
dozen Monks and felt the joy of exer-
cise, he began to pluck up some hope
and to manifest a curiosity as to what
Holbrook might have to tell him.
He by no means anticipated such a
sensation as he was to experience.
When Tom entered ITolbrook's office
the lawyer was staring out of the win-
The only f eaten he made to Tom's salu-
tation was to hand him the document
which had overwhelmed him without a
Tom took it, turned the paper over and
read the signature and date,
"The deuce!" he exclaimed, and de-
vonrod it rapidly.
"Holy jumping Johosapltatl" he cried,
"What un old scampi Ilow tpiblushing-
ly he writes of his villainy l"
"Anti yet trice to melte amends at the
learned that the 'Wessing woman had close of a long and evil Iife," commented
never taken my name, Holbrook.
"I entered bnsincss and prospered "Well," said Tom, hardly recovered
In the beginning. I'rom time to time , from his astonishment, "the motive 1 -
ftq t ly
I have sant money, through secret I lug at the bottotn of the murder is clear
ennrces, to the woman Wessittg, 1 enough,"
ittineclttently I had inquiries nradrsR
to my child in Plainfield, whorl I had
left with her aunt,
"Slio had just married, at the time of, desk. "But which? It was
519 1110allvrs. a than by the n
0Ya e 1 . (aro alt co1Ttxrrp.)
"But who is the murderer?"
`"There lies the information," replied
Tom, striking the paper ho had laid upon
For terms and other particulars ask for
circular at my Orug and hook Blore. Should
you wish to sell his heifer calves I am pre.
oared to pay as high as 818, aamrdfng to
milking dualities of their dams,
28.11m118 f3. A. HEADMAN,Brnesole,
undersigned will keep the thorough
bred Holstein Friesian Hu11, "Barrlton" 4th
for aervIan on N; Lot15, con. 8, Elorria
Terms, 82.00 to be paid at time of service
with privilege of returning, if necessary,
48.2m WM. 00811E00.
III.t,M sa n Oiliee In
Lady's Block, Seafortb.
Where he can be Consulted on all Chronic
mimeos of both Saxes.
Consumption, Asihwa and Catarrh
treated successfully by Inhalation of MIedi-
eaterl Vapors, the only rational treatment
for those diseases,
and all disesees of the Urinary Organs Posi-
tively cured in n short tlmo,
Call or Address
81'tf DR. PHHILLIPS, Si:AranTlt
Money to loan on
private Ewa Company Funds,
A.1'PLA' ' C)
J.C.11ef1'crnnli, J,A Yotin ,
Valuator, A ant,
Ethel P.O., Ont, leaf
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, cdr'.,
BRussrms, Orr.
(3f4R E7',
Fresh end livered 1n
Salt Sleets or ,' any part or
the hest anal 4h the TI Nape
lir always onal 13on o , Fres or
hand and de- Charge.
Fait Cattle Wanted
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletoher's jewel.
ry Store.
_Practical VVatcitnzaraer
and Jeweler°.
Thanking the public for peat favore and
support and wishing 0111 to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by res.
Cloclts of the
Latest .Designs.
Weeeten nexus,
LAnn:a Gan 131S„s,
hihltnixos, &v.
leu"Also a Fall ],inn of. Vtur.oNs and
Violin Strings, a e, in croak,
k. n,-Issuree ter Itiu'ringc 1Jecnsrx.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels..