HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-9, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST: Id Ay q, 1800, 01' MAJOR WIBBMANN'S PIGICTB Vas own Desemon en or a atatine aetth Chief: Rumen Hort. A recently published report, of Alejor Wiseanann, German Commissioner for Emit Afriets, contains tide atmount Ed his hettest. .oneounter with Ilwatet Heti, the tierce he stErgeet ehief who has jnet made peaeo with the Germaes. "At 4 o'clock in the morning of 'lam 11 IVLIA1 got ftte enough w ith my preffinimuy Berk to ln•eak camp And proceed egnmat hAvene, Herb I had, ,nds WO Men itt iny Elie. pesid. The enemy had at least three tnnes that number. Was tlwrefore ebliged to be rixes.,iingly =them in ley movement& I inerateed. the guide mope to forty men !sod. gave them eve gum * At 0 o'eloek veoguard annonneed. the ttppearttnee of several companies of the eueley thead. premed forward and mien came to 0 great foreihed cemp which was altandoned by the enemy with shouts of seorn and loud battle cries, as my filet eumpany ettaoked it iu sil• etwe and with fixed bayonets, We now stood in a little valley. Opposite us on the further side of the valley rose 0 single wood- ed. mountain. Through a narrow break in the forest we weld. see on the eummit pan - vele:: and behind. them roofa of huts, The fortiticetions of the ebandoned camp on the side merest the mountaie had been torn -down that we might not derive proteetion freni teem. I began at once bembard the visible part of the fort with grenades at ‹listance of 1,3011 feet. The first shot was on011TED Wren lioWLS Of the enemy, end from then till the end of 1 the battle, with only short interception, le 'et devilled to weaken the enemy as much! saveges sung a battle hymn. as poseible with my fire, in the mean tone : locking f the most poorly defended spot in the fore Eind then to go over to au attaek by • storm. " " After a, little 1 began using 1 sharpie:I,. The scornful yells from the fort showed. thee my fire 100.0 not effective. The ieregular volleys of the enemy, judged fermi the soma, inlet have come frnm breechheel- era. Whenever my mem, especially Europe. ans, showed themselves, the fairly well •directed fire from the fot•t became hotter and caused us considerable Loss. To increase tile effectiveness of our tire, and to spare oer caitridges, I had the Europeane elese for an hour at the point, where the smoke shoueel the guns of the enemy were posted, Then I sent nut a company on the enemy s right flank, where the summit of the moue. aeemed to be more easily approachable. The savages in the mean Mine mos ed on me right flank, left flank, and rear, but I drove them hack by sending out troops against them aud tenting the guns on them. " After two hours the fire of the euemy seemed to grow weaker, It. wes appeeent that the W aniam-wesi, whom Bwana Heel had foreed to fight with hint, had retired. I received information that the company I had detached to the left had discovered there footprints .ss•hich evidently led sp to an approach to the etunmit. I immediately sent two companies of Sondanese and a men- pany of Askaris after the detaehed company, with iustructions to make. if possible, an attack with fixed bayonets atm. giving me s preliminary signal. During the advance .of the three companies I opened a forced tight on the fort. The answering fire in- event:ed. rapidly in volume and effimtiveness. ' The enemy ftdt that the dieisive •inontent was at hand. It made a curious -impression on us all during the pauses in our tiring AN IMPORTANT 1400VERT. The Bowing° of WOreen, The ertgieee spent/di eettHen or Columboe teller or am TO 1LAR TuE 8.10,thiLS in the fort at the end lif the loud song of a leader call 1011,113, on Allah. It was the first time in all our battles that We had noticed a sign of religious fanaticism among cur aufagonists. The storming party had tin the meantime peessed forward, and found a. way up to the fort. At the stipulated signal I stopped fire, and the tiondanese troops, amid cheers and yells, pressed. ahead with fixed bayonets. The fire 01 our front ceased, an indication that the enemy tad thrown all their forces on the threntened flank, The savages in the tort anssvered the arias of the Sow -Lanese, and Askaris, hurrah for hurrah, A hot fight raged in the woods, and I began to push up to the front of the fort. Before 1 could reach the summit the hot firing thaeed, and the black, White, aml red flag appeared on the -palisade above us. Trumpet signals also tohl us of the seeeees ef the storming perty. "In the eaptured fort all Nese joy and triumph. The Soutlaneee hugged each ether, and rushed ahout among the Europe- ans, pressing and kissing their bends. 