HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-9, Page 5MAY 9, 1890.,
POLITICAL Novo. fel institutions in the province, in which
farmers' 80330 can got aeien11110 know.
The Clinton New Era soya of the
Last Aaron oandidates 1 --"In the Enst
the candidates are the old member, Mr,
(],:,nun, and 11r, `Musgrove, in the Con.
servative interest ; not even tho lateer's
403131011018 think he has any show what-
ever to defeat Gibson bub there is a 081.
mitt adventags in being a defeated (Con.
worvative candidate, it give one a °lain,
to recognition for 80001008 rendered that
is otherwise not heeded. It has been
said that "polities monists soma queer bell.
follows." it also brings about) some
peouliar oiromnstancee. Mr, Musgrove,
until lately, was a toaollor in the hiding ;
talking with a lady at ono time, who is
also a tuaoll00', on politics, he need words
1.0 t1Iie effect : "There is net a man in
.Ifo county of Huron I would rather see
"epreeelt East Httron than Gibson, for I
don't know a better nen for the poli•
lion,' Yet Rile to the man ho is going
110 oppose at the coaling election, Ifow.
'.ver we aro sati9aed that the electors
will egret) with Musgrove, in Ili• opinion,
and elect Mr. Gibson by a big neejority."
The Conservative Convention for
Weed IIuron, held at Smith's 1-1 ill Wed-
uraday, was I•Irgely attended, every
polling; sab.livisiuo In the riding b fug
well te.preseut10. J. 1I, Roberts, of
I1negaunol, µu1 nnlrllnrnusly chosen to
'-n,ae.. Wcnt ILlron at the meeting
\ m- sting of Lim Gr:„rvlitived el
`i ,rte Herm was 118,13 et IIen 1•Ii et,
Tun .l'ty of 31,1e win. 14. 'Ply. atl,.0 1,31111,
wit.; Very barge, every polling enbelivl•
1011 in the' .riding being 1'11pr0001te1,
Among those present were John Tor-
rence, Reeve of Stamey ; llenl;v Either,
Deputy lt. eve of -.Opine; John 12ea-
glom, D -,pots ileo"() of Godorioh Town
ship ; 1):. Rollin., Reeve of Beeler ; W.
G. Bisset, Deputy Reeve of Exeter 1
William Slanders, editor Advocate ; John
White, editor Times. The meeting was
very enthusiastic in every ,esee08. J.
4). Holmes, of Toronto, was made the un-
animous choice of the Convention to 0011•
beet the riding in the interest of the Con-
servative party of SOn1h Huron.
The Liberal Convention for the Wast
. aiding of Hur:n was hold in the Tem -
Permute Hall, Goderich, on Monday, and
was ln,gly attended, 126 delegates ate
tending out of a p,sslb's 138. After the
examination of the credentials the 'fleet.
:ng was called to order by President
1.m•Vi 1, who explained the object of the
Hon. A. 11L Ross, on morning forward,
':0.30 enthniiaatina'ly t'One'Ved, and Blade
1 .tehert bat vigorous address. Ile ex-
' Maine)) the rensou for his retirement.
Ifo had not left tho G n'ernment because
111 wait not in harmony with 11s 0011013.
glue) m• borause he had 1301 not of touch
with his constituents, but for the reason
y :lett of late his heirinl had become very
!tt tefc•Liv', and he did not believe that it
was right fo hio) 1,) 1.0111111 it puna in
the Goverununt When I08 fullest and
beg. faenitie3 cored not be devoted to
:03 work which devolved upon him. In
addition to that, for the seven years
which he had been in the l0ayernme11t 1L•r
Inas known little or nothing of the
plc..sures of home life, having been
.eeita1ed to he absent attending to
his 4t111e8 to a greater extent than his 1
persone1 iuolin'ttione wiatled, and as ho
wa3 now growing, in years, ho believed
it wltx only right that the honor eh0tt'd
be passed to other ,lands by his stepping
aside. What was wanted now was
harm my and nuauimity of action oa the
part of the Reformers of West Huron,
and he felt eatisfied that the nominee of
this reinvention would be 610 repreeoutat•
lieu of West Huron in the next Parlfa.
meet. He paid a tribute to the states.
elmm:ship of Mr. Ilosvat and hoped that
the best efforts would be put forward to
0e3nre the election of a Otannoh supporter
of that hon. gentleman. After thanking
the electors for their kindness to him in
electing him as their representative for
the past fifteen years he resumed his
seat amidot load and prolonged am.
