HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-9, Page 44 THE Eti.USELS POS'1 POLITICAL MEETINGS / Public Meetings for thoa ose of ilio. p P cunning the political qac miens of the clay n commotion with the Alowat Admin• istratiun will be held as follows: 7TAl1T.(?C`K, 1ToNeer, May 12 LONDESBORO' . Tnosner, " 1!i (40sumeR i oh'I House, 'Si i:140,9r, " 14 do'm'e Toms HALL, Tttt:nennr, 13 I:LIl1: ALE, • Flame, " 10 l3leetings Mlll Continence 01 T p.m. 'rho Opposition candidate, or his friendo is invited to attend and will be allowed an opportunity of addressing the electors. GOB SAVE THE QUEEN. Wroxoter, May Gth. THOS. GIBSON. New Advertisements, Local -Moo. Kirk. Locals -Jos. Walker. Local-Sortle dr Hoover. For sale --W. J. Norton. L0e::1--11•. H. AleCraeken. Lorals-- Sohiff A 1'crt,usnu, Curtain Smelt A 1 cecnoon. Muhl for', roem \\m1. looreA. Notice to Creditors- F. Arnold. 1'ui'tb..dl m..:-t:n„s - Thos. 11LI.'tl. f• 1 1 01055, !-'IiII1.1 Y, JI:1 I. 9, 1890. IT 1, said that Charles Rykert may seek re•election again. If ho can be elected after the exposures concerning his pwliatneutary career it Is certainly putting a premium on jobbery. He should be ashamed to ask the suffrages of civilized electorate. Tao Toronto World says :--"lir. Rykert has had sense enough to resign. We trust he has still more sense to with- draw to private life. He may be pos- sessed of the idea that to secure re. election will be to hays his guilt con- doned. It will only go to show effron- tery on bis part uud a moral perversity in the electors of Lincoln that would disgrace not only them bort WI Canada 1)a roll. People can f.)rgivc dishourety but tizzy dote•tt a matt who giorit a in it. `Litter, is c i,it= rliti'erence between n Irian fo rttl i° l(? v1,0 Lai been (Th. nonst :ltd nut fcun;d cut ...:.1 cite ei,:, in politic life who has bum] diolitoont :1111 , jots b•ee:l found o"t." Toil el. eti-0 cempaign hos ()reveal rip in Eliot Heron, the first gut, beteg final at Conic at \S-ean'sdey ',veiling, when thepposing candidates had their say. Preliminary work in cin teittee is b fur push' -d, Organization meetings arranged for and literature distributed among the ("loornls, The ftefotnitrs fe' 1 j i to sore that Mt'. Ciliated will be re.eleoted add many of them peiut confidently to his largo majority last el, can, If the fight ware on the same lines it knight be a ariterinn but with the hill of fare pre. rented by the Opposition the surest way to increase Mr. Gibsou's majority is per- sonal work on the part of eery Liberal in the Riding. As will bo Been elsewhere in this issue J.1'. Garrote, well known Barrister, of Godericb, carries the Re- form banner in West Huron. His elec- tion is thought to be beyond uncertainty. No borne talant being desitons of .-acri• Sting themselves in the South hiding, J. G. Holmes, of Toronto, has offered to step into the breach and oppose the Re. farm nominee whoever he may be. The date of the elections, Thursday, June 5th, is a somewhat awkward time as the various Coonty Councils will be in see- sion and the Guelph Conference of the Methodist church opens on the same date at Stratford. Connell:Iix Nervy.. Itis understood in Stratford thst H. T. Butler, late of the Times, will appear las editor of a new paper in the Classio city about the end of May. A writ has been served on William Peters, of London township, by his brother, John. Peters, for slander, The trouble arose over the disputed owner- ahip of soros cattle on the latter') farm. Lust week a very strange accident oc. ourr"d at Owen Sound which resulted in a lady named Miss Isabel Scott losing her life. The lady lived in the Town- ship of Koppell and was returning home in a wagon driven by is farmer named Ritchie, when, from some unknown cause, she fell backward and got en- tangled between the wagon hos and the wheel. In this position she was brag- ged unnoticed some hundred yards. When