HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-2, Page 88
1 tib. Ott .L SS.4.1.4S FMQ .,'Y• Maar 2 1890.
1 have lust Received a Fresh
1pply of Hellebore iu antieipa-
Ttion of a Large demand. ] eop
your eye on your Currant and v�(oPseberryy Bushes and apply
this Sure Death to what is known
as the Currant Worm. You will
require to use it almost as soon
its the leaves appear.
• nave Tel Sean
• Our Wall Papers and Borders
,vett? If you pnrpose papering
your house it will pay you to in-
, Sped our. Stock of New and
Beautiful Designs, and Cheaper
than ever before.
Druggist, Bookseller, etc.
se0Tg0NN Willti WON w. O. & B.
Trains lettlee Brussels Station, North
end South, as follows:
Go000 Bonin. G0000 SORTS.
Mail 6:53 a.m. I Nixed 040 a.m.
- d &5 p.m. Mall 006
Itebas flims.
A chiel's,amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Love -Ls millinery at A. R. Smith's.
Connote meeting next Monday even-
Tnor= slid clover cheap. Adam
gement Birthday comes on Saturday
This year.
Cloven, Timothy and Garden Seeds at
Joan received all kinds of garden and
-Held seeds. GEO. Barna.
WANTED.—A student to learn tele-
graphing. Apply to T. Fletober.
A• Tocs(o womandesires to do house -
teeming et. washing. Apply at this office.
AaoT88E stook of mens' youths' and
. trays' felt and straw hate at A. R:
LAST )Hondas evening the Y. P. 0. A.
of the Methodist church held a service
of song.
Lrr1NOaToN Boos. have sowed over 100
tome of flax already this season. They
-oonnt on a blg Drop this year.
NOTICE.—daving dissolved partnership
we desire all outstanding accounts
settled at once. Straobaa Bros.
Tim Enterprise Salt Works shipped
Three cars of their excellent salt to Win-
nipeg last week. It want per boat.
RONALD MONIooirro:o has commenced
operations in the fresh fish business and
is able to attend to the wants of the pub -
lie in this line.
A Puce comfortable seven roomed
house for sale. Convenient situation,
with the best of water and a good stable
on the lot. Apply to Mas. Tuned -au
-Gus. GOEDar, disposed of his interest
in the imported stallion "Osprey" to his
.partner, Joseph Webster, who now is
sole proprietor. Mr. Webster is justly
proud of his horse flesh.
WEATUEa permitting the town Band
will open the weekly open air ooneert
season on Saturday evening of this week.
This announcement will be read with
eeleamure by a great many people.
'fartable and desirably located residence
of W. A. Oalbiok, •Turnborry street,
Brussels, is offered for sale se the family
intend removing to British Columbia.
For particulars apply to Mrs. Oalbick,
'WnsN our peddler calls on yen with
,samples of our general goods we trust
yen will look through his stock. He
tarries 0. fine assortment of goods and
Asia prices are 86v%a lass than any other
.peddler on the road. W. Nightingale
1`k Co.
PASTUBAOE.—The undersigned has leas-
ed the back 100 acres of the Robertson
Inter, con. 4, Morris, and is prepared to
Take a limited number of horses or cattle
topaotare, on reasonable terms. There
••issmo bolster grazing farm in the town-
ship Plenty of grana and water. Att.
..ply to Bamo& & Bums. 40
Bnnssof.s should keep things moving
lively this season in the sporting line as
There is in active operation a gun club,
base ball, lacrosse, two tennis clubs,
,cricket and foot ball teams. With these
seven organizations in full bloom the
• most of aur reeidenta should get all the
re creation neceanary, without mach tron-
ble looking for it.
Goon holiest brains seem to be no use
in this neighborhood, when people can•
n ot beet our money in straight. honest
dealing they mole at night and eteal our
geode away. They broke into our store
oted stole severe' hundred dollars worth
of valuable geode on Monday night of
:hint week. Even the very thieves know
.where to come to get value. W. Night-
ingale & Co.
rust cheese fair and the annual meeting
of the Listowel Dairyman's Board of
Tiede will be held in the Grand Central
:Hotel, on Thursday 16th May next, when
-She, Secretary's report will be made and
the election of officers for another year
will take ' pima. The affairs of this
boardprontdee to be more prosperous
this year titan ever, and a large member•
ship covering more territory is likely to
..Det3lur/0 Cimn'ANr,—:The Belle Steven..
-.tion I)ramatic Company and troupe of
Spanish Guitar players, will open a
•weeks perfortnauco on next Monday
•xvenln', in the Brussels Town Hall,
under the steepled of the taten Band.
