HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-9, Page 8S
X have Just Roomed a Fresh
Igupply of Hellebore in antieipa•
lion of a large demand. Keep
your eye on your Currant and
Gooseberry Bushes and apply
this Sure Death to what is known
as the Currant Worm, You will
require to use it almost as s0011
as the leaves appear.
name You, Seed
Olir Wall Papers and Borders
yet ? If you purpose papering
your house it will pay you to in-
speet our Stook of New and
Beautiful Designs, and Cheaper
than ever before.
G. 4. DE4D111.1X,
Druggist, Bookseller, &o.
0On•1Tf£1_1 Bre N sloe W. 9. di it.
Trains tears Brussels Station, North
South,as follows:
Goma [l0lrr0i, GOING No090
9:30 a,n.
Mail axe a.m.
5 z
Mixedse leas p.m. Express Express ...... 9411 p.m.
',oxl J.t s t,Mnsr
A cliiel's among ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
iloveee millinery et A. R. Smith's.
Ttmon r and clover cheap. Adam
A rxw mooed band buggies for sale at
•:bargain. Jen. WALKER.
Twee:Tr pieces check Zephrae at 7o.
worth 12}0 at Scarff & Fergaeon'e.
Hasa WsLec(us is laid aside from
work for a time owing to an injured
Afroruen stock of mens' youths' and
felt and strew hate at A. R.-
A mut toad of prime cattle was shipped
lig drover Scott to Montreal on Thurs-
day of this week.
D•actsioo will be given next Monday
in, the cases of the Veal furniture salt
end the Cannon case.
Nowtoo.—laving dissolved partnership
we desire alt outstanding ac(ounts
settled:at ace. StrachanBrohased the
Year as ft shall appear. It is the duty of 0. O. F.—The following officers were ou the sad mission of accompanying the
hes all OveCBeeCa Of highways or street in.
elected in connection with Court Princess 1 remains of 11)8 brother Jas, formerly a
rQsi3enae of E. E. Wade, 'William street. a actors to enforce the provisions of this Alexandra, );Assets, for rho current I resident of Braseele, to its last resting
it will make a verycomfortable hone. p tetra :— I place at Gerrie. The deceased died at
THE communioservice will be held ;Act, ander a penalty of $10 to $20 fine. I A. J. I<owidc, C. R.: Newark, on April 20th, of fever, sped
:n Knox church ou the 18111 inst. Rev. • After parsons have been warned by the I S. T. Plum, V. 0. 11. ; 127 40141'0. He was only ill about 10 days.
A: R. Lofton, E. D., is expected t5 inspector and do not cut and burr a , W. Smith, 1(. S. ; I Mr. Warrcll left Brussels 0 years ago and
directed t statute, they are liable u, a
OrTioiate. fine of not lass than $S and not more than I Geo. Rogers, F. S. ; 1 has been in the employ of the street
Rev. .Jiro. Ross, B, A., was summoned W. Ble,shill, Treue. ; railway Co. ever since. He wee a well
to Port Elgin ou Thursday to see his 920• A word to the mien le eufilciaut. N,,ble b. Gerry', S. \Lr. ; i developed man weighing over 200 pounds.
'tether who is ill. The old gentleman is ! TUE anniversary service o1 Melville Jesse Wilbee, J. 1V. ; I The interment took place on 1111, let.
about 70 Veers of sae. I chnra l W.1'. M. S., hold on Tuesday Philip Seel, 0. B. ; I Mrs. T. John, of Clinton ; Mr. end
I Mrs. Gilbert, of Southampton ; Messrs.
Johns and Mr. Mrs. and Miss 13lseett, of
Coderinh ; Mrs. Richards and Mesere.
Vanstone, of Carlow; Mrs. 10. Vanetone
and daughter, of Goderich ; bliss T.
Vanstono, of Colborne ; C. R. Vanetone
and wife, of Southampton ; the Misses
Johne and brother, of Winghan, and
others attended the funeral of the late
Wm. Van0tonelast Sabbath afternoon.
The remains of the murdered Dr -
Cronin were interred at Calvary carne
tery, Chivago, Sunday.
1 tit.. titt4SSlilLS FVSTr
Naw dross goods just arrived at A.11, SNgn potatoes and seed Dorn at llfo. + People 'W a EnoW ,
Smith's area ken'a.
n1. -e nisei() Kay is 141011ing friend(' in
10 Winghaiu next Tuesday. lust arrived this wo0K, a4 A. it, .t(uni411 a, b, air „h.
IGaiter line ladles kid gloves at 60e. Leonia' white dress robee at $0,00, 111.411 kliiitlr Kill ISA on Tueeday for
worth 750. at S°arff & Fergneou's. $8.75 and 96.00 worth $5.00, $6.00 and Wiingham.
Iv you moat a new buggy go to Jae, $7,50 at Scarff it I'Orgueon's, I days B. Gerrylent was in Toronto for a few
( Walker, carriage maker, Brussels, .Nrlt'r SRbbath evening Rev. G. B, wech.
