HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-5-2, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POS1
MAY 2, 18.90.
If Prohibition is a failure, why
t[ip the liquor men spend tbousande
in. fighting it ?
Contempt fer law is the offepriug
cf the saloon.
The saloon lives by permission of
the Christian voter.
Sam. Jones well sage :—"It's the
hit doe .thet J?ollers."
Archbishop Fabre, in a special
eeecular to the Romeo Catholic
diocese of Montreal, takes a more
advaneed,ground on the temperance
location than in any other similar
epeument-isenod by him. In allud-
epg to the annual scramble for
licensee by the 1,300 liquor sellers
o€ that oily, be says :—"Intemper•
epee is malting such ravages that it
becomes urgent to unite all our
efforts to -stop the evil, and to pre.
veut it at least from epreading. In
shit strongly from the pulpit on this
point, that Catholics are not to
efgn requisitions in favor of taverns;
and even exert them to do all in
their power to reduce their number,
and to maintain that civil laws be
ei''erywhere strictly observed."
VO the Fathers and Mothers, Boys and
Take notiee that we, whose names
appear on the following petitions to
the License Commissioners for the
F(tanting of another tavern and shop
license—ars all of sound mind
curd os ago, and did of eur own free
wiltand imseed ( excepting those of
tut have been 'dead and buried)
petition for the opening of two ad•
ditional rum shops for the menu
featuring of more' dtunkarde, more
criminals tend more poverty and
vice in and for—ward.
We are aware that these rum
mills cannot he run without Cana-
dian boys any more than the Cana.
dean saw mills can be run without
sate logs—therefore take waruing
that if our petition is granted, we
Will want one hundred young mea
and boys ae apprentices for the first
year, also one hundred kind and af-
fectionate fathers and a few of their
wives, as the neoeseary raw mater-
iel to commence operations upon ;
and we further gusrautee to turn
out within a reasonable time sufli-
oient specimens of our finished goods
for the penitentiary and the jails
and reformatories to convince the
intelligent electors and legislators
that w'e should be protected in this
lie aeon traffic.
Black Maria and patrol wagon
eupplied for our customers on Bhar-
at notice free.
Call and see our agents for fur:h•
ar parlioelairs and specimens at their
sample rooms.
l'iernr. N otete.
Roup fs caused in a majority of
eases by damp quarters for the
Even the beat breeds of poultry
will not lay regularly unless well
fed and provided with comfortable
A board door is easy to keep
clean if a little sand is scattered
over it as soon as the droppings are
scraped up.
Over -feeding or keeping on corn
and other fattening food is quite as
frequent a cause for hens failing to
lay as lack of food.
Fowls can be made very fat in a
sliest time by feeding ;hem liberal
ly with sweet potatoes, the little
ones are as good as any.
For indigestion give the birds
plenty of sharp . gravel and also a
teaspoonful of fenugreek, in the
soft food, for every ten' hens.
Poultry need a good dry dusting
place. They like it better on a
level with the floor of the poultry
house than to -climb into a box,
Burnt cern is the best plan of
charcoal for feeding poultry being
euporior to that made from wood.
Fed ouce .t web it will give good
Laying •lien rejoice in a variety
of food. Tliey will oat almost
anything that is left over from the
table, and it cannot, at least in the
country, bo put to better use.
See that all the creche are closed
up in you- hen hoose as a draft may
be oreitteci over them and the first
thing yott know half of your fowls
will be afflicted wi'b the roup.
in nearly all floolcs of young
turkeys there are good frames to
work on in the autumn months and
cover with flesh, but too often little
excepting these frames get to mar-
The Games Dome the nearest to
being a self snpportiug fowl than
any other variety. It is a great
forager, but lays a large number of
eggs, ie hardy and requires but
little attention.
If you Iteven't turnips or parenipg
for your poultry give them fodder or
clever hay. Yon will be our/mined
to see how ;much they wilt eat if it
is kept before them all the time in
a Clean, nice condition.
JDe sure ono. give year , Prim
obaroaat iii snore }thane tis it assistn
to keeping the eluntaoh sweet and
alto aids tet the digestion of food.
Coal ashes thrown in their yard is '
' a good way to feed it.
A good way to make a warm
poultry house is to have double
walls, with a space of four inches
between and both walls to be lined
with paper. This will withstand
sudden changes of weather, and 1,
keep an even temperature. within.
Nothing hes been discovered as
yet any better for packing eggs
than common. stilt. Bat io many
Wises there is too ranch moistures
so that the salt becomes briny, and
finally penetrates the ellen of the
egg and makes it salty. To pre.
vent this use equal parts of brae
and salt.