The following gentlemen wore then
nominated :
J), McGillicuddy, Goderioll ;
J. 'r. Garrow, Goderioh ;
Robs, Currie, East \Vawanosh ;
A. H. Manning, Clinton ;
A. M,Moiturohie, Jlinton ;
Robs. Harrison, Ashfield ;
Dr. Sloan, Blyth ;
John Kernighan, Colborne.
All of the above, save Meagre. MaGil-
licuddy, G'trrow and Manning, after
making short addresses, retired from the
held. After the first ballot Meagre.
Manning and Garrow were pitted against
0110 another, the result being in favor of
Mr. Garrow by a vote of 68 to 118. Mr,
McGillicuddy, who wee to have gone to
the ballot against lir. Garrow, then
withdrew Iron the contest, and it wet
moved by Mr. Manning, seconded by
■ Mr. McGillicuddy, that Mr. Garrow'°
nomination be made nnanimou8. This
was carried, and cheers were given 'ter
the candidate, after which the following
Lxeenttves were ()looted :
President, A. H. Manning, Clinton ;
First Viee.President, A. MoMurehie,
Clinton ; Secorid'Vlce•Preeident, Joseph
Grtlliu, Ashflald ; Secretary, Wm. Lane,
Dungannon ; Treasurer, E. Martin,
A vote endorsing the Mowed Govern.
meet was moved by John Washington,
seconded by Joseph Griffin, and carried
unanimously. After a vote of thanks to
the retiring ofliee'a the Convention ad•
An old Scotch farmer of West `Lois,
iu the county of Oxford, gives a 1001 of
the many mesons why farmers, iede-
peldent of party lines, should 0upport
the Mowat government on 6th of 311118
rroxt. Lot the farmer's road them ;,;are.
He 0110
"N,Iw, 110 the llon, Oliver Mowat l're.
1 e Ilo-
rf and one honored 1
mice of Ontario a d I
sontative for eighteen yoata, is alloul to
appeal to the country for another leas,:
of Oleo foe loco' ,yen's, itis our duty 114
1' ll'111!1r41;,, empire int) 1113 11l'0e11' 0') It
legielatnr, to Inlo.v whc311.1'orrnot it 18
such aw will justify the farmers in giving
flim it hearty support at the mese: 6
,'Ieetnl'I, it1)11 wi3,11 he hue dole for the
tan'reet of the dgrlonliurist.
"\V3' 3013) in looking over the Rets that
he hue 3,3,,,',1 al 1'1.1.13110 11111814 131:5) ire
has er:mked 1,1,11„x t3 railroad.. to the
amount of 413 million dollars. 1.011) was
:a buy;,' sem g1VOn decidedly for the in.
t.:ret 111113 farmer, to enable limn 111
11:1 11 elem. and a,tay L.ran031 f3' his pro.
dnee Ln Lir holt market.
11:r. lfnwnt boa given e. great
deal of al3nnunn to foster.nd 11,1)3 btt,1,l
Ing 110 of ,1111 agrirnl6:r1l u:1leg,, and it
ie now nue ,,rLin• 111,301 proficient end use -
lodge of farming, and it ix Admitted by
good anthorlty that 1110 egrioultural col.
lege will do more good for the Improve-
ment of agriculture than any other in.
141itl111,,, in the pl•oviuce.
•911r, Mowat hes oxtablixhed farmers'
institutes throughout the province, which
will be a great boou to the ferment, and
113141110 gelid results every d•3y wh(1r
farmers are meeting together disceseh,g
Initter3 of great interest in oonneetimt
with farms and their protlune.