A YO4NO Wmnan desires to do house- bowie will take for hie subject "Aesooia• loepector Malloch is ill with inter•
cleaning er washing. Apply at this ofiioo, tions of the Mount of Olives.' •
Tim Presbytery of Maitland will meet Bummer. patterns in new carpets •
mi en FOVOO',
Adam Good Was away at Toronto for
a few days thie week,
Miss McDonagh, of W ingllam, ie visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Miller.
Rev, E. A, Fear and son, of Mansell,
were in town fora few cloys tills week.
Miss Lizsie Jackson and her brother,
Perov, aro home from Toronto on a
Mee Cunningham, of Toronto, was
visiting her eider, Mrs. Nightingale,
this week.
Mre, 0. A. Campbell, of East Saginaw,
Michigan, is visiting her father, A.
A. Little, of Little Falls, N. Y., was
visiting Mee. Smith, Grey, and her
family Inst week.
Samuel Laird, the well known cheese
maker, Oommeno01 operations at Bel •
more faetory next week.
E. e1 Tompkins, of Bay City, Miob„
Wail in town t1118 week. Ile took his
little daughter back with hint.
D. McDonald, Deputy De ut Clerk of Crown,
Goderich, was in town on Thursday of
last week attending Division Court ea a
ebur Veal and fainil
Mrs. Ar Y removed
to Fenton, Michigan, on Tuesday of
this reset( whore they purpose making
their home.
D. A. Shale, wife and obildron, ere
visiting at Exeter and Middlemise,
They will be absent from town for a
month or so.
John Clerk left Wednesday morning
for Hancock, Mich., via the "Sow' He
purchased his tioket from J. T. Pepper,
C. P. R. agent.
Mts. Ire Barkley and Miss Messer, of
Bluevale, were in town this week packing
up their goods preparatory to their re.
moval from town.
Jos. McPherson, of Bluevale, while
on his way to Monkton, to take a 'Muse
tion in that place, spent a couple of day
in Brueeele with friends.
Robb. Laidlaw, of Solomon City, Kan•
eas, formerly of Brussels, writes the
editor of Tux POST as follows :—It is
with deepest sorrow that I write to in•
form you of the death of our youngest
eon, John. He died on April 17111, aged
18 years, u months and 14 days. Dis
ailment was epingl irritation from whish
he suffered the most terrible pain for
over six months. The rust of es are alt
Ed. eVarrell, of Newark, N. J., was in
Brussels this week. He had been over
Yoe Dan Bee the 'esteem and best be.
sorted stook of dre00 goods at Scarff &
A KEN'nP() of the officers of the 83rd
Battalion will be held in Clinton on Fri.
day of this week.
Tux stone mesons are et work on the
cellar walls of Wm. Blashfll'B broek,
Thefuundetione for the new Stretton
block are about eonpleted.
Tug lot in connection with the Metho•
diet thumb has been improved by the
planting of a number of young shade
FAnllras, be Baro and read this looal
and don't you forget it. Genuine Repairs
for Verity's plows kept oonetaotly on
hand at my shop, one door south of the
Town Hall. J. 3. (lxo4ui, 41-
$5.00 reward will be paid to Rey one
giving such intermittent as would lead to
the couviotien of the person or persons
who mations') destroyed two shade trees
near the G. T. It, station. R. GRAneiL
Tag PORT was favored with call.) from
T. Gibson, Reform candidate, and A. IL
Musgrove, Conservative standard bearer,
Monday of this week. The latter is still
hands of a Toronto
in the npeieian but
is considerably bettor although hie throat
still bothers him, He does not purpose
doing a great deal of platform work dux,
ing the campaign res,.rving himself for
the Leet few weeds.
HISSER 801.101005 IxszneeTION•--'Ill ad•
anion to the names givou in our last ii•
eue of successful candidates in the High-
er Religious Instruction plass George,
son of J. R. Smith, and W. J. Stewart,
of Brneeele, were awarded prises in Mira
tory. C. Menzies, Peter McArthur and
Juo. D. Stewart paeeed in Intermediate
History. The scheme appears to have
worked exoeedingly well and is worthy of
IM150VEH8NI'a.—A large addition is
being built to the residence of Jno. Seli,
Queen street..—D. Hayden is having a
stable put up on his lot. --New fencee at
Rev. J. L. Bern's, Jae. Walker's, Council.
for Stewart's and W. H. ferrel are
noticeable improvetnente.-W. M. Sincleir
is having stone hauled on the lot, south
of F. C. Rogers', preparatory to building.
—A kitchen is being added to the dwelling
occupied by 'A. 3. Lowick, John street.
BLACIt KNOT ON Perm Tem.—accord-
ing to the Revised Statutes of Coterie,
chapter 202, section 2, it is obligatory to
cut out and bu•n all black knot found ou
plum or cherry trees, each and every
Lorx'e livery has been Moved from
Mill street to the stable east of Dr,
Graham's block on King street.
