The Brussels Post, 1890-5-2, Page 44
MAY 2, ,1890
New Advertisements.
Local -T Fletcher.
Local -I3 Graham.
1l Which.
Equal Bights meeting.
hellebore G• A. Deadman.
Lcoals-W Nightingale & Co.
Examination- Piaui Arianism,
Notice to Creditors -Geo. Backer,
Meohanios' Iustitute-A. Hunter_
Nnissc15 pot.
RI.1)n )', MA1' 2, 1890.
TUB Milton Reformer says ;-The.
hotel keepers are probably not aware
that in selling cigars on Sunday they
are liable to a penalty.
Tim date for the Provincial elections
Lae been fixed. Nomination day will bo
Thursday, 29th inst., and election one
week after, viz. June 5th. The eleotion
com•s On at 0 hood time of the year.
The lust Provincial election was held on
1 ly8t' Public meetintto
and when last seep the pretty flush had I � �+� „, � � $Q �Ull -A oofievo I had the honor of inform -
not departed from her lane: The young IiW1,111111 ll ing ,yep that T am the legal adviGor of
man is probably recalling the old pro-
verb, i'A mise is as goo as a ami e, i
+I T d at filo
dl "
tile, Haeme, trnere 1 met Sem some ur,:. of the brother are now the interests of
East Hum in `1886. afterwards. arrive the mother and sister.'
that you suspected Mr. Fountain of hav- ,Flo'ra showed clearly that the knowl-
ing committed the murder,"
edge of the existence of a mother and
We place the figures of the East Rid. "Tile dreaded blow has fallen" she sister of Templeton was not pleasant to
ing of Huron in connection with the last thought, as she gasped out, her fade her, and she remained in profound
election for the Looal Legislature before ghostly white, "but you did not know thought for a moment or two,
our readers in response to numerous re•
him; he told mo so," • Holbrook wafted patiently for her to
quests 88 to whet the returns were; "I thorned who he was that night at speak. Finally she said
nausesns, the Casino," he replied calmly. Mr. Holbrook, I shall not conceal
Gibson. Heys. "T feared so," she said, with a low from you that I know the relationship
No. 2 02 30 58 moan. "And yet he went to you the you ask to be informed of. In the brief
No. 8 41 85 next morning. Fool, fool, fool, that he time I've had to consider l have made up
189 128 wast" my mind that I cannot speak of it, for I
Majority for Gibson -16. "That conclusion," continued ' Hol- cannot explain it without giving you
Guy, brook, conscious he was torturing her as' secrets I have no right to glens to a third
No. 1 69 a cat does a mouse, "was strengthened person without the consent of Mr, Foun-
No. '2 54 by the report of an interview between tarn -they are his -they belong to hint
No. 8 108 yourself and air. Fountain on the vegan- and concern him only. You have reas- STANDARD BEARER.
No. 4 . • • • 54 da of our uncle's house at Newport." owed most accurately, Therein lay the
No. 5 ' 99 y T1108. CALDER, PROPRIETOR,
No. 6 75 49 She sprang to her feet, nerved by the reason of my unjust susicion of Mr, Mo tn1v will leave his own stable,lot
No 7 74 tide and contempt that Fountain; the motive was so strong, and 9 non. 12, Gray, and grocoed to Agus
499 sw ep h he himself felt the bitterness and disap- Shaw's non 6, Grey, for moot thence
Templeton m
Poplar Stallions.
Will stand for mares during the season
DA his own stable, East Half Lot 15,
Con. 10, Grey Township,
•46 strong i d e ofanger
283 t over- or.
"And were you low enough,' base pointment of finding Mr.
enough, to spy upon us, w• to place a his way so much, that I feared hi a me -
h4 spy upon us?" ' ment of passion he had been led into a
30 Holbrook was struck with her great frightful crime. I' must, however, de -
J7 beauty as she stood before him, burning cline to answer your question."
40 with scorn, and admired 1 Holbrook b ed courteously and re
Majority for Gibson -915.
