HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-9, Page 62111M1.111.110.1MINIMIIIIMIIMISMORNA
Latest From Europe
-.Stanley at Home Again- 'A Royal Weloome
Given Him in England- .The Missing
Thomas Kimber—The News of his Dis-
appearance Comes by New York Only.
There must have been more than oue oc-
etetion during the day when Heory M Stau.
ley mentally wished himself lack in the
equatorial jungle again. African exploration
ean hardly offes on experience better cake -
lilted to stagger the most intrepid and reso.
lute of men than was the crowding, eheering,
and wildly elamormis welcome with which
London the tither evening coufounded the
overwhelmed rescuer of min. Nothing in
his past career eito have prepared lain for the
cadeal of lionizatiou whieh yawned before
him from the white cliffs of Dover the other
afternoon, and which literally engulfed him
-when his train drew into Victoria Stationin
London two hours later.
No visiting potentate ever drew such a
Inge crowd as the tole assembled at Dover
from all ports of the south coast, with it
large Condon yootiogoot Its well, to welt:time
Die arrival of the steamer. Tho weather
Wan very rainy and rough in the morning,
hut it ofossrd off perfectly beim the voyage
from Ostend began, NM the venial mono
tmcift pump, The explorer's reception et
Dover waslargely a puSivhig Dantofilltie, fee
very few of the waiting thousands -had tt
chance of seeing him in passing from the
bet1 to the special train, whieh started with-
out deiSrs
Ir.-. te11.1 . ...„
Spring, with a black fag Warhead, and tlrer„ oligme; now tame up, ant M e AS (Alt Mount ' ti 11 3UU1( 7 endure there if only in mild
oiling sheets a rain, e most unlefital cioinblii! tho hilli liiit Ile had dleappeared jinni view, I form, during the after years of mature life,
plin, and of a gray or light green color ; but And somebody s love is true,
:aloe. It all cleared away befere tle? Irian I etielese I 711,1 ted dare to follow him armed , How much more than those prejudices tool
te.,, tho low.t there is no ubjection to cheerio]. pictures, if By day, by night, they are amply tried
arrived, and even if it had on% d'oeh so, 11 1., there alone, A$ it was late, and out engine opmiens, if erroneous, then,
wtts standing rot the main track alone, we ' envie newspapers to be feared, with their! they are now and then elitutged in position, By this littin 1naid of two ;
..A.....;:ily that all the approttehes te the Viet°o
aliancloned furtluir search and returned to freight of onwholesomeness, end are pleasant to the mind of the iovalid, But somebody's love would neve* tire,
ria Station would Itave beon nearly unpack
the tiogine." 1 but it wohlet 1)0 W tong to condemn the I without becoming wearisome, Flowers in Had it ten times more 10 (10,
The Poanily ewspaper,
A baby's boot, and a skein of wool,
A Naked Wanderer on the 6101(1613 NurpriNes Faded and soiled and soft ;
0 111111 Mad lien. Odd things, you say, and 1 (lima you're
(lien im the west to the Coloreds River 101 A skit -room should always be an agreeable Rot /right, . • •
Extendiug from tole! San Bernardino meri.
l'he do dee of the family newspaper is no
matter to be done lightly or hastily, '111vre
are consequences to be considered which
deuenal good sense in the selection of the
Artin Sick -Rooms.
unit. a seaman s neck this stormy night,
the east and trout the nouth 7if Inyi, uewspuper anti toculeattog to tho to til eye of the patient as it can la. made, 34131 the yard); aloft,
(sanity the north to the north line of Sou habil, ot reading the articles that will have and every effort should be carried out to
Diego county on the south in that vast ex- the best educating influence nptin them. lf prevent inonottiny. '1117, furniture should be Most like it'm folly ; but, mate, look here :
panne of "tnelatieholy waste" known an the you would. give your children morbid tend. light, cnsilY mavenble, 01111 of 11 vhecrh I When first I went to stet,
Mojave Denert, litily are the tales of mien. &melee and expantl their minds ill unhealthy color ; all dark hangings sad 61,11,1,01. ,...N.03.. A wow,. ,,tood ((13 )‚0(1 far-off strand,
tion mid suffering endured tin this verdure- direetitios, bring into the home tho sense- lugsothen there,shonlit be rephwed by white,. IVith a wedding.ring on the Keen sat,
less expanse. (Mc of the strangeat 10171 yet, timed oewspaper, reeking with filth and or light blue, or grey striped fabries, end the hand
trite occurrences has been ex icrienced eear 1 lurid with crime : fill them With the Kann. walls 811701171 lo. of grey or light green color. Which elmig 00 0080 to 1110.