The Berlin Daily News says of them :—
"A very appleetative audience greeted
the Delia Stevenson Dramatic CO. at the
Opera ilottse on April 4th. C. J. Steven•
eon in his rendering of Enoch Arden was
tannest, the island scone being a pnrticu.
tarty effective ode. He was well sup-
ported by hie talented daughter as
Annie Lee; and the Company is, taken
mg a whole, Ane of the best which have
visited our town. They are deeerving of
beesby patronage, as even the most
fwebidioue tanto sound not be Offended in
the leant 'do 'degree bynw
:tot or and
g any Y
busting the performance, Give them fall
Naw dress goods pat ' arrived at A. ii,
Chorgi, and et sloth.' send at
JOST received 50 bushels olioia0 clever
and timothy seed, Geo. Recede
Bsnttn im pettsrns in new carpete,
juet arrived kits week, et A, B. 8m#th's,
IT is stated that Vaudoise Bros, lost
i11,222 by the failure of Mc0reney ttroa.,
lumber dealers, of Toronto.
Tun annual meeting of the fruesele
Mechanic's' Institute will bo hold on
Monday of next week, 5th inst., at 4
o'clock p. m.
Goon "White" sewing maohine and an
iron beam plow for gale at 50 cents on
the dollar at W. Nightingale & Co's.
cheap store, Brussels.
Fanned, be sure and read this toes!
and don't you forget it, Genuine Repeire
for Verity's plows kept constantly on
hand at my shop, one door south of the
Town Ball, J. J. GoLent. 41-
$5.00 reward will be paid to any one
giving each information as would lead to
the conviction of the person or persona
who malienely destroyed two shade trees
near the G. T. le station. R. GRAHAM.
REroaanes.—A meeting of the Re.
formers of Brussels will be in their
rooms, over G. A. Deadman'e store, on
Wednesday evening of next week, oom-
menciug at 8 o'clock. A large atten.
dance expected.
Tae Melville church W. F. M. S. will
hold its sixth anniversary on Tuesday
ereniog, May Gtb. The services will be
of an appropriate and interesting char.
anter. Rev, A. McKay, of Luoknow,
will give an address.
LADES, yon do not leave to go outside
of our establishment to get your hate
brimmed in the most fashionable style,
your dress and mantles fitted and made
to perfection, and your gentlemen look
like New York dudes. We will do it all
in the most approved manner. W.
Nightingale & Co.
A 9aLENDm oil portrait of Rev. Jno.
Rose, B. A., was on exhibition in the
window of T. Fletcher's store. It is the
handiwork of Mrs. (Dr.) Graham, of this
town, and is a most substantial proof of
her ability and taste as an artist. We
understand it wee a gift to the reverend
gentleman. It will, no doubt, be very
highly prized by the recipient.
WareeDroanre AND Dsinwoa.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is proper.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a wet, that will insure satiafaation.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms assemble. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Tnrnberry et., Brussels. 43-tf
Tan regular quarterly meeting of the
Methodist church will be held next Sab.
bath morning. Topic, "The glorious Gos-
pel." Love feast and sacrament at the
close of the service this tiros. Sunday
sohool will begin at 8 o'olook instead of
2:30. Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., of Melville
church, will preaoh in the evening, and
Rev. S. Seedy will 000upp the pulpit in
Melville Murals. Special quarterly col.
NEW MARBLE Wonxs.—The firm of
animator] & Cochrane, stone nutters, &e.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fenoes, &c., in a workmanlike
manner and ab living prices. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed in every case. Don't
place your order without canine on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain-
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
'sown Hall, Brussels.
Cow Bx•Lev.—On the 1st of May the
cow by-law again oomes into force, and
bovines must be kept off the streets from
8 p. m. to G a. m. Owners of cows
should see about pasture and save them•
selves the trouble and expense of going
to the pound for their straying cattle.
The By-law worked fairly well lent year
and was a saving in the matter of side.
walks, undisturbed gardens, &o. If you
run contrary to the By-law don't be aun
prised if the penalty is quickly and fre-
quently imposed.
ANOTHER TENNIS Cbun.—Friday even-
ing a number of yonng ladies and gentle-
men met at the City Dry Goods store
and organized a tennis club. The offi-
cers elected were es follows —J. W.