oxtrooted from the position life was extinct. David Hollingsworth, of Den0eld, London township, who was arrested by Detective Allen, of London, on a charge of poisoning some oattl1 belonging to James Sutho'lancl, of East Nissou•i, was brought up before Mr, Field at Wood- stock 'LVelcesday afternoon. On the 27rd of Jame, 188:1, Mr. Sutherland had three cattle poisoned, two of which died. Snspioioit pointed to Ifolii;, oworth, who Nos 11101 it, residont of East Niosouri, and a neighbor of Sathorl.md's. Aromld the months of the 3111381 1 g'tirnn.ls were found 1rnee3 of what app.'ar04 to be chap ,.0 0:f ',rot pork, gweal, and it is omp, psod that Pato, gt rt n woo tt; , h•,iu , u4ad. Tit Alin oeworth too 0 0;) fl r m nevus, Ib ,tl from Ins l:.:tt 1;, i'-^...-. prep' ,43:01 rod h."fit t1)-•:ule with his 1, i s , eO5Y 1171 j rlll'hil •3 elil /l.: 111',, ,i1,1/,' ,pe^u!. to Star snce wort. fom,nl, ,,,)atio{') Gm eci,. fit r „f .n 0itn,•• a . 1111rr.+' 1' Po' is grotto Idol e•hoo ,anti, flet„ ootor -W13l(ssre nls, trhe a-tilkd that 11,4 lingo vo ih hurl iln'r•tenr•d to fit t',utbor. talons nal the ;;; l titi', Wien in 'mot' .111111 will, (Ahoy 0It- ,i•.1,N)8 ,'i <mt st:1,1(• „ the 10;0,n s c ,1):i-lem01 wit sotto e l him ill 7.1'91,; Oto ;:;60tH 1131 I/r t1'lsl. The Diamond Button 9 ery little,' was the reply. Ile had 0011 away to eea [aloro she was born, and fill she had heard of Ida') was long after all sight had boon lost of him, and after he wits sui-t;u,vu w b0 dead. Evi- dently he had done soulothing wrong, for the elders tools little pleasuro In speak- ing of Itim, and when they did it wee in a tone of relief that he was dead, 1-1) bud died in her childhood. Holbrook then said that though they bad made little progress in the unfolding of the mystery surrounding the death of ler sun, yet they were steadfastly at work at it. That while he had thought it best to soy little to them about it white they were groping in the dark, they had in their investigation thought, perhaps, a neat of the name of Piorsot, who had diad recently, had boon con- nected 1111h the event). It 0184 ,trilgy, but none the less true, that Tutu had failed to tell Holbrook of rho report the Shadow had nnade to ]him of the scree bcttreem the druiihnrd Pros. ton and 3'arh,.'r. Ilnd he dont' so 1111. ')1)..•i. ti a ,te.1 1 ' !el ki3 eileiosi u. tram Mrs ,:. 1 13 10'13 v, 3. h i 0i 111. 17,•0 . •t , ulnen .14a11171 •r ,1 toe:. toe rrie,:l or the ttliail,er: hod tonic but lilt le in:pres- sion on 'foul at the time, for his wind then wasconcentratcd upon the task of fastening the crane of umrtic r upon Fountain. Such thought as he did give 10 it was that, perhaps, a discreet in- quiry la that direction might lead up to a discovery of some of Pierson's sur- roundings, which (night help then] to an understanding of how Templeton, Foun- tain and Pierson were conitected, And so it was that Holbrook was treading close upon facts of great value without being couscious of it, However, satisfied that Mrs. Temple- ton could tell him nothing that could he of value, he dropped the subject, and turned the conversation in another chan- nel. But Anuie, who was sitting at the win- dow engaged in embroidery work, and oohing a very pretty picture as she sat there, remarked that she was glad the search was beingCnutinuell, for though they had heard little about it recently. they were virally' intorrsted 111 it. Hulbr* k, whothought there was ' t01011.1li1l;' •11' 1.