117t) all realized that with stteh allies we would be able to aeuomplieh much more difficult tasks 1111111 hat! yet been given us, * This battle is the bitterest me I have ex- perienced during my activity here," Until 18:11.1 it was that the Span. ish text of (Attendee,' let tel•t1 had eYor beee ;wetted -- all the ehl mitten'. el the :"Epistolit Christephori Colem eui eine nostra meltitin debet" has ing been publialled from 0 Latin thoteletion of tee miginal made in April, 1-19:e In 1)52 there was added, by bequest, to the Andireeicm nitrate ite Millet, a email quarto el four leaves, winch eoutaffied. the lost Spanieh tort, pruited probably in 1:1.1.1 or 1.1,11 no ante or place being gis•en. hot, howcwer, till 1:411:1 Was the discovery 1110110 known, and 1.1,,t.1 Ulla time Ulla sheet while age the Alaimo:ten emall quarto 1010 enjoyed the reputation of being nuique, It could not, be shown to have been priuted in Spain, for, although it had undettleedly been given to the press by a Spiteish editor, the e0111308b 1/W140.00k WitS plainly not that of a Spaniard Moreover, the small 400110 pamphlet size summed tu bring it into uearer relative, with the sieull quarto translatinne whichappeared in 1493-1495, all mit side of Spain- in Italy, France, and normally. At luct, a few moutha ag„, the true Span- ish 0111011 Wag thecovered in Spain. It is a large pamphlet of two !ewes or four pages, in a quadrate small folio sha 'ffiut text is plainly that from which t Ambrostan small quarto was Kilned, but there are here and there in the folio tenettin tokens of a Catalau workshup, such tts magenta -L., veldt, (peas, tetnporala, which the Spauish editor of the small quarto corrected (magestad, venid, quales, tomporalee), and we are thus enabled. to omelette that the follow as print- ed m Barcelona, whore the court was reside ing when Columbus sent his letter from Pelts oe the lfith Hith of March, 1493. He waited for permission to follow it before he quitted Palos, and it WaS probably About the 10th of April when he reathed Ihteeelonte To that date, or to sometime before the close of the month, we may assign the print- ing of the folio. The Latin translation, which has so often beenprinted was finished oil the 2Stlt of April end etieried. abroad for publication and it may be supposed that the Ambrosiammprint lmlougs to the saute period -that is, to the time in the month of May or June. .A. Parisian dealer was the first purchaser of the unique :Barcelona origenal, which is now in possession of a bookseller in .Lon. . • Drew the Line. A ballet dance at Et Methodist entertain- ment is a, performance for which the tradi- tions and practices of that church provide no precedent. It appears, hoWeVer, that the citizens of Watertown, Mass., have been favored with the revel sight, which ocenrred on this wise : The Golden Rule Mission liad arranged a "gipsy festival" to replenish its coffers and please the young people of the society. The young Insly appointed to play the part, of the gips), maid, being a born. actress, thought to do her purl; more effective- ly and produce a grettter Impression by as. miming a giddy eostume, eut very low in the neck aud correspondingly high at the bottom, and by executing a sort of semi - bullet dance. In this she was not altogether mistaken -a great senSation being the re. suit. "The older people,- it is 8101E11, "are greatly exertesed ovey the afildr, but the young folks think it a pretty good joke." One hardly knows which to condemn the 01000 the breach of faith on the part of the young people, who knowing the senti- ments of the responsible members of the church under whose auspices the entertain- ment was held, or the system of raising money which opens the door for such questionable and scandalous perform- ances. As a matter of feet the Watertown young people are sinners only a little great- er than many ehnrch societiea all over the country. Theit• sin differs in degree and not in kind front that of many others. It is one of the reproaches and weaknesses of the Christian church, shared in by nearly all eectiens that she hue adopted such means as bazaars, amateur theatricals, etc., etc., for the replenishing of her coffers width ought to be hlled evith the direct and voluntary contributions of her membecs. Until those who have been benefited by the institutions of the church, and who profess to hold these institutions above all price, shall show in a practical manner the regard they say they feel, unbelievers will have good reason to question the sin -erity of their pro- fessions, and to discount considerably the benefits the church is said to bestow. In this eonneetion church members would do small to pray the prayer of tlle immortal Burns : " 0, wad some power the giftie gie us To see oorsels ae ithers see us." Br Niel:cue 0, W1 14/1/10 1 won,ler how tunny women go back in . thought, as I do 01 tide weary hour, to the 1 time when they first lost their liberty? I I ought to be thankful, doubtless, for mine , All good housekeepers mot over their 1081111 tenger then that, or moat. 1)!0,1113 1 11 wither effithea befere the go:000,1 spring blessed. pare flied feet. itoeramityd, lunbe 00- ever, to begin bY houseeleaning. It is ali excellent plan, flow. fettered, treek unbandaged, hair un!Aviquil, looking over the store closet. and have it thoroughly (deemed at and, lovely as a consetpumes, (emit blithe this thne, and heve winter things ranked as a ''11131113 `i!'YlarY' 14"ni" lu'Ll)5 00)111111' 011'0ey 110fOre the reel „f th„ Attie ing is immut, ""11 l" "("111 """"'n' "1Y (1).9'0 "I"1 11" 111•10' As it is nsually, situated at. the top of the mittell to her daughters the ahnoet unexam. 1 1 l,, lt dc ul t no I er 1 411111 rliore was no hill ;,)„ mot ,.