The Brussels Post, 1890-5-9, Page 3MAY 9, 1 800 11110000000 LATE BRITisil NEws es a, similar elfeet ou horses. Arnim vong & ro, have some new gin mountings that may be of groat import:moo Pugilists the of Com- They idlow the gun to be fired in an :owl MODS. of 40 degrees instead of '20 .1 egtves, as fur wonky, 0 change whioh will enableships to al TEE WATKINS TOWER IN LONDON. " tat.; is most any (.onst 'emery from short range. A si -inch 81.001 shield for the ginme also t rains wi th I he g n ouol Owlet torwiti rely COnaplie of a Blinding Society. tills port so that projectiles and nplintor cannot enter. 1 training DS done by Item] without steam or hydraffiffi power. Wit! this mounting a 0.2-inoli bresth loading rillt of 2.2 tons was tried with a Wargo of 10( Mr, William Linder:late has bern re-elect- peund8 of powder, the weight of the pro ed Governor of the Bank of Englend. jeetile being 380 pounds. Pwo men wort A new woman's :fhb in London, the sufficient to do the training, and the expori 'limits wore wholly successful. Somerville, ham inready 800 members, An piindish literary suaisiman has dis. It wows that though the oyster is one of covered flat of the 502 heroines in last year'e the "mst trernend"slY Rewerfal eroattleee novels 872 wore blondes and 1 90 brunettes. known, Mr its weight., it isn't so stroug by it The value of a peek of hoends reverded , !. (ilex itrotto,a, a Mediterranean cockleshell, , the sale of one recognized iimong th° beats the limpet, A distinguished naturalist finest hi England for three thousand gal' of Brighton, ,M Lawronoo Hamilton, who neas, rags the 1 enus more:vow stioingth at 2,07 I. How musie epreade among the masses can times its weight, Hays ; "At Folkestone, by he imagined from the eslimete Hint in Sluff- mans of acetuate appliances, X &mei oat, there are about 000 artisans who ploy the common seashore limpet, which without ttle violin, its shell weighed it fraction less than half an At the fit•st °deka game of this Reason, mom, required, when pulled aceortling to I/r, Draw, England's ellempion, :wens) by its plane of adhesion, a foree exceeding 02 /eliding the Gloucestershire cleveo with a pounds to remove it front its grip upon the seore of 04, I local rook, or upward of 1,1184 times its own The Watkin tower, which will be coveted . dead weight. 'raking the atmospheric pies. sure at 14.7 pouods the square inch, th' in Lannon and overtop the Eiffel thwer by 335 feet, It will cost about 01,200,000, le to here six s I h. ead f would account for 35.28 pounds, or littl mot e than half the power exercised in the air by this sea whieh, acting upon VIE BRUSSELS POST. a 00040000040440,000000.004,0000.00400•00,40m.000040.00400400040000400000000zwr0000...00,004,0004400004444,004000041040. 1 TEE LEGEND 01' ORIEE'S ISLAND, 1 ii1114411.113 TVIniff.lealliingill. SIMI be 11) • limn, eounted to Is. mall has 444,..ing0 lig 11 a stem of ernielit, apprea.• ling to elo..• aloongrA hem. 'light bad loon, NAVAL NOTES. Another story :IS Dollen Falk LON' atiarehy, a. state of effider that could only be app(ditted as the wisIding night (4 Cheyroah. 801130 Olier1.8(1n14: Items Rellattne. 0:100, adjusted. by sot Ohm the % exed question of ka, and ,"Phe Loon," hence there was a lull Uri I is 11 and 0 I 114.1.1Virlii.s. . . One of tic, larg(•st and best kuown Islands chieftainship id oneo and for all. MallY "1''''" g"t "TIN.; '4' th" Ill"' "Id 1-41flu'Rt'1043 f" 'rile liriti,-,11 to, in.,'" gunboat 8pp...won 0 of Lake Teinie:•ainitigue it, Ow Chiers island. the (levee lights which took Owe bet Weell A 1011(51 ilnd. (1011133 hall been Maali ON 0, large . 11 is situitted a few miles from the head ail), rionl factions; fights which resulted lolly aisle. 1 (.m111)1(.1,41 the ec,s,nd of her ...ries of T,,es. ',i.e.:rive trials 1,,,,kr forced ormwht 01.• , the leke where three largo rivers Toon' thch' in the weakening, 4,1' both parties und a few About the time that Cloyinaltet, should „,,,,„, t., muddy waters into Olt akin}, toldno, tit( 11, additionn t • • • • I • hese taken I,I, bride, and station:1g tip boos, he foreign renori e the vessel win. rim for , 2, yearly 90010 10 L110 already vast deposits 01 sealps, it Li AN pOillt 11011(W 111 (1)10•11., 11,11 111P 1/11/1.11,' Untie. her to be the thi.,,„ „,1 Silt, W11 1011 horn 1110410 lionstui,18 of 001.00 of ',lays for a warrior to posmevs. 11 was hoped ' I .1 s drY 1181111 rioe out of the hike tool deep placer: 'that durin • •mine (hese t 1 A NEW PAST SHIP, become shall:or. I here is nothing ni the ap- 'prineipais, if 1, inigt 51,111 I PPMP11.e" ( L'st"S 14"1,1 that would '',00.• 1,11tut being about ,'11 solution t 0 Ow dillielatts, mend it, to dist nction. 1 IL 11.11LIIII of rock 1.0111 11014044, for they svoliml. to In. able to 00r4+1.441 by a small growth :4 111110, 1/0041,r, take V01 Y 444011 cure of tlioir „, • /11 Hie 44010110141, The eoginett are troplo. coino a 1 ,:01 Sheem, a Wm mimic ,„ ).0).), 8111 f have seen %Veil:lig% 1 lbw, poliods, the revolut ions 25: ! and tlia/ ' per . Inirgit .4110 the ring and eried : , , . 