Reoeut experiments prove th it
salt is a necessity for fowls, and
Wet when it is supplied theta they
keep in better oonditi.,n and lay a
larger number of eggs. Salt is one
of the oonstitueuts of eggs, and
must be provided. Of oonrse an
exeeee of salt is injurious, but if the
soft food is seasoned with it, benefit
will be obtained from its use bettor
than in any other tray M tke it a
rule to give your fowls a proportion
of salt in the food . two or three
times a week.
What She Thought.
A servant girl, of no strong in-
tellect, who lived with a lady in the
neighborhood of Paisley, one day
surprised her mistress by giving up
her place. The lady inquired the
cause and found et was a fertile
source of dissension between ads.
trees and maid•eereant—a lad.
'And who is this lad ?' inquired
her mistress.
"Ob, he's a nice lad—a lad that
site in the lcirk just torment me."
"And when does he intend that
you and he should be married ?"
"1 diuua ken."
"Are you sure that he intends to
to marry you at all ?•"
"I dour say lie does, mem."
"Have you bad much of each
other's company ?"
"Not yet.
"When did you last converse with
him ?"
"'Deet! we lute lea conversed ava
"Then how should you suppose
that he is going to marry you ?"
"Oh," replied the simple girl, "be
has been hang looktn' at me, and I
think he'll soon be speakin'."
Little tleiugt that tell—Small
"Get a move on you," says the
landlord to a non-paying tennaut.
Chicago girl—Yes, I seed the peo-
ple—Brooklyn girl—You should not
say "1 seed." Say "I sawr."
A woman's idea of a true friend
Is one who will admire her children
just as muoh as she does herself.
Strange that no one has referred
to the duty on Canadian eggs as an
American attempt to escape from
the foreign yolk.
An Iriahman, ou weighing his
pig, exelaimed :—"It does not
weigh as much as I expected, and I
never thought it would."
When a man ee going down hill
he finds the attraction of gravita-
tion and the encouragement of the
pnblicea great help to him.
Honors were even.—Briggs—"I
did not see you at church laid Sun-
day." Braggs—"No, I did not get
in until you had gone to sleep."
A newspaper tells us of the sad
case of a man who was shipwrecked,
and °eat upon an uninhabited is-
land without a shilling in hie poo-
There probably never WAX an old
bachelor who did not think that
some woman somewhere in the
world was missing a mighty good
"What is your idea of a gentle•
man, Yellowly?" "A true gentle-
man Always laughs at the joke of
the story, and never says that he
has heard it before."
"Where are you going my pretty
maid ?" "To the concert, sir, she
said." "May I go with you, my
pretty maid ?" "If you've got the
price, kind sir, ahe said."
"But, Doctor, you said last week
that the patient would certainly
die, and now he is perfectly wall,"
"Madame, the confirmation of my
prognosis is only e. question of
The old Dubose of Gordon used
to say to her oronise : "You know,
my dear, when I don't know how
to epoll a word Ialways draw a line
under ib, and if Ma spelled wrong
it passes for a very good joke, and
if it is spoiled righb it doesn't
He had owned a setter dog, and
this was the story he told: "Yes,
silt the way that dog was devoted to
me was amazing. Why, he heard
1 me nay to my wife that 1 was
pressed for money, and ho went and
I died °the day before the dog tax wits
It is laid oil 0,1O900 man to
spend three "months in (Voiding
wham of fee Iwo girl..;,c.1ai4ohmic
for Ilia wire, and 'hen finds out
when he prnpoeee that neither' of
them will have ilius,
She lend to pay for it --Algernon
-"Oh, Arabella, I must have some
thing as a keepsake. Give ;nee a
look of that beautiful hair." Ara
bella—"No, sir, I will not ; 1'd
hate you lino then my heir cotes
If Ton Wont To Ile Laved.
.L`ou't find fault.
Don't contradict people even • if
you're sure you are right.
Don't be inquisitive about the
affairs of even your most tutimate
Don't undertake anything be
cause you don't possaas it.
Don't believe everybody else in
the world is happier than you.
Don't couolu.ie that you have
never bad any opportunities in life.
Don't believe all the evil you
Don't repeat goaaip, even if it
done interest a crowd.
Demi go untidy ou the plea that
everybody knows you.
Dou't be rude to your Warlord
in social position.
Don't over or under dress.
Don't express a positive opinion
nuleee you perfectly understand
whet you are talking about.
Don't get in the habit of vulgariz
fug life by masieg light of the sem
timant of it.
Don't jeer at anybody's religious
"Do unto others ae you would
be done by."