1)110 11111(111, W111,01 10 in the me ,Ile of the de,,,„ 1 11134and divorce suits, with the untisiers Rod Popern of flaring (snots, and papers which ,,I, .
cot WM retuning fruit! Lexie, "be oneoun. aud girl'e minds if anything will, and will
will npoil your boy's hall0 for a pattern a number of rings and .01,. wife -God bless her ."Phe day before
eirelea of flowers (If one design, are extremely ^
And the sunlight kissed her yellow ham,
She !at benole my foot ;
,,,t,.. 144„, ipet,otioy rt.„,;„a „, 1,;„,,i„o„r sin,. tither felonies. This
tered the following experience, whieli is best lay tile foundatioli for wreelting their char. lad. And the ditinty fingers, deft and fair,
told in his own wordn 1 actors, unless they are, of 11111101101 stability. I remember an instance in which the
per of a wall had for its pattein a series Knitted 13 baby's boot.
The noeial world as pictured by the aver- Ps
'I had just rounded the curve tear mile-
post 072 and had just taken my watch from
my poeket. Noting the thne, 6.25 o'clock,
1 retitrutal it to its plitee, and mutually
glanced ahead of my engine, What •was my
11(1(1100 surprise to see, not over thirty yards
ahead of me and approaching the track from
the south, a man apparently 0 feet tall, about
35 years 00 age, with long, black hair hang-
ing llOW11 011 his shoulders, and heavy blaok
beard He was entirely naked, and his skin
age daily newepeper IA 110t lite Mee world ;
there 15 1141 world 7,0 society eorresoondiug
with that Which in spread 0111 011 1.11e 1111110Ni
sheet. The ehild and the pernon who Mtn
been little (80(3)' 01(11(1 lieror his 0W11 lleer1.11-
etoue, 'Neill 110Y. kilo 1V this. Society will
Beeman it isrepresented, abounding, in crimes
and scandals and outrageous contests to
take advantage of eziell other. The num
01' 100111111 who has gone out nito the world
MIS tanned. Put' tug on the driver brake, i to learn from experienee what sort of people
there are in it, k1101V/3 1110.1 the crime in the fact led ine at (Mee to tear up a prescription
crossed the track. After einemitig lie stopped exceptional conduct, that the wapiti%) 1,3 I had written as a sedative tor stomach dig- A. Detu Little Maid of Two,
brought the engine to a stop jtist as the man
and looked at us. conspicuous by reason of its singlthirity, and thriA4P:e, am! to order, instead, a screen
'I immedietely crossed over to the fire. which should shot 0111 116 sight of the objee. I'll sing you a song to a nursery tune,
that the outrage of pion against man is but
one instance out of one !rn„ndred 01' one tionable wall, rooi which proved, in fact, an Of it dear little maid of two,
1te character, Who has peachen cheeks mod (limbed lips
And eyes of a noft 8011 blue ;
inan'e niile, end an I started to climb down
to the ground he starte71 oir. I called to thousand others of a neutral it moan opium. effective remedy.
111,11 ao I reaelied the groentl, but with it 1 1 remember another instanee in which the
walls of the rOcen were covered tali:1, pattern \‘',Itt charms of a gleeful 111710001100,
frightened look he clashed away. 1 thought i The tieleoriin1 0111,31 1°,111111 ' neWspaper and of the.11,or.tb..1i,, the shading of which, by 1 , at are ripe at the age of two.
1 WaS a ootal ronner, but the way his barA ' alter reedin*g may, anti proliably Will, deter -
some cerions twistings, eell1101 eaels flour tO 6, ,
1 .1 1 resemble a death'e head, Tlit patient, in one is not an angel, no, im, no,
feel not over iiie ^1"4ers ti.g gtaVel led me ' mine the taste nod inclination 00 1)10 child
the inght, detecting this singular extravit- 41An.i.1011.0.ireln be naked for that .
to Itlieve otherwise. Once or twice he ' throupout life. 'rhe itnpreseive age of 0 )1 7 - .
Reaching the hills, which are about half a will debauch ite character and httwoonee.
_ . fancied himeelf ir; a sort of crypt of skulls,
Renee of art, half asleep mei hell awake, i te.i.s aft y ramitin front. top ..to tot%
‚*13113 limbs thitt are ditintil) fat,
looked back, but did not slacken his pace, 1 hood is to he guartlud from those things that
And where she trots, be it high or low,
which atoned hint a sleeplessness that lasted
There is wealth of eurprising chat.
until the morning, and 1071 10 11 bad day.
The walls of a siek-room should be quite Somebody's heart is strong and brave,
of 011.1.1144 like so many sunflowers ; that The v„y0g,1 0„,„6.01., ,„„,„ ashore ;
paper produced in a nervous patient. 0 sense What, think you, found I there
7,0 giddiness which led to nausea, and had. A grave the daisies had sprinkled white,
very bad effect indeed. I thought at fiest ' A cetuile emit • ILIA dark as utglit,
dud the tiomplaint made against this paper
by the patient was rather absurd ; but
when I tried for myself the experiment of
looking for a few minutes at the rings of the
pattern, 1 161311)13.1 1' becalm., against: my will,
nubjeet to giddizions elso, and to a seose of
nausea w Melt 'was most unpleasant, The
/k1111 ds beside the chair.