•,•::11 j'1' 01,t h ' I 111 the wont! 0:•9t "it la a pleasure, then, ata very small cost, I aft sure, Mr, Holbrook," pleasure I duly apt.. oclate," "Was your tuother a widow?" "Yes. With but two elliltlren, a sis- ter and myself, Aly slater is Inarrled nod lives ahroad-her husband occupies a diplomatic position," 01t, is hard to lose one'w home. It mast be, 1 do not think I could content myself to lire for all time as we are now. 1 want a home of my own, wlticlt 1 can deck and beautify my own way." "1 thinly you, yourself, would beautify any place however bare, and slake it home, Miss Templeton." This was direct enough, n.nd the blush swept up again over her face. Bol - 1 brook did not wait for a reply, but con- tinuod: 'It is woman who makes the home, 1 Alen may ert'ct a house, fill it with cost- ly furniture and beautiful works of art, yet it is only an abiding place. Until saute woman gruc0a it with her presence and her life it does not become home," looked up archly and said: •'11' you apprt•ciate a homo rot much, 3h•, Iiulbro"k, why du 7011 1114 (h4n10, one for 1'0111'0"I! f' I lelhr•".!t liana..' 1 at L 'r ,.:: a,lily, and with 11.1 1)' en 111 of a omit', on his 1'.11 0, ropli, 1 :e11 tl.:e'., 1h.• 1)1181) try t•4o01 sfrn is not attair::',h•. 11;;t 1 i is e.t.a.' to • ttain mine if 4 eau ley mum) It is only within n short lime flint my honor% has loon shown toe, and when the time is moot 1'11 put my fortune to the toot." Then without permitting reply Ito quickly said: "Cotue, Miss Templeton, the day is fine, rho air good and you have been much housed of late -come with me for a short walk. I'll bring you back to your mother in time for dinner." Annie willingly acceded, and ran away to prepnre herself for the walk. As she walked and chatted with him freely and with more gayety than she 1 had ever shown him before, she was hap- , vier than she had been since her brother's detCtli; uiil'ihd'tt 7)'s s'irprbseT•io fund how 1 bright the day was and how joyous a time the autumn could be. -and Holbrook thought it a ram day- , oto in a thousand. '1hle 11tollIs, lino,, Templolnn, nettling has lee n accuutpiished. For ton days 1.14 have herrn under the inlprex:siun that we could lav our hands upon the matt, but t11.; i^"ruin]; we disnuvsrml that the nun in qac: tion could not have possibly done the deed. We hardly dm•ed to al - mit to ourselves our suspicions, and I should have been trreatly to blame had I raised false hopes in your breast or had I pointed to to suspicion that could not be justified. Rest assured that everything is being done that. can be dote to un- eove' the mystery," "Qbr' said ,S'ikii°, covered with eon- Itisi„n and blushing very prettily, "I had 110 intention of complaining, Indeed we aro really too much obliged to you for the trouble you have taken in our:Oaks to criticise or to complain." During this exchange Holbrook had moved from his chair in the middle of the room, where he had been conversing with Mrs. Templeton, and taken a low, easy one near the window where Annie sat. MIs. Tenploton had turned to the table and had resumed the writing of a letter she was engaged upon when Hol- brook entered, The young layover was already on such familiar footing that he WW1 regarded not as a stranger to whom the most scrupulous attention most be given, but rather as an intimate who was best treated when received with informality. In answer to Annie's reply to him he 413Id: "I do not think, Miss Templeton, that anything which ')night concern you or yours would he too mach trouble for The blood crept up into A.nnie'e cheeks again, and bending over her work she said nothing. Holbrook himself had nothing to say, and he sat for some time toying with the end of the embroidery falling from her knee. Finally he said: "Ho you know that I have experienced great pleasure in my calls here -pleasure of a kind it has not been my lot to ex- perience for several years?" Annie looked up wonderingly. "I sincerely hope you do find pleasuro in your visits here, and it is pleasant to hear you say so, but I do not quite un- derstand yon." "Why note "011, your wards seem to convey a meaning they do not express clearly," "Perhaps they do. You know, of course, that 1 atm a bachelor, Well, 1 have, over since 1 camo to the city, twelve years ago, lived in a hotel, It is now eight year's since my mother died, and the home of my childhood, to which from time to time I returned, was broken up. Since that time, this household has been the only placo I havo vieiled where I have hem treated with that informal- ity I entre, tool where the occupants pursue !lob, work (511 my mother used to do, It 1, eight your, tend ntoro 31uee I have is .:n p •rmitle•11 by any wo1nai11 in Fit ',•m n:: r 1: 3 oleo %:tib her WOO: ns I do )i•,,t .n;-1 I n::r•'l to d 1 nt,tint3 3)7-- 13 .