'pressor(' of Stettin ili dm hr dim. ma, ISO. 1 - ' 1 /I n i 11: I,,,o .1110 io Spoke iii Ilie. Ile ima a 14, for end oigine, and the cellto.sive , said, 'Sheeno, yott are tile eldef and Malik t rower laiffeated 3,584 hors:, whieb srao: , and birth, sairropinlen by shallow water 1 a 1 whet the one faulted in valor awl powers he Its yialr bpideL • 00 fnilians. dare you die, Kliglitly beyond what it W111 propos:. f 2 04 , 1101.TOW 0110411101 Seporaffing It frau, OW 1110111 11111410 Up fUr in cunning and stratagem, , i they Out vititte of 11 W entligo? 1 tiee him obtain, The speed immi the IneitAtli , I wile • shore, ' I ,,•ent,,go Loves idood and illy blood that he ' realize,' the 1 Mee hours 0,8 der olniu,,,i by . I In the owly days of the Lake Tentisionin. quarrel 14.08 I_ In' Met that the 1 t ll 1 . t8 i; i I 'i Vhat added 1.0 tile latiantea, r't 1" now, he inakee signs to me to kill I A MILS 1 9 4.10 li11018, while the ineen speed is now thristing for 0: the blood uf Chey.,,logs was 1 0 knots. Like the rest of her niass : nutlike!" 'the Speedwell Will evinces too =el] wt.?, 1 eXIti'llitall:: i2:11)", riT1hifile" i1.1.11,71:1117:111:ekl'Iti ,Walmol" 08Otihn:: ' 1,1iTitit;I:t8taell0(100111:08iVeStrl'41>irali100111:001,Ilialrlin7".9.ct . . . ., i . lYhether tiler! °Neel, wets to sell something .protty evenly balanced Iv the tretuteness . k, 1, 21 11 la IAA Adliiiralty WiSli to have efficient. sior.s„ 1 , thet no one et:4e would buy, to a. man who 'ef the other, However, though her head liall himponed, . • 1 British engineers say, It tey lilted MA. sactities 1 'The directors of the Praviacial 0aah ''f imp -tureen objects in the watee, would., of Ireland have issued a deeree that no clerk in course, have pulled 18 1011011 greater weight :heir employ receiving loss than 1. 1 50 a year than that of 62 pounds, 'ffile force required shall be allowed to marry. A similar rule is t„ ope„ am oyeter appear. to he 1,3101 1,...108 in force in some of the principal London the weight of the attendee] meanie, banks, The tomato, which W118 pronouneed by the first English subject who tasted one not 1111811y years Ivo as "not altogether nasty," --•-•-••-•••• Xings or the altgle. Only about twenty miles north of Cape has at, last conquered England. It is report. Coinnrin, the most southern point of India, ed by the celebrated nurseryman, live a very envious people knoson as the Kant - to be yearly Morons:Mu in popularity. kerns, or "Kings of the Jungle," Hidden as The biggest edible oysters in the world are they aro among the festnessee of the southern fomul at Port Lincoln, in South Austrelia. t very little is known of them, for They tute sometimes niore then a foot novas they seldom venture down to the coast the shell, and the oyster fits the shell so well towns, and explorers IWO neglected them. he dm% not leave lintels margin. It is also . They are one of the tribes of swages said that their flavor and delicacy are Pra- , who live in a few parts of India, and verbial 1 who arc newly as wild as though they The finest work in silver"since Benvenuto wandered in the jungles of Atriva instead of '011011" is mid to new centrepiece flo' dwelling in one of the most populous parts ho Queen's table upon which Mr. Alfred of the: world, (filbert, .A. R. A., 11815 been working for two ; Mr. fleorge Cadet), while engage(' in sot, years past and which is itow nearly eom- , veys for the Forest Department of India, eleten, About 2,000 ounces of silver have ' recently had occasion to visit. the Kings of eeti used. I the Jungle. They are O. humble sort of eT mei. Kings and are compelled to bo veil, careful The Premier 131111(11)1g Society, not to offend against the lewS of easte, Mt' 'bourne, by far the largest institution of the kind in all those cob:ides, has suffilenly they are regarded as tho lowest of the low, stopped payment, Hundreds of poor Fer. and it is a part of their duty to keep at a eons of both sex are ruined. The fai ure 1 verY respeetful distance from ell the other , resulted from reckless spot:Illation in lend people who inhabit the little naive province , hero they live, during the late land bootn. The journeymen hatmakers of London They are not allowed, for instaoce, to ap- month within twenty paces of any of the were recently mike/ M vote upon the uest. 10„ of whether or not iii„ mase„0,0 a„, art s lop ceeping et trading classes. IN hen they , it wish to make a purchase they must deposit ' .allet•ies should be opened on Smuley, their 1110110y 011 0, 8111111p Or 0 stone, and then having been alleged 0011. well an opening W118 1:01 favored -by real workingmen. The retire until the mnuoy has been replaced by the article they have bargained for. Their vote was .S32 in favor to 52 against. ' abject position makes thetn very timid. They . The Orel, a 11CW twin screw steamer bent ran away into the juogle whenever they in England for the " Russian Volun teer Fleet," , 141810 Cadell coining, though he did not or merchant ships lial de 0] military require - put on any airs like the 13ralunms, who des. merits, is among the fastest ships afloitt. She pis°. them. He found, however, an easy way , is 425 feet long by 48 feet beam, and with to win their friendship. .All he had to do 9,000 horse power and natural draught she 100.8 to hang a small en of gunpowder as shows a speed of 19.1, end Ott 25 knots with their door post, and as soon as the uativet forced draught. ! saw it they were ahvays certain