„ eteme, tme „,.., result, Tho bedding fuel weering apparel HOUSEHOLD. Putting Away Winter Clothes, pled bliss of freedom 10 both bode atel mind, • • • 1 • y • ' 11 , tree, for that matter ; no valley ton deep to ,, , explore, no brook too wet to wade. 001 -door ,r11/ 11,11,i0leti 111111 110 not 3 0/011 repairleg may air, simple food, eight hones' eleop in every be 1"41 Aw"Y 1 811-811 a8 aa1i"" only " "light Blooding should. be 'Lammed to at. once and 24 -all these beatitudes wove ours. But there mune a, day alas! the dark 1111 twyeet• All that are past their usefulness in thow present shape should be ripped tip, day 01 ary youth -on whic:11 I was as literally washed or cleaned, and laid assay 01 this eaught out of tee fields and pastime; as Wag condition to be remade in the fall into ever a young colt; conft•onted by a long other garments Old woolen, that is ch•ees that had been. made for Me, 0011104$ • good for nothing else, should be torn into and high -heeled shoes that had been bought, lecke strips. and used in rugs or rag carpet. It is hair -pins and ribbons for my etraying astonishing how long a good piece of wool end I WaS 10111 awl it simply " wouldn'i answee" to run "wild" another do,y, („1,,,,,, goods will last, if it, is WOrn With care and cleansed when neeessary, A little plaid Pany from the city WAS oXpisited; I 11111st be 00111 of soft white and grey cheek, after it made presentable; I "had got to look like 1 has served a couple of years of usefulness, other folks." i may be wash9d. mud combined srith a plain That Was a long time ago, but 1 have gray for a child's dr?ss, When this gartneut mover known a single physically roasonelde ' Is worn out there rill often Still be pieces of day since that slreet May morning, when 1 1110 Piaui lef te which may be used as yoke cried in vain for longer lease of liberty. These and collar and cuffs 1„ another chess. Old "itdornments"-the inquisition of fashion - flannels and merlin) sbirtings should always changer:buy outlook on the world. A caged saved tn separate bundlea. The heaviest bird became my fitting emblem. Of a shy , 13? pieoes make excellent "paint" cloths, but do sensith•e nature I yielded at once to the ; not last long for "film' It will sem thne inevitable. But 1113; high heels threw me out 1 , t b • k it 1 of poise, and I wouffin t try to Walk more factory at pound tif the heavy scrams, which than was necessary it) the elingieg folds of t come at, tihnut 85 or 40 cents a pound and that long, tight -fitting gown, Hence, will last over a year, than to be bothered ceased. to be a denizen of God's beautiful with old pieces for floor eloths. Olul merino outdoors ; was a rambler and a climber eo more, but gave myself to books, and have re. sh°"1-1-1PAwaYs bo mved• hwever, 188 11 is 00- mained in my cage -the house -right on celhint for many purposes for which 1100" through the years, After my long day's tettele,syalfleetoaf1.no value, elicit as cleaning silver work with the pen, I say to myself so often ; "If I could put on a hat, button a coat ttround 1110, and step offfreely, how delightful mwalk would be." But no ; there are intmeatc pre- liminaries before a woman can do anything so simple as to take a constitutional. In rny own ease, the easy wrapper that I wear at my work must he changed for e street dress, with its long, heavy skirt ; the slippers, for shoes that must be lmttoned up 1 a bonnet 'affording no protection from 113111, wind, or 1 observation, must be "tastefulli pot on ; 1 tl 'th sic' •ts to be lifted at tight fitting ?oyes drawn to their places, 'every step until one's knees grow weary, the airing may begin. A emu would home two. things to do -put on Ids coat and crowd a hat over his eyes ; a woman has three articles to take off (wrapper and slippers), dress to draw 011, collar and cuffs to adjust and pin, shoes to button, wrap to fasten, bonnet to tie, and then till of their burdens and 0=- 5111000ns to endure. I So, for the thousauth time, I return to my voom, actually too tired to "get ready," and then "get over the ground," though Leke aliehigatt's splendid expanae stretches away to the east, and thereare lovelygroves, cool, shady nooks, and tempting by -ways all about me. Much I muse why these things are, and clearer glows the conviction that womau will never be a rational citizen of the world while these things aro. I re. cognize joyfully the progress we have made glace I was°. student at Milwaukee in 1857, when 110 girl W08 really "stylish" who wore less than eights skirts trailingon the ground after her 2 but how slowly We move when women of refinement will wear bustles, lace themselvee as of okt, pinch their hands and feet, bare their 110045 to the blast Owe their tufts of bonnets may " like the. rest," and simpee their criticisms on "dress re- form." I Instead of thewalk I would like to take, boa the old-time conditions -the modest, simple,short dress, loose jacket:, and broad - brimmed hat of auld lung syne -I pen this jemmied, and bid God.speed to the earnest - hearted woman ',vile. in roaring Gotham plans for us women a costume that hints at better days. Goldfish Have Boma Sport, Fishes are not oedinarily supposed to be gifted with any great emount of intelligence, but an incident