• tut 1,810 o. .',o,.do toe. lotto 4vt;11 I.ursr10 tri :' 1' It 1le. 1.30-111, r.:nn34na It 1•11' ",:' 1 n•i tail •el :i,' t"1)a: of ie -•t I,l'o, .v tt'111.,rph1)Ial 1,16 words. VI, binslrw7):; 10 1' •same• Meal 1114 )r-Illeritoo, win 1i- 3,, t- .l 1tot 1t ,r.:,'3l', toil' 11 bin Wane! •• 3:10-3t a:.ir:. fit' the-eorl, nal whorl .•: i1 te/ (:.•t'.• r,•.;v the re'orn totome of nn .t'n•r , 1 1t non ,0 had 1 ran .stirred lirNil' ring linin i,.no,;ti, r'rrh'. t4he• madd• nu ,13).2) ;111)1 rt•lrli,,11 CIHAPTER. XNV. 110133000o33 1t 31 0,88 A 010000E11y. gklt 1� 11 0 N '1' Il had ')333 elapsed since the murder It re- mained quit0 as much of a mys- tery as it 3) 11 d been in the be- ginning. The po- 1 i c e authoritios were baffled in every tlirnetion, though they clung obstinately to their theory t hat Templeton • i7 had been killed for someone else. • On his way clown h'."rill, 011 the morning following his walk with Annie, Holbrook had stepped into headquarters, and had talked with the high ofcial who had supplied him with the sample of cloth and the dia- mond button. He had discussed the theory with the high official, and was compelicxl to acknowledge that from the standpoint of tho authorities. and with the information they possessed, the theory was plausibly argued. He was troubled over his own conceal- ment of certain things, and while ho felicitated himself upon the fact that neither Tom nor himself had said a word concerning Fountain, now that it was clear that he was not the guilty man, yet he thought he ought to tell the authorities of the suspicions they had as to Templeton's and Fountain's relations to each other and to the dead Pierson. But what was he to say? He was in pre- cisely the same predicament as he was before they had found Fountain to bo guiltless. He couldn't speak without bringing Flora into the affair, and H it had been difficult to do so before, now after his interview with her, and after what was practically a promise on his part not to use his knowledge to the dis- advantage of herself or Fountain, it was doubly so. Besides, to open himself to the high official would be to prove treach- erous to Tom. So, without revealing any of his thoughts, he left and went his way to his office. He dismissed all further con- sideration of his duty in the matter with the thought that he was so involved by circumstances that he could not do what scouted to be DM obvious duty without doing greater harm in other directions, and let his mind run on the joys of his walk with Annie on the previous even- ing and her charming qualities of mind and person, Thus engaged, he roaobod his office. As he opened the door of the ollte'room, with more than usual vigor, he was star- tled by a loud trash. A clerk hnd so placed a ladder that one leg was imme- diately in front of the door. IIo had mounted it so 115 to gain access to 0 row of high shelves surrolucling tho office, on which were Inept green wooden -boxes, the fig:11res of pn•,t years, 010 111311118 01 (client,, and of redeem em w'hotie tattirs the (411ce had ii; oloreg(3 h3iug letta1r311 in white o11 01101 1. \Phan 11„l1s-;v t had hairdo• swore; noon 111n door it had :drools 0 h -g 7)i' 1111, 1,11'Jor, u• arly toppli333 Darr the cln•k and )3,1,1-103 him 1.1 drop ono of Tho hones to the 11nt•, Upon si.i:•h it fell :7)e heavily 114 10b,11.4. moat, This woo tiro ,'l•, 31, whi.'h had startle] hint. eor;ll of rho cl„rit4 splm3 to save tio, l,,,7, :an1 7)e thee- iil'to,l it n 1 it fell a•,,:rt, 0c,e1tering iL5 e•ontent.t, 1 , "SV'In it pope's 1)a rink' 110331• Hoe l d T I boor,;. :394in- t lot to oath he hod otorool to t r. 4119'10',) ( East ill 1886. We place the ilguras of the East ]Rid. ' ing of Huron in nonnection with the Last 3 80)1ol for the Loma, Lege Moro bafore our readers in response to numerous re• quote as to what the returns wur01 t, Ibsen. No. 1.....,,.,... 