A 04EOTA1, session of the 401 Division
Court was held on Tueeday of this week
to complete the work left from Thursday
of last week,
Ie is expected that W. lefereeith, lead.
0r of the Opposition, or Dalton Ala
Carthy will eddroes a public meeting
in Brussels in the near future,
OwINo to the Council Room being 09.
oupied by the Bello Stevenson Company
on Monday evening the Counoil meeting
was adjourned until next Monday even•
Jmo. Rene in building a stable on his
lot in the southern portion of Brussels.
Jno, McCrae has improved the appear•
auos of his property, in the same locality
by the oonetruction of i4Ow wire and
board fen eq.
Haase AND Lee FOS SALE. --The com-
fortable and desirably looated residence
b r
of W. A. CRlbiok, Turn er y street,
Brussels, is offered for pale as the family
intend removing to British Colombia.
For particulars apply to Mrs. Calbiok.
WxnL D1 arms etre DBIhLIO.—Geo
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
llin wells and is prepar-
and dei p 1 •
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure eatisfaotion.
Wella oleaued out and put in proper
shape. Terms amenable. Residence
sewed door north of the bridge, wort
side of Tnrnborry qt., Brussels. 43.11
MARBLE WORKS —Messrs. Seale at
Hoover. Marble Works. of St. Marys,
have opened a shop in the block opposite
the woolen mill, Brussels, whore they
will keep a stook of marble and granite
suitable for monumeute, grave stones,
&o. Ordered work about completed,
will be on exhibition on Jane let. Orders
left with this firm will be completed in a
workmanlike manner and at reasonable
rates, Give them a pall.
STATISTICAL.—The following 18 a sum-
mary from Assessor Stewart's roll for
Brussels this year :—Children between
5 and 16, 254 ; children between 7 and
13, 106 ; children between 16 and 21, 86 ;
total value of real property, $202,430 ;
total value of personal property, $40,400 ;
total valve of taxable Income, $3,600 ;
total value of property, $312,430 ; No. of
doge, 5.1 ; No. of bitches, 7 ; total No. of
persona, 1,243 ; No. of cows, 99 ; No. of
hogs, 80; No. of horses, 95 ; No. of births
during lest year, 18 ; No. of deaths, 4.
A Nae comfortable seven roomed • evening was well attended. The follow.
abuse for axle. Convenient situation, int; was the program : Opening hymn,
with the beet of water and a good stable -0 Lord of Heaven and earth an 1 sea ;"
on the lot. Apply to rias. TURNBULt.. prayer by Rev. S. Jones ; remarks by
E. R. G0 -em lies his large water - eltairmau, Rev. :No. Ross ; music by the
tank in position, near the National 7`. P. C. A. choir, ";il1 gracious elver
Roller Mills, t•o be used to fill the water. ' lotto me ;" reper4 of the recent animal
:ug Dart. Ed. is determined to do the " meeting held fu Hamilton, by the
:work riglrt. ; Society's doing:tte, infra. Neil 11icLancll-
Tae Toronto "Maple Leaf" base ball lin ; recitation, "Missionary hymn," by
dab want to arrange a match with Brute hiss Mary Ross ; "Hear the pennies
pets for the Queen's Birthday. Our ball dropping," by five little girls ; address
team may go to Exeter and take a band on "Women's work for women," by Rev.
iz1 their tournament on that day. 1 A, Mcliay, of Lucknow ; mnsia,
Woo were the two young men who "Calvary," be the church choir ; °losing
went oast on the train, one day this hymn, "All hail the power of Jesus'
week, to meet a young lady returning name."
4 '•Brussels, and who had to occupy a I ANOTHER OLD REeIDaNT Gose. --It falls
back seat owing to KO "easterner" having our lot this week to chronicle the decease
the Inside track ? of au old and very worthy citizen in the
Mntvrocx church sent up five eandi- person of Wm. Vanetone. The grirn
'Wee t0 the recent Higher Religion(' In- messenger summoned him away on Fri -
'€ruction examination of the Presby i day morning, about 5 o'clock. About
teriun church, all of whom were 8Ua ; four years ago the deceased oomtnenoed
eeseful. Christina Menzies, Peter Mc• ! to fail in health and the dsoline gradual -
Arthur and Jahn Stewart obtained ly increased on him despite medical
diplomas, and Wm. Stewart and Geo. attendance He was hardly ever con.
Smith were awarded prizes. fined to bed, however, and the day pre.