No. 1 58
No. 2 72
No. 8 'i2
December 29811, ,. No.4 62
Evill likely be arranged at once an d the No 1,31 - 66
short contest pushed with the 18101' No 59
vigor. In the constituencies where 300 ,
randidntes hate 'lot yet been nominated Majority for Gibson -10.
the electors are getting will be the
Sheriff' Gibbons, of Goderich,
Returning officer for the Fart Riding of
Theron this Elie.
•,e. .nave an." 5DLL11TT.
No. 1 61
No.2 89
No.8 42
No.,4 • 251'.
Majority for Gibson -115. •
Tie. General Assembly of the Presby-
terian churoh of America meets this
month at Saratoga. The moat important
question then to be decided is the pro-
posed revision of the Westminister Con-
fession. Advooates of revision base their
hopes of success on the fact that eighty-
two out of the one hundred and twenty•
two Presbyteries wbioh have so for voted
on the quelled are in favor of revision.
There are two hundred and twelve Pres-
byteries in the Presbyterian cbureh in
the United States. This leaves ninety
Presbyteries still to vote, and it is ex-
pected that the majority of these will
favor the proposed amendments to the
churoh standards. T'
THE Montreal 'Witness says :-Mr•
Dewdnoy wants a thousand dollars for
gopher traps, to be used in thinning
down these animals in the North-West.
There are two kinds of gophers in the
Western Territories of Canada, as they
to Robt'. McDoald'sboundary, for night.
Tunenav, will proceed to the Bluevale
hotel for noon ; thence to Fred. Korman's,
Wingham, for one hour, then to Robt.
Currie's, sr., East Wawanoeh, for night,
WmngksnAY, eill proceed to Stewart's
67 he mus ler. ow hotel, Belgravo, for noon ; thence to Joe.
"No.,11.issAsltgrove,"hereplied,quiet- marked: Scott's, 4811 line, Morris, for night.
78 321 ly, "you wrong .me. You caro mistaken "Of course, that sends me 80 Mr' Tnvnsnex, will proceed to the Central
• in both conjectures. I neither spied on Fountain." • hotel, Brns'els, fpr noon ; thence bo Wm.
"If Mr. Fountain determines to fn- Barrie's, Morris, for night. FBIDAY, will
No. 1 45 30
No.2 65 23
No.8 55
No.4 26 47
No, 5 56 85
No.6 43 48
No.7 23 27
No. 8 15 43
827 802
Majority for Gibseu-25,
No. 1 50
No, 2 711
No, 8 61
No.4 87
No.5 55
No. 6
Majority for Hays -100.
No. 1 61 29
Majority for Gibson -32.
No. 1 50
No. 2 88
No. 8
No.4 55
are now to be called, those which bur,ow MM aiioocitty fo'GisoGGibson-101.
in the ground and suck the substance oy for
from the growing orops, and those which
without coming near the ground bight
81 by inactive ownership, so that it yields
no good fruit, and who, althougb, they
do no work on the soil thernseivee, get a
share of the proceeds of the toil of those
who do. If Mr. Dewdney will' discover
a trap which will °atoll the latter irced
of gopher he need not ask for one or for
fifty thousand dollars in a feeble voice.
The people would be willing to pay any
price to get rid of these obetruoters of
actual settlement.
Perth County.
A fellow named James Allen stole an
overcoat out of the office of the Windsor
hotel, Stratford, recently, and made his
escape.The police were notified and
Allen was naught in London. He had a
hearing before the police magistrate and
was given three months in jail at hard
labor. tee
On Saturday evening, 19th ult., a little
five year-old son of Richard Dawson,
West Ward, St. Marys, was attacked on
the street by a ferocious Newfoundland
dog and was badly bitten on the cheek
and forehead. Had it not been for the
timely rescue of the child by Ralph
Sturgeon who fortunately witnessed the
0ocnrrenaefrom Ids Stable door and with
all possible haste drove the brute away
from his victim with a pitchfork,. the
obild would have been torn to pieces.
The dog was taken to Frank Young's
slaughter house and elect.