The iittlo boot, %was unfinielied still ;
The tangled skein lay near ;
But the knitter had gone away to rest,
111th the babe asleep on her quiet. breast,
Down in the Churchyard drew'.
mile frinii the track, he 60011 dleAppottreil. i 116 0111111(311(4 and m Pint OM 1 1
• .4r6 .11 L01111011, too, the weather Serie a on e
7„711; !tremens lvtio had remained with the • Will always enter into the tieing of the child,
ate !early day NIMS the worst of the whole
col as they were, Stanley drove through They; the niek.room eve always good so long RA
0 W dnetels ! -). arty of ten or twelve, ' high with the low-grado newspaper, 1 they ore bright and fresh, but they shuuld What reward cloys somelsitly get
be frequently changed, end IL is sound Dear dreattur with eyes of blue 2
practice to remove them during the night. A kiss, (1 310)1,', trine the roguish pet,
Flowers which have a sickly odor, lilies, for A tender caress or two,
example, should beexchuled, however charm- WIty, each of these is a heaven 00 1,1163*,
ing they may be to the eye. As a rule, liv. From it sweet little inaid like you.
Ing flowers are bates than dead. Dried
leaves, like pot-pourri, are bed for the sick. C'time, happy maid, with the sea -bright
room ; they gather dust, and the stale odor
they emit Impairs the purity of the air.- .And prattle about my knee,
11'. B. Rieharetott, -11. 11, Then lay that sat round cheek to mine,
And laugh in immeent glee ;
That childish 11,11; and downy touch
Give joy and ntrength 10 11(0.
For Chafing Shoes.
An excellent relnetly for shoes that chafe Then grow, iny sweet, as well as you may,
, - 1 the feet will be found in a mixture consist- And be like somebody, true,
and, as anaceessory tothestudy of geography, ingot eighty-five parts pulverized soap -stone, For high-born denies of noblest heart
Very interesting disclosures on' this sub- Fume down and spent the entire day scour -
the perusal of the newspitper is of the ',Wiest ;fifteen payts starch, and four parts salicylic Have been as tiny as you
ject may be expected during the coming mg the hills 1 t 1 7 s'en. of the man could
, m 1 i ie,
be fouutl. 1 importance. Here are encircled the social acid. And in the inititlen of twenty-one
Masse Bey at Cairo pointing to a theory 1 'Various theories are afloat, some logical and political events taking place among the ---- May we find the maid of two 1
month. To -day we have a report front
that Emin really wished to betray his pro v- ,T,111 othf ,rs hardl probable, yet possible. P 1
eop es of the earth, and the names of
The Harmful Use of Soda,
ince to tlio :ilahdi and that the revolt of 1110 "te 0111, MLA 114, le )(is -
, tYI 1 t hold is that he is ?laces will call to mind aml there fix their Our Two Opinions,
"troops and officials against him wes caused some prospector who line become deranged, I Wath'll in the various countries.
Further than this, the reading of the news. Minn time immemorial been used as house- 1.70 two wuz boys when 00 fell mil,
Soda, saleratus, and other alkalies have
'by a discovery of this. Emiii's curious re- . and that he was crossin 7 from the inountains I
fusel to come to Zanzibar fits in quite in- ? the south, heading for this place, when Panel', if 11 10 of the right kind, eultivitten 0.1101(1 remedies for "acid seer stomach," or Nigh to the 0340 3113 my youngest now 1
broad sympathy with mankind. It is al heart.burn, and similiar digestive disturban- Don't reelect what 'twuz abont,
telligilaly with this notion. NOW that the 11 nancal fied, AnOther. is.. that a week or
7s good thing to know whet is going 011 058. We have long contended that this prat:- Some small difl-rencel'Il allow.
.question has been broached 'Stanley may tell etty s ago a man onsm eung ..
to thi nan
in the Ivoeld ; it broadens one's intelligence • tice is harmful, arguing that since the pepsin Lived next neighbors twenty years,
speak about it. At all events, the whole '1 ' • ! D • th 1 Ilevs lichich .
and makes one 01110(5 fit citizen to bve I of the gastric juice is actit e on y when in A.hatin' each other, me 'nd Jim 1
tendency of his reception here is hostile to is about twenty.five miles north of Siere. He
1 1 4 -thee blanket. food nor woMr and among the freemen of a republic. It may
. . acid. medium, the taking of considerable He havin' his opinion uv me,
quantities of alkali into the stomach, is 'Nil I havin' my opinyin ut- him 1
certain to neutralize the acid of the gastric
Grew op together '011. wouldn't speak,
juice, as well as the other acids present, aud
Conned sisters, '1171. inior'd. 'cm, too ;
produce an effeetnal stopping of the diges.
Tended same ineetin' house (meet 11. week,
tire processee carried on in the stomach. Dr.