which occurred in a Wash- ington home a few days ago proves that they have a keen sense of humor and are fond of practical joking. One of the young women of the house in question has for pets a baby mud turtle end several goldfishes. The turtle is frequently plaued in the same tank with the fish. The other day he lay floating en the sUrfaue of the weter asleep, an with his four feet out. The goldfish saw in this a good chance to eilay a trick on Mr. Turtle, and, after put. ting their heads together a few minutes, they divided into four groeps, and seizing his f eat in their mouths, dragged him to the bottom of tho tank. When awakened by his sudden immersion, he had considerable difficulty 01 slinking 11110581f free from his tormentors, There menet be the slight- est doubt the &hes had some means of communicating their ideas to each other, for it was plain to shose who observed the inciElent that the trick To win a wager of $5, "Big Six," a brutal negro pugilist of consiElerallie local rupe- e:Woe in Birmingham, Ala., a. few days ago is said to have butted an ox to death. The ox was three years old. and well grown, The negro caught the animal by the horns with his hands and butted 11 between the eyes. When thole Iteada mune ;together the 110100 could be heard a block away. Four times in rapid sueeession the colored giant's head struok the ox squarely in the forehead with terrific force, Then the animal began to reel owl stagger, and, gathering himself for a final plunge, Big Six Elroy back a full arm's length and ran his head against that of the ox with the force of it battering-ram The animal fell to the ground and in five min - 11108 wee dead. SO the story es,, 'Rig Six works in II brewery. Ife was oi• 11, thee cm- plOyed aS a driVor, Was too briltal. m 5nule or born angered him he wottld 1:111,011 the animal flown with one blow of his big fist, It is almost impossible to believe that such awful lontes Bye The habitual drinking of boiled water would insure escape from sickness and death tlfousands of the human race yearly, A Baby's Memory. A curious stanee of dormant memory iufaney took place in our family. My mother went on u, visit to my grandfather, Nyho lived in Leedom She took with her 0, little brother of mine who was elevenmonths old and Isis nurse, who waited on her as hef, ulaith One clay this nurse loought tho ba y into my mother's room tend put him On the flodr, which was carpeted all Over. There he crept about and amused himself according to Ins lights. When 013, mother 1 10 0,8 dresstel, a certain ring that she getter- ' ally wore Wile 1101 10 be found. Orem. search 1 b t it s ne •er rodueed and the visit over they all went away, and it MILS mat e, 1.1 -ELS 1 p When Girls are Engaged, was almost forgotten, Exactly a year after they again went, to Yon have a little band around. the third visit the grandfather. This baby was now finger of your left hued in which is set 11, ft yeae eleven mouths 0111., '1110 same turquoise, told when it WaS put there you nurse took him into the mune room, and remembered that the Hittite said--" He who my mother saw hint, after looking about bath a turquoise hall 14 feieild." Now, him, deliberately walk up to a e0014)111 °or - that's what you have in the man you love nor, turn bit of the carpet back, earl pro - best, and whose wife you am going to be- duce the ring. He nevor gave any acoount enne-a, friend, He is your sweetheare, of the matter, um. did lie, so far as I know, your lover it is true, bet bemuse to you his remember it afterward. It seams most heart seems best worth having, his love likely that he found the ring on the floor the richest gift you atm possess, you will and. hid it, all ill a safe piece, under a eot•nor Dot valgarize, as many girls do, the tie that of the Brussels carpet where 11 was not binds you. It is true you go with him alone nailed. He prolably forgot all about it till to hear some wonderful inusio, or look at •he SaW the place agate, and he MIS far too mine fine pietures, but I hope it is not true infantile at the time it was missed to muter. that when you aro at a party, or In your stand what the talk that wont on was about own home, you two pair off and make your- or to know what; the search, which perhaps selves the objects for silly chatter and idiotic he clid not notice, was for, 1 lasting. Filling Ohildren's Teeth. • It is not rare to hear mothees declare that they thiek it nonsense to till fit•st teeth." This is a mistake. A child's first teeth are the nucleus on which the second teeth xtre formed. 