"He has elven the right of franchise to
ferment' sone, giving the farming con.
mauity a larger share of franchise than
any other ulaos i" the province. Al.
though the law 18 110W changed to man.
hoed eulirago,i still shows the interest
Mr. Mowat has taken in the farming
'Mr. Mowat 11110 given the farmers the
best drainage law of any province in the
Dominion, which hoe been a groat bene-
fit to the farmers in reclaiming thous
111)3)0 of I1Oree of wet laud.
"Mr. Mowat hat appointei an agrienl.
0013) oonu1iesfu1, to inlnire into the
stet(' of egrioultare in this province and
report on the be -t means of iulprovieg
the condition of the farmer and the re.
pert has been of Bleat value to the farm.
ere of title pro Mine,
” llr, Mowat has aided and 110sisterl
the -. riccite a' socictl,s with liberal
13)10. lie lino given liberal grants lo
3)' -ia y .. I13 the pro.. lone.
I l Mow .1. 11113 created a vent 10 1111
rabinet fora farmer and filled the seat
I,y plunulg 100 11,11. 011111:00 Drury ill i,
lt, .111311a6U1 of Agriculture—a geutlemain
of whom the people of this province
may be greed, as an ag1 iou11 grist, and
farmers may expect great improvement
mid progre-8 in the 00ienee of agriculture
by having 91011 an able and talented
fnrmor as Mr. Drury at their head in the
"Aud last of all though not least, Mr.
Mowat has given four thousand dollars
to each county in the province to aid
and assist then in building houses of
Fourth Division Court.
The usual sittings of the Fourth
Division Court was held on May lot and
610, Judge Doyle presiding.
The fullewiug are the oases heard :—
Timmins vs. McLennan—Judgment
for plaintiff.
A uley vs. Veal --Judgment fur plain-
McIntosh v., 11330130 --Au interpleader
issue, the claimant elailning by virttt0 of
a ell ,tae] 111oat:age against gouda of
execution debtor. Judgment reserved
until 1.011 Inst.
Smith vs. Veal--1L,utgnme.y claim-
ant, ',leo xu iutla'pleadnr. The claimant
claims the stock fi0, of the tato A. Veal,
110 having been I,'11'chaded 11000 lido floor
hill previous to his departure to the.
land of the C media'' refn:_ee. The
absconder's evidence, taken on Com-
(110041011 tat Detrolt,twas read over in
Court and was met by an affidavit of
Veal's, take before a notary, in Michi-
gan, and which Veal alleges was obtain.
ed from hint through threats of arrest,
to. The else was argued at great
elgth by the Cnneeel on either side,
Messrs, Wade and Diokoneon, and re -
salted in judgment being neseeved until
1211 1,1811,
Stewart R Lowick vs. Gramm—Judg-
ment for plaintiff.
Smith vs. Veal--A.ttauhmolt Snit.
Judgment for plaintiff.
Smith .L llaloohn 1•s. Veal. --Attach-
ment suit, Judgment for plaintiff.
Kerr vs. Veal -Attachment suit.
Judgment for plaintiff.
Mullurohie VS, Nebel—Adjourne 1 till
next Court,
Gerry v,. Veal—Attachment snit.
Judgment for plxintfff.
Hay ,b Go vs. Veal—Attaollmont
0uit, Judgment for plaintiff.
Sonat Bros. vs. Veal—Attachment
suit. Judgment for plaintiff.
Danford vs. Veal -Attachment suit,
Judgment for plaintif.
McKenzie vs. Douney—Adjourned to
next Court.
Newe03310 vs. Moore !t Neal—Action
on Mechanics' Lein. JuOgmene of non
Farrow vs. Soott—Removed to Wing -
ham Court.
Nightingale vs. Nobel—Judgment for
plaintiff, by consent, without witness
Ritohio vs. Blake—Judgment for
Wilson vv. Milne—Adjourned to next
Hurd of al vs. Veal—Attachment
suit, Judgment for plaintiff.
Scot ve. Vesal—Attachment snit,
Judgment for plaintiff.
htraohan Broth vs. Veal—Attachment
suit. Judgment for plaintiff.
Wilson vs, Veal—Attaohment suit.