Bourget, of France, has recently been initk- A-lottin' each oilier, throogh and through !
vast cheering throng with a pale, set lime,'
as if hSs ehivf enxiety Wee YO Zet Cut of it as under the guidaiice of Ifs, Speneer, went to are not ell to be ells out n tan .
soon as poSsible, I the Beene of the chase. They had. ou ail- . 11,010 are Vile. On the other hand, the better
Underlying this popular. ferment there is catty in finding the melts to where the man ' quality of newspapers are to be read in the
a well-defined idea that Stanley is to 1,01 ,wm 1144 50"'17 and a mile or more further home, and that, is p0culitirly the plate, fin
utilized to secure another huge slice of Afri- 1 into the hills could be seen the bare foot., them. The child'n mind craves information
can territory for Engtand. John Bull is both prints in the sand. Every cevern and cainin and will absorb more of it ie a yeux than the
shocked. and pained to observe that the Ger.' VMS explored and the search kept up midi adult mind will in a 1,111011 longer time, if it
-mans are developing El 1111it foe territory whieh ; all the party, tired out, gradoally staggered is of a conerete chasm:ter, stunt as is brought
does not belong to them. This See1118 tu ilia& to tomm 1 by observatiou and the readiug of the daily
'him notonly on general principles an 111710-1 Concluetor Fitzgerald, on the morning record of doings in newspapers. For this
cent thing, but speciticolly au invanion of his passenger train, reported seeing a man about. reason the young should read only those
own immeinorial right to lay hold upcni N chat- Itwo miles west of where Mr. Spencer had Papers that are pure and wholesome.
ever he wants -wherever Minn find seen him, but no trace of hint could be 1 The reading of a 340101 110083403401' is a good
cordinglyhe is in a towering ra.ge at what he'fiama• 1 edneation for a young person, front many
calls German a " ouesion eaul Stanley is to bel 011 Thursday morning Deputy Sheriff points of view. Fluency m reading and
. . .. . / 1 s ,t, .611 ; correctness of spelling are greatly assisted,
-linked to help him checkmate it.
the German pretensions in .Africa, and he
nu do anything with this feeling that lie seemet to e want mum,
1 b 1 • both in t 11 1
en a y tint .
make a .great Mei once mit 1 a men a i e-
chooses.bodily, I with his thoughts, his feelings and his
In consequence of the cablegram from I The most 8011001101101 theory is founded on
a „
hapoiness-to know or not to know what
New York stting that Thomas Kimber,athe following fact: Ayear r two ago (611060 1(15 men aredoingin some other cow-
y.?oung Englishman, adisapeared frog01ofof C,ondo1%th.,s tra.; near Siberia, 11111111(13, or Province, or Nation. He wil
hd dm• 1 oftA mt differently as he does or does not know
dontreal,many friends havepcallupon • o•1taerward
12. W. Kinber, his Efather who resi;les at large paty, with 111(31011lian trailers, hunted for '',hat is going on in the busy world out 0
Topsham, near Exeter,' and expressed their daY3 Mr linn and were obliged to give it up his personal contact. Every family should c,
-deep commiseration with hint. The family 111 despair. Can this be the man 1 Possibly. have the news and the best news. The while the digestive process is in progress. .A
are well known in their clistriet, and the re -I During our search we f"""d rabbits, pail, newspaper should be selected for the purity much mope 1)1110110!dy al remewould be a small
• 1 1 0 • 1 a anima, and the usefulness of its news, and the dose of hydrochloric acid, which, by 0030100'
1(1-12334 the activity of the mucona membrane
of the stomach, preventsthe formaticm of
Motto and acetic acid. The Professor she77's
that the use of pepsin is of little value, the
conclusion at whiell we arrived years ego.
But when .Abe Liillaan asked the West
Mg experiments which demonstrate, beyond
1 • , 17 . ITh• soldiers, we answered, me 0163. 11:31,
He havinhis opinyin uv me,
'5(31.1 havin' my opinyin nv him 1
3o01.1created. something like emus/atom The Y
lather of the missing man is o, grocer, „„ti and terrapin, All &se caonot exist with.
t t!! l their resenee shows con -
members of the family, both old and
young slum171 know whet is going on. It
for some years earried on an extenswe trade will make them mentally larger, more qui -
in Exeter. He was, however, 0 honoy 10m,. 01.1.10lVely that there meet be water attainable.
by the failure of the '*Vest of England Bank 1V115, should not a nom devoid of reason still Pathetie, more charitable, more ready for
.some years ago, and went to live a Topsham I have enough of the brute instinct to Pnd action and more capable in advice, liy oll
-where he still resides, His tmissing son: oneans of sustenance as well as the lower Pe01151 r";"I a newspaper, and 11 good oily,
...2T1(omas3. who le tWenty-tAtie years Of 0340, 101(111(1110 2 TI)6 principle of the survival of Z'....._
'let holne live weeks ago, and March 02 sail- i the fittest would lead then= to stand 34111(1410 dfrom Liverpool for Montreal in the Sarnia. loons the woter supply, and when the smaller PEARLS OP TRDTB..
,Uo had.good letters of introdnction, and it animals, driven to thirst, were compelled to63138 —
3 a 1 by 1(10 3416101110 that lie 001111!, 005)5 within the "dead line" his food would
have settled down at Montreal, as among be_assured.
