HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-9, Page 7MAY, 9, 1890,
YOUNG FOLKS, information ea he thought would he of no
1180 Lo me when I ahuuld be away in the in-
terior and alone. It wads 1111,11. who lh•st
Lady Nllttu'e's Wedding Party. cl,o 'Ill Ida 11,1130 to handle 14 title, hew to
use a sellateedle, and even More imporhult,
It w'ac npringdh0(: the 1.11111 was millet- holt' to cook 110 few rlishe, that have fm•
eel with 1103001')4, the treat clothed with Ice • venin figural with ash lnnn,tunous repuli•
der groan, the air tweet with the event of Linn in my ample bills of faro,
1.11 'Meru, 1 would amuse Blot, and the
others 011 Lhe way by dote log rough per•
t.reitt which they am t home to their
friends ; or, at night, 1 would Hing F4 (1)
ouude suns to the ucuumpnubnenl of my
haujo. Aad here at the commencement of
nm•new nareer, the Malt Who to 011 appear.
"1 seminal," replied the father, Ixecauc" ape:, Iva. LIM strongest, of our party leas
11s a lrili;, Ultra, snateheel away death, I, a not - P41'.
"lint why is everything Hu beautiful then? ticularl ' robust by
,, sewonder
left In
Why are the trees su dltl'uront to wheat they who wr old be the nest, shift to the dro:d•
were 1n whiter 11" t,4 fever that was burning in every vein and
"lterausa they've leaves, of course, said racking every bone,
the father. I. felt then that it was necessary for no, to
"But why have they leaves just now ?' "brace up," keep 0 stilt' upper lip, and
continued the boy. light every advenuo of the enemy. To my
" Olt," said the father, getting a little surprise I found myself day by day grow.
grumpy, ,"because the stop) in the trees is `1000 ing stronger, while Illy c ompanioils weaken -
beginning to 1110ne upwards. But if you go ed and failed; at last, ono di4y I was able to
home and work out nano of those bills of autumnal myself as peepared to continue the
reroute you'd havo more chance of making a ll1 I'e1t.._("Sin „I the Wilds of caw
figure in the world than you will have if you teal Afriea,") is St, Nicholas,
go n1. nntn g• about in those wattle asking why
things are beautiful. Beautiful indeed 1.Vhy
I never wanted to know what beauty was,
and look at what ant to-day.Osborne, Isle of \Fight, is Queen Victor.
The father walked angrily away anti the la's scasidu res dunce. Many years ago, when
boy felt 0011. But a poet, who happened to the Prince of Wales was a lad, he was one
be wandering in the wood, had heard what day playing of the beach w'Ihmt ho spied a
wee said, and spoke to the boy. basket of. fish. Thirsting for tut, he over-
" So.you wish to know why everything is turned the basket and sent the fish sprawl.
beautiful, my Ind ? I will tell you whatj ing into the water.
know, but probably you can teach mo far Tho young owner, a boy about the prince's
more than I can tell you. Come with me." age, sown returned, andenrtged at the loss of
'Cho poet led the boy to a velvetylawn, the day's toil, attacked the perpetrator, giv-
rouna wltkh were fruit -trees covered with ing hint a vigorous beating ; pvherlup(11 his
blossom. Some of the blossoms had fallen, Royal 11tghtteas flew angrily to the ems e.
atmd the grass was epauglodl with Newels& 1 " Know ye, lar!, who ye' re been laying
"J'hcre, then," said the boy eagerly, '•w•hy lands nn 1" asked a lioliontan, approaching
are the flowers there now 1" j the boy 1 " it's nano other than the pt ace,
'"'191st I eannot tell," said the poet simply; the heir to the throne,"
" rout 1 can shots you something that may I Consternation filled the mind of the boy
help you. Lie down on the grass 1:11001C and alibis family, atilt more wheat in the
1410 that 11111e." I evening a summons tame from the queen to
'rho lad did as the wa8 told, For seine That youth to present himself at 00bon0
time ho could sou nothing, for tle hole was Castle,
soon he "' Oh the whole little 0No e 010010,1
4 u•k • but, s) n I a '1'11)4 lttlo f l and trembled,
1 I
with tinylam
) e lighted u 1 wits thinking over all the firu•ide tales 'l14 h't
1 lit a is ]i„Il 1 p, g 1 that t 11
there 0011100 a funny little rabbit. Oh, 'child -ears had heard, of chains and dungeon
what is going to happen?" , keeps, torter00pod the axe, cheerfulinu0ing3
"" There is to Mc a 'wedding party there," to accompany Ilia slow, reluctant steps up
said the poet, "alnd that is the best man." 1 the avenue to the caetlu. His agitated little
The ltd Waif very still, and the poet brain was trying to frame t speech in defence,
vvatohod beside hint and together Lhe • Satl' but when he was nsherei into 11(0 royal pre.