Shaw, President ; Mise Lille O'Connor,
Vice President ; Geo. Halliday, Bedre-
tary-Treaeurer ; R. M. Dickson, J. Fer-
guson, A. M. McKay and Misses Car.
lisle, Shaw and Vanstone, Managing
Committee. The spaoioue lawn of John
Broadfoot's, Mill street, has been leased
for the season and is being put in shape.
Practice will be held on Friday evening
of each week. The membership fee was
fixed at $1.00 for gentlemen and 26 cents
for ladies. A new club outfit is ordered
and with Ohe redoubtable J. W. at the
bead the senior tennis club will have to
look sharp or they may lose their laurels.
Ca10xET.—The meeting announced for
the re -organization of the Brussels
Cricket club was held last Friday even-
ing, at the American Hotel, E. E. Wade,
President, in the chair. The. following
office bearers were chosen for the ensuing
tear :—President, Harry Dennis ; Viae t
President, J. N. Kendall; Secretary. t
Treasurer, Jas. T. Rose ; Committee of
Management, H. Dennis, J. N. Kendall, t
J. T. Roes, E, E, Wade, Rev, W. T.
Gide Ft S. Scott and Geo. Thomson ;
Canvassing Committee, Messrs, Dennis
and Wade. .It was moved, seconded and
carried that boya of 17 or under would t
be enrolled as members without paying
any fee by applying to the Secretary. f
The club is now ready to arrange
matohee, as the crease will be put in t
Mapes at once on the park. g
LICF.NsE6 Fon 1890 AND 1891.—The
following hotel licensee have been grant- s
ed in East Huron for the licenee year 1
of 1890 and 891:—McKillop—Thomas t
Crawford, Jae. Felton and Edward Mc-
Namara. Morrie—Chas. Sage and Jno,
Sottudrott, Grey—Wm. Beirnes, Chas.
Damns, D. Zimmer, Jno. Button, jaeob
Steles, Geo. Mlles, and Thos. McEwen.
13rnosels—'.Choc, Hall, A. Koenig, 8teettou
Bros, and Chris. Zilliax. Turnberry—
Ben. Sanits. Wroxeter—Wm. Johnston i
and Jan. Gorton. Howlett.--Robt. AT.c•
Minn, Geo, Brown, L. Campbell, Jno.'
Il, Campbell, Jno, Lamonby. The
commieeiouers did not grant hotel
license to I. Gill, nor wine and boar
license to Geo, Atkinson. Lewis Young's
hotel, Fordwich, wee burned down Inst' 1
week so license wag not granted him.
The summary shows two licensee less in
the R)11ieg than last year. The first
year the Crook's Act came into force
tiers were 40 applications for !imam as
against 27 now. About 25 years ago
there were nearly as mane hotels on the
gravel road between T§arpurliey and
Wroxeter as in the entire
Hiding to day.
Temperance sentiment is evidently on
the rise,
Mometoe polo of farm iii Grey town
Ship nit the AmerlIoan #Lobel, Brassele, o
Ttnredey alterinem vi uc,t ,,ak at
l A NuxnER 01 oar 508128nte wore at At.
( wood on Wednesday evening attending
The wedding of (Too. Currie, formerly of
Brussels, and Miss Hamifpn.
Oou I lire, O'Brady, did you me
Nightingale's trine desplay of millinery
tide Season 7 It's eo nate, stoilioh end
chaps that I am going to get our Bridget
one of those litigant trimmed hate:
Herz you aeon those stylish suite
Nightingale and Co. ate getting up for
their cuotomere 7 .They era mads by
MoBain, the fashionable tailor. Fit
and workmanship always guaranteed,
A000nnfuo to the Canada Presbyterian
Malcolm Blaok, Morris, and Robt. Cutt,
Grey, gain prizes for the examination of
the Higher Religions Instruction. Jane
Caldor, M, Simpson and C. Dutton are
reported passed. The list, however, is
probably incomplete 00 yet.
Forma Division Court was held on
Thursday of this week, Judge Doyle
presiding. There wan a large attendance,
epeoia1 interest being centred in the
case of 10llee Montgomery vs. creditors
of the Veal estate. The report will be
given next week,
ON Monday of this week a couple lof
young ladies belonging to Bruseele went
off on a visiting expedition to friends in
Morris township. In their rambles they
got to the banks of the quiet flowing
Maitland and one of the party, being of
a nautical turn of mind, manned a raft
and went for a voyage, 'All went merry
as a marriage ball" until the rapids were
reaahed where Oho stately ship grounded
and the fair sailor who had been warb-
ling "A life on the ocean wave" changed
hertune to "Rescue the perishing." A
noble hearted youth secured another
raft and gallantly wont to the rescue and
to the music of "Pull for the shore"
with the rippling waters for aogompani-
ment, the storm tossed voyagers soon
reached the harbor and reoeived the con-
gratulations of their friends over their
narrow escape.