Judgment for plaintiff.
Nelson ye. Love—Adjourned to next
The members of the legal fraternity
present were Messrs. Dickenson, Van.
atone, Wade, Taylor, Di1k1o31 and
A strike of 90,000 coal ]tilers in
Illinois is probable.
The Negroes in Oklahoma are suffering
severely for want of food.
Fires are raging to the. valuable pine
woods neer Rod Lake, Minn.
The annual Conference of Y. 131. 0. A.
General 8oeretaries le in session at
N88hviile, Tenn
7 n 011 101,and Mrs, Amy
To1a1 g
Torrence, agocl 83, were married ab
Leurol Pok Va., on Saturday.
It is reported that the Wells-I.'argo ex•
pr000 mns,onger 011 it io ltlhorn Pnoifi0
train wee robbed loot week of $16,000, at
1Jagleville Tex.
Several Chinamen 14110 endeavored to
rind their way into Rho Slates from
I,(we' Ca'ifornitt clot lost ie the 130801%,
and one of tbont diet, front privation.
A new opium 8mug3lhrg scheme was
bronglft to light iu ono of Rho police
...milt in 00tea30 a'eesday. 'When
3)11,31) 1,10'8 o01111 den -woe raided 111on-
tiny niEht the 0110101'9 foetid ocs'or,tl in.
11115Les, and 11010:1; ter cmnikilllf Illlraplu'r.
Dalin 10Vernl 1°171011 liiels, ('0011 contain.
int; 1.w., 11111e08 , f the Mark hare -.fie
(seat", 13 is void that large .n1)311,11 les
of opium are beim; 8nn1113313'•1 into this
0:1111'11 ;e it, Illi4 maln111)', '.1'b1 lenlou1
are 101.1,11.'.ullt• liee,l Neill ilio end of
the 31'110, the :;03,10 are renmv0cl :owl 11111
"hop," or upinnt ie mealy pael1) :3
The (ever i8 then 113ilfnlly 43'x111 with
conned an 1 the Iran-, ,.f 1111 eeu1.1 ,
ern led null a 1101111, :3)..l of the rrtpr'
C0'el' 14) the Rina.
Lot 0, con,1, 8augnen, lee Wirer,
Port of rots 1 and '.', eon. 1, 111131088 ,
811 lot 18, 0024. 1, Wawa:web,100 acres
Nl Int 25, 0011.9, Wont Wowannsh, 100 1101.014.
bet 14 gad WI let 10, eon. 0, lilnoardiue,
140 items,
10l lots 9 and 0, eon, 14, foul, 3.10 acres,
let x ami Wl 11130, 0.31, 13, poet, „nu
Hl Int 0,000. A, Atlnt0, 141 aeras,
Lot 11, eon. 13, Wide, 100 aures,
Lot 21, 0011, 4, Nm•melby,100 note.,
A11 the abet,. are well improved farms 10
.,o looalitea, are Very °heap and can bo
bought on easy terms, Also a etor0 and j
dwelling lu Brussels ler nate, Apply to
30.90 IlAuluros.
Sale - of - Lands.
county of If men In Wit:
1I(t)l,, 1,111 ,snit 1)t Fier. PJei,s
nut et 11 e Alnp'+1ys 1.10011111 t'nnrt 01 the
l'000111 11111uren and to Inn dh•,otc,l end
4^livrrml:en'i9v1 the Lauda and T,:ne,r,mti
of JAM, Ste nuuul, aG the nit of .70,000
,1I,1muchtin, 1 have 0010011 and taken 'n cx•
oration ell ton right, title, iutnrent Ind
ynnt .3'redulnption a'lii0h the elite Pelee:7
Jae: en Clew w r1) hag in let 11, oou , 12,
'1'u;•nth-pel' MeV, 10 the, O,nnh f baro
11 11 i , n iu a of Oateri 1 wI11 .11 y , : 110114.
1111 u.t..r 1 711 ,spate .t 1,,,h ,, ,li e to
lauds and t1n,mm,te 1 ellen ,di, 1 101 solo at
nay (oir, h, the 4'11111 Hnt1;e, i11 the town
of (todorleh, an -
Mt/NOAY, JULY 1411, 1x10,
at the hour of twelve of Rho uloek, noon.