MS introductory letters wasone ofthelIeesrs. All is; hower; Mere 0011630(01'O, and,
There 1110)' be times when silence is gold,
and speech silver ; but there are times, also,
when silence is death and speech life.
. 1.1 son p °pile o . 6 fe. y
. Whether any one of the above theories is
It is alinost Impossible that in so short a correct or tun, the fact of the poor mortal s Never look back. You can't help the
time he could have been =Jived fur money,' existence remains an awful and living mistakes you have made. Don't make any
-Dellis Tether sent hihn in advance a draft fur ;reminder of the dangers attending the more. Don't think of what you have
several 340011116,tuul he lad. besides a large traveller over this dreary expanse. Could achieved, but of what you may aceumplish.
and expensive outfit, which he left at Ms the drifting sands tell their story, what I One of the best means of saving power is
hotel. By some it is thought he had gone startlings things would be brought beforeus 1 to rest just before gutting tired. A hinrian
to friends residing at IVinoipeg, but on the' But, silentand mysterious, naught, is known being may work up to the point of fatigue
other 11(011 11 is unaccountable 1)101 1)0510011111 except 631101e 801110 34001' mortal's whitened without injury: but 1130 11101110(11 exhansteon
have done so without leaving word at 11351301105 are found, which silently tell the supervenes, that, moment a debilitated state
hotel, awful tale of suffering and death, sets in which cannot be recovered from
Nature is the true idealist. When she
A Dream Strangely Fulfilled.
In 1862 Dived in the Shenaridoah Valley,
and was betrothed to a lieutenant in the
southern army, writes the correspondent of
a New York paper. On the 211c1 of July I
expected him home, but owing to the irregu.
laxity of our modes of travel, did not know
at what time he would arrive. I waittil
until 12 o'clock, and as he did not eome I
extinguished the light and threw myself
upon a lounge. I fell asleep, but awoke with
a start, and found the room dimly lighted
and the lieutenant standing beside me, look-
ing ghastly pale and his uniform stained
with blood. I jumped up and exclaimed ;
" Oh, Tom, what is the matter ?" He an-
swered " I ant dead. Go tell my mother
and hurry to the field. I was mortally
'wounded, and knew you would grieve less if
you could find my hotly. So I crawled op
on the hill, under a pine tree, to die," Then
all was dark. His mother and I went to the
battlefield, and under an old pine tree we
found him dead, his uniform stained with
bligel, just its I had seen it the night before.
Where the Hann Was,
Mamma Jule-"Taioky heah, Linkton.
In frame ot oan.
Consumption In Gin%
Dr. Samuel cb Ditcbh, litoleasot of Hy-
giene in the University of Pennsylvania,
who has boob conducting a series of experi-
ments bearing upon consmoption and its
prevention, has reached scone interesting re-
sults which do much to explain teeny
mysterious phases of that insidious disease.
Tuberculosis, as it is known, is not confined
to man, but is common among the lower
animals, tho cow, horse, sheep, pig, rabbit,
and chicken among others, and as these are
largely used for Mod by man the doetor's
experiments have been directeil to ascertain-
ing whether or uot human beings 0011 con.
treat consumption by portakiog of meat,
front animals suffering from tuberculosis or
of milk from eows with tuberculosis of the
Vil mammary glands.
The result of several hundred experiments
/ 311e conclucten at the laboratory of the Uni•
PORTIT 1113.ID110. serves us bestl when, on rare days,
speaks to the nnagination,we feel t tat the
When the wit:linen from Pentland's shaggy rsi y of Pennsylvania leaves no room. for
huge heaven and earth are but a web drawn
side dottbt that consumption can be, and beyond
tier dra on with its lungs of steam 80,11! told pigs fed on milk infected with tubercul.
Would make the heaven its pathway, and Good taste is a true economist, It may
would glide be practical on smell means, and sweeten
With cloud and 000101 above the wonderieg the lot of labor as well as of ease. It is all
tido? the move enjoyed indeed when assooiated
Could they have hoped hot, Haste woad with industry and the performance of duty,
drive its team I Iven the lot of poYerty is elevated by taste.
Statight for the gulf, and leap yon ocean It exhibits itself in the e-conoinies of the
stream, 1 household ; giVes brightness and grace to
High o'er feeligarvie's isle, with double the humblest dwelling ; it produces refine -
stride ; tnent, it engenders good will, and 0150180 (3(1
Kay, but the heart of iron was in the land, atmosphere of cheerfulness. 341(00 34003! taste,
he soul of fire, the strength of lifted mom associated with kiudliness, syinpathy, aml
The brenth of wind was theirs ; oue intelligence, may elevate and Luton even
thiog alone the lowest lot.
...hey knew not -this--how God himself 110.11 should influence one another in their
had plummet heatless and then' homes, 111 the intercoume
ice acquit n ante ion le c ose ;es o in the hope that he would find some of the
Mortals should 1011quer earth, tool bind of ohm t ! 1 tl 1 t' f
in cole friendship This it is that keeps them from 11.111111(115 ill lb physictil condition especially/
susee ntble to tubereitlosis. Selectin /
ty dog about fiva months old
Dixon permitted his stomach to become
quite empty and then gove him as his first
meal some Mooted 000'0 meet.