1Vben the first teeth are kept. in the mouth and 011000011 to •cirop eut naturally, as they will if they are not pulled out by force before their time, tho roots are absorbed. It is from, the absorption. of these roots that the fieeond teeth seem to grew, In order that the second teeth shell be even, it is necessary that the gums shall enlerge eaten, ally, as they will if the first teeth ere not removed by force but drop out when the second teeth push 1110111. If the first signs of decay are met by tilling the spots with a simple cement, and the child le compelled to use a brush every day, it is likely that there will be no further trouble. Not only will the child be saved by the dentist from that eonnnon terror the toothache, but the second teeth will be what nature intended. tied hetes in your Kill: utitht•E•1111. hy press og it on the Wrong side With Warn* Iron over 18 thin paper, One of Lliit beet things to cleanse the sealp thoroughlr 18 to (1188011e LeftlipoOnflil of bollix in a mime of water nod apply it, rubbieg itt well. Ringo thoroughly iu clear water. Napkine mat tablet:helm, if mended care - 101 1y when they minutemen to :how tiny breaks, will laid nitwit longer. Trayeloths, maile of butcher's tn• monde linmi, 11111 ell Ve the tableoloth greatly, tinEl they ono be made at lenue very etteily, and either fring. ed Itemstiched. If you have paieting caleitnining to be done, the Spring is dechltelly your best time, Hardlinished walls may he seethed with neap ands and wiped dry. A bit of pumice stone will remove thains from them, 1Vbile paint nety be washed with ammonia water or with whiting and water, Which not an trying to the hands es the netnnonla. A fine ferniture polish is made by the use of the following recipe 1 /11801101, half piet ; rosin, half an 0111100 ; gum shellac, half an ounee ; few drops of analine beown. Let. stand oleo night and add three gills of raw linseed oil end half 0 pint of spirits of terp- entitle. Shako well before using, Put (et with cotton 11010101, and 112) dry with another cloth. Rattan eludes that have become discolor. ed may be 11111110 very pretty by it mating of black or golden brown paint and finished with a handsome cushion. If the coffee is not ground home when eeeded it must positively be kept in a tight can, 1100,1 (01 egg thee:eighty, and add, to 11 one teacupful of eohl water. Wet the eoffite thoroughly with a few- tablespoonf els of this mixture, and add it to the boiling Imam, ten or twelve minutes before needed, l'he wale er should have just emne to the boiling point; continued boiling injures its flame,. After adding the coffee Elraw the pot near the edge of the stove where it will be six m• eight minutes in coming. to the boiling point. As soon es it reaches this point remove it to the baek of the range. Afraid of the Girls. A Time for Rest, How inany hours' sleep do you rcepeire? No mile can be laid down. Jeremy laylor thrived on three hours, and so doe. Cardinal Newman. Many centenariaus arc Contented with live hours ; but some of 111001 require eight or nine. But there are two i•nles of sleeping which everybody may adopt wi theta hesitafton. 1 . Never let yourself be awaken- ed by auybody else, but wait until you have slept out your sleep. 2. Get up as stem as you are awake. If you foliose those two rules, the Inters of sleep will very soon re- gulate themselves. If you read yourself to sleep, you should mad ts heavy book, not e light one. A dull hook is good, a stupid one is better. Some pereons memumend a cup of beef tea• -just to amuse the digestion, A Use for Withered Flowers. The girl who is fortunate enough to re- ceive flowers fregnently 111hy always have a fragrant rose -jar in her chamber without much trouble, which will not only shed. a grateful end eonstant perfume, but apt as a lasting reminder of social triumphs, little ffirtettons, and admiring youths Do not throw ehe fragrant blossoms awdy when they have withered, but pluck the cheeping petale from the stems in handfuls and put them in a common large stone jar with a lid that covers it tightly. Over each layer of leaves spread layer of salt. Buy, or if not able to do that, proeure-any girl of notanal intelli- gence can think at once of 1111411y WayS Of doing this. -on oenamental jar for your room. Any shape will do, but a pe- culiarly pretty one is made hi the form of a bottle or vitae with an elongated neck. Tho bulb is about as big as you head and sets on the floor, the long, graceful neek rises up so high Oust it takes only a slight inclination of the head and neolt to bring y001.11085 drove to the mouth of the bottle. It is merle of glass, generally, aud the bulb rests 50010 - times on a nett of artificial grassea, from which a pretty vine rens up emending the neck. When yam stone jar is full of leaves, salted downs in layers, unnsfer them to you), ornamental jar m ft, lemp, taking cave only to drain off any moisture that the salt may have drawn front the leaves. .Aild tonne cloves, cinnamon, orris -root, laveeder, sweet thyme, a few gvailis of meek, all as dry as poesible, and 801116 saehet-powder, if you happen to have it, and ymi have a jar that, is itself a thing of beetity in pro. favor- ite corner, end will diffuse a, faint, delight- ful aroma through your chamber for an in- definite period. Oare of One's Feet, ....