I1081.3112' OIHlt'tiNS,
Shcrilf, Hovel.
Sheriff's o0) or, 0 oli8rlcll, April 7 ,lane.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
LOTT . T 11.1TES.
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, di('.,
Fresh and _ livered to 1
salt Orate 111• ani' part FI'
the heat quill the Village 1
icy 111wu)•8011 "•: Free. or
land and de. Churg e.
Foal Catclr1 WTntneed
Por which the highest market price 1
will bo paid. X also make a Ilpecixlty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next doe' to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
A. 0011111];.
Any Amount of 11100°9 to Loan --HAVE COMMENCE)) AN—
on Farm or Village Pro- FNCRMCUS - SUB - OF - LACE - CURTAIN$1
party at 1Y 1)
.al( `1.311 'Tear Good: at Mrs..Roger'°
(� 7
tho 704144 t„J,
Why buy old W0.1)1 Dat, moth eaten stuff when you can
secure Nice, New Goods at the same price?
Come and Give ifs a Call and you will he Convinced
of what we say.
Otlr Solos of Millinery Lawn been so Largo that we
have been ul)iiged ft) hct 111 a Sccoud itooli, and We in-
vite the ladies to ill'^luvt it, in if will 11e kind 0010o
e0ceedillgly jirctty 2'.,v; Fn;'• ."t,' l 1111 01': 1't,rtni11ed
to keep up with the times and get evriy Novelty ill the
mark et, and We intend putting the Prices Down, 90 that
everybody earl get the most .Ie aahionablc Hat or Bonnet
at the Lowest Living Profit.
Our Stock of Dress Goods is a]go very Complete.
We aro giving some very.pretty Styles as Low as
10 Cents per Yard.
As many of our customers are seemingly not aware
that we ken) Groceries wo beg to say that we have the
Largest and Best Stock of Groceries in Brussels. The
prices aro as Low, or Lower, as any other store, and
every article is Fresh. We have no old stuff to offer.
Try our 50e. Tea. If you do you will be sure to come
again. Wo have also a Now Coffee Mill of the most
improved pattern, so that we can give you a most de-
licious cup of Coffee, fresh ground and perfectly .Pure.
Wo invite every customer, and yvi11 guarantee Pull value
for your money every time.
Yours 1'776ly,
M. _17:JOG- iH iE,E3.
Scali' & Ferguson
6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Hello ?
have Isou, tried
i,, nt®rHealth
J®�� Health
;t is expu1sitc.
Practical W'afch;nak, r°
ancZ Jeweler.
Thanking the ptibiie for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure 3
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Linos 111 '
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and ltuliabll Makers,
fishy warranted by
C/Ofik1'; athee
A Bargain in Season is a Genuine Bargain. We have re-
cently purchased, at 75c. on the Dollar, 1100 Pairs, the
balance oft,, Wholesale Stock, Lace Curtains, which
we are going to offer at Reduced Prices :
100 Pairs, white and ecru, 3 yds. long, taped edge, at 75e.,
regular price $1.00
100 Pairs, cream and white, 3 yds,, taped edge, at til 00 worth $1 50
50 Pairs, cream and white, 31 yds., taped, at , 1 25 2 00
75 Pairs, coffee and ecru, 3I3, yds., taped edge, 1 90 2 25
100 Pairs, white and ecru, very large, taped edge, 1 90 " 8 00
40 Pairs, white and ecru, very special, taped, 2 50 " 4 00
Wi th many Odd Lines, which we cannot list, all at the
same Reductions Also 200 Sample Ends of
Curtains from 10c. to 50c. Each.
Wo will have these Goods conveniently arranged in our Store,
so that they may be seen at a glance, and wo trust that many
will come and see that we advertise truthfully.
—FOR —
Mowers, Binders and Threshers.
Very Heavy Body,
Greta Endurance,
Perfectly Padre,
Does Nol (still.