Nzw Mame WORKS.—The firm of 1 vim to his death had partaken of his
Johnsen & Cochrane, stone cutters, rbc. i heals with the family. Congestion of
has opened out are prepared to fill all : the lunge hastened the end. Mr. Van -
orders for monuments, tombeto0es, atone WES born in the Parish of Hole.
markers, fences, &c., in a workmanlike worthy, Devonshire, England, June 25th,
manner and at living prices. Satiefac- 188;1, and came to Canada with his
hon guaranteed fn every ease. Don't tether's family 111 1843, locating in Col-
plaoe your order without oallinre on them borne township, Huron County, where
and seeing their samples and ascertain- they took up land and aseeeted in the
ing prices. Strop nearly opposite the develoment of that section. When 17
Town Hall, Brussels. years of age the subject of tbie notice
(oiler Soto or Hoemsr.--The sub-
seeeleer has now on hand a largo stook
of all sizes cotton unions, and ell wool
bindery and gents' soaks. Variety of
shades of imported and Canadian yarns.
ell a dollar purchase is allowed 10% off.
went to Piper's mill, near Goderich, to
learn the milling business and three
years after bought the mill at Egmond.
villa. On June 28th, 1806, he was united
in marriage to Mies Margaret Johns.
Mrs. Vanetone died on June 29th, 1974.
&Oy size made to order. Farmers yarns Mr. Vanetone Dame to Brussels in 1860
knitted. Agent for British American and purchased the Fiehleigll grist and
Dyeing Go„ of Montreal. Call and in• saw mills. During the 20 years he wail
epeot the goods, Opposite Queen's, hotel. in business, (he retiring in 1880 in favor
Brussels. Mits. lime. of hie' sons,) he proved himself well
Geste.--On Tuesday eveningg Wm, qualified to look after his interests and
Renwick and Jno. Howitt hitolied np pluee against reverses, Me was
o, bigheartedman and was always ready
to lend a helping hand to every good
Oanee. When Brussels WAS incorporated
the deceased wee olected to a seat at the
municipal Board, He took a groat in -
their broaches to a buggy and started for
Ether, When near their destination
the -belt fastening one side of the pole to
the•rig•oame out and the result was a
oily off into the dfbub end an upset. Mr. tercet i the ativanaomout of this lace
Eoddiok was thrown against a wire ql'
Renee which out hie head. Mr. Howitt iand did all in his power to assist t1 its
x08 more fortunate and eves not much growth. In the month o4 lay
54,5 1878,
Mie worse for alighting so unceremonious. Mr. Vanatone was married to Mils. Thos.
IY, Tile ponies did not get away. They chills, of Walt drs. Adam Good, Sll o survives hi. Five
make a dandy little team and are good Lily and Addie., of Bressols, and 0, It„
roadsters. of Southampton, are the other members I
Deem= CoulANY.-•-The Belle Steven. of the family the funeral tools piece
sen Dramatic Company and Troupe of nn Sunday afternoon, under the sapless
Sphrlish Guitar Players, opened a week's of the A. F. & A. M.. of whish the de.
performance in the Town Hall by play- tensed was a member. Rev. S, elellery,
ing the "irish drama "leethloou," on 11, A., P,. D„ and Rev, 11. Paul conduct.
Monday bight, and "Butter than gold,' ed the service and ibis teas followed by '
art Tuesday night, They presented "Tho the blasouio funeral exorcism, led by 4V.
.Lanon.aliire IA"" mi Wednesday night. M. Sinclair, Master of St. John's Lodge,
Anile frnm the fa,' that their WRY- 13rus,ele There were 20 brethren from
Joseph Ballantyne, J. D. ;
Dr. Wm. Graham, Physician ;
Wm. Mishit!, Delegate to 11. C.
AT the bu•iuess meeting of the Quarter.
ly Board of tiro Methodist church, held
on Tuesday evening, a unanimous church.,
was tendered to Rev. lir. Battery to
continue in the pastorate of the aknrcb.
The reverend gentleman's affirmative
reply was quite satisfactory to all. A
memorial will be presented to the an-
nual Conference from this Board asking
that the pastoral term be made five
years instead of three as at present. W.
M. Herr was elected representative to
the District Meeting which meets in
Teeewater on the 20th and 21st instil.
WEDDING BELLS.—A very interesting
social event took place on Wednesday
evening of last week at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Elma,
on which occasion their daughter Mary
A. was united in the holy bond of mat-
rimony with George Carrie, of Atwood.
At eight o'clock the ceremony was duly
solemnized by the Rev. A. Henderson,
M. A., assisted by the Bev. Rebt. Hen-
derson. Miss Belle Morrison, of Lis.
towel, acted as bridesmaid and John Mo -
Bain, Atwood, supported •, the groom.
The bride was beautifully attired in
white trimmed with old gold, and the
bridesmaid also looked very becoming in
white trimmed with pink. After con.
gratulating the newly made couple an
excellent program wall carried out, con-
sisting of recitations from T. M. Wilson,
Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., H. Currie,
and an address on Literature from Geo.