His Lordship Bishop Baldwin, of Lon-
don, visited the two Episcopalian
churches, of Stratford, on Sunday, and
officiated in aonneotion with solemn and
interesting oonfi, motion services. In
the morning he officiated at the Home
Manorial Church, where he confirmed 81
candidates, and without time for proper
phy-ioal refreshment he drove to Seb-
ringville with Rev. D. Deacon, where 15
width were confirmed, returning to Strut•
ford just in time for the services in St.
James' church in the evening, when the
rites of confirmation were performed on
53 persons. The hard work of the day
told heavily on the venerable bishop, who
was quite overcome temporarily after the
services at Sebringville. 13e is 0110 of
those meo who never spare themselves
when in the performanoe of duty.
The Stratford Herald Saye :-Police-
man Armour bad clanged the bell that
goo clearance to the London train, Con•
duntor Pethick had shouted "all aboard,"
and in nepotists, to the "all right" En-
gineer Tlrton bad pulled the lever, when
throe young ladies somewhat flustered
and prettily dashed with excitement and
a run, burst -the word is used advisedly,
ea no other would describe the way they
came on the scene -round the corner of
the station building and born down the
platform with their oyes fixed on the
mi(1dIo .window of the rear car out of
which a young lady was 10anieg. The
car Was moving before they got to it.
Iwo of them managed to kiss the depart-
'fne fair one; but the third calcaluted not
you nor placed ono on you. Tho report
came to me in 'my professional capacity,
after it was all over, and without my
knowledge that Mr. Fountain was being
followed and watched. This, I say, con-
firmed the suspicions and strengthened
my conclusions, but I desire to say to
you now that both of us. have been
wrong. I hasten to inform you that Mr.
Fountain did not commit the deed." vious interview in this house I displayed.
"Did not!" The revulsion of feeling a diamond button 1 had found that
was too great, She sank back in her morning at the place of murder."
chair, and for 'a moment Holbrook "Perfectly well."
brought she would swoon. "'lou seemed to recognize it then.
Ho started up hastily to go to her as- May 1 ask to whom you thought it be-
sistance, but she waved him back, and longed?"
after a supreme effort regained control
of herself.
"Iiow-he is innocent?"
"Yes, innocent. He was not within a
hundred miles of {inion square when
the deed was done."
"And wily do you cone to me with all
Having repossessed herself, she toots
refuge in haughtiness, while her manner
was an assumption of extreme indif or•
Sire made Holbrook angry, and it was
with difficulty he could control himself.
"'You will pardon me, Bliss Ashgrove,
I hope, if I remark that your tone and
manner are particularly offensive to me, presume you know quite as much as
and neither wise nor just. It is far from do. He is but little more than
of our
my purpose to descend so low as to I quaintan.:e, a young gentleman
threaten a lady, but prudence should ,set."
suggest to you that it is not wise to show "What earthly connection can he have
form you, I, of course, can offer no ob- proceed to John Buohnnan'e, 18th con„
jectiou." Grey, for Moon ; thence to Wm. Felton's,
"Perhaps you may find yourself able 16th oon., Grey, for night. Ss8111n011,
to answer another question?" will proceed to Burton's hotel, Ethel, for
noon Flora seemed to give him consent by
stable, where thence,viawill nremabrooint until1110 own
an inquiring expression of face. ing Monday morning.
"You will perhaps remember," he con-
tinued, "that on the occasion of our pre-
MONDAY morning, will leave his 080
stable, dot 12, 0011. 9, Grey, and proceed
east to doh,' S. Baker's for noon; thenoe
east to Henfryn sideroad, then north to
"So," said the lady laughingly, but 8511 cwt., then west to Chris.. Eckmier's
for night. TUESDAY, will proceed west to
partly vexed as well, "your, display of Seffer's Corner, then north to John Ma-
ths button was a trap laid for me?"
"I confess it. Laid on the impulse of
the moment."
"I have no objections to tell you. 1
bad seen a similar one worn by Kendrick
"Al a'
The Sabbath school in S. S. No. 8 re-
opens again on MLy 4th.
Mr. Slump, butcher of Atwood, bas
started on his rounds again.