true whole affair. The bridegroom rabbit Bence every word deserter his lips, and he
was in a great state of fluster (his tiny white could not lift his eyes front the floor.
waistcoat could be soon moving 1111 and down 1 " Are you the boy that roared whip my
by the level's watchful eyes), he looked often son, tho Prince of 1F:t1es?" asked the queen
tip et the stat, and then tt the shadow of e sternly.
dandelion on tlto grass, told hoped that I " I he, your majesty," he replied, trenlbl-
Lapine, would not be late, i n a short time ing it every limb, " and I—I beg your par-
tite mother of the hl•ido arrived With a don, your majesty."
numbed' of friends. She waas charmingly " Yell dont even try to evade the truth,"
dre4001 in a French -looking gown put de of said the queen; " what provoked you to do
elegantly draped spiders webs), which tot'
suite,) her emuplexiou exactly, Nest came I ("'Choy—they—" the boy hesitated, still
the father 4 the bride ; he was I4 very hand- , trembling, " they was 10y father's fish, year•
some old ollicer, ao l had his front pa • 1112E majesty. 'Didn't know' torus his royal high-
aling, lutshig been wounded in the wars nuns."
against the granikeepers. I „ Al, I begin to uudc•stand.,,
Che hridogrnnm became more and more 'Chen the queen turned to the prince all
excited until the bride emulate 1 lin a 5) ll- asked,--
derful wielding gow•n:mule of s'celotot cave: What dict you do to his fish 1"
delicately- hacked together, each joining "Wanted, to see if they'd swim ; so I tip -
being covered with tiny flowers) —wi It six pod the basket to little," said the heir appnr-
white rabbits as her bri,lesnlai l,, The weal. ort, examining the figures o1 the carpet.
ding party was said by all to be one 1 f the 1 The queen totaled to the fisher -boy ,1,111
neat charming that hid eco• been seen. The said,•--
ce:'Or.ony was very short (for in Rabbit lands ; " You area brave lad for defaulting your
things are always done q sickly'), and then father's possessions, Of such !nettle may my'
the w•hokeof the guests 011(11' out to thespot army t0 made t Unto is a guinea for your
crit, A little mould had been raised for the fish ; and next Lino the prhlee in his eager.
bride. and bridegroom, and the guests sat Moa for kuowledgc o\'m'ttu•nH your basket,
❑uu1y blowouts, and the bier, Wel'e Arae Lin•
1111; 1n)n' ehurial nll'ucl0,
b)n, xtlt1H11iny Mot•Iting a man ao l his son
wee walking taring a lovely shaded path,
and from very fullness of joy the ung said,
Father, wily i4 everything Sobelattifdljnst
On the Fisheries Question,
round about them The l301(1 %mother scented give hill another whipping and you shall have
rattle' sad, but she brightened up as 5(101 a0 tvt•o gummy from his own purse."
the birds began the wedding eholtls, \\-hat a I A Tighter -hearted boy never went out of
glorious chorus it was 1 The angel's were hid• the castle gates ; and a light-hearted father
(len aul(111gst the branches 0f the trees; but was over after loyal to England's justice -
the bandmaster (llorr Lark) hovered over- loving queen.
)read, gave the keynote, and beat time with
his tiny wings. The music, the sunshine, the
flowers— every thing seemed to rejoice in
the happiness of the newly wedded pair.
The little bride felt it so much that she shed
a few tears; but one knowing old thrush
sail to a sparrow that site only wished tc
matte an excuse for the bridegroom to kiss
her, for he did so at once.
As soon a8 11,0 chorus wtto 1111101104 the
birds shook n timber of blosaonls oft the
trees on the lawn, They t11on Hew down,
bowed to the bride and bridegroom, put
their tiny betake into the flowers and drank
good health to all, In reply to this, Mr.
null Mrs. Rabbit stood up L11u1 rubbed their
soft noses with their tiny pates. They
bowed to all the guests, and then walked
quietly to their hone. In another moment
all were gone.
Tho lad rubbed his oyes, and wondered if
it ware all a deaden ; but the pont was still
beside hint, all the lawn still ooverol with
blossoms. "Now I understand it," he said,
eagerly ; "all these lovely flowers aro Na-
ture's 40111 ation0 for the wedding -time of
the etibbita."
"l'orhaps you aro right,"said the poet.