that any English men-of-war unist lie 1?" t 01113" one who made them so fine a present was wonderfully but fearfolly made. '1 lie opin- 1 their good friend. They would then invite ion is published that no ironclad has been him to the liest entertainment they could I built during the last ten years that aid not Tmovide and would buiffi him a hut among thaw at least a foot more water than the . branches of the trees ; for these curious government provided for. The 18 'w ef oae natives slee on platforms built in the forks of the latest great ships, the Trafalgar, sinks of trees, sau over the platforms they roar sixteen homes below its intended line, grass roofs. They are thus out of reach of The publishers of tho Monthly Ilenteepath; wild elephants, who are apt to be uneom. Revtue, seeing 010 their journal had fortably Inquisitive in tho night time. boon banished from the library of the College 1.he hanikaras are greathunters, and their of Physicians, where Mind been regularly weapons are oommonly bows and arrows, admitted for twenty...five years, asken the thongh some of them have very poor match - reason, and the council replied that a new looks. All elephants are the pr(merty of the library rule provided that "books on home. Maharajah of the Travancoreprovince, whore (madly ahall not. be placed on die table in they live, and the Kings of the Jungle are the reading room." required to help hunt the elophent when 'Two mon who have just. returned to Cairo his Highness want§ 18 little ivory. 'They aro from Omdurman, opposite Khartoum, which also required to furnish wax for some of the 1108 been the seat ot Mali:limn since the siege temples, but render no other service to the and fall of the latter !pilule, state that the State. They wear nothing but anarrow loin road to Dongole is perfeetly open. The cloth mid a Mw ornaments, and bead nook- Maluli has vanished, and hotline is raging laces and leiffien earrings aro the most con. throughout the svhole of the Soudan, They spiguous erticlos of the women's dress. A detffitre that Matolisin is beentnine extinct, I 01111011S fact ebout thorn is that they have A moustache trainer hes appeared, It is the decimal system of enumeration, thoogh I they can countenly to ten, They have peb- an elastic, curved strip of thiii metal, lit bles each of which represents ten units and 1 • 1 f ' 1 ' 1 n 'ustabl if the articles they wish to count are repro - plate, faced on the inner side with soft cloth, smiled, for instance, by three pebbles, it in order that the machine may comfortably . means thet the articles munbor throe tens, clasp the ends of the moustache. The lapel or thirty units. is carefully arranged at night or during per - Living within a few miles of civilization tods of seclusion and the trainer fixed -upon and big towns, these primitive swages . still melte a fire by revolving°, stick of hard Some experiments made svith a mixed fuel W0011 in the hollow of a dry bamboo. The of coal and petroleum, on the Italian man.of., , bamboo, by the way, servos to indicate the war Mossaggiew, at Spezzia, aro well worth age of a kanikam. Any man who has seen attention. 'The MOSItaggiero, which never , a bamboo blossom three times is regarded before surpassed fifteen knotsan hoar, reach. 1 as it very venerable person. gun 01.01114411,1 Ifni 0111pally 4,l Quobee 11, good On Indian lii8111011, 14110 NailLe maiden, awl deal of intel'est W440 centered in this isbuld, 111e, Ho far, liko many others of her tribe, 'Ing to the feet that ac attempt W11,14 11011114 fo W1801. and older than herself, 10111 been nada to induce one named Bonaparte \S'yse, neable to Make a choice, the physical so. , a relative of the great Bounparte, to buy it. 'periority of the one being, In her Judgment, 1 T y rt , , % it itt "not as yet arrived at a deeision, hor heart : they thought that 18 1.110k.b0111111 181111141 WOO 110,41, OR the secteffi of tha legend will «how. e moat appropriate place for a Bonaparte' filo names of the two soul chiefs we.re ( 0 not in the hulls of tho now-ffishioned cruisers,.. 1 to reside in, I cannot, "oty, [Mt 00 0 matter ,Cherrialika and 8000110 respeetively, %ohne fear Sheen,: mid hie Wendigo fur the 1 mo unitrd,Wrvire ( krxtte cinotee Mr. NV: 1 , 4,111 y , of fact, the prospeet of Temiseamingue LalCa,1110 1101110 of the mulct:idea 1100,141 01 `1"14 4 1001441d0 Monitnn 18 greater than a, Wen.; 14, white, Director of Naval Construction, becoming the residenee of 11 distant, relative ';\ task or .,The Loon," on account ot the dii,o.,, ' of the greet Napoleon 00)04,4,1 no little excite.' length Of 11011 lovely nook. Though opinion With which chcymahka. stalked straight 1 tarmarsil'ilikilis':rigglaittsa' (11';anniTaryr;4011.0e1r4e1Y-h;guivsetlbYetri nient at the time. 