Mrs. Peter Binolnir, jr., is recovering
from an attack of acute biliousness.
Mr . Selly, of the 16th con., le 0001008'
ly ill, and, sad to say, chore are no hopes
of herrecovery.
Robt. Pyne has returned from his
travels abroad and is 1' oking bale and
be. rty as of yore.
John Harris, of the 16111 con., mule
over 40 gallons of maple molasses this
season just ended.
Thos. W, Johnston and femily will
leeve for the Northwest on Tuesday of
next w, ek. They intend making their
home at Carlisle.
Jas. Sinclair, who about the first of
April received an injury in the leg
caused by a plough falling on it, is able
to be around again.
Tramps are once more on their pare-
griustiotls in the country, and they are
a regular nnieance. If all could be
shipped to Goderioh jail conveniently
the people would not grieve very much
over their departure.
The frame -work of Peter MoIubosh's
new barn is up and as the work of 011 -
closing it is being pushed forward vigor-
ously it is expected to reach completion
in about a week. The old-fashioned way
of raising buildings by asking about a
hundred hands and of oosing sides is re-
legated to the past and gone practices' of
"ye olden times." The work in life
case was done by the framers themselves
with the aid of horses and pulleys. Thos.
Newsome has the contract and as he is a
skflfni aid experienced band, he will
make a good job of it.
Lot 8, eon, 1, 8augeon, 350 sages.
Part of lote'l and 2, eon. 1, I{faless.
kll lot 18, 00011, Wawenoeb,100 woo
Nf lot 25, 0011, e, West Wawanoeh,190 008514,
Lot 14 and wi lot 15, con, 0, Eincardiae,
150 aerate
De Iota 8 pod 0, on, II, Peel, 000 aeroo.
EI lot 8 and WI lot0, oon. 15, Poet, 200 nares,
80 100, con. A, alluto, 00 pares.
Lot 11, eon. 10, Mato, 100 gores,
Lot 51, eon. 4, elolmanby,108 acres.
All tho above are well improved farms in
floe looalltes, aro very 011eap and can be
bought on easy terms, Also a store and
dwelling in Brussels for sale. Apply to
Cortney's for noon ; thence to Moles.
worth, to Jaoob tides' hotel, for night.
WEDNESDAY, will proceei to the 2nd con„
Gre, , to Duncan MoDonsed's for noon ;
thence west to gravel road, then to Due-
oan Taylor's, 9rd eon„ for night. THURS-
DAY, will proceed west aloug the 9rd con.
to Jose' h Raynard's Corner, !hen south
"lIe was very proud of it, as he had to Wm. atoman's for noon ; thence to
inherited it from his grandfather, who his own steels' for night. lemma, will
had received it from an Italian noblemen leave his own stable and proceed south to
in whose family it had been l'or many Geo. Forrest's, 14th con., Grey, for neon ;
generations. It was given the grand- thence west to Chas. Ritehio's for night.
father in recognition of some great sere. SATURDAY, will proceed north to Ameri-
can hotel, Brussels, for noon ; thence to
ice rendered. Conoerniug Air. Noble 1 his own stable, where he will stand until
the following Monday morning.
inter -
r the following
satin{; statement concerning Grey Town-
ship we are indebted to Assessor Ray.
ma111 :-Value of Real property, 53,911,.
220 ; value of personal property, 05,200 ;
income, 9400 ; total value real, personal
and income, 91,716,820 ; No. of sores in
Township 64,983 ; No. of acres cleared,
57,655 ; No. of ohildren between 5 and 16
years of age, 1,010; No. of children be-
tween 7 and 18 years of age, 600 ; No, of
children between 16 3 21 years of age,
827 ; No. of male persons between 21 and
60 years of age, 775 ; total No. of per-
sons, 8,755 ; No. of •
dogs, 872 ; No. of
bitches, 11 ; No. of cattle, 6,138 ; No. of
sheep, 2,629; No. of hogs, 1,429 ; No. of
horses, 1,956; No. of acres of wood land,
7,144 ; No. of acres of swamp, 20,184
No. of acres of orchard, 4424 ; No. of
scree of fell wheat sown, 3,888 ; No. of
births, 60; No, of deaths, 27 ; No. of
steam boilers.
evening a goodly number assembled in
Shine's school house to witness the
elocutionary competition for the Demo.
rust silver tnedal. Stanley Andereoi oe'
calmed the chair, All the roritati0ne
were on. Temperance topics and were
given by Edward Hill, Jennie Mitchell,
Lizzie Calder Lizzie Popper., Teosie
Switzer, Allie Ferguson and Annie Me.