Mother 1 May I go out to boat 7
Oh ! yes 1 my dearest danehter,
But take a raft that is sure to float
And keep your "too tsie-footeise" out of the
Doontloa DAY,—At a meeting held in
the Council chamber on Tuesday even-
ing to take into consideration the hold-
ing of a celebration in Brussels it was
moved by Robt. Graham, seconded by
R. Leatherdale that we arrange for our
celebration on Dominion Day this year
and that a program of games and sports
be arranged to consist of a base ball
tournament, lacrosse, &a—Carried.
Various reasons were assigned for allow-
ing the Queen's Birthday to pass with-
out a celebration in Brussels, the chief
ones being that it comes on Saturdsy
and that after our successful day last
year on July tat, and seeing that Dom-
inion Day comes on Tuesday. Soma of
our residents would like to see & Band
tournament, One thing is certain If we
have a successful celebra tion we want to
worn as a unit and arrive at decisione
and make erraugemente at public meet-
ings instead of on the streets or in the
etoret. Another meeting will be held
shortly to draft committees and arrange
other preliminary work for Dominion
iradq by mensal for The defendants et
n the trial, he orders that there be po costa
1 t., es •'• : parakrx 4, I" T y'or arra
Lewte Noderfoh105 the plaluttff, Gar.
row, Q 0„ and I�roudt00% (Goderioh) for
the defendant.
Poor BALL.—A football match was
played on Victoria Square, in this place,
on Wednesday evening of this week, in
the Western District series, between the
"Hurons," of Seaforth, and a union team
of Walton and Brussels. The Seaforth
boys won about as they pleased, taking
six consecutive goals in the time played.
While a number of the players in the
local teem are good kickers they showed
the lack of practice. The latter half of
the game was played in a drizzling rain,
so that upsets were the rule rather than
the exception on the field. The Seaforth
club is composed of a gentlemanly lot of
young men, and it will require a good
team to run away with them. The per-
sonnel of the clubs was as follows
*cal MnLauohlin
Backs f Wilanu
Fairley i Morrlsou
.T ekaon MoNaugbton
McDonald Half backs { Torrance
Jackson tt Roue
Dear f Rdgbt Wing i Jackson
l Oughton
Cresswell Centre Thompson
Cresswell ttMcNamara
Willie I LoltWing 18 Wallow
STrtgrToN v..HoLMEn,—In the Queen's
Bench Division, Judge Rose gave deois
ion in this case on Thursday of last week
as follows :--Judgment in action tried
with a jury at Goderioh on the 25th Oc-
tober, 1889. The defendant, Thomas G.
Holmen, is a physloian and the defen-
dant, George A. Deadman, a druggist.
The defendant Holmes prescribed for the
plaintiff, who was ill. One of the ingre-
dients of the preecriiltion was hydro- -
ohloric acid. The plaintiff gent the pre.
scription to the defendant Deadman'e
drug store. On it was written "Chg. to
T. G. H."—by which was meant that
he druggist should charge the mixture
o the doctor, which was done. The
doctor charged his fee and was paid by
he plaintiff's husband. This fee in-
cluded the charge for the mixture. In.
compounding it the druggist's clerk by
mistake put in hydrooyanio (prussic)
acid instead of hydrochloric said ; and
his was administered to the plaintiff,
who suffered somewhat• severely either
ram .the fright or the effects of the
poison. The statement of claim charged
bat the defendants did net exercise res•
enable and proper oars and were guilty
of gross negligence and want of 900184-
lonal care and skill. The jury found
hat the plaintiff suffered injury, but
hat the effect wag merely temporary,
and they assessed the damage at 9100.
The learned judge now gives judgment
holding that the defendant Holmes was
guilty of no nagligence, that his prescrip-
tion was properly prepared, and every
mot of hie was done with due care ; that
he wag no more guilty of negligence than
f he had Roue to the drug store and pule
abased fur the plaintiff a bottle of any
prepared mixture which, to all appear-
ance, was properly prepared : reletting
to Longmmd v. Holliday, 6 T,x,, 761,
cited fn Hearn v. Fender, 11 Q. B. D.,
508. Ho holde, however, that the dofeu-
tent Deadman is liable, pointing out
that the person for whom the mixture
was required waa known, for the pre.
soription had written on its face "Mrs.
acihn Strotbon" • and referring to George
v. Skivingoon, L. R., 6 Ex., 1, and other
mases. Judgment against the defendant
Dondman for 9100, and diomiesingg the
notion against the defonden Holmes
b t
The d' t
!Darns judge i farther et opinion
T g fs t of a imo
the he leinOift h utd t' hs
t t sae tot, ve full
abate.; cud R0ting upon 0. suggestion
People We Know.