40 No, 2 92 No. 3 •11 Intl Majority for Gibson -l6, hays. 30 58 115 123 et11N0. No.1 fill 53 No. 7 54 22 No, 8 100 31 No, 4 54 35 No 5 69 47 No, 6 76 49 No.7 7.4 46 409 383 Majority for Gibson -21i1. 9101)1110' No, 1 R 40 No, 2 72 30 Nn. 3 33 67 No. 4 0:3 4(1 No. ..... 00 07 No. 6 10 78 3,1:0 (021 lIaj.:rilo for (Iib.•nn lily. )1':.1,1 3';. \„ 1 81 33(3 Nn. 9 7)i 30 No 3 42 29 No. 4 63 35 2.31 136 Majority for Gib -on -115. x'xn.ror. No. 1 45 30 No. 2 66 23 No. 3 65 tib No. 4 26 47 No. 6 56 35 No. 6 42 48 No. 7 23 27 No. 8 16 40 827 302 Majority for Gibson -21). names.. No. 1 50 No. 2 71 No, 3 61 No. l (i6 - No. 5 87 No. 6 55 Majority for Maya -100. 180 WIMEl'ra. No. 1 71 20 Majority for Gibson --32. Tt•nxin0tt:r. No. 1 1)1 47 Nn. 9 (0 -19 No, 3 919 42 No. 4 ii 30 21>1 leo :Majority fox Gibson -101. Total majority for Gibson -•-443. 96 06 98 93 73 03 480 QUAL RIGHTS >r NOCIATION 1 A Convention of the friends of the above Association will be held in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON, Tuesday, May 13th, '90 AT 10:80 O'COOCx A. 91., For the purpose of completing 10041 or. ganization and the formation of a County Branch. A representative member of the Provincial Association will be present and address the Convention. A Public Meeting will be held in the Evening, in the Town Hall, at 8 o'clock, when addresses will be delivered on the questious agitated by the Association. A representation of 15 or 20 from each municipality is desired. By authority of the Ex,.cote, or Prey, dame. eihtlon, April, 1600. 42 e Sty Lean Mineral Water, The following speak for themselves : Brussels, Ont., Jan. 8, 1890, I have been using St. Leon water for the past month or so and have found it very efficacious in promoting good health. After using it a week I found my app. tite much benefitted and can now eat as much in one meal as used to suffice me for two. For any rheumatic affection I believe it to be ahead of any drngs or patent medicines, and think that per. sons of a rheumatic tandanoy should use it constantly. A. 1T nrnn, Clerk 4th Division Court, County Huron, Mn, Area Goon, Brussels. Dear Sir, -The St. Leon Mineral Wat er that I have boon gutting from you has done me so numb good that I cheerfully give my testimony in its favor and hope others may be persuaded to give it a trial. Wu, Kee:01401 , Sn. Bruseols, Jan. 7, 1.800. This wale', rho like of which is found 110 whore else but at St. Leon, in the province of Quebec, r:acmbles all net- n108produutiotls, an egg or grain of wheat for instance. We can toll what o)1 egg or grain of 011)341 ha eoapoled of but man is 11ltarly 1lnablo to maim a 4P'ah1 of wheat or 0reall tel 1313 and he fa ,just as mm.blo to ronntorfoil, St. -.Leon 1lineral \Valor, .J111t 1(11,1 nn.tnrn has. - 'Moe for to, what we 00)11)1 not do Om onr•:1lvrs - bron3tilt the sixth)) 11ifloret,t Mgr' its of Ibis trader tngolhor in tie proportions, ulixe(1 1110111 1.11,1 ' polars then) forth in a anpions 1)Lreane 1 5711 it) 0 position to lnlpply this re•' uuu'lctlble water, 02031010ly pare, 01)101hl ; from (3m trolls, at a prier tivat leaves I littlo vita )'uterine the cont ref bringh,g it this for. AI'A.\I GOOD. 'rhe 'Toronto Orooery. MAY 9, 1890 GORRX t,'Z'ACaI+: 'Y I. Leaven Brussels every evening on the ardent of rho Ooatorth stage and (04urns from Gorda in rho morning Ultimo 10 catch the Realortnl eta55 plug out. This ntlo will he adhered le 1)1,11 1,115)150 nn0teo. n, 1441011, Proprietor. Poplar Stallions. PETER 'rill; GREAT, JOSEPII I1,NIUI1T, PROPRIETOR. Will stand for mares daring tho seaann at his own stab 0, East Half Lot 13, Con. 10, (trey Tow nship. I.011.tl ThalIE, .3. 