'Cho avolven objeet of this. in those days WILK SO evenly divided, judg. to the spot where Sheeno, with wild. Ices- ' that (treat Britain is now engaged 111 otie of • colonization scheme was to found 0 "new , ing by the light of history, Chernalska tures and lond voioe, %vat: still dennuoling the most important entelprises which abte . France," or 118 an exponent of the society's seems to have hoe» by far the most untidy i 1 i . . -. ' hopes and aspirations once wrote to the 'n,nd heroic of the two He was both di so aheymehka, 1,01111y approaching 11 1;1181171 I slrip()HVIN'Vlanril:'arttnakt°,(IiINtt Ohfe 129.”11:107.1, ;Ls/ eivnefintYlk b • press, when O.:scribing the trip of a bishop wily arid by temperament superior to his away through the surrounding circle of I yeare. These oh( MI are designed to be ready ' and several other grandees of the society, rival, and so grioved was he to see the in- Indians, for apparently his Woodigo W4,04 in Lin April, 1894. England, Mr. While says, ' up the Ottawa to Temisoluningue, •Ohir jurious effects of the dispute amongst his im harry, olrject 18 to 10111141 0 now -Praline, nnt like the people that he even ()tiered to Waive lila "You see, Indians," said Cheymahka, , , , a I (1,141 tj in:em,evi :ill! III 1 i 11.; i, ri 1 ineg S tl II ii lie 1 itTillti u gn01.1.1i111714LL-ye ohl Frame, irreligious and icon:elastic, but claim entirely rn Sheeno's favor and retire , s•h , am 1ny mniny .....- ( Mitotic F ranee, one that shall love Ion' tut:, the obseurtty of private life. But this his 0 ni,,k,,,,.. 1 .1%1,41„,41.0V118,eltine(g1 181,111iitilt7 Lairddsbewchrenrilea 1,,hse,71,,./.0h1,1pnis church and homn• 1(8 pries.ts," which ht i t.' tollierents would not Listen to, so at length ingliteht,111adaintalicaryishof110tvidsni )11';:lhinft7111011 made hearers that eaoh of these yards tsnari de self svas a Very pretty sectoncnt for subjects it was decided to oell a council of the nations, of the British 1 !resell, blanks, only a senti- it grand pow.wow, and by it to decide the him turn. He took in the glance. Sheen. Inol attempted to strike of any other nation. situation at a More than t he whole of the shipbuilding yards mein, Mr the expooent himself, when I lest mettee once for all. hirn with a tonothawk from behind, but , Five years ago the Spanish Parliumeat heard of him, 14,118 fighting his dear clowch I It wee on Chief's Island that the 0(001011 Maak, his tillianoed wife, had antjelyatedhim voted nine millions steding for nterensing most bitterly, anti making 0 very hot for , was held, and each chief was called upon to and thrown her OWn person between the 118 - mum of the poor priests whom he was going address the people, showing cause why he sushi and her lover, receiving the full blow a 1i0m, fleet of ernisers, the naval armament, and to Imild by do;!,rees to honor so much, should be considered 0 Nat clitimant for the of the tomahawk herself. With /1 Cry 01 faitt.glialgettS in the myal amain], ..,te lot ft, 18 only natural that a society founded title of chief, It is a pity that these orations vengeance Cheynothka dashed after Sheen° foreign and native yard& In eii,ii? I ion or torpedo ve,tdst, sad, on suell a platform shoold be on the look.' have not been preseived in their entirety ; who, though startled for a moment by what thin nut for a suitable monarch to reign over this however, 08 near as 0841 be gathered, alley. he had done, for he really loved the "Loon," Admiral Montojo, has deeided to reorganise project the new Minister ot Marine, [LOW France, and thus it was whispered malike addressed the people thus : acting up to the simile of the willow took the navel forces at. home and In the oolonies. abroad_ that Mr. Bonaparte Wyse was the. i " iNly ehildren," he said, '‘ as I walken to his heels aml ran for his worthless life. !An evolutionary squadron, composed of true 1 very man to fill the position. He had money. 1 The Panama, Canal gave him that, I , through the woods ye, ter day I seas overtaken But Cheynialika. after all fomul that lie cembl laroe iron -clad, five new ornisere, two gun- s -lawn% by the Deetchie Nordin, the Mg Winn, which run, and in a few inotionits had eatight him I' thereby that he must be a man of parts, for boats, and several torpedo vessels, wilt he the world can not boast of many men (mule lashed the trees in wild confusion, so that I , and beld him in his grip as a lynx seizes a permanently in commission at home. The rich by the Panama Canal. He had both, feared lest 1 should be crushed by the flying rabbit. 1 scituffirons attached to the West Lolls nal for was not his grandfather the brother of !end falling branches. I noticed, however,' "Die," lio 111880:1, as he chitehed him by philippine Islands, largely reinforced, will that the little bushes were wildly and help- the thisat, intending to throttle hint (01 the 1 an emperor ? All lie neened then WOO a eaeli in future be under the orders of a Vice palace or fortress suitable for the reigning lessly tossed about, the small trees OV011 bent . spot. Then suddenly chenging his mind, Admiral. The Minister of Marine also pro - monarch of Temiseammanc, and what place nearly double to the earth, while the mighty I he shouted to the Indians : '-''See 1 I have poses to improve the colonial fortifications could be more suitable than II CI i f pines swayed gently to the blast, with motion, caught lihn 1 You shall be his judges 1" land the defenses of ports and arsenals se, ''''-'10 - '8-'8 almost imperceptible. I considered them, 1 They were all silent, for they feared to 1101110 180 a eost of several million pesetas the prospects held out before him. He was island? " Mr. Wyse lent a willing eat: to : the mighty pines, chief of trees, strong and ' injure a