Tho lad went home and tried to explain
what he had seen to his father, but he only
said, " :StulC and nonsense I If you'd think
more of !now you are to get batter to your
'00311, and less of your everlasting beauty,
you'd make a better figure 111 to world,"
But to poet knew this was not se, for to
prise the beauty of this' world more than the
bread and bu1110 is to prove oneself one of
Lady Natures richly gifted favourites. i
Eoonomy of Manure,
Forty years ago there 301:8 a disttlle'y near
an inland town of this province where 100
Cattle were fed. Tho liquid manure ran in 0
tank outside and was then carted in a tank
on wheels anti spread over a certain farm.
I remember seeing ronakebly large crops
on shut land for saacral years. I visited
the spot again twenty years after the appli-
cation of the manure and to all appearances
the Influence of it had not yet departed en.
lively, '1'o keep animals bedded with suffi-
cient absorbents is the only w•uy small farm,
ore can make l4\'all(alllo NW saving the liquid
and most valuable part of stable mauaro.
Straw i8 too coarse flit' this purpose ; much
of the liquid willp,105 through it and bo lost.
(;rain•clia(T is excellent, but there is neve' a
supply. Dry pent -moss and tnttnk are about
the hest, but few hove these at eomulat4.
Road -dust and dry earth can always be had
in abundance and should he stored for win-
ter, Keeping the stable floor covered with
it tWO 0)' three itches in depth, not a large
portion of it would be wetted atoll day, and
this is much more easily removal than sat.
prated straw mixed with solid droppings.
Earth -bedding doos not get displaced lilto
courser material, and the solid droppings
have no chance to adhere to the floor as with
other, involving. a largo 0111011111 of sawn bo granted and that the practice of 113
and shovelling to remove it, and when article of their faith would not for a moment
removed the floor is not loft sweet as be toleotted in Canals, they solemnly
after remosa1 of manure deposited on dry pledged themselves to obey this they.
earth. Although it is firmly believed m many
Another method is to arrange the stables parte of the country that polygamy is being
AM= o„n Fever,
Once or twice we hoard the snorts of hippo-
llotami around our boat When WO 110ered
tor the night. As 300 slept, 0ac11 wrapped
in his blanket, lying athwarthip on bales
and boxes, it svao not plea51011 t0 bo waked
near midnighthy these lllueeustomed 5onnd5,
and to hear the wash of the water along
the gunwale, caused by these monsters.
We were notalitte then1101 that they am.
fined themselves to gruntsof defiance aicifore.
bore any actual 1Lttalk,—for by this time We
Were all suilbring from Alrican favor, and a
geed night's sleep was very precious to els.
ur boat was 81111111 and ove'orowded, and
300 worn all good-sized fellows on board; 00,
when the favor was of ns, it tegnirod eon-
sidlcrable ingenuity and lutesh crossing and
recrossing of legs before spaces could ho
found 111 which to lie down at tell, in the
stern•sheets of 0111 draft.
Poor Milne, a strong, 010111 built mean,
who serval tweaty.olo years in the British
navy, suffered more than any of us ; and by
the time we reached Manyangll the fever
had taken so strong t hold of 111113 that his
case hearten) hopeless, We slid all wo could
for flim, but our small knowledge was of
little avail, 'Vo hoped that lie would roily
when we got ashore again, but five days af-
ter we hail landed ho succumbed after a few
homes of delirium, This ons indeed a great
plow' to me, for although there was 0 great
difference fu our ages, Milne and I had -boon
fast Mauls on the voyage out, lie had been
very good to tee iu many ways, instead of
ti(houlfng my experience, (Ler' oil haVerlal00'
easi010 had helped me out of ditlinities into
Which T lull boon led through 1 511 0 0 111 0, lie
ever lea an opportunity of giving me such
IMORMQNS IN CANADA, ( In the Mst;rilnonial lifarket,
'Mere personal uharuta are not what man
A Visit le the Setti l'nlent in ,tibertn \ 5)',T, eee.kn in a wife, if he be wise ill Int geller1•
/1 t n I,•epmttlent wl•ile0 from 1£,'I tend, Al. ti X11• The best lulsbtuds 111 the land want
bel Ia, N. 11'. I'., uncle dater of April Nth :
"Most reofleri are probably aware [Intl
lu:, lh past few years there lute been a Very
uwvelnnnt of 1,4011110119 from (. to
w 1015 wlto are int eliigent, pramu'Al ,tu,t 11111.e•
tionate n,tde pride in their honlea, feet
au oneles1 In the sit' ass of their hnsbanda,
ail) are 10u ly tr 011,uv either fort nu' ov tuts•
nd,i \ of 1131.01. Thr ml nnna ;turd lit I bre„ f ,.ten, . i t,•h :a tt nllpUl is arae e, generous
141 ore mos well:skid of Mr. C, O, ('cud, olio and Independent, 111141 w'ill,•unueand 1110 re.