George Henry ie home from Toronto.
Samuel Fear has been on the sick Met.
P. Thompson, of Toronto, wee in town
this week,
J, Houston, et Stratford, Sundsyed in
This weak W. J. Fear, L. D. 8., was
visiting in town.
Mrs. Thos, Farrow ie visiting friende
in Bluovalo this week.
Mrs. Fred. Pelton and Clyde have res
turned to Port Huron.
Mrs. frank McCracken, 2nd coo„
Morrie, spent last week in town.
Alex. Smith has gone to Stratford
where he will be employed for a time.
Wm., eldest eon of John Wynn, has
been on the sick list during the past
Mies Fannin Montgomery, of Herrin •
ton, was in town on Thursday of this
Mre. Harry James is away at She!.
bourne on a visit with relatives and
A. M. Kay, deputy pootmaster of
Stratford, was in town on Saturday and
Harry James has re-engaged with A.
Kwuig and will not go to Ottawa as he
Word has been received from W. A.
Celbiok stating that his health is great-
ly improved.
Jno. Ferguson, of Scarff & Ferguson,
was in the ohmic city this weak for a
couple of days.
Allot Mary Bindos left Brussels for
Toronto last Monday morning whore she
has a situation.
J. W. Fear, of Toronto, and L V. Fear
and wife, of Seaforth, were visiting their
parents in town last wesk.
Jack Street, of Blenheim, Beatty Bros•
jockey, arrived in town this week and is
daily exercising their running mare.
Mrs. 8, R. Lanae and daughter, of
Campbeliford, are visiting at W. F. Van.
stone's. Mrs. Vanatono and Mrs, L ucae
are sisters.
We regret to hear that Wm. Vanatone
is dangeroasty ill with congestion of the
lunge and grave fears are entertained of
his recovery.
Ernest Gerry ie in poor health again
and laid aside from work, We hope the
fine Spring weather will have a benefr-
oial effect upon him.
J. D. Blakley, of Montreal, is visiting
hie sister, Mrs. Thos. Hall, Alexander
attest, this week. He was a former
resident of this tonality.
A Moukton correspondent writes :—
Wm. Harris, jr., leaves for Brussels this
week to take charge of the shop in con -
notion with Jas. Bell's pump factory.
Wm. Stewart, son of Councillor
Stewart, left Brussels last Tuesday for
Chatham where he will take a commeroi•
al course at the Busineae College of that
Alex. Wilson met with an accident on
Wednesday afternoon by one of his
hands coming in contact with a small
circular naw in their factory. It was an
ugly out and will lay him up for some
W. J. Fear, L. D. 8., of Seafortb, ham
sold out his practice to Mr. Twaddle, of
Fergus, and will remove to Toronto
where he will follow his profession. His
Brussels friends wish him continued
Rev. D. L. Mo0rae, of Jamestown, N.
Y., was visiting at the paternal residence
for a few weeks. He preached at Knox
ohurah, Stratford, two Sundays. The
Beacon of teat city ssys he has a good
many admirers in that congregation.
Vn1oiNr.—In Brussels, on April 270h,
the wife of Mr. Robt. G. Vincent of
a daughter.
HAnIAN—KNr0ar.—At Cranbrook, 011
April 80th, by Rev. R. Paul, of Brus-
sels, Mr. Wm. Hayman, builder of
London, to Miss Lavinia, second
daughter of Mr. Jelin Knight, of
Grey, formerly of Exeter. No (seeds,
assO'5Tsgsammt3 2.S-d.RSa7T9.