Don't try to be anything else but
a gentlewoman—and that means a
woman who has consideration for
tbo whole world, and whose life is
governed by the Golden Buie.
A Novel Advertisement.
The following story, which has
never before appeared in print, is
told about the editor of one of
Maine's moat prominent dailies :—
When a small boy, his father, now
one of the most prominent men in
the State, was then runuing a
printing- c Hece and publishing a
weekly paper in one 01 the beet
toivns in Kenuebeck County. Oue
day the advance agent of a show
came along and ordered some
posters printed upon cotton. His
ceder was filled, but for some reason
he neglected to call for them, and
they were thus left on the priuter'e
hands. The printer's wife ran
across them, and as cotton was
then high, she took the cloth home
and used it to line a pair of pants
she was then making for the editor
above mentioned, then a boy about
ten years of age.
As the months rolled by the
pantaloons grew threadbare, and at
Halloo! one day he aooidentally ,tore
the seat out, leaving about a foot of
lining exposed to view. Tbie in
itself would have made the boys
smile, but they laughed till the
tears came when Ihoy observed the
following words stand out boldly
upon the lining in large type :
"Doors open at 7.80. Perform-
ance begins at 8."
It is needless to say that the boy
was sent home to ;Lis mother in
Good Words.
lee noble 1 Aud the noblonees that ties
In other men, etesteag, but Hover eean,
Will rise in majesty to moat tbino own.
Not what I have, but what 1 do
is mykingdom.—[Carlyle.
Calculations may fail, but never
the stars. -[Tamil Proverb.
Love es 0 kind of prayer, the
truest lifting up of the soul. -[Anon.
Our lives should be as pure as,
snowfields, where our footsteps leave
a marls, but not a ebain.•— [Anon.
There is something better than a
revival, and that is a Christian life
that does not need to he revived.—
Sometimes, to llnkin:iuess and
injustice, silence ,may he even so fier
than the colt auswer which turneth
away wrath.
Failure after long pereeverance le
much grander than never to have a
striving good enough to be galled a
failure.— [Geo. Eliot.
"Learn of me," says the philo-
sopher, "and ye shall find restless -
nese." "Learn of me," says Christ,
"and ye abed find rest."— [Drum•
This is one of the sad conditions
of life, (het expotience is nob trans.
inissibin. No man=will learn from
the suffering of another --lie intuit
suffer himself.
If Joseph hal not been Egypt's
prisoner, he had never been Egypt's
governor. The iron chafes about
his feet ushered 111 the golden
chains about his neck.— [Seeker.
livery step of pute progress
bringe new courage and skill for
the warfare, a better access do God
in prayer, a prompter victory ovee
temptation, a more steady peace and
a richer joy.
There ie no !tush thing ay ,14!?9,11.),
b li`f't
,I0o. {wall MAW -well Iiot
tunas ,u 115c hh ,,110 hi If 14 .Jae,
if ha try he finds himself not of hie
native element. Tbere fs 110 limiter
1 t I; r' til 'hau'tu Itve to do goo.!
— [Rev, J. E. Stebbins.
(rnoduens expands the heart and.
makes it humble. The larger and
the b.+itt r, the u"blar your 'teat is,
the rupre you will be iooliitteel to
make ellnwance for others, and the
more you will fool iuolint.d to say,
"God be meroelul to me, a sinner "
If you lose your time, you lose
ynur hopes ; Arid if you lose your
hopes, you lose your eon!. When
your souls are lost they can never
he rniiooined ; when your hopes are
lost, they aball never be recovered ,
and when your time is lost, it
shall never be redeemed.
There is many a Christian who
feels theitksotneness of the duties
of life, and feels hie spirit revolting
tram them. To get up every musts
fug with a firm resolve to find
pleasure in those duties, and to do
them well, and finial: the work God
hes given as to do—that is to drink
Christ's cup.
C%nnrtctitutt Ne wet,
Colin Taylor of .I3slmout rai.�od
on five acres of land 1,088 ponnds
of cloveraeed,
Five foxes were captured at
Spriugwatsr last Saturday by
Albert White's sons,
Extensive railway building op-
erutiona in Mauitobaaud the Norte;west fire mapped out for the coming
Joe Leigh, the handsomest man
in Watford, has received seventeen
sealed proposals eines he was de
olared the winner in the male beady
contest there. •
G. Phillips, 18th con. Bait Will.
lams owns four sheep which gave
birth to thirteen lambs, three of
them leaving three apiece .and the
fourth having four.