of Brigham \'ouug's sons -1»•1.4), now p1) 1. spat of 1411)' 11 0,, 1, '10111 n 11 ucul in 1h0
land. h will not be asked of her ithnthet'
she speaks Freud] or plays high elites 1111101'
,nt the piano. A man wants a wife of whom
he, is proud, tinter at haute or aurord. 110
wants her to be neat and well-mannered.
ll. iH lint 1,JLlty urecs'ary that she be IWO11',
lint she must be agreeable, of kindly mese h •
tion, loving and aUaetiOIILLtO. The woman
wit., is fitting herself for the position of wife
sbuuld he ettreful not 1,1 hank very lueavily 011
her beauty. 'I'lte saddest sight in all the
world la 14 W011%11 who lids built evert Mug on
good looks, When the charmslx+gin to vanish.
Oh, how they try to cover the wrinkles and
hide the ravages of tau.. 'When 'bine,
with iron -shod feel, taupe on a face the hoof.
marks remote and you cannot hide them.
It is silly to try to hide Lhom. \Vhy be
(thane[ of age,
when it is in itself at evi-
deime that youhavo lived tolerably well, or
yam would not have lived so long?
dein ,.i !lie ('alih4111111101011y, endone or two
lit para. Alley tramming various parts of the
Nott h west, they 101)111)' silent eel Lee's Creek
Its need sellable for their )iilrpoxes. 'Noire hi
the spring of ISN7 a few fitulilio, pitched
their ten IS 141111 3011110 e' of tL 741Oruen] pro-
blem ('auuda may have to :asthma ma w•it11 hes
counnimeel. ''1111: aha(acteristie industry
and enterprise they at (moo Weltt diligently
lit work, and although it Wax ,itmc )shed
their 0l'0pi were put ill, they obtained a very
fail' 1.5111111 o11 the subxequ.nt harveet, 13y
that time, too, subxtanLinl log buildings had
taken the place of 101110 and covered wagons,
and a visitor multi not help baftlg struck
with rho snug and thrifty appearance of the
eoaWenient, In that short summer they
had dune more 500k 111111 (many other set -
tiers who rind been In tho country for years.
The, peogl•cos of the settlement has Linen
steady alul.rapid over since, Fresh arrivals
each year have swollen the population of the
colony until the original tnsigeifieaut few
have increased to some three hundred souls.
The settlementconeti110 a4 good store and 18
provided with a church and schoolhouse.
Lash N11111111(1I' 11, steam tlireohillg 1011.0111110
was taken in and a sate and grist mill are
among the probabilities of the near future.
The Mormons are not the only settlors ni
that part of tlto country. There wins a very
fair 'lonlll0Hettlemontin the vicinity before
the .,dram of the 1,11100 Day Saints. '['hese
settlers ep0111 of the Monona in the highest
terms lasneighbors, and certainly no visitor
to their settlement eau over complain of an
inhospitable reception. I eau speak from
experience, is regards thio, for I have never
mut with 13 warmer or heartier or more hos-
pitable welcome that that received ailing
the Nimmons of Leo's Creek. Lee's Creek is
a small stream whine empties into the St.
31 u s Rivas about three miles below the
4 t'L-cr
Mormon setClenun L. The , t. \1a• s i r
, y
his 110 rise with St, illary's ladles, in the
new State of Montana. It flows northeasterly to normal discharges, 1110111111g sickness, and
tmtil at its confluence with Leo's Creek. 1 the countless ills to w'hicll women are 0nb,ject.
141001 fifteen 1111155 north of the international It le the only remedy for Wotnttn's peculiar
boundary lino. Tho exact location of the weaknesses and ailments, sold by druggists,
Mormon settlement may therefore be decided ander a positive guarantee from the mandat-
es follows: At c1point forty, utiles south of WPM, that it will give satisfaction in every
McLeod, fortyflve utiles anuthseest of Lath- „me.or,tunny wane refunded. SOeverse.
nf the 'Rock y • Mountains and fifteen miles
Try This.
A pretty Kensington girl rattles this oft'
like hutch --"Six silver sieves of sifted
thistles and a Sieve of uuoifted thistles, I
aim a sifted thistle sifter and an ermined
thistle sifter with a adore of sifted thistles
and (L knees of uusiftod thistles,"• - • Ph iladrl•
7)lt1n, Jfre,,'l.