Fall Wheat 90 92
Spring Wheat 90 93
Barley 40 46
Oats 32 33
Peas 52 58
Batter, tube and rolls,.. 14 00
Eggs per dozen 8 00
Flour per barrel 4 20 4 50
Potatoes 80 00
Hay per ton 6 00 6 50
Pork ,..... 000 6 00
Hides per lb„ 2 2i
Salt per bbl„ retail1 25 00
Sheep skins, each 60 1 00
Wool, per lb 18 20
Prosier sale, geed ail now. A100 largo
sized baby cerrtagqe, winker body. Enquire
at Tun Poo Publishing Hones.
first.olaes. British Challenge bloyele,
52 inch, ball bearings, in good running order,
only 380,00, Apply tee J. W. SHAW, Brussels,
pared to do Sewingin all its branob-
eg. Sbe will lot two of her little girls go out
as nurse girls should opportunity ottr',
Enquire tit her home, opposite B. Gerry's
residence, Mill se, 30.
trho undersigned is desirous of se.
attl'ibghlone0 volts, gush aa Mensa Omelet,
waenipg, ironittg, deo. Washing or ironing
holm bo at my ho11if desired,' n ply to
44108. 2NOO, LOTT
000.9 Parker's 'Ponape, Atilt St.
The undersigned desire to intim ate to
the ladles i o d iein t that the
la 1 00 0 Predate v l .v y
Alex opened a Dressmakingr, Shop over they
ere repa00 to
utero, 0 all
o, eutt-u Oey
areprst, itaieattendtoallworkoutrtisted
to them. MI8819 STq WrIlOI 4
40-4 rrMISSIDS.BT>��ttvA,Hrm dc�HT�Ir,B�LtOP.
aura S
Anmootingoof t10 Hr000000
Tbo Annual
offi• cers Instituin for the election of
the Ibetitu the ensuing vonn ww111 lea hent in i
the Ieclt p,to haeme hate unsay, May GRa, at
4;o'clool4 p. m, Members undothors inter•
acted are requseted to enteral..
42.1 A, HUliTEk, 8acretary,
CITAE1 TO MCarORiillti'
A Leaves Rrtleoele every owning on the 1
trio, 1 or in. t. qtr• .t, 00. e. ) an:•cd
3,0341 ., to 40WO, nhtg ID "u .. 8,r 80400
thq Senlorth etege going out, 51100 nolo well
bq adhorotl to until :STOW' 1100100,
S. WALSH, Proprietor,
The nndoretgnod desires to intlmtte
to the ladles of Brussels and surrounding
cofotrythat oho la prepared to attend to
all melon intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed, Bbop Up statre, nae door north
of Walter Juoksous hard wore atoro,
P11 TP. g1�R1 Oaveate, Re.leaues and Trade
08 1 Sat{ tla Marko ea red and all otll.
Fir patent 0010000 in the Putout Office and
before the Courts promptly and oarofuey at-
tendod to. Upon receipt of modal or sketch
of invention, 1 make careful examinatlon,
and advise as to p0ten0attllitylron of sharge.
Fees ntodorato,and I make no °bargge unless
patent io secured. Information advloe and
evened refereneee sent on application. J.
R.LETTELL, Woobmgton, D.C., U.S, Patent
on Market street, easy toren. For
partionlars apply G1 Miss 0, F. NoaTaotanY
SO•tf or W. le, VANSTONE, Brussels.
anaetaaim has soy/mai good Farms for
Oslo and to r00l, easy terms. in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F. S. SCOTT. Brunets.
J Being South belt Lot 27 con. 6, Morris,
100 non r')y all cleared. blood bnildinge,
abo'Tirecres 1 all wheat la ground, Edey
teems. Apply to W, M. BI ,
01- Solicitor,
, he.ho., Bruseele,
SC, eon. 5, Grey, containing 100 acres, 15
acres olearod, under graze, and the balane°
timbered. About 10 acres of dry laud end
the balance cedar and black ash swamp
Therein a log bonne ou the premises. Wild
be sold on v ery reasonable terra susproprie-
tor done not require the lot, For further par-
ticulars apply to HOST, MOLAUCHLIN,
Cranbrook, P.O. or ALEX. HUNTER, Brut-
eele 16
L1. aORmia offers his valuable 100 acre
farea,being lot 3, eon. 13, Grey Towrahip,
Huron Co., for Fiala, There are about 60
scree cleared and In good heart. There is e
log house, good hank barn beating orchard,
and all the aeoeg00ry oon300!00eee on the
promisee. For further particulars, as to
price, terms, eto„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOS. HIBLOP,OIarep O„ N.W.T.. or to
2.01 DOUGALD STRAOHAN, Brunelle.
nanslanxa offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 28, ormeessioo 0, Morrla,
County of Huron, containing 60 soros, The
land is of first quality and In a high State of
cultivatiou, well fenced end sudor -drained,
t5 acres cleared. New frame been, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete wells, 2 walla,
good barns and shed, orchard, etc. Eight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able terms will be given. Title perfect,
80- Beafortb P.O.