13R0w'a, P I',t'l'ltll•1'rol. 311.7)')'), will trio'• his nun stall-, 101 111, c u, 10 C t c 1 7)11)1 proceed to 1htl rnlln 1,0,1)?')! 8 for 0 t1) , the ace 10 Will. Sn,i111's, •,nil Don„ (res, for Right, '1L, 01,1V. %%dll 1011101 nest to Wo,, 33nt- chiamuu'a, Ehm4, fur upon ; thence 11 "Wm, Holmes', at11 Con„ .Lhlia, fur night. W111,xxsl,Y, will proceed to Alox. Stroh• yrs'. 19th eon., Elora, fn• noon ; thenoo to \V 111, Lineham's fur night. Tnrnseer, will proceed to John K. Baker's, 811i con., Grey, for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. L 1004x, "ill proceed to Robe tic0u11nnr's, 9113 con., Grey, for noon ; thanes to Jas, Hislop's, 15th col„ Grey, for night. SArvnner, will proceed to Al- fred Williamson'', for noon ; thence to his own Mable. where he will remain un- til the following Monday. AYRSIIItil; STA,IIP. THOS. McLAucIILIN, PROPRIETOR, 1losnee morning will leave his own stable, lot I, con, (3, Grey, and prooeed of the 3rd of Morris to Emanuel Oliver's for noon ; thence across to the.1th line, then east and to his own stable, where be will remain till Wednt-sday morning. Wan - 81181,0Y morning will proceed to the 8113 col., Grey, then It miles east, then south to John 1 re•ar'8 for noon ; thence oast t Mr. Brown's, lot 27, for flight. TIlrlla• . rAr, will le oceed 17 miles south and to Dames' I otol, Craubrooll, for 110011 ; h0000 south to the 10th 0011., then to James Itielnp's for right. Fi,IDAY, will proceed west to the ((11)01 road, then south to the churches, and to David Ptu•- quhtu•son'e for morn ; thence to centro sideroad, then north 27 miles, then east to J,.mes 31eAr•thnr's for night. Seam) WV, will proceed north to 6111 0311„ t130)) to 7,illiax'- hotel, Brussels, for noon, where he will rein0iu till ti o'olonk, then to his 014 n staple till the following .flan. ?1)y morning. BLACK GALLOWAY. JOHN MIl'CIIELL, PRosnIE'roo. MONDAY, Will leave hie own stable, lot 15, can. 0, Grey, and prowled north and east to Thos. Vodden's, con. 5, for') loon ; thence north and east to 01•obt. Smith's own. 2, Elmo, for night.. TutsDA\, will proceed east to ,;ravel road, then south 17- miles, then we -t to Andrew Thomp- son's, aril (Inc, Elmo, for noon ; thence to John Lindsay's, 8rd con., Grey, for night. Wnrnnseev, will proosed four s west, theta south to Richard 1fit. )dell's for noun ; thence south 11 miles, ; then east 17 miles, then to his own )table for night. TnuasnAY, will proceed south to 18811 eon., Grey, then west to Wm. McAllister's for noon ; thence west to Sage's hotel, Walton, for night. FRIDAY, will propped north to 1)811 line, Morris, than west 27 miles, then north to Sam uei Fear's for neon ; thence to the Queen's hotel, Brunelle, for night. SAT vu0AY, will proceed to his own stable, where le will remain until the following Monday morning, TELEGRAPH BOY• HARM! SO4RLETT, PROPRIETOR. Mor nor, will leave his own stable and proceed north to Walton to Sage's hotel for noon ; thence to Bruesele to Central hotel, for night. TUESDAY, will proceed north lj: miles, then east to Ethel, for 1 hour, then east 7 mile, north 12• mike, west 7 -mile to J, Rose's for noon ; thenoo east to gravel road, then south to Ale wood to R. Graham'e for night. Wen- nasn,tr, will proceed north to F. Zihiax's, Listowel, for 1 hour, then north to Gow- an9towu for noon ; thence west to Ford. W1011 for night. Timone;, will proceed south 813 miles, then west to Gorrie to J. H. Oampbell's for noon ; thence to the Comtaeroial hotel, Wroxeter, for 1 hour, thou to Bluevale for night. Fulmer, will proceed south 17 miles, wait 82 01115.5, south to Bolgrave for noon; thence north to Milne's Hotel, Blyth, for night, SAT. inner, will proceed to for noon ; thence, via Kinburn, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday. CHALLENGER. L. McNntr,, P3tornlorOR, Mosby, April 