Shall Women Bo Allowed to Vote?
L'he question of female suffrage has agitated
the tongues and pulls of refmnnero for
many years., and good argulllouta have
been adduced for awl. against. it. Murry
of ,the softer sex cotIl vote intelli-
gently', and many would vote as their
hunbnmis did, mud give no thought to
the merits of it. political £5000. They would
•n or 1) • 1'' r 1.'s Favorite Prescrip-
tl,ll vote I, ,u (. \
for 1 • know ' hoer o their, sex
Lion they :t in u L tl
It is unequaled for the cure of leueorrhoa:,
bridge thirty miles east of the maul range tee on wrapper 0001111(1 bottle.
north of the boundary line between:Montana
191)4 duan who is always toying that he
and Alberta.
wants but little here below gellel'ally means
During tto past summer, Mr. (lard, )100' the little he hasn't got already.
hnbly actin„ tax agent fm' friends in Utah, A Positive Guarantee of Clue
Imrchased fhonl the Northwestern Coll and
:'avigatinn Company about twenty-five is 'sated with Dr. t'ierce's ((olden ;\Medical
thousand acres of 1a1111 for colonization plll'- Dlsoos'oly, when taken for chronic; c010.0111
poses, ala this fart adds color to the rumor in 11110 head, or for chronic bronchial throat
that the next few years will witness a 0011- 0r huig disonso, if talose in lima, and given
stoutly' increasing tide of hloru nn ilmnigra- a fair tend. llmrry 1•.Nt1)rr 1 1l' fl an t
(ion from Utah to Southern Alberta. Last "re.
fall the leads of the Mormon church visited Watch thy tongue ; out of it are the is.
their Lee's Creek bt•ethrol and spent a night sues of life ! Speak not L111 thy thought hes
in Mc Gaol on their way out of the country'. silently matured itself. Speech is 111110011 ;
Among the visitors Watn Prosi,lelts Wood. silence is (Brine. No idlestwor(lthml speak -
ruff, Cannon, and Joseph Smith, and Chief est but is a send east into time and grows
Apostle Brigham Young, oldest sol of the through all eternity', -[Thomas Carlyle,
original Brigham and the happy father of It Depends on the Liver,
thirty or More children. Ostensibly they
canoe to visit their friends and to see for "Ia life worth living'"? somebody asked,
themselves hobs they were getting on. In and the facetious reply 30)40, " That depends
reality the object of their visit was to (Hs- on the liter.” 1-1:Oahtlh and happiness are
cover whether a general migtm:tiol of Moe. twined together. If t man's 113001• i0 OM1 of
neons frust Utah w'tL.s advisable. As they order, Itis whole system is deranged. Me
were very much pleased with the country. it suffers from top to toe. This is true tiler to
r probable that the • will advise take 1)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These
is ILltOgethC pro a y
emigration from Utah, where they are being Ofliaaaiens little glohnl01 010 as 11111011 in a(1.
made slightly uncomfortable just at present. Cance of the old-fashioned, griping, drastic
Since that visit the loading elders of the pills as electric lights are ahead of a wick
Canadian colony hero gone to Utah, stuck in whale oil.
To say that Mormon immigration is viewed Life is toe short to waste much of it 111
with favor by the great majority of the pen- humoring people who need clubbing.
plc in Alberta would bo very far from the It is au oxecllout thing to chew' mai
truth. There is a strong feeling that they Frutti Crum defter the mail and induce the
are very undesirable settlers and should not Frut ti Cr (1f more saliva. Solt! by all e the
be encouraged. The recent trials at Salt gist and Confectioners, 5 cents.
Lake City and the rather sousationel disug-
closures connected with them have not tend- The next morning after an Austin loin•
eel to lessen alarm concerning the probable ister had preached against the National sin
results of Mormon immigration. The expert- there was a universal exchange of umbrellas.
once of tho United States with these people
also loads Canadians to fear that when the All Men
Mormon element gets strong enough their ex- young, old, or initiate -aged, who find them -
would30.11) be very y well- Whit. these selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
wens, stem ll be 30111')' well-fonndes objee- aro broken clown from excess or overwork,
thins, 110 fully e to deal
that the The
19 a resulting in many of the following syinp.