For several days the dog's diet was partly
made up of tuberculous meat, and in tt short,
time Ile began to grow thin and to present
every phyeioal appearance of a, consumptive,
dying in a few weeks. '1'110 post-mortem
examination gave every indication of tuber-
colosis, and the bealogical tests clearly do.
monstrated the presence of tubercle bacilli in
tho mesenteric glands.
By many experiments of this kind having
satisfied litinself that man We contract con.
emotion from eeting tuberculotte meet and
toking milk from cows whose mammary
glands are affected, Dr. Dixon soggests that,
Moister to preeent,this contagion, veterinary
inspectors Should be empowered to condemn
all tuberoulous moat, a reitisonoble compensa.
don being paid to the OW11011itf animals found
in that condition ; and they should visit all
milk dairies and oondenni eve7 CONV 101111 (1
sufferingfrom tuberculosis, particularly those
las increased 80 por cent, in five years, aud with inaininitis. As 081101134 predisposition
Sunday is tho golden clasp Canadian factories now stipply 158,000,000 to tuberculosis is transmissible to offspring,
That binds together the volume of the -
yard:, of material to meet tlie wants of the, the breeding of tuberculous animals Should
week. '-itougfell°Y6 inhabitants of the Dotninion, I be 'prohibited by Iso'.
around ns, that the light, skies, and Moan -
Stared at the Fifeshire woodlands, did question very often is contracted by eating
tains are but the painted vicissitudes of the
they dream tuberculous meats. 31 63118 found that calve
ous material from a Inman source contract-
ed consumption, and, the converse would
seem probable.
An especially Interesting experiinent of
Dr. Dixon was upon a dog. That animal
hos an aced gastric secretion even stronger
than that of ino,n, and for this reason many
boctesiologists have selected him for critical
tests of the theory that tuberoulosis is inter -
communicable between man and unbinds.
'Molly attempts to comMunicateconsuinption
to dogs by feeding them on tuberculous Mod
have failed, but 'not satisfied with these, 4111(1
believing that with dogs as with men some
are disposed to consumption while others
escape it, Ole doctor pushed his experiments
Our broken world, with commerce far a growing narrow and bigoted in them own
charm, opinions, and drown them together in love,
I 1.---TInt tl 1,701, VOWEI1. in friendship, in 03015111011 pittriotism and a
doan't ye' nebbel ag in lein me see yo shin. „„ Moran brotherhood, llot this tionstant
Inn' op 0110 ob dein telegram poles -mind I 11.0 men who befitted Babel Me bv day
influence needs to be balanced, by a firm in.
flat 1" haw the great city less, t1110 'phi:Ms 'More
dividuality, a nuttily self-renpect, and a
Linktun (itged tent -"Why, mammy, wide, • 0 1 , , steady adherence to the principles that op -
h 1 1 hem '7" Till God sent down confusoni or t 1011
peal to 00011 one's seem of right. There.
Mammy Jule-"fla'm, boy ? Yo' climb pride, fore, unless there are times whon the man
np (1013en tech one ob dem wiabs when hit's And tower and trench sank back to common
retires voluntarily from all human sight,
full ob' leetrisitism en yell come welkin' ,„. ,:!a3/.., whole no public or private pressure can sway
home tlain-dors wiles de ha'm 15, my een r, .Nor better tared tile men who far away
-- 1101101(1 their herbor giant o'er the tide, him, and where his own thoughts, his
06911 feelings, his 0W0 conscience, may assert
For lo 1 earth 100111 dell and the people
0004(35008 all Gone, themselves, uorebukod end unassisted, he
cried, 0.s or should be theta:roof his being. never preserve that personality which
" Well, Ill be hanged 1" lie gasped es 11 And Rhodos' Colossus crashed into the bay.
sat on the window sill in the Post-oflio But this transcendent tower of magic idea,
yesterday with an open letter in his hand. That tames the lightning Hash and mocks
"What's the matter 9" queried the friend the thunder,
with him. Has set a star ni heaven --with tipturned
" Why, I advertised for s, lady eorrespon- eyes
dent, not over twenty..five, lively brunette The nations ineet, and pass in marvel mi.
preferred. Here is my first answer." der,
" Any name signed 9" .And lininbled, in the silence of surprise
"Yes, 'Mande; but I know the writing. They find a, long -lost language of the earth.