A. Harvey, the latter being very instruc-
tive and entertaining, and clearly showed
that in order to develop a spirit of pat-
riotism among all classes of tho Canad-
ian people, national literature meet be
put within reach of all, and form an im-
portant factor in the education of our
Canadian people. Mr. Harvey possesses
the true spirit of a Canadian, and the
zeal and whole•souled earnestness with
which he engaged in the subject gave
ample proof of its tact. When the even.
ing was far spent and the oompany be
gen to weary a rich repast was spread
before them, whioh renewed their buoy-
ant spirits wonderfully, and many wore
the flattering compliment() ehowered on
the hostess and assistants in making
such rioh provision for their gttests—
abont 60. Itis needless to say the pees -
ants were costly, heantiful and useful,
end gave a tangible testimony to the
high esteem in witch the estimable young
bride is held by her large circle of rola-
tivee and friends.•--A4wood Bee.
Gluck, the composer, le strict to take
hie piano out of doors, and there com-
pote hie finest meeio.
The British steamer Wingate, from
Philadelphia for Copenhagen, has been
given up as lost with her Drew of thirty
Princes Victoria, (dater of the Get.
'lig brill 14'. 101' the l ('4188045 Brass Band, Seaforttl, led by Bro. Dull', 1). D. 0, li., nine Emperor, has asked m1 in0reaee Of
the r;eribs of the company should draw 9 from Blyth, 7 from Wioxoter, 10 fCUm her appanage allowatice to order to
a full hoax's. They give a much bettor Listowel and 1t0 belonging to Deem's, 101119bligh her 0tvn household in London,
performance than the usual 11011 of all in apprnptfnto rngatin. The 13ruseals l ms Bile clone 110E intend to timely.troupe.( who visit town and aro here to I3an,1 headed 111e long proem -inn to the ' It is new stlted with It great deal of
work .1r1 an interest in their entertain -11 playing the "Sicfllian" 113101 ; pneitiveneas deet 1110 1114014 were Inst in
meat by doing good work. in addition all "N .arse niy Cod to'1'Lno " Alai the Longue Pointe Asylum lien, and rho
to the dramatic part of the prngrem
„ tiheir tnn4i01t1 oxerli: is on guitars oxo
well worth hearing. Marry Livingstone
i( NS g7Od es over eO a trioti violinist.
Mise Stevenson, Wl10 is rho principal of
Vanolono and daughters will continuo unmushier trey be mgreater them that,
make Muer home 1
e in their comfortable I 1101.4 At least two rail) pati041ts are among
easiiionoe on the banks of the Maitland. 1 the burned,
•'011 1 dearoatloved one, we envy Dot your I John cellon Ammer, pt'oallOOtive heir
to the millions of P, D, Armour, the
1116 00110)5)407, recited "find MOIi' oli Ivo would not have gnu tranbtnd, it tablet , Cllina'��o� eerie Meeker, is about 20 years
rernIneR a evening ingood style. The 1 O'o'to 1( 11040 1110'0 hnrden04 thee hist I old and good.lookieg, a oiub men, always
d y o horua th;na lv°ll,
'f rn+asois orohobtra have 6011 enpplying X)841111 should 491ovo illy 001.4O,r. Kars- 1 carefully dressed, and is rated at over a 1
feed music in the, hall every evening, th8o-weft.' million of hie own.
CmmI1—HAMulron. -In Elma, on Wed-
nesday, April 30111, at the residence
of the bride's father, by Rev. A. Hen-
derson, M. A., Mr. Geo. Currin to
Mies Mary, second daughter of Air.
Walter Hamilton.
VANaTaNE.—In BrnaeelS, on Friday, May
2nd, WilliamV8n8tone, aged 56 years,
10 months and 23 days.
WARsp•LL.—In Newark, N. 3., on April
26th, Jas. Warren, formerly of Brne-
ee1s, innbis 27th year.
73RT.9 $!» Srt3
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
00 92
... 00 98
40 45
32 33
52 53
1.4 00
8 00
4 20 4 50
30 00
0 00 6 50
6 00 G 00
Hides per lb 2 2i
Salt per bbl, retail1 25 00
Sheep skin', each 60 1 00
Wool, per ib 18 20
on Market street, easy terms. Por
particulars apply to Mina F. 10,MONT000IBlir
90.01 or W.F. VANSIONE, Bingo l0,
Press for sole, good RS new. Also large
sized baby carriage, winker berry. Enquire
at Tata Parr Publishing House.
LVL pored to do Sowing in ail its brandi-
es. She will let two of her little gills go or14
as nurse girls ehould oopot•tunity otter.