Kay. The various pieces were well done
and all deserving of inmate. Tho medal
stech contempt, whatever you may feel,
toward a man who is in possession of
such knowledge as you know I am."
"And pray, what may that be?"
"That you love the man Fountain with
a strong, powerful love -a love which
excites my respect and admiration; that
the object of that love is a man who
bears a name by sufferance only, not by
right; and that even when you believed
him to be a murderer you shed the bright
light of your love upon him."
"How do you know these things?"
"They come to me professionally -I
am the legal adviser of the dead Temple -
ton's mother and sister."
"Mother and sister!" she exclaimed.
"I thought he had neither mother nor
sister -nor any relative."
"Thetis strange, since he was a rela-
tive of yours -a remote one."
Flora blushed.
"That was a fib, Mr. Holbrook, I free-
reo-ly confess it; I confess also in the game
of wits 1 am beaten. Though I am not
pleased that you know so much.".
"Be not alarmed, But one other per-
son possesses these facts, and you can
rest assured neither ho nor I have any
desire to use the knowledge thus ob-
tained to your disadvantage or to that of
Mr. Fountain."
"Thank you. But may I not ask what
your purpose is in telling me• these
"I might fall back on the statement,"
replied Holbrook smiling, "that having
a feeling of regard for you 1 desired to
relieve your mind of unjust suspicion
sowellanthe en-
tertaining love given of which must have
you so much torture; but such statement
would not be the whole truth, for I have
another purpose as well, not an entirely
unselfish one."
And that purpose is?"
"Let me explain. The fact of Mr.
Fountain's innocence came out inciden-
tally in the pursuit of certain inquiries
and the proposed initiation of some ac-
tions touching the murder of Mr. Tem-
pleton, and perhaps it may be said also
in an effort. feeble as yet, to connect the
late Mr. Templeton with the late Mr,
Pierson. I shall be very,frank-brutally
so, I fear, Miss Ashgrove. The fact that
you suspected Mr• Fountain of the mur-
der of lir. Templeton -that Mr. Fountain
had remarked, with reference to an en-
terprtseNewall engaged irpdn,- thatProvl'
donee had remot•ed Mr. Templeton from
his path, and the final fact that that en-
terprise $'lts,nado known to .mo by Mr.
Fountain's call 111)011 me, to be an effort
to obtain the late lir, Pierson's property,
shows tint in some way, unknown to
ins Art '.Templeton was connected with
Mr, Pierson, and tiro interests of Mr.
Fountain and Mr, Templeton werealn-
l:agoid:41c. I have rho audacity to ask
you fu what Mr, Fountain touched
lir. Pierson, and how it was that Mr.
Templeton''s interests wero antagonistic
to those of 31r. Fountain? In tlfi t'p01nt
lay your reason for accusing in your
mind Mr. Fountain of the deed."
` ll.iy f tisk to what lieu you would ptit
on the momentum of the train, and rho was awarded to Toggle Switzer. She is
kiss That was intended for the young the 11 year old daughter of J. W.5witeer.
lady 5va5 Planted fell'IY and resounding. Witha Uainitg
should iamR
Lyon the lifts of a young man who was ' splendid elocutionist. Tho judges were
leaning ant of the next window to say 1 "timers. Fowler, McLeoldan and Kerr.
goodbye to some friends. The yeeng I .Nene eelectione of music were looked surprised, but a close cheer- ed by a choir during the °voting The
ver waeDoable to detoot any Shade ofi proceedings a dose were brought to by
r N l ,\„t1,um. lint
with the matter that puzzles me so?'