very difficult one to deal with. 1Imo p0 01100 toms 1 Mental depression, premature old
of polygamy wotdd 11(1 the only ground ago, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
50111011 action against them could be token, dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the
141111 as yet 11000 is no Dominion statute heart, omissions, lack of energy, pain hi the
which makes polygamy' a primo, This is kithmys, hoaiboe e, pimples on the face or
being remedied during the present session body', 111))11115 Or ))0011l1ar sellaon the
of the Dominion led at lout. The Mormons scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
who 01•e not,' settled at Loo's Creek disclaimein speaks before tle oyes, twitching of tho
my intention of attempting to indulge e. muscles, oye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
the doubtful luxury of more wives thou one. deposits in the trine, lose of will power',
Many of then were ch visited
in Utah, tenderness of the scalp and spino, weak and
F111(l LL deputation wliielh visln11 Ottawa loot flabby 1111150)55, desire to sleep, failure to bo
summer asked among other things for per- rusted by sloop, constipation, dullness of
mission to practice polygamy to the extant hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
they luta already contracted, provided no excitahihty of temper, sunken oyes surround -
further contracts of a like nature were enter ed with mlane', eutehe„ oily looking skin,
ed into in Canada. Having been given to eta., aro all symptoms of nervous debility
understand that this concession could net that lead to inea111ty 14114 death unless elided.
10 Tho spring or vital force having toddle
tension every fellation vva1e0 in conseg00000.
Those who through 0111180 committed in
ignorance may be permanently cured, Sold
you, address for book on all :Ramses peculiar
to mat. Address M. V; LUBON, 50 Front
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
Scott's Em1A s on %Mi`rrxi i
ix ri rrurup•,yh<l 1•'6.41 Prorlurer, Itis I/O,
Best Ite"rdl) ler CONSUMPTION,
Scrofula, Sronchitis,Wasting Dis-
eases, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
P,1 L:LTA It T,F AS M1(1,00.
Scolt'n F.nmision is only put nein xaln,nn rotor
,rrapprr. Arnl,l nil imitsli„na"rsnb i,W1I050.
Sold by ell Uruaci 0 n l )nn. an d rOl.o.
0('0:1' .0 1)1)30.511, ilenovillo,
Stonemasons Wanted I
(00th cutler. and tiellrlursl in Toronto at f 1.w
Biological 1tuildings, also at, New Parliament
Building,+, gnomes Park, \V,Lges32Ie. per hour,
, Apply, JOSEPlf YO RKKI'l,
Jarvis St. Wharf, 'I'olrol,' o,
80 the liquid will run into tanks. A good practiced to a limited extent tat Leu 8 Creek, St. 1;., 7.'orouto, Ont. Boo1;0 aunt leen tented.
p =oh i3
' ll don that sl s f ,blah aro
wayaisn make ti with
p or trough n hie( the the case
inns inn a instance.
y ort dh0easo rho s m tom o w
73o Y
1 g
0 who are Ll )lta-
aa. 11108 w 1)11088 )i
p inetan s emu
o tee all cover ft1. iron grating hung g to in m 8111 to lit )lo li
a rn ) the ci48o a )ells , , 1 I
g 6 b 1
g the •
bingos. It should have descent enough to in a position to know assure mo that m Lunn, skip boats, hot Nushas, rush of blood.
convey the liquid ett8ide into a tank, and Loo's Creek Mormon colony the males con- t011'1.011117c file lead, dull pain fu rho hetet; with bents
this tank bo made in the ground and kept 5140010bly outnumber the females, and that 01 0111', rapidnmd uregular, Lha secoodiloart
from freezing, std when half full acid fact would support their own assertion that boat quicker than the first, pain about the
absorbents mil then remove all to the manure they intend to 001110111 themselves with a breast bole, oto., cal first's
bo cured.
shed or field. It is ton expensive for the purely monogamous existence, Whatever No euro, ne pay. Send for book. Adclred.
average farmer to Cart, liquid mature to tho they duty do hi the future, from what I can [3I v. LUl30N, 50 Front Street Past, :Po•
field, for a tank on wheels would hove to be learn, I am of the opinion that the Canadian ,mute, Out,
i�roviriod. The grating would town to be Mormons are not at 01000111 131'aOtSOLllg poly'
t t with t L t t lel 1 their •tnonFLybopronq)tod
Noes fitting with solid 100111100. It may bo solely through fear of the consequences.
objuctod that in cold weather the liquid Whether this enforced monogamy with.
would freeze in tlm drop and block it stand the pressure of increased 01embers 1a0 ntaolntely iron to 05,5) 1.
1 WATCHES FREE, m,rpa1. w'ntonn 1!.,71vl"ood.
up. Thera is little clangor, for enc enterprise all greater eolsogttett powe' and strength o Canndlan Wilton co., Toronto, Can.
Mg enough to construct ra stable in this Winn• is t question which only the future can
nor is wise 01eugh to have it, frost -proof or decide.