\Abforris, on reasonable berme. In order
to close the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G. Singoton, the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for rule Nortb
half of Lot 80, Concession 5,Townebip of
Morris,eontoiuing 90 &ares. Ou this Iot is
erected a good frame baro with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, wall and imam . 00000.
ly all cleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoiningthe village of Brussels.
This farm is a vauable one, le poll fenced
and in a good state of cultivatioo. For
prince and terms apply to THOS. KELLY,
Bruseele P. 0., RUNNY JRNNINoo, Victoria
P. 0SquarM ddlesex Counor ty. TII, ;Maple Lodge
Ex ape eeoNs, 1890.
Primary Ord) and Junior low/lug and Pass
Matriculation (25,1) Examinations at the
Collegiate Inatttotee and High Schools in
the County, on Tuesday, July Oth, 8:40 rt. re;
Senior leaving and. Honor Matrioulation Ex-
aminations (tet 0,), Tuesday, July 166, 8:40
a, In. Candidates who wish to write et
either Clinton or Seater% must notify D. X.
Malloab, Esq., I. P. Seboole, Clinton P. 0.,
not later than the 22nd of May, stating
wbioh of tee two schools they Intend to
write at, and those who wish to write at
Goderioh must notify 2. E. Tom, Esq., I. P,
Bohoe's Goderioh P. 0. at the same date.
The notice moat be accompanied by a fee of
56,00. No Same will bo lorwardod to the
Department unless tho fee to paid. Head.
masters of tele Collegiate Ivetitutes end
High Scheele will please send Oho applica-
tions t.f their eandidatea to the IRepentor of
the division in within the Collegiate Insti-
tutes orSigh Schools are situated. FJrms
of application may he had from the 'Inspect.
tors or Secretary,
Secretary B. Examiners.
Godorich, April 20111, 1893.
Valuable Farm
Iu the Township of Grey in the County
of Huron.
Under end by virtue of the power of sale
contained in a certain mortg, ge moo by
Joseph Svhelpton to the Vendors (and which
Neill be produced at the time of sale) there
will be offered for ealobv nubile auction,at
the American Hotel, in the town of Brussels,
on THURSDAY, tho 8t11 Day of April, 1800,
gibe hoar of One o'olook in the afteruoou,
all that parcel of land situate iu the Town•.
ship of Grey, oontointng one hundred acres
mere or lees, eompeeod of lot number
twoutyin the eighth conceeaioo, This desir-
able property, eltuato on the leading road
between Ethel and Brunsele, is 1 mile from
Ethel village, 11 miles from Ethel station
and .e recta from Brussels, and couventeht
to church and gallop!, The ao10 is of a May
loam with about 70 acres under cultivation,
There are said to be a frame house and barn
and other outbuildings. TEume.-Ton per
cent. of the. purchase money at time of slate
and balance awarding to conditions made
known on day of sale. The property wt11
be sold Oubjeot to a reserve bill, For further
partieulare apply to E. M. CHADWIOIC
Vendors' Solicitor. beady, 0lmdwiok,Black.
stook & Galt, 58 Wellington 8b„ 13., Toronto.
Dated, Toronto, Apr. 19,1800. 40.3
Farm in the Township of Gray, in the
County of Huron.
Under and by virtue of Oho power of sale
contained in a certain mortgage made by
John'VV. Bateman to the Vondoro(and wbioll
will bo prodncod at time of sato) tharo will
be offered for ego by public auction ab the
American Hotel, in the town of Bruesede, on
'THURSDAY, the 8th day of May, 1800, at the
hour of Ono o'oleek in the afternoon, all
those eertaiu 7erceleof laud situate iu the
Township of they, composed of the north
hall of lot ntttnbor nineteen lu the oeventh
ooeoosefoo,,000lCting a strip eighteen feet
Hide off the oouthorly side of the said lot
and also part of the south half of the nate
lot boiugo eget) eighteen feet wide off, the
westerly aide of tho said Booth belt of the
lot 1'011010 p from Wm 000 00aai01, road to Otto
north half of 0:0 said lot, thud both said
needle being more partloalarly deearibod 411
said mortgage. Tho property, conteluleg
about fifty acres, is eitueto 1 mile from Ethel
village and two tulles from the Station, and
is within a short distance of clturolt and
Scheel. into toil is oh Wily of may lane, and
thirty -00o tunes are under oltltivatdon,
ittnuesetbn per cant, of the pureMago 010nel'
00 time of sale,dna balance moonlit to
conditions madoknowu 011 day of Belo. he
property will be sold. onitjtct to a rosorvo
bid. FOr %Melbtr par
tioulers pp
ly to 7. 11
OH bWIO1Vud s SolsIt r, Beatty,
Chadwick, Toronto,
Galt, C8 X0.10 Wjt
Street East Toronto, 40.8
naiad be Bad, this li,ith day April, 1000.