mad man ender the direct protection 'annually. firm, unbent by the blustering wind, tool I of o, Wendi„«o. Cheyinalika, seeing their bes-1 The British cruiser Reindeer, which has I soffielently helium not to oe insensible to the possible pleasures of being a big man 01 I 'thought that men could take a lesson from itation and knowing the cause thereof, , just arrived at Zanzibar from Mozamleitine, i what 1 saw, A chief of men should be like said : 'appears to have experienced a rongh time "Os ' a small place, and moreover he Wfla 011010118 to do the same thing by them that the lead- the pines, strong and firm in trouble, yield- "If he lies, and the Wendigo is really his , the hands of the Portuguese. The oflicess fog but slowly to the force of necessity., and friend, then will the Wendigo save hint of the Reindeer state that they were 00111 - ors of the colonization society wished to do even then 1 1.1.11 l' r 't ' I d t 1 t Therefore Moister tdgive the Wendigo time, 'pletely boycotted by the Portuguese, ell tIne save yoursolf from the madman 1" un, snot . t tey said, end every contingency to the probleinaties =I- I " Cheynaldrn lo not good to rum" en. lb/mishit:4c all dead wood and substantiabilky . . . . vantage gained. by elating llown weights add , ed almost seventeen with the new combus- tion. The engineers complain that the immense heat generated injures the boilers, but that, of course, 01111 be met. It, is officially estimated that including smns voted for scientific work in connection with the voyage of the Challenger, slime it WaScomploted, at least 188,000 have already been expended on the publication of tho Report, Of this sum up to tho present only 118,000 have been recovered by sales, The Report is 110W nearly complete, thirtysix volumes having already been issued. A Colt That Joined a, Herd of Deer. Lest week's issue of the Milton, Oregon, Eaok contains the account of a envious cir- cumstance that occurred a few miles front that city, and which is \-onehod for by one of the leaning and ntost respected citizens. Williams Nichols, of Milton, when gather- ing his horses from the range last fall found that it favorite Percheron colt was missing, and all efforts to find 111111 proved unavailing Peter's Pence was collected last year so the animal WM 0,114111d0110(1 tO its fate, according to the following table : Austria which no one doubted would be that of the oontributod 416,000 ;Italy end Franee, if 14,- vast number that have found their way into 000 each ; South Americo, ;012,400 ; North the equine paradise through the inclemency America ;e1 1,500 ; Spain 18,000 ; North Der- of tho present unusnally severe winter. many, 17,200; Portugal, 10,000 ; Ireland, 101ring the present. week Mr. Nichols, ite- ;05,200 ; Belgium, 14,200 ; Asia, 14,000 ; companion by another gentleman, while Roumanie, 14,000 ; Great 'Britain, 13,300 ; hunting deer among the moantains that Africa, 13,600 ; Poland, 13,400 Austria, felon the source of the Wane Walla 13,400; Switzerleud, 12,200, and Russia, .11,• River started a band of seventeen black - 600. tails from it deep canon, and to their our. , Thera was a. group of well-known pugilists prise observed a yearling eoltspeeding away in the Staanger's Gallery of the House of with the band, apparently as frightened as Coimitons a few nights ago to 11011.1' a debate the deer themselves, Although the oolt upon a bill affecting their calling, and they had acquired their wildness by association were so offended when one speaker intim:It. lie looked tho speed of those mountain ad that 11 WaS unthaws:ran' to pass a law to &unbars, and WOO soon loft behind in the keep these inen from hurting ettch other, be. mad scramble over the rugged hills, The rtioe they elways took care to arrange Hutt gentlemen, who wore well mounted, poL, tetween themselves before they began to sued end overtook the colt, which proVen to fight, DIM they all got up and marched ont be .11r, Nichols' Percheron, in a body, From the foot that traeks or tho colt fol. 80108 experiments by Prof. Heeekel, of lowing the trail of the dew were won in Marseilles, show Diet kola is a drug of ex- several instances, and other evidences that tettordinary powers of stimulation. The W0113 to be seen, 11 is believed that 11 hod 1 Colonel of a regiment at :Perpignan, dosed spent the entire winter with its strange with kola, made the ascent of the Canigou companions, and Talon/pal its existenoe Mouiltain, 0,137 feet, foul felt, quite fresh following the ph awe of the excellent in. s after his climb- which lasted twelve hours, stinet of the deer in 8041,1011 of food when Ile only haltodonee, and for twentyminutes, the snow was deep, end ate nothffig. The 124th Regiment lass elnly marched for fifteen and (8 -11a11 hour, There were 20 failures in Camila last Arm 11-11 to Rolm on, n distant of 45 miles Nook, against during the orevious week, it by tom namely, make money out of them ; make a boast before you, but I rtsle you to to so invest the Panamadiegotten dollars base your choice on what I witnessed yester- that they should increase and multiply ; (la while %valkin thou the bush " 1 . . P merchants ebsolutely refttsing to sell these him and set. fire to it, If he Lseepes, thou even the necessaries of