Bea1nice at 110r home, opposite B. C4erry's
reel douoo, Mill 0t. 30-
ground, with dwelling and stable all
in Ilrotaileos col, anion, for gale, situated nit
211501190 11144 M0l•y streets, Blneg°Io. Big
bnrga11l t( pm•0hnonr. Oolyy small pe05nt-
age required clown. Apply to
1:3. W, 7. NORTON.
hhsvi7lmgt nod Is desirous of n0-
cnr(npouewak,eoll its 110116+ elaeuing,
9110011 111(, 1411)114, &O. Washing or ironing
done at, 141 7 11011110 11 desired, . Apply to
111f1g, MO. 1.011'
:Sad erllol'e erne, 3111(
�tt �yT6 Caveats, I3od0mesanIl Trade
P4T t8 1 i7eMarko annum] and all oth-
er patent cause In the Patent 0010e and
before the flouts promptly rind narefully at-
teuilec1 to, Upon receipt of model 01' elude))
of Invention, 1 make careful exeniuntiou,
m14 advise as to paten tabilltyfree of charge,
Veen 000110Yate,And 1111ake no 011ar 0 Unless
patent is secured. 110041101, advice and
openh43 reterfnoos ennt on apelleatioe.
It. LITT1'11,L, Waaltn,gton,Iyd1„ U.B. patent
011106, n8
A nen+lu e, e es s Over 1 1.0^ cl 7,411.11:1 1 ur
sale sad to rent, otuly terms 15 Townships
of Morrie and Grey, F. S SCOTT, Brutish'.
J being South bait Lot 97 om.0, Morrie,
100 corns, nun rly all 010170d, Good buildings,
about 00 aoree Pall wheat in ground, Easy
terms Apply to W.M. 82901.8.104.
tf. Sohoiter, Mo Brussels.
a7, eon, 0, Grey, oanteining 100 agree, 10
acres olearod under grape, and the balance
41mnired, About 7000 00 of dry haul and
the bu ol,05 soar and bleak nen swamp
There is a log honne ou the promisee. Will
ha sold our wry reasonable tonne es proprie-
tor doom not require Owlet, For further par-
Heelers apply to ROM. bfoLAUGHLIN,
Crunbrook, P.O. or ALES. HU141 310, -13rue
eu1t. 19
g851ma14 often] 1110 valuable 100 acro
farm,4uing lot s, eon, 18, Grey Township,
Huron 00., for pale, There are about 00
acres cleared and In good heart, There ie e
log houoe, good bunk barn bending °reliant,
and all the pecessary conyonloneee on the
promises. For further particulars, as to
etc„apply to the Proprietor,
1))043 HISLOP flare P. O. N.W. T,, or to
2tt D SHA
11 nunelannn offere for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, oonoeesfon 0, Morrie.
County of Huron,contei n ins CO sores, The
land Is of first quality and in a high state of
oultivaHon, well famed and uuder-,trained,
d0 aorta cleared. New frame 1104100,8 rooms,
milk hoose with concrete wa110, 3 wells,
good bared and shed, orahurll, elm. Flight
fall wheat, Thl desirable property
acre.of q ei
ad sine the aorp0tutiun of l.Io perfect. 9ulE
able revue willA41 /COMO E, Owner
SO• fienforth P.O.
\./4 Morris, on reasonable terms. In order
to Woo the affairs of 1118 estate 0f the late
W, G. Hin abon, 0)1e executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for 01410 North
half of Lot 00, 00no000ine O, Township of
Morrie, containing 00 acres. 0n this lot is
erected a good frame barn with atone Ione -
dation, good orchard, well and pinup . Near-
ly alloleared, and i0 on the grave road
closely adjoining the village of Hroeoel,.
This farm is a valuable one, is well fenced
and In a good state o1 oultivation. For
prices and terms apply to TH05. IiELLI',
Brusoele P. 0., HHNH1 Jnnnsrgo0, Victoria
Square P.O., or /Awes Sm1'00, Maple Lodge
P.0 Middiom s county.
Tenders Wanted I
Tenders will be received by the nndorotgned
up to 4 O'ol0ok p, m, on Mummy,. MAY 0111,
NCO, for the erection of a
with Stone Basement, In the Village of
linnet -Aim. Plans and speolneatioos may be
Hein 111 tho °Moe 01 Joseph lateen, Bleevale,
on nod lifter the 99nd of April, or as the
(Mice of the architect, Mr, IV. 0:. Binning,
Limcow01 Tandem sill be r cieive,1 for the
whole contract, or separately, vis.:—Carp en-
ter work, painting, 010001118 1104 tinsmith
work ; and for 111e brick and stone work ami
plastering. The lowest or any tender 1,0t
1u'c0mserily accepted. Satlah,ut0ry soeuril}
required for the proper completion of the
Srcrotery of Tres
MAT 9, 18941,
No Mistake !
—BUY --
Pe er s DrugStorer
Dooldo now to go and sue the Pretty Now
Dushwaand Low Prloae sl Wall Paper at
Treater, 1100.0,
i T A. MoNAUGfITON, 11. D.