"That is for your astuteness to dis-
cover," replied the lady, not without the
suspicion of sarcasm in her tones. "I
cannot help you in that matter."'
At this point Holbrook rose to take his
leave, and as he did so Mies Ashgrove,
rising with him, said:
"I fear an apology is due you. But
surely you will excuse a woman seeking
to protect her secrets?"
Holbrook began to feel ashamed. of
himself under the gentle dignity of her
apology, and felt it almost a rebuke; so
he replied;
The apologies should be mine for
having performed a delicate task with
much awkwardness and little kindness."
Thus, with a better understanding
between them than had existed since
their first interview, and perhaps than
ever before, they parted after a warm
grasp of the hand.
the info•ntation were 1 to give It to you
on his fare. As for two
young singing the aliens -,o it f Sar nmfng I had such ill forma
lady --well, alto and bbs 6th0r two 201,11( Pickard, the. hasher, is an entlmliaetic. L' •
it necessary to move °Rywards at 01tne, worker and deserves to succeed.
OM was not dis-
pleased to -be
alone for a time,
in order that he
might give him-
self up tothou,ght.
When he parted
from Holbrook he
had little idea of
going to Foun-
tain -that is, lit-
tle definite idea
of what he could
Pish by
with and talking w th him.
The truth is, lx was much disturbed.
The bitter disappointment hainding that
he had not detected the murderer had
Unsettled him. Beginning in doubt, he
had gradually gone on to a full convic-
tion, and had discounted his triumph.
Now everything was astray. He had
never failed so before; he had never be.
ford been enticed so far upon a false
He began to fear he was losing bis
If the story were to become known,
how they would laugh at him at police
headquarters; what gleeful stories of hie
defeat would his competitors have to
tell; he would be compelled to leave
town because of their jokes and laugh-
ter; his prestige would he gone in the
office of Tho Sol; he was now conscious,
with a feeling of self contempt, that he
had of late been assuming airs of supe-
riority among his fellows.
Then ho consoled himself with the
thought that after all no one else had
made the progress in the affair thnt Hol-
brook and himself had made. Then ho
recollected, with another wave of self
contempt, that when he thought triumph
was theirs he had attributed all to his
own effori1 a11c1 shrewdness, and now in
failure ho was quite willing to take Hol-
brook into partnership, After all, say
what might be said, tho affair was deep,
intrieato and mysterious, baclr of which,
lay a mass of tn.ets which must bo ascer-
tained, arranged and digested.
(rolrmrxuyn ON rueli 5.)
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
,4oli.citos o e.,
OPE11t Enos., PnoParnmoRs.
MONDAY, will leave his own stable, lob
14, oon. 4, Morris, and proceed west to
Belgrave, then to W. Wheeler's for noon ;
thence north to 12th oon., Wawanoeh,
then west to 2nd sideroad to A. Ander.
son's for night. TuasnAY, will proceed
west 1.4 miles to Juhn Shield's for noon ;
thence west II miles, then north to A.
Robertson's for night. WEDNESDAY, will
proceed met on 9811 con., Wawanosh, 24
miles, then 11 miles south, then 14 miles
east to gravel road to Mr. Taylor's fur
neon ; thence east on 5th con. to John
Olcakey's for night. TnuasDAY, will pro-
ceed, east to John Sommerville's for noon;
thence south to 6th sun., Morris, then
wast to Jas. Nethery's for night. Ent.
nee, will proceed south 14 miles, then
east to Wm. MoCall's for noon ; theuce
east If miles, then north 14 mike to
Simon Forsyth's for night. SATURDAY,
will proceed east to Jae Sixth's for noon ;
thence to the Queen's hotel, Brussels,
then to his own stable, where he will re-
main until the following Monday.
ti eon tatisr9
1890. m 1890.
nave e. limited number of bushels of the
for Feigners in the vieinity of Brussels, who
intend raising flax duri.,g the 0501101 80101011
whish 81108 are prepared to deliver in gnan-
titie5 to slut tax growers. Gan be got at
the Brussels L'lue 5111*. soca given out at
881.50 per bushel, and on the noel terms.