It's my own wife's hand and she is a blonde,
vary dull and over forty years old 1 Just
think 01 1101 cheek in answering such an ad 1
IT* wonder our .sex has lost its confidenoe
24 women l"
Ootton Xnaultry of Canada,
Fifteen years ago the first, cotton mill was
established in Caliada. There are now 24
mills, containing 600,000 spindles, In 1860)
1,245,208 pounds of cotton were imported
for home consumption ; in 1888, 28,727,525
minds, The number of operatives employed
Ilut down in Tennessee' one night
'liter Wale 80111111 eV Mile 011' away,
'137I tile Sergeant allimed there'd be 13 (334111
With the Johnnie Reds soinetimenex'day :
'Ncl 1 wuz thinkin' try Lizzie 'rid home,
jilll stood afore me, long 'tut slim ;
Ele havin' his opinyin 3(13 11)0,
'Nd havin my opinyiu 1113 him
Seemed like we knew there 6311Z goin' to be
Serious trouble f'r ine and him •,
Us two whack hands, did. Jim '114 me,
130) never a word from me or Jim 1
Ire_went his way Oul I went mine,
'Nei into the battle roar went We,
11003710' illy opinyin uv
'Nd he havin' his opinyin me.
Lir 9, 1800.
The Perfect Patter,
ity TIM REV. 0. h. 1.01E/1.
The first important work to he put:wined
ii) the 3'33354)3'l3(')33(l) of nny building 10 1,1 lay
a good roman Lon, ''(3, bishop should be
the hunbanil of one wife," the general idea,
of 64111011 in he should have but one at a
time. But there existed among the down
and heathen a strong prejudice againqt n
second marriage. The question, however, is
one that need not call forth unteh discus-
sion 111/11'. The 1,311 that 11 is commonly
prauticed with;011 harm being 631(1(134111 110 to
Its influence upon the public is sufficient to
give each one liberty to act aceortling to the
dictates of his own consolenee. But, if Paul
were here toolity we would be hard presned,
no doubt, to find [toy remain 1711. thinking
that he would not opply the rule to us us
etosely es he did to the Gentile bishops of
his day and says as he did to Timothy. let
"a bishop he the loslanul of ottr wife.
meta over be on the watch, keenly alive to
Nee Wind might to be demi. 117i must be
able to exercise cool, dispaesionate reoson,
self-controlled, self•possessed, capable of
restraining himself, end avoid showing un -
dile excitement, His tone., look and geuer.
al appearance must be in keeping with his
profession, 1111 outward appeartuwe has more
(0 ,1,, with a minister's influenee than we
think. He shouhl not spend 11.11 )110 time
and means in entertaining the members of
Ms church, his neighbors 01; his friends, but
Ito should have it noble, generous heart that
would respond to the cull of strangers or
friends, To turn away in coldness when op-
portunity tvas offered to extend the honpital.
ity of a home to 0 brother in need was not
in the mind of this great lover 00 11:501311311
when he expressed this thought. He must
have not only it fitness to teach, but also a,
disposition, tt readiness that, will make hint
prompt to improve opportunities when of -
fermi. A minister engi11 have all the einem.
tion and vulture possible to secure, and be.
laelting in the earnest desire and readiness,
and all other preparations wield go for
nanght, No one of experience will deny the
assertion that it requiren not o tittle execu-
tive ability to govern well a household. To
draw the line between love and duty isnot a.
trifle. If the minister then fails to govern
well his men house, how can he be expected
to possess in greater measure the name
qualifications which are required to [1131111
(01(00 the ? The minister 'who is given
to the use of wine in any form, not only
fails to come up to the Bible standard, but
falls far below that of monmen people and
common morality, and that, is saying much,
He must not strike either with bander tengue.
Mr. -Moody did once set an example by
threshing a young man in the Sunday school,
bet it would not be well, perhaps+, to try to
imitate Mr. 'Aloody 111 3)', ey1 hilly. Ministers
are somethnes severe critics 00 etteli other's
gifts, mid by their remarks liring themselves
into contempt with 3401(3410 13,130 would other.
wise be bennted, The surroundings of min-
isters expose them to many temptations.
"Young men," said a N3'100 1)i141011 10 a grad-
uating class, "you may be both ugly and
dull, but there will be et least one silly wo-
man ready 1.0 tell you that yen ore 00 smart,
and handsome," Once tainted by 11(18 31)1011.
the next step is jealousy. A young -and
generous mind revolts from such things and
suspects the system that produces them.
Verily in despising each other's gifts, in
speaking evil of each other, preachers do the
devil service. " From envy, hatred and
malice, good Lord, deliver es." He
1111181 3101 be a novice, Pride goem with
ministers to their studies, it chooses their
subjects, their words and allotments. God
bids 1101,e as plain 58 ,4370 van, but pride steps
in and contradicts all, it dishonoss our ser-
mons with childish conceits. Thus it makes
mom sermons, and what pride makes, the
devil makes. 11' hen pride makes the ser-
mon it goes into the pulpit and forms the
tone, 50(0 113031) in pursuit of vain applause, it,
makes them seek themselves and deny God.
When the sermon is over pride goes home
with them and moles' them more eager to
know whether they were opplaut1e71, than
whether they prevailed with any to the sav-
ing of their souls. 'Ministers are to ask
wisdom of God that they be kopt from fall-
ing, to be iniele prudent, careful of every
1371,131! and act and thus fill up the measure
of Paul's last injunction and immure a good
report of them which are without."
Jim nover come back from the war again.