life an I I - WO shall know that he speaks the truth, staten that their refusal Nvits due to (Brea consequently the little settlement was , thrown into a fever of excitement by the ' -9 murmur of applause met this speech, neillethet lie is befriended by a Wondigo, but orders from the Governor himself. Insult- ] dies it will nrOVO that he has lied, and ing remarks are said to have been made a announcement that Mr. Bonaparte Wyse but Sheen°, catching the eye of the chair. t 1 • I • .. those ufficers attending the band stunt. was really coming on a visit of inspection to 'man, begged to supplement the remarks of „ , , lo which the people assented, and the Temiscamingue. The tricolor WW1 very Ids learned friend and rival with a few sug- Y The Hellen naval manortwres that have gestions of his own. tied him securely to a tree, piling the dry taken place during the past fortnight off the conspicuous and the little settlement pre- wood about him until only Ins head was vis- west coast of Italy are said. to have precinct:1 pared itself 'to do him honor. A steamer 1 " 1 allow," he said, " that strength and dile over the top of the pile. Now, when interestin results There were three a- - WAS chartered to convey him to "Chief's durability aro requisite qualities in a chief, !sheen? saw all these preparations he knew sions. The first, composed of the iron -dads Island," and a picnic was organized under , but I too yesterday WIAS walking throtigh the that his hour 11011 come, so he cried piteous. Italia and Piemonte and the gunboat Colt the auspices of the good sisters of the 'woods, but it WEIS after Geetchie Nodin had ly for mercy. He confessed that he had onna, with six torpedo boats, made au attack Convent of (fray Nuns. Tho steamer would. Passsd: and I noticed many huge pines, torn feigned madness and that his interview with upon Genoa. The second tried to captore also have been decked with flags, oiily it up by the roots, lying flat upon the earth turned out that the captain only p.ossessed borne down by the mighty wain. They aid the Wendigo was a sham. But this only magdalena and the third Speaks. The three made his case worse, for the Indians ceased places Were defended by their respective Union Jaoks, which was a disapponitment, 'net yield enough, but thought to stand by to fear him and felt that they could roast but with which they were obliged to eon- dint of their strength ; the willows, how - tent tliconselves. ever, which were so much tossed about, re- him without fear of consequences. So they the ships, geardians, who all gained an advantageover "Ohief's Islancl" now changed its 11181110 ,inainod. where they were, unhurtend unbrok_ cheerfully fired the pile and watched him born, told thus was the disproo between their intention of fitting out the Sapphire The British Admiralty have abandoned and became "Bonaparte's Island," coin Oh " it to th 11" t .1 s .isiter who [willow ancl the pii.te. I also d'o not svish to eat el en. Chooss then oh Indians between the these two chiefs really and finally settled. for service as a training ship, and have do.- Maak, though seriously wounded, (lid not ' aided. not to employ her agam as an effective - die, bot recovered min lived to a good old ship of war, The East African Lakes (7.0.113. age the beloved end faithful squaw of Choy-, , pa" is hi treaty with the admiralty, 31 is - inellka, the chief. who Proved to 1)0 0°0 et said for the purchase of a store ship ?or use the wisest and best rulers that ever held' on tote Zambesi, and if the Sapphire iS found way over the tribe. He made the island suitable on survey, it is expected she via': be sold to the eompaoy. A change has been made in the arimunent of the British cruiser Nareissos, 1 he vowel cultivated a small patch of soil, end the.is. two 9.2-inell twetity-. land was called " Tbe Chief's Ishoul, ' winch I has been provided with two -ton breech -leading guns, which hem name it bears to this nay, and even yet there I been inounten on their fittings at. the bow can be seen 011 it the pile of stones whichlaud stern. After her gunnery trial it is ex - formed the chimney of the wigwam of. this meted that the Narcissus will be prepared' inighty chief, demonstrating the veracity of 1,, commission for service with the channel this legend, and the fact that some one at least has been able to live upon it, even if squadron. The British war ship Yuleamis still in doer.. not found suitable fora scion of the house of at Portsmouth. Nothing has been done as ' yet to strengthen her frames. These. only show weakness under the water -tight 1107418 heads, and there only to a very slight extent - Her steam trials are to take place in May, when her ventilating arrangements will be thorouohly tested, was „8400„„i, by these simple Toik „ omen 'make boastbefore you, but I ask you to Prince," "Moll Seigneur." Oen your ohome on what I witnessed yester- As the island hove in sight, all exclaimed day while walking through the bush." "How lovely, how pie toresine 1" except, Apia a murmur of applause rose from the miteed, Mr. !Wyse himself, who dui not ap- , assembled people, but so ably had each plead - pear so enthusiastically delighted as it was ed for himself, that they seemed as far off a hoped and expected he would