Volarly 5o. Open drops, as now scot in COW
stables ga eeally, aro a nuisance, Tho ex- I Divided Duties,
eminent freezes in floor and it 115 n of y dif' Dlltlglttor--" Mn, 1110 now girl has ggot
ficult to clean then! out, ba51d05, Lobo Wee-' mad and gone, (01(11t'eq) have to get tougher
tivo, they have Ln bo ]nada oloso up to the r)glr3 ort.'
heels of the animals, and when they he down Nlrs, Do Style--" \full, telophono to ynnr
then eSLreni1400 extend over the edge and
1!4 to 50114 Ma boy to 5(11110 ompinymmlt olhco
this position must bo a uncomfortable n04004, }or one, I need some vo lhyr to (at011 this
fullslnttod drops the animas tan tic at silk, too; but I suppose I will have 10 go for
full length and an c lovoe In the case of that myself," 1
solid manure it is well in ronombe• that it
Maul with One Thousand Dollars
to take charge 01 wau'eronnu. Severn y 00
int ere' in huei 11044 given. :1 pply
op covered wi i straw �o pecvon let ors- gamy, a loug n lair v it 50(1'
wastes half 01. more when loft lou expose
g P ono person may slot succeed in dispelling
La weather mid leaching of rains, ell the miasma of the mirth, but if he can
i only cleanse one little corner of it., if he
1211e Moot of the Eeme.l,, 1 can hilt soul through the market' air one
nal, bracing, healthy gal0 he wit l do much
Mrs, Day_” "Che (looter orde0d yntu hotter than to sitmule1 his vine appalled by+
lhllslla»tl whisky for his t'110L1111iLthslllr J)(1eH ;,Ito gi'tlatuese of the en il.---];Blair ilalllili,ltl. ( I
it do him ally good?'
Mrs. Mar -" Ile soya it does him a \verba There is 110 beautifier of (implosions or
of gaol, but I notice tha twingns oallle Upon form of behavior lilte the wish t0 seat te• joy
!him more frequently than over," 1311 not pain around us,
AOA .—a
1 ■®®
mop lowork
4 Ad018100 Street West. Toronto.r• 11,.6me'rena
•:Fon A L'r'. .WOOD GRAYER,
�l 'Ki"r
& R
uR TOIONT1; ,:4N8 DA
P 9
TORONTO ('U't"14Sd 9C000L. Sclonttto
and reliable systen0 (aught, whereby
stylish, perfeaditting garments aro pro(lnrotl.
Send for circular. S, COlilliGAN, prop., 1
A .o.ahlo St. Watt.
BIZ $1,,m'Innl,'1>'pni5'giv010, (31. (pini
titan Business university &Shortland 111sittiite
Public Library hllrlg 10001o, Circulars free.
nos, Ilougolgll, Manager,
�� /� .. I'ho ('heapc0l, T.fongosl 01251 Runt
17{JrE b'once fo 1 011,1, fini(llon,(lrahar
or Town hole, Prices from lee per rntt (103
rl, Send for price li't, _- Toren I41 f irl(e1
Wire I'mue0 (111.. eel Lover 56., Toronto.
and't'unlor41Oriali0t. Private
N R liospiteh No knife, Book free
CA G b 1.1. Molllirliacl At.ri„Nn. 033
aeseas--e ...,«.r, Ningaea street, lin Wale, N.Y
{lNsr� ..i.c,f f alt: L�1
et�y r4DS
1 1i;VlEi3IRIA S' litl?<E(011.
l ft
Established for therevention.of steam boiler
00160sinll bYJn•o1,0rInsp,ections. Sir Alexander
Campbell, 1k,(',M.G., {.lout. -Got, of Ontario,
President. Weal. 0f8re, "'Toronto iitreei,
'reroute, 0111. "nsldlingFngh100r0 and
(31an, Cl, Halle, C!hiof Engineer. A. Fictions, See.
Send for illustrated Catalogue
lend this advertisement with your
order for mu' NewST.t It RIBBER
tinct we will allow you
Craolman Bros,, I 'fgrs,
ILI10 allaiTO8i'N, ONT�'All=
EIONEY Large Loans and Church loan, at
very low rates, and smt3llor sums at
51, 6, 61 per cont. according to 0ectn'ity,
Toronto business nail hoose property yielding
7, 8 and 10 per et. to investors, and 100 per et. to
.1. LAT/511e11 KERS. GRENVILLE 1'. IILem 0.