"r o Miztake I
--AT.... R
Pepper's pp Drug Store,
Decide now to go and eee the P0004' Now
Designs and Low Primo of Wall Paper at
Tzoaaao et a a-esiema,t. Saralcisic
811 oisa.egal-
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Oolleetioaa *wide on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents—MEn0HANr'a Bang or
Now York Apcote—I21ronTsae AND TRU-
Solicitor and Cony eyaneer. Collec-
tions made. Office—Vaoetoue's Block, Bru..
• Solioltar, Conveyancer, Notary Pub•
do Ao, Oflleo—Grtdlam'o Bloch, 1 door north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
14 • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub -
Mr. Wade will LL tend la Gerrieand everyaWed-
noaday at two o'clock,
(Late with Garrote Fir Proudfoot, Gode.
rich,) it atria tors, Solloitors. Convoyaneer,,
e:c, Oflloee—Bruseele and Boaforth, Erne
gels Offio•,Rogers' Block, Motu 8t. Money
to Loan,
R. N, MAIN. w. B. D101te0N,
AM. M. TAYLOR, B. C. L.,
Barrister, Sollcttor, co., of the arm
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barristers
Solicitors, dee, Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
Clerk of the Fourth Diviolon Court,
00, Ru -on. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Laud, eed and to Ionn oo oettoue Pmade.
Office In Graham'a nlook, Brusools.
D.,of 0.11.vale,
Member of the riollego ion
u8ltrgeoue of Ontarioexamination
Mee Sad Residence —Mtstreet at100t E&eE,
• C. M., T,• R. C. P„ Edinbnrg)t, M. O. P
S, Ont, At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to
11:80 a. in. aid from 1:30 to 4 p. m, At other
bouts may be fouud at his residence, form.
erly occupied by Dr. B utohinson, Milt at.
G. L. Ball, L. D.% 0ltroa Oxide Gae ad-
ministered for Otto Painless Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, Touoxre,
MT T i 132'1
N. J. Fear, L, D.. S„ Graduate of
TOronte Sohool of Dentistry. A11
operation, guaranteed. sae -Artificial
tooth, first quality, and it guaranteed
at, for. 811100 per set. O111oa—OADr'e
1) E.I TI�T1
L. D, s.,
Honor Graduate Royal Surgeons, Toroto. entree College Ga
administered for the Painless Extraction of
teeth. Office-.
i IsearerefMurriageLtoenoe0, Office
ab hie Grocery, Turnberry street. Brveoole,
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next dam
south of A. M. Molloy k Co's hardware atom.
Laales' and chlldrehe hair cutting a 0peoiaity
A Insurer of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie.
keener, 4o., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Office at the Creubreolt
Post Ofllee.
2s deeiroua of llroouring pupils in
V oanl Music. Prof, Wartington, of Toronto
lsploaeod to givehis to0timonial as to Mies
O'Connor% ability, oho -having beau a pupil
of trio during her stay in g3uolple Insult.
e known ounimpplicatiou dP fuoeee
St., Brussels, Miss O'Connor is open for
Oonoort Engagements, 30 -
• Auctioneer, 00 always ready to •at-
tendsales offarine,farmstook, da Terms
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. 0. Sales
may bo enlarged at Tun PM Publiehtng
House, Brussels.
y amen Kr
Licensed All
n Stine, Forme ndnI,0 t-
ed cm , spooualtle torula. Far ma and farm
1? tblio ingHoty. OrdotB-,loft r en Tirol Poon
10„will1HeivepromptatteiOlon, Watton
f?. O„ will recoiro prompt attention,
Ai an 00n Auctioneer, a near, 1 are prevalent
to minted odd oP film stook at reasonable
prides. Ifnowing the sOandieg 01 nearly
every poreop I am in a 1to01tion to sellto
good 'nuke midget good mouldy whoa sold
011 denie. Satiofao jouarauteiel, Give
mea call. 12- F. 8, 800TT.
Honor Graduates of the Ontario
Votorinery Collage, oro prepared to boat alt
dfeeaeon of dnm08tleat0ri AMMAN itt a
eons -
ascent ns -
pet ntmauer. 1arGtenlat attentionpaid
teveterinary jes Oallany t.
tended to. bNlaandIudrntary-•Ttreoore
north of bridge,!1<uruberry at., Brussels,