—”' j t•0,M., L. It, (:.1'„ l00lehurgh, M, C. P
T'uder and by v;rt41) o1 Lio palter of, axle ' S, Unt, At Pnppur'a ileus Ntflr'U Lro,n 0 t„
eoaisle ed in a mortgage it, tad the 3e111 dnv j 11:90 a, m. uud tram 1:90 to •! p. (5, 101 otkur
of Octobe•, 101.7, and mail° by 1`rederfcl: hems nnny bu Pnuud et hie reSidunca, corm•
Charleslie( ea and Emma Rogers, wile her.
erly mewled by Dr. H ut 1014 000, 1141 et.
red her ,io,ver, to the vendors, there kill he
sold by Public enct(nu 011 010 r remises, fu
the \'ilhtg' of Brussels, ou
Mortgage Gale.
Traaaact et Cton erwi 8amlctzaw
Canadian and Milted States Drafts bought
and Bold.
Interest allowed on 001081ta.
Collections made on favorable terse'.
Oanndlun Ageots—Jh1900emr'5 BANK or
New York A ate—Iuronrau ♦ T .
xe A elm Tate -
Solicitor and Conveyancer. Coils -
thins made. Od3ce—Wnatouo'e Bleak, Brits -
eels. 21.8al.
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notart''Pub-
lie, &e. Ofllco—Grahato'o Blook, 1 door north
of t'opper's Drug Store: Private Funds to
• Barrister, Solioitnr and Notary Pub-
lic. Conveyancing, Oolleettone and Loaniug.
Mr, Wade will attend In Gerrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'clock
DIOIz6ON & HAYS — _..
(Late with Gerrow & Prou,ifoot, God e.
rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, COnveyaneer.,
&o, 011loee—lirttosols and Seaforth, lira.
sole U1H0e.Begers' Block, Main St. Money
to Loan.
B. 0.ISATIL w. n. DIC100011.
M. TAYLOR 13. 0. L.
• Barrister, Solicitor, ,to„ of 111e firm
of Taylor, McCullough & lturn%, Barrister.
Solo torp, &o., 0(anniug Arcade, Toronto.
Money to lotto.
Clerk of the Fourth DIvlaiou Court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer. Notary Public.
Land, Lona and 1hs0re:ue Agent. Funds
Invested and to lone. Collections made.
OlIloo in Graham's illoolc, Brussels.
%%TM. F. CALE, M. n., C. fol.,
Member of the College of Physician
end Surgeons of Ontario by examination
1)405 aid RResidence — Mein street East,
Ethel, 00 Carlo,
settiteedele., May 1701, '00 I
At the Hour of Ono o'clock r, ar ,
by J05. S1•1111TTON, Auctioneer, the following I
videnbl0 property, in the Village of Brnssele,
l,1 the County of Haran, and being village
ot running number seven. On this property
are two frame stores, with a large etore-
LoueO, with dwelling attached In the rear.
Tagus Liberal, and w11l be furnished on
appl(uatlon to
Ven dors' Solicitors,Loudon,
Jas. STRarroN, Auutloneer.
In the matter of the Estate of VALENTINE
SUJeoON, of the Township of Grey,
in the County of Huron, Farmer,
Notice is hereby given that the estate of
the above named hroolvent has boon 11(e -
p need of with the approval of the Inspector,
and all creditors aro reque0ted t0 1118 their
claims with the undersigned Solicitor on or
before the 10tH Day of May, 1800, after
which date 1 will pr0000d to distribute the
Buch ot Thbertha
tine, to
I than notbe responsible for the oasts of the said
estato. or any part thereof, to any person or
per0055 whose claim or claims shall not
thou have been 8)00.
Assiguee of said Estate.
Solleitor for Assignee.
Dated at Brussels, April 1101,11, 1800 40-0
Ex.onNATtois, 1890.
Primary (Ord)aud Junior leaving and Paso
Matriculation (god) 1Oxmninatione at the
Collegiate Iust,tu4o0 and High Schools 10
tie county, on Tuesday, July 8th, 8140 a. m,;
Senior leaving end Honor Matrieulation Bo-
amiuulh,ns (00 0,), Tneoday, July 10th, 8:1n
a. in. Candidates who wish to write at
either Olbito0 or Seuforth numb notify D. M,
Mnitooh, eloq„ e. P. Schools, Clinton P. 0„
not later than the OOe,1 of bitty, abating
which of the two imbecile they Intend to
write at, and those who wish to write n8
Gndorian must notify J. E. Tom, Esq., I. P.
Schools, Goderloi P. 0. e1 the same date.
The notice must be accompanied by a foe of
50.00, No 1114010 will bo /0144%4110d to the
Department unless the fee is paid. Road.
masters of the Collegiate IOntltutea and
Nigh Schools will please send Gm applloa•
bona of their candidates to the Inopootor of
the 41violou in which the 00lleghe40 tustl-
tntes or High Belmont are 014014001. Form(
of application may be had from the Duvets.
tors or 8ocret0ry.
Soorolnry 13.194ni10800.
Goderieh, April t0(1h, 1090.