But I Intin't forgot that lest, last night,
When woltin!Pr ostlers, uz two men
Made tip and schock hands, afore the fight;
'Nd after all it's soothin' to know
That here 1130 '1171 yender's Jim ;
He havin' his opinyin iiv me.
'Nd 1 havin' nly epinyin tiv him 1
The Advanoe in Diamonds.
The extraordinary rise in the price of dia.
monds-ill many cases over 50 per eent,-is
exciting considerable attention. Both at
Antwerp and Amsterdam several thousand
=Mem 010 00). of work, as most of the mer.
1 community, m every church, who with no
chants firmly decline 311131 dealings at the
&pommel; effort coptivate all hearts and enjoy
present prohibitive rate. The truth ia that
a popularity 63111013 others vainly envy, eon -
lb powerful syndicate has obtained, till May
tinning to please till their latest day, for age
15, an exclusive right over
031 the 0)01108 cannot wither nor custom stale the infinite
which may be foond in South Africo, and its
variety of a really elittrining woman. A rose
the prices at
members are consequently Ode to regulate variety is EL rose,.
and it cabbage is A cabbage, 1(113!will. Although this daring op.
each hits its place ; bet nobody claims charm
oration has been Carried 0111 under thewlim1 s
for a cabbage, thou& it take the prize al, a,
of New Court, the principitl mulles
figure in the combination are those of Messrs, country fair ; while the simplest rosebud 011
' the bush by the way side challenges theworld
Benato, Donelterspieler, Porges, and Shwa -
of flowers with this royal (1181(1001(011,bother. 11 15 doubtful wheilier any consid-
What is it ? A trick of manner, of speech,
erable pecuniary advantage will accrue from 1
a drooping of the
the transaction, for the diamond syndicate
laipli,ftsiiiiigailo,fofthgencYtleelib.°reweiling, lb heti-grained
already finds itself overladen with mention.
courtesy 1 These may be part of it, but charm
dist) which it is utterly unable to dispose
is something deeper. 1110 pretty waitress
of. A few days ago it, was forced to make
at your elbow limy possess it, while it is dent -
sales at a siterifice, so that, if the buyers
ad to hoe mistress, the daughter, inwhaps, of
maintain their present, attittide, the renoh-
a himitred earls, 'Whatever else it Is be sure
coveted stones will soon bo again procurable
it, is pure womanliness and has belonged to
et the normal rate, One 01 11,0 indirect con -
the fair sex since that far-off day when the
segoenees of 1,110 syndicote pis bean a pro.
sons of (1o1beheld the daughters dome, and,
portionate rise in the price of pearls, rubles,
beholding, loved them.
and emeralds. Under these circumstances,
the outside pnblie ‚49)11 (10 walla imitate the I 1
jedicions reserve of the profeseionel dealerA. Brutal joke., 1
"Is there any +Margo in yonr pockets 3'
Dresses that are entirely good often have She asked,
the under port of the sleeves worn out, and "Yes," said ho,
if seems too bed to patch them, so the best '1 Well, give me sotto money."
thing is to take out the sleeves and make,' " I haven't any,"
0011, tinders, Many ladies, in buying dress- I " But I thought you said there was change
es 003 11(0111051905 or ehildren, got enough in ,your pockets."
main for a new pair of sleeves and to allow , , So there is, there lelle money in there
for mending. A. three.eornered tear in a yesterday, now there isn't, What do you
tlreee ean be neatly darned with silk, or ray- call a, ()hang° 1"
ellings (11 1-1)0 same aolor, if a email piece of 1 —
the goods is
placed un•(1- ert.
0, ieues(king has alread coinnie1100) 1 ai
13e good, 8637003, maid, and let who will 130 the rockvilledistriet
Do n(liletllingsnot dream them all dy!A badrabitbroken away from is a good
hgday's work. The earlier habit is 00:11101!And somftke lifc, death, and that vastfor.thetronger the hold it has. Private per
eter moll habits nismorediflicolt to get rid of
One grand, sweet sone. and o0 b Ore demoralising affect thn
vr,, T 1, ,.1 .
Women Who Charm,
Beyond beauty, cleverness, wit, attain-
ments, beyond any endowment which clothe
given to women, is the simple and indefin-
able attri beta which '630 0(011 charm. It is im-
possible to analyze 118 13011)340111011 parts, and
811)3131131 80 to '3313316 0. prescription in avoirdu-
pois or apothecary's weight the resultant
precipitate of which shall compose this best
of the creator's gifts to 13041111311. EVe lutd it,
110 101(031, ninlMiriam, Ruth and the queen of
Sheba ; 11.114 it belonged, too, no doubt, to
Jezebel, the infamous but splendid and sur-
passingly breve princess before whom oven
linijahrs eouragequailecl. Sappho had charm;
so had Cleopatra and Beatrice and Rosalind.
Mary of Scot:hind bewitched inen's hearts not
less by her conquering charm than by her
wonderful loveliness and dauntless daring,.
while Elizabeth of Tingland-Many sided
strong and resolute, with it man's heart un-
der a woman's corsage --had the fatal defeet
of lacking charm. There NM women ill every