Order Early to Itwftre a Su/!ply.
-For flax grown from this Seed -
if of good growth ; harvested in proper seas-
on and delivered at the t lax 01111 as soon am
115 for threshing. We will also rant a num-
ber of good sod fields f 1r the purpose of
growing flax.
Proprietors Brussels Flax Mill.
Moxn0Y, will leave bis own stable, lot
28, oon. 6, Morris, and proceed west to
Thos• Halliday's, lot 5, con. 6, for noon ;
thence to the gravel road to Belgrave for
night. TUESDAY. will proceed east along
the 5th con•, Morris, 84 miles, then north
to Mr. Oliver's for noon ; thence on to
Biaevale for night. WEDNESDAY, will
proceed mot along the boundary to Geo.
Hislop's for noon; thence east to Robert-
son's Corner, then north on to the 4111
con., Howiok, to Mr. MoKerrober's for
night. TnonsDAY, will proceed east 24
ilea then 14Routh,then 14miles
west then south to John MaLaod a for
noon ; thence east on the 2nd con.,. Grey,'
to Duncan McDonald's for night. Fur.
DAY, will prooeed along the 2nd oon. to
Jamestown, to Allan Ramsay's; an the
1St con., Morris, for noon ; thence south
14 miles, then east to Duncan Taylor's
for night. SATO1MAY, will proceed south
along the sideroad on 10th oon., Grey,
then west to the Ameriosn hotel, Brus•
eels, where he will stand till 5 o'olook ;
thence to hie own stable till the follow.
ing Monday morning.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 61 Per Cent., Pearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division. Court Clerk, Brussels:
A Convention of the Mende of the above
Aseocirttion will be held in the
Tuesday, May 13th, '90
. AT 10:110 O'CL0O1( 0. 1r.,
Por the pnrpo8o of oompletisg local or.
ganization and the formation of a Comity
Breech. A representative member of
the Provincial. Association will be presont
and address the Cenvontion.
A. Public Meeting will bo held in the
Evening, in the lowo Ila 1, et 8 o cicola
when addresses w111 be delivered on the
questions agitated 119 the Association,
A. representation of 59 or 20 from each
Municipality is de0ir0(1.
By anthority of the
I x. -Gerrit 88 Prue. As0410,
illhtton, -,tu•11,. 1000. 42.2.,.
Stn Lon Mineral Water.
The following speak for themselves
Brussels,' Ont., Jan. 8, 1890.
I have been using St. Leon water for
the past month or so and have found it
very efficacious in promoting good health.
Sfter using it a week I fouod-,my, appe-
tite mnofi benefitted and can now eat as
much in one meal as used to suffice me
for two. For any rheumatic affection I
beahead of an drugs or
believe it to y g
patent me
diaines and think that per-
sons of a heumabie
tendency should neo
it constantly.
Clerk 4811 Division Court,
__— County Huron.
Mn. awn Goon, Brussels.
Dear Sir, -The St. Leon Mineral Wat-
er that I have been getting from yon has
done me so much good that I , obeerf ,lly
give my testimony in its favor and hope
otkors may be persuaded to give it a
War. ENEcamnr, See
Btuseels, An. 7, 1800.
Thie water, the like of which is found
no where else but at St. Leon, in the
Province of Quebec, resembles all nat-
ure's productions, an egg or grain of
,wheat for inetenee. We can toll ,what
an egg or grain of, wheat is 0orlposed of
but man is utterly unable to Inako a
grain of wheat or (tette an egg and lie i0
loot as unable to eotmtoefeit St, Leon
Mineral Water. But hind nature has
dote for, ue what wo could not do for
ourselves-brooghb the sixteen different
ingredients of this neater together in rho
proper proporbions, mixed theta and
pours them forth in a copious stream.
I am in a position to limply this re.
n,ar141b10 ,eater, absolutely .pure, straight
from the walls, at a price that leaves
little after covering the east of 1ringitlg
it this far.
ADAM 21001),
•Tho Toronto Grocery.
' 1