---.4.e..................... Hvery one, but °spatially children, should He eau love you with his whole heart, belt lie must not make y011 an objeut of ridicule. wear properly fitting shoes, no matter how The Mae,Or of Toronto has received a cable oommon thew metered, says a fashion writee. He can think you the most unselfish girl in front the Duke of Connaught aceepting tho the world, but he mnst not show his men invitation to visit the city :hiring June next. They should be neither too laree nor too 1 1 ri I A BOY'S BATTLE WITB. EAGLES ,ttto ekod mud Noe r1y Olga Med White 01 1 113 log go 11 Lefty 01.140 Lee 1111111111gWity, 101 orphan boy of 1 5 years of age, et Nies. Tex„ had an adventure a few days ago with Mtn American eagles, 01 which he barely escaped with hie life, le•of. Melamine the well-known nature. list, who luta been leveled ie. tide neighbor - hotel for the last few weeks in tho of his oenitholegited eollection, offered les 8300 for a tiest net 11 living engleta or eggs in it. Afteliongh verly for theee birds to hateli their yourtg, Lee Watt 80011 141/10, by 1411.11•11114; 1,1111 111e 011141 Of 0, pair, to lied where is nem had been made, lint as it Wici on the summit, of the Mg Injun, an elinoet, unsurntountable bowider risiug nearly 1 25 feet in the valley of the Guadeloupe there was no sray of 018/1111113 I 0000111 by turahng the sides Eif the rock, wheal, however, had in the 000r80 of tine, become coated by /10113111,1 -feet of earth, and aro covered with ts teepee of 1,11.105, tee. It was a daring feat, but young Homing - way it; a plucky liel of a etalwart build, and watt, dependent on his own exeetione for a livoliheuti, ftemul the money offered a big coneideraticm, and agreed AloriL511"1"0115 FEAT Olt condition that the Profeeser would keep watt:heel tit a gun for the return of the par - 001 birds, 11 ith a basket furnished witli lid slung to 1118 back in which to secure the eggs or young eagles, he managed, by climb mg, seramblieg, and pulling himeelf up hand over littud, to restch the top of the Big lujun, where he found the nest, tot he had expected, with yotmg bine; a day or two old. Wearied out with Ide exertione, he reeted for some little time, then placing the nest with its mettents its hie beeket and strapping it te him, he began to deeeend. IR, had scarcely accomplished fifty feet of this when he heard the report ef the Profeta Nor's gun and saw the two eagles i•etorning. Unhurt, they paid no attention to the ehot, but after alighting and finding the nest gene, niaile at the boy with outstretelled winIN and hoarse cries of fury. Ducking his liked to keep their powerful. bealcs and views out cif hie eyes, Lee attempted to beat them oti: with one arm, while he olung to the 41110/1 Mill 110 1111101., 11111 1110y struck at him repeatedly 011 tbe bead with their beak:, each thne briuging the blood, which flowed into the boy's eyee and nearly blinded him, while they buffetted him, unmercifully with their great wings. Prof. Mt:leery waited until one of the birds was fiti• enough from Lee for him to take elm without danger of tting him, thee fired, and sneceeded killieg the eagle, She -for, 110 0011,8 afterwardeaseet•taitted, he had hot the female , -fell into it smell tree, or hat WM Seareely 1110re 110,11 a large sapling, which had sprentml frem good•sizod cre- viee in the reek, abent eight feet above where Lee litteg, and seeing ber :impended just (Move him gave the bey (111 1;100 411 eleich he owes bie 11'ith the teretigth of des- ir he drew himself lip to the treo by the mee of teeth alone, for his eyes were full of blood.. them there he hmeed himeelf with his feet, and wiping hi: 1E1,0,1e:end his hand kerchief about his hrew, in Order that it, might ellsorl, the blood He then tetught• the dead bled by Om feet, aud, with OM weapon, he turned on the 'kit% eagle, whieh had never ceased to beat Euel strike him, At the next sweep Lee mrtiek it as hard 01.4 be 0011 111 (10.1.0, 1101 to endanger hie poeition, and e thinned to meet its attaelis in Ole sante way until, rendered furious and incautious by fts euemy'e resistance, it 1/1,1/,\\* ineste•ris linE Peet, The Indian young men at lIamplon 'Insti- tute are said to find it paeticularly hued to be at ease with the girls at an evening r • eeption. fn his native wilds the Inflate does not regard women with awe, and would laugh Id the idea of being amid, of theta. But 1011015 the Indian tEtudent is invited to wttend a party and meet young girls of his 0'011 and other races, after the manner th white people call " society," he is pude- stricken. They gather abont the entrences and peep furtively into the awful apart- ment. If luny ladies have already armed the lmys at•e quite likely to take in their heels. After awhile they get courage to re turn and peep again, At last, some bohl spirits venture to cense the threshold and stand about the doorway. These aye gradually lured furthee in ; others follow ; and by the time the party is about to break up, the 1,0,5151111 youths have begun to feel somewhat at home -they join timidly in eney games, and manage to say a few words to the girls nearest them. It does not become us to laugh at them, because we see something similar in country parties composed entirely of the race wiled: flatters itself with the conviction of being " superior." Haw difficult it is to prevent all the men from getting together in a (me - net', where they can talk aunt, politics, markets, and other topics whieli may be summed up in the word "shop," while the ladies are left by themselves in another eor- 1100 10 0011111080 upon subjects whioh are "shop " to them. In this wey men and women grow more and. mere apere and unlike, until finally the true society becomes impossible, .Even su. peeler men, formed for better things, remain lifelong