27111, will leave his own stable, lot 17, pen, 11, Grey, and proceed eastward, by 12tH con., to Chas. Parker's, 10th col,, I:jlnia, for night. fivasltAY, Will pro), ed by rho 14th collo Elmo, to Wynn'c hotel, Newry, for 11000 ; thenoo east along the 1001 ooze, by way of Done• gal, to Jas. Hnnunold's, lot 137, eon. (1, Mora, for 1 1ght. AV1:I0041 4, will pro - 00811 north to Wm. Stevenson's', 13rf11011, for noon ; thence, by 'Led erne to the Grand Cenral hotel, Listow•ol, for cue hoar (from 5 to 6), then least to Amos Well n 91111'9 for night. 1'In'lloloo, WM11 501)• ru(,I trent a!oag the bouedal;y to 'Jacob 140 1,:o 111,301, Wolcott orth, for noon ; thut.n, went 1101)3, the boundary d Ory to RobI, flatlnlltn,l'4, Ante, A, 'I ornl,r.rry, 7,11.31131A. 1•hnr)n, 1'311 proevod south, 1111 200108. town, to .Sin,) n Shaw's, 1111) line, \lo'rie, for num ; 1111.11)30 arnd11 alum; the g11V111 rood to John 111(313714, 7011 ons„ Grey, for tight. 14,110n1,1 3, will pr00(11d to•iha A011)1 111 1101:01, ((rms8011, for 113)011; thenoo, by Col throttle to 1118 awn stable, 0(1800 he will remain until rho following ;Woodsy 1110150033. MOSS 'TROOPER. (3iiuiiu3•: SEALE, PROPRT14TOR. Mono', May 6th, will Joeve his own 53,111 e and proceed, by t+unnhioe, to Smut, drett's hotel, Bolgrave, for noon ; thence to Kelly's lintel, Blyth, for night '1055• ma, will propped to Ebenezer corner for noon ; thence in his own dtnble for ;3(113. \Ve.n0031AY, will promo) to Frank Ileo. Ctnghy's, con, 7, Morris, for noon thence to Beirnoe' hotel, Walton, for night. THURSDAY, will proceed to Dames' hotel, Orenbrook, for nen ; thpnu8 to AIalcohn Lamont's for night. Emmy, will pro• need to Henry Savage's, 3rd 0011 , Grey, for noon ; thrown to the Jamestown hotel for night, SATuanby, will proceed to Stretton's hotel, Brussols, for noon ; thence to his own stable, romaininq tboro till rho following Monday morning, STAN] )Al1Il BEARER. I'i(o8_ C.tioieiit, Pnot'i113'T0h: WON!, Y, will Int vo his own stable, lot 9, eon, 12, Grey, std ;wowed to Duncan Taylor's, lot 3, ono. li, throve by way of Jameetowu to Thomas Mcl0arlane's for night. 'P'l'an''), will proem( to rho emulate' to (13110er for noon ; theme t, (jneel'o It tel, Witt/limn, for ono Mow, hen,, r4 rewrote, for ,i 1,t, W1:11.%1en, 111,1 3)0,0111 to Htewurt's hole], t I 11eluiaye, for ,aeon ; tha'n'e, 10 4100, 113 "n,', Morris, for night. Ltu:a.41 11111 proceed to ,he Central hotel, 13rn8 o'7). for Loon ; dome,. to \Ven. Barrie's, Morris, for night. l'ttn.+v, will preen+eel to chanes 3lislop s, 10111 eon., Croy, for noon ; thetaee to Wm, Fniton'e, 113th 13011„ (trey, for night. NArr:wAY, will proceed 10 J3uri 01)5 hotel, Ethel, for norm ; thenc1, via (:ranbruok, to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. EARL 01t' BREADALBANE. SPEIR PROB., 1'71OPflT3i'TORS. Mnone, will Icavo his own stable, lot 14, cots. 4, Morris, and proceed wast to I3elgrnvc, thea to W. Wheeler's for noon ; thence north to 1241 cone Wnw•anoeh, then 1581 to 2nd sideroad to A. Ander. son's for night. TcesnAY, will proceed west 13- miles to Join/ Shield's for noon ; thence west el miles, the north to A. Robertson's for night. Wl;oxniu0v, will proceed east on 0th col„ Wawanosh, 21 miles, then 11 miles south, their 11 1»ileo east to gruel road to 31', Taylor's for neon ; thence east on 3811 0011. to JOhu Ctlo'dtey',) fur tight 'I'urnanev, will pro. Oe•1d Last to John Sommerville's for to OO; thence south to lith 011„ 33 orris, then least to rate Nethery'a for night, 1'(n- 1 )0, w))( proceed south I1 1)1ic4, (hell 00At 10 \Vtn. lleCall', for none ; 1111r1' rant 11 1111(_:, :hen 11513) 1 1..11,4 371 S1114011 1'01:1)1,'0 for high!. :'t, t 4,1,.,1, wt11 proceed�oaot to :Ins ;:pelt', 1nr 111u1t ; 1110000 to the Anel) ' 4 b, tel, 33011 • c:1,,, 1len to his own statde, wile) he will re. nn,ia until the fo4awino 3J.ouday. 