be. He decision es ever. Some were for the pine and questioned its suitability for agricultural pur- some for the willow, until it appeared that poses, and well he might, for there was not the pow -wow was likely to manta free fight, land enough on the island to grow potatoes When up spoke an aged. Indian, whose words or his family. However, tho picnic was a were 110101100 to with respect, and eyen ewe, success ; there was plenty both to eat and for it was said tlutt hailed eaten human flesh, drink, and when nature's cravings had been 1 "Indians," he said, "(mourns blood ha satisfied the prospective Lord of the isle boon shed on account of this matter I will bygan to mako a closer inspection of his tell you a plan by which, if you agree to it possible purchase. Neture had intended WO may yot find a, peaceful solution to this him for such apiece, for he WW1 0, tall, active vexed question. Our women have never man, whose length of leg assisted him C011- .been admitted to our councils, but for all siderably in gutting over the endless boulners that, who among you that, is married over whioh constituted the surface of the island. "attempted an important undortakiug with - Much as the good people who accompanied out first consulting his squaw, and who him wished to bask in the sunshine of his among you dares to met in direct opposition presence, they could not afford to break , to her opinions when 01100 asked ? The their le even for sake of it, so he soon squaws then, in reality, tilde our councils, fo god read fool had oompleted the circuit we being but the figures nough which they of the islerol before they had traveled half speak. Whom, then, could we find. better of it, which wes a pity, Mr they might have 'able to settle this important question than ointed out to him advantages which he in the Maiden Masa, whom both these men us hurry had missed. As it was he did not love ? I my, then, leo her decide for us. flnd land onosigh on it to bury himself, and Let her step forth and take her ohoioo, here he NVO8 anxious to get away. Unfortunate. in public before you all, and lot him whom ly tho steamer was obliged to move off to a she chooses be yonr chief, whether it is tho place some few miles (natant in order to willow 'or the pine. 'They aro both very wood up, and its the captain considered that well in their way, with but awoman's choice Bonaparte ought to be contented on his own of difforenee between the two. I have island, lie (lid 1101 hasten retorn but Iropt spoken," the poor illustrious prancing op and dawn 1 The old man, traitor to the order of bone - those rocks 01011 he was so mad 'with weed- diets, sat down tunitist a shower of approv- nese that I fear he would not have accepted ing grunts and a few gutturel indications of the island as a gift, 'The Colonization amusement. The captiveting Meal: was Sooio,ty's officials looked glnin end visions of 110W brought forward., for tho plan Wfl8 the Fatima dollars begen to fade. At edopted imitilinumsly, and stood before her length the steamer retnrnod and took her two lovers, blushing us much tor the color of passengers on board. Nor hes Air. Wyse her skin 10011111 allow hor, At length the ever set foot (ni the Wane( since. Temis. girl summoned up her courage and, approach- caminguo as yet lissom set up its monerchy, ing Cheymahlta,, pointed at him with her Chiets Island s remains " Chiers tinges' sayiog "10111," which signifies " he " Island" still, a consummation devoutly to and ran giggling batik to the sympathetic be wished. imainens who had g,atherill around hen For has it not its Indien legend, so inti- 1 Cheynuthka merely stud "Ugh," for In. niately associated with its name that to lose diens are not demonstrative evon ni matters the ono were inmost to lose the other; and of love, while Sheeno slunk away to the 'however proud Temisentningtio might be of a. bosh, nor was he seen for somo days, ana it monarch all its own, there are some sinsym.:was ennounced that he was dead. pathetic souls who would prefer the legend ' and consider "Isl. do llonimerte" far less in- 'were At length however, some Inclians who teresting and roinentio than "Okiniall Meni. paddliiig late at night around the see," .4 noliee "The Island of the Chief." northern end of the island wore startIctl to 800 a figner wildly psoing the bare hot rocks T1114 LEGEND OF T1111 CHIEF'SISLAN eleSo to the wn.tel.' ed1.40 Long, long, ago; when India,ns wore not 1 It was Sheetio, His clothes were tow off the prosaic uninteresting creatures that they ,..111.0",011. Lid i4101 0 scv aa s1110,01,111,1z1t) :ialeed. His actions for he would throw are to-drty ; before the civilizing influence of "a' religion and whisky had metamorphosed .1n' his erns, exclaiming "Lammed I am Let them tie 1110 or I shell kill 0001 into Po rather mean spirit of tramp, the IT° 1 Temiscamingtio Band possessed two chiefs, both claimiug the chieftainship, the opinions, When the Imlinos at the main eamp at the th, irp1„011„,,,i„g their 1,eapeetire south ond of the island heard of it, they divided. It was wore frightened 0,1111 no one tiered 1110V0 out Claims being alma evenly 1,00 mat two 1,1,01 elms otrold 1111„. beyond the light of the eanip-fires. for the 011 Iwo 0,11y 0101,,, nothing awes eti Indian like madness. 