ignorance of women. In one of Stanley's letters, the African explotor says that he is "absolutely uncomfortable" when. ever he speaks to a wornitn. "I can't talk to women," he adds. "Li their presence I am just as 1110011 a hypocrite as an other man, and it gads me that I must act and be greeted and parody myself, for no earthly reason but because I think, with other men, to speak and act otherwise would not be appreeiated." There is Where his mistakes lie, and ho gives theexplanation of it when lie say:), "1 have lived with inen, not Wolnem" Lio have the Incliane have those white (nen mentioned above who herd together and talk shop. They do not know how highly women value conversation of another kmd whigh they mos take an equal part and to which they can coetributo more than an equal share. Mr. Stanley has only to address ladies with perfect, sincerity, paying them the just homage of giving them the best of his mind and the cream of his knowledge, to diacover that he can carry the day against a whole room full of ", poets," who, he says, speak to vonien as a giant ;night handle a baby, fear - 'ng to break its bones with a squeeze. The Frenth, it hi thought, excel all man- kind in making society at once delightful enEl salutary. The reason is that women have their proper part in it, as they do 111 the more indispensable ooneerne of life, and their peeper part in society is to reign over it. Thin avoidance of women in soeiety, excuse it us We linty, is mere barbaric green - noes. Five Thousand Lepers. The Paris Ditt-Yetwietne Simla publishes infortnetion received by private lettoes from New -Caledonia, which is calculated to muse some anxiety. It appears that leprosy is spreading NOW•Caledollia ill It most alarm- ing manner. Of 40,000 Kanakits no fewer than 5,n00 are doseribed as euffering from the terrible disease. Till quite recently the public authorities hed taken 110 measures to aelfishnesa by expiates% you to devote your Mr. Gagnon, the 9nebeo Provincial must be promptly "righted," as 80011 as they prevent it from weeding ; but now two evenings exclusively to him, ignoring those e'eeretary, has resigned Ms seat and accepted begin to wear to one side, If the toes of the subordinate colonies have been meted -one who are at home, Let thorn come in and be • • the sht•ievalty of Quebec. foot show tendency to lap they should be one when he can speak 10 you, when he oaa kiss you ou the lips that he knows are only the getee to s11,00t, pure speech, and when he can whisper the lovely nothings that mean so much to you both, Then, too, don't lot him feel that ho must give up all his friends for you ; don't accept valuable presents from him, and don't, assume an air of proprietoe. ship with him. Tell him nothing about your family affairs, for the euerets of the house- hold do not even belong to the man you ate going to Inane:. Guard yomeelf in word 1811d in deed ; hold his love in the best way possible ; tie it firmly to you with the blue ribbon of hope, and never lot it he eaten away by, that little fox who destmys so many loving ties, and who is called familiar. ity. The remarkable advance itt the American wheat Inerkets last week attracted wide at. toution the world over and prices in response weet up everywhere. For some inexplicable reaeott the faets of last yeer'e ltarveet have been imetred in till quarters, and the priem of Ireadetuffs have been rather lower Owl 118001, although it is perfectly well icemen thee the world.); supply ie sealler 11 a 131011 ill the meet, diaatttrese E,f roma bud years Diphtheria is said to be raging m and tubbed with the ham& onee oe twiue 00,011 around Tecumseh, Ont„ and children aril day ; and if this care be given when the tlyieg in large numbers. em•ving commences it will, as a, rule, prove A deputetion is expected at Ottawa from sufficient to correct any irregulailties of Oda Newfoundinselshortly todiscues the question natere. If ti, nail is waywasel In fts growth, trim it only lightly at the ailing corner, but of Con fed:teatime fully at the opposite owlet., If both corners Toronto, with its the hundred and twenty grow too deeply into the flesh, elip them olturches, and Ite mewl number of clergy. Carefully and lightly, ana then serape Ute mem will be oonsiderably affected by the canter of the nail from the tip to near the recent legislation touching church property, root nutil it is thin and flexible. 'Phis pro. clergymen's fialarieti and parsonages, Now ocsa seldom falls to aorrect refractory nails -- that 010r0111011 (1111 10 be treated in this provided, of memo, they are not neglected matter as other mom it is estimated that the amount, to 831n,000, while the taxes from too long, increase to the teetessment next year will Ode source will amount to little loss them ' Praotieel Pointers, - ,Sfi,000, Besides this considerable sum re. To whiten yellow plan? keys, eul) them suiting from the tax upon parsoimr and with sand paper, and blush with a piece 9f levy oti church pvmerty for Meal improve., A strip of flannel or napkin Wr11113 melds. 'Phis at thirty -Kix emes pet, foot, the of hot water and applied rotted the nook of present rate, will piallably bemuse the it 0111111 L11141 11140 1110 01,0113 will Initially bring funda in the treasitt•y to. dm extent of $1 2,- relief ten minute:). 