4 King Street East, Toronto.
Successors to:t it, MocKI,1:R & Co. Office estab-
listed 1379 by 310 S. II, Janos. '0
Increase in popniaaloe Toronto 1886 over 1888
(assessors returns 100,600.
Johuistnn's3Fti!iid Beef,
A Perfect Food for Children.
Supplying Noui•1$hm,val fru'
t, ll,
ArldresoMYi5,t LET, 1t0V('k A CO„ ISY Tosser
Street, TO run N. Send for Catalogue.
Tea —
Ohoape0 and
In America to buy
Band and Musical
Food. pr
- o of Health
e J;,
Per Children and Adolfo.
.Invaluable for Indigeekion and
FRANKS .& CO., London, Edgloud, Proprietor
Mun•o1(b;,tt, OFFICE, 17 St. John Streel;.
Dr. T. It. Allinson, L.lt.(4P., London, say41--
"11110 Dr.Nlehok' ' Food of health' very 0115032
and 1hu11t .5 great 41i01.etle value in many din -
eases, As a breakfast dish 1 prefer it to oat-
meal. For the regulation of the hutvcl4 ft Oan
not be surpassed.' Send for sample 141LEE.
Notice is hereby given that a DIVIDEND OF
FIVE PER 014\'I. for 111e current half year
being at; the rate of TEN PER. ('.ENT, PER
A7 NUM upon the Paid np r"piltal of the Bank
has this tiny boon declared, and that the same.
will be payable at the Bnnk.and its Branches on
and after 'MONDAY. 51111 SECOND DAY OF
1 TILE rR 1 NS''ER 1300I38 will b0 closed from
tho Seventeenth (0 the 'thirty ilrdt day of May.
both days inelud0d,
STOCKHOLDERS will bo held at the Ranking
Mose of the institution on \\'LDNESDAY, the
Eighteenth (lay of•Jano next. The ,hair to be
taken at noon.
13y order of the Board, •
• (Signed), D. C'OI1LSON. C aider, :
13ank of Toronto, Toronto, April 1.1, 1800, ,
fronoo intuition this paper.
Is pleasant to use.
It heals the skin, and de.
stroys Insects and germs
on the hair of man es.
To The burnitl reTra44
Dealers to furniture & Upholstered Goods
o inform tho
\' 1 undersigned (, t t
1 e the u
1 „beg b
v fullline of
•u) a
Retail Trade that we ba
Furniture all Upholstered Cootie, also a.
well assorted stock of Walnut, Parlor,
Lounge, Sofa, Easy and other (;hair Frames.
goods re well finished 1 d made of the
The b),dsa t 1 all
best seasoned weals. Orders solicited.
Queen City Manufacturing Co'y, Ltd.
117 King Street .W., Toronto.
Their increasing popularity is a proof of their
gttporiority. BO sure midget a Cowboy top on.
your buggy.
Neuer failing St, Ledo.
)'p to three years age
Dyspepsia, that horrible
sensation, wretched pain
and choking. The very
thought chills me, d.
friend got cured with 9t
Leon urged ole to drink..
Idid. The choking lamps
got softer and softer- I
was oared and remain in
the very best of health. SIN
Loon Wator•ttill cure whoa
all other mbetures fail
GEotooio G. Wu.Oorr,
Victoria Square, 'Montreal
RttlMlaa pF up, npwn,d pu[F Hip
Med Internal!) 1DExta'm¢lly: P)'icas tOo,$1,$1.75
® H 0
TO 'ITE EDITOR 1—Please Inform your readers that II Ave a positive remedy for the
above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently mored.
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your renders who have con-
sumption 1f they will send me their Express and Post Office Address, Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM ,
M.C., 186 Wont Adolaido tit., TORONTO, ONTARIO.
SUR 111
Take your Saw Mill to the Logs, by purchasing one of our Portable Saw Milts
of 12 to 4o Horse -Pow; r. Most Practical, Efficient
and economical;
1Hilis p�ulIi .
Send for Circulate.
Engine Works
When to i say Ouro I do not mean
-. — Meror stop them fora time. and thee,
have them return again 110 E.' '• '. R A O I GA L O U RV. I have made the disease of Fite,
Epllopoy or Fa1),nf1 S3icken:me "a life-long study. 1 Warrant 1uy relnedv to entre tree
worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for nor now reteivulr1 .1 curt, SethdO
once for n treatise and a 1Prao kettle of my InfaUUb'a Remedy rah, o 3Rpt0a8 sans,
117 iD,Obrantch 0401cs, 106 iWCatST 11011,/1:'011 $Tand it tll CS�?S TTOROoog 'lYrre1S r •tE, Od. R0f8Yi't