'They than that two kings voult1 rule 111 the stone have for it the reverence due to the super. tingdnni, or that two popes could interprw natural, and believe that the strange phani.- the wish os (if the divine founder of Christian- sies of 0, madman ars real, though visible only to himself. ty with equal infallibility at, On0 181141 tho ame time, without causing considerable dis. 1 A gloom of epprchension fell upon them Iffirbanoes and inconsistencies 010011ga 14110 011(1. ntany a furtive glance WAS 1111'0W0 icople. It was therefore offiy maned that at the dark of tho bush, as if ilt expecte. I tion of a, murderous onslaught by the mad. mosakiels,.nremareces osah„,sese . he ia 1 trian. Seine even womlored they had done lake where the river omptieff 011,6 aight in rejecting Sheetto as their Odd, for a vhich had been the scene of so many excit- ing episodes in his life his permanent home. He built it wigwam of some solidity upon it, Bouaparte. Lake Teiniscamingue, Que. How to Kew) Your Bed from Booking.. Lieut. Beale of the U. S. ai nal service says that if parties who are ( isturbed by It is reported that inquiriesare being made what is termed "rocking beds" in the time in the ports of Australie and New -Zealand of storms will open the windows of their for the information of the British Admiralty houses on what sailors term the "leeward as to the fecilities offered for coaling shipsel side," that is to say, on tho side opposite to war, This problem is ono of the most imper- that whence the storm comes, they will not tent which the naval world has at present be troubled with it, "The rocking is the to grapple with. result," he explains, "of a difference between the air indoors (8118 Oita cm the outside. . The Snail's Month When Et bigger puff comes the bed, forced by the air within, which welts to join that The mouth of the snail is &Fined with a out doors, moves in one direction and is very formidable instrtunent, in the shape a forced back when the puff becomes lighter. a remarltable saw -like tongue. It resembles Relieve the pressure,by opening the windows a long narrow. ribbon, wiled in such a man - Ind this so-called rocking ceases, Many a ner Oat only a small portion of it is oalk01 house that has 1/00a blaalt dew" ta a tar"' into use at once. 'Thunely distributed corer do would 11500 been spared its owner had the entire surface of this ribbon are On this fact been known. The proof of what I ininsouse number of excessively sharp little say as to this pressure is shown in the fact tooth, designed in a 1110,111101' which indmir- that house( after great storms are frequent- ably adapts them to the Tolima for which ly found with the leeward wall only 1,10" they are Intended, The quantity of th ese. out, and the other three remaining Intact." teeth is ineredible.-one species, for in- stance, has been indisputably .provecl tee possesses minty es 50,000 of them. Cherwests for their disposition on (8 coiled, ribborrlitice surface lies in the fact that by use they be- come wpm away. As this happens the rib- bon is uncoiled, and the teeth which before were wrapped up in it, at the book of the snan month, come forward to take thee place of those whioh heve served their turn. 'The upper part of the mouth consists of 0: horny stwfitee ageinst the sharp tooth. cd tongue works, A letsf which is Ober operated npon taught between the tWo, and subjected to 0 regular tiladike rasping on the part of the tongue, effeetive instrument does this form that the tough leaves of the lily may often be found to be entirely rasped off by it. () the power of holy living Who can estimate its worth Life and beauty ovor giving To the desert lands of earth ; True impressions of tow Savior Matting on the minds of mon ; Through snots imble, pure behavior Thousands shall be born again. Saintly lives, like fragrant flowers, Shed sweet 0Oors all around, Fill with joy life's fleeting hours, 'Make the wain with love restnind. Righteousnes and goodness flourish Where the lives of 01011 are pure: Holy deeds shall never perish, Ilut through endless years 00,1nro. Sterling coin the world is needing, gluons aro blighting age end youth ; Wicked scoffers aro misleading Numbers from the 1011111 of truth, (4nd of Iletwen, lot Thy blessing Rest on all who bear Thy mune, Our people oaturally enough do not inlet kindly to the idea of permitting the poly.. grunous Mormons to gain a foothold within their territory. Catena has a habit: sit legislethig with great directness and of est. That, while Thee their Lord professing, er laws svhie.y. 0.11 co ..1,110,y 0,,re enacted., nonce, t not mow slat WO 110W(044, They may mirror forth the some, promised land of the talse atul pernicious :distrait will prove excessively hospitable. have always found that the honest truth 31. the Mormons wish to find a place where of our own mind has a certain attraction for they can infringe tho laws of Don and bet every other mind that loves truth lionestl Y. safe from the lews of men they lutd. better A woman may not have an agreeable Ells. Imy bo(lily 000 of the states of Centred position simply beemise she dresses sweetly. America or Mexico and organise a govero., Think of the sugar.coatod pill and tremble, Iowa of their own.