000 or 81 5,000) 1110,1, the retePaYm et Spruce pillowe which have lost their fano, tufo inerertaed to ehis extent. And thus them'for a short OM to 1i150,111, another 111p181101. las 15.11 1 0111ot 1511. dry„,g Liam th„,,migiiiy. other slop taken toStard8 the ot lac° 'rake bleed; e1/1.11.1. Oa:4M', 11111101111 1'1%01101 leg18130)11, to make it stiek end mend the small cracks elemytnen'e anlaries, there le the rottage ehainets. largo will be etteed and t (here() expendi. 111,1100 may be renewed, it. iambi, by eubject • on Goat Island, in Dumbea, Bay, and the other in Canals., at a spot known as the Pia dos Marts, Every inhabitant i•ecogilleed 11,9 leper by the Medic:al Commission is to be confined in one of these leper colonies. The correspondents of the Diia,Mnwients Si,e e doelares that this measure has been delayed too long to prove of any great use, and that it; is not applied properly. Three Eutopeans have already been attacked by this incurable disease. with claw. di e titled and bead: striking rigid and left. The hoy caught IL with both !sande abeet its throat, end with all lila strength held it, in spite of the furioite beet- ing of its wings, mull, choked to death by Ills grip, the great bird hung lifeless, 1011011 110 drOppOil it at the Professor's feet. This gentleman hail watehed the desper• ate struggle, unable to help the boy, except by random shots, hoping thus to frighten the bird mean which, however as has been sane he failed to do, Young 'Hemingway hung in the slender branches of the little tree for nearly au hour, battliug exhatested nature now with the seine courage he had displayed toward the antes, 83eaking of his edventure he says " fah as if I -was going to faint, and I knew if Illid would be killed by the fall, and I Nubia fought those plagned birds so bard to give up to any snch women doings as thateso I just kept fighting ilgaills1 that awful sink- ing, and pretty soon 1 got, over it, so when I 10118 0051011 1: 01111111041 dowtt." But jest as he reached the foot of the rock the strength born of desperation gave way and the brave boy fell seuselees into the Pao. fessor's arms. He was fearfully torn in the head and face, but the former emends are for. tunately only skin deep, and, with the exam., tion of one long, deep gash in the cheek, just beneath the eye, winch is healing slow. ly, his face is timely well, lie is obliged, hew - ever, to keep his bed yet, so bruieed and sem is he front the bu ffe tin he received, Remark - able as it may seem, the young, birds in Lee's basket WOVO living and ueinjured by the fearful journey they had matte, and tufo rtow on exhibition together with the two parent birds, which 1,4110 preeented by Prof. Mule - coy, and are mageifieent spode -ions. The Professor, in consideration of the dangerbe undetevent, and for the two birds not 110,1, gained for, has presented Lee with 3101e end the boy is the huteof the hour. • Pollee Attack awaits, For seine time past a baud of deceits under a notoriotte loader named fihunde, have been the terror of Meerut and the surrounding districts, Lest 'Monday pollee forth undo the District Supet•intendent Calve Upon thein whenthey wore ebout to duntlere, villego.The deceits got possession a a small fort, whet o they peovisiomel themselves and refused to surrender, 'rho polies thereepon attacked. them, A sharp fight ensued, and it, is said that over 0110 1101111110(1 rifle sh o la 10000 fi red by the direoit, A ft er &Moo 1»c tho Roof t tried to etleape, but wore captured. Jimmie Eau allot e 111011 14011 t '10 1)0 100 escaped anhurt, Two Martint•Houry Wert! blind With the hand. Pads from Cornfields, In say first farming ploughed manure itt for corn, some six inches deep, on white -oak clay soil. UrOp WOO Ito better than ftom haul alongside that had no manure. Yenta; after, put a load of manure on thick, on red - shale land, ploughed in five Mabee ; had splendid oom as -far as the nutnure-dressing exteuded ; 001,11 only moderate amend it. Ploughed up poet of a cow -yard, on which manure had loon deposited ten years ; land. very poor white -oak clay ; hauled the part ploughed out hi a hemp and laid. all winter ; covered coin with It by potting a shovelful to a hill ; had big corn uore around. it, poor. Had the same result hero in Ohio by cover. ing eon) with Melt dirt from where a hog• pon had been. For 0, number of years 1 have made the eorndand ready to plant, then speoad manure all ovee end dragged as emelt menttro in the hills tts they would boar ; 0501111 : a large mem, miles)) the Sea - 800 WaS very.dry ; but no bad then from manure in the hills, Lestycar plough- ed some manure in, but afro not more than half so good as that alongside, where manure was dragged in ; long, strawy manure floes fte well, Put '200 the of beet lihosphnto in 1110 hills of part of the corn ; cern ripened h little sooner ; Mit corn alongside without phosphate grew taller and had More eorn 1)100311 not so sotind..--bi, 1). Smith, Von just 'Ming a couple of little quartedo into your family and they'll like spar. rows, The happiest Infot9s he who, 110013 above tho trouble whitili inimey brirgs, has hands tho fullest of work,