Pursuant to a1 order of the Oluuwo.(y Di-
vision of the Dip Cour4 of Justice 11111110 ill
the hatter of i1. Mortgage Hale of Lot Milli-
bar 133 in the Twelfth Concession 0
le P the
under P p er O! in 1110 Ontn1•V of Huron,
ardor Name' n[ Hide OoulnLWod' in a blurt•
enc mule by 011Ap01 Engel, deceased, to
James tlenders0n,v00nlatywho alert in nr
Month the woo. 18 11 arc, 0a o' 1 r
y 4 7 )ti 113( ibt,
ioropti+th51OYyofhiuy, .nlio,towel d , post
(`,,. (0 ) to 1lov(41o,t0arler(on & Smui, n1
(7) 11 4I 0 ,1 a (: am e% 0
Insilco °ir
0I0tl•ta:044 at the
0o, Hellas
and err
Ismdp4lou, the lull pnrl'l sn lure 0t their
e•1n11ns,a statement Of their le040unto era
the hn11rl, 0fthe securities of env) held by
Goin ; er 111 (Intuolt thereof 14104' will be
pe'ehf,tur•tivexcluded from the beeeet or
the Fetid order. Ever y 430004180 heldttei arty
0100(4t! is 00 7>0411440 14)441 Hu.wo'before mo,
the molor0igno+ Clerk in 4.11tn16era of the
High Court of Juotico, et nn' chambers in
U u
H u tains luta 01 rf'1' '
{ I 0 4 1 ,tOlttn n r
g i n the
'rwou4,Yd.ilfrrl day of bhty,SE,u(1, Id, 11'Weimer
in the fnronoon, tin thnc epp1141ta1
for aiEtiewoHon upon the „i,hns. t
1.1atod 30(11 64) A0011, 'OS, (', O.
=.^ST T 1ST Me, 1
G. I„ Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gam ad.
ministered for the PLiuluss Extraction 0f
Teeth. 74 Garrard Street East, Tono9ro,
x..10.• M 'J.i�TI01. 2,. 9.5.,.
Honer Graduate of the Royal Collage of
D ental S urgeons, Toronto, Nitros Oxide Gee
ednpiniatered for rho Palmosa Extraction of
teeth. Oflioe-•
e28 ONE Doan NORTH Or BANK, BnuosELe,
NVH. 13. loioORACKEN,
Iosutor of Marriage Lico nsee. Office
at his G1•oaery, Purnberry street, Brnosel,,
Tonsorial Artist* Shop—Next door
south of A, ;U. McKay& Do's llardware store,
1.adies'aud cbildrons heir cattiest a speotalty
Insurer of. Marriage Mamma, by
appointment of LleutrGovornar, Commie-
sloner, 0o., Q, B. Conveyancer rad Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Office at the Oranbrook
Post Office.
Tbe undersigned desire to tutinnate E1,
the ladieo of Brussels and vicinity that they
have opened a Dressmaking Shop oyer Mr.
Alex. (mediae a Store, Brussels, where they
aro prepared to attend to all work entreated'
t5 t40 1 MI85045 STEEWARRT 1HI8L0P.
Weal Mania. Air of. Warrington, orgrtiiiinc,
is pleased to give hie teetiruolaal as to 014+8
O.Oonuor's ability, oho having boon a pupil
of hie during 1(0r stay fn Guelph, lnetru•
m 0uta1 Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar,
Terms made known ou implication, Prieosos
90„ Bounoile, 011x0 O'Oounor i0 open for
Coheert Engagements, ;10_
Auctioneer, 10 always randy to at-
tend sales 0f farms, farm stook, &c. '1'er111e
uhe(n'Pully giv011. Oraa4look P.0. Sales
may he arranged at Tui leper Publishing
flows, Gs'uoee's,
{1 EORGE IiI13KSY1.........
\.� Licensed Allotioneor. 016100 onuduot-
od 011 reaso11a111e terms. Farms dull farm
stock a theeislty. Orders left at Tug P084
Pb1Bshing}lnnms,hrua0ale,nr 00n1Walter
P 0.0011 r0e0lvo 11110141pt atten4)0t1
ia.� an as 1111 Allehionrer, 1 ,
Nu rn pool abed
to conduct titles farm shock at ronsounbl0
p1'iru5. Knowing the ',keeling if nearly
ONIT P0411014 1 can 111 a11001611m to oil ti,
good works mild gut good merits, when 801d
011r'od)t, Snt(o(aeti0u gua•tulteoll. Give
1110 a call, SS. IA, 8, 8009.'1,
.ARWICK & (IOLLEY, ..`.__
`r 2.10,100 Graduates
of lOntario
,lie 0 utof Donedenieea. are prnpa4511 10 treat all
ps o of of dnnf. Particular d
041' 44 t t rt c0n1-
p04nub hnumm. P4rlunilnlr attentlo:l paid,
l0 volnrivart 11011110Lry. Calk 3u'4lnbtly me.
Wilde() tn, °law, end tofIrulaly-•.Pwo doors.
1)114411 01 bridge. Terebetry oat Brussels,