For terms and other nitltientar0 auk for
niroular 1)t ary ()rug awl /look Store. Should
you wish to boll. Ole holier calves I aur pro-
", re'I to nay se high as 018, ece,r11)t.g to
wicking qualltieo of tbeir dams.
2e•11mbe G. A. HEADMAN, e rntsela
underoguod wi11 Imp for service on
lot 0. con, 10, Grey, athero' bred Short Horn
Durham boll, Penne, 01.00 to bo paid at
tlnc of ecrylco 011111 prlvilega of returning if
00008aary, CHAS, RO1ELL,
00.0 Proprietor.
undersigned will keep the therongh
bred Holstein Priestan Hull, '•earritou" 451
for service oil Nl Let 03,cou. 1• Sinrrie
Terme, 1112.110 to be paid at time of service
with privilege of returning. if 000000,mR.
49+Sm \.711. 00RI111ST.
1u1111r4irucd will keep n We 11-131X0
1111111010 i11411, 0lfinp three 13'331.0 ,Id, for
nervine on North 11;,11 Let ,s, Om. 7, itlurr11,.
Teruel, .eine, to bo 0110 at rima of m'reic0,
'vith prlvikego 01 r11.ar„in,t if u00,'s1erv,
oidm 14. V,'A1.aEli, Fru0.i,10r.
rrttuR0'-1111E0 BULL. ---TIL:'
A s r u uud v,i1l to1 t: the 1'h 1)r-,' br,,O
Shertheili 1.10
f. 34,4: u.,, 4,1111. r Sul . 1 Art :It.
1'111.I, 1101114 'Form n n, 1) be peril at
tl'u,. 3'r eerviei h privilege 01 returning
if necessary. L'rdlgree 1001 be 8.1011 (0n 1134.
35.3 JAS. SPEIR, Prnp:iotor.
Private Funds to Loan;,
Have been placed in my hands.
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission:
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels,
�c - 1£•'(311' • 50 - Cent s.
All Work from the Smallest. to Life 4Zr
doue in It arOt•el110t meaner.
of Residences, Eta., at Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
OF a:'OR020'i0,
1 -la 4 141114 Ofloo 8133
Lady's Block, Seafortk.
Where be Dau he Consulted on all (7hroolc
Diseases of both Sexes.
Consumption, Asthma and Cutarr)t
treated 8nueesetully by Inhalation of 1lfedi.
oaten Vapors, the only rational' treatment
for those disease...
and ail diseases of the Urinary.Or;ano p081-
tivoly euro,a in a short time.
Call or Address
81-tf D10. PHILLIPS, SaArentrs
Money to Loan ori -
Private and Company Funds,
J.C.Heffernan, J.A.Young3
JValuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. ,813
18 Prepared to supply you with a
Handsome Carriage
At a Slight Advance on Coo.
('ail in 8113) Make a S 1_l 'ti 011 'o)'
1,1111115 y°n1' Oi',jer.
/ ,.lcxi De'ro lax- THE BEST MACHINE OIL IN THE MARKET. !i ;'tau 1,'11 iut,'nllilt_,' 1„ trti v4tl
11AN1'ir;\1'1'1'111•.1) 110 • - 31(nn3]::' js nil;t,t(]ur:`tr..
\Vxuhnuo Rl� 114, opIL..Bf 1 Co
I1trnt:s 4;r;)t vv,.tv_.f,.'l...V.t.�.3.S.,.S...t.9 .1�,'�w. 4i,'rLJ3".L4L s J
EArn4nre, fie,
l:•s"40100 u hall Line of V101.1011 111141
\'Ionil Iit1'i1lg0", .0I1., fru 8101111.
0. 111.- figurer 111' ilart'Lut1 hlel'Itsov.
r. Fletcher, - Brussels,
'11:1 \1•:14.
1.11.\NC'll :\'r' t~I Iu.\'rI`n
For Cale by A. 1. IlicKay 86 Co., - Brussels,
,s.\ -44-1 .3v
I1at'4;e 1111,1 }V, i::1:,:,,,1'flltl
Stork to ',Loos(' Troll.