1'OTEATH. Tyros, MCL:111c1TLT3, Pnu.T'll. M001t t morning will leave 1114 own stable, lot I, con, 0, Grey, and proceed to E. J. MoArthur's for noon ; thence north 1,1 milds, and west to Wm. For, est's, tut 25, con. 3, Morris, for night. Tuzsner, will nroceed went 91 miles, then south to 1'',menuel 0318,0'4 for noon ; thence west to gravel rend, then to Bel. grave for night. WEDNESDAY, will pro. Dead 27 stiles east to 4th line, then sonth le miles to John McArter's for noon ; thence to American hotel, Brussels, for night. TnutsneY, sill vomited on the 911, con., Groy, 1I. utiles, than south 11 miles, then to Dames' hotel, Cranbrook, for noon ; 11151100 south 1j• miles, then west 27 miles, then south to Mrs. Sel- lars' for night. F nrnt?, will proceed west on 8th con„ Morris, 27 miles, then south to Peter McArtltur's for noon ; thonco west 24 miles, then north to John White's for 013111. S,ernantY, will proceed north 17 miles, then east to James McArthur's for noon ; thence east to gravel road, then north to Amnrican hotel, Brussels, till 5 o'clock P. m, ; thence to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. PRIDE OF THE WEST. IIAI3KIRE, PROP'TOR. MONDAY morning, will leave his own stable, lut 12, eon. 9, Grey, and proceed east to John K. Baker's for noon ; thence east to Henfryn sideroad, then north to 0th con., then west to Chris: Eekmier's for night. TUESDAY, will proceed west to Iiotfer's Corndr, then north' to John Mc- Cartney's for noon ; thence to 1otee. worth, to Jacob Reiss' hotel, for night. WhsNasnAY, will proceel to the 2nd eon., Gres, to Duncan MoDonald's for noon ; thence west to gravel road, than to Dun- can Taylor's, 8rd eon., for night. 'J'nvas- DAY, will proceed west along the Ord con. to Joseph Raynard's Corner, (hon south to Wm. Bateman') for 13001 ; thence to his own stable for night. FUMY, will leave hie own stable and proceed south to Geo. Forrest's, 14th con., Grey, for noon ; thence west to Chas. Ritohie's for night. 811000m0 ., will proceed north. to Ameri- can hotol, Brussels, for noon ; thence to his own stable, whore he will stand until the following Monday morning. OSPREY. JOSEPH WEBSTER, PROPRIETOR. Mooe.tr, will tattoo his own stable, lot 28, con. 6, Morris, and proceed west to Thos. Holliday's, lot 5, con. 0, for noon ; thence to the gravel road to Bolgrave for night, 1'msnaa, will prooeed east :1.10)15 the lith atm., Mortis, Ill milds, then north to Mr, Oliver's for noon ; thonco on to Blnevnto for adopt. '9Vteoomoti$, will proceed mot along rho bnultd:u'y to Cleo. J (islnp's for noon ; thence oast to Rohoa9,- son's Coater, then north on to the 4111 Dan" llow•i0), to Aly. ItIn1(ot/roller's for !tight. Tn11llsn3v, will proceed east 91 miles, then 11 1111115 south, Sinn 13- miles wilt, 111,0 email to John 3 el:,eotl's for woo ; 0100,10 east on the 28,1 con.. they, to Duncan Mcl>nualtra for night. Flo. DAY, will proceed along the 2nd cot. to Jamestown, to Allan httms5v'l, on the 1st eon,. Morris, for noon ; thonco south 11 miles, Own oa4!, to -Dnnnn n 'I'ayloi" a for night. 1u'riuov, will 11.03.1()1 worth Wong the sideroad oe 3(311 eon" (trey. then west to (h-0 Alco lona 110101, lirtts wo1e, where h0 will stood till 0, o'clock ; 11151)00 to bis own et,lblt, 'till the Iolluw- ing Mo113ey morning. - rtJ the (ill sot sot 're taxi .501 1-o 1 18 eat fell per: un ta4 to t dthe 'e1) on 1101: lin e ,n•e� will 8,9)11 :V1), trot pal '9,311 O1n 1di 'roe '.•1144 aim) Amo 474111 Dep 0001 slli p G. Will Wit vy 01.er1 nein test 501•l Tt . Midi pert w'aa tenth ,•x:ur :m 311.01) ,8'l '. h -4 shy niai) 11eh 11014 0111 0 0 harm party and I this tivu moot m141111 tho b emu 1 of 0!) thea elect the 'mot plan TI nota 1). J. R A. A., Rr Jo: Atl lioutl maid held Muni ono Mr. AleG the wit), Mr. 1300 Was the Roe Firn Dui Goc AI med 500)!1 uta the jou A iu t t110 rimpot n 4„I � f ull 0)i ane ofv f tr1 log; ate Lir lot Ito 11'11 tun al] my Int 1t� da, tin 10