Two young men named Webb,
charged with stealing maple sugar,
were sentenced to a year fin the
Central Prison by Policellagia-
trate Glover of Aylmer.
George Gooderbam is building tit
the corner of St. George and 131oor
sit' eta, Toronto, a house that will
oust a quarter of a million dollars.
It will be the finest private Lad ,lenus
in the city.
George Hoffman, Paris Station,
is the possessor of an old! Btble.
The book was printed in 1084, and
is in old English type. It is aloe
illustrated with cuts of Bible per-
sonages. The hook le gaite a
Lieut. Stairs, tvho ecoomptnir,d
H. M. Stanley through Africa, i
expected to leave London, England,
at once for 'his home in Halibix,
where he will be accorded a grand
reception. Stanley lies spoken
highly of Stairs.
About 40,000 tons of ice was
taken out at Valleyfield, Que., al-
most altogether for the U.S., and
over $10,000 hat, as a oonsequeuce,
been paid out in wages, eta. About
12,000 tons have been shipped from
Viaterl'e°, Que.
At a wood•bee in Yarmouth a
prize of two pounds of tobacco was
offered to the two men who could
cut off a sixteen inch log in the
shortest time. Tbe.prize was won
by Wm. Taylor and Wm. Harkness,
their time being 21 seconds.
One day last week,, James Swan•
eton, Dep. Reeve of Egremoot, who
lives near Yeovil, had au extraord-
inary increase to his stook, viz : 12
Leicester lambs, 19 pigs, 1 colt and
1 calf. It is very questionable if
any other ordinary eau report such
,an increase in twenty-four hours.
The fifteen hundred foot mark
was passed on the Micbigen side
of the tunnel_ a couple of weeks
ago, and on the Canadian side it
was also paused last week, so that
the tunnel is now more than half
finished. On' the Michigan side the
tunnel is now nearly fifty feet nutter
the river.
Three young misses atteuding the
Central school, Braubford, poked
from school one day last week and
hit upon a novel idea to raise feuds
to help themselves out in a lark.
Passing themselves off as collectors
for the North Star mission they
collected forty-two Dente from char•
stable people, and blew it in for
candies and gum. Of course they
were found out and compelled to
return the money. These naughty
.girls are about 10 years, and should
know bother.
At the Toronto Civil Melees a
verdict was given in the arse of
Mrs. C. D. Stogdill, a widow of
Lic,ydtown, against Jamas Duggan,
a.hotellteeper, of the same place.
The plaintiff served Duggan with a
notice not to sell liquor to her son,
The son bought liquor in Duggan's
hotel and got intoxicated. He left
the hotel on a bitterly cold night
and the next neoruiug was found
dead in a snow drift. He died, a
doctor said, from the effects of cold
and exposure.. The jury awarded.
kis. Stagdill $1,000 damages.
New Strive -mid Rnrgp' Vnrnis.hrnof''Bng nega,
The Undersigned beg leave to announce to the Public that they
have Purchased the Bankrupt Stool; of Mx. W. J. Jackson,
J3xussoje, and will sell the whole out liegardless of Cost.
Look out for Bargains. They will also keep on hand
Cooking, Parloir and Box Stoves
101 the Bost Manufacturers, and will Sell them as Cheap as
anyone' in the Trade.
Of the Best Quality and at Cheapest Prices Always on I'land or
Made to Order •ori Shortest Notice..
Eavetroughing and Roofing a Specialty.
Everything in Our Lino Guaranteed First -Class.
We hope, by Good Work, Low Prices and Prompt Attention do
Business, to secure a Fair Share of Patronage.
Come, Seo and be Convinced.
Jaohson's Old Stand, Bi'usse's.
Mowers, Binders and Threshers,
Very .Leavy Body,
Great Endurance,
Perfectly Pure,
Does Not Gum.
McMillan, Kittridge & Co
For Sale by A. 1. ylolcaly 86 Co., - Brussels,
ur' nd. Feed. I
The attention of the Citizens of Brussels and Farmers of the Sur-
rounding Community is called to the.
Tew Flour and Feed Store, Brussels,
Opened in the Shop lately occupied by Mr. E. Grundy,
(Opposite Mr. Backer's Grocery)
Where a there will Always be on Hand a Full. Supply of Flour,
Feed and Meal of All Kinds.
' , As this is our first location in Brussels we trust you will give.
us your Patronage, and in return we will endeavor to Supply you
with Best Brands at Lowest Figures.
Yours Respectfully,
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to
-the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has new the Mill in
First -Clasp Running Order
and will bo glad to see all his old customers and as many new
ones as possible.
Fleur and Feed Always o, Eand,
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.